All papers in 2024 (1198 results)

Last updated:  2024-07-25
ECO-CRYSTALS: Efficient Cryptography CRYSTALS on Standard RISC-V ISA
Xinyi Ji, Jiankuo Dong, Junhao Huang, Zhijian Yuan, Wangchen Dai, Fu Xiao, and Jingqiang Lin
The field of post-quantum cryptography (PQC) is continuously evolving. Many researchers are exploring efficient PQC implementation on various platforms, including x86, ARM, FPGA, GPU, etc. In this paper, we present an Efficient CryptOgraphy CRYSTALS (ECO-CRYSTALS) implementation on standard 64-bit RISC-V Instruction Set Architecture (ISA). The target schemes are two winners of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) PQC competition: CRYSTALS-Kyber and CRYSTALS-Dilithium, where the two most time-consuming operations are Keccak and polynomial multiplication. Notably, this paper is the first to deploy Kyber and Dilithium on the 64-bit RISC-V ISA. Firstly, we propose a better scheduling strategy for Keccak, which is specifically tailored for the 64-bit dual-issue RISC-V architecture. Our 24-round Keccak permutation (Keccak-$p$[1600,24]) achieves a 59.18% speed-up compared to the reference implementation. Secondly, we apply two modular arithmetic (Montgomery arithmetic and Plantard arithmetic) in the polynomial multiplication of Kyber and Dilithium to get a better lazy reduction. Then, we propose a flexible dual-instruction-issue scheme of Number Theoretic Transform (NTT). As for the matrix-vector multiplication, we introduce a row-to-column processing methodology to minimize the expensive memory access operations. Compared to the reference implementation, we obtain a speedup of 53.85%$\thicksim$85.57% for NTT, matrix-vector multiplication, and INTT in our ECO-CRYSTALS. Finally, our ECO-CRYSTALS implementation for key generation, encapsulation, and decapsulation in Kyber achieves 399k, 448k, and 479k cycles respectively, achieving speedups of 60.82%, 63.93%, and 65.56% compared to the NIST reference implementation. Similarly, our ECO-CRYSTALS implementation for key generation, sign, and verify in Dilithium reaches 1,364k, 3,191k, and 1,369k cycles, showcasing speedups of 54.84%, 64.98%, and 57.20%, respectively.
Last updated:  2024-07-25
Optimizing Rectangle and Boomerang Attacks: A Unified and Generic Framework for Key Recovery
Qianqian Yang, Ling Song, Nana Zhang, Danping Shi, Libo Wang, Jiahao Zhao, Lei Hu, and Jian Weng
The rectangle attack has shown to be a very powerful form of cryptanalysis against block ciphers. Given a rectangle distinguisher, one expects to mount key recovery attacks as efficiently as possible. In the literature, there have been four algorithms for rectangle key recovery attacks. However, their performance varies from case to case. Besides, numerous are the applications where the attacks lack optimality. In this paper, we delve into the rectangle key recovery and propose a unified and generic key recovery algorithm, which supports any possible attacking parameters. Not only does it encompass the four existing rectangle key recovery algorithms, but it also reveals five new types of attacks that were previously overlooked. Further, we put forward a counterpart for boomerang key recovery attacks, which supports any possible attacking parameters as well. Along with these new key recovery algorithms, we propose a framework to automatically determine the best parameters for the attack. To demonstrate the efficiency of the new key recovery algorithms, we apply them to \serpent, \aes-192, \craft, \skinny, and \deoxysbc-256 based on existing distinguishers, yielding a series of improved attacks.
Last updated:  2024-07-24
Client-Aided Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning
Peihan Miao, Xinyi Shi, Chao Wu, and Ruofan Xu
Privacy-preserving machine learning (PPML) enables multiple distrusting parties to jointly train ML models on their private data without revealing any information beyond the final trained models. In this work, we study the client-aided two-server setting where two non-colluding servers jointly train an ML model on the data held by a large number of clients. By involving the clients in the training process, we develop efficient protocols for training algorithms including linear regression, logistic regression, and neural networks. In particular, we introduce novel approaches to securely computing inner product, sign check, activation functions (e.g., ReLU, logistic function), and division on secret shared values, leveraging lightweight computation on the client side. We present constructions that are secure against semi-honest clients and further enhance them to achieve security against malicious clients. We believe these new client-aided techniques may be of independent interest. We implement our protocols and compare them with the two-server PPML protocols presented in SecureML (Mohassel and Zhang, S&P'17) across various settings and ABY2.0 (Patra et al., Usenix Security'21) theoretically. We demonstrate that with the assistance of untrusted clients in the training process, we can significantly improve both the communication and computational efficiency by orders of magnitude. Our protocols compare favorably in all the training algorithms on both LAN and WAN networks.
Last updated:  2024-07-24
Efficient Implementation of Super-optimal Pairings on Curves with Small Prime Fields at the 192-bit Security Level
Jianming Lin, Chang-An Zhao, and Yuhao Zheng
For many pairing-based cryptographic protocols such as Direct Anonymous Attestation (DAA) schemes, the arithmetic on the first pairing subgroup $\mathbb{G}_1$ is more fundamental. Such operations heavily depend on the sizes of prime fields. At the 192-bit security level, Gasnier and Guillevic presented a curve named GG22D7-457 with CM-discriminant $D = 7$ and embedding degree $k = 22$. Compared to other well-known pairing-friendly curves at the same security level, the curve GG22D7-457 has smaller prime field size and $\rho$-value, which benefits from the fast operations on $\mathbb{G}_1$. However, the pairing computation on GG22D7-457 is not efficient. In this paper, we investigate to derive a higher performance for the pairing computation on GG22D7-457. We first propose novel formulas of the super-optimal pairing on this curve by utilizing a $2$-isogeny as GLV-endomorphism. Besides, this tool can be generalized to more generic families of pairing-friendly curves with $n$-isogenies as endomorphisms. In our paper, we provide the explicit formulas for the super-optimal pairings exploiting $2, 3$-isogenies. Finally, we make a concrete computational cost analysis and implement the pairing computations on curve GG22D7-457 using our approaches. In terms of Miller function evaluation, employing the techniques in this paper obtain a saving of $24.44\% $ in $\mathbb{F}_p$-multiplications compared to the optimal ate pairing. As for the running time, the experimental results illustrate that the Miller loop on GG22D7-457 by utilizing our methods is $26.0\%$ faster than the state-of-the-art. Additionally, the performance of the super-optimal pairing on GG22D7-457 is competitive compared to the well-known pairing-friendly curves at the 192-bit security level. These results show that GG22D7-457 becomes an attractive candidate for the pairing-based protocols. Furthermore, our techniques have the potential to enhance the applications of super-optimal pairings on more pairing-friendly curves.
Last updated:  2024-07-24
Hardware Implementation and Security Analysis of Local-Masked NTT for CRYSTALS-Kyber
Rafael Carrera Rodriguez, Emanuele Valea, Florent Bruguier, and Pascal Benoit
The rapid evolution of post-quantum cryptography, spurred by standardization efforts such as those led by NIST, has highlighted the prominence of lattice-based cryptography, notably exemplified by CRYSTALS-Kyber. However, concerns persist regarding the security of cryptographic implementations, particularly in the face of Side-Channel Attacks (SCA). The usage of operations like the Number Theoretic Transform (NTT) in CRYSTALS-Kyber introduces vulnerabilities to SCA, especially single-trace ones, such as soft-analytical side-channel attacks. To address this threat, Ravi et al. proposed local masking as a countermeasure by randomizing the NTT’s twiddle factors, but its implementation and security implications require further investigation. This paper presents a hardware implementation of the NTT with local masking, evaluating its performance, area utilization, and security impacts. Additionally, it analyzes the vulnerabilities inherent in local masking and assesses its practical security effectiveness through non-specific t-tests, showing that there are configurations of local masking that are more prone to leakage than others.
Last updated:  2024-07-24
The syzygy distinguisher
We present a new distinguisher for alternant and Goppa codes, whose complexity is subexponential in the error-correcting capability, hence better than that of generic decoding algorithms. Moreover it does not suffer from the strong regime limitations of the previous distinguishers or structure recovery algorithms: in particular, it applies to the codes used in the Classic McEliece candidate for postquantum cryptography standardization. The invariants that allow us to distinguish are graded Betti numbers of the homogeneous coordinate ring of a shortening of the dual code. Since its introduction in 1978, this is the first time an analysis of the McEliece cryptosystem breaks the exponential barrier.
Last updated:  2024-07-24
Towards ML-KEM & ML-DSA on OpenTitan
Amin Abdulrahman, Felix Oberhansl, Hoang Nguyen Hien Pham, Jade Philipoom, Peter Schwabe, Tobias Stelzer, and Andreas Zankl
This paper presents extensions to the OpenTitan hardware root of trust that aim at enabling high-performance lattice-based cryptography. We start by carefully optimizing ML-KEM and ML-DSA - the two primary algorithms selected by NIST for standardization - in software targeting the OTBN accelerator. Based on profiling results of these implementations, we propose tightly integrated extensions to OTBN, specifically an interface from OTBN to OpenTitan's Keccak accelerator (KMAC core) and extensions to the OTBN ISA to support operations on 256-bit vectors. We implement these extensions in hardware and show that we achieve a speedup by a factor between 6 and 9 for different operations and parameter sets of ML-KEM and ML-DSA compared to our baseline implementation on unmodified OTBN. This speedup is achieved with an increase in cell count of less than 12% in OTBN, which corresponds to an increase of less than 2% for the full Earlgrey OpenTitan core.
Last updated:  2024-07-23
A note on ``a novel authentication protocol for IoT-enabled devices''
Zhengjun Cao and Lihua Liu
We show that the authentication protocol [IEEE Internet Things J., 2023, 10(1), 867-876] is not correctly specified, because the server cannot complete its computations. To revise, the embedded device needs to compute an extra point multiplication over the underlying elliptic curve. We also find the protocol cannot provide anonymity, not as claimed. It can only provide pseudonymity.
Last updated:  2024-07-23
Efficient Two-Party Secure Aggregation via Incremental Distributed Point Function
Nan Cheng, Aikaterini Mitrokotsa, Feng Zhang, and Frank Hartmann
Computing the maximum from a list of secret inputs is a widely-used functionality that is employed ei- ther indirectly as a building block in secure computation frameworks, such as ABY (NDSS’15) or directly used in multiple applications that solve optimisation problems, such as secure machine learning or secure aggregation statistics. Incremental distributed point function (I-DPF) is a powerful primitive (IEEE S&P’21) that significantly reduces the client- to-server communication and are employed to efficiently and securely compute aggregation statistics. In this paper, we investigate whether I-DPF can be used to improve the efficiency of secure two-party computation (2PC) with an emphasis on computing the maximum value and the k-th (with k unknown to the computing parties) ranked value from a list of secret inputs. Our answer is affir- mative, and we propose novel secure 2PC protocols that use I-DPF as a building block, resulting in significant efficiency gains compared to the state-of-the-art. More precisely, our contributions are: (i) We present two new secure computa- tion frameworks that efficiently compute secure aggregation statistics bit-wisely or batch-wisely; (ii) we propose novel protocols to compute the maximum value, the k-th ranked value from a list of secret inputs; (iii) we provide variations of the proposed protocols that can perform batch computations and thus provide further efficiency improvements; and (iv) we provide an extensive performance evaluation for all proposed protocols. Our protocols have a communication complexity that is independent of the number of secret inputs and linear to the length of the secret input domain. Our experimental re- sults show enhanced efficiency over state-of-the-art solutions, particularly notable when handling large-scale inputs. For instance, in scenarios involving an input set of five million elements with an input domain size of 31 bits, our protocol ΠMax achieves an 18% reduction in online execution time and a 67% decrease in communication volume compared to the most efficient existing solution.
Last updated:  2024-07-23
The Espresso Sequencing Network: HotShot Consensus, Tiramisu Data-Availability, and Builder-Exchange
Jeb Bearer, Benedikt Bünz, Philippe Camacho, Binyi Chen, Ellie Davidson, Ben Fisch, Brendon Fish, Gus Gutoski, Fernando Krell, Chengyu Lin, Dahlia Malkhi, Kartik Nayak, Keyao Shen, Alex Xiong, and Nathan Yospe
Building a Consensus platform for shared sequencing can power an ecosystem of layer-2 solutions such as rollups which are crucial for scaling blockchains (e.g.,Ethereum). However, it drastically differs from conventional Consensus for blockchains in two key considerations: • (No) Execution: A shared sequencing platform is not responsible for pre-validating blocks nor for processing state updates. Therefore, agreement is formed on a sequence of certificates of block data-availability (DA) without persisting them or obtaining blocks in full. At the same time, the platform must stream block data with very high efficiency to layer-2 entities for execution, or (in the case of rollups) for proof generation. • Builder-Exchange: A shared sequencing platform delegates to external entities to build blocks and separates it from the role of a consensus proposer. This allows an ecosystem of specialized builders to pre-validate transactions for diversified rollups, languages, and MEV exploits. However, separating the task of block-building from proposing brings a new challenge. Builders want assurances that their blocks would commit in exchange for revealing their contents, whereas validators/proposers want assurance that the data in committed blocks will be available and fees paid. Neither one trusts the other, hence the shared sequencing platform should facilitate a “fair-exchange” between builders and the sequencing network. The Espresso Sequencing Network is purpose-built to address these unique considerations. Among the main novelties of the design are (i) a three-layered DA system called Tiramisu, coupled with (ii) a costless integration of the DA with the platform’s consensus core, and (iii) a Builder-Exchange mechanism between builders and the consensus core. Note that this paper relies substantially on and can be seen as an extension of The Espresso Sequencer: HotShot Consensus and Tiramisu Data Availability [84].
Last updated:  2024-07-23
Lightweight Dynamic Linear Components for Symmetric Cryptography
S. M. Dehnavi and M. R. Mirzaee Shamsabad
‎In this paper‎, ‎using the concept of equivalence of mappings we characterize all of the one-XOR matrices which are used in hardware applications and propose a family of lightweight linear mappings for software-oriented applications in symmetric cryptography‎. ‎Then‎, ‎we investigate interleaved linear mappings and based upon this study‎, ‎we present generalized dynamic primitive LFSRs along with dynamic linear components for construction of diffusion layers. ‎From the mathematical viewpoint‎, ‎this paper presents involutive sparse binary matrices as well as sparse binary matrices with sparse inverses‎. ‎Another interesting result of our investigation is that‎, ‎by our characterization of one-XOR matrices‎, ‎the search space for finding a $k$ such that $x^n+x^k+1$ is a primitive trinomial could be reduced‎.
