All papers in 2024 (Page 7 of 676 results)

Last updated:  2024-04-24
A provably masked implementation of BIKE Key Encapsulation Mechanism
Loïc Demange and Mélissa Rossi
BIKE is a post-quantum key encapsulation mechanism (KEM) selected for the 4th round of the NIST’s standardization campaign. It relies on the hardness of the syndrome decoding problem for quasi-cyclic codes and on the indistinguishability of the public key from a random element, and provides the most competitive performance among round 4 candidates, which makes it relevant for future real-world use cases. Analyzing its side-channel resistance has been highly encouraged by the community and several works have already outlined various side-channel weaknesses and proposed ad-hoc countermeasures. However, in contrast to the well-documented research line on masking lattice-based algorithms, the possibility of generically protecting code-based algorithms by masking has only been marginally studied in a 2016 paper by Cong Chen et al. At this stage of the standardization campaign, it is important to assess the possibility of fully masking BIKE scheme and the resulting cost in terms of performances. In this work, we provide the first high-order masked implementation of a code-based algorithm. We had to tackle many issues such as finding proper ways to handle large sparse polynomials, masking the key-generation algorithm or keeping the benefit of the bitslicing. In this paper, we present all the gadgets necessary to provide a fully masked implementation of BIKE, we discuss our different implementation choices and we propose a full proof of masking in the Ishai Sahai and Wagner (Crypto 2003) model. More practically, we also provide an open C-code masked implementation of the key-generation, encapsulation and decapsulation algorithms with extensive benchmarks. While the obtained performance is slower than existing masked lattice-based algorithms, the scaling in the masking order is still encouraging and no Boolean to Arithmetic conversion has been used. We hope that this work can be a starting point for future analysis and optimization.
Last updated:  2024-02-08
Succinct Verification of Compressed Sigma Protocols in the Updatable SRS setting
Moumita Dutta, Chaya Ganesh, and Neha Jawalkar
We propose protocols in the Compressed Sigma Protocol framework that achieve a succinct verifier. Towards this, we construct a new inner product argument and cast it in the Compressed Sigma Protocol (CSP) framework as a protocol for opening a committed linear form, achieving logarithmic verification. We then use our succinct-verifier CSP to construct a zero-knowledge argument for circuit satisfiability (under the discrete logarithm assumption in bilinear groups) in the updatable Structured Reference String (SRS) setting that achieves $O(\log n)$ proof size and $O(\log n)$ verification complexity. Our circuit zero-knowledge protocol has concretely better proof/prover/verifier complexity compared to the the state-of-the-art protocol in the updatable setting under the same assumption. Our techniques of achieving verifier-succinctness in the compression framework is of independent interest. We then show a commitment scheme for committing to group elements using a structured commitment key. We construct protocols to open a committed homomorphism on a committed vector with verifier succinctness in the designated verifier setting. This has applications in making the verifier in compressed sigma protocols for bilinear group arithmetic circuits, succinct.
Last updated:  2024-01-17
PRIDA: PRIvacy-preserving Data Aggregation with multiple data customers
Beyza Bozdemir, Betül Aşkın Özdemir, and Melek Önen
We propose a solution for user privacy-oriented privacy-preserving data aggregation with multiple data customers. Most existing state-of-the-art approaches present too much importance on performance efficiency and seem to ignore privacy properties except for input privacy. Most solutions for data aggregation do not generally discuss the users’ birthright, namely their privacy for their own data control and anonymity when they search for something on the browser or volunteer to participate in a survey. Still, they are ambitious to secure data customers’ rights (which should come later). They focus on resulting in an efficiency-oriented data aggregation enabling input privacy only. We aim to give importance to user privacy, and we have designed a solution for data aggregation in which we keep efficiency in balance. We show that PRIDA provides a good level of computational and communication complexities and is even better in timing evaluation than existing studies published recently (i.e., Bonawitz et al. (CCS’17), Corrigan-Gibbs et al. (NSDI’17), Bell et al. (CCS’20), Addanki et al. (SCN’22)). We employ threshold homomorphic encryption and secure two-party computation to ensure privacy properties. We balance the trade-off between a proper design for users and the desired privacy and efficiency.
Last updated:  2024-01-17
A Comparative Examination of Network and Contract-Based Blockchain Storage Solutions for Decentralized Applications
Lipeng He
Decentralized applications (DApps), which are innovative blockchain-powered software systems designed to serve as the fundamental building blocks for the next generation of Internet services, have witnessed exponential growth in recent years. This paper thoroughly compares and analyzes two blockchain-based decentralized storage networks (DSNs), which are crucial foundations for DApp and blockchain ecosystems. The study examines their respective mechanisms for data persistence, strategies for enforcing data retention, and token economics. In addition to delving into technical details, the suitability of each storage solution for decentralized application development is assessed, taking into consideration network performance, storage costs, and existing use cases. By evaluating these factors, the paper aims to provide insights into the effectiveness of these technologies in supporting the desirable properties of truly decentralized blockchain applications. In conclusion, the findings of this research are discussed and synthesized, offering valuable perspectives on the capabilities of these technologies. It sheds light on their potential to facilitate the development of DApps and provides an understanding of the ongoing trends in blockchain development.
Last updated:  2024-04-17
1/0 Shades of UC: Photonic Side-Channel Analysis of Universal Circuits
Dev M. Mehta, Mohammad Hashemi, Domenic Forte, Shahin Tajik, and Fatemeh Ganji
A universal circuit (UC) can be thought of as a programmable circuit that can simulate any circuit up to a certain size by specifying its secret configuration bits. UCs have been incorporated into various applications, such as private function evaluation (PFE). Recently, studies have attempted to formalize the concept of semiconductor intellectual property (IP) protection in the context of UCs. This is despite the observations made in theory and practice that, in reality, the adversary may obtain additional information about the secret when executing cryptographic protocols. This paper aims to answer the question of whether UCs leak information unintentionally, which can be leveraged by the adversary to disclose the configuration bits. In this regard, we propose the first photon emission analysis against UCs relying on computer vision-based approaches. We demonstrate that the adversary can utilize a cost-effective solution to take images to be processed by off-the-shelf algorithms to extract configuration bits. We examine the efficacy of our method in two scenarios: (1) the design is small enough to be captured in a single image during the attack phase, and (2) multiple images should be captured to launch the attack by deploying a divide-and-conquer strategy. To evaluate the effectiveness of our attack, we use metrics commonly applied in side-channel analysis, namely rank and success rate. By doing so, we show that our profiled photon emission analysis achieves a success rate of 1 by employing a few templates (concretely, only 18 images were used as templates).
Last updated:  2024-01-17
Too Hot To Be True: Temperature Calibration for Higher Confidence in NN-assisted Side-channel Analysis
Seyedmohammad Nouraniboosjin and Fatemeh Ganji
The past years have witnessed a considerable increase in research efforts put into neural network-assisted profiled side-channel analysis (SCA). Studies have also identified challenges, e.g., closing the gap between metrics for machine learning (ML) classification and side-channel attack evaluation. In fact, in the context of NN-assisted SCA, the NN’s output distribution forms the basis for successful key recovery. In this respect, related work has covered various aspects of integrating neural networks (NNs) into SCA, including applying a diverse set of NN models, model selection and training, hyperparameter tuning, etc. Nevertheless, one well-known fact has been overlooked in the SCA-related literature, namely NNs’ tendency to become “over-confident,” i.e., suffering from an overly high probability of correctness when predicting the correct class (secret key in the sense of SCA). Temperature scaling is among the powerful and effective techniques that have been devised as a remedy for this. Regarding the principles of deep learning, it is known that temperature scaling does not affect the NN’s accuracy; however, its impact on metrics for secret key recovery, mainly guessing entropy, is worth investigating. This paper reintroduces temperature scaling into SCA and demonstrates that key recovery can become more effective through that. Interestingly, temperature scaling can be easily integrated into SCA, and no re-tuning of the network is needed. In doing so, temperature can be seen as a metric to assess the NN’s performance before launching the attack. In this regard, the impact of hyperparameter tuning, network variance, and capacity have been studied. This leads to recommendations on how network miscalibration and overconfidence can be prevented.
Last updated:  2024-01-17
Hints from Hertz: Dynamic Frequency Scaling Side-Channel Analysis of Number Theoretic Transform in Lattice-Based KEMs
Tianrun Yu, Chi Cheng, Zilong Yang, Yingchen Wang, Yanbin Pan, and Jian Weng
Number Theoretic Transform (NTT) has been widely used in accelerating computations in lattice-based cryptography. However, attackers can potentially launch power analysis targeting NTT because it is usually the most time-consuming part of the implementation. This extended time frame provides a natural window of opportunity for attackers. In this paper, we investigate the first CPU frequency leakage (Hertzbleed-like) attacks against NTT in lattice-based KEMs. Our key observation is that different inputs to NTT incur different Hamming weights in its output and intermediate layers. By measuring the CPU frequency during the execution of NTT, we propose a simple yet effective attack idea to find the input to NTT that triggers NTT processing data with significantly low Hamming weight. We further apply our attack idea to real-world applications that are built upon NTT: CPA-secure Kyber without Compression and Decompression functions, and CCA-secure NTTRU. This leads us to extract information or frequency Hints about the secret key. Integrating these Hints into the LWE-estimator framework, we estimate a minimum of $35\%$ security loss caused by the leakage. The frequency and timing measurements on the Reference and AVX2 implementations of NTT in both Kyber and NTTRU align well with our theoretical analysis, confirming the existence of frequency side-channel leakage in NTT. It is important to emphasize that our observation is not limited to a specific implementation but rather the algorithm on which NTT is based. Therefore, our results call for more attention to the analysis of power leakage against NTT in lattice-based cryptography.
Last updated:  2024-01-16
SDitH in Hardware
Sanjay Deshpande, James Howe, Jakub Szefer, and Dongze Yue
This work presents the first hardware realisation of the Syndrome-Decoding-in-the-Head (SDitH) signature scheme, which is a candidate in the NIST PQC process for standardising post-quantum secure digital signature schemes. SDitH's hardness is based on conservative code-based assumptions, and it uses the Multi-Party-Computation-in-the-Head (MPCitH) construction. This is the first hardware design of a code-based signature scheme based on traditional decoding problems and only the second for MPCitH constructions, after Picnic. This work presents optimised designs to achieve the best area efficiency, which we evaluate using the Time-Area Product (TAP) metric. This work also proposes a novel hardware architecture by dividing the signature generation algorithm into two phases, namely offline and online phases for optimising the overall clock cycle count. The hardware designs for key generation, signature generation, and signature verification are parameterised for all SDitH parameters, including the NIST security levels, both syndrome decoding base fields (GF256 and GF251), and thus conforms to the SDitH specifications. The hardware design further supports secret share splitting, and the hypercube optimisation which can be applied in this and multiple other NIST PQC candidates. The results of this work result in a hardware design with a drastic reducing in clock cycles compared to the optimised AVX2 software implementation, in the range of 2-4x for most operations. Our key generation outperforms software drastically, giving a 11-17x reduction in runtime, despite the significantly faster clock speed. On Artix 7 FPGAs we can perform key generation in 55.1 Kcycles, signature generation in 6.7 Mcycles, and signature verification in 8.6 Mcycles for NIST L1 parameters, which increase for GF251, and for L3 and L5 parameters.
Last updated:  2024-01-16
Laconic Function Evaluation, Functional Encryption and Obfuscation for RAMs with Sublinear Computation
Fangqi Dong, Zihan Hao, Ethan Mook, and Daniel Wichs
Laconic function evaluation (LFE) is a "flipped" version of fully homomorphic encryption, where the server performing the computation gets the output. The server commits itself to a function $f$ by outputting a small digest. Clients can later efficiently encrypt inputs $x$ with respect to the digest in much less time than computing $f$, and ensure that the server only decrypts $f(x)$, but does not learn anything else about $x$. Prior works constructed LFE for circuits under LWE, and for Turing Machines (TMs) from indistinguishability obfuscation (iO). In this work we introduce LFE for Random-Access Machines (RAM-LFE). The server commits itself to a potentially huge database $y$ via a short digest. Clients can later efficiently encrypt inputs $x$ with respect to the digest and the server decrypts $f(x,y)$ for some specified RAM program $f$ (e.g., a universal RAM), without learning anything else about $x$. The main advantage of RAM-LFE is that the server's decryption run-time only scales with the RAM run-time $T$ of the computation $f(x,y)$, which can be sublinear in both $|x|$ and $|y|$. We consider a weakly efficient variant, where the client's run-time is also allowed to scale linearly with $T$, but not $|y|$, and a fully efficient variant, where the client's run-time must be sublinear in both $T$ and $|y|$. We construct the former from doubly efficient private information retrieval (DEPIR) and laconic OT (LOT), both of which are known from RingLWE, and the latter from an additional use of iO. We then show how to leverage fully efficient RAM-LFE to also get (many-key) functional encryption for RAMs (RAM-FE) where secret keys are associate with big databases $y$ and the decryption time is sublinear in $|y|$, as well as iO for RAMs where the obfuscated program contains a big database $y$ and the evaluation time is sublinear in $|y|$.
