Papers updated in last 7 days (76 results)
Further Improvements in AES Execution over TFHE: Towards Breaking the 1 sec Barrier
Making the most of TFHE advanced capabilities such as programmable or circuit bootstrapping and their generalizations for manipulating data larger than the native plaintext domain of the scheme is a very active line of research. In this context, AES is a particularly interesting benchmark, as an example of a nontrivial algorithm which has eluded "practical" FHE execution performances for years, as well as the fact that it will most likely be selected by NIST as a flagship reference in its upcoming call on threshold (homomorphic) cryptography. Since 2023, the algorithm has thus been the subject of a renewed attention from the FHE community and has served as a playground to test advanced operators following the LUT-based, $p$-encodings or several variants of circuit bootstrapping, each time leading to further timing improvements. Still, AES is also interesting as a benchmark because of the tension between boolean- and byte-oriented operations within the algorithm. In this paper, we resolve this tension by proposing a new approach, coined "Hippogryph", which consistently combines the (byte-oriented) LUT-based approach with a generalization of the (boolean-oriented) $p$-encodings one to get the best of both worlds. In doing so, we obtain the best timings so far, getting a single-core execution of the algorithm over TFHE from 46 down to 32 seconds and approaching the 1 second barrier with only a mild amount of parallelism. We should also stress that all the timings reported in this paper are consistently obtained on the same machine which is often not the case in previous studies. Lastly, we emphasize that the techniques we develop are applicable beyond just AES since the boolean-byte tension is a recurrent issue when running algorithms over TFHE.
Hardware-Accelerated Encrypted Execution of General-Purpose Applications
Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) is a cryptographic method that guarantees the privacy and security of user data during computation. FHE algorithms can perform unlimited arithmetic computations directly on encrypted data without decrypting it. Thus, even when processed by untrusted systems, confidential data is never exposed. In this work, we develop new techniques for accelerated encrypted execution and demonstrate the significant performance advantages of our approach. Our current focus is the Fully Homomorphic Encryption over the Torus (CGGI) scheme, which is a current state-of-the-art method for evaluating arbitrary functions in the encrypted domain. CGGI represents a computation as a graph of homomorphic logic gates and each individual bit of the plaintext is transformed into a polynomial in the encrypted domain. Arithmetic on such data becomes very expensive: operations on bits become operations on entire polynomials. Therefore, evaluating even relatively simple nonlinear functions with the CGGI cryptosystem, such as a sigmoid, can take thousands of seconds on a single CPU thread. Using our novel framework for end-to-end accelerated encrypted execution called ArctyrEX, developers with no knowledge of complex FHE libraries can simply describe their computation as a C program that is evaluated 18x faster on average relative to the GPU-accelerated Concrete library for multiplication-intensive benchmarks.
CISELeaks: Information Leakage Assessment of Cryptographic Instruction Set Extension Prototypes
Software based cryptographic implementations provide flexibility but they face performance limitations. In contrast, hardware based cryptographic accelerators utilize application-specific customization to provide real-time security solutions.
Cryptographic instruction-set extensions (CISE) combine the advantages of both hardware and software based solutions to provide higher performance combined with the flexibility of atomic-level cryptographic operations. While CISE is widely used to develop security solutions, side-channel analysis of CISE-based devices is in its infancy. Specifically, it is important to evaluate whether the power usage and electromagnetic emissions of CISE-based devices have any correlation with its internal operations, which an adversary can exploit to deduce cryptographic secrets.
In this paper, we propose a test vector leakage assessment framework to evaluate the pre-silicon prototypes at the early stages of the design life-cycle. Specifically, we first identify functional units with the potential for leaking information through power side-channel signatures and then evaluate them on system prototypes by generating the necessary firmware to maximize the side-channel signature. Our experimental results on two RISC-V based cryptographic extensions, RISCV-CRYPTO and XCRYPTO, demonstrated that seven out of eight prototype AES- and SHA-related functional units are vulnerable to leaking cryptographic secrets through their power side-channel signature even in full system mode with a statistical significance of $\alpha = 0.05$.
The many faces of Schnorr: a toolkit for the modular design of threshold Schnorr signatures
Recently, a number of highly optimized threshold signing protocols for Schnorr signatures have been proposed. While these proposals contain important new techniques, some of them present and analyze these techniques in very specific contexts, making it less than obvious how these techniques can be adapted to other contexts, or combined with one another. The main goal of this paper is to abstract out and extend in various ways some of these techniques, building a toolbox of techniques that can be easily combined in different ways and in different contexts. To this end, we present security results for various "enhanced" modes of attack on the Schnorr signature scheme in the non-distributed setting, and we demonstrate how to reduce the security in the distributed threshold setting to these enhanced modes of attack in the non-distributed setting. This results in a very modular approach to protocol design and analysis, which can be used to easily design new threshold Schnorr protocols that enjoy better security and/or performance properties than existing ones.
Triple Ratchet: A Bandwidth Efficient Hybrid-Secure Signal Protocol
Secure Messaging apps have seen growing adoption, and are used by billions of people daily. However, due to imminent threat of a "Harvest Now, Decrypt Later" attack, secure messaging providers must react know in order to make their protocols $\textit{hybrid-secure}$: at least as secure as before, but now also post-quantum (PQ) secure. Since many of these apps are internally based on the famous Signal's Double-Ratchet (DR) protocol, making Signal hybrid-secure is of great importance.
In fact, Signal and Apple already put in production various Signal-based variants with certain levels of hybrid security: PQXDH (only on the initial handshake), and PQ3 (on the entire protocol), by adding a $\textit{PQ-ratchet}$ to the DR protocol. Unfortunately, due to the large communication overheads of the $\mathsf{Kyber}$ scheme used by PQ3, real-world PQ3 performs this PQ-ratchet approximately every 50 messages. As we observe, the effectiveness of this amortization, while reasonable in the best-case communication scenario, quickly deteriorates in other still realistic scenarios; causing $\textit{many consecutive}$ (rather than $1$ in $50$) re-transmissions of the same $\mathsf{Kyber}$ public keys and ciphertexts (of combined size 2272 bytes!).
In this work we design a new Signal-based, hybrid-secure secure messaging protocol, which significantly reduces the communication complexity of PQ3. We call our protocol "the $\textit{Triple Ratchet}$" (TR) protocol. First, TR uses $\textit{em erasure codes}$ to make the communication inside the PQ-ratchet provably balanced. This results in much better $\textit{worst-case}$ communication guarantees of TR, as compared to PQ3. Second, we design a novel "variant" of $\mathsf{Kyber}$, called $\mathsf{Katana}$, with significantly smaller combined length of ciphertext and public key (which is the relevant efficiency measure for "PQ-secure ratchets"). For 192 bits of security, $\mathsf{Katana}$ improves this key efficiency measure by over 37%: from 2272 to 1416 bytes. In doing so, we identify a critical security flaw in prior suggestions to optimize communication complexity of lattice-based PQ-ratchets, and fix this flaw with a novel proof relying on the recently introduced hint MLWE assumption.
During the development of this work we have been in discussion with the Signal team, and they are actively evaluating bringing a variant of it into production in a future iteration of the Signal protocol.
On Multi-Key FuncCPA Secure Encryption Schemes
The notion of funcCPA security for homomorphic encryption schemes was introduced by Akavia \textit{et~al.}\ (TCC 2022). Whereas it aims to capture the bootstrapping technique in homomorphic encryption schemes, Dodis \textit{et~al.}\ (TCC 2023) pointed out that funcCPA security can also be applied to non-homomorphic public-key encryption schemes (PKE). As an example, they presented a use case for privacy-preserving outsourced computation without homomorphic computation. It should be noted that prior work on funcCPA security, including the use case presented by Dodis \textit{et~al.}, considered only the single-key setting. However, in recent years, multi-party collaboration in outsourced computation has garnered significant attention, making it desirable for funcCPA security to support the multi-key setting. Therefore, in this work, we introduce a new notion of security called Multi-Key funcCPA (MKfunc) to address this need, and show that if a PKE scheme is KDM-secure, then it is also MKfuncCPA secure. Furthermore, we show that similar discussions can be applied to symmetric-key encryption.