Last updated:  2024-07-23
STORM — Small Table Oriented Redundancy-based SCA Mitigation for AES
Yaacov Belenky, Hennadii Chernyshchyk, Oleg Karavaev, Oleh Maksymenko, Valery Teper, Daria Ryzhkova, Itamar Levi, Osnat Keren, and Yury Kreimer
Side-channel-analysis (SCA) resistance with cost optimization in AES hardware implementations remains a significant challenge. While traditional masking-based schemes offer provable security, they often incur substantial resource overheads (latency, area, randomness, performance, power consumption). Alternatively, the RAMBAM scheme introduced a redundancy-based approach to control the signal-to-noise ratio, and achieves exponential leakage reduction as redundancy increases. This method results in only a slight increase in area and in power consumption, and a significant decrease in the amount of randomness needed, without any increase in latency. However, it lacks a formal security proof. In this study, we introduce a scheme, denoted STORM, that synergizes RAMBAM's methodology with the utilization of look-up-tables (LUTs) in memory (ROM/RAM) in a redundant domain. STORM, like RAMBAM, is as fast as a typical unprotected implementation and has the same latency, but has a significantly higher maximal clock frequency than RAMBAM, and consumes less than half the power. RAMBAM and STORM are code-based schemes in the sense that their set of representations is a code in the vector space $GF(2)^{8+d}$. RAMBAM requires a richer structure of a ring on $GF(2)^{8+d}$ and a ring homomorphism whereas STORM utilizes a simple vector space. In code-based-masking (CBM), as in all masking schemes, non-interference based notions (t-S/NI) are fundamental for establishing provable security. RAMBAM and STORM diverge from this approach. While CBM employs codes in vector spaces over $GF(2^8)$ for AES protection, RAMBAM and STORM use codes over $GF(2)$ without the need for t-S/NI-gadgets, leaving them both smaller and more efficient. Independence in security proofs typically means that in each individual computation (in a clock-cycle), at least one share does not participate. This approach does not work for RAMBAM where several field multiplications are executed sequentially in a cycle. However, in STORM no multiplications are performed due to its memory based tables, leaving only (independent) bitwise-XORs. Therefore, the reasoning necessary for proving security is different and STORM, unlike RAMBAM, enjoys provable security. We consider two distinct scenarios, \emph{both with provable security}: (1) STORM1 --- ``leakage-free’’ memory reads, demonstrating (1,1,0)-robustness for LUTs with redundancy 2 in the 1-probe model and for LUTs with redundancy 6 in the 2-probe model, and (2) STORM2 --- leaky memory reads, where additional protection mechanisms and a notion of memory-read robustness are introduced. STORM can be implemented not only in HW, but in SW as well. However, this paper and the proofs in it relate to STORM's HW implementations.
Last updated:  2024-07-25
MATTER: A Wide-Block Tweakable Block Cipher
Roberto Avanzi, Orr Dunkelman, and Kazuhiko Minematsu
In this note, we introduce the MATTER Tweakable Block Cipher, designed principally for low latency in low-area hardware implementations, but that can also be implemented in an efficient and compact way in software. MATTER is a 512-bit wide balanced Feistel network with three to six rounds, using the ASCON permutation as the round function. The Feistel network defines a keyed, non-tweakable core, which is made tweakable by using the encryption of the tweak as its key. Key and tweak are 320-bit inputs. MATTER is particularly suitable for use in an OCB-like mode of operation, with an encrypted checksum for authentication.
Last updated:  2024-07-23
Erebor and Durian: Full Anonymous Ring Signatures from Quaternions and Isogenies
Giacomo Borin, Yi-Fu Lai, and Antonin Leroux
We construct two efficient post-quantum ring signatures with anonymity against full key exposure from isogenies, addressing limitations of existing isogeny-based ring signatures. First, we present an efficient concrete distinguisher for the SQIsign simulator when the signing key is provided using one transcript. This shows that turning SQIsign into an efficient full anonymous ring signature requires some new ideas. Second, we propose a variant of SQIsign that is resistant to the distinguisher attack with only a $\times 1.33$ increase in size and we render it to a ring signature, that we refer as $\mathsf{Erebor}$. This variant introduces a new zero-knowledge assumption that ensures full anonymity. The efficiency of $\mathsf{Erebor}$ remains comparable to that of SQIsign, with only a proportional increase due to the ring size. This results in a signature size of $0.68 \mathsf{KB}$ for 4 users and $1.35 \mathsf{KB}$ for 8 users, making it the most compact post-quantum ring signature for up to 31 users. Third, we revisit the GPS signature scheme (Asiacrypt'17), developing efficient subroutines to make the scheme more efficient and significantly reduce the resulting signature size. By integrating our scheme with the paradigm by Beullens, Katsumata, and Pintore (Asiacrypt'20), we achieve an efficient logarithmic ring signature, that we call $\mathsf{Durian}$, resulting in a signature size of $9.87 \mathsf{KB}$ for a ring of size 1024.
Last updated:  2024-07-23
Sanitizable and Accountable Endorsement for Dynamic Transactions in Fabric
Zhaoman Liu, Jianting Ning, Huiying Hou, and Yunlei Zhao
Hyperledger Fabric, an open-source, enterprise-grade consortium platform, employs an endorsement policy wherein a set of endorsers signs transaction proposals from clients to confirm their authenticity. The signatures from endorsers constitute the core component of endorsement. However, when dealing with dynamic transactions with high timeliness and frequent updates (e.g., stock trading, real-time ad delivery, news reporting, etc.), the current endorsement process somewhat slows down the transaction execution. Meanwhile, handling these continuously updated transactions consumes significant resources from endorsers, thereby constraining overall application efficiency. To address these issues, this paper devises a novel sanitizable and accountable endorsement scheme by proposing a sanitizable multi-signature (SMS) as the theoretical tool. Specifically, we introduce the novel concept of sanitizable multi-signature and detail its instantiation. SMS combines the advantages of multi-signature and sanitizable signature, maintaining the compactness of the signature while allowing the sanitizer to adjust the initial endorsement result to fit the updated transaction content without interacting with the endorsers, so that both the authenticity and timeliness of transactions can be ensured. Additionally, SMS incorporates an innovative accountability mechanism to trace instances of improper data updates, thereby enhancing the security and reliability of the endorsement process. We demonstrate the security of the proposed scheme through rigorous security analysis. Performance evaluations show that SMS can significantly reduce verification overhead and transaction size compared to the default ECDSA scheme in Fabric. Specifically, when verifying multiple endorsers' endorsements, our scheme exhibits a storage space reduction by approximately 30%-40% and a verification time reduction ranging from 9.2% to nearly 26.3%.
Last updated:  2024-07-22
Updatable Private Set Intersection from Structured Encryption
Archita Agarwal, David Cash, Marilyn George, Seny Kamara, Tarik Moataz, and Jaspal Singh
Many efficient custom protocols have been developed for two-party private set intersection (PSI), that allow the parties to learn the intersection of their private sets. However, these approaches do not yield efficient solutions in the dynamic setting when the parties’ sets evolve and the intersection has to be computed repeatedly. In this work we propose a new framework for this problem of updatable PSI — with elements being inserted and deleted — in the semihonest model based on structured encryption. The framework reduces the problem of updatable PSI to a new variant of structured encryption (StE) for an updatable set datatype, which may be of independent interest. Our final construction is a constant round protocol with worst-case communication and computation complexity that grows linearly in the size of the updates and only poly-logarithmically with the size of the accumulated sets. Our protocol is the first to support arbitrary inserts and deletes for updatable PSI.
Last updated:  2024-07-22
Hyperion: Transparent End-to-End Verifiable Voting with Coercion Mitigation
Aditya Damodaran, Simon Rastikian, Peter B. Rønne, and Peter Y A Ryan
We present Hyperion, an end-to-end verifiable e-voting scheme that allows the voters to identify their votes in cleartext in the final tally. In contrast to schemes like Selene or sElect, identification is not via (private) tracker numbers but via cryptographic commitment terms. After publishing the tally, the Election Authority provides each voter with an individual dual key. Voters identify their votes by raising their dual key to their secret trapdoor key and finding the matching commitment term in the tally. The dual keys are self-certifying in that, without the voter's trapdoor key, it is intractable to forge a dual key that, when raised to the trapdoor key, will match an alternative commitment. On the other hand, a voter can use their own trapdoor key to forge a dual key to fool any would-be coercer. Additionally, we propose a variant of Hyperion that counters the tracker collision threat present in Selene. We introduce individual verifiable views: each voter gets their own independently shuffled view of the master Bulletin Board. We provide new improved definitions of privacy and verifiability for e-voting schemes and prove the scheme secure against these, as well as proving security with respect to earlier definitions in the literature. Finally, we provide a prototype implementation and provide measurements which demonstrate that our scheme is practical for large scale elections.
Last updated:  2024-07-22
AQQUA: Augmenting Quisquis with Auditability
George Papadoulis, Danai Balla, Panagiotis Grontas, and Aris Pagourtzis
We propose AQQUA: a digital payment system that combines auditability and privacy. AQQUA extends Quisquis by adding two authorities; one for registration and one for auditing. These authorities do not intervene in the everyday transaction processing; as a consequence, the decentralized nature of the cryptocurrency is not disturbed. Our construction is account-based. An account consists of an updatable public key which functions as a cryptographically unlinkable pseudonym, and of commitments to the balance, the total amount of coins spent, and the total amount of coins received. In order to participate in the system a user creates an initial account with the registration authority. To protect their privacy, whenever the user wants to transact they create unlinkable new accounts by updating their public key and the total number of accounts they own (maintained in committed form). The audit authority may request an audit at will. The user must prove in zero-knowledge that all their accounts are compliant to specific policies. We formally define a security model capturing the properties that a private and auditable digital payment system should possess and we analyze the security of AQQUA under this model.
Last updated:  2024-07-22
Fast computation of 2-isogenies in dimension 4 and cryptographic applications
Pierrick Dartois
Dimension 4 isogenies have first been introduced in cryptography for the cryptanalysis of Supersingular Isogeny Diffie-Hellman (SIDH) and have been used constructively in several schemes, including SQIsignHD, a derivative of SQIsign isogeny based signature scheme. Unlike in dimensions 2 and 3, we can no longer rely on the Jacobian model and its derivatives to compute isogenies. In dimension 4 (and higher), we can only use theta-models. Previous works by Romain Cosset, David Lubicz and Damien Robert have focused on the computation of $\ell$-isogenies in theta-models of level $n$ coprime to $\ell$ (which requires to use $n^g$ coordinates in dimension $g$). For cryptographic applications, we need to compute chains of $2$-isogenies, requiring to use $\geq 3^g$ coordinates in dimension $g$ with state of the art algorithms. In this paper, we present algorithms to compute chains of $2$-isogenies between abelian varieties of dimension $g\geq 1$ with theta-coordinates of level $n=2$, generalizing a previous work by Pierrick Dartois, Luciano Maino, Giacomo Pope and Damien Robert in dimension $g=2$. We propose an implementation of these algorithms in dimension $g=4$ to compute endomorphisms of elliptic curve products derived from Kani's lemma with applications to SQIsignHD and SIDH cryptanalysis. We are now able to run a complete key recovery attack on SIDH when the endomorphism ring of the starting curve is unknown within a few seconds on a laptop for all NIST SIKE parameters.
Last updated:  2024-07-22
Inner Product Ring LWE Problem, Reduction, New Trapdoor Algorithm for Inner Product Ring LWE Problem and Ring SIS Problem
Zhuang Shan, Leyou Zhang, Qing Wu, and Qiqi Lai
Lattice cryptography is currently a major research focus in public-key encryption, renowned for its ability to resist quantum attacks. The introduction of ideal lattices (ring lattices) has elevated the theoretical framework of lattice cryptography. Ideal lattice cryptography, compared to classical lattice cryptography, achieves more acceptable operational efficiency through fast Fourier transforms. However, to date, issues of impracticality or insecurity persist in ideal lattice problems. In order to provide a reasonable and secure trapdoor algorithm, this paper introduces the concept of "Inner Product Ring LWE" and establishes its quantum resistance and indistinguishability using knowledge of time complexity, fixed-point theory, and statistical distances. Inner product Ring LWE is easier to construct trapdoor algorithms compared to Ring LWE. Additionally, leveraging the properties of NTRU, we propose a more secure Ring SIS trapdoor algorithm.
Last updated:  2024-07-21
Towards Quantum-Safe Blockchain: Exploration of PQC and Public-key Recovery on Embedded Systems
Dominik Marchsreiter
Blockchain technology ensures accountability, transparency, and redundancy in critical applications, includ- ing IoT with embedded systems. However, the reliance on public-key cryptography (PKC) makes blockchain vulnerable to quantum computing threats. This paper addresses the urgent need for quantum-safe blockchain solutions by integrating Post- Quantum Cryptography (PQC) into blockchain frameworks. Utilizing algorithms from the NIST PQC standardization pro- cess, we aim to fortify blockchain security and resilience, partic- ularly for IoT and embedded systems. Despite the importance of PQC, its implementation in blockchain systems tailored for embedded environments remains underexplored. We propose a quantum-secure blockchain architecture, evaluating various PQC primitives and optimizing transaction sizes through tech- niques such as public-key recovery for Falcon, achieving up to 17% reduction in transaction size. Our analysis identifies Falcon-512 as the most suitable algorithm for quantum-secure blockchains in embedded environments, with XMSS as a viable stateful alternative. However, for embedded devices, Dilithium demonstrates a higher transactions-per-second (TPS) rate compared to Falcon, primarily due to Falcon’s slower sign- ing performance on ARM CPUs. This highlights the signing time as a critical limiting factor in the integration of PQC within embedded blockchains. Additionally, we integrate smart contract functionality into the quantum-secure blockchain, assessing the impact of PQC on smart contract authentication. Our findings demonstrate the feasibility and practicality of deploying quantum-secure blockchain solutions in embedded systems, paving the way for robust and future-proof IoT applications.
Last updated:  2024-07-21
Cryptanalysis of two post-quantum authenticated key agreement protocols
Mehdi Abri and Hamid Mala
As the use of the internet and digital devices has grown rapidly, keeping digital communications secure has become very important. Authenticated Key Agreement (AKA) protocols play a vital role in securing digital communications. These protocols enable the communicating parties to mutually authenticate and securely establish a shared secret key. The emergence of quantum computers makes many existing AKA protocols vulnerable to their immense computational power. Consequently, designing new protocols that are resistant to quantum attacks has become essential. Extensive research in this area had led to the design of several post-quantum AKA schemes. In this paper, we analyze two post-quantum AKA schemes proposed by Dharminder et al. [2022] and Pursharthi and Mishra. [2024] and demonstrate that these schemes are not secure against active adversaries. An adversary can impersonate an authorized user to the server. We then propose reliable solutions to prevent these attacks.
Last updated:  2024-07-20
A zero-trust swarm security architecture and protocols
Alex Shafarenko
This report presents the security protocols and general trust architecture of the SMARTEDGE swarm computing platform. Part 1 describes the coordination protocols for use in a swarm production environment, e.g. a smart factory, and Part 2 deals with crowd-sensing scenarios characteristic of traffic-control swarms.
Last updated:  2024-07-20
AVeCQ: Anonymous Verifiable Crowdsourcing with Worker Qualities
Vlasis Koutsos, Sankarshan Damle, Dimitrios Papadopoulos, Sujit Gujar, and Dimitris Chatzopoulos
In crowdsourcing systems, requesters publish tasks, and interested workers provide answers to get rewards. Worker anonymity motivates participation since it protects their privacy. Anonymity with unlinkability is an enhanced version of anonymity because it makes it impossible to ``link'' workers across the tasks they participate in. Another core feature of crowdsourcing systems is worker quality which expresses a worker's trustworthiness and quantifies their historical performance. In this work, we present AVeCQ, the first crowdsourcing system that reconciles these properties, achieving enhanced anonymity and verifiable worker quality updates. AVeCQ relies on a suite of cryptographic tools, such as zero-knowledge proofs, to (i) guarantee workers' privacy, (ii) prove the correctness of worker quality scores and task answers, and (iii) commensurate payments. AVeCQ is developed modularly, where requesters and workers communicate over a platform that supports pseudonymity, information logging, and payments. To compare AVeCQ with the state-of-the-art, we prototype it over Ethereum. AVeCQ outperforms the state-of-the-art in three popular crowdsourcing tasks (image annotation, average review, and Gallup polls). E.g., for an Average Review task with 5 choices and 128 workers AVeCQ is 40% faster (including computing and verifying necessary proofs, and blockchain transaction processing overheads) with the task's requester consuming 87% fewer gas.