Last updated:  2024-03-09
A Refined Hardness Estimation of LWE in Two-step Mode
Wenwen Xia, Leizhang Wang, Geng Wang, Dawu Gu, and Baocang Wang
Recently, researchers have proposed many LWE estimators, such as lattice-estimator (Albrecht et al, Asiacrypt 2017) and leaky-LWE-Estimator (Dachman-Soled et al, Crypto 2020), while the latter has already been used in estimating the security level of Kyber and Dilithium using only BKZ. However, we prove in this paper that solving LWE by combining a lattice reduction step (by LLL or BKZ) and a target vector searching step (by enumeration or sieving), which we call a Two-step mode, is more efficient than using only BKZ. Moreover, we give a refined LWE estimator in Two-step mode by analyzing the relationship between the probability distribution of the target vector and the solving success rate in a Two-step mode LWE solving algorithm. While the latest Two-step estimator for LWE, which is the “primal-bdd” mode in lattice-estimator1, does not take into account some up-to-date results and lacks a thorough theoretical analysis. Under the same gate-count model, our estimation for NIST PQC standards drops by 2.1∼3.4 bits (2.2∼4.6 bits while considering more flexible blocksize and jump strategy) compared with leaky-LWE-Estimator. Furthermore, we also give a conservative estimation for LWE from the Two-step solving algorithm. Compared with the Core-SVP model, which is used in previous conservative estimations, our estimation relies on weaker assumptions and outputs higher evaluation results than the Core- SVP model. For NIST PQC standards, our conservative estimation is 4.17∼8.11 bits higher than the Core-SVP estimation. Hence our estimator can give a closer estimation for both upper bound and lower bound of LWE hardness.
Last updated:  2024-01-18
Exploiting the Central Reduction in Lattice-Based Cryptography
Tolun Tosun, Amir Moradi, and Erkay Savas
This paper presents a novel and efficient way of exploiting side-channel leakage of masked implementations of lattice-based cryptography (LBC). The presented attack specifically targets the central reduction technique, which is widely adapted in efficient implementations of LBC. We show that the central reduction leads to a vulnerability by creating a strong dependency between the power consumption and the sign of sensitive intermediate variables. We exploit this dependency by introducing a novel hypothetical power model, the range power model, which can be employed in higher-order multi-query side-channel analysis attacks. We particularly show that our approach is valid for the prime moduli employed by Kyber and Dilithium, the lattice-based post-quantum algorithms selected by NIST, while it generalizes to other primes used in LBC as well. We practically evaluate our introduced approach by performing second-order non-profiled attacks against a masked implementation of Kyber on an Arm Cortex-M4 micro-processor. In our experiments we revealed the full secret key of the aforementioned implementation with only 2100 electro-magnetic (EM) traces without profiling, achieving a more than 14 times reduction in the number of traces compared to classical attacks.
Last updated:  2024-01-16
Privacy-preserving Anti-Money Laundering using Secure Multi-Party Computation
Marie Beth van Egmond, Vincent Dunning, Stefan van den Berg, Thomas Rooijakkers, Alex Sangers, Ton Poppe, and Jan Veldsink
Money laundering is a serious financial crime where criminals aim to conceal the illegal source of their money via a series of transactions. Although banks have an obligation to monitor transactions, it is difficult to track these illicit money flows since they typically span over multiple banks, which cannot share this information due to privacy concerns. We present secure risk propagation, a novel efficient algorithm for money laundering detection across banks without violating privacy concerns. In this algorithm, each account is assigned a risk score, which is then propagated through the transaction network. In this article we present two results. Firstly, using data from a large Dutch bank, we show that it is possible to detect unusual activity using this model, with cash ratio as the risk score. With a recall of 20%, the precision improves from 15% to 40% by propagating the risk scores, reducing the number of false positives significantly. Secondly, we present a privacy-preserving solution for securely performing risk propagation over a joint, inter-bank transaction network. To achieve this, we use Secure Multi-Party Computation (MPC) techniques, which are particularly well-suited for the risk propagation algorithm due to its structural simplicity. We also show that the running time of this secure variant scales linearly in the amount of accounts and transactions. For 200, 000 transactions, two iterations of the secure algorithm between three virtual parties, run within three hours on a consumer-grade server.
Last updated:  2024-01-16
Extreme Algebraic Attacks
Pierrick Méaux and Qingju Wang
When designing filter functions in Linear Feedback Shift Registers (LFSR) based stream ciphers, algebraic criteria of Boolean functions such as the Algebraic Immunity (AI) become key characteristics because they guarantee the security of ciphers against the powerful algebraic attacks. In this article, we investigate a generalization of the algebraic attacks proposed by Courtois and Meier on filtered LFSR twenty years ago. We consider how the standard algebraic attack can be generalized beyond filtered LFSR to stream ciphers applying a Boolean filter function to an updated state. Depending on the updating process, we can use different sets of annihilators than the ones used in the standard algebraic attack; it leads to a generalization of the concept of algebraic immunity, and more efficient attacks. To illustrate these strategies, we focus on one of these generalizations and introduce a new notion called Extreme Algebraic Immunity (EAI). We perform a theoretic study of the EAI criterion and explore its relation to other algebraic criteria. We prove the upper bound of the EAI of an n-variable Boolean function and further show that the EAI can be lower bounded by the AI restricted to a subset, as defined by Carlet, Méaux and Rotella at FSE 2017. We also exhibit functions with EAI guaranteed to be lower than the AI, in particular we highlight a pathological case of functions with optimal algebraic immunity and EAI only n/4. As applications, we determine the EAI of filter functions of some existing stream ciphers and discuss how extreme algebraic attacks using EAI could apply to some ciphers. Our generalized algebraic attack does not give a better complexity than Courtois and Meier's result on the existing stream ciphers. However, we see this work as a study to avoid weaknesses in the construction of future stream cipher designs.
Last updated:  2024-01-16
A Study of Soft Analytical Side-Channel Attacks on Secure Hash Algorithms
Julien Maillard, Thomas Hiscock, Maxime Lecomte, and Christophe Clavier
Hashing algorithms are one-way functions that are used in cryptographic protocols as Pseudo Random Functions (PRF), to assess data integrity or to create a Hash-based Message Authentication Code (HMAC). In many cryptographic constructions, secret data is processed with hashing functions. In these cases, recovering the input given to the hashing algorithm allows retrieving secret data. In this paper, we investigate the application of Soft Analytical Side-Channel Attacks (SASCA), based on a Belief Propagation (BP) framework, to recover the input of two popular hash function families: SHA-2 and SHA-3. Thanks to a simulation framework, we develop a comprehensive study of the attacker's recovery capacity depending on the hash function variant. Then, we demonstrate that an attacker can leverage prior knowledge on the hashing function input to increase the effectiveness of the attacks. As an example, in the context of a bootloader doing a hash-based integrity check on a secret firmware, we show that simple statistics on assembly code injected in BP improves input recovery. Finally, we study the security implications of SASCA on cryptosystems performing multiple invocations of hashing functions with inputs derived from the same secret data. We show that such constructions can be exploited efficiently by an attacker. We support such statements with experiments on SHA-256 based HMAC and on SHAKE-256 based PRF in Kyber's encryption routine. We also show that increasing Kyber's security parameters implies weaker security against the proposed SASCA targeting the shared key.
Last updated:  2024-01-16
Double Difficulties, Defense in Depth A succinct authenticated key agreement protocol
WenBin Hsieh
Show abstract
In 2016, NIST announced an open competition with the goal of finding and standardizing a suitable quantum-resistant cryptographic algorithm, with the standard to be drafted in 2023. These algorithms aim to implement post-quantum secure key encapsulation mechanism (KEM) and digital signatures. However, the proposed algorithm does not consider authentication and is vulnerable to attacks such as man-in-the-middle. In this paper, we propose an authenticated key exchange algorithm to solve the above problems and improve its usability. The proposed algorithm combines learning with errors (LWE) and elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem to provide the required security goals. As forward security is a desirable property in a key exchange protocol, an ephemeral key pair is designed that a long-term secret compromise does not affect the security of past session keys. Moreover, the exchange steps required by the algorithm are very streamlined and can be completed with only two handshakes. We also use the random oracle model to prove the correctness and the security of proposed scheme. The performance analysis demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed scheme. We believe that the novel approach introduced in this algorithm opens several doors for innovative applications of digital signatures in KEMs.
Last updated:  2024-01-16
Partial Key Exposure Attack on Common Prime RSA
Mengce Zheng
In this paper, we focus on the common prime RSA variant and introduces a novel investigation into the partial key exposure attack targeting it. We explore the vulnerability of this RSA variant, which employs two common primes $p$ and $q$ defined as $p=2ga+1$ and $q=2gb+1$ for a large prime $g$. Previous cryptanalysis of common prime RSA has primarily focused on the small private key attack. In our work, we delve deeper into the realm of partial key exposure attacks by categorizing them into three distinct cases. We are able to identify weak private keys that are susceptible to partial key exposure by using the lattice-based method for solving simultaneous modular univariate linear equations. To validate the effectiveness and soundness of our proposed attacks, we conduct experimental evaluations. Through these examinations, we demonstrate the validity and practicality of the proposed partial key exposure attacks on common prime RSA.
Last updated:  2024-01-15
The Insecurity of Masked Comparisons: SCAs on ML-KEM’s FO-Transform
Julius Hermelink, Kai-Chun Ning, and Emanuele Strieder
NIST has released the draft standard for ML-KEM, and ML-KEM is actively used in several widely-distributed applications. Thus, the wide-spread use of ML-KEM in the embedded worlds has to be expected in the near future. This makes security against side-channel attacks a pressing matter. Several side-channel attacks have previously been proposed, and one line of research have been attacks against the comparison step of the FO-transform. These attacks construct a decryption failure oracle using a side-channel. A recent work published at TCHES 2022 stresses the need for higher-order masked comparisons by presenting a horizontal attack and proposes a t-probing secure comparison operation. A subsequent work by D’Anvers, Van Beirendonck, and Verbauwhede improves upon the performance of several previous proposals. In this work, we show that the latter masked comparison suffers from weakness similar to those identified in the former. We first propose an approximate template attack that requires only a very low number of traces for profiling and has an exceptionally high noise tolerance. We show that the profiling phase is not necessary and can be replaced by a vertical analysis of the distribution of certain points of interest without knowledge of the targeted values. Finally, we explain how a horizontal attack may construct a decryption failure oracle from a single trace. We provide a leakage model of the targeted operations, which is based on the noisy Hamming weight model. Our evaluations are carried out on a physical device to stress the practicality of our attack. In addition, we simulate the attacks to determine the measurement noise levels that can be handled. We discuss the underlying causes for our attack, the difficulty of securing the Fujisaki-Okamoto transform in ML-KEM, and draw conclusion about the (in-)sufficiency of t-probing security in this context.
Last updated:  2024-01-15
CrISA-X: Unleashing Performance Excellence in Lightweight Symmetric Cryptography for Extendable and Deeply Embedded Processors
Oren Ganon and Itamar Levi
The selection of a Lightweight Cryptography (LWC) algorithm is crucial for resource limited applications. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) leads this process, which involves a thorough evaluation of the algorithms’ cryptanalytic strength. Furthermore, careful consideration is given to factors such as algorithm latency, code size, and hardware implementation area. These factors are critical in determining the overall performance of cryptographic solutions at edge devices. Introducing CrISA-X, a Cryptography Instruction Set Architecture extensions designed to improve cryptographic latency on extendable processors. CrISA-X, classified as Generic-Atomic, Block-Specific and Procedure-Specific, leverages RISC processor hardware and a base ISA to effectively execute LWC algorithms. Our study aims to evaluate the execution efficiency of new single-cycle instruction extensions and tightly coupled multicycle instructions on extendable modular RISC processors. CrISA-X provides enhanced speed of various algorithms simultaneously while optimizing ISA adaptability, a feat yet to be accomplished. The extension, diverse for several computation levels, is first specifically tailored for individual algorithms and sets of LWC algorithms, depending on performance, frequency, and area trade-offs. By diligently applying the Min-Max optimization technique, we have configured these extensions to achieve a delicate balance between performance, area code size, etc. Our study presents empirical evidence of the performance enhancement achieved on a real synthesis modular RISC processor. We offer a framework for creating optimized processor hardware and ISA extensions. The CrISA-X framework generally outperforms ISA extensions by delivering significant performance boosts between 3x to 17x while experiencing a relative area cost increase of +12% and +47% in LUTs, in respect to the instruction set category. Notably, as one important example, the utilization of the ASCON algorithm yields a 10x performance boost in contrast to the base ISA instruction implementation
Last updated:  2024-04-22
Constrained Pseudorandom Functions for Inner-Product Predicates from Weaker Assumptions
Sacha Servan-Schreiber
In this paper, we build a framework for constructing Constrained Pseudorandom Functions (CPRFs) with inner-product constraint predicates, using ideas from subtractive secret sharing and related-key-attack security. Our framework can be instantiated using a random oracle or any suitable Related-Key-Attack (RKA) secure pseudorandom function. We provide three instantiations of our framework: 1. an adaptively-secure construction in the random oracle model; 2. a selectively-secure construction under the DDH assumption; and 3. a selectively-secure construction with a polynomial domain under the assumption that one-way functions exist. All three instantiations are constraint-hiding and support inner-product predicates, leading to the first constructions of such expressive CPRFs under each corresponding assumption. Moreover, while the OWF-based construction is primarily of theoretical interest, the random oracle and DDH-based constructions are concretely efficient, which we show via an implementation.
