Papers updated in last 183 days (1686 results)
Efficient Fuzzy Private Set Intersection from Fuzzy Mapping
Private set intersection (PSI) allows Sender holding a set \(X\) and Receiver holding a set \(Y\) to compute only the intersection \(X\cap Y\) for Receiver. We focus on a variant of PSI, called fuzzy PSI (FPSI), where Receiver only gets points in \(X\) that are at a distance not greater than a threshold from some points in \(Y\).
Most current FPSI approaches first pick out pairs of points that are potentially close and then determine whether the distance of each selected pair is indeed small enough to yield FPSI result. Their complexity bottlenecks stem from the excessive number of point pairs selected by the first picking process. Regarding this process, we consider a more general notion, called fuzzy mapping (Fmap), which can map each point of two parties to a set of identifiers, with closely located points having a same identifier, which forms the selected point pairs.
We initiate the formal study on Fmap and show novel Fmap instances for Hamming and \(L_\infty\) distances to reduce the number of selected pairs. We demonstrate the powerful capability of Fmap with some superior properties in constructing FPSI variants and provide a generic construction from Fmap to FPSI.
Our new Fmap instances lead to the fastest semi-honest secure FPSI protocols in high-dimensional space to date, for both Hamming and general \(L_{\mathsf p\in [1, \infty]}\) distances. For Hamming distance, our protocol is the first one that achieves strict linear complexity with input sizes. For \(L_{\mathsf p\in [1, \infty]}\) distance, our protocol is the first one that achieves linear complexity with input sizes, dimension, and threshold.
Alba: The Dawn of Scalable Bridges for Blockchains
Over the past decade, cryptocurrencies have garnered attention from academia and industry alike, fostering a diverse blockchain ecosystem and novel applications. The inception of bridges improved interoperability, enabling asset transfers across different blockchains to capitalize on their unique features. Despite their surge in popularity and the emergence of Decentralized Finance (DeFi), trustless bridge protocols remain inefficient, either relaying too much information (e.g., light-client-based bridges) or demanding expensive computation (e.g., zk-based bridges). These inefficiencies arise because existing bridges securely prove a transaction's on-chain inclusion on another blockchain. Yet this is unnecessary as off-chain solutions, like payment and state channels, permit safe transactions without on-chain publication. However, existing bridges do not support the verification of off-chain payments.
This paper fills this gap by introducing the concept of Pay2Chain bridges that leverage the advantages of off-chain solutions like payment channels to overcome current bridges' limitations. Our proposed Pay2Chain bridge, named Alba, facilitates the efficient, secure, and trustless execution of conditional payments or smart contracts on a target blockchain based on off-chain events. Alba, besides its technical advantages, enriches the source blockchain's ecosystem by facilitating DeFi applications, multi-asset payment channels, and optimistic stateful off-chain computation.
We formalize the security of Alba against Byzantine adversaries in the UC framework and complement it with a game theoretic analysis. We further introduce formal scalability metrics to demonstrate Alba’s efficiency. Our empirical evaluation confirms Alba efficiency in terms of communication complexity and on-chain costs, with its optimistic case incurring only twice the cost of a standard Ethereum transaction of token ownership transfer.
Dynamic-FROST: Schnorr Threshold Signatures with a Flexible Committee
Threshold signatures enable any subgroup of predefined cardinality $t$ out of a committee of $n$ participants to generate a valid, aggregated signature.
Although several $(t,n)$-threshold signature schemes exist, most of them assume that the threshold $t$ and the set of participants do not change over time.
Practical applications of threshold signatures might benefit from the possibility of updating the threshold or the committee of participants. Examples of such applications are consensus algorithms and blockchain wallets.
In this paper, we present Dynamic-FROST (D-FROST, for short) that combines FROST, a Schnorr threshold signature scheme, with CHURP, a dynamic proactive secret sharing scheme. The resulting protocol is the first Schnorr threshold signature scheme that accommodates changes in both the committee and the threshold value without relying on a trusted third party.
Besides detailing the protocol, we present a proof of its security: as the original signing scheme, D-FROST preserves the property of Existential Unforgeability under Chosen-Message Attack.
Efficient theta-based algorithms for computing $(\ell, \ell)$-isogenies on Kummer surfaces for arbitrary odd $\ell$
Isogeny-based cryptography is one of the candidates for post-quantum cryptography. Recently, many isogeny-based cryptosystems using isogenies between Kummer surfaces were proposed. Most of those cryptosystems use $(2,2)$-isogenies. However, to enhance the possibility of cryptosystems, higher degree isogenies, say $(\ell,\ell)$-isogenies for an odd $\ell$, is also crucial. For an odd $\ell$, the Lubicz-Robert gave a formula to compute $(\ell)^g$-isogenies in general dimension $g$. In this paper, we propose explicit and efficient algorithms to compute $(\ell,\ell)$-isogenies between Kummer surfaces, based on the Lubicz-Robert formula.In particular, we propose two algorithms for computing the codomain of the isogeny and two algorithms for evaluating the image of a point under the isogeny. Then, we count the number of arithmetic operations required for each of our proposed algorithms, and determine the most efficient algorithm in terms of the number of arithmetic operations from each of two types of algorithms for each $\ell$. As an application, using the most efficient one, we implemented the SIDH attack on B-SIDH in SageMath.In setting that originally claimed 128-bit security, our implementation was able to recover that secret key in about 11 hours.
Machine Learning-Based Detection of Glitch Attacks in Clock Signal Data
Voltage fault injection attacks are a particularly powerful threat to secure embedded devices because they exploit brief, hard-to-detect power fluctuations causing errors or bypassing security mechanisms. To counter these attacks, various detectors are employed, but as defenses strengthen, increasingly elusive glitches continue to emerge. Artificial intelligence, with its inherent ability to learn and adapt to complex patterns, presents a promising solution. This research presents an AI-driven voltage fault injection detector that analyzes clock signals directly. We provide a detailed fault characterization of the STM32F410 microcontroller, emphasizing the impact of faults on the clock signal. Our findings reveal how power supply glitches directly impact the clock, correlating closely with the amount of power injected. This led to developing a lightweight Multi-Layer Perceptron model that analyzes clock traces to distinguish between safe executions, glitches that keep the device running but may introduce faults, and glitches that cause the target to reset. While previous fault injection AI applications have primarily focused on parameter optimization and simulation assistance, in this work we use the adaptability of machine learning to create a fault detection model that is specifically adjusted to the hardware that implements it. The developed glitch detector has a high accuracy showing this a promising direction to combat FI attacks on a variety of platform.
Stronger Security for Non-Interactive Threshold Signatures: BLS and FROST
We give a unified syntax, and a hierarchy of definitions of security of increasing strength, for non-interactive threshold signature schemes. They cover both fully non-interactive schemes (these are ones that have a single-round signing protocol, the canonical example being threshold-BLS) and ones, like FROST, that have a prior round of message-independent pre-processing. The definitions in the upper echelon of our hierarchy ask for security that is well beyond any currently defined, let alone proven to be met by the just-mentioned schemes, yet natural, and important for modern applications like securing digital wallets. We prove that BLS and FROST are better than advertised, meeting some of these stronger definitions. Yet, they fall short of meeting our strongest definition, a gap we fill for FROST via a simple enhancement to the scheme. We also surface subtle differences in the security achieved by variants of FROST.
Non-interactive Blind Signatures: Post-quantum and Stronger Security
Blind signatures enable a receiver to obtain signatures on messages of its choice without revealing any message to the signer. Round-optimal blind signatures are designed as a two-round interactive protocol between a signer and receiver. Incidentally, the choice of message is not important in many applications, and is routinely set as a random (unstructured) message by a receiver.
With the goal of designing more efficient blind signatures for such applications, Hanzlik (Eurocrypt '23) introduced a new variant called non-interactive blind signatures (NIBS). These allow a signer to asynchronously generate partial signatures for any recipient such that only the intended recipient can extract a blinded signature for a random message. This bypasses the two-round barrier for traditional blind signatures, yet enables many known applications. Hanzlik provided new practical designs for NIBS from bilinear pairings.
In this work, we propose new enhanced security properties for NIBS as well as provide multiple constructions with varying levels of security and concrete efficiency. We propose a new generic paradigm for NIBS from circuit-private leveled homomorphic encryption achieving optimal-sized signatures (i.e., same as any non-blind signature) at the cost of large public keys. We also investigate concretely efficient NIBS with post-quantum security, satisfying weaker level of privacy as proposed by Hanzlik.
Application of Mordell-Weil lattices with large kissing numbers to acceleration of multi-scalar multiplication on elliptic curves
This article aims to speed up (the precomputation stage of) multi-scalar multiplication (MSM) on ordinary elliptic curves of $j$-invariant $0$ with respect to specific ``independent'' (a.k.a. ``basis'') points. For this purpose, so-called Mordell--Weil lattices (up to rank $8$) with large kissing numbers (up to $240$) are employed. In a nutshell, the new approach consists in obtaining more efficiently a considerable number (up to $240$) of certain elementary linear combinations of the ``independent'' points. By scaling the point (re)generation process, it is thus possible to get a significant performance gain. As usual, the resulting curve points can be then regularly used in the main stage of an MSM algorithm to avoid repeating computations. Seemingly, this is the first usage of lattices with large kissing numbers in cryptography, while such lattices have already found numerous applications in other mathematical domains. Without exaggeration, MSM is a widespread primitive (often the unique bottleneck) in modern protocols of real-world elliptic curve cryptography. Moreover, the new (re)generation technique is prone to further improvements by considering Mordell--Weil lattices with even greater kissing numbers.
Compute, but Verify: Efficient Multiparty Computation over Authenticated Inputs
Traditional notions of secure multiparty computation (MPC) allow mutually distrusting parties to jointly compute a function over their private inputs, but typically do not specify how these inputs are chosen. Motivated by real-world applications where corrupt inputs could adversely impact privacy and operational legitimacy, we consider a notion of authenticated MPC where the inputs are authenticated, e.g., signed using a digital signature by some certification authority. We propose a generic and efficient compiler that transforms any linear secret sharing based honest-majority MPC protocol into one with input authentication.
Our compiler incurs significantly lower computational costs and competitive communication overheads when compared to the best existing solutions, while entirely avoiding the (potentially expensive) protocol-specific techniques and pre-processing requirements that are inherent to these solutions. For $n$-party honest majority MPC protocols with abort security where each party has $\ell$ inputs, our compiler incurs $O(n\log \ell)$ communication overall and a computational overhead of $O(\ell)$ group exponentiations per party (the corresponding overheads for the most efficient existing solution are $O(n^2)$ and $O(\ell n)$). Finally, for a corruption threshold $t<n/3$, our compiler preserves the stronger identifiable abort security of the underlying MPC protocol. No existing solution for authenticated MPC achieves this regardless of the corruption threshold.
Along the way, we make several technical contributions that are of independent interest. This includes the notion of distributed proofs of knowledge and concrete realizations of the same for several relations of interest, such as proving knowledge of many popularly used digital signature schemes, and proving knowledge of opening of a Pedersen commitment.
Ideal-to-isogeny algorithm using 2-dimensional isogenies and its application to SQIsign
The Deuring correspondence is a correspondence between supersingular elliptic curves and quaternion orders. Under this correspondence, an isogeny between elliptic curves corresponds to a quaternion ideal. This correspondence plays an important role in isogeny-based cryptography and several algorithms to compute an isogeny corresponding to a quaternion ideal (ideal-to-isogeny algorithms) have been proposed. In particular, SQIsign is a signature scheme based on the Deuring correspondence and uses an ideal-to-isogeny algorithm. In this paper, we propose a novel ideal-to-isogeny algorithm using isogenies of dimension $2$. Our algorithm is based on Kani's reducibility theorem, which gives a connection between isogenies of dimension $1$ and $2$. By using the characteristic $p$ of the base field of the form $2^fg - 1$ for a small odd integer $g$, our algorithm works by only $2$-isogenies and $(2, 2)$-isogenies in the operations in $\mathbb{F}_{p^2}$. We apply our algorithm to SQIsign and compare the efficiency of the new algorithm with the existing one. Our analysis shows that the key generation and the signing in our algorithm are at least twice as fast as those in the existing algorithm at the NIST security level 1. This advantage becomes more significant at higher security levels. In addition, our algorithm also improves the efficiency of the verification in SQIsign.
HyperPianist: Pianist with Linear-Time Prover and Logarithmic Communication Cost
Recent years have seen great improvements in zero-knowledge proofs (ZKPs). Among them, zero-knowledge SNARKs are notable for their compact and efficiently-verifiable proofs, but suffer from high prover costs. Wu et al. (Usenix Security 2018) proposed to distribute the proving task across multiple machines, and achieved significant improvements in proving time. However, existing distributed ZKP systems still have quasi-linear prover cost, and may incur a communication cost that is linear in circuit size.
In this paper, we introduce HyperPianist. Inspired by the state-of-the-art distributed ZKP system Pianist (Liu et al., S&P 2024) and the multivariate proof system HyperPlonk (Chen et al., EUROCRYPT 2023), we design a distributed multivariate polynomial interactive oracle proof (PIOP) system with a linear-time prover cost and logarithmic communication cost. Unlike Pianist, HyperPianist incurs no extra overhead in prover time or communication when applied to general (non-data-parallel) circuits. To instantiate the PIOP system, we adapt two additively-homomorphic multivariate polynomial commitment schemes, multivariate KZG (Papamanthou et al., TCC 2013) and Dory (Lee et al., TCC 2021), into the distributed setting, and get HyperPianist^K and HyperPianist^D respectively. Both systems have linear prover complexity and logarithmic communication cost; furthermore, HyperPianist^D requires no trusted setup. We also propose HyperPianist+, incorporating an optimized lookup argument based on Lasso (Setty et al., EUROCRYPT 2024) with lower prover cost.
Experiments demonstrate HyperPianist^K and HyperPianist^D achieve a speedup of 66.8\times and 44.9\times over HyperPlonk with 32 distributed machines. Compared to Pianist, HyperPianistK can be 3.2\times and 5.0\times as fast and HyperPianistD can be 2.7\times and 4.1\times as fast, on vanilla gates and custom gates respectively.
Universally Composable and Reliable Password Hardening Services
The password-hardening service (PH) is a crypto service that armors canonical password authentication with an external key against offline password guessing in case the password file is somehow compromised/leaked. The game-based formal treatment of PH was brought by Everspaugh et al. at USENIX Security'15. Their work is followed by efficiency-enhancing PO-COM (CCS'16), security-patching Phoenix (USENIX Security'17), and functionality-refining PW-Hero (SRDS'22). However, the issue of single points of failure (SPF) inherently impairs the availability of these PH schemes. More specifically, the failure of a single PH server responsible for crypto computation services will suspend password authentication for all users.