Last updated:  2024-07-20
Grafted Trees Bear Better Fruit: An Improved Multiple-Valued Plaintext-Checking Side-Channel Attack against Kyber
Jinnuo Li, Chi Cheng, Muyan Shen, Peng Chen, Qian Guo, Dongsheng Liu, Liji Wu, and Jian Weng
As a prominent category of side-channel attacks (SCAs), plaintext-checking (PC) oracle-based SCAs offer the advantages of generality and operational simplicity on a targeted device. At TCHES 2023, Rajendran et al. and Tanaka et al. independently proposed the multiple-valued (MV) PC oracle, significantly reducing the required number of queries (a.k.a., traces) in the PC oracle. However, in practice, when dealing with environmental noise or inaccuracies in the waveform classifier, they still rely on majority voting or the other technique that usually results in three times the number of queries compared to the ideal case. In this paper, we propose an improved method to further reduce the number of queries of the MV-PC oracle, particularly in scenarios where the oracle is imperfect. Compared to the state-of-the-art at TCHES 2023, our proposed method reduces the number of queries for a full key recovery by more than $42.5\%$. The method involves three rounds. Our key observation is that coefficients recovered in the first round can be regarded as prior information to significantly aid in retrieving coefficients in the second round. This improvement is achieved through a newly designed grafted tree. Notably, the proposed method is generic and can be applied to both the NIST key encapsulation mechanism (KEM) standard Kyber and other significant candidates, such as Saber and Frodo. We have conducted extensive software simulations against Kyber-512, Kyber-768, Kyber-1024, FireSaber, and Frodo-1344 to validate the efficiency of the proposed method. An electromagnetic attack conducted on real-world implementations, using an STM32F407G board equipped with an ARM Cortex-M4 microcontroller and Kyber implementation from the public library \textit{pqm4}, aligns well with our simulations.
Last updated:  2024-07-20
Cryptanalysis of Rank-2 Module-LIP with Symplectic Automorphisms
Hengyi Luo, Kaijie Jiang, Yanbin Pan, and Anyu Wang
At Eurocrypt'24, Mureau et al. formally defined the Lattice Isomorphism Problem for module lattices (module-LIP) in a number field $\mathbb{K}$, and proposed a heuristic randomized algorithm solving module-LIP for modules of rank 2 in $\mathbb{K}^2$ with a totally real number field $\mathbb{K}$, which runs in classical polynomial time for a large class of modules and a large class of totally real number field under some reasonable number theoretic assumptions. In this paper, by introducing a (pseudo) symplectic automorphism of the module, we successfully reduce the problem of solving module-LIP over CM number field to the problem of finding certain symplectic automorphism. Furthermore, we show that a weak (pseudo) symplectic automorphism can be computed efficiently, which immediately turns out to be the desired automorphism when the module is in a totally real number field. This directly results in a provable deterministic polynomial-time algorithm solving module-LIP for rank-2 modules in $\mathbb{K}^2$ where $\mathbb{K}$ is a totally real number field, without any assumptions or restrictions on the modules and the totally real number fields. Moreover, the weak symplectic automorphism can also be utilized to invalidate the omSVP assumption employed in HAWK's forgery security analysis, although it does not yield any actual attacks against HAWK itself.
Last updated:  2024-07-19
Generalized class group actions on oriented elliptic curves with level structure
Sarah Arpin, Wouter Castryck, Jonathan Komada Eriksen, Gioella Lorenzon, and Frederik Vercauteren
We study a large family of generalized class groups of imaginary quadratic orders $O$ and prove that they act freely and (essentially) transitively on the set of primitively $O$-oriented elliptic curves over a field $k$ (assuming this set is non-empty) equipped with appropriate level structure. This extends, in several ways, a recent observation due to Galbraith, Perrin and Voloch for the ray class group. We show that this leads to a reinterpretation of the action of the class group of a suborder $O' \subseteq O$ on the set of $O'$-oriented elliptic curves, discuss several other examples, and briefly comment on the hardness of the corresponding vectorization problems.
Last updated:  2024-07-19
Tight Time-Space Tradeoffs for the Decisional Diffie-Hellman Problem
Akshima, Tyler Besselman, Siyao Guo, Zhiye Xie, and Yuping Ye
In the (preprocessing) Decisional Diffie-Hellman (DDH) problem, we are given a cyclic group $G$ with a generator $g$ and a prime order $N$, and we want to prepare some advice of size $S$, such that we can efficiently distinguish $(g^{x},g^{y},g^{xy})$ from $(g^{x},g^{y},g^{z})$ in time $T$ for uniformly and independently chosen $x,y,z$ from $\mathbb{Z}_N$. This is a central cryptographic problem whose computational hardness underpins many widely deployed schemes, such as the Diffie–Hellman key exchange protocol. We prove that any generic preprocessing DDH algorithm (operating in any cyclic group) achieves advantage at most $O(ST^2 / N)$. This bound matches the best known attack up to poly-log factors, and confirms that DDH is as secure as the (seemingly harder) discrete logarithm problem against preprocessing attacks. Our result resolves an open question by Corrigan-Gibbs and Kogan (EUROCRYPT 2018), who proved optimal bounds for many variants of discrete logarithm problems except DDH (with an $\tilde{O}(\sqrt{ST^2/N})$ bound). We obtain our results by adopting and refining the approach by Gravin, Guo, Kwok, Lu (SODA 2021) and by Yun (EUROCRYPT 2015). Along the way, we significantly simplified and extended the above techniques which may be of independent interest. The highlights of our techniques are as follows: (1) We obtain a simpler reduction from decisional problems against $S$-bit advice to their $S$-wise XOR lemmas against zero-advice, recovering the reduction by Gravin, Guo, Kwok and Lu (SODA 2021). (2) We show how to reduce generic hardness of decisional problems to their variants in the simpler hyperplane query model proposed by Yun (EUROCRYPT 2015). This is the first work analyzing a decisional problem in Yun's model, answering an open problem proposed by Auerbach, Hoffman, and Pascual-Perez (TCC 2023). (3) We prove an $S$-wise XOR lemma of DDH in Yun's model. As a corollary, we obtain the generic hardness of the $S$-XOR DDH problem.
Last updated:  2024-07-19
Rudraksh: A compact and lightweight post-quantum key-encapsulation mechanism
Suparna Kundu, Archisman Ghosh, Angshuman Karmakar, Shreyas Sen, and Ingrid Verbauwhede
Resource-constrained devices such as wireless sensors and Internet of Things (IoT) devices have become ubiquitous in our digital ecosystem. These devices generate and handle a major part of our digital data. In the face of the impending threat of quantum computers on our public-key infrastructure, it is impossible to imagine the security and privacy of our digital world without integrating post-quantum cryptography (PQC) into these devices. Usually, due to the resource constraints of these devices, the cryptographic schemes in these devices have to operate with very small memory and consume very little power. Therefore, we must provide a lightweight implementation of existing PQC schemes by possibly trading off the efficiency. The other option that can potentially provide the most optimal result is by designing PQC schemes suitable for lightweight and low-power-consuming implementation. Unfortunately, the latter method has been largely ignored in PQC research. In this work, we first provide a lightweight CCA-secure PQ key-encapsulation mechanism (KEM) design based on hard lattice problems. We have done a scrupulous and extensive analysis and evaluation of different design elements, such as polynomial size, field modulus structure, reduction algorithm, secret and error distribution, etc., of a lattice-based KEM. We have optimized each of them to obtain a lightweight design. Our design provides a $100$ bit of PQ security and shows $\sim3$x improvement in terms of area with respect to the state-of-the-art Kyber KEM, a PQ standard.
Last updated:  2024-07-19
Attacking Tropical Stickel Protocol by MILP and Heuristic Optimization Techniques
Sulaiman Alhussaini and Serge˘ı Sergeev
Known attacks on the tropical implementation of Stickel protocol involve solving a minimal covering problem, and this leads to an exponential growth in the time required to recover the secret key as the used polynomial degree increases. Consequently, it can be argued that Alice and Bob can still securely execute the protocol by utilizing very high polynomial degrees, a feasible approach due to the efficiency of tropical operations. The same is true for the implementation of Stickel protocol over some other semirings with idempotent addition (such as the max-min or fuzzy semiring). In this paper, we propose alternative methods to attacking Stickel protocol that avoid this minimal covering problem and the associated exponential time complexity. These methods involve framing the attacks as a mixed integer linear programming (MILP) problem or applying certain global optimization techniques.
Last updated:  2024-07-19
Time is not enough: Timing Leakage Analysis on Cryptographic Chips via Plaintext-Ciphertext Correlation in Non-timing Channel
Congming Wei, Guangze Hong, An Wang, Jing Wang, Shaofei Sun, Yaoling Ding, Liehuang Zhu, and Wenrui Ma
In side-channel testing, the standard timing analysis works when the vendor can provide a measurement to indicate the execution time of cryptographic algorithms. In this paper, we find that there exists timing leakage in power/electromagnetic channels, which is often ignored in traditional timing analysis. Hence a new method of timing analysis is proposed to deal with the case where execution time is not available. Different execution time leads to different execution intervals, affecting the locations of plaintext and ciphertext transmission. Our method detects timing leakage by studying changes in plaintext-ciphertext correlation when traces are aligned forward and backward. Experiments are then carried out on different cryptographic devices. Furthermore, we propose an improved timing analysis framework which gives appropriate methods for different scenarios.
Last updated:  2024-07-19
Expanding the Toolbox: Coercion and Vote-Selling at Vote-Casting Revisited
Tamara Finogina, Javier Herranz, and Peter B. Roenne
Coercion is a challenging and multi-faceted threat that prevents people from expressing their will freely. Similarly, vote-buying does to undermine the foundation of free democratic elections. These threats are especially dire for remote electronic voting, which relies on voters to express their political will freely but happens in an uncontrolled environment outside the polling station and the protection of the ballot booth. However, electronic voting in general, both in-booth and remote, faces a major challenge, namely to ensure that voters can verify that their intent is captured correctly without providing a receipt of the cast vote to the coercer or vote buyer. Even though there are known techniques to resist or partially mitigate coercion and vote-buying, we explicitly demonstrate that they generally underestimate the power of malicious actors by not accounting for current technological tools that could support coercion and vote-selling. In this paper, we give several examples of how a coercer can force voters to comply with his demands or how voters can prove how they voted. To do so, we use tools like blockchains, delay encryption, privacy-preserving smart contracts, or trusted hardware. Since some of the successful coercion attacks occur on voting schemes that were supposed/claimed/proven to be coercion-resistant or receipt-free, the main conclusion of this work is that the coercion models should be re-evaluated, and new definitions of coercion and receipt-freeness are necessary. We propose such new definitions as part of this paper and investigate their implications.
Last updated:  2024-07-19
On the Relationship between FuncCPA and FuncCPA+
Takumi Shinozaki, Keisuke Tanaka, Masayuki Tezuka, and Yusuke Yoshida
Akavia, Gentry, Halevi, and Vald introduced the security notion of function-chosen-plaintext-attack (FuncCPA security) for public-key encryption schemes. FuncCPA is defined by adding a functional re-encryption oracle to the IND-CPA game. This notion is crucial for secure computation applications where the server is allowed to delegate a part of the computation to the client. Dodis, Halevi, and Wichs introduced a stronger variant called FuncCPA$^+$. They showed FuncCPA$^+$ implies FuncCPA and conjectured that FuncCPA$^+$ is strictly stronger than FuncCPA. They left an open problem to clarify the relationship between these variants. Contrary to their conjecture, we show that FuncCPA is equivalent to FuncCPA$^+$. We show it by two proofs with a trade-off between the number of queries and the number of function inputs. Furthermore, we show these parameters determine the security levels of FuncCPA and FuncCPA$^+$.
Last updated:  2024-07-18
Respire: High-Rate PIR for Databases with Small Records
Alexander Burton, Samir Jordan Menon, and David J. Wu
Private information retrieval (PIR) is a key building block in many privacy-preserving systems, and recent works have made significant progress on reducing the concrete computational costs of single-server PIR. However, existing constructions have high communication overhead, especially for databases with small records. In this work, we introduce Respire, a lattice-based PIR scheme tailored for databases of small records. To retrieve a single record from a database with over a million 256-byte records, the Respire protocol requires just 6.1 KB of online communication; this is a 5.9x reduction compared to the best previous lattice-based scheme. Moreover, Respire naturally extends to support batch queries. Compared to previous communication-efficient batch PIR schemes, Respire achieves a 3.4-7.1x reduction in total communication while maintaining comparable throughput (200-400 MB/s). The design of Respire relies on new query compression and response packing techniques based on ring switching in homomorphic encryption.
Last updated:  2024-07-18
A Crack in the Firmament: Restoring Soundness of the Orion Proof System and More
Thomas den Hollander and Daniel Slamanig
Orion (Xie et al. CRYPTO'22) is a recent plausibly post-quantum zero-knowledge argument system with a linear time prover. It improves over Brakedown (Golovnev et al. ePrint'21 and CRYPTO'23) by reducing proof size and verifier complexity to be polylogarithmic and additionally adds the zero-knowledge property. The argument system is demonstrated to be concretely efficient with a prover time being the fastest among all existing succinct proof systems and a proof size that is an order of magnitude smaller than Brakedown. Since its publication in CRYPTO 2022, two revisions have been made to the zk-SNARK. First, there was an issue with how zero-knowledge was handled. Second, Orion was discovered to be unsound, which was then repaired through the use of a commit-and-prove SNARK as an ``outer'' SNARK. As we will show in this paper, unfortunately, Orion in its current revision is still unsound (with and without the zero-knowledge property) and we will demonstrate practical attacks on it. We then show how to repair Orion without additional assumptions, which requies non-trivial fixes when aiming to preserve the linear time prover complexity. The proposed fixes lead to an even improved efficiency, i.e., smaller proof size and verifier time, over the claimed efficiency of the initial version of Orion. Moreover, we provide the first rigorous security proofs and explicitly consider multi-point openings and non-interactivity. While revisiting Orion we make some additional contributions which might be of independent interest, most notable an improved code randomization technique that retains the minimum relative distance.
Last updated:  2024-07-18
On the Number of Restricted Solutions to Constrained Systems and their Applications
Benoît Cogliati, Jordan Ethan, Ashwin Jha, Mridul Nandi, and Abishanka Saha
In this paper, we formulate a special class of systems of linear equations over finite fields and derive lower bounds on the number of solutions adhering to some predefined restrictions. We then demonstrate the applications of these lower bounds to derive tight PRF security (up to $2^{3n/4}$ queries) for single-keyed variants of the Double-block Hash-then-Sum (DBHtS) paradigm, specifically PMAC+ and LightMAC+. Additionally, we show that the sum of $r$ independent copies of the Even-Mansour cipher is a secure PRF up to $2^{\frac{r}{r+1}n}$ queries.