Last updated:  2024-04-15
Elastic MSM: A Fast, Elastic and Modular Preprocessing Technique for Multi-Scalar Multiplication Algorithm on GPUs
Xudong Zhu, Haoqi He, Zhengbang Yang, Yi Deng, Lutan Zhao, and Rui Hou
Zero-knowledge proof (ZKP) is a cryptographic primitive that enables a prover to convince a verifier that a statement is true, without revealing any other information beyond the correctness of the statement itself. Due to its powerful capabilities, its most practical type, called zero-knowledge Succinct Non-interactive ARgument of Knowledge (zkSNARK), has been widely deployed in various privacy preserving applications such as cryptocurrencies and verifiable computation. Although state-of-the-art zkSNARKs are highly efficient for the verifier, the computational overhead for the prover is still orders of magnitude too high to warrant use in many applications. This overhead arises from several time-consuming operations, including large-scale matrix-vector multiplication (MUL), number-theoretic transform (NTT), and especially the multi-scalar multiplication (MSM) which constitutes the largest proportion. Therefore, further efficiency improvements are needed. In this paper, we focus on comprehensive optimization of running time and storage space required by the MSM algorithm on GPUs. Specifically, we propose a novel, modular and adaptive parameter configuration technique—elastic MSM to enable us to adjust the scale of MSM according to our own wishes by performing a corresponding amount of preprocessing. This technique enables us to fully unleash the potential of various efficient parallel MSM algorithms. We have implemented and tested elastic MSM over three prevailing parallel Pippenger algorithms on GPUs. Given a range of practical parameters, across various preprocessing space limitations (across various MSM scales), our constructions achieve up to about 90%, 8% and 36% (2.58×, 39% and 91%) speedup versus three state-of-the-art parallel Pippenger algorithms on GPUs, respectively. From another perspective, elastic MSM could also be regarded as a preprocessing technique over the well-known Pippenger algorithm, which is modular and could be used to accelerate almost all the most advanced parallel Pippenger algorithms on GPUs. Meanwhile, elastic MSM provides an adaptive trade-off between the running time and the extra storage space needed by parallel Pippenger algorithms on GPUs. This is the first preprocessing technique to retain the improved MSM computation brought by preprocessing under varying storage space limitations. Specifically, given a range of practical parameters, across various preprocessing space limitations (across various MSM scales), our constructions achieve up to about 192× and 223× (159× and 174×) speedup versus two state-of-the-art preprocessing parallel Pippenger algorithms on GPUs, respectively.
Last updated:  2024-01-15
Zero-Knowledge Proofs for SIDH variants with Masked Degree or Torsion
Youcef Mokrani and David Jao
The polynomial attacks on SIDH by Castryck, Decru, Maino, Martindale and Robert have shown that, while the general isogeny problem is still considered unfeasible to break, it is possible to efficiently compute a secret isogeny when given its degree and image on enough torsion points. A natural response from many researchers has been to propose SIDH variants where one or both of these possible extra pieces of information is masked in order to obtain schemes for which a polynomial attack is not currently known. Example of such schemes are M-SIDH, MD-SIDH and FESTA. However, by themselves, theses SIDH variants are vulnerable to the same adaptive attacks where the adversary sends public keys whose associated isogeny is either unknown or inexistent. For the original SIDH scheme, one possible defense against these attacks is to use zero-knowledge proofs that a secret isogeny has been honestly computed. However, such proofs do not currently exist for most SIDH variants. In this paper, we present new zero-knowledge proofs for isogenies whose degree or torsion points have been masked. The security of these proofs mainly relies on the hardness of DSSP.
Last updated:  2024-01-18
Multi-Hop Fine-Grained Proxy Re-Encryption
Yunxiao Zhou, Shengli Liu, and Shuai Han
Proxy re-encryption (PRE) allows a proxy to transform a ciphertext intended for Alice (delegator) to another ciphertext intended for Bob (delegatee) without revealing the underlying message. Recently, a new variant of PRE, namely fine-grained PRE (FPRE), was proposed in [Zhou et al., Asiacrypt 2023]. Generally, FPRE is designed for a function family F: each re-encryption key rk_{A→B}^f is associated with a function f ∈ F, and with rk_{A→B}^f, a proxy can transform Alice's ciphertext encrypting m to Bob's ciphertext encrypting f(m). However, their scheme only supports single-hop re-encryption and achieves only CPA security. In this paper, we formalize multi-hop FPRE (mFPRE) that supports multi-hop re-encryptions in the fine-grained setting, and propose two mFPRE schemes achieving CPA security and stronger HRA security (security against honest re-encryption attacks), respectively. -- For multi-hop FPRE, we formally define its syntax and formalize a set of security notions including CPA security, HRA security, undirectionality and ciphertext unlinkablity. HRA security is stronger and more reasonable than CPA security, and ciphertext unlinkablity blurs the proxy relations among a chain of multi-hop re-encryptions, hence providing better privacy. We establish the relations between these security notions. -- Our mFPRE schemes support fine-grained re-encryptions for bounded linear functions and have security based on the learning-with-errors (LWE) assumption in the standard model. In particular, one of our schemes is HRA secure and enjoys all the aforementioned desirable securities. To achieve CPA security and HRA security for mFPRE, we extend the framework of [Jafargholi et al., Crypto 2017] and the technique of the [Fuchsbauer et al., PKC 2019].
Last updated:  2024-01-19
FEASE: Fast and Expressive Asymmetric Searchable Encryption
Long Meng, Liqun Chen, Yangguang Tian, Mark Manulis, and Suhui Liu
Asymmetric Searchable Encryption (ASE) is a promising cryptographic mechanism that enables a semi-trusted cloud server to perform keyword searches over encrypted data for users. To be useful, an ASE scheme must support expressive search queries, which are expressed as conjunction, disjunction, or any Boolean formulas. In this paper, we propose a fast and expressive ASE scheme that is adaptively secure, called FEASE. It requires only 3 pairing operations for searching any conjunctive set of keywords independent of the set size and has linear complexity for encryption and trapdoor algorithms in the number of keywords. FEASE is based on a new fast Anonymous Key-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption (A-KP-ABE) scheme as our first proposal, which is of independent interest. To address optional protection against keyword guessing attacks, we extend FEASE into the first expressive Public-Key Authenticated Encryption with Keyword Search (PAEKS) scheme. We provide implementations and evaluate the performance of all three schemes, while also comparing them with the state of the art. We observe that FEASE outperforms all existing expressive ASE constructions and that our A-KP-ABE scheme offers anonymity with efficiency comparable to the currently fastest yet non-anonymous KP-ABE schemes FAME (ACM CCS 2017) and FABEO (ACM CCS 2022).
Last updated:  2024-01-14
Anonymous Homomorphic IBE with Application to Anonymous Aggregation
Michael Clear, Ciaran McGoldrick, and Hitesh Tewari
All anonymous identity-based encryption (IBE) schemes that are group homomorphic (to the best of our knowledge) require knowledge of the identity to compute the homomorphic operation. This paper is motivated by this open problem, namely to construct an anonymous group-homomorphic IBE scheme that does not sacrifice anonymity to perform homomorphic operations. Note that even when strong assumptions such as indistinguishability obfuscation (iO) are permitted, no schemes are known. We succeed in solving this open problem by assuming iO and the hardness of the DBDH problem over rings (specifically, $Z_{N^2}$ for RSA modulus $N$). We then use the existence of such a scheme to construct an IBE scheme with re-randomizable anonymous encryption keys, which we prove to be IND-ID-RCCA secure. Finally, we use our results to construct identity-based anonymous aggregation protocols.
Last updated:  2024-01-13
Simple Vs Vectorial: Exploiting Structural Symmetry to Beat the ZeroSum Distinguisher Applications to SHA3, Xoodyak and Bash
SAHIBA SURYAWANSHI, Shibam Ghosh, Dhiman Saha, and Prathamesh Ram
Higher order differential properties constitute a very insightful tool at the hands of a cryptanalyst allowing for probing a cryptographic primitive from an algebraic perspective. In FSE 2017, Saha et al. reported SymSum (referred to as SymSum_Vec in this paper), a new distinguisher based on higher order vectorial Boolean derivatives of SHA-3, constituting one of the best distinguishers on the latest cryptographic hash standard. SymSum_Vec exploits the difference in the algebraic degree of highest degree monomials in the algebraic normal form of SHA-3 with regards to their dependence on round constants. Later in Africacrypt 2020, Suryawanshi et al. extended SymSum_Vec using linearization techniques and in SSS 2023 also applied it to NIST-LWC finalist Xoodyak. However, a major limitation of SymSum_Vec is the maximum attainable derivative (MAD) which is less than half of the widely studied ZeroSum distinguisher. This is attributed to SymSum_Vec being dependent on m−fold vectorial derivatives while ZeroSum relies on m−fold simple derivatives. In this work we overcome this limitation of SymSum_Vec by developing and validating the theory of computing SymSum_Vec with simple derivatives. This gives us a close to 100% improvement in the MAD that can be computed. The new distinguisher reported in this work can also be combined with one/two-round linearization to penetrate more rounds. Moreover, we identify an issue with the two-round linearization claim made by Suryawanshi et al. which renders it invalid and also furnish an algebraic fix at the cost of some additional constraints. Combining all results we report SymSum_Sim , a new variant of the SymSum_Vec distinguisher based on m−fold simple derivatives that outperforms ZeroSum by a factor of $2^{257}$, $2^{129}$ for 10-round SHA-3-384 and 9-round SHA-3-512 respectively while enjoying the same MAD as ZeroSum. For every other SHA-3 variant, SymSum_Sim maintains an advantage of factor 2. Combined with one/two-round linearization, SymSum_Sim improves upon all existing ZeroSum and SymSum_Vec distinguishers on both SHA-3 and Xoodyak. As regards Keccak-p, the internal permutation of SHA-3, we report the best 15-round distinguisher with a complexity of $2^{256}$ and the first better than birthday-bound 16-round distinguisher with a complexity of $2^{512}$ (improving upon the 15/16-round results by Guo et al. in Asiacrypt 2016). We also devise the best full-round distinguisher on the Xoodoo internal permutation of Xoodyak with a practically verifiable complexity of $2^{32}$ and furnish the first third-party distinguishers on the Belarushian hash function Bash. All distinguishers furnished in this work have been verified through implementations whenever practically viable. Overall, with the MAD barrier broken, SymSum_Sim emerges as a better distinguisher than ZeroSum on all fronts and adds to the state-of-the-art of cryptanalytic tools investigating non-randomness of crypto primitives.
Last updated:  2024-01-13
Limits on Authenticated Encryption Use in TLS
Atul Luykx and Kenneth G. Paterson
This technical note presents limits on the security (as a function of the number of plaintext bytes encrypted and the number of forgery attempts made by an adversary) for the main Authenticated Encryption schemes available in TLS 1.2 and the draft of TLS 1.3. These limits are derived from security proofs for the considered schemes available in the literature. Our intention is to provide considered technical input to on-going discussions in the TLS Working Group of the IETF concerning, amongst other things, the necessity of adding a key update feature to the TLS 1.3 specification.
Last updated:  2024-01-13
Do You Need a Zero Knowledge Proof?
Jens Ernstberger, Stefanos Chaliasos, Liyi Zhou, Philipp Jovanovic, and Arthur Gervais
Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKPs), a cryptographic tool known for decades, have gained significant attention in recent years due to advancements that have made them practically applicable in real-world scenarios. ZKPs can provide unique attributes, such as succinctness, non-interactivity, and the ability to prove knowledge without revealing the information itself, making them an attractive solution for a range of applications. This paper aims to critically analyze the applicability of ZKPs in various scenarios. We categorize ZKPs into distinct types: SNARKs (Succinct Non-Interactive Arguments of Knowledge), Commit-then-Prove ZKPs, MPC-in-the-Head, and Sigma Protocols, each offering different trade-offs and benefits. We introduce a flowchart methodology to assist in determining the most suitable ZKP system, given a set of technical application requirements. Next, we conduct an in-depth investigation of three major use cases: Outsourcing Computation, Digital Self-Sovereign Identity, and ZKPs in networking. Additionally, we provide a high-level overview of other applications of ZKPs, exploring their broader implications and opportunities. This paper aims to demystify the decision-making process involved in choosing the right ZKP system, providing clarity on when and how these cryptographic tools can be effectively utilized in various domains — and when they are better to be avoided.