We propose the notion of reliable PH, which improves the availability of PH by eliminating SPF. We present a modular PH construction, TF-PH, essentially a generic compiler that can transform any PH protocol into a reliable one without SPF via introducing threshold failover. Particularly, we propose a concrete reliable PH protocol, called TF-RePhoenix, a simple and efficient construction with RePhoenix (which improves over Phoenix at USENIX Security'17) as the PH module. Security is proven within the universally composable (UC) security framework and the random oracle model (ROM), where we, for the first time, formalize the ideal UC functionalities of PH and reliable PH. We comparatively evaluate the efficiency of our TF-PH with the canonical threshold method (taken as an example, the threshold solution introduced by Brost et al. at CCS'20 in a PH-derived domain -- password-hardened encryption). Results show that our threshold failover-based solution to SPF provides optimal performance and achieves failover in a millisecond.
Interactive Threshold Mercurial Signatures and Applications
Mercurial signatures are an extension of equivalence class signatures that allow malleability for the public keys, messages, and signatures within the respective classes. Unfortunately, the most efficient construction to date suffers from a weak public key class-hiding property, where the original signer with the signing key can link the public keys in the same class. This is a severe limitation in their applications, where the signer is often considered untrustworthy of privacy.
This paper presents two-party and multi-party interactive threshold mercurial signatures that overcome the above limitation by eliminating the single entity who knows the signing key. For the general case, we propose two constructions. The first follows the same interactive structure as the two-party case, avoiding complex distributed computations such as randomness generation, inversion, and multiplication, and even eliminates the need for private communication between parties. The second is based on a blueprint for general multi-party computation using verifiable secret sharing, but adopting optimizations.
We show applications in anonymous credential systems that individually fit the two-party and multi-party constructions. In particular, in the two-party case, our approach provides stronger privacy by completely removing the trust in the authorities. We also discuss more applications, from blind signatures to multi-signatures and threshold ring signatures.
Finally, to showcase the practicality of our approach, we implement our interactive constructions and compare them against related alternatives.
The Brave New World of Global Generic Groups and UC-Secure Zero-Overhead SNARKs
The universal composability (UC) model provides strong security guarantees for protocols used in arbitrary contexts. While these guarantees are highly desirable, in practice, schemes with a standalone proof of security, such as the Groth16 proof system, are preferred. This is because UC security typically comes with undesirable overhead, sometimes making UC-secure schemes significantly less efficient than their standalone counterparts. We establish the UC security of Groth16 without any significant overhead. In the spirit of global random oracles, we design a global (restricted) observable generic group functionality that models a natural notion of observability: computations that trace back to group elements derived from generators of other sessions are observable. This notion turns out to be surprisingly subtle to formalize. We provide a general framework for proving protocols secure in the presence of global generic groups, which we then apply to Groth16.
Lova: A Novel Framework for Verifying Mathematical Proofs with Incrementally Verifiable Computation
Efficiently verifying mathematical proofs and computations has been a heavily researched topic within Computer Science. Particularly, even repetitive steps within a proof become much more complex and inefficient to validate as proof sizes grow. To solve this problem, we suggest viewing it through the lens of Incrementally Verifiable Computation (IVC). However, many IVC methods, including the state-of-the-art Nova recursive SNARKs, require proofs to be linear and for each proof step to be identical. This paper proposes Lova, a novel framework to verify mathematical proofs end-to-end that solves these problems. Particularly, our approach achieves a few novelties alongside the first-of-its-kind implementation of Nova: (i) an innovative proof splicing mechanism to generate independent proof sequences, (ii) a system of linear algorithms to verify a variety of mathematical logic rules, and (iii) a novel multiplexing circuit allowing non-homogeneous proof sequences to be verified together in a single Nova proof. The resulting Lova pipeline has linear prover time, constant verifying capability, dynamic/easy modification, and optional zero-knowledge privacy to efficiently validate mathematical proofs. Code is available at
A non-comparison oblivious sort and its application to private k-NN
In this paper, we introduce an adaptation of the counting sort algorithm that leverages the data obliviousness of the algorithm to enable the sorting of encrypted data using Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE). Our approach represents the first known sorting algorithm for encrypted data that does not rely on comparisons. The implementation takes advantage of some basic operations on TFHE's Look-Up-Tables (LUT). We have integrated these operations into RevoLUT, a comprehensive open-source library built on tfhe-rs. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our Blind Counting Sort algorithm by developing a top-k selection algorithm and applying it to privacy-preserving k-Nearest Neighbors classification. This proves to be approximately 5 times faster than state-of-the-art methods.
One-More Unforgeability for Multi- and Threshold Signatures
This paper initiates the study of one-more unforgeability for multi-signatures and threshold signatures as a stronger security goal, ensuring that ℓ executions of a signing protocol cannot result in more than ℓ signatures. This notion is widely used in the context of blind signatures, but we argue that it is a convenient way to model strong unforgeability for other types of distributed signing protocols. We provide formal security definitions for one-more unforgeability (OMUF) and show that the HBMS multi-signature scheme does not satisfy this definition, whereas MuSig and MuSig2 do. We also show that mBCJ multi-signatures do not satisfy OMUF, as well as expose a subtle issue with their existential unforgeability (which does not contradict their original security proof). For threshold signatures, we show that FROST satisfies OMUF, but ROAST does not.
On Random Sampling of Supersingular Elliptic Curves
We consider the problem of sampling random supersingular elliptic curves over finite fields of cryptographic size (SRS problem). The currently best-known method combines the reduction of a suitable complex multiplication (CM) elliptic curve and a random walk over some supersingular isogeny graph. Unfortunately, this method is not suitable when the endomorphism ring of the generated curve needs to be hidden, like in some cryptographic applications. This motivates a stricter version of the SRS problem, requiring that the sampling algorithm gives no information about the endomorphism ring of the output curve (cSRS problem).
In this work we formally define the SRS and cSRS problems, which are both of theoretical interest. We discuss the relevance of the two problems for cryptographic applications, and we provide a self-contained survey of the known approaches to solve them. Those for the cSRS problem have exponential complexity in the characteristic of the base finite field (since they require computing and finding roots of polynomials of large degree), leaving the problem open. In the second part of the paper, we propose and analyse some alternative techniques – based either on the Hasse invariant or division polynomials – and we explain the reasons why they do not readily lead to efficient cSRS algorithms, but they may open promising research directions.
Do Not Disturb a Sleeping Falcon: Floating-Point Error Sensitivity of the Falcon Sampler and Its Consequences
Falcon is one of the three postquantum signature schemes already selected by NIST for standardization. It is the most compact among them, and offers excellent efficiency and security. However, it is based on a complex algorithm for lattice discrete Gaussian sampling which presents a number of implementation challenges. In particular, it relies on (possibly emulated) floating-point arithmetic, which is often regarded as a cause for concern, and has been leveraged in, e.g., side-channel analysis. The extent to which Falcon's use of floating point arithmetic can cause security issues has yet to be thoroughly explored in the literature.
In this paper, we contribute to filling this gap by identifying a way in which Falcon's lattice discrete Gaussian sampler, due to specific design choices, is singularly sensitive to floating-point errors. In the presence of small floating-point discrepancies (which can occur in various ways, including the use of the two almost but not quite equivalent signing procedures ``dynamic'' and ``tree'' exposed by the Falcon API), we find that, when called twice on the same input, the Falcon sampler has a small but significant chance (on the order of once in a few thousand calls) of outputting two different lattice points with a very structured difference, that immediately reveals the secret key. This is in contrast to other lattice Gaussian sampling algorithms like Peikert's sampler and Prest's hybrid sampler, that are stable with respect to small floating-point errors.
Correctly generated Falcon signatures include a salt that should in principle prevent the sampler to ever be called on the same input twice. In that sense, our observation has little impact on the security of Falcon signatures per se (beyond echoing warnings about the dangers of repeated randomness). On the other hand, it is critical for derandomized variants of Falcon, which have been proposed for use in numerous settings. One can mention in particular identity-based encryption, SNARK-friendly signatures, and sublinear signature aggregation. For all these settings, small floating point discrepancies have a chance of resulting in full private key exposure, even when using the slower, integer-based emulated floating-point arithmetic of Falcon's
reference implementation.
Multiparty Shuffle: Linear Online Phase is Almost for Free
Shuffle is a frequently used operation in secure multiparty computations, with various applications, including joint data analysis and anonymous communication systems. Most existing MPC shuffle protocols are constructed from MPC permutation protocols, which allows a party to securely apply its private permutation to an array of $m$ numbers shared among all $n$ parties. Following a ``permute-in-turn'' paradigm, these protocols result in $\Omega(n^2m)$ complexity in the semi-honest setting. Recent works have significantly improved efficiency and security by adopting a two-phase solution. Specifically, Eskandarian and Boneh demonstrate how to construct MPC shuffle protocols with linear complexity in both semi-honest and malicious adversary settings. However, a more recent study by Song et al. reveals that Eskandarian and Boneh's protocol fails to achieve malicious security. Consequently, designing an MPC shuffle protocol with linear complexity and malicious security remains an open question.
In this paper, we address this question by presenting the first general construction of MPC shuffle protocol that is maliciously secure and has linear online communication and computation complexity, utilizing black-box access to secure arithmetic MPC primitives and MPC permutation protocol. When instantiating our construction with the SPDZ framework and the best existing malicious secure MPC shuffle, our construction only slightly increases the offline overhead compared to the semi-honest secure version, and thus achieve a linear online phase almost for free. As our constructions requires only black-box access to basic secure MPC primitives and permutation protocols, they are compatible with and can be integrated to most modern MPC frameworks. We provide formal security proofs for both semi-honest and malicious settings, demonstrating that our maliciously secure construction can achieve universally composable security. Experimental results indicate that our construction significantly enhances online performance while maintaining a moderate increase in offline overhead. Given that shuffle is a frequently used primitive in secure multiparty computation, we anticipate that our construction will accelerate many real-world MPC applications.
PIGEON: A Framework for Private Inference of Neural Networks
Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning (PPML) is one of the most relevant use cases for Secure Multiparty Computation (MPC). While private training of large neural networks such as VGG-16 or ResNet-50 on state-of-the-art datasets such as ImageNet is still out of reach due to the performance overhead of MPC, GPU-based MPC frameworks are starting to achieve practical runtimes for private inference. However, we show that, in contrast to plaintext machine learning, the usage of GPU acceleration for both linear (e.g., convolutions) and nonlinear neural network layers (e.g., ReLU) is counterproductive in PPML. While GPUs effectively accelerate linear layers compared to CPU-based MPC implementations, the MPC circuits required to evaluate non-linear layers introduce memory overhead and frequent data movement between the GPU and the CPU to handle network communication. This results in slow ReLU performance and high GPU memory requirements in state-of-the-art GPU-based PPML frameworks, hindering them from scaling to multiple images per second inference throughput and batch sizes larger than eight images on ImageNet.
To overcome these limitations, we propose PIGEON, an open-source framework for Private Inference of Neural Networks. PIGEON utilizes a novel ABG programming model that switches between arithmetic vectorization and bitslicing on the CPU for non-linear layers, depending on the MPC-specific computation required, while offloading linear layers to the GPU.
Compared to the state-of-the-art PPML framework Piranha, PIGEON achieves two orders of magnitude improvements in ReLU throughput, reduces peak GPU memory utilization by one order of magnitude, and scales better with large batch sizes. This translates to one to two orders of magnitude improvements in throughput for large ImageNet batch sizes (e.g., 192) and more than 70% saturation of a 25 Gbit/s network.
An algorithm for efficient detection of $(N,N)$-splittings and its application to the isogeny problem in dimension 2
We develop an efficient algorithm to detect whether a superspecial genus 2 Jacobian is optimally $(N, N)$-split for each integer $N \leq 11$. Incorporating this algorithm into the best-known attack against the superspecial isogeny problem in dimension 2 gives rise to significant cryptanalytic improvements. Our implementation shows that when the underlying prime $p$ is 100 bits, the attack is sped up by a factor $25{\tt x}$; when the underlying prime is 200 bits, the attack is sped up by a factor $42{\tt x}$; and, when the underlying prime is 1000 bits, the attack is sped up by a factor $160{\tt x}$.
MUTLISS: a protocol for long-term secure distributed storage over multiple remote QKD networks
We introduce MULTISS, a new distributed storage protocol over multiple remote Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) networks that ensures long-term data confidentiality. Our protocol extends LINCOS, a secure storage protocol that uses Shamir secret sharing to distribute data in a single QKD network. Instead MULTISS uses a hierarchical secret scheme that makes certain shares mandatory for the reconstruction of the original secret. We prove that MULTISS ensures that the stored data remain secure even if an eavesdropper (1) gets full access to all storage servers of some of the QKD networks or (2) stores and breaks later all the classical communication between the QKD networks. We demonstrate that this is strictly more secure than LINCOS which is broken as soon as one QKD network is compromised.
Our protocol, like LINCOS, has a procedure to update the shares stored in each QKD network without reconstructing the original data. In addition, we provide a procedure to recover from a full compromission of one of the QKD network. In particular, we introduce a version of the protocol that can only be implemented over a restricted network topologies, but minimizes the communication required in the recovery procedure.
In practice, the MULTISS protocol is designed for the case of several QKD networks at the metropolitan scale connected to each other through channels secured by classical cryptography. Hence, MULTISS offers a secure distributed storage solution in a scenario that is compatible with the current deployment of quantum networks.
Maliciously Secure Circuit Private Set Intersection via SPDZ-Compatible Oblivious PRF
Circuit Private Set Intersection (Circuit-PSI) allows two parties to compute a function $f$ on items in the intersection of their input sets without revealing items in the intersection set. It is a well-known variant of PSI and has numerous practical applications. However, existing Circuit-PSI protocols only provide security against \textit{semi-honest} adversaries. A straightforward approach to constructing a maliciously secure Circuit-PSI is to extend a pure garbled-circuit-based PSI (NDSS'12 \cite{huang2012private}) to a maliciously secure circuit-PSI, but it will not be concretely efficient. Another is converting state-of-the-art semi-honest Circuit-PSI protocols (EUROCRYPT'21 \cite{rindal2021vole}; PoPETS'22 \cite{chandran2022circuit}) to be secure in the malicious setting. However, it will come across \textit{the consistency issue} (EUROCRYPT'11 \cite{shelat2011two}) since parties can not guarantee the inputs of the function $f$ stay unchanged as obtained from the last step.
This paper tackles the previously mentioned issue by presenting the first maliciously secure Circuit-PSI protocol. Our key innovation, the Distributed Dual-key Oblivious Pseudorandom Function (DDOPRF), enables the oblivious evaluation of secret-shared inputs using dual keys within the SPDZ MPC framework. Notably, this construction seamlessly ensures fairness within the Circuit-PSI. Compared to the state-of-the-art semi-honest Circuit-PSI protocol (PoPETS'22), experimental results demonstrate that our malicious Circuit-PSI protocol not only reduces around $5$x communication costs but also enhances efficiency, particularly for modest input sets ($\le 2^{14}$) in the case of the WAN setting with high latency and limited bandwidth.