Decompose and conquer: ZVP attacks on GLV curves
While many side-channel attacks on elliptic curve cryptography can be avoided by coordinate randomization, this is not the case for the zero-value point (ZVP) attack. This attack can recover a prefix of static ECDH key but requires solving an instance of the dependent coordinates problem (DCP), which is open in general. We design a new method for solving the DCP on GLV curves, including the Bitcoin secp256k1 curve, outperforming previous approaches. This leads to a new type of ZVP attack on multiscalar multiplication, recovering twice as many bits when compared to the classical ZVP attack. We demonstrate a $63\%$ recovery of the private key for the interleaving algorithm for multiscalar multiplication. Finally, we analyze the largest database of curves and addition formulas with over 14 000 combinations and provide the first classification of their resistance against the ZVP attack.
A Method for Securely Comparing Integers using Binary Trees
In this paper, we propose a new protocol for secure integer comparison which consists of parties having each a private integer. The goal of the computation is to compare both integers securely and reveal to the parties a single bit that tells which integer is larger. Nothing more should be revealed. To achieve a low communication overhead, this can be done by using homomorphic encryption (HE). Our protocol relies on binary decision trees that is a special case of branching programs and can be implemented using HE. We assume a client-server setting where each party holds one of the integers, the client also holds the private key of a homomorphic encryption scheme and the evaluation is done by the server. In this setting, our protocol outperforms the original DGK protocol of Damgård et al. and reduces the running time by at least 45%. In the case where both inputs are encrypted, our scheme reduces the running time of a variant of DGK by 63%.
REED: Chiplet-Based Accelerator for Fully Homomorphic Encryption
Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) enables privacy-preserving computation and has many applications. However, its practical implementation faces massive computation and memory overheads. To address this bottleneck, several Application-Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) FHE accelerators have been proposed. All these prior works put every component needed for FHE onto one chip (monolithic), hence offering high performance. However, they encounter common challenges associated with large-scale chip design, such as inflexibility, low yield, and high manufacturing costs. In this paper, we present the first-of-its-kind multi-chiplet-based FHE accelerator ‘REED’ for overcoming the limitations of prior monolithic designs. To utilize the advantages of multi-chiplet structures while matching the performance of larger monolithic systems, we propose and implement several novel strategies in the context of FHE. These include a scalable chiplet design approach, an effective framework for workload distribution, a custom inter-chiplet communication strategy, and advanced pipelined Number Theoretic Transform and automorphism design to enhance performance.
Our instruction-set and power simulations experiments with a prelayout netlist indicate that REED 2.5D microprocessor consumes 96.7mm2 chip area, 49.4 W average power in 7nm technology. It could achieve a remarkable speedup of up to 2,991× compared to a CPU (24-core 2×Intel X5690) and offer 1.9× better performance, along with a 50% reduction in development costs when compared to state-of-the-art ASIC FHE accelerators. Furthermore, our work presents the first instance of benchmarking an encrypted deep neural network (DNN) training. Overall, the REED architecture design offers a highly effective solution for accelerating FHE, thereby significantly advancing the practicality and deployability of FHE in real-world applications.
SQIsign2D-West: The Fast, the Small, and the Safer
We introduce SQIsign2D-West, a variant of SQIsign using two-dimensional isogeny representations.
SQIsignHD was the first variant of SQIsign to use higher dimensional isogeny representations. Its eight-dimensional variant is geared towards provable security but is deemed unpractical. Its four-dimensional variant is geared towards efficiency and has significantly faster signing times than SQIsign, but slower verification owing to the complexity of the four-dimensional representation. Its authors commented on the apparent difficulty of getting any improvement over SQIsign by using two-dimensional representations.
In this work, we introduce new algorithmic tools that make two-dimensional representations a viable alternative. These lead to a signature scheme with sizes comparable to SQIsignHD, slightly slower signing than SQIsignHD but still much faster than SQIsign, and the fastest verification of any known variant of SQIsign. We achieve this without compromising on the security proof: the assumptions behind SQIsign2D-West are similar to those of the eight-dimensional variant of SQIsignHD. Additionally, like SQIsignHD, SQIsign2D-West favourably scales to high levels of security Concretely, for NIST level I we achieve signing times of 80 ms and verifying times of 4.5 ms, using optimised arithmetic based on intrinsics available to the Ice Lake architecture. For NIST level V, we achieve 470 ms for signing and 31 ms for verifying.
MAYO Key Recovery by Fixing Vinegar Seeds
As the industry prepares for the transition to post-quantum secure public key cryptographic algorithms, vulnerability analysis of their implementations is gaining importance. A theoretically secure cryptographic algorithm should also be able to withstand the challenges of physical attacks in real-world environments. MAYO is a candidate in the ongoing first round of the NIST post-quantum standardization process for selecting additional digital signature schemes. This paper demonstrates three first-order single-execution fault injection attacks on a MAYO implementation in an ARM Cortex-M4 processor. By using voltage glitching to disrupt the computation of the vinegar seed during the signature generation, we enable the recovery of the secret key directly from the faulty signatures. Our experimental results show that the success rates of the fault attacks in a single execution are 36%, 82%, and 99%, respectively. They emphasize the importance of developing countermeasures against fault attacks prior to the widespread deployment of post-quantum algorithms like MAYO.
SoK: Multiparty Computation in the Preprocessing Model
Multiparty computation (MPC) allows a set of mutually distrusting parties to compute a function over their inputs, while keeping those inputs private. Most recent MPC protocols that are ready for real-world applications are based on the so-called preprocessing model, where the MPC is split into two phases: a preprocessing phase, where raw material, independent of the inputs, is produced; and an online phase, which can be efficiently computed, consuming this preprocessed material, when the inputs become available. However, the sheer number of protocols following this paradigm, makes it difficult to navigate through the literature. Our work aims at systematizing existing literature, (1) to make it easier for protocol developers to choose the most suitable preprocessing protocol for their application scenario; and (2) to identify research gaps, so as to give
pointers for future work. We devise two main categories for the preprocessing model, which we term traditional and special preprocessing, where the former refers to preprocessing for general purpose functions, and the latter refers to preprocessing for specific functions. We further systematize the protocols based on the underlying cryptographic primitive they use, the mathematical structure they are based on, and for special preprocessing protocols also their target function. For each of the 41 presented protocols, we give the intuition behind their main technical contribution, and we analyze their security properties and relative performance.
New Quantum Cryptanalysis of Binary Elliptic Curves (Extended Version)
This paper improves upon the quantum circuits required for the Shor's attack on binary elliptic curves. We present two types of quantum point addition, taking both qubit count and circuit depth into consideration.
In summary, we propose an in-place point addition that improves upon the work of Banegas et al. from CHES'21, reducing the qubit count – depth product by more than $73\%$ – $81\%$ depending on the variant. Furthermore, we develop an out-of-place point addition by using additional qubits. This method achieves the lowest circuit depth and offers an improvement of over $92\%$ in the qubit count – quantum depth product (for a single step).
To the best of our knowledge, our work improves from all previous works (including the CHES'21 paper by Banegas et al., the IEEE Access'22 paper by Putranto et al., and the CT-RSA'23 paper by Taguchi and Takayasu) in terms of circuit depth and qubit count – depth product.