Last updated:  2024-01-15
CL-SCA: Leveraging Contrastive Learning for Profiled Side-Channel Analysis
Annv Liu, An Wang, Shaofei Sun, Congming Wei, Yaoling Ding, Yongjuan Wang, and Liehuang Zhu
Side-channel analysis based on machine learning, especially neural networks, has gained significant attention in recent years. However, many existing methods still suffer from certain limitations. Despite the inherent capability of neural networks to extract features, there remains a risk of extracting irrelevant information. The heavy reliance on profiled traces makes it challenging to adapt to remote attack scenarios with limited profiled traces. Besides, attack traces also contain critical information that can be used in the training process to assist model learning. In this paper, we propose a side-channel analysis approach based on contrastive learning named CL-SCA to address these issues. We also leverage a stochastic data augmentation technique to assist model to effectively filter out irrelevant information from the profiled traces. Through experiments of different datasets from different platforms, we demonstrate that CL-SCA significantly outperforms various conventional machine learning side-channel analysis techniques. Moreover, by incorporating attack traces into the training process using our approach, known as CL-SCA+, it becomes possible to achieve even greater enhancements. This extension can further improve the effectiveness of key recovery, which is fully verified through experiments on different datasets.
Last updated:  2024-01-11
Computational Differential Privacy for Encrypted Databases Supporting Linear Queries
Ferran Alborch Escobar, Sébastien Canard, Fabien Laguillaumie, and Duong Hieu Phan
Differential privacy is a fundamental concept for protecting individual privacy in databases while enabling data analysis. Conceptually, it is assumed that the adversary has no direct access to the database, and therefore, encryption is not necessary. However, with the emergence of cloud computing and the «on-cloud» storage of vast databases potentially contributed by multiple parties, it is becoming increasingly necessary to consider the possibility of the adversary having (at least partial) access to sensitive databases. A consequence is that, to protect the on-line database, it is now necessary to employ encryption. At PoPETs'19, it was the first time that the notion of differential privacy was considered for encrypted databases, but only for a limited type of query, namely histograms. Subsequently, a new type of query, summation, was considered at CODASPY'22. These works achieve statistical differential privacy, by still assuming that the adversary has no access to the encrypted database. In this paper, we argue that it is essential to assume that the adversary may eventually access the encrypted data, rendering statistical differential privacy inadequate. Therefore, the appropriate privacy notion for encrypted databases that we use is computational differential privacy, which was introduced by Beimel et al. at CRYPTO '08. In our work, we focus on the case of functional encryption, which is an extensively studied primitive permitting some authorized computation over encrypted data. Technically, we show that any randomized functional encryption scheme that satisfies simulation-based security and differential privacy of the output can achieve computational differential privacy for multiple queries to one database. Our work also extends the summation query to a much broader range of queries, specifically linear queries, by utilizing inner-product functional encryption. Hence, we provide an instantiation for inner-product functionalities by proving its simulation soundness and present a concrete randomized inner-product functional encryption with computational differential privacy against multiple queries. In term of efficiency, our protocol is almost as practical as the underlying inner product functional encryption scheme. As evidence, we provide a full benchmark, based on our concrete implementation for databases with up to 1 000 000 entries. Our work can be considered as a step towards achieving privacy-preserving encrypted databases for a wide range of query types and considering the involvement of multiple database owners.
Last updated:  2024-02-20
On Efficient and Secure Compression Modes for Arithmetization-Oriented Hashing
Elena Andreeva, Rishiraj Bhattacharyya, Arnab Roy, and Stefano Trevisani
ZK-SNARKs are advanced cryptographic protocols used in private verifiable computation: modern SNARKs allow to encode the invariants of an arithmetic circuit over some large prime field in an appropriate NP language, from which a zero-knowlege short non-interactive argument of knowledge is built. Due to the high cost of proof generation, ZK-SNARKs for large constraint systems are inpractical. ZK-SNARKs are used in privacy-oriented blockchains such as Filecoin, ZCash and Monero, to verify Merkle tree opening proofs, which in turn requires computing a fixed-input-length (FIL) cryptographic compression function. As classical, bit-oriented hash functions like SHA-2 require huge constraint systems, Arithmetization-Oriented (AO) compression functions have emerged to fill the gap. Usually, AO compression functions are obtained by applying the Sponge hashing mode on a fixed-key permutation: while this avoids the cost of dynamic key scheduling, AO schedulers are often cheap to compute, making the exploration of AO compression functions based directly on blockciphers a topic of practical interest. In this work, we first adapt notions related to classical hash functions and their security notions to the AO syntax, and inspired by the classical PGV modes, we propose AO PGV-LC and AO PGV-ELC, two blockcipher-based FIL compression modes with parametrizable input and output sizes. In the ideal cipher model, we prove the collision and preimage resistance of both our modes, and give bounds for collision and opening resistance over Merkle trees of arbitrary arity. We then experimentally compare the AO PGV-LC mode over the Hades-MiMC blockcipher with its popular Sponge instantiation, Poseidon. The resulting construction, called Poseidon-DM, is $2$-$5\times$ faster than Poseidon in native computations, and $15$-$35\%$ faster in generating Merkle tree proofs over the Groth16 SNARK framework, depending on the tree arity. In particular, proof generation for an $8$-ary tree over Poseidon-DM is $2.5\times$ faster than for a binary tree with the same capacity over Poseidon. Finally, in an effort to further exploit the benefits of wide trees, we propose a new strategy to obtain a compact R1CS constraint system for Merkle trees with arbitrary arity.
Last updated:  2024-01-11
Quantum-Secure Hybrid Communication for Aviation Infrastructure
Benjamin Dowling and Bhagya Wimalasiri
The rapid digitization of aviation communication and its dependent critical operations demand secure protocols that address domain-specific security requirements within the unique functional constraints of the aviation industry. These secure protocols must provide sufficient security against current and possible future attackers, given the inherent nature of the aviation community, that is highly complex and averse to frequent upgrades as well as its high safety and cost considerations. In this work we propose a pair of quantum-secure hybrid key exchange protocols (PQAG-KEM and PQAG-SIG) to secure communication between aircrafts in-flight and ground stations. PQAG-KEM leverages post-quantum and classical Key Encapsulation Mechanisms (KEMs) to ensure the hybrid security of the protocol against classical as well as future quantum adversaries. PQAG-SIG, alternatively, uses quantum-safe digital signatures to achieve authentication security. We provide an implementation of both PQAG-KEM and PQAG-SIG, and compare favourably with current state-of- the-art secure avionic protocols. Finally, we provide a formal analysis of our new PQAG protocols in a strong hybrid key exchange framework.
Last updated:  2024-01-11
A Low-Latency High-Order Arithmetic to Boolean Masking Conversion
Jiangxue Liu, Cankun Zhao, Shuohang Peng, Bohan Yang, Hang Zhao, Xiangdong Han, Min Zhu, Shaojun Wei, and Leibo Liu
Masking, an effective countermeasure against side-channel attacks, is commonly applied in modern cryptographic implementations. Considering cryptographic algorithms that utilize both Boolean and arithmetic masking, the conversion algorithm between arithmetic masking and Boolean masking is required. Conventional high-order arithmetic masking to Boolean masking conversion algorithms based on Boolean circuits suffer from performance overhead, especially in terms of hardware implementation. In this work, we analyze high latency for the conversion and propose an improved high-order A2B conversion algorithm. For the conversion of 16-bit variables, the hardware latency can be reduced by 47% in the best scenario. For the case study of second-order 32-bit conversion, the implementation results show that the improved scheme reduces the clock cycle latency by 42% in hardware and achieves a 30% speed performance improvement in software. Theoretically, a security proof of arbitrary order is provided for the proposed high-order A2B conversion. Experimental validations are performed to verify the second-order DPA resistance of second-order implementation. The Test Vector Leakage Assessment does not observe side-channel leakage for hardware and software implementations.
Last updated:  2024-02-16
Adaptive Distributional Security for Garbling Schemes with $\mathcal{O}(|x|)$ Online Complexity
Estuardo Alpírez Bock, Chris Brzuska, Pihla Karanko, Sabine Oechsner, and Kirthivaasan Puniamurthy
Garbling schemes allow to garble a circuit $C$ and an input $x$ such that $C(x)$ can be computed while hiding both $C$ and $x$. In the context of adaptive security, an adversary specifies the input to the circuit after seeing the garbled circuit, so that one can pre-process the garbling of $C$ and later only garble the input $x$ in the online phase. Since the online phase may be time-critical, it is an interesting question how much information needs to be transmitted in this phase and ideally, this should be close to $|x|$. Unfortunately, Applebaum, Ishai, Kushilevitz, and Waters (AIKW, CRYPTO 2013) show that for some circuits, specifically PRGs, achieving online complexity close to $|x|$ is impossible with simulation-based security, and Hubáček and Wichs (HW, ITCS 2015) show that online complexity of maliciously secure two-party computation needs to grow with the incompressibility entropy of the function. We thus seek to understand under which circumstances optimal online complexity is feasible despite these strong lower bounds. Our starting point is the observation that lower bounds (only) concern cryptographic circuits and that, when an embedded secret is not known to the adversary (distinguisher), then the lower bound techniques do not seem to apply. Our main contribution is distributional simulation-based security (DSIM), a framework for capturing weaker, yet meaningful simulation-based (adaptive) security which does not seem to suffer from impossibility results akin to AIKW. We show that DSIM can be used to prove security of a distributed symmetric encryption protocol built around garbling. We also establish a bootstrapping result from DSIM-security for $\text{NC}^0$ circuits to DSIM-security for arbitrary polynomial-size circuits while preserving their online complexity.
Last updated:  2024-01-10
Fuzzy Identity Based Encryption with a flexible threshold value
Sedigheh Khajouei-Nejad, Sam Jabbehdari, Hamid Haj Seyyed Javadi, and Seyed Mohammad Hossein Moattar
The issue of data and information security on the internet and social network has become more serious and pervasive in recent years. Cryptography is used to solve security problems. However, message encryption cannot merely meet the intended goals because access control over the encrypted messages is required in some applications. To achieve these requirements, attribute-based encryption (ABE) is used. This type of encryption provides both security and access structure for the network users simultaneously. Fuzzy Identity-Based Encryption (FIBE) is a special mode of ABE that provides a threshold access structure for the users. This threshold value is set by the authority for users, which is always fixed and cannot be changed. So, the sender (encryptor) will not play a role in determining the threshold value. The mentioned issue exists also in Key Policy Attribute Based Encryption (KP-ABE) schemes. In this paper, we present a FIBE scheme in addition to the authority, the sender also plays a role in determining the threshold value. Thus, the policy will be more flexible than previous FIBE schemes in that the threshold value is selected only by the authority. We can call the proposed scheme a dual-policy ABE. The proposed technique for flexibility of threshold value can be applied in most of the existing KP-ABE schemes. We use the (indistinguishable) selective security model for security proof. The hardness assumption that we use is the modified bilinear decision Diffie-Hellman problem.
Last updated:  2024-01-10
Foundations of Anonymous Signatures: Formal Definitions, Simplified Requirements, and a Construction Based on General Assumptions
Jan Bobolz, Jesus Diaz, and Markulf Kohlweiss
In today's systems, privacy is often at odds with utility: users that reveal little information about themselves get restricted functionality, and service providers mistrust them. In practice, systems tip to either full anonymity (e.g. Monero), or full utility (e.g. Bitcoin). Well-known cryptographic primitives for bridging this gap exist: anonymous credentials (AC) let users disclose a subset of their credentials' attributes, revealing to service providers "just what they need"; group signatures (GS) allow users to authenticate anonymously, to be de-anonymized "just when deemed necessary". However, these primitives are hard to deploy. Current AC and GS variants reach specific points in the privacy-utility tradeoff, which we point as counter-productive engineering-wise, as it requires full and error-prone re-engineering to adjust the tradeoff. Also, so far, GS and AC have been studied separately by theoretical research. We take the first steps toward unifying and generalizing both domains, with the goal of bringing their benefits to practice, in a flexible way. We give a common model capturing their core properties, and use functional placeholders to subsume intermediate instantiations of the privacy-utility tradeoff under the same model. To prove its flexibility, we show how concrete variants of GS, AC (and others, like ring signatures) can be seen as special cases of our scheme – to which we refer as universal anonymous signatures (UAS). In practice, this means that instantiations following our construction can be configured to behave as variant X of a GS scheme, or as variant Y of an AC scheme, by tweaking a few functions.
