Paper 2024/011

MetaDORAM: Info-Theoretic Distributed ORAM with Less Communication

Brett Hemenway Falk, University of Pennsylvania
Daniel Noble, Silence Laboratories
Rafail Ostrovsky, University of California, Los Angeles

A Distributed Oblivious RAM is a multi-party protocol that securely implements a RAM functionality on secret-shared inputs and outputs. This paper presents two DORAMs in the semi-honest honest-majority 3-party setting which are information-theoretically secure and whose communication costs are asymptotic improvements over previous work. Let be the number of memory locations and let be the bit-length of each location. The first, MetaDORAM1, is \emph{statistically} secure, with leakage. It has bits of communication per memory access. Here, is a free parameter and is any super-constant function (in ). The best prior work was that of Abraham et al (PKC 2017), which has cost . MetaDORAM1 is an asymptotic improvement over the work of Abraham et al whenever . The second protocol, MetaDORAM2, achieves \emph{perfect} security, albeit at the cost of a computationally-expensive setup phase. It has communication cost . The best prior work of Chan et al (ASIACRYPT 2018) has communication cost . When , the communication cost of our protocol is , that is a factor improvement over that of Chan et al. Our work is the first perfectly secure DORAM with sub-logarithmic communication overhead. This comes at the cost of a once-off (for any given ) setup phase which requires exponential (in ) computation. By a trivial transformation, these can be transformed, respectively, into statistically and perfectly secure active multi-server ORAM protocols with the same communication costs. These multi-server ORAM protocols are likewise asymptotic improvements over the state of the art.

Note: The paper has been modified to emphasize the contribution of the first perfectly secure DORAM with sub-logarithmic communication overhead. It has also been modified to allow for a free parameter, , which allows balancing of the asymptotic terms, dependent on the block-size .

Available format(s)
Cryptographic protocols
Publication info
ORAMOblivious RAMDORAMDistributed Oblivious RAMInformation-Theoretic SecurityMPC
Contact author(s)
fbrett @ seas upenn edu
danielnoble @ proton me
rafail @ cs ucla edu
2024-10-14: last of 3 revisions
2024-01-03: received
See all versions
Short URL
Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Brett Hemenway Falk and Daniel Noble and Rafail Ostrovsky},
      title = {{MetaDORAM}: Info-Theoretic Distributed {ORAM} with Less Communication},
      howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2024/011},
      year = {2024},
      url = {}
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