Last updated:  2024-07-17
Practical Traceable Receipt-Free Encryption
Henri Devillez, Olivier Pereira, and Thomas Peters
Traceable Receipt-free Encryption (TREnc) is a verifiable public-key encryption primitive introduced at Asiacrypt 2022. A TREnc allows randomizing ciphertexts in transit in order to remove any subliminal information up to a public trace that ensures the non-malleability of the underlying plaintext. A remarkable property of TREnc is the indistinguishability of the randomization of chosen ciphertexts against traceable chosen-ciphertext attacks (TCCA). This property can support applications like voting, and it was shown that receipt-free non-interactive voting, where voters are unable to convince any third party of the content of their vote, can be generically built from a TREnc. While being a very promising primitive, the few existing TREnc mechanisms either require a secret coin CRS or are fairly demanding in time and space requirements. Their security proofs also come with a linear security degradation in the number of challenge ciphertexts. We address these limitations and offer two efficient public coin TREnc mechanisms tailored for the two common tallying approaches in elections: homomorphic and mixnet-based. The TCCA security of our mechanisms also enjoys an almost-tight reduction to SXDH, based on a new randomizable technique of independent interest in the random oracle model. A Rust implementation of our TREnc mechanisms demonstrates that we can verifiably encrypt 64 bits in less than a second, and full group elements in around 30 ms., which is sufficient for most real-world applications. While comparing with other solutions, we show that our approaches lead to the most efficient non-interactive receipt-free voting system to date.
Last updated:  2024-07-17
On the Concrete Security of Non-interactive FRI
Alexander R. Block and Pratyush Ranjan Tiwari
FRI is a cryptographic protocol widely deployed today as a building block of many efficient SNARKs that help secure transactions of hundreds of millions of dollars per day. The Fiat-Shamir security of FRI—vital for understanding the security of FRI-based SNARKs—has only recently been formalized and established by Block et al. (ASIACRYPT ’23). In this work, we complement the result of Block et al. by providing a thorough concrete security analysis of non-interactive FRI under various parameter settings from protocols deploying (or soon to be deploying) FRI today. We find that these parameters nearly achieve their desired security targets (being at most 1-bit less secure than their targets) for non-interactive FRI with respect to a certain security conjecture about the FRI Protocol. However, in all but one set of parameters, we find that the provable security of non-interactive FRI under these parameters is severely lacking, being anywhere between 21- and 63-bits less secure than the conjectured security. The conjectured security of FRI assumes that known attacks are optimal, the security of these systems would be severely compromised should a better attack be discovered. In light of this, we present parameter guidelines for achieving 100-bits of provable security for non-interactive FRI along with a methodology for tuning these parameters to suit the needs of protocol designers.
Last updated:  2024-07-17
Post-Quantum Access Control with Application to Secure Data Retrieval
Behzad Abdolmaleki, Hannes Blümel, Giacomo Fenzi, Homa Khajeh, Stefan Köpsell, and Maryam Zarezadeh
Servan-Schreiber et al. (S&P 2023) presented a new notion called private access control lists (PACL) for function secret sharing (FSS), where the FSS evaluators can ensure that the FSS dealer is authorized to share the given function. Their construction relies on costly non-interactive secret-shared proofs and is not secure in post-quantum setting. We give a construction of PACL from publicly verifiable secret sharing (PVSS) under short integer solution (SIS). Our construction adapts the Gentry et al’s scheme (Eurocrypt 2022) for post-quantum setting based on learning with error assumption (LWE). The implementation of our PACL with different files showed that it is feasible even at different sizes, and should remain so even with large secret vectors. This construction has many applications for access control by applying FSS. We show how to apply the proposed PACL construction to secure data retrieval. We also present a scheme for secure data retrieval with access control, which might be of independent interest.
Last updated:  2024-07-17
LaPSuS – A Lattice-Based Private Stream Aggregation Scheme under Scrutiny
Johannes Ottenhues and Alexander Koch
Private Stream Aggregation (PSA) allows clients to send encryptions of their private values to an aggregator that is then able to learn the sum of these values but nothing else. It has since found many applications in practice, e.g. for smart metering or federated learning. In 2018, Becker et al. proposed the first lattice-based PSA scheme LaPS (NDSS 2018), with putative post-quantum security, which has subsequently been patented. In this paper, we describe two attacks on LaPS that break the claimed aggregator obliviousness security notion, where the second attack even allows to recover the secret keys of the clients, given enough encryptions. Moreover, we review the PSA literature for other occurrences of the responsible flawed proof steps. By explicitly tracking down and discussing these flaws, we clarify and hope to contribute to the literature on PSA schemes, in order to prevent further insecure schemes in practice. Finally, we point out that a Real-or-Random variant of the security notion that is often used as a substitute to make proofs easier, is not well-defined and potentially weaker than the standard PSA security notion. We propose a well defined variant and show that it is equivalent to the standard security notion of PSA under mild assumptions.
Last updated:  2024-07-17
A Note on `` Provably Secure and Lightweight Authentication Key Agreement Scheme for Smart Meters''
Zhengjun Cao and Lihua Liu
We show that the authentication key agreement scheme [IEEE Trans. Smart Grid, 2023, 14(5), 3816-3827] is flawed due to its inconsistent computations. We also show that the scheme fails to keep anonymity, not as claimed.
Last updated:  2024-07-16
Shift-invariant functions and almost liftings
Jan Kristian Haugland and Tron Omland
We investigate shift-invariant vectorial Boolean functions on $n$ bits that are lifted from Boolean functions on $k$ bits, for $k\leq n$. We consider vectorial functions that are not necessarily permutations, but are, in some sense, almost bijective. In this context, we define an almost lifting as a Boolean function for which there is an upper bound on the number of collisions of its lifted functions that does not depend on $n$. We show that if a Boolean function with diameter $k$ is an almost lifting, then the maximum number of collisions of its lifted functions is $2^{k-1}$ for any $n$. Moreover, we search for functions in the class of almost liftings that have good cryptographic properties and for which the non-bijectivity does not cause major security weaknesses. These functions generalize the well-known map $\chi$ used in the Keccak hash function.
Last updated:  2024-07-16
On affine forestry over integral domains and families of deep Jordan-Gauss graphs
Tymoteusz Chojecki, Grahame Erskine, James Tuite, and Vasyl Ustimenko
Let K be a commutative ring. We refer to a connected bipartite graph G = G_n(K) with partition sets P = K^n (points) and L = K^n (lines) as an affine graph over K of dimension dim(G) = n if the neighbourhood of each vertex is isomorphic to K. We refer to G as an algebraic affine graph over K if the incidence between a point (x_1, x_2, . . . , x_n) and line [y_1, y_2, . . . , y_n] is defined via a system of polynomial equations of the kind f_i = 0 where f_i ∈ K[x_1, x_2, . . . , x_n, y_1, y_2, . . . , y_n]. We say that an affine algebraic graph is a Jordan-Gauss graph over K if the incidences between points and lines are given by a quadratic system of polynomial equations, and the neighbourhood of each vertex is given as a solution set of the system of linear equations in row-echelon form. For each integral domain K we consider the known explicit construction of the family of Jordan-Gauss graphs A(n, K), n = 2, 3, . . . with cycle indicator ≥ 2n + 2. Additionally several constructions of families of edge intransitive Jordan-Gauss graphs over K of increasing girth with well defined projective limit will be presented. This projective limit is a forest defined by the system of algebraic equations. In the case K = F_q, q ≥ 3 we present results of computer experiments for the evaluation of girth, cycle indicator, diameter and the second largest eigenvalue of the constructed graphs, and we formulate several conjectures on their properties. One of the conjectures is that the girth of A(n, F_q) is 2[(n+ 5)/2]. We discuss briefly some applications of Jordan-Gauss graphs of large girth to Graph Theory, Algebraic Geometry and the theory of LDPC codes; and we consider ideas to use groups related to these graphs in Noncommutative Cryptography and Stream Ciphers Design.
Last updated:  2024-07-16
Cross Ledger Transaction Consistency for Financial Auditing
Vlasis Koutsos, Xiangan Tian, Dimitrios Papadopoulos, and Dimitris Chatzopoulos
Auditing throughout a fiscal year is integral to organizations with transactional activity. Organizations transact with each other and record the details for all their economical activities so that a regulatory committee can verify the lawfulness and legitimacy of their activity. However, it is computationally infeasible for the committee to perform all necessary checks for each organization. To overcome this, auditors assist in this process: organizations give access to all their internal data to their auditors, who then produce reports regarding the consistency of the organization's data, alerting the committee to any inconsistencies. Despite this, numerous issues that result in fines annually revolve around such inconsistencies in bookkeeping across organizations. Notably, committees wishing to verify the correctness of auditor-provided reports need to redo all their calculations; a process which is computationally proportional to the number of organizations. In fact, it becomes prohibitive when considering real-world settings with thousands of organizations. In this work, we propose two protocols, CLOSC and CLOLC, whose goals are to enable auditors and a committee to verify the consistency of transactions across different ledgers. Both protocols ensure that for every transaction recorded in an organization's ledger, there exists a dual one in the ledger of another organization while safeguarding against other potential attacks. Importantly, we minimize the information leakage to auditors and other organizations and guarantee three crucial security and privacy properties that we propose: (i) transaction amount privacy, (ii) organization-auditor unlinkability, and (iii) transacting organizations unlinkability. At the core of our protocols lies a two-tier ledger architecture alongside a suite of cryptographic tools. To demonstrate the practicality and scalability of our designs, we provide extensive performance evaluation for both CLOSC and CLOLC. Our numbers are promising, i.e., all computation and verification times lie in the range of seconds, even for millions of transactions, while the on-chain storage costs for an auditing epoch are encouraging i.e. in the range of GB for millions of transactions and thousands of organizations.
Last updated:  2024-07-16
Blockchain Space Tokenization
Aggelos Kiayias, Elias Koutsoupias, Philip Lazos, and Giorgos Panagiotakos
Handling congestion in blockchain systems is a fundamental problem given that the security and decentralization objectives of such systems lead to designs that compromise on (horizontal) scalability (what sometimes is referred to as the ``blockchain trilemma''). Motivated by this, we focus on the question whether it is possible to design a transaction inclusion policy for block producers that facilitates fee and delay predictability while being incentive compatible at the same time. Reconciling these three properties is seemingly paradoxical given that the dominant approach to transaction processing is based on first-price auctions (e.g., as in Bitcoin) or dynamic adjustment of the minimum admissible fee (e.g. as in Ethereum EIP-1559) something that breaks fee predictability. At the same time, in fixed fee mechanisms (e.g., as in Cardano), fees are trivially predictable but are subject to relatively inexpensive bribing or denial of service attacks where transactions may be delayed indefinitely by a well funded attacker, hence breaking delay predictability. In this work, we set out to address this problem by putting forward blockchain space tokenization (BST), namely a new capability of a blockchain system to tokenize its capacity for transactions and allocate it to interested users who are willing to pay ahead of time for the ability to post transactions regularly for a period of time. We analyze our system in the face of worst-case transaction-processing attacks by introducing a security game played between the mempool mechanism and an adversary. Leveraging this framework, we prove that BST offers predictable and asymptotically optimal delays, predictable fees, and is incentive compatible, thus answering the question posed in the affirmative.
Last updated:  2024-07-16
Designated-Verifier zk-SNARKs Made Easy
Chen Li and Fangguo Zhang
Zero-knowledge succinct non-interactive argument of knowledge (zk-SNARK) is a kind of proof system that enables a prover to convince a verifier that an NP statement is true efficiently. In the last decade, various studies made a lot of progress in constructing more efficient and secure zk-SNARKs. Our research focuses on designated-verifier zk-SNARKs, where only the verifier knowing some secret verification state can be convinced by the proof. A natural idea of getting a designated-verifier zk-SNARK is encrypting a publicly-verifiable zk-SNARK's proof via public-key encryption. This is also the core idea behind the well-known transformation proposed by Bitansky et al. in TCC 2013 to obtain designated-verifier zk-SNARKs. However, the transformation only applies to zk-SNARKs which requires the complicated trusted setup phase and sticks on storage-expensive common reference strings. The loss of the secret verification state also makes the proof immediately lose the designated-verifier property. To address these issues, we first define "strong designated-verifier" considering the case where the adversary has access to the secret verification state, then propose a construction of strong designated-verifier zk-SNARKs. The construction inspired by designated verifier signatures based on two-party ring signatures does not use encryption and can be applied on any public-verifiable zk-SNARKs to yield a designated-verifiable variant. We introduce our construction under the circuit satisfiability problem and implement it in Circom, then test it on different zk-SNARKs, showing the validity of our construction.
Last updated:  2024-07-16
Secure Multiparty Computation of Symmetric Functions with Polylogarithmic Bottleneck Complexity and Correlated Randomness
Reo Eriguchi
Bottleneck complexity is an efficiency measure of secure multiparty computation (MPC) protocols introduced to achieve load-balancing in large-scale networks, which is defined as the maximum communication complexity required by any one player within the protocol execution. Towards the goal of achieving low bottleneck complexity, prior works proposed MPC protocols for computing symmetric functions in the correlated randomness model, where players are given input-independent correlated randomness in advance. However, the previous protocols with polylogarithmic bottleneck complexity in the number of players $n$ require a large amount of correlated randomness that is linear in $n$, which limits the per-party efficiency as receiving and storing correlated randomness are the bottleneck for efficiency. In this work, we present for the first time MPC protocols for symmetric functions such that bottleneck complexity and the amount of correlated randomness are both polylogarithmic in $n$, assuming collusion of size at most $n-o(n)$ players. Furthermore, one of our protocols is even computationally efficient in that each player performs only $\mathrm{polylog}(n)$ arithmetic operations while the computational complexity of the previous protocols is $O(n)$. Technically, our efficiency improvements come from novel protocols based on ramp secret sharing to realize basic functionalities with low bottleneck complexity, which we believe may be of interest beyond their applications to secure computation of symmetric functions.
Last updated:  2024-07-15
Privacy-Preserving Data Deduplication for Enhancing Federated Learning of Language Models
Aydin Abadi, Vishnu Asutosh Dasu, and Sumanta Sarkar
Deduplication is a vital preprocessing step that enhances machine learning model performance and saves training time and energy. However, enhancing federated learning through deduplication poses challenges, especially regarding scalability and potential privacy violations if deduplication involves sharing all clients’ data. In this paper, we address the problem of deduplication in a federated setup by introducing a pioneering protocol, Efficient Privacy-Preserving Multi-Party Deduplication (EP-MPD). It efficiently removes duplicates from multiple clients’ datasets without compromising data privacy. EP-MPD is constructed in a modular fashion, utilizing two novel variants of the Private Set Intersection protocol. Our extensive experiments demonstrate the significant benefits of deduplication in federated learning of large language models. For instance, we observe up to 19.61% improvement in perplexity and up to 27.95% reduction in running time. EP-MPD effectively balances privacy and performance in federated learning, making it a valuable solution for large-scale applications.