Equipped with the implementations, we discuss the post-quantum security of the binary elliptic curve cryptography. Under the MAXDEPTH metric (proposed by the US government's NIST), the quantum circuit with the highest depth in our work is $2^{24}$, which is significantly lower than the MAXDEPTH limit of $2^{40}$. For the gate count – full depth product, a metric for estimating quantum attack cost (proposed by NIST), the highest complexity in our work is $2^{60}$ for the curve having degree 571 (which is comparable to AES-256 in terms of classical security), considerably below the post-quantum security level 1 threshold (of the order of $2^{156}$).
XBOOT: Free-XOR Gates for CKKS with Applications to Transciphering
The CKKS scheme is traditionally recognized for approximate homomorphic encryption of real numbers, but BLEACH (Drucker et al., JoC 2024) extends its capabilities to handle exact computations on binary or small integer numbers.
Despite this advancement, BLEACH's approach of simulating XOR gates via $(a-b)^2$ incurs one multiplication per gate, which is computationally expensive in homomorphic encryption. To this end, we introduce XBOOT, a new framework built upon BLEACH's blueprint but allows for almost free evaluation of XOR gates. The core concept of XBOOT involves lazy reduction, where XOR operations are simulated with the less costly addition operation, $a+b$, leaving the management of potential overflows to later stages. We carefully handle the modulus chain and scale factors to ensure that the overflows would be conveniently rounded during the CKKS bootstrapping phase without extra cost. We use AES-CKKS transciphering as a benchmark to test the capability of XBOOT, and achieve a throughput exceeding one kilobyte per second, which represents a $2.5\times$ improvement over the state-of-the-art (Aharoni et al., HES 2023). Moreover, XBOOT enables the practical execution of tasks with extensive XOR operations that were previously challenging for CKKS. For example, we can do Rasta-CKKS transciphering at over two kilobytes per second, more than $10\times$ faster than the baseline without XBOOT.
Conditional Constant Function Problem and Its Quantum Solutions: Attacking Feistel Ciphers
In this paper, we define the conditional constant function problem (CCFP) and, for a special case of CCFP, we propose a quantum algorithm for solving it efficiently. Such an algorithm enables us to make new evaluations to the quantum security of Feistel block cipher in the case where a quantum adversary only has the ability to make online queries in a classical manner, which is relatively realistic. Specifically, we significantly improved the chosen-plaintext key recovery attacks on two Feistel block cipher variants known as Feistel-KF and Feistel-FK. For Feistel-KF, we construct a 3-round distinguisher based on the special case of CCFP and propose key recovery attacks mounting to $r>3$ rounds. For Feistel-FK, our CCFP based distinguisher covers 4 rounds and the key recovery attacks are applicable for $r>4$ rounds. Utilizing our CCFP solving algorithm, we are able to reduce the classical memory complexity of our key recovery attacks from the previous exponential $O(2^{cn})$ to $O(1)$.
The query complexity of our key recovery attacks on Feistel-KF is also significantly reduced from $O(2^{cn})$ to $O(1)$ where $c$'s are constants.
Our key recovery results enjoy the current optimal complexities.
They also indicate that quantum algorithms solving CCFP could be more promising than those solving the period finding problem.
RSA Blind Signatures with Public Metadata
Anonymous tokens are, essentially, digital signature schemes that enable issuers to provide users with signatures without learning the user inputs or the final signatures. These primitives allow applications to propagate trust while simultaneously protecting the user identity. They have become a core component for improving the privacy of several real-world applications including ad measurements, authorization protocols, spam detection, and VPNs.
In certain applications, it is natural to associate signatures with specific public metadata, ensuring that trust is only propagated with respect to only a certain set of users and scenarios. To solve this, we study the notion of anonymous tokens with public metadata. We present a variant of RSA blind signatures with public metadata where issuers may only generate signatures that verify for a certain choice of public metadata a modification of a scheme by Abe and Fujisaki [9]. Our protocol exclusively uses standard cryptography with widely available implementations. We prove security from the one-more RSA assumptions with multiple exponents that we introduce. Furthermore, we provide evidence that the concrete security bounds should be nearly identical to standard RSA blind signatures. We show that our protocol incurs minimal overhead over standard RSA blind signatures and report anonymous telemetry for a real-world deployment to showcase its scalability. Moreover, the protocol in this paper has been proposed as a technical specification in an IRTF internet draft [12].
PSMT: Private Segmented Membership Test for Distributed Record Linkage
In various real-world situations, a client may need to verify whether specific data elements they possess are part of a set segmented among numerous data holders.
To maintain user privacy, it’s essential that both the client’s data elements and the data holders’ sets remain encrypted throughout the process.
Existing approaches like Private Set Intersection (PSI), Multi-Party PSI (MPSI), Private Segmented Membership Test (PSMT), and Oblivious RAM (ORAM) face challenges in these contexts.
They either require data holders to access the sets in plaintext, result in high latency when aggregating data from multiple holders, risk exposing the identity of the party with the matching element, cause a large communication overhead for multiple-element queries, or lead to high false positives.
This work introduces the primitive of a Private Segmented Membership Test (PSMT) for clients with multiple query elements.
We present a basic protocol for solving PSMT using a threshold variant of approximate-arithmetic homomorphic encryption, addressing the challenges of avoiding information leakage about the party with the intersection element, minimizing communication overhead for multiple query elements, and preventing false positives for a large number of data holders ensuring IND-CPA^D security.
Our novel approach surpasses current state-of-the-art methods in scalability, supporting significantly more data holders.
This is achieved through a novel summation-based homomorphic membership check rather than a product-based one, as well as various novel ideas addressing technical challenges.
Our new PSMT protocol supports a large number of parties and query elements (up to 4096 parties and 512 queries in experiments) compared to previous methods.
Our experimental evaluation shows that our method's aggregation of results from 1024 data holders with a set size of 2^15 can run in 71.2s and only requires an additional 1.2 seconds per query for processing multiple queries.
We also compare our PSMT protocol to other state-of-the-art PSI and MPSI protocols and our previous work and discuss our improvements in usability with a better privacy model and a larger number of parties and queries.
Provable Security Analysis of the Secure Remote Password Protocol
This paper analyses the Secure Remote Password Protocol (SRP) in the context of provable security. SRP is an asymmetric Password-Authenticated Key Exchange (aPAKE) protocol introduced in 1998. It allows a client to establish a shared cryptographic key with a server based on a password of potentially low entropy. Although the protocol was part of several standardization efforts, and is deployed in numerous commercial applications such as Apple Homekit, 1Password or Telegram, it still lacks a formal proof of security. This is mainly due to some of the protocol's design choices which were implemented to circumvent patent issues.
Our paper gives the first security analysis of SRP in the universal composability (UC) framework. We show that SRP is UC-secure against passive eavesdropping attacks under the standard CDH assumption in the random oracle model. We then highlight a major protocol change designed to thwart active attacks and propose a new assumption -- the additive Simultaneous Diffie Hellman (aSDH) assumption -- under which we can guarantee security in the presence of an active attacker. Using this new assumption as well as the Gap CDH assumption, we prove security of the SRP protocol against active attacks. Our proof is in the "Angel-based UC framework", a relaxation of the UC framework which gives all parties access to an oracle with super-polynomial power. In our proof, we assume that all parties have access to a DDH oracle (limited to finite fields). We further discuss the plausibility of this assumption and which level of security can be shown without it.