Direct FSS Constructions for Branching Programs and More from PRGs with Encoded-Output Homomorphism
Function secret sharing (FSS) for a class $\cal{F}$ allows to split a secret function $f \in \cal{F}$ into (succinct) secret shares $f_0,f_1$, such that for all $x\in \{0,1\}^n$ it holds $f_0(x)-f_1(x)=f(x)$. FSS has numerous applications, including private database queries, nearest neighbour search, private heavy hitters and secure computation in the preprocessing model, where the supported class $\cal{F}$ translates to richness in the application. Unfortunately, concretely efficient FSS constructions are only known for very limited function classes.
In this work we introduce the notion of pseudorandom generators with encoded-output homomorphism (EOH-PRGs), and give direct FSS constructions for bit-fixing predicates, branching programs and more based on this primitive. Further, we give constructions of FSS for deterministic finite automatas (DFAs) from a KDM secure variant of EOH-PRGs.
- New abstractions. Following the work of Alamati et al.(EUROCRYPT '19), who classify minicrypt primitives with algebraic structure and their applications, we capture the essence of our FSS constructions in the notion of EOH-PRG, paving the road towards future efficiency improvements via new instantiations of this primitive. The abstraction of EOH-PRG and its instantiations may be of independent interest, as it is an approximate substitution of an ideal homomorphic PRG.
- Better efficiency. We show that EOH-PRGs can be instantiated from LWE and a small-exponent variant of the DCR assumption. A theoretical analysis of our instantiations suggest efficiency improvements over the state of the art both in terms of key size and evaluation time: We show that our FSS instantiations lead to smaller key sizes, improving over previous constructions by a factor of $3.5$ and more. While for bit-fixing predicates our FSS constructions show comparable or mildly improved run time (depending on the instantiation), we achieve considerable improvements for branching programs by avoiding the expensive generic transformation via universal circuits, shaving off a factor of $w$ and more in the number of abstract operations, where $w$ corresponds to an upper bound on the width of the underlying class of branching programs.
- New constructions. We show that our instantiations of EOH-PRGs additionally support a form of KDM-security, without requiring an additional circular-security assumption. Based on this, we give the first FSS construction for DFAs which supports the evaluation of inputs of a-priori unbounded length without relying on FHE.
- Applications. We outline applications of our FSS constructions including pattern matching with wild cards, image matching, nearest neighbor search and regular expression matching.
Composability in Watermarking Schemes
Software watermarking allows for embedding a mark into a piece of code, such that any attempt to remove the mark will render the code useless. Provably secure watermarking schemes currently seems limited to programs computing various cryptographic operations, such as evaluating pseudorandom functions (PRFs), signing messages, or decrypting ciphertexts (the latter often going by the name ``traitor tracing''). Moreover, each of these watermarking schemes has an ad-hoc construction of its own.
We observe, however, that many cryptographic objects are used as building blocks in larger protocols. We ask: just as we can compose building blocks to obtain larger protocols, can we compose watermarking schemes for the building blocks to obtain watermarking schemes for the larger protocols? We give an affirmative answer to this question, by precisely formulating a set of requirements that allow for composing watermarking schemes. We use our formulation to derive a number of applications.
Distributed Differentially Private Data Analytics via Secure Sketching
We explore the use of distributed differentially private computations across multiple servers, balancing the tradeoff between the error introduced by the differentially private mechanism and the computational efficiency of the resulting distributed algorithm.
We introduce the linear-transformation model, where clients have access to a trusted platform capable of applying a public matrix to their inputs. Such computations can be securely distributed across multiple servers using simple and efficient secure multiparty computation techniques.
The linear-transformation model serves as an intermediate model between the highly expressive central model and the minimal local model. In the central model, clients have access to a trusted platform capable of applying any function to their inputs. However, this expressiveness comes at a cost, as it is often expensive to distribute such computations, leading to the central model typically being implemented by a single trusted server. In contrast, the local model assumes no trusted platform, which forces clients to add significant noise to their data. The linear-transformation model avoids the single point of failure for privacy present in the central model, while also mitigating the high noise required in the local model.
We demonstrate that linear transformations are very useful for differential privacy, allowing for the computation of linear sketches of input data. These sketches largely preserve utility for tasks such as private low-rank approximation and private ridge regression, while introducing only minimal error, critically independent of the number of clients. Previously, such accuracy had only been achieved in the more expressive central model.
Multi-Client Attribute-Based and Predicate Encryption from Standard Assumptions
Multi-input Attribute-Based Encryption (ABE) is a generalization of key-policy ABE where attributes can be independently encrypted across several ciphertexts, and a joint decryption of these ciphertexts is possible if and only if the combination of attributes satisfies the policy of the decryption key. We extend this model by introducing a new primitive that we call Multi-Client ABE (MC-ABE), which provides the usual enhancements of multi-client functional encryption over multi-input functional encryption. Specifically, we separate the secret keys that are used by the different encryptors and consider the case that some of them may be corrupted by the adversary. Furthermore, we tie each ciphertext to a label and enable a joint decryption of ciphertexts only if all ciphertexts share the same label. We provide constructions of MC-ABE for various policy classes based on SXDH. Notably, we can deal with policies that are not a conjunction of local policies, which has been a limitation of previous constructions from standard assumptions.
Subsequently, we introduce the notion of Multi-Client Predicate Encryption (MC-PE) which, in contrast to MC-ABE, does not only guarantee message-hiding but also attribute-hiding. We present a new compiler that turns any constant-arity MC-ABE into an MC-PE for the same arity and policy class. Security is proven under the LWE assumption.
Scloud+: a Lightweight LWE-based KEM without Ring/Module Structure
We present Scloud+, an LWE-based key encapsulation mechanism (KEM). The key feature of Scloud+ is its use of the unstructured-LWE problem (i.e., without algebraic structures such as rings or modules) and its incorporation of ternary secrets and lattice coding to enhance performance. A notable advantage of the unstructured-LWE problem is its resistance to potential attacks exploiting algebraic structures, making it a conservative choice for constructing high-security schemes. However, a key disadvantage of such schemes is their limited computational and communication efficiency. Scloud+ utilizes ternary secrets and $\text{BW}_{32}$ lattice codes to enhance noise control and ensure robust error correction during decryption, enabling smaller parameters while maintaining low decryption failure probabilities. Equipped with these techniques, Scloud+ exhibits a significant improvement in efficiency. When compared with FrodoKEM for parameter sets targeting 128, 192, and 256 bits of security respectively, \lsc achieves practical performance with a public key size approximately $0.71 \sim 0.87$x and a ciphertext size approximately $0.56 \sim 0.78$x that of FrodoKEM. The encapsulation plus decapsulation time is approximately $0.74 \sim 0.77$x that of FrodoKEM.
SoK: The apprentice guide to automated fault injection simulation for security evaluation
Identifying and mitigating vulnerable locations to fault injections requires significant expertise and expensive equipment. Fault injections can damage hardware, cause software crashes, and pose safety and security hazards. Simulating fault injections offers a safer alternative, and fault simulators have steadily developed, though they vary significantly in functionality, target applications, fault injection methods, supported fault models, and guarantees. We present a taxonomy categorizing fault simulators based on their target applications and development cycle stages, from source code to final product. Our taxonomy provides insights and comparisons to highlight open problems.
A New PPML Paradigm for Quantized Models
Model quantization has become a common practice in machine learning (ML) to improve efficiency and reduce computational/communicational overhead. However, adopting quantization in privacy-preserving machine learning (PPML) remains challenging due to the complex internal structure of quantized operators, which leads to inefficient protocols under the existing PPML frameworks.
In this work, we propose a new PPML paradigm that is tailor-made for and can benefit from quantized models. Our main observation is that lookup tables can ignore the complex internal constructs of any functions which can be used to simplify the quantized operator evaluation. We view the model inference process as a sequence of quantized operators, and each operator is implemented by a lookup table. We then develop an efficient private lookup table evaluation protocol, and its online communication cost is only $\log n$, where $n$ is the size of the lookup table.
On a single CPU core, our protocol can evaluate $2^{26}$ tables with 8-bit input and 8-bit output per second.
The resulting PPML framework for quantized models offers extremely fast online performance.
The experimental results demonstrate that our quantization strategy achieves substantial speedups over SOTA PPML solutions, improving the online performance by $40\sim 60 \times$ w.r.t. convolutional neural network (CNN) models, such as AlexNet, VGG16, and ResNet18, and by $10\sim 25 \times$ w.r.t. large language models (LLMs), such as GPT-2, GPT-Neo, and Llama2.
Decentralized FHE Computer
The concept of a decentralized computer is a powerful and transformative idea that has proven its significance in enabling trustless, distributed computations. However, its application has been severely constrained by an inability to handle private data due to the inherent transparency of blockchain systems. This limitation restricts the scope of use cases, particularly in domains where confidentiality is critical.
In this work, we introduce a model for a Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) decentralized computer. Our approach leverages recent advancements in FHE technology to enable secure computations on encrypted data while preserving privacy. By integrating this model into the decentralized ecosystem, we address the long-standing challenge of privacy in public blockchain environments. The proposed FHE computer supports a wide range of use cases, is scalable, and offers a robust framework for incentivizing developer contributions.
Ceno: Non-uniform, Segment and Parallel Zero-knowledge Virtual Machine
In this paper, we explore a novel Zero-knowledge Virtual Machine (zkVM) framework leveraging succinct, non-interactive zero-knowledge proofs for verifiable computation over any code. Our approach divides the proof of program execution into two stages. In the first stage, the process breaks down program execution into segments, identifying and grouping identical sections. These segments are then proved through data-parallel circuits that allow for varying amounts of duplication. In the subsequent stage, the verifier examines these segment proofs, reconstructing the program's control and data flow based on the segments' duplication number and the original program. The second stage can be further attested by a uniform recursive proof.
We propose two specific designs of this concept, where segmentation and parallelization occur at two levels: opcode and basic block. Both designs try to minimize the control flow that affects the circuit size and support dynamic copy numbers, ensuring that computational costs directly correlate with the actual code executed (i.e., you only pay as much as you use). In our second design, in particular, by proposing an innovative data-flow reconstruction technique in the second stage, we can drastically cut down on the stack operations even compared to the original program execution. Note that the two designs are complementary rather than mutually exclusive. Integrating both approaches in the same zkVM could unlock more significant potential to accommodate various program patterns.
We present an asymmetric GKR scheme to implement our designs, pairing a non-uniform prover and a uniform verifier to generate proofs for dynamic-length data-parallel circuits. The use of a GKR prover also significantly reduces the size of the commitment. GKR allows us to commit only the circuit's input and output, whereas in Plonkish-based solutions, the prover needs to commit to all the witnesses.
$\textsf{LiLAC}$: Linear Prover, Logarithmic Verifier and Field-agnostic Multilinear Polynomial Commitment Scheme
In this paper, we propose $\textsf{LiLAC}$, a novel field-agnostic, transparent multilinear polynomial commitment scheme (MLPCS) designed to address key challenges in polynomial commitment systems. For a polynomial with $N$ coefficients, $\textsf{LiLAC}$ achieves $\mathcal{O}(N)$ prover time, $\mathcal{O}(\log N)$ verifier time, and $\mathcal{O}(\log N)$ proof size, overcoming the limitations of $\mathcal{O}(\log^2 N)$ verification time and proof size without any increase in other costs. This is achieved through an optimized polynomial commitment strategy and the recursive application of the tensor IOPP, making $\textsf{LiLAC}$ both theoretically optimal and practical for large-scale applications. Furthermore, $\textsf{LiLAC}$ offers post-quantum security, providing robust protection against future quantum computing threats.
We propose two constructions of $\textsf{LiLAC}$: a field-agnostic $\textsf{LiLAC}$ and a field-specific $\textsf{LiLAC}$. Each construction demonstrates superior performance compared to the state-of-the-art techniques in their respective categories of MLPCS.
First, the field-agnostic $\textsf{LiLAC}$ is compared against Brakedown (CRYPTO 2023), which is based on a tensor IOP and satisfies field-agnosticity. In experiments conducted over a 128-bit field with a coefficient size of $2^{30}$, the field-agnostic $\textsf{LiLAC}$ achieves a proof size that is $3.7\times$ smaller and a verification speed that is $2.2\times$ faster, while maintaining a similar proof generation time compared to Brakedown.
Furthermore, the field-specific $\textsf{LiLAC}$ is evaluated against WHIR (ePrint 2024/1586), which is based on an FRI. With a 128-bit field and a coefficient size of $2^{30}$, the field-specific $\textsf{LiLAC}$ achieves a proof generation speed that is $2.8\times$ faster, a proof size that is $27\%$ smaller, and a verification speed that is $14\%$ faster compared to WHIR.
HomeRun: High-efficiency Oblivious Message Retrieval, Unrestricted
In the realm of privacy-preserving blockchain applications such as Zcash, oblivious message retrieval (OMR) enables recipients to privately access messages directed to them on blockchain nodes (or bulletin board servers). OMR prevents servers from linking a message and its corresponding recipient's address, thereby safeguarding recipient privacy. Several OMR schemes have emerged recently to meet the demands of these privacy-centric blockchains; however, we observe that existing solutions exhibit shortcomings in various critical aspects and may only achieve certain objectives inefficiently, sometimes relying on trusted hardware, thereby impacting their practical utility. This work introduces a novel OMR protocol, HomeRun, that leverages two semi-honest, non-colluding servers to excel in both performance and security attributes as compared to the current state-of-the-art.
HomeRun stands out by providing unlinkability across multiple requests for the same recipient's address. Moreover, it does not impose a limit on the number of pertinent messages that can be received by a recipient, which thwarts ``message balance exhaustion'' attacks and enhances system usability. HomeRun also empowers servers to regularly delete the retrieved messages and the associated auxiliary data, which mitigates the constantly increasing computation costs and storage costs incurred by servers. Remarkably, none of the existing solutions offer all of these features collectively. Finally, thanks to its judicious use of highly efficient cryptographic building blocks, HomeRun is highly performant: Specifically, the total runtime of servers in HomeRun is $3830 \times$ less than that in the work by Liu et al. (CRYPTO '22) based on fully-homomorphic encryption, and at least $1459 \times$ less than that in the design by Madathil et al. (USENIX Security '22) based on two semi-honest and non-colluding servers, using a single thread in a WAN setting.
DGMT: A Fully Dynamic Group Signature From Symmetric-key Primitives
A group signatures allows a user to sign a message anonymously on behalf of a group and provides accountability by using an opening authority who can ``open'' a signature and reveal the signer's identity. Group signatures have been widely used in privacy-preserving applications including anonymous attestation and anonymous authentication. Fully dynamic group signatures allow new members to join the group and existing members to be revoked if needed. Symmetric-key based group signature schemes are post-quantum group signatures whose security rely on the security of symmetric-key primitives such as cryptographic hash functions and pseudorandom functions.