Last updated:  2024-07-15
Finding Practical Parameters for Isogeny-based Cryptography
Maria Corte-Real Santos, Jonathan Komada Eriksen, Michael Meyer, and Francisco Rodríguez-Henríquez
Isogeny-based schemes often come with special requirements on the field of definition of the involved elliptic curves. For instance, the efficiency of SQIsign, a promising candidate in the NIST signature standardisation process, requires a large power of two and a large smooth integer $T$ to divide $p^2-1$ for its prime parameter $p$. We present two new methods that combine previous techniques for finding suitable primes: sieve-and-boost and XGCD-and-boost. We use these methods to find primes for the NIST submission of SQIsign. Furthermore, we show that our methods are flexible and can be adapted to find suitable parameters for other isogeny-based schemes such as AprèsSQI or POKE. For all three schemes, the parameters we present offer the best performance among all parameters proposed in the literature.
Last updated:  2024-07-15
Improved High-Order Masked Generation of Masking Vector and Rejection Sampling in Dilithium
Jean-Sébastien Coron, François Gérard, Tancrède Lepoint, Matthias Trannoy, and Rina Zeitoun
In this work, we introduce enhanced high-order masking techniques tailored for Dilithium, the post-quantum signature scheme recently standardized by NIST. We improve the masked generation of the masking vector $\vec{y}$, based on a fast Boolean-to-arithmetic conversion modulo $q$. We also describe an optimized gadget for the high-order masked rejection sampling, with a complexity independent from the size of the modulus $q$. We prove the security of our gadgets in the classical ISW $t$-probing model. Finally, we detail our open-source C implementation of these gadgets integrated into a fully masked Dilithium implementation, and provide an efficiency comparison with previous works.
Last updated:  2024-07-15
On hermitian decomposition lattices and the module-LIP problem in rank 2
Thomas Espitau and Heorhii Pliatsok
In this short note, we introduce a specific class of rank two lattices over CM fields endowed with additional symmetries, which are involved in the decomposition of algebraic integers in Hermitian squares. As an application, we show an elementary reduction from the module-LIP problem in rank 2 over a CM or totally real number field to the finding of a square basis in such lattices.
Last updated:  2024-07-15
A reduction from Hawk to the principal ideal problem in a quaternion algebra
Clémence Chevignard, Pierre-Alain Fouque, Guilhem Mureau, Alice Pellet-Mary, and Alexandre Wallet
In this article we present a non-uniform reduction from rank-2 module-LIP over Complex Multiplication fields, to a variant of the Principal Ideal Problem, in some fitting quaternion algebra. This reduction is classical deterministic polynomial-time in the size of the inputs. The quaternion algebra in which we need to solve the variant of the principal ideal problem depends on the parameters of the module-LIP problem, but not on the problem’s instance. Our reduction requires the knowledge of some special elements of this quaternion algebras, which is why it is non-uniform. In some particular cases, these elements can be computed in polynomial time, making the reduction uniform. This is in particular the case for the Hawk signature scheme: we show that breaking Hawk is no harder than solving a variant of the principal ideal problem in a fixed quaternion algebra (and this reduction is uniform).
Last updated:  2024-07-15
Breaking Free: Efficient Multi-Party Private Set Union Without Non-Collusion Assumptions
Minglang Dong, Yu Chen, Cong Zhang, and Yujie Bai
Multi-party private set union (MPSU) protocol enables $m$ $(m > 2)$ parties, each holding a set, to collectively compute the union of their sets without revealing any additional information to other parties. There are two main categories of MPSU protocols: The first builds on public-key techniques. All existing works in this category involve a super-linear number of public-key operations, resulting in poor practical efficiency. The second builds on oblivious transfer and symmetric-key techniques. The only existing work in this category is proposed by Liu and Gao (ASIACRYPT 2023), which features the best concrete performance among all existing protocols, despite its super-linear computation and communication. Unfortunately, it does not achieve the standard semi-honest security, as it inherently relies on a non-collusion assumption, which is unlikely to hold in practice. Therefore, the problem of constructing a practical MPSU protocol based on oblivious transfer and symmetric-key techniques in standard semi-honest model remains open. Furthermore, there is no MPSU protocol achieving both linear computation and linear communication complexity, which leaves another unresolved problem. In this work, we resolve these two open problems. - We propose the first MPSU protocol based on oblivious transfer and symmetric-key techniques in the standard semi-honest model. This protocol is $4.9-9.3 \times$ faster than Liu and Gao in the LAN setting. Concretely, our protocol requires only $3.6$ seconds in online phase for 3 parties with sets of $2^{20}$ items each. - We propose the first MPSU protocol achieving both linear computation and linear communication complexity, based on public-key operations. This protocol has the lowest overall communication costs and shows a factor of $3.0-36.5\times$ improvement in terms of overall communication compared to Liu and Gao. We implement our protocols and conduct an extensive experiment to compare the performance of our protocols and the state-of-the-art. To the best of our knowledge, our implementation is the first correct and secure implementation of MPSU that reports on large-size experiments.
Last updated:  2024-07-14
A Practical and Scalable Implementation of the Vernam Cipher, under Shannon Conditions, using Quantum Noise
Adrian Neal
The one-time pad cipher is renowned for its theoretical perfect security, yet its practical deployment is primarily hindered by the key-size and distribution challenge. This paper introduces a novel approach to key distribution called q-stream, designed to make symmetric-key cryptography, and the one-time pad cipher in particular, a viable option for contemporary secure communications, and specifically, post-quantum cryptography, leveraging quantum noise and combinatorics to ensure secure and efficient key-distribution between communicating parties. We demonstrate that our key-distribution mechanism has a variable, yet quantifiable hardness of at least 504 bits, established from immutable mathematical laws, rather than conjectured-intractability, and how we overcome the one-time pad key-size issue with a localised quantum-noise seeded key-generation function, having a system hardness of at least 2304 bits, while introducing sender authentication and message integrity. Whilst the proposed solution has potential applications in fields requiring very high levels of security, such as military communications and large financial transactions, we show from our research with a prototype of q-stream, that it is sufficiently practical and scaleable for use in common browser-based web-applications, without any modification to the browser (i.e. plug-ins), running above SSL/TLS at the application level, where in tests, it achieved a key-distribution rate of around 7 million keys over a 5 minute surge-window, in a single (multi-threaded) instance of q-stream.
Last updated:  2024-07-14
A Note on ``Secure and Distributed IoT Data Storage in Clouds Based on Secret Sharing and Collaborative Blockchain''
Zhengjun Cao and Lihua Liu
We show that the data storage scheme [IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw., 2023, 31(4), 1550-1565] is flawed due to the false secret sharing protocol, which requires that some random $4\times 4$ matrixes over the finite field $F_p$ (a prime $p$) are invertible. But we find its mathematical proof for invertibility is incorrect. To fix this flaw, one needs to check the invertibility of all 35 matrixes so as to generate the proper 7 secret shares.
Last updated:  2024-07-13
LR-OT: Leakage-Resilient Oblivious Transfer
Francesco Berti, Carmit Hazay, and Itamar Levi
Oblivious Transfer (OT) is a fundamental cryptographic primitive, becoming a crucial component of a practical secure protocol. OT is typically implemented in software, and one way to accelerate its running time is by using hardware implementations. However, such implementations are vulnerable to side-channel attacks (SCAs). On the other hand, protecting interactive protocols against SCA is highly challenging because of their longer secrets (which include inputs and randomness), more complicated design, and running multiple instances. Consequently, there are no truly practical leakage-resistant OT protocols yet. In this paper, we introduce two tailored indistinguishability-based security definitions for leakage-resilient OT, focusing on protecting the sender's state. Second, we propose a practical semi-honest secure OT protocol that achieves these security levels while minimizing the assumptions on the protocol's building blocks and the use of a secret state. Finally, we extend our protocol to support sequential composition and explore efficiency-security tradeoffs.
Last updated:  2024-07-13
Predicting one class of truncated matrix congruential generators with unknown parameters
Changcun Wang and Zhaopeng Dai
Matrix congruential generators is an important class of pseudorandom number generators. In this paper we show how to predict a class of Matrix congruential generators matrix congruential generators with unknown parameters. Given a few truncated digits of high-order bits output by a matrix congruential generator, we give a method based on lattice reduction to recover the parameters and the initial state of the generator.
Last updated:  2024-07-13
Optimized Privacy-Preserving Clustering with Fully Homomorphic Encryption
Chen Yang, Jingwei Chen, Wenyuan Wu, and Yong Feng
Clustering is a crucial unsupervised learning method extensively used in the field of data analysis. For analyzing big data, outsourced computation is an effective solution but privacy concerns arise when involving sensitive information. Fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) enables computations on encrypted data, making it ideal for such scenarios. However, existing privacy-preserving clustering based on FHE are often constrained by the high computational overhead incurred from FHE, typically requiring decryption and interactions after only one iteration of the clustering algorithm. In this work, we propose a more efficient approach to evaluate the one-hot vector for the index of the minimum in an array with FHE, which fully exploits the parallelism of single-instruction-multiple-data of FHE schemes. By combining this with FHE bootstrapping, we present a practical FHE-based k-means clustering protocol whose required round of interactions between the data owner and the server is optimal, i.e., accomplishing the entire clustering process on encrypted data in a single round. We implement this protocol using the CKKS FHE scheme. Experiments show that our protocol significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art FHE-based k-means clustering protocols on various public datasets and achieves comparable accuracy to plaintext result. Additionally, We adapt our protocol to support mini-batch k-means for large-scale datasets and report its performance.
Last updated:  2024-07-13
Permutation Superposition Oracles for Quantum Query Lower Bounds
Christian Majenz, Giulio Malavolta, and Michael Walter
We propose a generalization of Zhandry’s compressed oracle method to random permutations, where an algorithm can query both the permutation and its inverse. We show how to use the resulting oracle simulation to bound the success probability of an algorithm for any predicate on input-output pairs, a key feature of Zhandry’s technique that had hitherto resisted attempts at generalization to random permutations. One key technical ingredient is to use strictly monotone factorizations to represent the permutation in the oracle’s database. As an application of our framework, we show that the one-round sponge construction is unconditionally preimage resistant in the random permutation model. This proves a conjecture by Unruh.
Last updated:  2024-07-12
Anonymous Outsourced Statekeeping with Reduced Server Storage
Dana Dachman-Soled, Esha Ghosh, Mingyu Liang, Ian Miers, and Michael Rosenberg
Strike-lists are a common technique for rollback and replay prevention in protocols that require that clients remain anonymous or that their current position in a state machine remain confidential. Strike-lists are heavily used in anonymous credentials, e-cash schemes, and trusted execution environments, and are widely deployed on the web in the form of Privacy Pass (PoPETS '18) and Google Private State Tokens. In such protocols, clients submit pseudorandom tokens associated with each action (e.g., a page view in Privacy Pass) or state transition, and the token is added to a server-side list to prevent reuse. Unfortunately, the size of a strike-list, and hence the storage required by the server, is proportional to the total number of issued tokens, $N \cdot t$, where $N$ is the number of clients and $t$ is the maximum number of tickets per client. In this work, we ask whether it is possible to realize a strike-list-like functionality, which we call the anonymous tickets functionality, with storage requirements proportional to $N \log(t)$. For the anonymous tickets functionality we construct a secure protocol from standard assumptions that achieves server storage of $O(N)$ ciphertexts, where each ciphertext encrypts a message of length $O(\log(t))$. We also consider an extension of the strike-list functionality where the server stores an arbitrary state for each client and clients advance their state with some function $s_i\gets f(s_{i-1},\mathsf{auxinput})$, which we call the anonymous outsourced state-keeping functionality. In this setting, malicious clients are prevented from rolling back their state, while honest clients are guaranteed anonymity and confidentiality against a malicious server. We achieve analogous results in this setting for two different classes of functions. Our results rely on a new technique to preserve client anonymity in the face of selective failure attacks by a malicious server. Specifically, our protocol guarantees that misbehavior of the server either (1) does not prevent the honest client from redeeming a ticket or (2) provides the honest client with an escape hatch that can be used to simulate a redeem in a way that is indistinguishable to the server.
Last updated:  2024-07-12
Dot-Product Proofs and Their Applications
Nir Bitansky, Prahladh Harsha, Yuval Ishai, Ron D. Rothblum, and David J. Wu
A dot-product proof (DPP) is a simple probabilistic proof system in which the input statement $\mathbf{x}$ and the proof $\boldsymbol{\pi}$ are vectors over a finite field $\mathbb{F}$, and the proof is verified by making a single dot-product query $\langle \mathbf{q},(\mathbf{x} \| \boldsymbol{\pi}) \rangle$ jointly to $\mathbf{x}$ and $\boldsymbol{\pi}$. A DPP can be viewed as a 1-query fully linear PCP. We study the feasibility and efficiency of DPPs, obtaining the following results: - Small-field DPP. For any finite field $\mathbb{F}$ and Boolean circuit $C$ of size $S$, there is a DPP for proving that there exists $\mathbf{w}$ such that $C(\mathbf{x}, \mathbf{w})=1$ with a proof $\boldsymbol{\pi}$ of length $S\cdot\mathsf{poly}(|\mathbb{F}|)$ and soundness error $\varepsilon=O(1 / \sqrt{|\mathbb{F}|})$. We show this error to be asymptotically optimal. In particular, and in contrast to the best known PCPs, there exist strictly linear-length DPPs over constant-size fields. - Large-field DPP. If $|\mathbb{F}|\ge\mathsf{poly}(S/\varepsilon)$, there is a similar DPP with soundness error $\varepsilon$ and proof length $O(S)$ (in field elements). The above results do not rely on the PCP theorem and their proofs are considerably simpler. We apply our DPP constructions toward two kinds of applications. - Hardness of approximation. We obtain a simple proof for the NP-hardness of approximating MAXLIN (with dense instances) over any finite field $\mathbb{F}$ up to some constant factor $c>1$, independent of $\mathbb{F}$. Unlike previous PCP-based proofs, our proof yields exponential-time hardness under the exponential time hypothesis (ETH). - Succinct arguments. We improve the concrete efficiency of succinct interactive arguments in the generic group model using input-independent preprocessing. In particular, the communication is comparable to sending two group elements and the verifier's computation is dominated by a single group exponentiation. We also show how to use DPPs together with linear-only encryption to construct succinct commit-and-prove arguments.
Last updated:  2024-07-12
Cryptanalysis of EagleSign
Ludo N. Pulles and Mehdi Tibouchi
EagleSign is one of the 40 “Round 1 Additional Signatures” that is accepted for consideration in the supplementary round of the Post-Quantum Cryptography standardization process, organized by NIST. Its design is based on structured lattices, and it boasts greater simplicity and performance compared to the two lattice signatures already selected for standardization: Falcon and Dilithium. In this paper, we show that those claimed advantages come at the cost of security. More precisely, we show that the distribution of EagleSign signatures leaks information about the private key, to the point that only a few hundred signatures on arbitrary known messages suffice for a full key recovery, for all proposed parameters. A related vulnerability also affects EagleSign-V2, a subsequent version of the scheme specifically designed to thwart the initial attack. Although a larger number of signatures is required for key recovery, the idea of the attack remains largely similar. Both schemes come with proofs of security that we show are flawed.