The HHE Land: Exploring the Landscape of Hybrid Homomorphic Encryption
Hybrid Homomorphic Encryption (HHE) is considered a promising solution for key challenges that emerge when adopting Homomorphic Encryption (HE). In cases such as communication and computation overhead for clients and storage overhead for servers, it combines symmetric cryptography with HE schemes. However, despite a decade of advancements, enhancing HHE usability, performance, and security for practical applications remains a significant stake.
This work contributes to the field by presenting a comprehensive analysis of prominent HHE schemes, focusing on their performance and security. We implemented three superior schemes--PASTA, HERA, and Rubato--using the Go programming language and evaluated their performance in a client-server setting. To promote open science and reproducibility, we have made our implementation publicly available on GitHub.
Furthermore, we conducted an extensive study of applicable attacks on HHE schemes, categorizing them under algebraic-based, differential-based, linear-based, and LWE-based attacks. Our security analysis revealed that while most existing schemes meet theoretical security requirements, they remain vulnerable to practical attacks. These findings emphasize the need for improvements in practical security measures, such as defining standardized parameter sets and adopting techniques like noise addition to counter these attacks.
This survey provides insights and guidance for researchers and practitioners to design and develop secure and efficient HHE systems, paving the way for broader real-world adoption.
Beyond Optimal Fault-Tolerance
One of the most basic properties of a consensus protocol is its fault-tolerance--the maximum fraction of faulty participants that the protocol can tolerate without losing fundamental guarantees such as safety and liveness. Because of its importance, the optimal fault-tolerance achievable by any protocol has been characterized in a wide range of settings. For example, for state machine replication (SMR) protocols operating in the partially synchronous setting, it is possible to simultaneously guarantee consistency against $\alpha$-bounded adversaries (i.e., adversaries that control less than an $\alpha$ fraction of the participants) and liveness against $\beta$-bounded adversaries if and only if $\alpha + 2\beta \leq 1$.
This paper characterizes to what extent ``better-than-optimal'' fault-tolerance guarantees are possible for SMR protocols when the standard consistency requirement is relaxed to allow a bounded number $r$ of consistency violations, each potentially leading to the rollback of recently finalized transactions. We prove that bounding rollback is impossible without additional timing assumptions and investigate protocols that tolerate and recover from consistency violations whenever message delays around the time of an attack are bounded by a parameter $\Delta^*$ (which may be arbitrarily larger than the parameter $\Delta$ that bounds post-GST message delays in the partially synchronous model). Here, a protocol's fault-tolerance can be a non-constant function of $r$, and we prove, for each $r$, matching upper and lower bounds on the optimal ``recoverable fault-tolerance'' achievable by any SMR protocol. For example, for protocols that guarantee liveness against 1/3-bounded adversaries in the partially synchronous setting, a 5/9-bounded adversary can always cause one consistency violation but not two, and a 2/3-bounded adversary can always cause two consistency violations but not three. Our positive results are achieved through a generic ``recovery procedure'' that can be grafted on to any accountable SMR protocol and restores consistency following a violation while rolling back only transactions that were finalized in the previous $2\Delta^*$ timesteps.
Smaller Sphincs$^{+}$
NIST published FIPS 205 based on the specification of Sphincs$^{+}$. A formula to determine the security strength of a given parameter set is listed in SPHINCSsubmission31. It is quite complex to use that formula to get the security degradation behavior based on different increases in the number of signatures (called $2^{m}$ in this paper) per signing key. The task would become even more complex when we need to compare the security degradation characteristics of many parameter sets. In this paper, we provide a simpler formula to determine the security strengths of a given parameter set at various numbers of signatures produced by one signing key. With this new formula, the task of comparing parameter sets, especially, their security degradation characteristics become easy and that allowed us to search for best parameter sets for users to consider to use and for standard bodies to consider for standardization.
GRASP: Accelerating Hash-based PQC Performance on GPU Parallel Architecture
$SPHINCS^+$, one of the Post-Quantum Cryptography Digital Signature Algorithms (PQC-DSA) selected by NIST in the third round, features very short public and private key lengths but faces significant performance challenges compared to other post-quantum cryptographic schemes, limiting its suitability for real-world applications. To address these challenges, we propose the GPU-based paRallel Accelerated $SPHINCS^+$ (GRASP), which leverages GPU technology to enhance the efficiency of $SPHINCS^+$ signing and verification processes. We propose an adaptable parallelization strategy for $SPHINCS^+$, analyzing its signing and verification processes to identify critical sections for efficient parallel execution. Utilizing CUDA, we perform bottom-up optimizations, focusing on memory access patterns and hypertree computation, to enhance GPU resource utilization. These efforts, combined with kernel fusion technology, result in significant improvements in throughput and overall performance. Extensive experimentation demonstrates that our optimized CUDA implementation of $SPHINCS^+$ achieves superior performance. Specifically, our GRASP scheme delivers throughput improvements ranging from 1.37× to 3.45× compared to state-of-the-art GPU-based solutions and surpasses the NIST reference implementation by over three orders of magnitude, highlighting a significant performance advantage.
On Composing Generic Voting Schemes for Improved Privacy
Hybrid encryption provides a way for schemes to distribute trust among many computational assumptions, for instance by composing existing schemes. This is increasingly relevant as quantum computing advances because it lets us get the best of both worlds from the privacy of the post quantum schemes and the more battle tested classical schemes.
We show how to compose members of a very general class of voting schemes and prove that this preserves correctness and integrity and improves privacy compared to its constituent parts.
We also show an example composition using a lattice based decryption mixnet where the improvement in privacy can indirectly lead to an improvement in integrity.
Shielded CSV: Private and Efficient Client-Side Validation
Cryptocurrencies allow mutually distrusting users to transact monetary value over the internet without relying on a trusted third party.
Bitcoin, the first cryptocurrency, achieved this through a novel protocol used to establish consensus about an ordered transaction history.
This requires every transaction to be broadcasted and verified by the network, incurring communication and computational costs.
Furthermore, transactions are visible to all nodes of the network, eroding privacy, and are recorded permanently, contributing to increasing storage requirements over time.
To limit resource usage of the network, Bitcoin currently supports an average of 11 transactions per second.
Most cryptocurrencies today still operate in a substantially similar manner.
Private cryptocurrencies like Zcash and Monero address the privacy issue by replacing transactions with proofs of transaction validity.
However, this enhanced privacy comes at the cost of increased communication, storage, and computational requirements.
Client-Side Validation (CSV) is a paradigm that addresses these issues by removing transaction validation from the blockchain consensus rules.
This approach allows sending the coin along with a validity proof directly to its recipient, reducing communication, computation and storage cost.
CSV protocols deployed on Bitcoin today do not fully leverage the paradigm's potential, as they still necessitate the overhead of publishing ordinary Bitcoin transactions.
Moreover, the size of their coin proofs is proportional to the coin's transaction history, and provide limited privacy.
A recent improvement is the Intmax2 CSV protocol, which writes significantly less data to the blockchain compared to a blockchain transaction and has succinct coin proofs.
In this work, we introduce Shielded CSV, which improves upon state-of-the-art CSV protocols by providing the first construction that offers truly private transactions.
It addresses the issues of traditional private cryptocurrency designs by requiring only 64 bytes of data per transaction, called a nullifier, to be written to the blockchain.
Moreover, for each nullifier in the blockchain, Shielded CSV users only need to perform a single Schnorr signature verification, while non-users can simply ignore this data.
The size and verification cost of coin proofs for Shielded CSV receivers is independent of the transaction history.
Thus, one application of Shielded CSV is adding privacy to Bitcoin at a rate of 100 transactions per second, provided there is an adequate bridging mechanism to the blockchain.
We specify Shielded CSV using the Proof Carrying Data (PCD) abstraction.
We then discuss two implementation strategies that we believe to be practical, based on Folding Schemes and Recursive STARKs, respectively.