In this paper, we design a symmetric-key based fully dynamic group signature scheme, called DGMT, that redesigns DGM (Buser et al. ESORICS 2019) and removes its two important shortcomings that limit its application in practice: (i) interaction with the group manager for signature verification, and (ii) the need for storing and managing an unacceptably large amount of data by the group manager. We prove security of DGMT (unforgeability, anonymity, and traceability) and give a full implementation of the system. Compared to all known post-quantum group signature schemes with the same security level, DGMT has the shortest signature size. We also analyze DGM signature revocation approach and show that despite its conceptual novelty, it has significant hidden costs that makes it much more costly than using traditional revocation list approach.
Universally Composable Server-Supported Signatures for Smartphones
Smart-ID is an application for signing and authentication provided as a service to residents of Belgium, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Its security relies on multi-prime server-supported RSA, password-authenticated key shares and clone detection mechanism. Unfortunately, the security properties of the underlying protocol have been specified only in ``game-based'' manner. There is no corresponding ideal functionality that the actual protocol is shown to securely realize in the universal composability (UC) framework. In this paper, we remedy that shortcoming, presenting the functionality (optionally parameterized with a non-threshold signature scheme) and prove that the existing Smart-ID protocol securely realizes it. Additionally, we present a server-supported protocol for generating ECDSA signatures and show that it also securely realizes the proposed ideal functionality in the Global Random Oracle Model (UC+GROM).
Efficient Modular Multiplication Hardware for Number Theoretic Transform on FPGA
In this paper, we present a comprehensive analysis of various modular multiplication methods for Number Theoretic Transform (NTT) on FPGA. NTT is a critical and time-intensive component of Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) applications while modular multiplication consumes a significant portion of the design resources in an NTT implementation. We study the existing modular reduction approaches from the literature, and implement particular methods on FPGA. Specifically Word-Level Montgomery (WLM) for NTT friendly primes [19] and K2 RED [3]. For improvements, we explore the trade-offs between the number of available primes in special forms and hardware cost of the reduction methods. We develop a DSP multiplication-optimized version of WLM, which we call WLM-Mixed. We also introduce a subclass of Proth primes, referred to as Proth-𝑙 primes, characterized by a low and fixed signed Hamming Weight. This special class of primes allows us to design multiplication-free shift-add versions of K2 RED and naive Montgomery reduction [20], referred to as K2 RED-Shift and Montgomery-Shift. We provide in-depth evaluations of these five reduction methods in an NTT architecture on FPGA. Our results indicate that WLM-Mixed is highly resource-efficient, utilizing only 3 DSP multiplications for 64-bit coefficient moduli. On the other hand, K2 RED-Shift and Montgomery-Shift offer DSP-free alternatives, which can be beneficial in specific scenarios.
A Comprehensive Review of Post-Quantum Cryptography: Challenges and Advances
One of the most crucial measures to maintain data security is the use of cryptography schemes and digital signatures built upon cryptographic algorithms. The resistance of cryptographic algorithms against conventional attacks is guaranteed by the computational difficulties and the immense amount of computation required to them. In the last decade, with the advances in quantum computing technology and the realization of quantum computers, which have higher computational power compared to conventional computers and can execute special kinds of algorithms (i.e., quantum algorithms), the security of many existing cryptographic algorithms has been questioned. The reason is that by using quantum computers and executing specific quantum algorithms through them, the computational difficulties of conventional cryptographic algorithms can be reduced, which makes it possible to overcome and break them in a relatively short period of time. Therefore, researchers began efforts to find new quantum-resistant cryptographic algorithms that would be impossible to break, even using quantum computers, in a short time. Such algorithms are called post-quantum cryptographic algorithms. In this article, we provide a comprehensive review of the challenges and vulnerabilities of different kinds of conventional cryptographic algorithms against quantum computers. Afterward, we review the latest cryptographic algorithms and standards that have been proposed to confront the threats posed by quantum computers. We present the classification of post-quantum cryptographic algorithms and digital signatures based on their technical specifications, provide examples of each category, and outline the strengths and weaknesses of each category.
Faster Signatures from MPC-in-the-Head
We revisit the construction of signature schemes using the MPC-in-the-head paradigm. We obtain two main contributions:
– We observe that previous signatures in the MPC-in-the-head paradigm must rely on a salted version of the GGM puncturable pseudorandom function (PPRF) to avoid collision attacks. We design a new efficient PPRF construction that is provably secure in the multi-instance setting. The security analysis of our PPRF, in the ideal cipher model, is quite involved and forms a core technical contribution to our work. While previous constructions had to rely on a hash function, our construction uses only a fixed-key block cipher and is considerably more efficient as a result: we observe a 12× to 55× speed improvement for a recent signature scheme (Joux and Huth, Crypto’24). Our improved PPRF can be used to speed up many MPC-in-the-head signatures.
– We introduce a new signature scheme from the regular syndrome decoding assumption, based on a new protocol for the MPC-in-the-head paradigm, which significantly reduces communication compared to previous works. Our scheme is conceptually simple, though its security analysis requires a delicate and nontrivial combinatorial analysis.
LightCROSS: A Secure and Memory Optimized Post-Quantum Digital Signature CROSS
CROSS is a code-based post-quantum digital signature scheme based on a zero-knowledge (ZK) framework. It is a second-round candidate of the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s additional call for standardizing post-quantum digital signatures. The memory footprint of this scheme is prohibitively large, especially for small embedded devices. In this work, we propose various techniques to reduce the memory footprint of the key generation, signature generation, and verification by as much as 50%, 52%, and 74%, respectively, on an ARM Cortex-M4 device. Moreover, our memory-optimized implementations adapt the countermeasure against the recently proposed (ASIACRYPT-24) fault attacks against the ZK-based signature schemes.
Tweakable ForkCipher from Ideal Block Cipher
In ASIACRYPT 2019, Andreeva et al. introduced a new symmetric key primitive called the $\textit{forkcipher}$, designed for lightweight applications handling short messages. A forkcipher is a keyed function with a public tweak, featuring fixed-length input and fixed-length (expanding) output. They also proposed a specific forkcipher, ForkSkinny, based on the tweakable block cipher SKINNY, and its security was evaluated through cryptanalysis. Since then, several efficient AEAD and MAC schemes based on forkciphers have been proposed, catering not only to short messages but also to various purposes such as leakage resilience and cloud security. While forkciphers have proven to be efficient solutions for designing AEAD schemes, the area of forkcipher design remains unexplored, particularly the lack of provably secure forkcipher constructions.
In this work, we propose forkcipher design for various tweak lengths, based on a block cipher as the underlying primitive. We provide proofs of security for these constructions, assuming the underlying block cipher behaves as an ideal block cipher. First, we present a forkcipher, $\widetilde{\textsf{F}}1$, for an $n$-bit tweak and prove its optimal ($n$-bit) security. Next, we propose another construction, $\widetilde{\textsf{F}}2$, for a $2n$-bit tweak, also proving its optimal ($n$-bit) security. Finally, we introduce a construction, $\widetilde{\textsf{F}}r$, for a general $rn$-bit tweak, achieving $n$-bit security.
Reduce and Prange: Revisiting Prange's ISD for Solving LPN/RSD over Large Fields
The Learning Parity with Noise (LPN) problem and its specific form, LPN with regularity, are widely utilized in crafting cryptographic primitives. Recently, extending these problems to operate over larger fields has been considered to enhance applications. Despite the broad analysis available for traditional LPN approaches, the exploration of LPN over large fields remains underdeveloped. This gap in research has led to the development of improved attacks, suggesting that primitives based on LPN over large fields may not meet necessary security standards.
We have developed an algorithm that enhances the efficiency of solving the LPN over large fields. This method innovatively modifies the Gaussian elimination attack, traditionally known as Prange's information set decoding algorithm. Our key advancement involves the selective use of partial Gaussian elimination rather than employing the full Gaussian algorithm throughout, which we have termed the ``Reduce and Prange's (RP) algorithm." Additionally, we apply the RP algorithm to address the LPN problem over large fields with regular noise. Our RP highlights two key aspects: the vulnerability of existing schemes and the superiority of our approach compared to recent analyses.
Our findings reveal that cryptographic applications, including Syndrome Decoding in the Head frameworks (Crypto'22, Asiacrypt'23, Eurocrypt'24) and Scalable Multiparty Garbling (CCS'23), are not secure enough. To be precise, the schemes fail to achieve their intended bit-security.
Compared to the previous analysis by Liu et al. (Eurocrypt'24), we show that for LPN over large fields (e.g., 128-bit field size), the bit-security is reduced by 5-11 bits .
Furthermore, our RP algorithm for solving LPN with regular noise outperforms recent results by Liu et al., Briaud, and Øygard (Eurocrypt'23) under certain parameter choices, leading to a reduction in bit-security by 5-20 bits for LPN with regular noise.
Instance-Hiding Interactive Proofs
In an Instance-Hiding Interactive Proof (IHIP) [Beaver et al. CRYPTO 90], an efficient verifier with a _private_ input x interacts with an unbounded prover to determine whether x is contained in a language L. In addition to completeness and soundness, the instance-hiding property requires that the prover should not learn anything about x in the course of the interaction. Such proof systems capture natural privacy properties, and may be seen as a generalization of the influential concept of Randomized Encodings [Ishai et al. FOCS 00, Applebaum et al. FOCS 04, Agrawal et al. ICALP 15], and as a counterpart to Zero-Knowledge proofs [Goldwasser et al. STOC 89].
We investigate the properties and power of such instance-hiding proofs, and show the following:
1. Any language with an IHIP is contained in NP/poly and coNP/poly.
2. If an average-case hard language has a constant-round IHIP, then infinitely-often One-Way Functions exist.
3. There is an oracle with respect to which there is a language that has an IHIP but not an SZK proof.
4. IHIP's are closed under composition with any efficiently computable function.
We further study a stronger version of IHIP (that we call Simulatable IHIP) where the view of the honest prover can be efficiently simulated. For these, we obtain stronger versions of some of the above:
5. Any language with a Simulatable IHIP is contained in AM and coAM.
6. If a _worst-case_ hard language has a Simulatable IHIP, then One-Way Functions exist.
Improved Universal Thresholdizer from Iterative Shamir Secret Sharing
The universal thresholdizer, introduced at CRYPTO'18, is a cryptographic scheme that transforms any cryptosystem into a threshold variant, thereby enhancing its applicability in threshold cryptography. It enables black-box construction of one-round threshold signature schemes based on the Learning with Errors problem, and similarly, facilitates one-round threshold ciphertext-attack secure public key encryption when integrated with non-threshold schemes.
Current constructions of universal thresholdizer are fundamentally built upon linear secret sharing schemes.
One approach employs Shamir's secret sharing, which lacks compactness and results in ciphertext sizes of $O(N \log N)$, and another approach uses $\{0,1\}$-linear secret sharing scheme ($\{0,1\}$-LSSS), which is compact but induces high communication costs due to requiring $O(N^{5.3})$ secret shares.
In this work, we introduce a communication-efficient universal thresholdizer by revising the linear secret sharing scheme.
We propose a specialized linear secret sharing scheme, called TreeSSS, which reduces the number of required secret shares
$O(N^{3+o(1)})$ while maintaining
the compactness of the universal thresholdizer.
TreeSSS can also serve as a subroutine for constructing lattice based $t$-out-of-$N$ threshold cryptographic primitives such as threshold fully homomorphic encryptions and threshold signatures. In this context, TreeSSS offers the advantage of lower communication overhead due to the reduced number of secret shares involved.
A Formal Treatment of Key Transparency Systems with Scalability Improvements
Key Transparency (KT) systems have emerged as a critical technology for securely distributing and verifying the correctness of public keys used in end-to-end encrypted messaging services. Despite substantial academic interest, increased industry adoption, and IETF standardization efforts, KT systems lack a holistic and formalized security model, limiting their resilience to practical threats and constraining future development. In this paper, we introduce the first cryptographically sound formalization of KT as an ideal functionality, clarifying the assumptions, security properties, and potential vulnerabilities of deployed KT systems. We identify a significant security concern — a possible impersonation attack by a malicious service provider — and propose a backward-compatible solution. Additionally, we address a core scalability bottleneck by designing and implementing a novel, privacy-preserving verifiable Bloom filter (VBF) that significantly improves KT efficiency without compromising security. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach, marking a step forward in both the theoretical and practical deployment of scalable KT solutions.
EndGame: Field-Agnostic Succinct Blockchain with Arc
We present EndGame, a novel blockchain architecture that achieves succinctness through Reed-Solomon accumulation schemes. Our construction enables constant-time verification of blockchain state while maintaining strong security properties. We demonstrate how to efficiently encode blockchain state transitions using Reed-Solomon codes and accumulate proofs of state validity using the ARC framework. Our protocol achieves optimal light client verification costs and supports efficient state management without trusted setup.
Asynchronous Byzantine Consensus with Trusted Monotonic Counters
The paper promotes a new design paradigm for Byzantine tolerant distributed algorithms using trusted abstractions (oracles) specified in a functional manner. The contribution of the paper is conceptual. The objective here is to design distributed fundamental algorithms such as reliable broadcast and asynchronous byzantine consensus using trusted execution environments and to help designers to compare various solutions on a common ground.
In this framework we revisit the Bracha's seminal work on Asynchronous Byzantine Consensus. Our solution uses trusted monotonic counters abstraction and tolerates $t$ Byzantine processes in a system with $n$ processes, $n \geq 2t+1$. The keystone of our construction is a novel and elegant Byzantine Reliable Broadcast algorithm resilient to $t<n$ Byzantine processes that uses an unique trusted monotonic counter (at the initiator).
Generic, Fast and Short Proofs for Composite Statements
This work introduces a novel technique to enhance the efficiency of proving composite statements. We present the \textit{Hash-and-Prove} framework to construct zkSNARKs for proving satisfiability of arithmetic circuits with additional \textit{Algebraic Gate}. These algebraic gates serve as building blocks for forming more generalized relations in algebra. Unlike Pedersen-committed \textit{Commit-and-Prove} SNARKs, which suffer from increased proof size and verification overhead when proving composite statements, our solution significantly improves both proof size and verification time while maintaining competitive and practical prover efficiency.
In the application of proof of solvency where we need to prove knowledge of $x$ such that SHA$256(g^x)=y$, our approach achieves a 100$\times$ reduction in proof size and a 500$\times$ reduction in verification time, along with a 2$\times$ speedup in proving time compared to the work of Agrawal et al.(CRYPTO 2018). For proving ECDSA signatures verification, we achieve a proof time of 2.1 seconds, which is a 70$\times$ speedup compared to using Groth16, and a proof size of 4.81 kb, which is a 160$\times$ reduction compared to Field Agnostic SNARKs(Block et al., CRYPTO 2024).
RevoLUT : Rust Efficient Versatile Oblivious Look-Up-Tables
In this paper we present RevoLUT, a library implemented in Rust that reimagines the use of Look-Up-Tables (LUT) beyond their conventional role in function encoding, as commonly used in TFHE's programmable boostrapping. Instead, RevoLUT leverages LUTs as first class objects, enabling efficient oblivious operations such as array access, elements sorting and permutation directly within the table. This approach supports oblivious algortithm, providing a secure, privacy-preserving solution for handling sensitive data in various applications.