Last updated:  2024-05-01
SASTA: Ambushing Hybrid Homomorphic Encryption Schemes with a Single Fault
Aikata Aikata, Ahaan Dabholkar, Dhiman Saha, and Sujoy Sinha Roy
The rising tide of data breaches targeting large data storage centres and servers has raised serious privacy and security concerns. Homomorphic Encryption schemes offer an effective defence against such attacks, but their adoption has been hindered by substantial computational and communication overheads, particularly on the client's side. The Hybrid Homomorphic Encryption (HEE) protocol was developed to mitigate these issues. However, the susceptibility of HHE to strong attacks, specifically physical attacks, has been largely unexplored. While physical attacks like the Differential Fault Analysis (DFA) have proved very effective in the field of symmetric cryptography, prior works have largely relied on strong assumptions like nonce reuse, limiting their feasibility in a real-world setting. In this work, we introduce a novel attack- SASTA, which presents, to the best of our knowledge, the first generalized analysis of HHE under DFA. Our analysis uncovers a significant limitation of the HHE protocol where a single fault leads to complete key recovery not only for the standard scheme-AES but also for the new HHE tailored Symmetric Encryption (SE) schemes -- RASTA, PASTA, MASTA, and HERA. We further extend SASTA to effectively target Authenticated Transciphering protocols. Unlike prior works, the key advantage of SASTA is that it does not require nonce reuse. We demonstrate a proof-of-concept of our attack on an off-the-shelf ATXmega128D4-AU microcontroller running HHE firmware and mount end-to-end key recovery attacks. Finally, we discuss conventional countermeasures to defend against SASTA. Our work highlights that despite HHE's advantages of improving performance and reducing communication overhead, further analysis of its security guarantees is required.
Last updated:  2024-01-10
ReSolveD: Shorter Signatures from Regular Syndrome Decoding and VOLE-in-the-Head
Hongrui Cui, Hanlin Liu, Di Yan, Kang Yang, Yu Yu, and Kaiyi Zhang
We present ReSolveD, a new candidate post-quantum signature scheme under the regular syndrome decoding (RSD) assumption for random linear codes, which is a well-established variant of the well-known syndrome decoding (SD) assumption. Our signature scheme is obtained by designing a new zero-knowledge proof for proving knowledge of a solution to the RSD problem in the recent VOLE-in-the-head framework using a sketching scheme to verify that a vector has weight exactly one. We achieve a signature size of 3.99 KB with a signing time of 27.3 ms and a verification time of 23.1 ms on a single core of a standard desktop for a 128-bit security level. Compared to the state-of-the-art code-based signature schemes, our signature scheme achieves $1.5\times \sim 2\times$ improvement in terms of the common "signature size + public-key size" metric, while keeping the computational efficiency competitive.
Last updated:  2024-04-15
X-Wing: The Hybrid KEM You’ve Been Looking For
Manuel Barbosa, Deirdre Connolly, João Diogo Duarte, Aaron Kaiser, Peter Schwabe, Karoline Varner, and Bas Westerbaan
X-Wing is a hybrid key-encapsulation mechanism based on X25519 and ML-KEM-768. It is designed to be the sensible choice for most applications. The concrete choice of X25519 and ML-KEM-768 allows X-Wing to achieve improved efficiency compared to using a generic KEM combiner. In this paper, we introduce the X-Wing hybrid KEM construction and provide a proof of security. We show (1) that X-Wing is a classically IND-CCA secure KEM if the strong Diffie-Hellman assumption holds in the X25519 nominal group, and (2) that X-Wing is a post-quantum IND-CCA secure KEM if ML-KEM-768 is itself an IND-CCA secure KEM and SHA3-256 is secure when used as a pseudorandom function. The first result is proved in the ROM, whereas the second one holds in the standard model. Loosely speaking, this means X-Wing is secure if either X25519 or ML-KEM-768 is secure. We stress that these security gaurantees and optimizations are only possible due to the concrete choices that were made, and it may not apply in the general case.
Last updated:  2024-03-28
On Computing the Multidimensional Scalar Multiplication on Elliptic Curves
Walid Haddaji, Loubna Ghammam, Nadia El Mrabet, and Leila Ben Abdelghani
A multidimensional scalar multiplication ($d$-mul) consists of computing $[a_1]P_1+\cdots+[a_d]P_d$, where $d$ is an integer ($d\geq 2)$, $\alpha_1, \cdots, \alpha_d$ are scalars of size $l\in \mathbb{N}^*$ bits, $P_1, P_2, \cdots, P_d$ are points on an elliptic curve $E$. This operation ($d$-mul) is widely used in cryptography, especially in elliptic curve cryptographic algorithms. Several methods in the literature allow to compute the $d$-mul efficiently (e.g., the bucket method~\cite{bernstein2012faster}, the Karabina et al. method~\cite{hutchinson2019constructing, hisil2018d, hutchinson2020new}). This paper aims to present and compare the most recent and efficient methods in the literature for computing the $d$-mul operation in terms of with, complexity, memory consumption, and proprieties. We will also present our work on the progress of the optimisation of $d$-mul in two methods. The first method is useful if $2^d-1$ points of $E$ can be stored. It is based on a simple precomputation function. The second method works efficiently when $d$ is large and $2^d-1$ points of $E$ can not be stored. It performs the calculation on the fly without any precomputation. We show that the main operation of our first method is $100(1-\frac{1}{d})\%$ more efficient than that of previous works, while our second exhibits a $50\%$ improvement in efficiency. These improvements will be substantiated by assessing the number of operations and practical implementation.
Last updated:  2024-04-18
Computing $2$-isogenies between Kummer lines
Damien Robert and Nicolas Sarkis
We use theta groups to study $2$-isogenies between Kummer lines, with a particular focus on the Montgomery model. This allows us to recover known formulas, along with more efficient forms for translated isogenies, which require only $2S+2m_0$ for evaluation. We leverage these translated isogenies to build a hybrid ladder for scalar multiplication on Montgomery curves with rational $2$-torsion, which cost $3M+6S+2m_0$ per bit, compared to $5M+4S+1m_0$ for the standard Montgomery ladder.
Last updated:  2024-01-09
Blink: Breaking Lattice-Based Schemes Implemented in Parallel with Chosen-Ciphertext Attack
Jian Wang, Weiqiong Cao, Hua Chen, and Haoyuan Li
As the message recovery-based attack poses a serious threat to lattice-based schemes, we conducted a study on the side-channel secu- rity of parallel implementations of lattice-based key encapsulation mech- anisms. Initially, we developed a power model to describe the power leakage during message encoding. Utilizing this power model, we pro- pose a multi-ciphertext message recovery attack, which can retrieve the required messages for a chosen ciphertext attack through a suitable mes- sage recovery oracle. Building upon the successful message recovery, we further develop a key recovery method based on a ciphertext-choosing strategy that maximizes key recovery accuracy, as well as a lattice reduc- tion attack capable of solving the whole private key from the target LWE instance. To assess the effectiveness of the attack, we conducted experi- ments using Kyber768 implemented on a Xilinx FPGA board. The exper- imental results demonstrate that our attack could successfully recover the private key with 9600 power traces and a computational complexity of 100 bikz, which is a significant advantage over existing attacks. Notably, our attack remains effective despite countermeasures such as masking and shuffling being implemented. This study reveals that parallel im- plementations remain vulnerable to side-channel attacks, and highlights the necessity of additional analysis and countermeasures for lattice-based schemes implemented in parallel.
Last updated:  2024-05-01
A New Approach to Efficient and Secure Fixed-point Computation
Tore Kasper Frederiksen, Jonas Lindstrøm, Mikkel Wienberg Madsen, and Anne Dorte Spangsberg
Secure Multi-Party Computation (MPC) constructions typically allow computation over a finite field or ring. While useful for many applications, certain real-world applications require the usage of decimal numbers. While it is possible to emulate floating-point operations in MPC, fixed-point computation has gained more traction in the practical space due to its simplicity and efficient realizations. Even so, current protocols for fixed-point MPC still require computing a secure truncation after each multiplication gate. In this paper, we show a new paradigm for realizing fixed-point MPC. Starting from an existing MPC protocol over arbitrary, large, finite fields or rings, we show how to realize MPC over a residue number system (RNS). This allows us to leverage certain mathematical structures to construct a secure algorithm for efficient approximate truncation by a static and public value. We then show how this can be used to realize highly efficient secure fixed-point computation. In contrast to previous approaches, our protocol does not require any multiplications of secret values in the underlying MPC scheme to realize truncation but instead relies on preprocessed pairs of correlated random values, which we show can be constructed very efficiently, when accepting a small amount of leakage and robustness in the strong, covert model. We proceed to implement our protocol, with SPDZ as the underlying MPC protocol, and achieve significantly faster fixed-point multiplication.
Last updated:  2024-01-09
How (not) to hash into class groups of imaginary quadratic fields?
István András Seres, Péter Burcsi, and Péter Kutas
Class groups of imaginary quadratic fields (class groups for short) have seen a resurgence in cryptography as transparent groups of unknown order. They are a prime candidate for being a trustless alternative to RSA groups because class groups do not need a (distributed) trusted setup to sample a cryptographically secure group of unknown order. Class groups have recently found many applications in verifiable secret sharing, secure multiparty computation, transparent polynomial commitments, and perhaps most importantly, in time-based cryptography, i.e., verifiable delay functions, (homomorphic) time-lock puzzles, timed commitments, etc. However, there are various roadblocks to making class groups widespread in practical cryptographic deployments. We initiate the rigorous study of hashing into class groups. Specifically, we want to sample a uniformly distributed group element in a class group such that nobody knows its discrete logarithm with respect to any public parameter. We point out several flawed algorithms in numerous publicly available class group libraries. We further illustrate the insecurity of these hash functions by showing concrete attacks against cryptographic protocols, i.e., verifiable delay functions, if they were deployed with one of those broken hash-to-class group functions. We propose two families of cryptographically secure hash functions into class groups. We implement these constructions and evaluate their performance. We release our implementation as an open-source library.
Last updated:  2024-02-04
Security analysis and improvements on a semi-quantum electronic voting protocol
Qiu Shujing, Xin Xiangjun, Zheng Qian, Li Chaoyang, and Li Fagen
Recently, Qiu et al. proposed a semi-quantum voting scheme based on the ring signature (International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 60: 1550–1555(2021)), in which the signer and verifier only need measure the received particles with Z-basis and perform some classical simple encryption/decryption operations on the classical message. Although their scheme is very efficient, it cannot resist against the eavesdropping attacks and forgery attack. In this paper, first, the eavesdropping attacks on Qiu et al.’s scheme are proposed. Second, we show the forgery attack on their scheme. To overcome the security drawbacks of Qiu et al.’s protocol, the eavesdropping check technology should be considered.
Last updated:  2024-04-30
Verifiable FHE via Lattice-based SNARKs
Shahla Atapoor, Karim Baghery, Hilder V. L. Pereira, and Jannik Spiessens
Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) is a prevalent cryptographic primitive that allows for computation on encrypted data. In various cryptographic protocols, this enables outsourcing computation to a third party while retaining the privacy of the inputs to the computation. However, these schemes make an honest-but-curious assumption about the adversary. Previous work has tried to remove this assumption by combining FHE with Verifiable Computation (VC). Recent work has increased the flexibility of this approach by introducing integrity checks for homomorphic computations over rings. However, efficient FHE for circuits of large multiplicative depth also requires non-ring computations called maintenance operations, i.e. modswitching and keyswitching, which cannot be efficiently verified by existing constructions. We propose the first efficiently verifiable FHE scheme that allows for arbitrary depth homomorphic circuits by utilizing the double-CRT representation in which FHE schemes are typically computed, and using lattice-based SNARKs to prove components of this computation separately, including the maintenance operations. Therefore, our construction can theoretically handle bootstrapping operations. We also present the first implementation of a verifiable computation on encrypted data for a computation that contains multiple ciphertext-ciphertext multiplications. Concretely, we verify the homomorphic computation of an approximate neural network containing three layers and more than 100 ciphertexts in less than 1 second while maintaining reasonable prover costs.
Last updated:  2024-03-21
Feldman's Verifiable Secret Sharing for a Dishonest Majority
Yi-Hsiu Chen and Yehuda Lindell
Verifiable secret sharing (VSS) protocols enable parties to share secrets while guaranteeing security (in particular, that all parties hold valid and consistent shares) even if the dealer or some of the participants are malicious. Most work on VSS focuses on the honest majority case, primarily since it enables one to guarantee output delivery (e.g., a corrupted recipient cannot prevent an honest dealer from sharing their value). Feldman's VSS is a well known and popular protocol for this task and relies on the discrete log hardness assumption. In this paper, we present a variant of Feldman's VSS for the dishonest majority setting and formally prove its security. Beyond the basic VSS protocol, we present a publicly-verifiable version, as well as show how to securely add participants to the sharing and how to refresh an existing sharing (all secure in the presence of a dishonest majority). We prove that our protocols are UC secure, for appropriately defined ideal functionalities.