Finally, we propose future extensions, demonstrating the power of the PCD abstraction and the extensibility of Shielded CSV.
This highlights the significant potential for further improvements to the Shielded CSV framework and protocols built upon it.
Constant latency and finality for dynamically available DAG
Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) based protocols have shown great promise to improve the performance of blockchains. The CAP theorem shows that it is impossible to have a single system that achieves both liveness (known as dynamic availability) and safety under network partition.This paper explores two types of DAG-based protocols prioritizing liveness or safety, named structured dissemination and Graded Common Prefix (GCP), respectively.
For the former, we introduce the first DAG-based protocol with constant expected latency, providing high throughput dynamic availability under the sleepy model. Its expected latency is $3\Delta$ and its throughput linearly scales with participation. We validate these expected performance improvements over existing constant latency sleepy model BFT by running prototypes of each protocol across multiple machines.
The latter, GCP, is a primitive that provides safety under network partition, while being weaker than standard consensus. As a result, we are able to obtain a construction that runs in only $2$ communication steps, as opposed to the $4$ steps of existing low latency partially synchronous BFT. In addition, GCP can easily avoid relying on single leaders' proposals, becoming more resilient to crashes. We also validate these theoretical benefits of GCP experimentally.
We leverage our findings to extend the Ebb-and-Flow framework, where two BFT sub-protocols allow different types of clients in the same system to prioritize either liveness or safety. Our extension integrates our two types of DAG-based protocols. This provides a hybrid DAG-based protocol with high throughput, dynamical availability, and finality under network partitions, without running a standard consensus protocol twice as required in existing work.
Efficient Homomorphic Integer Computer from CKKS
As Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) enables computation over encrypted data, it is a natural question of how efficiently it handles standard integer computations like $64$-bit arithmetic. It has long been believed that the CGGI/DM family or the BGV/BFV family are the best options, depending on the size of the parallelism. The Cheon-Kim-Kim-Song (CKKS) scheme, although being widely used in many applications like machine learning, was not considered a good option as it is more focused on computing real numbers rather than integers.
Recently, Drucker et al. [J. Cryptol.] suggested to use CKKS for discrete computations, by separating the error/noise from the discrete message. Since then, there have been several breakthroughs in the discrete variant of CKKS, including the CKKS-style functional bootstrapping by Bae et al. [Asiacrypt'24]. Notably, the CKKS-style functional bootstrapping can be regarded as a parallelization of CGGI/DM functional bootstrapping, and it is several orders of magnitude faster in terms of throughput. Based on the CKKS-style functional bootstrapping, Kim and Noh [ePrint, 2024/1638] designed an efficient homomorphic modular reduction for CKKS, leading to modulo small integer arithmetic.
Although it is known that CKKS is efficient for handling small integers like $4$ or $8$ bits, it is still unclear whether its efficiency extends to larger integers like $32$ or $64$ bits. In this paper, we propose a novel method for homomorphic unsigned integer computations. We represent a large integer (e.g. $64$-bit) as a vector of smaller chunks (e.g. $4$-bit) and construct arithmetic operations relying on the CKKS-style functional bootstrapping. The proposed scheme supports many of the operations supported in TFHE-rs while outperforming it in terms of amortized running time. Notably, our homomorphic 64-bit multiplication takes $17.9$ms per slot, which is more than three orders of magnitude faster than TFHE-rs.
Efficient theta-based algorithms for computing $(\ell, \ell)$-isogenies on Kummer surfaces for arbitrary odd $\ell$
Isogeny-based cryptography is one of the candidates for post-quantum cryptography. Recently, many isogeny-based cryptosystems using isogenies between Kummer surfaces were proposed. Most of those cryptosystems use $(2,2)$-isogenies. However, to enhance the possibility of cryptosystems, higher degree isogenies, say $(\ell,\ell)$-isogenies for an odd $\ell$, is also crucial. For an odd $\ell$, the Lubicz-Robert gave a formula to compute $(\ell)^g$-isogenies in general dimension $g$. In this paper, we propose explicit and efficient algorithms to compute $(\ell,\ell)$-isogenies between Kummer surfaces, based on the Lubicz-Robert formula.In particular, we propose two algorithms for computing the codomain of the isogeny and two algorithms for evaluating the image of a point under the isogeny. Then, we count the number of arithmetic operations required for each of our proposed algorithms, and determine the most efficient algorithm in terms of the number of arithmetic operations from each of two types of algorithms for each $\ell$. As an application, using the most efficient one, we implemented the SIDH attack on B-SIDH in SageMath.In setting that originally claimed 128-bit security, our implementation was able to recover that secret key in about 11 hours.
Morgana: a laconic circuit builder
We construct a novel SNARK proof system, Morgana. The main property of our system is its small circuit keys, which are proportional in size to the description of the circuit, rather than to the number of constraints.
Previously, a common approach to this problem was to first construct a universal circuit (colloquially known as a zk-VM), and then simulate an application circuit within it. However, this approach introduces significant overhead.
Our system, on the other hand, results in a direct speedup compared to Spartan, the state-of-the-art SNARK for R1CS.
Additionally, small circuit keys enable the construction of zk-VMs from our system through a novel approach: first, outputting a commitment to the circuit key, and second, executing our circuit argument for this circuit key.
Quantum One-Wayness of the Single-Round Sponge with Invertible Permutations
Sponge hashing is a widely used class of cryptographic hash algorithms which underlies the current international hash function standard SHA-3. In a nutshell, a sponge function takes as input a bit-stream of any length and processes it via a simple iterative procedure: it repeatedly feeds each block of the input into a so-called block function, and then produces a digest by once again iterating the block function on the final output bits. While much is known about the post-quantum security of the sponge construction when the block function is modeled as a random function or one-way permutation, the case of invertible permutations, which more accurately models the construction underlying SHA-3, has so far remained a fundamental open problem.
In this work, we make new progress towards overcoming this barrier and show several results. First, we prove the ``double-sided zero-search'' conjecture proposed by Unruh (eprint' 2021) and show that finding zero-pairs in a random $2n$-bit permutation requires at least $\Omega(2^{n/2})$ many queries---and this is tight due to Grover's algorithm. At the core of our proof lies a novel ``symmetrization argument'' which uses insights from the theory of Young subgroups. Second, we consider more general variants of the double-sided search problem and show similar query lower bounds for them. As an application, we prove the quantum one-wayness of the single-round sponge with invertible permutations in the quantum random permutation model.
SoK: Trusted setups for powers-of-tau strings
Many cryptographic protocols rely upon an initial \emph{trusted setup} to generate public parameters. While the concept is decades old, trusted setups have gained prominence with the advent of blockchain applications utilizing zero-knowledge succinct non-interactive arguments of knowledge (zk-SNARKs), many of which rely on a ``powers-of-tau'' setup. Because such setups feature a dangerous trapdoor which undermines security if leaked, multiparty protocols are used to prevent the trapdoor from being known by any one party. Practical setups utilize an elaborate public ceremony to build confidence that the setup was not subverted. In this paper, we aim to systematize existing knowledge on trusted setups, drawing the distinction between setup \emph{protocols} and \emph{ceremonies}, and shed light on the different features of various approaches. We establish a taxonomy of protocols and evaluate real-world ceremonies based on their design principles, strengths, and weaknesses.