Quantum One-Time Programs, Revisited
One-time programs (Goldwasser, Kalai and Rothblum, CRYPTO 2008) are functions that can be run on any single input of a user's choice, but not on a second input. Classically, they are unachievable without trusted hardware, but the destructive nature of quantum measurements seems to provide a quantum path to constructing them. Unfortunately, Broadbent, Gutoski and Stebila showed that even with quantum techniques, a strong notion of one-time programs, similar to ideal obfuscation, cannot be achieved for any non-trivial quantum function. On the positive side, Ben-David and Sattath (Quantum, 2023) showed how to construct a one-time program for a certain (probabilistic) digital signature scheme, under a weaker notion of one-time program security. There is a vast gap between achievable and provably impossible notions of one-time program security, and it is unclear what functionalities are one-time programmable under the achievable notions of security.
In this work, we present new, meaningful, yet achievable definitions of one-time program security for *probabilistic* classical functions. We show how to construct one time programs satisfying these definitions for all functions in the classical oracle model and for constrained pseudorandom functions in the plain model. Finally, we examine the limits of these notions: we show a class of functions which cannot be one-time programmed in the plain model, as well as a class of functions which appears to be highly random given a single query, but whose one-time program form leaks the entire function even in the oracle model.
On Concrete Security Treatment of Signatures Based on Multiple Discrete Logarithms
In this paper, we present a generalization of Schnorr's digital signature that allows a user to simultaneously sign multiple messages. Compared to Schnorr's scheme that concatenates messages and then signs them, the new protocol takes advantage of multiple threads to process messages in parallel. We prove the security of our novel protocol and discuss different variants of it. Last but not least, we extend Ferradi et al.'s co-signature protocol by exploiting the inherent parallelism of our proposed signature scheme.
Sublinear-Round Broadcast without Trusted Setup
Byzantine broadcast is one of the fundamental problems in distributed computing. Many of its practical applications, from multiparty computation to consensus mechanisms for blockchains, require increasingly weaker trust assumptions, as well as scalability for an ever-growing number of users $n$. This rules out existing solutions which run in a linear number of rounds in $n$ or rely on trusted setup requirements. In this paper, we propose the first sublinear-round and trustless Byzantine broadcast protocol for the dishonest majority setting. Unlike previous sublinear-round protocols, our protocol assumes neither the existence of a trusted dealer who honestly issues keys and correlated random strings to the parties nor random oracles. Instead, we present a solution whose setup is limited to an unstructured uniform reference string and a plain public key infrastructure (a.k.a. bulletin-board PKI).
Our broadcast protocol builds on top of a \emph{moderated gradecast} protocol which parties can use to reach weak agreement on shared random strings. Using these strings, we can then run in an unbiased fashion a committee-based Byzantine protocol, similar to that of Chan et al. (PKC 2020), which terminates in a sublinear number of rounds. To this end, we propose a novel construction for committee election, which does not rely either on random oracles or on a trusted dealer, and uses NIZKs and time-lock puzzles. Our protocol is resilient against an adaptive adversary who corrupts any constant fraction of parties.
On Witness Encryption and Laconic Zero-Knowledge Arguments
Witness encryption (WE) (Garg et al, STOC’13) is a powerful cryptographic primitive that is closely related to the notion of indistinguishability obfuscation (Barak et, JACM’12, Garg et al, FOCS’13). For a given NP-language $L$, WE for $L$ enables encrypting a message $m$ using an instance $x$ as the public-key, while ensuring that efficient decryption is possible by anyone possessing a witness for $x \in L$, and if $x\notin L$, then the encryption is hiding. We show that this seemingly sophisticated primitive is equivalent to a communication-efficient version of one of the most classic cryptographic primitives—namely that of a zero-knowledge argument (Goldwasser et al, SIAM’89, Brassard et al, JCSS’88): for any NP-language $L$, the following are equivalent:
- There exists a witness encryption for L;
- There exists a laconic (i.e., the prover communication is bounded by $O(\log n)$) special-honest verifier zero-knowledge (SHVZK) argument for $L$.
Our approach is inspired by an elegant (one-sided) connection between (laconic) zero-knowledge arguments and public-key encryption established by Berman et al (CRYPTO’17) and Cramer-Shoup (EuroCrypt’02).
On White-Box Learning and Public-Key Encryption
We consider a generalization of the Learning With Error problem, referred to as the white-box learning problem: You are given the code of a sampler that with high probability produces samples of the form $y,f(y)+\epsilon$ where is small, and $f$ is computable in polynomial-size, and the computational task consist of outputting a polynomial-size circuit $C$ that with probability, say, $1/3$ over a new sample $y$? according to the same distributions, approximates $f(y)$ (i.e., $|C(y)-f(y)$ is small). This problem can be thought of as a generalizing of the Learning with Error Problem (LWE) from linear functions $f$ to polynomial-size computable functions.
We demonstrate that worst-case hardness of the white-box learning problem, conditioned on the instances satisfying a notion of computational shallowness (a concept from the study of Kolmogorov complexity) not only suffices to get public-key encryption, but is also necessary; as such, this yields the first problem whose worst-case hardness characterizes the existence of public-key encryption. Additionally, our results highlights to what extent LWE “overshoots” the task of public-key encryption.
We complement these results by noting that worst-case hardness of the same problem, but restricting the learner to only get black-box access to the sampler, characterizes one-way functions.
Algebraic Zero Knowledge Contingent Payment
In this work, we introduce Modular Algebraic Proof Contingent Payment (MAPCP), a novel zero-knowledge contingent payment (ZKCP) construction. Unlike previous approaches, MAPCP is the first that simultaneously avoids using zk-SNARKs as the tool for zero-knowledge proofs and HTLC contracts to atomically exchange a secret for a payment. As a result, MAPCP sidesteps the common reference string (crs) creation problem and is compatible with virtually any cryptocurrency, even those with limited or no smart contract support. Moreover, MAPCP contributes to fungibility, as its payment transactions blend seamlessly with standard cryptocurrency payments.
We analyze the security of MAPCP and demonstrate its atomicity, meaning that, (i) the buyer gets the digital product after the payment is published in the blockchain (buyer security); and (ii) the seller receives the payment if the buyer gets access to the digital product (seller security). Moreover, we present a construction of MAPCP in a use case where a customer pays a notary in exchange for a document signature.
Linear Proximity Gap for Linear Codes within the 1.5 Johnson Bound
We establish a linear proximity gap for linear codes within the one-and-a-half Johnson bound. Specifically, we investigate the proximity gap for linear codes, revealing that any affine subspace is either entirely $\delta$-close to a linear code or nearly all its members are $\delta$-far from it. When $\delta$ is within the one-and-a-half Johnson bound, we prove an upper bound on the number of members (in the affine subspace) that are $\delta$-close to the linear code for the latter case. Our bound is linear in the length of codewords.
In comparison,
Ben-Sasson, Carmon, Ishai, Kopparty and Saraf [FOCS 2020] work on Reed-Solomon codes and prove a linear bound when $\delta$ is within the unique decoding bound and a quadratic bound when $\delta$ is within the Johnson bound. Note that when the minimum relative distance of the linear code is bigger than 0.77, the one-and-a-half Johnson bound is better than the unique decoding bound.
Proximity gaps for linear codes have implications in various code-based protocols. In many cases, a stronger property than individual distance—known as correlated agreement—is required, i.e., functions in the affine subspace are not only $\delta$-close to a linear code but also agree on the same evaluation domain. Our results support this stronger property. Furthermore, mutual correlated agreement, the further strengthening property, is also supported.
Sublinear Distributed Product Checks on Replicated Secret-Shared Data over $\mathbb{Z}_{2^k}$ Without Ring Extensions
Multiple works have designed or used maliciously secure honest majority MPC protocols over $\mathbb{Z}_{2^k}$ using replicated secret sharing (e.g. Koti et al. USENIX'21). A recent trend in the design of such MPC protocols is to first execute a semi-honest protocol, and then use a check that verifies the correctness of the computation requiring only sublinear amount of communication in terms of the circuit size. The so-called Galois ring extensions are needed in order to execute such checks over $\mathbb{Z}_{2^k}$, but these rings incur incredibly high computation overheads, which completely undermine any potential benefits the ring $\mathbb{Z}_{2^k}$ had to begin with.
In this work we revisit the task of designing sublinear distributed product checks on replicated secret-shared data over $\mathbb{Z}_{2^k}$ among three parties with an honest majority. We present a novel technique for verifying the correctness of a set of multiplication (in fact, inner product) triples, involving a sublinear cost in terms of the number of multiplications. Most importantly, unlike previous works, our tools do not rely on Galois ring extensions, which are computationally expensive, and only require computation over rings of the form $\mathbb{Z}_{2^\ell}$. In terms of communication, our checks are $3\sim 5\times$ lighter than existing checks using ring extensions, which is already quite remarkable. However, our most noticeable improvement is in terms of computation: our checks are $17.7\sim 44.2\times$ better than previous approaches, for many parameter regimes of interest. Our experimental results show that checking a 10 million gate circuit with the 3PC protocol from Boyle et al. (CCS'19) takes about two minutes, while our approach takes only 2.82 seconds.
Finally, our techniques are not restricted to the three-party case, and we generalize them to replicated secret-sharing with an arbitrary number of parties $n$. Even though the share size in this scheme grows exponentially with $n$, prior works have used it for $n=4$ or $n=5$ --- or even general $n$ for feasibility results --- and our distributed checks also represent improvements in these contexts.
DiStefano: Decentralized Infrastructure for Sharing Trusted Encrypted Facts and Nothing More
We design DiStefano: an efficient, maliciously-secure framework for generating private commitments over TLS-encrypted web traffic, for verification by a designated third-party. DiStefano provides many improvements over previous TLS commitment systems, including: a modular protocol specific to TLS 1.3, support for arbitrary verifiable claims over encrypted data, client browsing history privacy amongst pre-approved TLS servers, and various optimisations to ensure fast online performance of the TLS 1.3 session. We build a permissive open-source implementation of DiStefano integrated into the BoringSSL cryptographic library (used by Chromium-based Internet browsers). We show that DiStefano is practical in both LAN and WAN settings for committing to facts in arbitrary TLS traffic, requiring \(<\) 1 s and \(≤\) 80 KiB to execute the complete online phase of the protocol.
A Better Proof-of-Work Fork Choice Rule
We propose a modification to the fork choice rule of proof-of-work blockchains. Instead of choosing the heaviest chain, we choose the chain with the most intrinsic work. The intrinsic work of a block is roughly the number of zeroes at the front of its hash. This modification allows us to safely speed up the protocol, yielding a roughly 40% improvement in confirmation delay as compared to Bitcoin for adversaries close to 10%. Our modification is at the level of the proof-of-work inequality, and thus can be composed with any other methods to improve latency proposed in the literature (e.g., GHOST). We compile detailed simulation evidence from 3,000 years of simulated executions of our system across different parameters. We formally prove the security of our new protocol in the Bitcoin Backbone model. These proofs use a new technical tool, the real-valued Random Oracle which may be of independent interest.
Generic Security of GCM-SST
Authenticated encryption schemes guarantee that parties who share a secret key can communicate confidentially and authentically. One of the most popular and widely used authenticated encryption schemes is GCM by McGrew and Viega (INDOCRYPT 2004). However, despite its simplicity and efficiency, GCM also comes with its deficiencies, most notably devastating insecurity against nonce-misuse and imperfect security for short tags.
Very recently, Campagna, Maximov, and Mattsson presented GCM-SST (IETF Internet draft 2024), a variant of GCM that uses a slightly more involved universal hash function composition, and claimed that this construction achieves stronger security in case of tag truncation. GCM-SST already received various interest from industries (e.g., Amazon and Ericsson) and international organizations (e.g., IETF and 3GPP) but it has not received any generic security analysis to date.
In this work, we fill this gap and perform a detailed security analysis of GCM-SST. In particular, we prove that GCM-SST achieves security in the nonce-misuse resilience model of Ashur et al.~(CRYPTO 2017), roughly guaranteeing that even if nonces are reused, evaluations of GCM-SST for new nonces are secure. Our security bound also verified the designers' (informal) claim on tag truncation. Additionally, we investigate and describe possibilities to optimize the hashing in GCM-SST further, and we describe a universal forgery attack in a complexity of around $2^{33.6}$, improving over an earlier attack of $2^{40}$ complexity of Lindell, when the tag is 32 bits.
ToFA: Towards Fault Analysis of GIFT and GIFT-like Ciphers Leveraging Truncated Impossible Differentials
In this work, we introduce ToFA, the first fault attack (FA) strategy that attempts to leverage the classically well-known idea of impossible differential cryptanalysis to mount practically verifiable attacks on bit-oriented ciphers like GIFT and BAKSHEESH. The idea used stems from the fact that truncated differential paths induced due to fault injection in certain intermediate rounds of the ciphers lead to active SBox-es in subsequent rounds whose inputs admit specific truncated differences. This leads to a (multi-round) impossible differential distinguisher, which can be incrementally leveraged for key-guess elimination via partial decryption. The key-space reduction further exploits the multi-round impossibility, capitalizing on the relations due to the quotient-remainder (QR) groups of the GIFT and BAKSHEESH linear layer, which increases the filtering capability of the distinguisher. Moreover, the primary observations made in this work are independent of the actual SBox. Clock glitch based fault attacks were mounted on 8-bit implementations of GIFT-64/GIFT-128 using a ChipWhisperer Lite board on an 8-bit ATXmega128D4-AU micro-controller. Unique key recovery was achieved for GIFT-128 with 3 random byte faults, while for GIFT-64, key space was reduced to $2^{32}$, the highest achievable for GIFT-64, with a single level fault due to its key-schedule. This work also reports the highest fault injection penetration for any variant of GIFT and BAKSHEESH. Finally, this work reiterates the role of classical cryptanalysis strategies in fault vulnerability assessment while leading to the most efficient fault attacks on GIFT.
Scabbard: An Exploratory Study on Hardware Aware Design Choices of Learning with Rounding-based Key Encapsulation Mechanisms
Recently, the construction of cryptographic schemes based on hard lattice problems has gained immense popularity. Apart from being quantum resistant, lattice-based cryptography allows a wide range of variations in the underlying hard problem. As cryptographic schemes can work in different environments under different operational constraints such as memory footprint, silicon area, efficiency, power requirement, etc., such variations in the underlying hard problem are very useful for designers to construct different cryptographic schemes. In this work, we explore various design choices of lattice-based cryptography and their impact on performance in the real world. In particular, we propose a suite of key-encapsulation mechanisms based on the learning with rounding problem with a focus on improving different performance aspects of lattice-based cryptography. Our suite consists of three schemes. Our first scheme is Florete, which is designed for efficiency. The second scheme is Espada, which is aimed at improving parallelization, flexibility, and memory footprint. The last scheme is Sable, which can be considered an improved version in terms of key sizes and parameters of the Saber key-encapsulation mechanism, one of the finalists in the National Institute of Standards and Technology's post-quantum standardization procedure. In this work, we have described our design rationale behind each scheme.