Last updated:  2024-01-08
Quantum Oblivious LWE Sampling and Insecurity of Standard Model Lattice-Based SNARKs
Thomas Debris-Alazard, Pouria Fallahpour, and Damien Stehlé
The Learning With Errors ($\mathsf{LWE}$) problem asks to find $\mathbf{s}$ from an input of the form $(\mathbf{A}, \mathbf{b} = \mathbf{A}\mathbf{s}+\mathbf{e}) \in (\mathbb{Z}/q\mathbb{Z})^{m \times n} \times (\mathbb{Z}/q\mathbb{Z})^{m}$, for a vector $\mathbf{e}$ that has small-magnitude entries. In this work, we do not focus on solving $\mathsf{LWE}$ but on the task of sampling instances. As these are extremely sparse in their range, it may seem plausible that the only way to proceed is to first create $\mathbf{s}$ and $\mathbf{e}$ and then set $\mathbf{b} = \mathbf{A}\mathbf{s}+\mathbf{e}$. In particular, such an instance sampler knows the solution. This raises the question whether it is possible to obliviously sample $(\mathbf{A}, \mathbf{A}\mathbf{s}+\mathbf{e})$, namely, without knowing the underlying $\mathbf{s}$. A variant of the assumption that oblivious $\mathsf{LWE}$ sampling is hard has been used in a series of works constructing Succinct Non-interactive Arguments of Knowledge (SNARKs) in the standard model. As the assumption is related to $\mathsf{LWE}$, these SNARKs have been conjectured to be secure in the presence of quantum adversaries. Our main result is a quantum polynomial-time algorithm that samples well-distributed $\mathsf{LWE}$ instances while provably not knowing the solution, under the assumption that $\mathsf{LWE}$ is hard. Moreover, the approach works for a vast range of $\mathsf{LWE}$ parametrizations, including those used in the above-mentioned SNARKs.
Last updated:  2024-01-08
YouChoose: A Lightweight Anonymous Proof of Account Ownership
Aarav Varshney, Prashant Agrawal, and Mahabir Prasad Jhanwar
We explore the issue of anonymously proving account ownership (anonymous PAO). Such proofs allow a prover to prove to a verifier that it owns a valid account at a server without being tracked by the server or the verifier, without requiring any changes at the server's end and without even revealing to it that any anonymous PAO is taking place. This concept is useful in sensitive applications like whistleblowing. The first introduction of anonymous PAOs was by Wang et al., who also introduced the secure channel injection (SCI) protocol to realize anonymous PAO in the context of email account ownership. In this paper, we propose YouChoose, an approach that improves upon Wang et al.'s SCI-based anonymous PAO. Unlike SCI, which demands carefully designed multi-party computation (MPC) protocols for efficiency, YouChoose works without MPC, simply relying on the verifier to selectively forward TLS records. It is faster, more efficient, and more adaptable compared to SCI. Further, the simplicity of the YouChoose approach readily enables anonymous PAO in different settings such as various ciphersuites of TLS, account types other than email, etc., while the SCI approach needs specifically designed MPC protocols for each use case. We also provide formal security definitions for a generalized anonymous PAO of which both YouChoose and SCI are concrete instantiations.
Last updated:  2024-01-08
Lattice-Based Functional Commitments: Fast Verification and Cryptanalysis
Hoeteck Wee and David J. Wu
A functional commitment allows a user to commit to an input $\mathbf{x} \in \{0,1\}^\ell$ and later open up the commitment to a value $y = f(\mathbf{x})$ with respect to some function $f$. In this work, we focus on schemes that support fast verification. Specifically, after a preprocessing step that depends only on $f$, the verification time as well as the size of the commitment and opening should be sublinear in the input length $\ell$, We also consider the dual setting where the user commits to the function $f$ and later, opens up the commitment at an input $\mathbf{x}$. In this work, we develop two (non-interactive) functional commitments that support fast verification. The first construction supports openings to constant-degree polynomials and has a shorter CRS for a broad range of settings compared to previous constructions. Our second construction is a dual functional commitment for arbitrary bounded-depth Boolean circuits. Both schemes are lattice-based and avoid non-black-box use of cryptographic primitives or lattice sampling algorithms. Security of both constructions rely on the $\ell$-succinct short integer solutions (SIS) assumption, a falsifiable $q$-type generalization of the SIS assumption (Preprint 2023). In addition, we study the challenges of extending lattice-based functional commitments to extractable functional commitments, a notion that is equivalent to succinct non-interactive arguments (when considering openings to quadratic relations). We describe a general methodology that heuristically breaks the extractability of our construction and provides evidence for the implausibility of the knowledge $k$-$R$-$\mathsf{ISIS}$ assumption of Albrecht et al. (CRYPTO 2022) that was used in several constructions of lattice-based succinct arguments. If we additionally assume hardness of the standard inhomogeneous SIS assumption, we obtain a direct attack on a variant of the extractable linear functional commitment of Albrecht et al.
Last updated:  2024-04-21
Updatable, Aggregatable, Succinct Mercurial Vector Commitment from Lattice
Hongxiao Wang, Siu-Ming Yiu, Yanmin Zhao, and Zoe L. Jiang
Vector commitments (VC) and their variants attract a lot of attention due to their wide range of usage in applications such as blockchain and accumulator. Mercurial vector commitment (MVC), as one of the important variants of VC, is the core technique for building more complicated cryptographic applications, such as the zero-knowledge set (ZKS) and zero-knowledge elementary database (ZK-EDB). However, to the best of our knowledge, the only post-quantum MVC construction is trivially implied by a generic framework proposed by Catalano and Fiore (PKC '13) with lattice-based components which causes $\textit{large}$ auxiliary information and $\textit{cannot satisfy}$ any additional advanced properties, that is, updatable and aggregatable. A major difficulty in constructing a $\textit{non-black-box}$ lattice-based MVC is that it is not trivial to construct a lattice-based VC that satisfies a critical property called ``mercurial hiding". In this paper, we identify some specific features of a new falsifiable family of basis-augmented SIS assumption ($\mathsf{BASIS}$) proposed by Wee and Wu (EUROCRYPT '23) that can be utilized to construct the mercurial vector commitment from lattice $\textit{satisfying}$ updatability and aggregatability with $\textit{smaller}$ auxiliary information. We $\textit{first}$ extend stateless update and differential update to the mercurial vector commitment and define a $\textit{new}$ property, named updatable mercurial hiding. Then, we show how to modify our constructions to obtain the updatable mercurial vector commitment that satisfies these properties. To aggregate the openings, our constructions perfectly inherit the ability to aggregate in the $\mathsf{BASIS}$ assumption, which can break the limitation of $\textit{weak}$ binding in the current aggregatable MVCs. In the end, we show that our constructions can be used to build the various kinds of lattice-based ZKS and ZK-EDB directly within the existing framework.
Last updated:  2024-01-08
Towards Compact Identity-based Encryption on Ideal Lattices
Huiwen Jia, Yupu Hu, Chunming Tang, and Lin Wang
Basic encryption and signature on lattices have comparable efficiency to their classical counterparts in terms of speed and key size. However, Identity-based Encryption (IBE) on lattices is much less efficient in terms of compactness, even when instantiated on ideal lattices and in the Random Oracle Model (ROM). This is because the underlying preimage sampling algorithm used to extract the users' secret keys requires huge public parameters. In this work, we specify a compact IBE instantiation for practical use by introducing various optimizations. Specifically, we first propose a modified gadget to make it more suitable for the instantiation of practical IBE. Then, by incorporating our gadget and the non-spherical Gaussian technique, we provide an efficient preimage sampling algorithm, based on which, we give a specification of a compact IBE on ideal lattice. Finally, two parameter sets and a proof-of-concept implementation are presented. Given the importance of the preimage sampling algorithm in lattice-based cryptography, we believe that our technique can also be applied to the practical instantiation of other advanced cryptographic schemes.
Last updated:  2024-01-07
Bitcoin Clique: Channel-free Off-chain Payments using Two-Shot Adaptor Signatures
Siavash Riahi and Orfeas Stefanos Thyfronitis Litos
Blockchains suffer from scalability limitations, both in terms of latency and throughput. Various approaches to alleviate this have been proposed, most prominent of which are payment and state channels, sidechains, commit-chains, rollups, and sharding. This work puts forth a novel commit-chain protocol, Bitcoin Clique. It is the first trustless commit-chain that is compatible with all major blockchains, including (an upcoming version of) Bitcoin. Clique enables a pool of users to pay each other off-chain, i.e., without interacting with the blockchain, thus sidestepping its bottlenecks. A user can directly send its coins to any other user in the Clique: In contrast to payment channels, its funds are not tied to a specific counterparty, avoiding the need for multi-hop payments. An untrusted operator facilitates payments by verifiably recording them. Furthermore, we define and construct a novel primitive, Two-Shot Adaptor Signatures, which is needed for Bitcoin Clique while being of independent interest. This primitive extends the functionality of normal Adaptor Signatures by allowing the extraction of the witness only after two signatures are published on the blockchain.
Last updated:  2024-02-28
FlexHi: A Flexible Hierarchical Threshold Signature Scheme
Muhammed Ali Bingol, Sermin Kocaman, Ali Dogan, and Sibel Kurt Toplu
Threshold signature schemes have gained prominence in enhancing the security and flexibility of digital signatures, allowing a group of participants to collaboratively create signatures while maintaining a predefined threshold of participants for validity. However, conventional threshold signatures treat all participants equally, lacking the capability to accommodate hierarchical structures often seen in real-world applications. Hierarchical Threshold Signature Schemes (HTSS) naturally extend the concept of simple threshold signatures, offering a solution that aligns with hierarchical organizational structures. Our paper introduces a novel, efficient, and flexible HTSS that employs independent polynomials at each hierarchical level, removing limitations on threshold values. This adaptability enables us to tailor the scheme to diverse requirements, whether signing requires only top-level nodes or lower-level participants' involvement. Based on our analysis, our FlexHi integrated into the FROST scheme outperforms Tassa's hierarchical scheme on FROST and operates approximately 30% to 40% faster, depending on the number of participants and the chosen threshold values. This demonstrates that, in addition to flexibility, our scheme has practical benefits through improved performance.
Last updated:  2024-03-27
CCA Security with Short AEAD Tags
Mustafa Khairallah
The size of the authentication tag represents a significant overhead for applications that are limited by bandwidth or memory. Hence, some authenticated encryption designs have a smaller tag than the required privacy level, which was also suggested by the NIST lightweight cryptography standardization project. In the ToSC 2022, two papers have raised questions about the IND-CCA security of AEAD schemes in this situation. These papers show that (a) online AE cannot provide IND-CCA security beyond the tag length, and (b) it is possible to have IND-CCA security beyond the tag length in a restricted Encrypt-then-Encipher framework. In this paper, we address some of the remaining gaps in this area. Our main result is to show that, for a fixed stretch, Pseudo-Random Injection security implies IND-CCA security as long as the minimum ciphertext size is at least as large as the required IND-CCA security level. We also show that this bound is tight and that any AEAD scheme that allows empty plaintexts with a fixed stretch cannot achieve IND-CCA security beyond the tag length. Next, we look at the weaker notion of MRAE security, and show that two-pass schemes that achieve MRAE security do not achieve IND-CCA security beyond the tag size. This includes SIV and rugged PRPs.
Last updated:  2024-01-13
Fully Dynamic Attribute-Based Signatures for Circuits from Codes
San Ling, Khoa Nguyen, Duong Hieu Phan, Khai Hanh Tang, Huaxiong Wang, and Yanhong Xu
Show abstract
Attribute-Based Signature (ABS), introduced by Maji et al. (CT-RSA'11), is an advanced privacy-preserving signature primitive that has gained a lot of attention. Research on ABS can be categorized into three main themes: expanding the expressiveness of signing policies, enabling new functionalities, and providing more diversity in terms of computational assumptions. We contribute to the development of ABS in all three dimensions, by providing a fully dynamic ABS scheme for arbitrary circuits from codes. The scheme is the first ABS from code-based assumptions and also the first ABS system offering the \texttt{full dynamicity} functionality (i.e., attributes can be enrolled and revoked simultaneously). Moreover, the scheme features much shorter signature size than a lattice-based counterpart proposed by El Kaafarani and Katsumata (PKC'18). In the construction process, we put forward a new theoretical abstraction of Stern-like zero-knowledge (ZK) protocols, which are the major tools for privacy-preserving cryptography from codes. Our main insight here actually lies in the questions we ask about the fundamental principles of Stern-like protocols that have remained unchallenged since their conception by Stern at CRYPTO'93. We demonstrate that these long-established principles are not essential, and then provide a refined framework generalizing existing Stern-like techniques and enabling enhanced constructions.