$\mathsf{Cougar}$: Cubic Root Verifier Inner Product Argument under Discrete Logarithm Assumption
An inner product argument (IPA) is a cryptographic primitive used to construct a zero-knowledge proof system, which is a notable privacy-enhancing technology. We propose a novel efficient IPA called $\mathsf{Cougar}$. $\mathsf{Cougar}$ features cubic root verifier and logarithmic communication under the discrete logarithm (DL) assumption. At Asiacrypt2022, Kim et al. proposed two square root verifier IPAs under the DL assumption. Our main objective is to overcome the limitation of square root complexity in the DL setting. To achieve this, we combine two distinct square root IPAs from Kim et al.: one with pairing ($\mathsf{Protocol3}$; one was later named $\mathsf{Leopard}$) and one without pairing ($\mathsf{Protocol4}$). To construct $\mathsf{Cougar}$, we first revisit $\mathsf{Protocol4}$ and reconstruct it to make it compatible with the proof system for the homomorphic commitment scheme. Next, we utilize $\mathsf{Protocol3}$ as the proof system for the reconstructed $\mathsf{Protocol4}$. Finally, to facilitate proving the relation between elliptic curve points appearing in $\mathsf{Protocol4}$, we introduce a novel $\mathsf{Plonkish}$-based proof system equipped with custom gates for mixed elliptic curve addition. We show that $\mathsf{Cougar}$ indeed satisfies all the claimed features, along with providing a soundness proof under the DL assumption. In addition, we implemented $\mathsf{Cougar}$ in Rust, demonstrating that the verification time of $\mathsf{Cougar}$ increases much slowly as the length of the witness $N$ grows, compared to other IPAs under the DL assumption and transparatent setup: BulletProofs and $\mathsf{Leopard}$. Concretely, $\mathsf{Cougar}$ takes 0.346s for verification in our setting when $N = 2^{20}$, which is a $50\times$ speed-up from BulletProofs.
PunSearch: Enabling Puncturable Encrypted Search over Lattice for Cloud Storage Systems
Searchable encryption (SE) has been widely studied for cloud storage systems, allowing data encrypted search and retrieval. However, existing SE schemes can not support the fine-grained searchability revocation, making it impractical for real applications. Puncturable encryption (PE) [Oakland'15] can revoke the decryption ability of a data receiver for a specific message, which can potentially alleviate this issue. Moreover, the threat of quantum computing remains an important and realistic concern, potentially leading to data privacy leakage for cloud storage systems. Consequently, designing a post-quantum puncturable encrypted search scheme is still far-reaching. In this paper, we propose PunSearch, the first puncturable encrypted search scheme over lattice for outsourced data privacy-preserving in cloud storage systems. PunSearch provides a fine-grained searchability revocation while enjoying quantum safety. Different from existing PE schemes, we construct a novel trapdoor generation mechanism through evaluation algorithms and lattice pre-image sampling technique. We then design a search permission verification method to revoke the searchability for specific keywords. Furthermore, we formalize a new IND-Pun-CKA security model, and utilize it to analyze the security of PunSearch. Comprehensive performance evaluation indicates that the computational overheads of Encrypt, Trapdoor, Search, and Puncture algorithms in PunSearch are just 0.06, 0.005, 0.05, and 0.31 times of other prior arts, respectively under the best cases. These results demonstrate that PunSearch is effective and secure for cloud storage systems.
HRA-Secure Homomorphic Lattice-Based Proxy Re-Encryption with Tight Security
We construct an efficient proxy re-encryption (PRE) scheme secure against honest re-encryption attacks (HRA-secure) with precise concrete security estimates. To get these precise concrete security estimates, we introduce the tight, fine-grained noise-flooding techniques of Li et al. (CRYPTO'22) to RLWE-based (homomorphic) PRE schemes, as well as a mixed statistical-computational security definition to HRA security analysis. Our solution also supports homomorphic operations on the ciphertexts. Such homomorphism allows for advanced applications, e.g., encrypted computation of network statistics across networks, and unlimited hops in the case of full homomorphism, i.e., when bootstrapping is available.
We implement our PRE scheme in the OpenFHE software library and apply it to a problem of secure multi-hop data distribution in the context of 5G virtual network slices. We also experimentally evaluate the performance of our scheme, demonstrating that the implementation is practical.
Moreover, we compare our PRE method with other lattice-based PRE schemes and approaches targeting HRA security. These achieve HRA security, but not in a tight, practical scheme such as our work. Further, we present an attack on the PRE scheme proposed in Davidson et al.'s (ACISP'19), which was claimed to achieve HRA security without noise flooding, i.e., without adding large noise.
Foundations of Data Availability Sampling
Towards building more scalable blockchains, an approach known as data availability sampling (DAS) has emerged over the past few years.
Even large blockchains like Ethereum are planning to eventually deploy DAS to improve their scalability.
In a nutshell, DAS allows the participants of a network to ensure the full availability of some data without any one participant downloading it entirely.
Despite the significant practical interest that DAS has received, there are currently no formal definitions for this primitive, no security notions, and no security proofs for any candidate constructions.
For a cryptographic primitive that may end up being widely deployed in large real-world systems, this is a rather unsatisfactory state of affairs.
In this work, we initiate a cryptographic study of data availability sampling.
To this end, we define data availability sampling precisely as a clean cryptographic primitive.
Then, we show how data availability sampling relates to erasure codes.
We do so by defining a new type of commitment schemes which naturally generalizes vector commitments and polynomial commitments.
Using our framework, we analyze existing constructions and prove them secure.
In addition, we give new constructions which are based on weaker assumptions, computationally more efficient, and do not rely on a trusted setup, at the cost of slightly larger communication complexity.
Finally, we evaluate the trade-offs of the different constructions.
Formal Definition and Verification for Combined Random Fault and Random Probing Security
In our highly digitalized world, an adversary is not constrained to purely digital attacks but can monitor or influence the physical execution environment of a target computing device. Such side-channel or fault-injection analysis poses a significant threat to otherwise secure cryptographic implementations. Hence, it is important to consider additional adversarial capabilities when analyzing the security of cryptographic implementations besides the default black-box model. For side-channel analysis, this is done by providing the adversary with knowledge of some internal values, while for fault-injection analysis the capabilities of the adversaries include manipulation of some internal values.
In this work, we extend probabilistic security models for physical attacks, by introducing a general random probing model and a general random fault model to capture arbitrary leakage and fault distributions, as well as the combination of these models. Our aim is to enable a more accurate modeling of low-level physical effects. We then analyze important properties, such as the impact of adversarial knowledge on faults and compositions, and provide tool-based formal verification methods that allow the security assessment of design components. These methods are introduced as extension of previous tools VERICA and IronMask which are implemented, evaluated and compared.
How (not) to hash into class groups of imaginary quadratic fields?
Class groups of imaginary quadratic fields (class groups for short) have seen a resurgence in cryptography as transparent groups of unknown order. They are a prime candidate for being a trustless alternative to RSA groups because class groups do not need a (distributed) trusted setup to sample a cryptographically secure group of unknown order. Class groups have recently found many applications in verifiable secret sharing, secure multiparty computation, transparent polynomial commitments, and perhaps most importantly, in time-based cryptography, i.e., verifiable delay functions, (homomorphic) time-lock puzzles, timed commitments, etc.
However, there are various roadblocks to making class groups widespread in practical cryptographic deployments. We initiate the rigorous study of hashing into class groups. Specifically, we want to sample a uniformly distributed group element in a class group such that nobody knows its discrete logarithm with respect to any public parameter. We point out several flawed algorithms in numerous publicly available class group libraries. We further illustrate the insecurity of these hash functions by showing concrete attacks against cryptographic protocols, i.e., verifiable delay functions, if they were deployed with one of those broken hash-to-class group functions. We propose two families of cryptographically secure hash functions into class groups. We implement these constructions and evaluate their performance. We release our implementation as an open-source library.