Further, to demonstrate the justification of our design decisions, we have provided software and hardware implementations. Our results show Florete is faster than most state-of-the-art KEMs on software platforms. For example, the key-generation algorithm of high-security version Florete outperforms the National Institute of Standards and Technology's standard Kyber by $47\%$, the Federal Office for Information Security's standard Frodo by $99\%$, and Saber by $57\%$ on the ARM Cortex-M4 platform. Similarly, in hardware, Florete outperforms Frodo and NTRU Prime for all KEM operations. The scheme Espada requires less memory and area than the implementation of most state-of-the-art schemes. For example, the encapsulation algorithm of high-security version Espada uses $30\%$ less stack memory than Kyber, $57\%$ less stack memory than Frodo, and $67\%$ less stack memory than Saber on the ARM Cortex-M4 platform. The implementations of Sable maintain a trade-off between Florete and Espada regarding software performance and memory requirements. Sable outperforms Saber at least by $6\%$ and Frodo by $99\%$. Through an efficient polynomial multiplier design, which exploits the small secret size, Sable outperforms most state-of-the-art KEMs, including Saber, Frodo, and NTRU Prime. The implementations of Sable that use number theoretic transform-based polynomial multiplication (SableNTT) surpass all the state-of-the-art schemes in performance, which are optimized for speed on the Cortext M4 platform. The performance benefit of SableNTT against Kyber lies in between $7-29\%$, $2-13\%$ for Saber, and around $99\%$ for Frodo.
ZKFault: Fault attack analysis on zero-knowledge based post-quantum digital signature schemes
Computationally hard problems based on coding theory, such as the syndrome decoding problem, have been used for constructing secure cryptographic schemes for a long time. Schemes based on these problems are also assumed to be secure against quantum computers. However, these schemes are often considered impractical for real-world deployment due to large key sizes and inefficient computation time. In the recent call for standardization of additional post-quantum digital signatures by the National Institute of Standards and Technology, several code-based candidates have been proposed, including LESS, CROSS, and MEDS. These schemes are designed on the relatively new zero-knowledge framework. Although several works analyze the hardness of these schemes, there is hardly any work that examines the security of these schemes in the presence of physical attacks.
In this work, we analyze these signature schemes from the perspective of fault attacks. All these schemes use a similar tree-based construction to compress the signature size. We attack this component of these schemes. Therefore, our attack is applicable to all of these schemes. In this work, we first analyze the LESS signature scheme and devise our attack. Furthermore, we showed how this attack can be extended to the CROSS signature scheme. Our attacks are built on very simple fault assumptions. Our results show that we can recover the entire secret key of LESS and CROSS using as little as a single fault. Finally, we propose various countermeasures to prevent these kinds of attacks and discuss their efficiency and shortcomings.
On affine forestry over integral domains and families of deep Jordan-Gauss graphs
Let K be a commutative ring. We refer to a connected bipartite graph G = G_n(K) with partition sets P = K^n (points) and L = K^n (lines) as an affine graph over K of dimension dim(G) = n if the neighbourhood of each vertex is isomorphic to K. We refer to G as an algebraic affine graph over K if the incidence between a point (x_1, x_2, . . . , x_n)
and line [y_1, y_2, . . . , y_n] is defined via a system of polynomial equations of the kind f_i = 0 where f_i ∈ K[x_1, x_2, . . . , x_n, y_1, y_2, . . . , y_n]. We say that an affine algebraic graph is a Jordan-Gauss graph over K if the incidences between points and lines are given by a
quadratic system of polynomial equations, and the neighbourhood of each vertex is given as a solution set of the system of linear equations in row-echelon form.
For each integral domain K we consider the known explicit construction of the family of Jordan-Gauss graphs A(n, K), n = 2, 3, . . . with cycle indicator ≥ 2n + 2. Additionally several constructions of families of edge intransitive Jordan-Gauss graphs over K of
increasing girth with well defined projective limit will be presented. This projective limit is a forest defined by the system of algebraic equations. In the case K = F_q, q ≥ 3 we present results of computer experiments for the evaluation of girth, cycle indicator, diameter and the second largest eigenvalue of the constructed graphs, and we formulate
several conjectures on their properties. One of the conjectures is that the girth of A(n, F_q) is 2[(n+ 5)/2]. We discuss briefly some applications of Jordan-Gauss graphs of large girth to Graph Theory, Algebraic Geometry and the theory of LDPC codes; and we consider ideas to use groups related to these graphs in Noncommutative Cryptography and Stream Ciphers Design.
Cryptanalysis of BAKSHEESH Block Cipher
BAKSHEESH is a lightweight block cipher following up the well-known cipher GIFT-128, which uses a 4-bit SBox that has a non-trivial Linear Structure (LS). Also, the Sbox requires a low number of AND gates that makes BAKSHEESH stronger to resist the side channel attacks compared to GIFT-128. In this paper, we give the first third-party security analysis of BAKSHEESH from the traditional attacks perspective: integral, differential and linear attacks. Firstly, we propose a framework for integral attacks based on the properties of BAKSHEESH's Sbox and its inverse. By this, we achieve the 9- and 10-round practical key-recovery attacks, and give a 15-round theoretical attack. Secondly, we re-evaluate the security bound against differential cryptanalysis, correcting two errors from the original paper and presenting a key-recovery attack for 19 rounds. At last, for linear cryptanalysis, we develop an automated model for key-recovery attacks and then demonstrate a key-recovery attack for 21 rounds. We stress that our attacks cannot threaten the full-round BAKSHEESH, but give a deep understanding on its security.
Permutation-Based Hash Chains with Application to Password Hashing
Hash chain based password systems are a useful way to guarantee authentication with one-time passwords. The core idea is specified in RFC 1760 as S/Key. At CCS 2017, Kogan et al. introduced T/Key, an improved password system where one-time passwords are only valid for a limited time period. They proved security of their construction in the random oracle model under a basic modeling of the adversary. In this work, we make various advances in the analysis and instantiation of hash chain based password systems. Firstly, we describe a slight generalization called U/Key that allows for more flexibility in the instantiation and analysis, and we develop a security model that refines the adversarial strength into offline and online complexity, that can be used beyond the random oracle model, and that allows to argue multi-user security directly. Secondly, we derive a new security proof of U/Key in the random oracle model, as well as dedicated and tighter security proofs of U/Key instantiated with a sponge construction and a truncated permutation. These dedicated security proofs, in turn, solve a problem of understanding the preimage resistance of a cascaded evaluation of the sponge construction. When applied to T/Key, these results improve significantly over the earlier results: whereas the originally suggested instantiation using SHA-256 uses a compression function that maps 768 bits into 256 bits, with a truncated permutation construction one can generically achieve 128 bits of security already with a permutation of size 256 bits.
Dishonest Majority Constant-Round MPC with Linear Communication from DDH
In this work, we study constant round multiparty computation (MPC) for Boolean circuits against a fully malicious adversary who may control up to $n-1$ out of $n$ parties. Without relying on fully homomorphic encryption (FHE), the best-known results in this setting are achieved by Wang et al. (CCS 2017) and Hazay et al. (ASIACRYPT 2017) based on garbled circuits, which require a quadratic communication in the number of parties $O(|C|\cdot n^2)$. In contrast, for non-constant round MPC, the recent result by Rachuri and Scholl (CRYPTO 2022) has achieved linear communication $O(|C|\cdot n)$.
In this work, we present the first concretely efficient constant round MPC protocol in this setting with linear communication in the number of parties $O(|C|\cdot n)$. Our construction can be based on any public-key encryption scheme that is linearly homomorphic for public keys. Our work gives a concrete instantiation from a variant of the El-Gamal Encryption Scheme assuming the DDH assumption. The analysis shows that when the computational security parameter $\lambda=128$ and statistical security parameter $\kappa=80$, our protocol achieves a smaller communication than Wang et al. (CCS 2017) when there are $16$ parties for AES circuit and $8$ parties for general Boolean circuits (where we assume that the numbers of AND gates and XOR gates are the same). When comparing with the recent work by Beck et al. (CCS 2023) that achieves constant communication complexity $O(|C|)$ in the strong honest majority setting ($t<(1/2-\epsilon)n$ where $\epsilon$ is a constant), our protocol is better as long as $n<3500$ (when $t=n/4$ for their work).
Double Auction Meets Blockchain: Consensus from Scored Bid-Assignment
A double auction system, where buyers and sellers trade through bids, requires a transparent and immutable mechanism to record allocation results. This demand can be met with robust ledgers that ensure persistence and liveness, as exemplified by the Bitcoin blockchain (EuroCrypt '15). While existing blockchain-aided auction systems often rely on secure smart contracts or layer-$2$ techniques, this work proposes a more fundamental approach by constructing a provably secure blockchain protocol directly from the computation of bid allocations. The core component is an alternative proof-of-work (PoW) scheme based on a scored generalized multiple assignment problem (SGMAP), integrated into a tailored blockchain protocol. Unlike conventional PoW-based protocols, our leader selection is driven by block scores derived from the SGMAP scoring function, which is designed to be flexible enough to define the difficulty level and accommodate real-life requirements of the underlying double auction system. We prove persistence and a modified liveness property for our design, and present implementation results to validate its robustness and practicality.
The complexity of solving a random polynomial system
In this paper, we discuss what it means for a polynomial system to be random and how hard it is to solve a random polynomial system. We propose an algebraic definition of randomness, that we call algebraic randomness. Using a conjecture from commutative algebra, we produce a sharp upper bound for the degree of regularity, hence the complexity of solving an algebraically random polynomial system by Groebner bases methods. As a proof of concept, we apply our result to Rainbow and GeMSS and show that these systems are far from being algebraically random.
Implementation analysis of index calculus method on elliptic curves over prime finite fields
In 2016,Petit et al. first studied the implementation of the index calculus method on elliptic curves in prime finite fields, and in 2018, Momonari and Kudo et al. improved algorithm of Petit et al. This paper analyzes the research results of Petit, Momonari and Kudo, and points out the existing problems of the algorithm. Therefore, with the help of sum polynomial function and index calculus, a pseudo-index calculus algorithm for elliptic curves discrete logarithm problem over prime finite fields is proposed, and its correctness is analyzed and verified. It is pointed out that there is no subexponential time method for solving discrete logarithms on elliptic curves in the finite fields of prime numbers, or at least in the present research background, there is no method for solving discrete logarithms in subexponential time.
Deterministic Consensus using Overpass Channels in Distributed Ledger Technology
Presenting a formal analysis of the Overpass protocol's hierarchical state channel architecture, focusing on its unique approach to state synchronization and tamper detection through cryptographic primitives. The protocol achieves global state consistency without traditional consensus mechanisms by leveraging Sparse Merkle Trees (SMTs), zero-knowledge proofs, and a deterministic hierarchical structure. We provide mathematical proofs of security properties and analyze the protocol's efficiency in terms of computational and communication complexity.
Downlink (T)FHE ciphertexts compression
This paper focuses on the issue of reducing the bandwidth requirement for FHE ciphertext transmission. While this issue has been extensively studied from the uplink viewpoint (transmission of encrypted inputs towards a FHE calculation) where several approaches exist to essentially cancel FHE ciphertext expansion, the downlink case (transmission of encrypted results towards an end-user) has been the object of much less attention. In this paper, we address this latter issue with a particular focus on the TFHE scheme for which we investigate a number of methods including several approaches for switching to more compact linearly homomorphic schemes, reducing the precision of T(R)LWE coefficients (while maintaining acceptable probabilities of decryption errors) and others. We also investigate how to use these methods in combination, depending on the number of FHE results to transmit. We further perform extensive experiments demonstrating that the downlink FHE ciphertext expansion factor can be practically reduced to values below 10, depending on the setup, with little additional computational burden.
Invertible Bloom Lookup Tables with Less Memory and Randomness
In this work we study Invertible Bloom Lookup Tables (IBLTs) with small failure probabilities.
IBLTs are highly versatile data structures that have found applications in set reconciliation protocols, error-correcting codes, and even the design of advanced cryptographic primitives.
For storing $n$ elements and ensuring correctness with probability at least $1 - \delta$, existing IBLT constructions require $\Omega(n(\frac{\log(1/\delta)}{\log(n)}+1))$ space and they crucially rely on fully random hash functions.
We present new constructions of IBLTs that are simultaneously more space efficient and require less randomness.
For storing $n$ elements with a failure probability of at most $\delta$, our data structure only requires $\mathcal{O}\left(n + \log(1/\delta)\log\log(1/\delta)\right)$ space and $\mathcal{O}\left(\log(\log(n)/\delta)\right)$-wise independent hash functions.
As a key technical ingredient we show that hashing $n$ keys with any $k$-wise independent hash function $h:U \to [Cn]$ for some sufficiently large constant $C$ guarantees with probability $1 - 2^{-\Omega(k)}$ that at least $n/2$ keys will have a unique hash value.
Proving this is non-trivial as $k$ approaches $n$.
We believe that the techniques used to prove this statement may be of independent interest.
We apply our new IBLTs to the encrypted compression problem, recently studied by Fleischhacker, Larsen, Simkin (Eurocrypt 2023).
We extend their approach to work for a more general class of encryption schemes and using our new IBLT we achieve an asymptotically better compression rate.
Adaptively Secure Attribute-Based Encryption from Witness Encryption
Attribute-based encryption (ABE) enables fine-grained control over which ciphertexts various users can decrypt. A master authority can create secret keys $sk_f$ with different functions (circuits) $f$ for different users. Anybody can encrypt a message under some attribute $x$ so that only recipients with a key $sk_f$ for a function such that $f(x)=1$ will be able to decrypt. There are a number of different approaches toward achieving selectively secure ABE, where the adversary has to decide on the challenge attribute $x$ ahead of time before seeing any keys, including constructions via bilinear maps (for NC1 circuits), learning with errors, or witness encryption. However, when it comes adaptively secure ABE, the problem seems to be much more challenging and we only know of two potential approaches: via the ``dual systems'' methodology from bilinear maps, or via indistinguishability obfuscation. In this work, we give a new approach that constructs adaptively secure ABE from witness encryption (along with statistically sound NIZKs and one-way functions). While witness encryption is a strong assumption, it appears to be fundamentally weaker than indistinguishability obfuscation. Moreover, we have candidate constructions of witness encryption from some assumptions (e.g., evasive LWE) from which we do not know how to construct indistinguishability obfuscation, giving us adaptive ABE from these assumptions as a corollary of our work.
An Extended Hierarchy of Security Notions for Threshold Signature Schemes and Automated Analysis of Protocols That Use Them
Despite decades of work on threshold signature schemes, there is still limited agreement on their desired properties and threat models. In this work we significantly extend and repair previous work to give a unified syntax for threshold signature schemes and a new hierarchy of security notions for them. Moreover, our new hierarchy allows us to develop an automated analysis approach for protocols that use threshold signatures, which can discover attacks on protocols that exploit the details of the security notion offered by the used scheme, which can help choose the correct security notion (and scheme that fulfills it) that is required for a specific protocol.