Last updated:  2024-07-12
Probabilistic Linearization: Internal Differential Collisions in up to 6 Rounds of SHA-3
Zhongyi Zhang, Chengan Hou, and Meicheng Liu
The SHA-3 standard consists of four cryptographic hash functions, called SHA3-224, SHA3-256, SHA3-384 and SHA3-512, and two extendable-output functions (XOFs), called SHAKE128 and SHAKE256. In this paper, we study the collision resistance of the SHA-3 instances. By analyzing the nonlinear layer, we introduce the concept of maximum difference density subspace, and develop a new target internal difference algorithm by probabilistic linearization. We also exploit new strategies for optimizing the internal differential characteristic. Further more, we figure out the expected size of collision subsets in internal differentials, by analyzing the collision probability of the digests rather than the intermediate states input to the last nonlinear layer. These techniques enhance the analysis of internal differentials, leading to the best collision attacks on four round-reduced variants of the SHA-3 instances. In particular, the number of attacked rounds is extended to 5 from 4 for SHA3-384, and to 6 from 5 for SHAKE256.
Last updated:  2024-07-12
Scalable and Lightweight State-Channel Audits
Christian Badertscher, Maxim Jourenko, Dimitris Karakostas, and Mario Larangeira
Payment channels are one of the most prominent off-chain scaling solutions for blockchain systems. However, regulatory institutions have difficulty embracing them, as the channels lack insights needed for Anti-Money Laundering (AML) auditing purposes. Our work tackles the problem of a formal reliable and controllable inspection of off-ledger payment channels, by offering a novel approach for maintaining and reliably auditing statistics of payment channels. We extend a typical trustless Layer 2 protocol and provide a lightweight and scalable protocol such that: - every state channel is provably auditable w.r.t. a configurable set of policy queries, such that a regulator can retrieve reliable insights about the channel; - no information beyond the answers to auditing queries is leaked; - the cryptographic operations are inexpensive, the setup is simple, and storage complexity is independent of the transaction graph's size. We present a concrete protocol, based on Hydra Isomorphic State Channels (FC'21), and tie the creation of a state channel to real-world identifiers, both in a plain and privacy-preserving manner. For this, we employ verifiable credentials for decentralized identifiers, specifically verifiable Legal Entity Identifiers (vLEI) that increasingly gain traction for financial service providers and regulated institutions.
Last updated:  2024-07-12
Exploiting signature leakages: breaking Enhanced pqsigRM
Thomas Debris-Alazard, Pierre Loisel, and Valentin Vasseur
Enhanced pqsigRM is a code-based hash-and-sign scheme proposed to the second National Institute of Standards and Technology call for post-quantum signatures. The scheme is based on the $(U,U+V)$-construction and it enjoys remarkably small signature lengths, about $1$KBytes for a security level of $128$ bits. Unfortunately we show that signatures leak information about the underlying $(U,U+V)$-structure. It allows to retrieve the private-key with~$100, 000$ signatures.
Last updated:  2024-07-12
Parameters of Algebraic Representation vs. Efficiency of Algebraic Cryptanalysis
Hossein Arabnezhad and Babak Sadeghiyan
The aim of an algebraic attack is to find the secret key by solving a collection of relations that describe the internal structure of a cipher for observations of plaintext/cipher-text pairs. Although algebraic attacks are addressed for cryptanalysis of block and stream ciphers, there is a limited understanding of the impact of algebraic representation of the cipher on the efficiency of solving the resulting collection of equations. In this paper, we investigate on how different S-box representations affect the complexity of algebraic attacks, in an empirical manner. In the literature some algebraic properties are intuitively proposed to evaluate optimality of an algebraic description of S-boxes for algebraic cryptanalysis. In this paper, we compare different S-box representation for algebraic cryptanalysis with doing experiments with SR family of block ciphers. We also show that the so-called \textit{Forward-Backward} representation which is in contrast with all mentioned criteria for optimal representations criteria, practically gives better results than the compliant representations. We also compare the representations for both $GF(2)$ and $GF(2^n)$ fields.
Last updated:  2024-07-23
A New PPML Paradigm for Quantized Models
Tianpei Lu, Bingsheng Zhang, Xiaoyuan Zhang, and Kui Ren
Model quantization has become a common practice in machine learning (ML) to improve efficiency and reduce computational/communicational overhead. However, adopting quantization in privacy-preserving machine learning (PPML) remains challenging due to the complex internal structure of quantized operators, which leads to inefficient protocols under the existing PPML frameworks. In this work, we propose a new PPML paradigm that is tailor-made for and can benefit from quantized models. Our main observation is that lookup tables can ignore the complex internal constructs of any functions which can be used to simplify the quantized operator evaluation. We view the model inference process as a sequence of quantized operators, and each operator is implemented by a lookup table. We then develop an efficient private lookup table evaluation protocol, and its online communication cost is only $\log n$, where $n$ is the size of the lookup table. On a single CPU core, our protocol can evaluate $2^{15}$ tables with 8-bit input and 8-bit output per second. The resulting PPML framework for quantized models offers extremely fast online performance. The experimental results demonstrate that our quantization strategy achieves substantial speedups over SOTA PPML solutions, improving the online performance by $40\sim 60 \times$ w.r.t. convolutional neural network (CNN) models, such as AlexNet, VGG16, and ResNet18, and by $10\sim 25 \times$ w.r.t. large language models (LLMs), such as GPT-2, GPT-Neo, and Llama2.
Last updated:  2024-07-11
Jolt-b: recursion friendly Jolt with basefold commitment
Hang Su, Qi Yang, and Zhenfei Zhang
The authors of Jolt [AST24] pioneered a unique method for creating zero-knowledge virtual machines, known as the lookup singularity. This technique extensively uses lookup tables to create virtual machine circuits. Despite Jolt’s performance being twice as efficient as the previous state-of-the-art1 , there is potential for further enhancement. The initial release of Jolt uses Spartan [Set20] and Hyrax [WTs+ 18] as their backend, leading to two constraints. First, Hyrax employs Pedersen commitment to build inner product arguments, which requires elliptic curve operations. Second, the verification of a Hyrax commitment takes square root time $O(\sqrt{N})$ relative to the circuit size $N$ . This makes the recursive verification of a Jolt proof impractical, as the verification circuit would need to execute all the Hyrax verification logic in-circuit. A later version of Jolt includes Zeromorph [KT23] and HyperKZG as their commitment backend, making the system recursion-friendly, as now the recursive verifier only needs to perform $O(\log N)$ operations, but at the expense of a need for a trusted setup. Our scheme, Jolt-b, addresses these issues by transitioning to the extension field of the Goldilocks and using the Basefold commitment scheme [ZCF23], which has an $O(\log^2 N)$ verifier time. This scheme mirrors the modifications of Plonky2 over the original Plonk [GWC19]: it transitions from EC fields to the Goldilocks field; it replaces the EC-based commitment scheme with an encoding-based commitment scheme. We implemented Jolt-b, along with an optimized version of the Basefold scheme. Our benchmarks show that at a cost of 2.47x slowdown for the prover, we achieve recursion friendliness for the original Jolt. In comparison with other recursion-friendly Jolt variants, our scheme is 1.24x and 1.52x faster in prover time than the Zeromorph and HyperKZG variants of Jolt, respectively.
Last updated:  2024-07-11
Distributed Verifiable Random Function With Compact Proof
Ahmet Ramazan Ağırtaş, Arda Buğra Özer, Zülfükar Saygı, and Oğuz Yayla
Verifiable Random Functions (VRFs) are cryptographic primitives that generate unpredictable randomness along with proofs that are verifiable, a critical requirement for blockchain applications in decentralized finance, online gaming, and more. Existing VRF constructions often rely on centralized entities, creating security vulnerabilities. Distributed VRFs (DVRFs) offer a decentralized alternative but face challenges like large proof sizes or dependence on computationally expensive bilinear pairings. In this research, a unique distributed VRF (DVRF) system called DVRFwCP with considerable improvements is proposed. DVRFwCP has constant-size proofs, which means that the size of the proof does not change based on the number of participants. This overcomes a significant drawback of earlier DVRF systems, which saw proof size increase with participant count. Furthermore, DVRFwCP produces more efficient verification than previous systems by eliminating the requirement for bilinear pairings throughout the verification process. These innovations contribute to a more secure and scalable solution for generating verifiable randomness in decentralized environments. We compare our construction to well-established DVRF instantiations such as DDH-DVRF and GLOW-DVRF while also pointing out the major improvement in the estimated gas cost of these algorithms.
Last updated:  2024-07-25
Attribute-Based Signatures for Circuits with Optimal Parameter Size from Standard Assumptions
Ryuya Hayashi, Yusuke Sakai, and Shota Yamada
Attribute-based signatures (ABS) allow users to simultaneously sign messages and prove their possession of some attributes while hiding the attributes and revealing only the fact that they satisfy a public policy. In this paper, we propose a generic construction of ABS for circuits of unbounded depth and size with optimal parameter size, meaning that the lengths of public parameters, keys, and signatures are all constant. Our generic construction can be instantiated from various standard assumptions including LWE or DLIN. Only previous ABS construction with optimal parameter size necessitates succinct non-interactive argument of knowledge, which can be only constructed from non-standard assumptions. Our generic construction is based on RAM delegations, which intuitively allows us to compress the evaluation of a circuit when inputs are public. In high level, we find a way to compress the computation of the policy circuit on input a user attribute to achieve overall parameter size, while hiding the user policy at the same time.
Last updated:  2024-07-11
Cryptiny: Compacting Cryptography for Space-Restricted Channels and its Use-case for IoT-E2EE
Liron David, Omer Berkman, Avinatan Hassidim, David Lazarov, Yossi Matias, and Moti Yung
Show abstract
We present a novel cryptographic paradigm denoted ``cryptiny:'' Employing a single cryptographic value for several security goals, thus ``compacting'' the communication sent over a space-restricted (narrow) channel, while still proving security. Cryptiny is contrary to the classical cryptographic convention of using a separate cryptographic element for each security goal. Demonstrating the importance of cryptiny, we employ it for securing a critical IoT configuration in which a broadcasting ``thing'' (called beacon) operates within stringent bandwidth constraints. In this setting, a compact BLE-broadcasting beacon lacking Internet connectivity efficiently directs brief (non fragmented) messages to its remotely pre-paired owner in real-time. Communication transpires through BLE-to-IP gateway devices denoted observers, (typically smartphones in the beacon's vicinity), and subsequently via a cloud app server. The gateway device as well, piggybacks on the transmission a secure and private message to the owner. This configuration is a generic setting for the current and future IoT real-time ecosystems, where billion of owners, beacons, and observers operate. The configuration instances (analogous to TLS instances over the Internet) imposes high security and privacy demands. We prove that our cryptiny-based protocol for securing the above configuration achieves CCA-secrecy for the beacon's and the observer's messages with backward and forward security for the observer's message, as well simultaneously achieving mutual privacy for beacons and for observers. Achieving backward and forward security is important since beacon devices may be far from their owners for a long duration and may be passively tampered with. In addition, for the backward security proof we develop a new encryption scheme we call ``shifted-DHIES'' (``SDHIES'' for short), which generalizes DHIES. An interesting feature of SDHIES is that encryption is performed with a function of the public key rather than the public key itself.
Last updated:  2024-07-10
Curl: Private LLMs through Wavelet-Encoded Look-Up Tables
Manuel B. Santos, Dimitris Mouris, Mehmet Ugurbil, Stanislaw Jarecki, José Reis, Shubho Sengupta, and Miguel de Vega
Recent advancements in transformers have revolutionized machine learning, forming the core of Large language models (LLMs). However, integrating these systems into everyday applications raises privacy concerns as client queries are exposed to model owners. Secure multiparty computation (MPC) allows parties to evaluate machine learning applications while keeping sensitive user inputs and proprietary models private. Due to inherent MPC costs, recent works introduce model-specific optimizations that hinder widespread adoption by machine learning researchers. CrypTen (NeurIPS'21) aimed to solve this problem by exposing MPC primitives via common machine learning abstractions such as tensors and modular neural networks. Unfortunately, CrypTen and many other MPC frameworks rely on polynomial approximations of the non-linear functions, resulting in high errors and communication complexity. This paper introduces Curl, an easy-to-use MPC framework that evaluates non-linear functions as lookup tables, resulting in better approximations and significant round and communication reduction. Curl exposes a similar programming model as CrypTen and is highly parallelizable through tensors. At its core, Curl relies on discrete wavelet transformations to reduce the lookup table size without sacrificing accuracy, which results in up to $19\times$ round and communication reduction compared to CrypTen for non-linear functions such as logarithms and reciprocals. We evaluate Curl on a diverse set of LLMs, including BERT, GPT-2, and GPT Neo, and compare against state-of-the-art related works such as Iron (NeurIPS'22) and Bolt (S&P'24) achieving at least $1.9\times$ less communication and latency. Finally, we resolve a long-standing debate regarding the security of widely used probabilistic truncation protocols by proving their security in the stand-alone model. This is of independent interest as many related works rely on this truncation style.
Last updated:  2024-07-10
Is ML-Based Cryptanalysis Inherently Limited? Simulating Cryptographic Adversaries via Gradient-Based Methods
Avital Shafran, Eran Malach, Thomas Ristenpart, Gil Segev, and Stefano Tessaro
Given the recent progress in machine learning (ML), the cryptography community has started exploring the applicability of ML methods to the design of new cryptanalytic approaches. While current empirical results show promise, the extent to which such methods may outperform classical cryptanalytic approaches is still somewhat unclear. In this work, we initiate exploration of the theory of ML-based cryptanalytic techniques, in particular providing new results towards understanding whether they are fundamentally limited compared to traditional approaches. Whereas most classic cryptanalysis crucially relies on directly processing individual samples (e.g., plaintext-ciphertext pairs), modern ML methods thus far only interact with samples via gradient-based computations that average a loss function over all samples. It is, therefore, conceivable that such gradient-based methods are inherently weaker than classical approaches. We introduce a unifying framework for capturing both ``sample-based'' adversaries that are provided with direct access to individual samples and ``gradient-based'' ones that are restricted to issuing gradient-based queries that are averaged over all given samples via a loss function. Within our framework, we establish a general feasibility result showing that any sample-based adversary can be simulated by a seemingly-weaker gradient-based one. Moreover, the simulation exhibits a nearly optimal overhead in terms of the gradient-based simulator's running time. Finally, we extend and refine our simulation technique to construct a gradient-based simulator that is fully parallelizable (crucial for avoiding an undesirable overhead for parallelizable cryptanalytic tasks), which is then used to construct a gradient-based simulator that executes the particular and highly useful gradient-descent method. Taken together, although the extent to which ML methods may outperform classical cryptanalytic approaches is still somewhat unclear, our results indicate that such gradient-based methods are not inherently limited by their seemingly restricted access to the provided samples.
Last updated:  2024-07-10
Revisiting PACD-based Attacks on RSA-CRT
Guillaume Barbu, Laurent Grémy, and Roch Lescuyer
In this work, we use some recent developments in lattice-based cryptanalytic tools to revisit a fault attack on RSA-CRT signatures based on the Partial Approximate Common Divisor (PACD) problem. By reducing the PACD to a Hidden Number Problem (HNP) instance, we decrease the number of required faulted bits from 32 to 7 in the case of a 1024-bit RSA. We successfully apply the attack to RSA instances up to 8192-bit and present an enhanced analysis of the error-tolerance in the Bounded Distance Decoding (BDD) with predicate approach. Finally, evaluating the impact of standard side-channel and fault countermeasures, we show that merely verifying the signature before output is not an adequate protection against this attack. The reduction from PACD to HNP might be of independent interest.