Last updated:  2024-01-06
Designing homomorphic encryptions with rational functions
Gerald Gavin and Sandrine Tainturier
New ideas to build homomorphic encryption schemes based on rational functions have been recently proposed. The starting point is a private-key encryption scheme whose secret key is a rational function $\phi/\phi'$. By construction, such a scheme is not homomorphic. To get homomorphic properties, nonlinear homomorphic operators are derived from the secret key. In this paper, we adopt the same approach to build HE. We obtain a multivariate encryption scheme in the sense that the knowledge of the CPA attacker can be turned into an over-defined system of nonlinear equations (contrarily to LWE-based encryptions). The factoring assumption is introduced in order to make a large class of algebraic attacks (based on Groebner bases) irrelevant. We extensively analyze the security of our scheme against algebraic attacks. In particular, we exhibit the fundamental role played by symmetry in these attacks. We also formally show that some of these attacks are exponential-time. While we did not propose a formal security proof relying on a classical cryptographic assumption, we hopefully provide convincing evidence for security.
Last updated:  2024-01-05
EROR: Efficient Repliable Onion Routing with Strong Provable Privacy
Michael Klooß, Andy Rupp, Daniel Schadt, Thorsten Strufe, and Christiane Weis
To provide users with anonymous access to the Internet, onion routing and mix networks were developed. Assuming a stronger adversary than Tor, Sphinx is a popular packet format choice for such networks due to its efficiency and strong protection. However, it was recently shown that Sphinx is susceptible to a tagging attack on the payload in some settings. The only known packet formats which prevent this attack rely on advanced cryptographic primitives and are highly inefficient, both in terms of packet sizes and computation overhead. In this paper, we provide the first packet format that protects against the tagging attack with an acceptable overhead. At the cost of doubling the payload size, we are able to build a provably private solution from basic cryptographic primitives. Our implementation demonstrates that our solution is as computationally efficient as Sphinx, beating previous schemes by a large margin. For our security proof, we first strengthen the state-of-the-art proof strategy, before applying it to our solution to demonstrate that not only the tagging attack is prevented, but our scheme is provably private.
Last updated:  2024-01-10
Benchmark Performance of Homomorphic Polynomial Public Key Cryptography for Key Encapsulation and Digital Signature Schemes
Randy Kuang, Maria Perepechaenko, Dafu Lou, and Brinda Tank
This paper conducts a comprehensive benchmarking analysis of the performance of two innovative cryptographic schemes: Homomorphic Polynomial Public Key (HPPK)-Key Encapsulation Mechanism (KEM) and Digital Signature (DS), recently proposed by Kuang et al. These schemes represent a departure from traditional cryptographic paradigms, with HPPK leveraging the security of homomorphic symmetric encryption across two hidden rings without reliance on NP-hard problems. HPPK can be viewed as a specialized variant of Multivariate Public Key Cryptography (MPKC), intricately associated with two vector spaces: the polynomial vector space for the secret exchange and the multivariate vector space for randomized encapsulation. The unique integration of asymmetric, symmetric, and homomorphic cryptography within HPPK necessitates a careful examination of its performance metrics. This study focuses on the thorough benchmarking of HPPK KEM and DS across key cryptographic operations, encompassing key generation, encapsulation, decapsulation, signing, and verification. The results highlight the exceptional efficiency of HPPK, characterized by compact key sizes, cipher sizes, and signature sizes. The use of symmetric encryption in HPPK enhances its overall performance. Key findings underscore the outstanding performance of HPPK KEM and DS across various security levels, emphasizing their superiority in crucial cryptographic operations. This research positions HPPK as a promising and competitive solution for post-quantum cryptographic applications in a wide range of applications, including blockchain, digital currency, and Internet of Things (IoT) devices.
Last updated:  2024-01-12
Smaller Sphincs+
Scott Fluhrer and Quynh Dang
NIST has released the draft specification of SLH-DSA (also known as Sphincs+). When NIST released its original call for proposals for the Postquantum Process, they specified that signature systems would need to be usable at full security for $2^{64}$ signatures per private key. Hence, the parameter sets specified in SLH-DSA is tuned to have full security after that many signatures. However, it has been noted that in many cases, we don't have need for that many signatures, and that parameter sets tuned for fewer signatures would be shorter and more efficient to process. This paper examines such possible alternative parameter sets.
Last updated:  2024-01-04
PT-symmetric mapping of three states and its implementation on a cloud quantum processor
Yaroslav Balytskyi, Yevgen Kotukh, Gennady Khalimov, and Sang-Yoon Chang
We develop a new PT-symmetric approach for mapping three pure qubit states, implement it by the dilation method, and demonstrate it with a superconducting quantum processor provided by the IBM Quantum Experience. We derive exact formulas for the population of the post-selected PT-symmetric subspace and show consistency with the Hermitian case, conservation of average projections on reference vectors, and Quantum Fisher Information. When used for discrimination of N = 2 pure states, our algorithm gives an equivalent result to the conventional unambiguous quantum state discrimination. For N = 3 states, our approach provides novel properties unavailable in the conventional Hermitian case and can transform an arbitrary set of three quantum states into another arbitrary set of three states at the cost of introducing an inconclusive result. For the QKD three-state protocol, our algorithm has the same error rate as the conventional minimum error, maximum confidence, and maximum mutual information strategies. The proposed method surpasses its Hermitian counterparts in quantum sensing using non-MSE metrics, providing an advantage for precise estimations within specific data space regions and improved robustness to outliers. Applied to quantum database search, our approach yields a notable decrease in circuit depth in comparison to traditional Grover’s search algorithm while maintaining the same average number of oracle calls, thereby offering significant advantages for NISQ computers. Additionally, the versatility of our method can be valuable for the discrimination of highly non-symmetric quantum states, and quantum error correction. Our work unlocks new doors for applying PT -symmetry in quantum communication, computing, and cryptography.
Last updated:  2024-01-04
Reducing the computational complexity of fuzzy identity-based encryption from lattice
Sedigheh Khajouei-Nejad, Hamid Haj Seyyed Javadi, Sam Jabbehdari, and Seyed Mohammad Hossein Moattar
In order to provide access control on encrypted data, Attribute-based encryption (ABE) defines each user using a set of attributes. Fuzzy identity-based encryption (FIBE) is a variant of ABE that allows for a threshold access structure for users. To address the potential threat posed by future quantum computers, this paper presents a post-quantum fuzzy IBE scheme based on lattices. However, current lattice-based ABE schemes face challenges related to computational complexity and the length of ciphertext and keys. This paper aims to improve the performance of an existing fuzzy IBE scheme by reducing key length and computational complexity during the encryption phase. While negative attributes are not utilized in our scheme, we prove its security under the learning with error (LWE) hard problem assumption in the selective security model. These improvements have significant implications for the field of ABE.
Last updated:  2024-01-05
Unconditionally secure MPC for Boolean circuits with constant online communication
Zhenkai Hu, Kang Yang, and Yu Yu
Through tremendous efforts, the communication cost of secure multi-party computation (MPC) in the honest-majority setting has been significantly improved. In particular, the state-of-the-art honest-majority MPC protocol by Escudero et al. (CCS'22) takes 12 field elements in total per multiplication gate for arithmetic circuits in the online phase. However, it still requires $12 \log(5n/4)$ bits of online communication per AND gate for Boolean circuits. That is, for Boolean circuits, no MPC protocol with constant online communication is known. In this paper, we present an unconditionally secure MPC protocol for Boolean circuits in the honest-majority setting, which has constant online communication complexity and the offline communication complexity linear to the number $n$ of parties. We first describe the semi-honest MPC protocol and then show how to extend it to achieve malicious security, where the maliciously secure protocol has the same communication cost as the semi-honest protocol. In particular, our protocol achieves the amortized communication cost $36$ bits per AND gate in the online phase and $30n+24$ bits per AND gate in the offline phase.
Last updated:  2024-01-04
A Lattice-based Accountable Subgroup Multi-signature Scheme with Verifiable Group Setup
Ahmet Ramazan Ağırtaş and Oğuz YAYLA
An accountable subgroup multi-signature (ASM) is a multi-signature that allows any subgroup of potential signers to jointly sign a message such that the subgroup of co-signers are accountable for the resulting signature and their identities are identifiable to any verifier. In this paper, we pro- pose a novel lattice-based accountable subgroup multi-signature scheme, i.e., vMS2, by combining the group setup method of recently proposed vASM scheme and Damgard et al.’s lattice-based MS2 multi-signature scheme. Key generation, signature generation and verification phases of our proposed scheme are almost identical to the MS2 scheme. In the group setup phase, we generate membership keys which is used for signing a message on behalf of a group G of users. These membership keys are generated via a joint verifiable secret sharing (VSS) scheme in a way that they include a piece of information from the secret keys of all users in G so that any subgroup of users in G having a valid membership key can sign in an accountable fashion. We also present a comparison of the underlying MS2 scheme and our accountable subgroup multi-signature scheme vMS2 to show the cost of accountability. We see that lattice-based accountable subgroup multi-signature scheme can be achieved by adding a one-time one-round group setup whose cost is slightly higher than signature generation and verification of the underlying MS2 signature scheme.
Last updated:  2024-01-04
A note on ``intelligent drone-assisted robust lightweight multi-factor authentication for military zone surveillance in the 6G era''
Zhengjun Cao and Lihua Liu
We show that the authentication scheme [Comput. Networks, 225 (2023), 109664] is flawed. (1) Some parameters are not specified. (2) Some computations are inconsistent. (3) It falsely require the control gateway to share its private key with the medical expert. (4) The scheme fails to keep user anonymity, not as claimed.
Last updated:  2024-01-04
Two-Round ID-PAKE with strong PFS and single pairing operation
Behnam Zahednejad and Gao Chong-zhi
IDentity-based Password Authentication and Key Establishment (ID-PAKE) is an interesting trade-off between the security and efficiency, specially due to the removal of costly Public Key Infrastructure (PKI). However, we observe that previous PAKE schemes such as Beguinet et al. (ACNS 2023), Pan et al. (ASIACRYPT 2023) , Abdallah et al. (CRYPTO 2020) etc. fail to achieve important security properties such as weak/strong Perfect Forward Secrecy (s-PFS), user authentication and resistance to replay attack. In addition, to the best of our knowledge, no previous (P)AKE (either ID- based or PKI-based (P)AKEs) could achieve s-PFS with two-rounds of communication. In this paper, we propose a highly efficient ID-PAKE scheme with s-PFS and KGC-FS using only two rounds of communication, where each party only performs a single pairing operation. We compare our work with previous single pairing-based schemes i.e. Tomida et al. (ESORICS 2019) and Lian et al. (ESORICS 2020) and show that they suffer either s-PFS, KGC-FS attack and replay attack. In order to achieve a privacy-preserving PAKE scheme, we give a fix to Lian et al. (ESORICS 2020) in terms of KGC-FS and user authentication. We prove the security of our scheme under standard assumptions such as Discrete Logarithms (DL) and q-strong Diffie-Hellman(q-sDH) assumption in ID-eCK model. Finally, we conduct a proof-of-concept implementation of our scheme vs. previous single pairing-based schemes and show that our scheme imposes the least computation cost and stands in the middle of previous scheme regarding communication cost.
Last updated:  2024-02-21
MetaDORAM: Info-Theoretic Distributed ORAM with Less Communication
Brett Hemenway Falk, Daniel Noble, and Rafail Ostrovsky
This paper presents a Distributed Oblivious RAM (DORAM) protocol, MetaDORAM, that is information-theoretically secure and has lower communication cost than all previous info-theoretically secure DORAM protocols for small block sizes. Specifically, given a memory of $n$ locations, each of size $d$ bits, MetaDORAM requires only $O( (d+\log^2(n)) \log(n)/\log(\log(n)) )$ bits of communication per query. When $d = \Theta(\log^2(n))$, this is a $\Theta(\log(n)/\log \log(n))$ \emph{overhead}, compared to the cost of reading one memory location directly. By comparison, the only existing statistically secure DORAM with sub-logarithmic overhead has communication cost $O( \log_a(n) d + a \omega(1) \log^2(n) \log_a(n))$ (Abraham et al. PKC '17), where $\omega(1)$ is any super-constant function in $n$ and $a \geq 2$ is a free parameter. MetaDORAM obtains sub-logarithmic communication overhead for smaller block sizes than previously achieved (any $d = \omega(\log^2(n)/\log(\log(n)))$) while providing statistical security, i.e., no computational assumptions. We circumvent the Goldreich-Ostrovsky lower bound by allowing servers to perform poly(log(n)) work, but without computational assumptions. By a standard transformation, our protocol also implies a 3-server active ORAM, Meta3ORAM, with information-theoretic security and $O( (d+\log^2(n)) \log(n)/\log(\log(n)) )$ communication per query. For small $d$, this is lower than all previous statistically-secure multi-server ORAMs. MetaDORAM and Meta3ORAM also have low communication costs relative to DORAM and multi-server ORAM protocols which make use of computational assumptions. Even compared to several recent works that make use of $O(n)$ computation, our protocols have lower communication cost. Our protocols are secure in the semi-honest honest-majority setting. We also show that perfectly secure DORAM/multi-server ORAM with the same efficiency can be obtained using a computationally-expensive once-off setup phase.