Unlike prior work, our syntax for threshold signatures covers both non-interactive and interactive signature schemes with any number of key generation and signing rounds, and our hierarchy of security notions additionally includes elements such as various types of corruption and malicious key generation. We show the applicability of our hierarchy by selecting representative threshold signature schemes from the literature, extracting their core security features, and categorizing them according to our hierarchy. As a side effect of our work, we show through a counterexample that a previous attempt at building a unified hierarchy of unforgeability notions does not meet its claimed ordering, and show how to repair it without further restricting the scope of the definitions.
Based on our syntax and hierarchy, we develop the first systematic, automated analysis method for higher-level protocols that use threshold signatures. We use a symbolic analysis framework to abstractly model threshold signature schemes that meet security notions in our hierarchy, and implement this in the Tamarin prover. Given a higher-level protocol that uses threshold signatures, and a security notion from our hierarchy, our automated approach can find attacks on such protocols that exploit the subtle differences between elements of our hierarchy. Our approach can be used to formally analyze the security implications of implementing different threshold signature schemes in higher-level protocols.
PASTA on Edge: Cryptoprocessor for Hybrid Homomorphic Encryption
Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) enables privacy-preserving computation but imposes significant computational and communication overhead on the client for the public-key encryption. To alleviate this burden, previous works have introduced the Hybrid Homomorphic Encryption (HHE) paradigm, which combines symmetric encryption with homomorphic decryption to enhance performance for the FHE client. While early HHE schemes focused on binary data, modern versions now support integer prime fields, improving their efficiency for practical applications such as secure machine learning.
Despite several HHE schemes proposed in the literature, there has been no comprehensive study evaluating their performance or area advantages over FHE for encryption tasks. This paper addresses this gap by presenting the first implementation of an HHE scheme- PASTA. It is a symmetric encryption scheme over integers designed to facilitate fast client encryption and homomorphic symmetric decryption on the server. We provide performance results for both FPGA and ASIC platforms, including a RISC-V System-on-Chip (SoC) implementation on a low-end 130nm ASIC technology, which achieves a 43–171$\times$ speedup compared to a CPU. Additionally, on high-end 7nm and 28nm ASIC platforms, our design demonstrates a 97$\times$ speedup over prior public-key client accelerators for FHE. We have made our design public and benchmarked an application to support future research.
Orion's Ascent: Accelerating Hash-Based Zero Knowledge Proof on Hardware Platforms
Zero-knowledge proofs (ZKPs) are cryptographic protocols that enable one party to prove the validity of a statement without revealing the underlying data. Such proofs have applications in privacy-preserving technologies and verifiable computations. However, slow proof generation poses a significant challenge in the wide-scale adoption of ZKP. Orion is a recent ZKP scheme with linear prover time. It leverages coding theory, expander graphs, and Merkle hash trees to improve computational efficiency. However, the polynomial commitment phase in Orion is yet a primary performance bottleneck due to the memory-intensive nature of expander graph-based encoding and the data-heavy hashing required for Merkle Tree generation.
This work introduces several algorithmic and hardware-level optimizations aimed at accelerating Orion’s commitment phase. We replace the recursive encoding construction with an iterative approach and propose novel expander graph strategies optimized for hardware to enable more parallelism and reduce off-chip memory access. Additionally, we implement an on-the-fly expander graph generation technique, reducing memory usage by gigabytes. Further optimizations in Merkle Tree generation reduce the cost of SHA3 hashing, resulting in significant speedups of the polynomial commitment phase. Our FPGA implementation heavily optimizes access to the off-chip high-bandwidth memory (HBM) utilizing memory-efficient computational strategies. The accelerator demonstrates speedups of up to 381$\times$ for linear encoding and up to 2,390$\times$ for the hashing operations over a software implementation on a high-end CPU. In the context of real-world applications, such as zero-knowledge proof-of-training of deep neural networks (DNNs), our techniques show up to 241$\times$ speed up for the polynomial commitment.
Don’t Use It Twice! Solving Relaxed Linear Code Equivalence Problems
The Linear Code Equivalence (LCE) Problem has received increased attention in recent years due to its applicability in constructing efficient digital signatures. Notably, the LESS signature scheme based on LCE is under consideration for the NIST post-quantum standardization process, along with the MEDS signature scheme that relies on an extension of LCE to the rank metric, namely the Matrix Code Equivalence (MCE) Problem. Building upon these developments, a family of signatures with additional properties, including linkable ring, group, and threshold signatures, has been proposed. These novel constructions introduce relaxed versions of LCE (and MCE), wherein multiple samples share the same secret equivalence. Despite their significance, these variations have often lacked a thorough security analysis, being assumed to be as challenging as their original counterparts. Addressing this gap, our work delves into the sample complexity of LCE and MCE --- precisely, the sufficient number of samples required for efficient recovery of the shared secret equivalence. Our findings reveal, for instance, that one should not use the same secret twice in the LCE setting since this enables a polynomial time (and memory) algorithm to retrieve the secret. Consequently, our results unveil the insecurity of two advanced signatures based on variants of the LCE Problem.
On Active Attack Detection in Messaging with Immediate Decryption
The widely used Signal protocol provides protection against state exposure attacks through forward security (protecting past messages) and post-compromise security (for restoring security). It supports immediate decryption, allowing messages to be re-ordered or dropped at the protocol level without affecting correctness. In this work, we consider strong active attack detection for secure messaging with immediate decryption, where parties are able to immediately detect active attacks under certain conditions. We first consider in-band active attack detection, where participants who have been actively compromised but are still able to send a single message to their partner can detect the compromise. We propose two complementary notions to capture security, and present a compiler that provides security with respect to both notions. Our notions generalise existing work (RECOVER security) which only supported in-order messaging. We also study the related out-of-band attack detection problem by considering communication over out-of-band, authenticated channels and propose analogous security notions. We prove that one of our two notions in each setting imposes a linear communication overhead in the number of sent messages and security parameter using an information-theoretic argument. This implies that each message must information-theoretically contain all previous messages and that our construction, that essentially attaches the entire message history to every new message, is asymptotically optimal. We then explore ways to bypass this lower bound and highlight the feasibility of practical active attack detection compatible with immediate decryption.
Keeping Up with the KEMs: Stronger Security Notions for KEMs and automated analysis of KEM-based protocols
Key Encapsulation Mechanisms (KEMs) are a critical building block for hybrid encryption and modern security protocols, notably in the post-quantum setting. Given the asymmetric public key of a recipient, the primitive establishes a shared secret key between sender and recipient. In recent years, a large number of abstract designs and concrete implementations of KEMs have been proposed, e.g., in the context of the NIST process for post-quantum primitives.
In this work, we (i) establish stronger security notions for KEMs, and (ii) develop a symbolic analysis method to analyze security protocols that use KEMs. First, we generalize existing security notions for KEMs in the computational setting, introduce several stronger security notions, and prove their relations. Our new properties formalize in which sense outputs of the KEM uniquely determine, i.e., bind, other values. Our new binding properties can be used, e.g., to prove the absence of attacks that were not captured by prior security notions, such as re-encapsulation attacks.
Second, we develop a family of fine-grained symbolic models that correspond to our hierarchy of computational security notions, and are suitable for the automated analysis of KEM-based security protocols. We encode our models as a library in the framework of the Tamarin prover. Given a KEM-based protocol, our approach can automatically derive the minimal binding properties required from the KEM; or, if also given a concrete KEM, can analyze if the protocols meets its security goals. In case studies, Tamarin automatically discovers, e.g., that the key exchange protocol proposed in the original Kyber paper requires stronger properties from the KEM than were proven in the paper.
Lifting approach against the SNOVA scheme
In 2022, Wang et al. proposed the multivariate signature scheme SNOVA as a UOV variant over the non-commutative ring of $\ell \times \ell $ matrices over $\mathbb{F}_q$.
This scheme has small public key and signature size and is a first round candidate of NIST PQC additional digital signature project.
Recently, Ikematsu and Akiyama, and Li and Ding show that the core matrices of SNOVA with $v$ vinegar-variables and $o$ oil-variables are regarded as the representation matrices of UOV with $\ell v$ vinegar-variables and $\ell o$ oil-variables over $\mathbb{F}_q$, and thus we can apply existing key recovery attacks as a plain UOV.
In this paper, we propose a method that reduces SNOVA to smaller UOV with $v$ vinegar-variables and $o$ oil-variables over $\mathbb{F}_{q^\ell }$. As a result, we show that the previous first round parameter sets at $\ell = 2$ do not meet the NIST PQC security levels. We also confirm that the present parameter sets are secure from existing key recovery attacks with our approach.
Fast, Compact and Hardware-Friendly Bootstrapping in less than 3ms Using Multiple Instruction Multiple Ciphertext
This paper proposes a fast, compact key-size, and hardware-friendly bootstrapping using only 16-bit integer arithmetic and fully homomorphic encryption FHE16, which enables gate operations on ciphertexts using only 16-bit integer arithmetic. The proposed bootstrapping consists of unit operations on ciphertexts, such as (incomplete) number theoretic transform (NTT), inverse NTT, polynomial multiplication, gadget decomposition, and automorphism, under a composite modulus constructed from 16-bit primes. Since our bootstrapping does not use any floating-point operations, extra floating-point errors do not occur so that FHE16 can pack more message bits into a single ciphertext than TFHE-rs which utilizes floating-point operations. Furthermore, we propose multiple instruction multiple ciphertext(MIMC) method to accelerate the simultaneous execution of different homomorphic operations across multiple ciphertexts. Finally, experimental results show that the bootstrapping operation completes in 2.89 milliseconds for ciphertext dimension of 512.
Impossibility Results for Post-Compromise Security in Real-World Communication Systems
Modern secure communication systems, such as iMessage, WhatsApp, and Signal include intricate mechanisms that aim to achieve very strong security properties. These mechanisms typically involve continuously merging in new fresh secrets into the keying material, which is used to encrypt messages during communications. In the literature, these mechanisms have been proven to achieve forms of Post Compromise Security (PCS): the ability to provide communication security even if the full state of a party was compromised some time in the past. However, recent work has shown these proofs do not transfer to the end-user level, possibly because of usability concerns. This has raised the question of whether end-users can actually obtain PCS or not, and under which conditions.
Here we show and formally prove that communication systems that need to be resilient against certain types of state loss (which can occur in practice) fundamentally cannot achieve full PCS for end-users. Whereas previous work showed that the Signal messenger did not achieve this with its current session-management layer, we isolate the exact conditions that cause this failure, and why this cannot be simply solved in communication systems by implementing a different session-management layer or an entirely different protocol. Moreover, we clarify the trade-off of the maximum number of sessions between two users (40 in Signal) in terms of failure-resilience versus security.
Our results have direct consequences for the design of future secure communication systems, and could motivate either the simplification of redundant mechanisms, or the improvement of session-management designs to provide better security trade-offs with respect to state loss/failure tolerance.
Opening the Blackbox: Collision Attacks on Round-Reduced Tip5, Tip4, Tip4' and Monolith
A new design strategy for ZK-friendly hash functions has emerged since the proposal of $\mathsf{Reinforced Concrete}$ at CCS 2022, which is based on the hybrid use of two types of nonlinear transforms: the composition of some small-scale lookup tables (e.g., 7-bit or 8-bit permutations) and simple power maps over $\mathbb{F}_p$. Following such a design strategy, some new ZK-friendly hash functions have been recently proposed, e.g., $\mathsf{Tip5}$, $\mathsf{Tip4}$, $\mathsf{Tip4}'$ and the $\mathsf{Monolith}$ family. All these hash functions have a small number of rounds, i.e., $5$ rounds for $\mathsf{Tip5}$, $\mathsf{Tip4}$, and $\mathsf{Tip4}'$, and $6$ rounds for $\mathsf{Monolith}$ (recently published at ToSC 2024/3). Using the composition of some small-scale lookup tables to build a large-scale permutation over $\mathbb{F}_p$ - which we call S-box - is a main feature in such designs, which can somehow enhance the resistance against the Gröbner basis attack because this large-scale permutation will correspond to a complex and high-degree polynomial representation over $\mathbb{F}_p$.
As the first technical contribution, we propose a novel and efficient algorithm to study the differential property of this S-box and to find a conforming input pair for a randomly given input and output difference. For comparison, a trivial method based on the use of the differential distribution table (DDT) for solving this problem will require time complexity $\mathcal{O}(p^2)$.
For the second contribution, we also propose new frameworks to devise efficient collision attacks on such hash functions. Based on the differential properties of these S-boxes and the new attack frameworks, we propose the first collision attacks on $3$-round $\mathsf{Tip5}$, $\mathsf{Tip4}$, and $\mathsf{Tip4}'$, as well as $2$-round $\mathsf{Monolith}$-$31$ and $\mathsf{Monolith}$-$64$, where the $2$-round attacks on $\mathsf{Monolith}$ are practical. In the semi-free-start (SFS) collision attack setting, we achieve practical SFS collision attacks on $3$-round $\mathsf{Tip5}$, $\mathsf{Tip4}$, and $\mathsf{Tip4}'$. Moreover, the SFS collision attacks can reach up to $4$-round $\mathsf{Tip4}$ and $3$-round $\mathsf{Monolith}$-$64$. As far as we know, this is the first third-party cryptanalysis of these hash functions, which improves the initial analysis given by the designers.
Another Walk for Monchi
Monchi is a new protocol aimed at privacy-preserving biometric identification. It begins with scores computation in the encrypted domain thanks to homomorphic encryption and ends with comparisons of these scores to a given threshold with function secret sharing. We here study the integration in that context of scores computation techniques recently introduced by Bassit et al. that eliminate homomorphic multiplications by replacing them by lookup tables. First, we extend this lookup tables biometric recognition solution by adding the use of function secret sharing for the final comparison of scores. Then, we introduce a two-party computation of the scores with lookup tables which fits nicely together with the function secret sharing scores comparison. Our solutions accommodate well with the flight boarding use case introduced by Monchi.
Symmetric Twin Column Parity Mixers and their Applications
The circulant twin column parity mixer (TCPM) is a type of mixing layer for the round function of cryptographic permutations designed by Hirch et al. at CRYPTO 2023. It has a bitwise differential branch number of 12 and a bitwise linear branch number of 4, which makes it competitive in applications where differential security is required. Hirch et al. gave a concrete instantiation of a permutation using such a mixing layer, named Gaston, and showed the best 3-round differential and linear trails of Gaston have much higher weights than those of ASCON. In this paper, we first prove why the TCPM has linear branch number 4 and then show that Gaston's linear behavior is worse than ASCON for more than 3 rounds. Motivated by these facts, we aim to enhance the linear security of the TCPM. We show that adding a specific set of row cyclic shifts to the TCPM can make its differential and linear branch numbers both 12. Notably, by setting a special relationship between the row shift parameters of the modified TCPM, we obtain a special kind of mixlayer called the symmetric circulant twin column parity mixer. The symmetric TCPM has a unique design property that its differential and linear branch histograms are the same, which makes the parameter selection process and the security analysis convenient. Using the symmetric TCPM, we present two new 320-bit cryptographic permutations, namely (1) Gaston-S where we replace the mixing layer in Gaston with the symmetric TCPM and (2) SBD which uses a low-latency degree-4 S-box as the non-linear layer and the symmetric TCPM as the mixing layer. We evaluate the security of these permutations considering differential, linear and algebraic analysis, and then provide the performance comparison with Gaston in both hardware and software. Our results indicate that Gaston-S and SBD are competitive with Gaston in both security and performance.