Last updated:  2024-07-10
OPPID: Single Sign-On with Oblivious Pairwise Pseudonyms
Maximilian Kroschewski, Anja Lehmann, and Cavit Özbay
Single Sign-On (SSO) allows users to conveniently authenticate to many Relying Parties (RPs) through a central Identity Provider (IdP). SSO supports unlinkable authentication towards the RPs via pairwise pseudonyms, where the IdP assigns the user an RP-specific pseudonym. This feature has been rolled out prominently within Apple's SSO service. While establishing unlinkable identities provides privacy towards RPs, it actually emphasizes the main privacy problem of SSO: with every authentication request, the IdP learns the RP that the user wants to access. Solutions to overcome this limitation exist, but either assume users to behave honestly or require them to manage long-term cryptographic keys. In this work, we propose the first SSO system that can provide such pseudonymous authentication in an unobservable yet strongly secure and convenient manner. That is, the IdP blindly derives the user's pairwise pseudonym for the targeted RP without learning the RP's identity and without requiring key material handled by the user. We formally define the desired security and privacy properties for such unlinkable, unobservable, and strongly secure SSO. In particular, our model includes the often neglected RP authentication: the IdP typically wants to limit its services to registered RPs only and thus must be able to (blindly) verify that it issues the token and pseudonym to such a registered RP. We propose a simple construction that combines signatures with efficient proofs-of-knowledge with a blind, yet verifiable, evaluation of the Hashed-Diffie-Hellman PRF. We prove the security of our construction and demonstrate its efficiency through a prototypical implementation, which requires a running time of 2-20ms per involved party.
Last updated:  2024-07-10
Switching Off your Device Does Not Protect Against Fault Attacks
Paul Grandamme, Pierre-Antoine Tissot, Lilian Bossuet, Jean-Max Dutertre, Brice Colombier, and Vincent Grosso
Physical attacks, and among them fault injection attacks, are a significant threat to the security of embedded systems. Among the means of fault injection, laser has the significant advantage of being extremely spatially accurate. Numerous state-of-the-art studies have investigated the use of lasers to inject faults into a target at run-time. However, the high precision of laser fault injection comes with requirements on the knowledge of the implementation and exact execution time of the victim code. The main contribution of this work is the demonstration on experimental basis that it is also possible to perform laser fault injection on an unpowered device. Specifically, we targeted the Flash non-volatile memory of a 32-bit microcontroller. The advantage of this new attack path is that it does not require any synchronisation between the victim and the attacker. We provide an experimental characterization of this phenomenon with a description of the fault model from the physical level up to the software level. Finally, we applied these results to carry out a persistent fault analysis on a 128-bit AES with a particularly realistic attacker model which reinforces the interest of the PFA.
Last updated:  2024-07-09
Finding Bugs and Features Using Cryptographically-Informed Functional Testing
Giacomo Fenzi, Jan Gilcher, and Fernando Virdia
In 2018, Mouha et al. (IEEE Trans. Reliability, 2018) performed a post-mortem investigation of the correctness of reference implementations submitted to the SHA3 competition run by NIST, finding previously unidentified bugs in a significant portion of them, including two of the five finalists. Their innovative approach allowed them to identify the presence of such bugs in a black-box manner, by searching for counterexamples to expected cryptographic properties of the implementations under test. In this work, we extend their approach to key encapsulation mechanisms (KEMs) and digital signature schemes (DSSs). We perform our tests on multiple versions of the LibOQS collection of post-quantum schemes, to capture implementations at different points of the recent Post-Quantum Cryptography Standardization Process run by NIST. We identify multiple bugs, ranging from software bugs (segmentation faults, memory overflows) to cryptographic bugs, such as ciphertext malleability in KEMs claiming IND-CCA security. We also observe various features of KEMs and DSS that do not contradict any security guarantees, but could appear counter-intuitive.
Last updated:  2024-07-09
Implementation and Performance Evaluation of Elliptic Curve Cryptography over SECP256R1 on STM32 Microprocessor
Onur İşler
The use of Internet of Things (IoT) devices in embedded systems has become increasingly popular with advancing technologies. These devices become vulnerable to cyber attacks as they gain popularity. The cryptographic operations performed for the purpose of protection against cyber attacks are crucial to yield fast results in open networks and not slow down network traffic. Therefore, to enhance communication security, studies have been conducted in the literature on using asymmetric encryption and symmetric encryption together in IoT devices for activities such as key sharing, encryption, decryption, data signing, and verifying signed data. In this study, we first propose a cryptographic system engaging of IoT devices operated from a server. Then we do performance analysis of our proposal. In particular, we evaluate the elliptic curve Diffie-Hellman key exchange and elliptic curve digital signature algorithms on the Secp256r1 elliptic curve and AES symmetric encryption via the Micro uECC library conducted with the 32-bit STM32F410RB Nucleo development board microprocessor running at 48 MHz.
Last updated:  2024-07-09
A Fast and Efficient SIKE Co-Design: Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Accelerators with Custom RISC-V Microcontroller on FPGA
Jing Tian, Bo Wu, Lang Feng, Haochen Zhang, and Zhongfeng Wang
This paper proposes a fast and efficient FPGA-based hardware-software co-design for the supersingular isogeny key encapsulation (SIKE) protocol controlled by a custom RISC-V processor. Firstly, we highly optimize the core unit, the polynomial-based field arithmetic logic unit (FALU), with the proposed fast convolution-like multiplier (FCM) to significantly reduce the resource consumption while still maintaining low latency and constant time for all the four SIKE parameters. Secondly, we pack the small isogeny and point operations in hardware, devise a coarse-grained reconfigurable hardware architecture (CGRHA) based on FALU as the co-processor, and apply it to the RISC-V core with customized instructions, effectively avoiding extra time consumption for the data exchange with the software side and meanwhile increasing flexibility. Finally, we code the hardware in SystemVerilog language and the software in C language and run experiments on FPGAs. In the co-processor implementation, the experiment results show that our design for the four SIKE parameters achieves 2.6-4.4x speedup and obtains comparable or better area-time product to or than the state-of-the-art. In the hardware-software co-design experiments, we still have the superiority in speed and only <10\% of extra time is introduced by mutual communication.
Last updated:  2024-07-09
Generic Anamorphic Encryption, Revisited: New Limitations and Constructions
Dario Catalano, Emanuele Giunta, and Francesco Migliaro
The notion of Anamorphic Encryption (Persiano et al. Eurocrypt 2022) aims at establishing private communication against an adversary who can access secret decryption keys and influence the chosen messages. Persiano et al. gave a simple, black-box, rejection sampling-based technique to send anamorphic bits using any IND-CPA secure scheme as underlying PKE. In this paper however we provide evidence that their solution is not as general as claimed: indeed there exists a (contrived yet secure) PKE which lead to insecure anamorphic instantiations. Actually, our result implies that such stateless black-box realizations of AE are impossible to achieve, unless weaker notions are targeted or extra assumptions are made on the PKE. Even worse, this holds true even if one resorts to powerful non-black-box techniques, such as NIZKs, $ i\mathcal{O} $ or garbling. From a constructive perspective, we shed light those required assumptions. Specifically, we show that one could bypass (to some extent) our impossibility by either considering a weaker (but meaningful) notion of AE or by assuming the underlying PKE to (always) produce high min-entropy ciphertexts. Finally, we prove that, for the case of Fully-Asymmetric AE, $ i\mathcal{O}$ can actually be used to overcome existing impossibility barriers. We show how to use $ i\mathcal{O} $ to build Fully-Asymmetric AE (with small anamorphic message space) generically from any IND-CPA secure PKE with sufficiently high min-entropy ciphertexts. Put together our results provide a clearer picture of what black-box constructions can and cannot achieve.
Last updated:  2024-07-19
Shared-Custodial Password-Authenticated Deterministic Wallets
Poulami Das, Andreas Erwig, and Sebastian Faust
Cryptographic wallets are an essential tool in Blockchain networks to ensure the secure storage and maintenance of an user's cryptographic keys. Broadly, wallets can be divided into three categories, namely custodial, non-custodial, and shared-custodial wallets. The first two are centralized solutions, i.e., the wallet is operated by a single entity, which inherently introduces a single point of failure. Shared-custodial wallets, on the other hand, are maintained by two independent parties, e.g., the wallet user and a service provider, and hence avoid the single point of failure centralized solutions. Unfortunately, current shared-custodial wallets suffer from significant privacy issues. In our work, we introduce password-authenticated deterministic wallets (PADW), a novel and efficient shared-custodial wallet solution, which exhibits strong security and privacy guarantees. In a nutshell, in a PADW scheme, the secret key of the user is shared between the user and the server. In order to generate a signature, the user first authenticates itself to the server by providing a password and afterwards engages in an interactive signing protocol with the server. Security is guaranteed as long as at most one of the two parties is corrupted. Privacy, on the other hand, guarantees that a corrupted server cannot link a transaction to a particular user. We formally model the notion of PADW schemes and we give an instantiation from blind Schnorr signatures. Our construction allows for deterministic key derivation, a feature that is widely used in practice by existing wallet schemes, and it does not rely on any heavy cryptographic primitives. We prove our scheme secure against adaptive adversaries in the random oracle model and under standard assumptions. That is, our security proof only relies on the assumption that the Schnorr signature scheme is unforgeable and that a public key encryption scheme is CCA-secure.
Last updated:  2024-07-10
Oryx: Private detection of cycles in federated graphs
Ke Zhong and Sebastian Angel
This paper proposes Oryx, a system for efficiently detecting cycles in federated graphs where parts of the graph are held by different parties and are private. Cycle detection is an important building block in designing fraud detection algorithms that operate on confidential transaction data held by different financial institutions. Oryx allows detecting cycles of various length while keeping the topology of the graphs secret, and it does so efficiently; Oryx achieves quasilinear computational complexity and scales well with more machines thanks to a parallel design. Our implementation of Oryx running on a single 32-core AWS machine (for each party) can detect cycles of up to length 6 in under 5 hours in a financial transaction graph that consists of tens of millions of nodes and edges. While the costs are high, adding more machines further reduces the completion time. Furthermore, Oryx is, to our knowledge, the first and only system that can handle this task.
Last updated:  2024-07-09
A Simple Post-Quantum Oblivious Transfer Protocol from Mod-LWR
Shen Dong, Hongrui Cui, Kaiyi Zhang, Kang Yang, and Yu Yu
Oblivious transfer (OT) is a fundamental cryptographic protocol that plays a crucial role in secure multi-party computation (MPC). Most practical OT protocols by, e.g., Naor and Pinkas (SODA'01) or Chou and Orlandi (Latincrypt'15), are based on Diffie-Hellman (DH)-like assumptions and not post-quantum secure. In contrast, many other components of MPC protocols, including garbled circuits and secret sharings, are post-quantum secure. The reliance on non-post-quantum OT protocols presents a significant security bottleneck with the advent of quantum computing. In this paper, we address this issue by constructing a simple, efficient OT protocol based on Saber, a Mod-LWR-based key exchange protocol. We implemented our OT protocol and conducted experiments to evaluate its performance. Our results show that our OT protocol significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art Kyber-based post-quantum OT protocol by Masny and Rindal (CCS'19) in terms of both computation and communication costs. Furthermore, the computation speed of our OT protocol is faster than the best-known DH-based OT protocol by Chou and Orlandi (Latincrypt'15), making it competitive to replace DH-based OT in the high-bandwidth network setting.
Last updated:  2024-07-09
Public vs Private Blockchains lineage storage
Bilel Zaghdoudi and Maria Potop Butucaru
This paper reports the experimental results related to lineage event storage via smart contracts deployed on private and public blockchain. In our experiments we measure the following three metrics: the cost to deploy the storage smart contract on the blockchain, which measures the initial expenditure, typically in gas units, required to deploy the smart contract that facilitates lineage event storage, then the time and gas costs needed to store a lineage event. We investigated both single and multi-clients scenarios. We considered the following public blockchains: Hedera, Fantom, Harmony Shard0, Polygon Amoy, Ethereum Sepolia, Optimism Sepolia, Klaytn Baobab and Arbitrum Sepolia. Furthermore, we investigate the performances of Hyperledger Besu with different consensus algorithms as private blockchains.
Last updated:  2024-07-09
Time-Memory Trade-off Algorithms for Homomorphically Evaluating Look-up Table in TFHE
Shintaro Narisada, Hiroki Okada, Kazuhide Fukushima, and Takashi Nishide
We propose time-memory trade-off algorithms for evaluating look-up table (LUT) in both the leveled homomorphic encryption (LHE) and fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) modes in TFHE. For an arbitrary $n$-bit Boolean function, we reduce evaluation time by a factor of $O(n)$ at the expense of an additional memory of "only" $O(2^n)$ as a trade-off: The total asymptotic memory is also $O(2^n)$, which is the same as that of prior works. Our empirical results demonstrate that a $7.8 \times$ speedup in runtime is obtained with a $3.8 \times$ increase in memory usage for 16-bit Boolean functions in the LHE mode. Additionally, in the FHE mode, we achieve reductions in both runtime and memory usage by factors of $17.9 \times$ and $2.5 \times $, respectively, for 8-bit Boolean functions. The core idea is to decompose the function $f$ into sufficiently small subfunctions and leverage the precomputed results for these subfunctions, thereby achieving significant performance improvements at the cost of additional memory.
Last updated:  2024-07-09
Ringtail: Practical Two-Round Threshold Signatures from Learning with Errors
Cecilia Boschini, Darya Kaviani, Russell W. F. Lai, Giulio Malavolta, Akira Takahashi, and Mehdi Tibouchi
A threshold signature scheme splits the signing key among $\ell$ parties, such that any $t$-subset of parties can jointly generate signatures on a given message. Designing concretely efficient post-quantum threshold signatures is a pressing question, as evidenced by NIST's recent call. In this work, we propose, implement, and evaluate a lattice-based threshold signature scheme, Ringtail, which is the first to achieve a combination of desirable properties: (i) The signing protocol consists of only two rounds, where the first round is message-independent and can thus be preprocessed offline. (ii) The scheme is concretely efficient and scalable to $t \leq 1024$ parties. For $128$-bit security and $t = 1024$ parties, we achieve $13.4$ KB signature size and $10.5$ KB of online communication. (iii) The security is based on the standard learning with errors (LWE) assumption in the random oracle model. This improves upon the state-of-the-art (with comparable efficiency) which either has a three-round signing protocol [Eurocrypt'24] or relies on a new non-standard assumption [Crypto'24]. To substantiate the practicality of our scheme, we conduct the first WAN experiment deploying a lattice-based threshold signature, across 8 countries in 5 continents. We observe that an overwhelming majority of the end-to-end latency is consumed by network latency, underscoring the need for round-optimized schemes.