Treating dishonest ciphertexts in post-quantum KEMs -- explicit vs. implicit rejection in the FO transform
We revisit a basic building block in the endeavor to migrate to post-quantum secure cryptography, Key Encapsulation Mechanisms (KEMs). KEMs enable the establishment of a shared secret key, using only public communication. When targeting chosen-ciphertext security against quantum attackers, the go-to method is to design a Public-Key Encryption (PKE) scheme and then apply a variant of the PKE-to-KEM conversion known as the Fujisaki-Okamoto (FO) transform, which we revisit in this work. Intuitively, FO ensures chosen-ciphertext security by rejecting dishonest messages. This comes in two flavors -- the KEM could reject by returning 'explicit' failure symbol $\bot$ or instead by returning a pseudo-random key ('implicit' reject). During the NIST post-quantum standardization process, designers chose implicit rejection, likely due to the availability of security proofs against quantum attackers. On the other hand, implicit rejection introduces complexity and can easily deteriorate into explicit rejection in practice. While it was proven that implicit rejection is not less secure than explicit rejection, the other direction was less clear. This is relevant because the available security proofs against quantum attackers still leave things to be desired. When envisioning future improvements, due to, e.g., advancements in quantum proof techniques, having to treat both variants separately creates unnecessary overhead.
In this work, we thus re-evaluate the relationship between the two design approaches and address the so-far unexplored direction: in the classical random oracle model, we show that explicit rejection is not less secure than implicit rejection, up to a rare edge case. This, however, uses the observability of random oracle queries. To lift the proof into the quantum world, we make use of the extractable QROM (eQROM). As an alternative that works without the eQROM, we give an indirect proof that involves a new necessity statement on the involved PKE scheme.
A Heuristic Proof of P $\neq$ NP
The question of whether the complexity class P equals NP is a major unsolved problem in theoretical computer science. In this paper, we introduce a new language, the Add/XNOR problem, which has the simplest structure and perfect randomness, by extending the subset sum problem. We prove that P $\neq$ NP as it shows that the square-root complexity is necessary to solve the Add/XNOR problem. That is, problems that are verifiable in polynomial time are not necessarily solvable in polynomial time.
Furthermore, by giving up commutative and associative properties, we design a magma equipped with a permutation and successfully achieve Conjecture 1. Based on this conjecture, we obtain the Add/XOR/XNOR problem and one-way functions that are believed to require exhaustive search to solve or invert.
FOLEAGE: $\mathbb{F}_4$OLE-Based Multi-Party Computation for Boolean Circuits
Secure Multi-party Computation (MPC) allows two or more parties to compute any public function over their privately-held inputs, without revealing any information beyond the result of the computation. Modern protocols for MPC generate a large amount of input-independent preprocessing material called multiplication triples, in an offline phase. This preprocessing can later be used by the parties to efficiently instantiate an input-dependent online phase computing the function.
To date, the state-of-the-art secure multi-party computation protocols in the preprocessing model are tailored to secure computation of arithmetic circuits over large fields and require little communication in the preprocessing phase, typically O(N · m) to generate m triples among N parties. In contrast, when it comes to computing preprocessing for computations that are naturally represented as Boolean circuits, the state-of-the-art techniques have not evolved since the 1980s, and in particular, require every pair of parties to execute a large number of oblivious transfers before interacting to convert them to N-party triples, which induces an Ω(N^2 · m) communication overhead.
In this paper, we introduce FOLEAGE, which addresses this gap by introducing an efficient preprocessing protocol tailored to Boolean circuits. FOLEAGE exhibits excellent performance: It generates m multiplication triples over F2 using only N · m + O(N^2 · log m) bits of communication for N-parties, and can concretely produce over 12 million triples per second in the 2-party setting on one core of a commodity machine. Our result builds upon an efficient Pseudorandom Correlation Generator (PCG) for multiplication triples over the field F4. Roughly speaking, a PCG enables parties to stretch a short seed into a large number of pseudorandom correlations non-interactively, which greatly improves the efficiency of the offline phase in MPC protocols. Our construction significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art, which we demonstrate via a prototype implementation. This is achieved by introducing a number of protocol-level, algorithmic-level, and implementation-level optimizations on the recent PCG construction of Bombar et al. (Crypto 2023) from the Quasi-Abelian Syndrome Decoding assumption.
KyberSlash: Exploiting secret-dependent division timings in Kyber implementations
This paper presents KyberSlash1 and KyberSlash2 - two timing vulnerabilities in several implementations (including the official reference code) of the Kyber Post-Quantum Key Encapsulation Mechanism, recently standardized as ML-KEM. We demonstrate the exploitability of both KyberSlash1 and KyberSlash2 on two popular platforms: the Raspberry Pi 2 (Arm Cortex-A7) and the Arm Cortex-M4 microprocessor. Kyber secret keys are reliably recovered within minutes for KyberSlash2 and a few hours for KyberSlash1. We responsibly disclosed these vulnerabilities to maintainers of various libraries and they have swiftly been patched. We present two approaches for detecting and avoiding similar vulnerabilities. First, we patch the dynamic analysis tool Valgrind to allow detection of variable-time instructions operating on secret data, and apply it to more than 1000 implementations of cryptographic primitives in SUPERCOP. We report multiple findings. Second, we propose a more rigid approach to guarantee the absence of variable-time instructions in cryptographic software using formal methods.
Pre-sieve, Partial-guess, and Accurate estimation: Full-round Related-key Impossible Boomerang Attack on ARADI
The impossible boomerang attack is a very powerful attack, and the existing results show that it is more effective than the impossible differential attack in the related-key scenario. However, in the current key recovery process, the details of a block cipher are ignored, only fixed keys are pre-guessed, and the time complexity of the early abort technique is roughly estimated. These limitations are obstacles to the broader application of impossible boomerang attack. In this paper, we propose the pre-sieving technique, partial pre-guess key technique and precise complexity evaluation technique. For the pre-sieving technique, we capitalize on the specific features of both the linear layer and the nonlinear layer to expeditiously filter out the impossible quartets at the earliest possible stage. Regarding the partial pre-guess key technique, we are able to selectively determine the keys that require guessing according to our requirements. Moreover, the precise complexity evaluation technique empowers us to explicitly compute the complexity associated with each step of the attack. We integrate these techniques and utilize them to launch an attack on ARADI, which is a low-latency block cipher proposed by the NSA (National Security Agency) in 2024 for the purpose of memory encryption. Eventually, we achieve the first full-round attack with a data complexity of $2^{130}$, a time complexity of $2^{254.81}$, and a memory complexity of $2^{252.14}$. None of the previous key recovery methods have been able to attain such an outcome, thereby demonstrating the high efficacy of our new technique.
BlindPerm: Efficient MEV Mitigation with an Encrypted Mempool and Permutation
To mitigate the negative effects of the maximal extractable value (MEV), we propose techniques that utilize randomized permutation to shuffle the order of transactions in a committed block before execution. We argue that existing approaches based on encrypted mempools cannot provide sufficient mitigation, particularly against block producer, and can be extended by permutation-based techniques to provide multi-layer protection. With a focus on PoS committee-based consensus we then introduce BlindPerm, a framework enhancing an encrypted mempool with permutation and present various optimizations. Notably, we propose a protocol where this enhancement comes at essentially no overheads by piggybacking on the encrypted mempool. Further, we demonstrate how to extend our mitigation technique to support PoW longest-chain consensus. Finally, we illustrate the effectiveness of our solutions on arbitrage and sandwich attacks as the two main types of MEV extraction through running simulations using historical Ethereum data.