Last updated:  2024-01-03
On the tropical two-sided discrete logarithm and a key exchange protocol based on the tropical algebra of pairs
Sulaiman Alhussaini, Craig Collett, and Serge˘ı Sergeev
Since the existing tropical cryptographic protocols are either susceptible to the Kotov-Ushakov attack and its generalization, or to attacks based on tropical matrix periodicity and predictive behaviour, several attempts have been made to propose protocols that resist such attacks. Despite these attempts, many of the proposed protocols remain vulnerable to attacks targeting the underlying hidden problems, one of which we call the tropical two-sided discrete logarithm with shift. An illustrative case is the tropical Stickel protocol, which, when formulated with a single monomial instead of a polynomial, becomes susceptible to attacks based on solutions of the above mentioned tropical version of discrete logarithm. In this paper we will formally introduce the tropical two-sided discrete logarithm with shift, discuss how it is solved, and subsequently demonstrate an attack on a key exchange protocol based on the tropical semiring of pairs. This particular protocol is compromised due to the existence of efficient (albeit heuristic) solution of the tropical two-sided logarithm problem, and this highlights the ongoing challenges in search of a "good" key exchange protocol in tropical cryptography.
Last updated:  2024-01-03
Distributed Protocols for Oblivious Transfer and Polynomial Evaluation
Aviad Ben Arie and Tamir Tassa
A secure multiparty computation (MPC) allows several parties to compute a function over their inputs while keeping their inputs private. In its basic setting, the protocol involves only parties that hold inputs. In distributed MPC, there are also external servers who perform a distributed protocol that executes the needed computation, without learning information on the inputs and outputs. Here we propose distributed protocols for several fundamental MPC functionalities. We begin with a Distributed Scalar Product (DSP) protocol for computing scalar products of private vectors. We build upon DSP in designing various protocols for Oblivious Transfer (OT): k-out-of-N OT, Priced OT, and Generalized OT. We also use DSP for Oblivious Polynomial Evaluation (OPE) and Oblivious Multivariate Polynomial Evaluation (OMPE). All those problems involve a sender and a receiver, both of whom hold private vectors; the goal is to let the receiver learn the scalar product of those two vectors. However, in each of these problems the receiver must submit a vector of a specified form. Hence, a crucial ingredient in our protocols is a sub-protocol for validating that the receiver’s vector complies with the relevant restrictions, without learning anything else on that vector. Therefore, while previous studies presented distributed protocols for 1-out-of-N OT and OPE, our protocols are the first ones that are secure against malicious receivers. Our distributed protocols for the other OT variants and for OMPE are the first ones that handle such problems. In addition, while previous art assumed semi-honest servers, we present protocols that are secure even when some of the servers are malicious. Our protocols offer information-theoretic security and they are very efficient.
Last updated:  2024-02-01
SoK: Methods for Sampling Random Permutations in Post-Quantum Cryptography
Alessandro Budroni, Isaac A. Canales-Martínez, and Lucas Pandolfo Perin
In post-quantum cryptography, permutations are frequently employed to construct cryptographic primitives. Careful design and implementation of sampling random unbiased permutations is essential for efficiency and protection against side-channel attacks. Nevertheless, there is a lack of systematic research on this topic. Our work seeks to fill this gap by studying the most prominent permutation sampling algorithms and assessing their advantages and limitations. We combine theoretical and experimental comparisons and provide a C library with the implementations of the algorithms discussed. Furthermore, we introduce a new sampling algorithm tailored for cryptographic applications.
Last updated:  2024-01-03
Password Protected Universal Thresholdizer
Sabyasachi Dutta, Partha Sarathi Roy, Reihaneh Safavi-Naini, and Willy Susilo
Universal thresholdizer (UT) was proposed by Boneh et al. in CRYPTO'18 as a general framework for thresholdizing non-threshold cryptographic primitives where a set of $N$ servers, each gets a share such that any set of $k$ servers, each produces a partial result, which can be combined to generate the final result. In many applications of threshold cryptography such as the protection of private keys in a digital wallet, the combining operation of partial results must be protected. In this paper, we extend the UT framework to include password authentication for such protection. We formalize the notion of password protected universal thresholdizer (PPUT) that requires the knowledge of a password to execute the protocol, propose a general construction of PPUT, and prove its security. Our construction uses threshold password authenticated key exchange (TPAKE) with simulation-based security as one of the main building blocks. We define simulation-based security of TPAKE in stand-alone model and give a construction using threshold fully-homomorphic encryption. As an application of PPUT, we propose a new primitive called password protected threshold signature. All the proposed constructions are secure in the standard model, and can be instantiated from lattices.
Last updated:  2024-01-27
Towards general-purpose program obfuscation via local mixing
Ran Canetti, Claudio Chamon, Eduardo Mucciolo, and Andrei Ruckenstein
We explore the possibility of obtaining general-purpose obfuscation for all circuits by way of making only simple, local, functionality preserving random perturbations in the circuit structure. Towards this goal, we use the additional structure provided by reversible circuits, but no additional algebraic structure. We start by formulating a new (and relatively weak) obfuscation task regarding the ability to obfuscate random circuits of bounded length. We call such obfuscators random input & output (RIO) obfuscators. We then show how to construct indistinguishability obfuscators for all (unbounded length) circuits given only an RIO obfuscator --- under a new assumption regarding the pseudorandomness of sufficiently long random reversible circuits with known functionality, which in turn builds on a conjecture made by Gowers (Comb. Prob. Comp. '96) regarding the pseudorandomness of bounded-size random reversible circuits. Furthermore, the constructed obfuscators satisfy a new measure of security - called random output indistinguishability (ROI) obfuscation - which is significantly stronger than IO and may be of independent interest. We then investigate the possibility of constructing RIO obfuscators using local, functionality preserving perturbations. Our approach is rooted in statistical mechanics and can be thought of as locally ``thermalizing'' a circuit while preserving its functionality. We provide candidate constructions along with a pathway for analyzing the security of such strategies. Given the power of program obfuscation, viability of the proposed approach would provide an alternative route to realizing almost all cryptographic tasks under hardness assumptions that are very different from standard ones. Furthermore, our specific candidate obfuscators are relatively efficient: the obfuscated version of an n-wire, m-gate (reversible) circuit with security parameter k has n wires and poly(n,k)m gates. We hope that our initial exploration will motivate further study of this alternative path to cryptography.
Last updated:  2024-01-02
The Multiple Millionaires’ Problem
Tamir Tassa and Avishay Yanai
We study a fundamental problem in Multi-Party Computation, which we call the Multiple Millionaires’ Problem (MMP). Given a set of private integer inputs, the problem is to identify the subset of inputs that equal the maximum (or minimum) of that set, without revealing any further information on the inputs beyond what is implied by the desired output. Such a problem is a natural extension of the Millionaires’ Problem, which is the very first Multi-Party Computation problem that was presented in Andrew Yao’s seminal work [31]. A closely related problem is MaxP, in which the value of the maximum is sought. We propose several approaches towards the solution of those fundamental problems as well as concrete solutions, and compare their performance. As applications of privacy-preserving computation are more and more commonly implemented in industrial systems, MMP and MaxP become important building blocks in privacy-preserving statistics, machine learning, auctions and other domains. One of the prominent advantages of our novel protocols is their simplicity. As they solve fundamental problems that are essential building blocks in various application scenarios, we believe that our systematic study of solutions to those problems, and the comparison between them, will serve well future researchers and practitioners of secure distributed computing.
Last updated:  2024-02-26
Practical Two-party Computational Differential Privacy with Active Security
Fredrik Meisingseth, Christian Rechberger, and Fabian Schmid
In this work we revisit the problem of using general-purpose MPC schemes to emulate the trusted dataholder in central differential privacy, to achieve same accuracy but without the need to trust one single dataholder. In particular, we consider the two-party model of having two computational parties (or dataholders) each with their own dataset wishing to compute a canonical differentially private mechanism on their combined data and to do so with active security. We start by remarking that available definitions of computational DP (CDP) for protocols are somewhat ill-suited for such a use-case, due to them using formalisms that either are much weaker than one can typically get for MPC protocols, or they are too strict in the sense that they need significant adjustment in order to be realisable by using common DP and MPC techniques. With this in mind we propose a new version of simulation-based CDP, called SIM$^*$-CDP, specifically geared towards being easy to use for MPC practitioners and more closely capture guarantees granted by using state-of-the-art MPC schemes to compute standard DP mechanism. We demonstrate the merit of the SIM$^*$-CDP definition by showing how to satsify it by use of an available distributed protocol for sampling truncated geometric noise. Further, we use the protocol to compute two-party inner products with computational DP and with similar levels of accuracy as in the central model, being the first to do so. Finally, we provide an open-sourced implementation and benchmark its practical performance.
Last updated:  2024-01-01
Simple Soundness Proofs
Alex Kampa
We present a general method to simplify soundness proofs under certain conditions. Given an adversary $\mathcal{A}$ able to break a scheme $S$ with non-negligible probability $t$, we define the concept of $\textit{trace}$ of a $\textit{winning configuration}$, which is already implicitly used in soundness proofs. If a scheme can be constructed that (1) takes a random configuration $e$, being the inputs and execution environment of $\mathcal{A}$, (2) "guesses" a trace, (3) modifies $e$ based on its guess so that the modified configuration $e'$ is statistically indistinguishable from the original one, (4) is then able to execute $\mathcal{A}$ correctly under the condition that $e'$ is a winning configuration and that $B$'s guess of the trace was correct, and finally (5) that during its execution $\mathcal{A}$ is unable extract any information about $B$'s guess, then the probability of $B$ winning can be expressed as a simple function of $t$ and the bit-length of the trace, namely $\frac{t}{2^m}$. Soundness then results if $2^m$ is polynomial in the security parameter. To illustrate the concept, a concrete application of this method to a simple binary voting scheme is then described in detail.
Last updated:  2024-04-09
Fast polynomial multiplication using matrix multiplication accelerators with applications to NTRU on Apple M1/M3 SoCs
Décio Luiz Gazzoni Filho, Guilherme Brandão, and Julio López
Efficient polynomial multiplication routines are critical to the performance of lattice-based post-quantum cryptography (PQC). As PQC standards only recently started to emerge, CPUs still lack specialized instructions to accelerate such routines. Meanwhile, deep learning has grown immeasurably in importance. Its workloads call for teraflops-level of processing power for linear algebra operations, mainly matrix multiplication. Computer architects have responded by introducing ISA extensions, coprocessors and special-purpose cores to accelerate such operations. In particular, Apple ships an undocumented matrix-multiplication coprocessor, AMX, in hundreds of millions of mobile phones, tablets and personal computers. Our work repurposes AMX to implement polynomial multiplication and applies it to the NTRU cryptosystem, setting new speed records on the Apple M1 and M3 systems-on-chip (SoCs): polynomial multiplication, key generation, encapsulation and decapsulation are sped up by $1.54$-$3.07\times$, $1.08$-$1.33\times$, $1.11$-$1.50\times$ and $1.20$-$1.98\times$, respectively, over the previous state-of-the-art.
Last updated:  2024-01-01
On short digital signatures with Eulerian transformations
Vasyl Ustimenko
Let n stands for the length of digital signatures with quadratic multivariate public rule in n variables. We construct postquantum secure procedure to sign O(n^t), t ≥1 digital documents with the signature of size n in time O(n^{3+t}). It allows to sign O(n^t), t <1 in time O(n^4). The procedure is defined in terms of Algebraic Cryptography. Its security rests on the semigroup based protocol of Noncommutative Cryptography referring to complexity of the decomposition of the collision element into composition into given generators. The protocol uses the semigroup of Eulerian transformations of variety (K*)^n where K* is a nontrivial multiplicative group of the finite commutative ring K. Its execution complexity is O(n^3). Additionally we use this protocol to define asymmetric cryptosystem with the space of plaintexts and ciphertexts (K*)^n which allows users to encrypt and decrypt O(n^t) documents of size n in time O(n^{3+[t]}) where [x] stands for the flow function from x. Finally we suggest protocol based cryptosystem working with plaintext space (K*)^n and the space of ciphertext K^n which allows decryption of O(n^t), t>1 documents of size n in time O(n^{t+3}), t>1. The multivariate encryption map has linear degree O(n) and density O(n^4). We discuss the idea of public key with Eulerian transformations which allows to sign O(n^t), t≥0 documents in time O(n^{t+2}). The idea of delivery and usage of several Eulerian and quadratic transformations is also discussed.
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