Last updated:  2024-07-08
HERatio: Homomorphic Encryption of Rationals using Laurent Polynomials
Luke Harmon, Gaetan Delavignette, and Hanes Oliveira
In this work we present $\mathsf{HERatio}$, a homomorphic encryption scheme that builds on the scheme of Brakerski, and Fan and Vercauteren. Our scheme naturally accepts Laurent polynomials as inputs, allowing it to work with rationals via their bounded base-$b$ expansions. This eliminates the need for a specialized encoder and streamlines encryption, while maintaining comparable efficiency to BFV. To achieve this, we introduce a new variant of the Polynomial Learning With Errors (PLWE) problem which employs Laurent polynomials instead of the usual ``classic'' polynomials, and provide a reduction to the PLWE problem.
Last updated:  2024-07-08
Collision Attacks on Galois/Counter Mode (GCM)
John Preuß Mattsson
Show abstract
Advanced Encryption Standard Galois/Counter Mode (AES-GCM) is the most widely used Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data (AEAD) algorithm in the world. In this paper, we analyze the use of GCM with all the Initialization Vector (IV) constructions and lengths approved by NIST SP 800-38D when encrypting multiple plaintexts with the same key. We derive attack complexities in both ciphertext-only and known-plaintext models, with or without nonce hiding, for collision attacks compromising integrity and confidentiality. Our analysis shows that GCM with random IVs provides less than 128 bits of security. When 96-bit IVs are used, as recommended by NIST, the security drops to less than 97 bits. Therefore, we strongly recommend NIST to forbid the use of GCM with 96-bit random nonces.
Last updated:  2024-07-08
Legacy Encryption Downgrade Attacks against LibrePGP and CMS
Falko Strenzke and Johannes Roth
This work describes vulnerabilities in the specification of the AEAD packets as introduced in the novel LibrePGP specification that is implemented by the widely used GnuPG application and the AES-based AEAD schemes as well as the Key Wrap Algorithm specified in the Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS). These new attacks exploit the possibility to downgrade AEAD or AES Key Wrap ciphertexts to valid legacy CFB- or CBC-encrypted related ciphertexts and require that the attacker learns the content of the legacy decryption result. This can happen either due to the human recipient returning the decryption output, which has entirely pseudo-random appearance, to the attacker or due to a programmatic decryption oracle in the receiving system. The attacks effect the decryption of low-entropy plaintext blocks in AEAD ciphertexts and, in the case of LibrePGP, also the manipulation of existing AEAD ciphertexts. For AES Key Wrap in CMS, full key decryption is possible. Some of the attacks require multiple successful oracle queries. The attacks thus demonstrate that CCA2 security is not achieved by the LibrePGP and CMS AEAD or Key Wrap encryption in the presence of a legacy cipher mode decryption oracle. The proper countermeasure to thwart the attacks is a key derivation that ensures the use of unrelated block cipher keys for the different encryption modes.
Last updated:  2024-07-23
QuickPool: Privacy-Preserving Ride-Sharing Service
Banashri Karmakar, Shyam Murthy, Arpita Patra, and Protik Paul
Online ride-sharing services (RSS) have become very popular owing to increased awareness of environmental concerns and as a response to increased traffic congestion. To request a ride, users submit their locations and route information for ride matching to a service provider (SP), leading to possible privacy concerns caused by leakage of users' location data. We propose QuickPool, an efficient SP-aided RSS solution that can obliviously match multiple riders and drivers simultaneously, without involving any other auxiliary server. End-users, namely, riders and drivers share their route information with SP as encryptions of the ordered set of points-of-interest (PoI) of their route from their start to end locations. SP performs a zone based oblivious matching of drivers and riders, based on partial route overlap as well as proximity of start and end points. QuickPool is in the semi-honest setting, and makes use of secure multi-party computation. We provide security proof of our protocol, perform extensive testing of our implementation and show that our protocol simultaneously matches multiple drivers and riders very efficiently. We compare the performance of QuickPool with state-of-the-art works and observe a run time improvement of 1.6 - 2$\times$, and communication improvement of at least 8$\times$.
Last updated:  2024-07-08
Faster Asynchronous Blockchain Consensus and MVBA
Matthieu Rambaud
Blockchain consensus, a.k.a. BFT SMR, are protocols enabling $n$ processes to decide on an ever-growing chain. The fastest known asynchronous one is called 2-chain VABA (PODC'21 and FC'22), and is used as fallback chain in Abraxas* (CCS'23). It has a claimed $9.5\delta$ expected latency when used for a single shot instance, a.k.a. an MVBA. We exhibit attacks breaking it. Hence, the title of the fastest asynchronous MVBA with quadratic messages complexity goes to sMVBA (CCS'22), with $10\delta$ expected latency. Our positive contributions are two new and complementary designs. $\bullet$ 2PAC (2-phase asynchronous consensus). It has a simpler and lighter chaining than in previous approaches. Instantiated with either quadratic or cubic phases of voting, it yields: 2PAC$^\text{lean}$: $+90\%$ throughput and $9.5\delta$ expected latency, with quadratic ($O(n^2)$) messages complexity. In both 2-chain VABA and sMVBA (as if chained, with pipelining), the quorum-certified transactions which were produced in the worst-case 1/3 of views with a slow leader were dumped, so the work was lost. The simpler design of 2PAC inserts such blocks in straight-line in the chain. Thus, contrary to naive uncle-referencing, this comes with no computational overhead, yielding a net $+50\%$ throughput gain over chained sMVBA. Both the remaining throughput and latency ($-0.5\delta$) gains, come from the lighter interactive construction of proofs of consistency appended to proposed blocks, compared to sMVBA. 2PAC$^\text{BIG}$: the fastest asynchronous blockchain consensus with cubic ($O(n^3)$) messages complexity. Fault-free single shot MVBA runs decide in just $4\delta$, as soon as no message is delivered more than twice faster than others: GradedDAG (SRDS'23) required furthermore no messages reordering. $\bullet$ Super Fast Pipelined Blocks. This is an upgrade of previous approaches for pipelining: in 2-chain VABA, Cordial Miners (DISC'23) and GradedDAG, a block pipelined by a leader in the middle of the view had almost twice larger latency than the non-pipelined block. Our design provides a fast path deciding the pipelined block with even smaller latency than the non-pipelined block. The fast delay is guaranteed in all executions with a fair scheduler, but remarkably, whatever the behaviors of faulty processes. Consistency is preserved by a lightweight mechanism, of one threshold signature appended per proposal. Instantiated with the previous protocols, it yields: s2PAC$^\text{lean}$, with fast decision of pipelined blocks in $4\delta$; s2PAC$^\text{BIG}$, in $3\delta$; and sGradedDAG, in $3\delta$.
Last updated:  2024-07-15
Phase Modulation Side Channels: Jittery JTAG for On-Chip Voltage Measurements
Colin O'Flynn
Measuring the fluctuations of the clock phase of a target was identified as a leakage source on early electromagnetic side-channel investigations. Despite this, only recently was directly measuring the clock phase (or jitter) of digital signals from a target connected to being a source of exploitable leakage. As the phase of a clock output will be related to signal propagation delay through the target, and this propagation delay is related to voltage, this means that most digital devices perform an unintended phase modulation (PM) of their internal voltage onto clock output phases. This paper first demonstrates an unprofiled CPA attack against a Cortex-M microcontroller using the phase of a clock output, observing the signal on both optically isolated and capacitively isolated paths. The unprofiled attack takes only 2-4x more traces than an attack using a classic shunt-resistor measurement. It is then demonstrated how the JTAG bypass mode can be used to force a clock through a digital device. This forced clock signal can then be used as a highly effective oscilloscope that is located on the target device. As the attack does not require modifications to the device (such as capacitor removal or heat spreader removal) it is difficult to detect using existing countermeasures. The example attack over JTAG uses an unprofiled CPA attack, requiring only about 5x more traces than an ideal shunt-resistor based measurement. In addition, a version of this attack using a fault correlation analysis attack is also demonstrated. Countermeasures are discussed, and a simple resampling countermeasure is tested. All tools both offensive and defensive presented in the paper have been released under open-source licenses.
Last updated:  2024-07-07
Masked Vector Sampling for HQC
Maxime Spyropoulos, David Vigilant, Fabrice Perion, Renaud Pacalet, and Laurent Sauvage
Anticipating the advent of large quantum computers, NIST started a worldwide competition in 2016 aiming to define the next cryptographic standards. HQC is one of these post-quantum schemes still in contention, with four others already in the process of being standardized. In 2022, Guo et al. introduced a timing attack that exploited an inconsistency in HQC rejection sampling function to recover its secret key in 866,000 calls to an oracle. The authors of HQC updated its specification by applying an algorithm to sample vectors in constant time. A masked implementation of this function was then proposed for BIKE but it is not directly applicable to HQC. In this paper we propose a masked specification-compliant version of HQC vector sampling function which relies, to our knowledge, on the first masked implementation of the Barrett reduction.
Last updated:  2024-07-25
A New CRT-based Fully Homomorphic Encryption
Anil Kumar Pradhan
We have proposed a novel FHE scheme that uniquely encodes the plaintext with noise in a way that prevents the increasing noise from overflowing and corrupting the plaintext. This allows users to perform computations on encrypted data smoothly. The scheme is constructed using the Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT), supporting a predefined number of modular operations on encrypted plaintext without the need for bootstrapping. Although FHE recently became popular after Gentry's work and various developments have occurred in the last decade, the idea of "Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE)" scheme was first introduced in the 1970s by Rivest. The Chinese Remainder Theorem is one of the most suitable tools for developing a FHE Scheme because it forms a ring homomorphism \( Z_{p_1} \times Z_{p_2} \times \ldots \times Z_{p_k} \cong Z_{p_1 p_2 \ldots p_k} \). Various attempts have been made to develop a FHE using CRT, but most of them were unsuccessful, mainly due to the chosen plaintext attack (CPA). The proposed scheme overcomes the chosen plaintext attack. The scheme also adds random errors to the message during encryption. However, these errors are added in such a way that, when homomorphic operations are performed over encrypted data, the increasing values of errors never overwrite the values of the messages, as happens in LWE-based homomorphic schemes. Therefore, one can perform a predefined number of homomorphic operations (both addition and multiplication) without worrying about the increasing values of errors.
Last updated:  2024-07-10
Structural Lower Bounds on Black-Box Constructions of Pseudorandom Functions
Amos Beimel, Tal Malkin, and Noam Mazor
We address the black-box complexity of constructing pseudorandom functions (PRF) from pseudorandom generators (PRG). The celebrated GGM construction of Goldreich, Goldwasser, and Micali (Crypto 1984) provides such a construction, which (even when combined with Levin's domain-extension trick) has super-logarithmic depth. Despite many years and much effort, this remains essentially the best construction we have to date. On the negative side, one step is provided by the work of Miles and Viola (TCC 2011), which shows that a black-box construction which just calls the PRG once and outputs one of its output bits, cannot be a PRF. In this work, we make significant further progress: we rule out black-box constructions of PRF from PRG that follow certain structural constraints, but may call the PRG adaptively polynomially many times. In particular, we define ``tree constructions" which generalize the GGM structure: they apply the PRG $G$ along a tree path, but allow for different choices of functions to compute the children of a node on the tree and to compute the next node on the computation path down the tree. We prove that a tree construction of logarithmic depth cannot be a PRF (while GGM is a tree construction of super-logarithmic depth). We also show several other results and discuss the special case of one-call constructions. Our main results in fact rule out even weak PRF constructions with one output bit. We use the oracle separation methodology introduced by Gertner, Malkin, and Reingold (FOCS 2001), and show that for any candidate black-box construction $F^G$ from $G$, there exists an oracle relative to which $G$ is a PRG, but $F^G$ is not a PRF.
Last updated:  2024-07-11
A Note on Efficient Computation of the Multilinear Extension
Ron D. Rothblum
The multilinear extension of an $m$-variate function $f : \{0,1\}^m \to \mathbb{F}$, relative to a finite field $\mathbb{F}$, is the unique multilinear polynomial $\hat{f} : \mathbb{F}^m \to \mathbb{F}$ that agrees with $f$ on inputs in $\{0,1\}^m$. In this note we show how, given oracle access to $f : \{0,1\}^m \to \mathbb{F}$ and a point $z \in \mathbb{F}^m$, to compute $\hat{f}(z)$ using exactly $2^{m+1}$ multiplications, $2^m$ additions and $O(m)$ additional operations. The amount of space used corresponds to $O(m)$ field elements.
Last updated:  2024-07-06
A Note on ``Privacy Preserving n-Party Scalar Product Protocol''
Lihua Liu
We show that the scalar product protocol [IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 2023, 1060-1066] is insecure against semi-honest server attack, not as claimed. Besides, its complexity increases exponentially with the number $n$, which cannot be put into practice.
Last updated:  2024-07-06
Stickel’s Protocol using Tropical Increasing Matrices
Any Muanalifah, Zahari Mahad, Nurwan, and Rosalio G Artes
In this paper we introduce new concept of tropical increasing matrices and then prove that two tropical increasing matrices are commute. Using this property, we modified Stickel’s protocol. This idea similar to [5] where modified Stickel’s protocol using commuting matrices (Linde De La Puente Matrices).
Last updated:  2024-07-05
Unforgeability of Blind Schnorr in the Limited Concurrency Setting
Franklin Harding and Jiayu Xu
A Blind Signature Scheme (BSS) is a cryptographic primitive that enables a user to obtain a digital signature on a message from a signer without revealing the message itself. The standard security notion against malicious users for a BSS is One-More Unforgeability (OMUF). One of the earliest and most well-studied blind signature schemes is the Schnorr BSS, although recent results show it does not satisfy OMUF. On the other hand, the Schnorr BSS does satisfy the weaker notion of sequential OMUF --- which restricts adversaries to opening signing sessions one at a time --- in the Algebraic Group Model (AGM) + Random Oracle Model (ROM). In light of this result, a natural question arises: does the Schnorr BSS satisfy OMUF with regard to adversaries that open no more than a small number of signing sessions concurrently? This paper serves as a first step towards characterizing the security of the Schnorr BSS in the limited concurrency setting. Specifically, we demonstrate that the Schnorr BSS satisfies OMUF when at most two signing sessions can be open concurrently (in the AGM+ROM). Our argument suggests that it is plausible that the Schnorr BSS satisfies OMUF for up to polylogarithmically many concurrent signing sessions.
Last updated:  2024-07-05
FHE-MENNs: Opportunities and Pitfalls for Accelerating Fully Homomorphic Private Inference with Multi-Exit Neural Networks
Lars Wolfgang Folkerts and Nektarios Georgios Tsoutsos
With concerns about data privacy growing in a connected world, cryptography researchers have focused on fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) for promising machine learning as a service solutions. Recent advancements have lowered the computational cost by several orders of magnitude, but the latency of fully homomorphic neural networks remains a barrier to adoption. This work proposes using multi-exit neural networks (MENNs) to accelerate the FHE inference. MENNs are network architectures that provide several exit points along the depth of the network. This approach allows users to employ results from any exit and terminate the computation early, saving both time and power. First, this work weighs the latency, communication, accuracy, and computational resource benefits of running FHE-based MENN inference. Then, we present the TorMENNt attack that can exploit the user's early termination decision to launch a concrete side-channel on MENNs. We demonstrate that the TorMENNt attack can predict the private image classification output of an image set for both FHE and plaintext threat models. We discuss possible countermeasures to mitigate the attack and examine their effectiveness. Finally, we tie the privacy risks with a cost-benefit analysis to obtain a practical roadmap for FHE-based MENN adoption.
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