RubikStone: Strongly Space Hard White-Box Scheme Based on Lookup Table Pool and Key Guidance Implementation
White-box cryptography is a software implementation technique based on lookup tables, with effective resistance against key extraction and code lifting attacks being a primary focus of its research. Space hardness is a widely used property for evaluating the resistance of white-box ciphers against code lifting attacks. However, none of the existing ciphers can provide strong space hardness under adaptively chosen-space attack model.
We propose a new scheme based on the lookup table pool and key guidance implementation as a more efficient approach to utilizing lookup tables to provide better security and practicality. Specifically, we introduce a new white-box cipher, RubikStone, which offers a range of variants from tens of kilobytes to infinite size. For the first time, we prove that all variants of RubikStone can provide strong space hardness under an adaptively chosen-space attack model. Additionally, we present a specific key guidance application for cloud-based DRM scenarios. Based on our proposed RubikStone variants, the key guidance applications can achieve at least overall $(0.950T, 128)$-space hardness.
Furthermore, we introduce a novel property, table consumption rate, for evaluating the durability of a specific white-box cryptographic implementation. In our evaluation, all the instantiations of RubikStone exhibit the lowest table consumption rate in algorithms with equally sized lookup tables. Besides, we conduct a comprehensive statistical analysis of the operations in all existing white-box ciphers. Our findings indicate that RubikStone remains highly competitive in terms of computational efficiency despite offering unprecedented levels of security.
Scutum: Temporal Verification for Cross-Rollup Bridges via Goal-Driven Reduction
Scalability remains a key challenge for blockchain adoption. Rollups—especially zero-knowledge (ZK) and optimistic rollups—address this by processing transactions off-chain while maintaining Ethereum’s security, thus reducing gas fees and improving speeds. Cross-rollup bridges like Orbiter Finance enable seamless asset transfers across various Layer 2 (L2) rollups and between L2 and Layer 1 (L1) chains. However, the increasing reliance on these bridges raises significant security concerns, as evidenced by major hacks like those of Poly Network and Nomad Bridge, resulting in losses of hundreds of millions of dollars. Traditional security analysis methods such as static analysis and fuzzing are inadequate for cross-rollup bridges due to their complex designs involving multiple entities, smart contracts, and zero-knowledge circuits. These systems require reasoning about temporal sequences of events across different entities, which exceeds the capabilities of conventional analyzers.
In this paper, we introduce a scalable verifier to systematically assess the security of cross-rollup bridges. Our approach features a comprehensive multi-model framework that captures both individual behaviors and complex interactions using temporal properties. To enhance scalability, we approximate temporal safety verification through reachability analysis of a graph representation of the contracts, leveraging advanced program analysis techniques. Additionally, we incorporate a conflict-driven refinement loop to eliminate false positives and improve precision. Our evaluation on mainstream cross-rollup bridges, including Orbiter Finance, uncovered multiple zero-day vulnerabilities, demonstrating the practical utility of our method. The tool also exhibited favorable runtime performance, enabling efficient analysis suitable for real-time or near-real-time applications.
IO-Optimized Design-Time Configurable Negacyclic Seven-Step NTT Architecture for FHE Applications
FHE enables computations on encrypted data, making it essential for privacy-preserving applications. However, it involves computationally demanding tasks, such as polynomial multiplication, while NTT is the state-of-the-art solution to perform this task. Most FHE schemes operate over the negacyclic ring of polynomials. We introduce a novel formulation of the hierarchical Four-Step NTT approach for the negacyclic ring, eliminating the need for pre- and post-processing steps found in the existing methods. To accelerate NTT operations, the FPGAs offer flexible and powerful computing platforms. We propose an FPGA-based, parametric and fully pipelined architecture that implements the improved Seven-Step NTT algorithm (which builds upon the four-step). Our design supports a wide range of parameters, including ring sizes up to $2^{16}$ and modulus sizes up to $64$-bit. We focus on achieving configurable throughput, as constrained by the bandwidth of HBM bandwidth, and aim to maximize throughput through an IO parametric design on the Alveo U280 FPGA. The implementation results demonstrate a reduction in the area-time-product by $2.08\times$ and a speed-up of $10.32\times$ for a ring size of $2^{16}$ and a 32-bit width compared to the current state-of-the-art designs.
Relaxed Functional Bootstrapping: A New Perspective on BGV and BFV Bootstrapping
BGV and BFV are among the most widely used fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) schemes, supporting evaluations over a finite field. To evaluate a circuit with arbitrary depth, bootstrapping is needed. However, despite the recent progress, bootstrapping of BGV/BFV still remains relatively impractical, compared to other FHE schemes.
In this work, we inspect the BGV/BFV bootstrapping procedure from a different angle. We provide a generalized bootstrapping definition that relaxes the correctness requirement of regular bootstrapping, allowing constructions that support only certain kinds of circuits with arbitrary depth. In addition, our definition captures a form of functional bootstrapping. In other words, the output encrypts a function evaluation of the input instead of the input itself.
Under this new definition, we provide a bootstrapping procedure supporting different types of functions. Our construction is 1-2 orders of magnitude faster than the state-of-the-art BGV/BFV bootstrapping algorithms, depending on the evaluated function.
Of independent interest, we show that our technique can be used to improve the batched FHEW/TFHE bootstrapping construction introduced by Liu and Wang (Asiacrypt 2023). Our optimization provides a speed-up of 6x in latency and 3x in throughput for batched binary gate bootstrapping and a plaintext-space-dependent speed-up for batched functional bootstrapping with plaintext space smaller than $\mathbb{Z}_{512}$.
Key Exchange in the Post-Snowden Era: Universally Composable Subversion-Resilient PAKE
Password-Authenticated Key Exchange (PAKE) allows two parties to establish a common high-entropy secret from a possibly low-entropy pre-shared secret such as a password. In this work, we provide the first PAKE protocol with subversion resilience in the framework of universal composability (UC), where the latter roughly means that UC security still holds even if one of the two parties is malicious and the honest party's code has been subverted (in an undetectable manner).
We achieve this result by sanitizing the PAKE protocol from oblivious transfer (OT) due to Canetti et al. (PKC'12) via cryptographic reverse firewalls in the UC framework (Chakraborty et al., EUROCRYPT'22). This requires new techniques, which help us uncover new cryptographic primitives with sanitation-friendly properties along the way (such as OT, dual-mode cryptosystems, and signature schemes).
As an additional contribution, we delve deeper in the backbone of communication required in the subversion-resilient UC framework, extending it to the unauthenticated setting, in line with the work of Barak et al. (CRYPTO'05).
Design and Implementation of a Fast, Platform-Adaptive, AIS-20/31 Compliant PLL-Based True Random Number Generator on a Zynq 7020 SoC FPGA
Phase-locked loops (PLLs) integrated within field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) or System-on-Chip FPGAs (SoCs) represent a promising approach for generating random numbers. Their widespread deployment, isolated functionality within these devices, and robust entropy, as demonstrated in prior studies, position PLL-based true random number generators (PLL-TRNGs) as highly viable solutions for this purpose. This study explicitly examines PLL-TRNG implementations using the ZC702 Rev1.1 Evaluation Board featuring the Zynq 7020 SoC from Xilinx, utilizing a configuration involving three such boards for experimental validation. Parameters governing the PLL-TRNG are optimized using a backtracking algorithm. Additionally, a novel methodology is proposed to enhance the rate of random data bit generation while preserving entropy characteristics. Performance metrics are rigorously evaluated against the criteria set by the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) AIS-20/31 Tests, accompanied by detailed descriptions of the implementation process. Furthermore, the suitability of our PLL-TRNG designs, attributed to their low resource utilization, is demonstrated.
Dense and smooth lattices in any genus
The Lattice Isomorphism Problem (LIP) was recently introduced as a new hardness assumption for post-quantum cryptography.
The strongest known efficiently computable invariant for LIP is the genus of a lattice.
To instantiate LIP-based schemes one often requires the existence of a lattice that (1) lies in some fixed genus, and (2) has some good geometric properties such as a high packing density or small smoothness parameter.
In this work we show that such lattices exist. In particular, building upon classical results by Siegel (1935), we show that essentially any genus contains a lattice with a close to optimal packing density, smoothing parameter and covering radius.
We present both how to efficiently compute concrete existence bounds for any genus, and asymptotically tight bounds under weak conditions on the genus.
Deletions and Dishonesty: Probabilistic Data Structures in Adversarial Settings
Probabilistic data structures (PDS) are compact representations of high-volume data that provide approximate answers to queries about the data. They are commonplace in today's computing systems, finding use in databases, networking and more. While PDS are designed to perform well under benign inputs, they are frequently used in applications where inputs may be adversarially chosen. This may lead to a violation of their expected behaviour, for example an increase in false positive rate.
In this work, we focus on PDS that handle approximate membership queries (AMQ). We consider adversarial users with the capability of making adaptive insertions, deletions and membership queries to AMQ-PDS, and analyse the performance of AMQ-PDS under such adversarial inputs.
We argue that deletions significantly empower adversaries, presenting a challenge to enforcing honest behaviour when compared to insertion-only AMQ-PDS. To address this, we introduce a new concept of an honest setting for AMQ-PDS with deletions. By leveraging simulation-based security definitions, we then quantify how much harm can be caused by adversarial users to the functionality of AMQ-PDS. Our resulting bounds only require calculating the maximal false positive probability and insertion failure probability achievable in our novel honest setting.
We apply our results to Cuckoo filters and Counting filters. We show how to protect these AMQ-PDS at low cost, by replacing or composing the hash functions with keyed pseudorandom functions in their construction. This strategy involves establishing practical bounds for the probabilities mentioned above. Using our new techniques, we demonstrate that achieving security against adversarial users making both insertions and deletions remains practical.
High Speed High Assurance implementations of Multivariate Quadratic based Signatures
In this poster, we present a Jasmin implementation of Mayo2, a multivariate quadratic(MQ) based signature scheme. Mayo overcomes the disadvantage of the Unbalanced oil and vinegar(UOV) scheme by whipping the UOV map to produce public keys of sizes comparable to ML-DSA. Our Jasmin implementation of Mayo2 takes 930 μs for keygen, 3206 μs for sign, 480 μs for verify based on the average of 1,00,000 runs of the implementation on a 2.25GHz x86 64 processor with 256 GB RAM. To this end, we have a multivariate quadratic based signature implementation that is amenable for verification of constant-time, correctness, proof of equivalence properties using Easycrypt. Subsequently, the results of this endeavor can be extended for other MQ based schemes including UOV.
Stealth Software Trojan: Amplifying Hidden RF Side-Channels with Ultra High SNR and Data-Rate
Interconnected devices enhance daily life but introduce security
vulnerabilities, new technologies enable malicious activities
such as information theft. This article combines radio frequency (RF) side-channel attacks with software Trojans to create a hard-to-detect, stealthy method for extracting kilobytes of secret information per millisecond over record distances with a single measurement in the RF spectrum. The technique exploits Trojan-induced electrical disturbances in RF components originating from peripherals, buses, memories and CPUs to achieve high SNR data leakage schemes. Experimental results show negligible acquisition time and stealth. The research introduces optimized modulation, demodulation schemes, and specialized synchronization symbols to minimize error rates and maximize data rates. It highlights the need for advanced detection and defense mechanisms to ensure the security and privacy of interconnected devices.
NewtonPIR: Communication Efficient Single-Server PIR
Private information retrieval (PIR) is a key component of many privacy-preserving systems. Although numerous PIR protocols have been proposed, designing a PIR scheme with communication overhead independent of the database size $N$ and computational cost practical for real-world applications remains a challenge. In this paper, we propose the NewtonPIR protocol, a communication efficient single-server PIR scheme. NewtonPIR can directly generate query values for the entire index without splitting the index and sending multiple query ciphertexts. Specifically, NewtonPIR achieves communication overhead that is 7.5$\times$ better than the state-of-the-art PIR protocol and 35.9$\sim$75$\times$ better than the other protocols. In experiments, when the database size and entry size increase, the communication overhead of NewtonPIR remains stable. By utilizing the single-ciphertext fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) scheme and the simple Newton interpolation polynomial, along with precomputing coefficients in the offline phase, we reduce the computational overhead of NewtonPIR from hours in previous schemes to seconds. To the best of our knowledge, NewtonPIR is the first protocol to achieve communication cost independent of $N$ along with computational overhead comparable to ring learning with errors (RLWE)-based PIR schemes. Additionally, we extend and introduce a private set intersection (PSI) protocol that balances computational and communication overhead more effectively.
Inject Less, Recover More: Unlocking the Potential of Document Recovery in Injection Attacks Against SSE
Searchable symmetric encryption has been vulnerable to inference attacks that rely on uniqueness in leakage patterns. However, many keywords in datasets lack distinctive leakage patterns, limiting the effectiveness of such attacks. The file injection attacks, initially proposed by Cash et al. (CCS 2015), have shown impressive performance with 100% accuracy and no prior knowledge requirement. Nevertheless, this attack fails to recover queries with underlying keywords not present in the injected files. To address these limitations, our research introduces a novel attack strategy called LEAP-Hierarchical Fusion Attack (LHFA) that combines the strengths of both file injection attacks and inference attacks. Before initiating keyword injection, we introduce a new approach for inert/active keyword selection. In the phase of selecting injected keywords, we focus on keywords without unique leakage patterns and recover them, leveraging their presence for document recovery. Our goal is to achieve an amplified effect in query recovery. We demonstrate a minimum query recovery rate of 1.3 queries per injected keyword with a 10% data leakage of a real-life dataset, and initiate further research to overcome challenges associated with non-distinctive keywords.
Similar Data is Powerful: Enhancing Inference Attacks on SSE with Volume Leakages
Searchable symmetric encryption (SSE) schemes provide users with the ability to perform keyword searches on encrypted databases without the need for decryption. While this functionality is advantageous, it introduces the potential for inadvertent information disclosure, thereby exposing SSE systems to various types of attacks. In this work, we introduce a new inference attack aimed at enhancing the query recovery accuracy of RefScore (presented at USENIX 2021). The proposed approach capitalizes on both similar data knowledge and an additional volume leakage as auxiliary information, facilitating the extraction of keyword matches from leaked data. Empirical evaluations conducted on multiple real-world datasets demonstrate a notable enhancement in query recovery accuracy, up to 19.5%. We also analyze the performance of the proposed attack in the presence of diverse countermeasures.