CAPSS: A Framework for SNARK-Friendly Post-Quantum Signatures
In this paper, we present a general framework for constructing SNARK-friendly post-quantum signature schemes based on minimal assumptions, specifically the security of an arithmetization-oriented family of permutations. The term "SNARK-friendly" here refers to the efficiency of the signature verification process in terms of SNARK constraints, such as R1CS or AIR constraints used in STARKs. Within the CAPSS framework, signature schemes are designed as proofs of knowledge of a secret preimage of a one-way function, where the one-way function is derived from the chosen permutation family. To obtain compact signatures with SNARK-friendly verification, our primary goal is to achieve a hash-based proof system that is efficient in both proof size and arithmetization of the verification process.
To this end, we introduce SmallWood, a hash-based polynomial commitment and zero-knowledge argument scheme tailored for statements arising in this context. The SmallWood construction leverages techniques from Ligero, Brakedown, and Threshold-Computation-in-the-Head (TCitH) to achieve proof sizes that outperform the state of the art of hash-based zero-knowledge proof systems for witness sizes ranging from $2^5$ to $2^{16}$.
From the SmallWood proof system and further optimizations for SNARK-friendliness, the CAPSS framework offers a generic transformation of any arithmetization-oriented permutation family into a SNARK-friendly post-quantum signature scheme. We provide concrete instances built on permutations such as Rescue-Prime, Poseidon, Griffin, and Anemoi. For the Anemoi family, achieving 128-bit security, our approach produces signatures of sizes ranging from 9 to 13.3 KB, with R1CS constraints between 19K and 29K. This represents a 4-6$\times$ reduction in signature size and a 5-8$\times$ reduction in R1CS constraints compared to Loquat (CRYPTO 2024), a SNARK-friendly post-quantum signature scheme based on the Legendre PRF.
DSKE: Digital Signature with Key Extraction
This work introduces DSKE, digital signatures with key extraction. In a DSKE scheme, the private key can be extracted if more than a threshold of signatures on different messages are ever created while, within the threshold, each signature continues to authenticate the signed message. We give a formal definition of DSKE, as well as two provably secure constructions, one from hash-based digital signatures and one from polynomial commitments.
We demonstrate that DSKE is useful for various applications, such as spam prevention and deniability. First, we introduce the GroupForge signature scheme, leveraging DSKE constructions to achieve deniability in digital communication. GroupForge integrates DSKE with a Merkle tree and timestamps to produce a ``short-lived'' signature equipped with extractable sets, ensuring deniability under a fixed public key. We illustrate that GroupForge can serve as a viable alternative to Keyforge in the non-attributable email protocol of Specter, Park, and Green (USENIX Sec '21), thereby eliminating the need for continuous disclosure of outdated private keys. Second, we leverage the inherent extraction property of DSKE to develop a Rate-Limiting Nullifier (RLN) scheme. RLN efficiently identifies and expels spammers once they exceed a predetermined action threshold, thereby jeopardizing their private keys.
Moreover, we implement both variants of the DSKE scheme to demonstrate their performance and show it is comparable to existing signature schemes. We also implement GroupForge from the polynomial commitment-based DSKE and illustrate the practicality of our proposed method.
A Key-Recovery Attack on a Leaky Seasign Variant
We present a key-recovery attack on a variant of the Seasign signature scheme presented by [Kim24], which attempts to avoid rejection sampling by presampling vectors $\mathbf{f}$ such that the $\mathbf{f}-\mathbf{e}$ is contained in an acceptable bound, where $\mathbf{e}$ is the secret key. We show that this choice leads to a bias of these vectors such that, in a small number of signatures, the secret key can either be completely recovered or its keyspace substantially reduced. In particular, on average, given $20$ signatures, with parameter set II of their paper, the attack reduces the private key to 128 possibilities
On the Privacy of Sublinear-Communication Jaccard Index Estimation via Min-hash Sketching
The min-hash sketch is a well-known technique for low-communication approximation of the Jaccard index between two input sets. Moreover, there is a folklore belief that min-hash sketch based protocols protect the privacy of the inputs. In this paper, we investigate this folklore to quantify the privacy of the min-hash sketch.
We begin our investigation by considering the privacy of min-hash in a centralized setting where the hash functions are chosen by the min-hash functionality and are unknown to the participants. We show that in this case the min-hash output satisfies the standard definition of differential privacy (DP) without any additional noise. This immediately yields a privacy-preserving sublinear-communication semi-honest 2-PC protocol based on FHE where the hash function is evaluated homomorphically.
To improve the efficiency of this protocol, we next consider an implementation in the random oracle model. Here, the protocol participants jointly sample public prefixes for domain separation of the random oracle, and locally evaluate the resulting hash functions on their input sets. Unfortunately, we show that in this public hash function setting, the min-hash output is no longer DP. We therefore consider the notion of distributional differential privacy (DDP) introduced by Bassily et al.(FOCS 2013). We show that if the honest party's set has sufficiently high min-entropy then the output of the min-hash functionality achieves DDP, again without any added noise. This yields a more efficient semi-honest two-party protocol in the random oracle model, where parties first locally hash their input sets and then perform a 2PC for comparison.
By proving that our protocols satisfy DP and DDP respectively, our results formally confirm and qualify the folklore belief that min-hash based protocols protect the privacy of their inputs.
Bayesian Leakage Analysis: A Framework for Analyzing Leakage in Cryptography
We introduce a framework based on Bayesian statistical inference for analyzing leakage and its vulnerability to inference attacks. Our framework naturally integrates auxiliary information, defines a notion of adversarial advantage, and provides information-theoretic measures that capture the security of leakage patterns against both full and functional recovery attacks.
We present two main theorems that bound the advantage of powerful inference techniques: the maximum a posteriori (MAP), the maximum likelihood estimate (MLE) and the MAP test. Specifically, we show that the advantage of these methods is exponentially bounded by new entropy measures that capture the susceptibility of leakage patterns to inference.
To demonstrate the applicability of our framework, we design and implement an automated leakage attack engine, \bleak, which leverages a novel inference algorithm that efficiently computes MAP estimates for a large class of i.i.d. leakage models. These models include, for example, query equality, the combination of query equality and volume, and leakage patterns arising from naive conjunctions.
SoK: Time to be Selfless?! Demystifying the Landscape of Selfish Mining Strategies and Models
Selfish mining attacks present a serious threat to Bitcoin security, enabling a miner with less than 51% of the network hashrate to gain higher rewards than when mining honestly. A growing body of works has studied the impact of such attacks and presented numerous strategies under a variety of model settings. This led to a complex landscape with conclusions that are often exclusive to certain model assumptions. This growing complexity makes it hard to comprehend the state of the art and distill its impact and trade-offs.
In this paper, we demystify the landscape of selfish mining by presenting a systematization framework of existing studies and evaluating their strategies under realistic model adaptations. To the best of our knowledge, our work is the first of its kind. We develop a multi-dimensional systematization framework assessing prior works based on their strategy formulation and targeted models. We go on to distill a number of insights and gaps clarifying open questions and understudied areas. Among them, we find that most studies target the block-reward setting and do not account for transaction fees, and generally study the single attacker case. To bridge this gap, we evaluate many of the existing strategies in the no-block-reward setting---so miner's incentives come solely from transaction fees---for both the single and multi-attacker scenarios. We also extend their models to include a realistic honest-but-rational miners showing how such adaptations could garner more-performant strategy variations. Finally, we touch upon defenses proposed in the literature, and discuss connections between selfish mining and relevant incentivized/fee-driven paradigms.
Fair Signature Exchange
We introduce the concept of Fair Signature Exchange (FSE). FSE enables a client to obtain signatures on multiple messages in a fair manner: the client receives all signatures if and only if the signer receives an agreed-upon payment. We formalize security definitions for FSE and present a practical construction based on the Schnorr signature scheme, avoiding computationally expensive cryptographic primitives such as SNARKs. Our scheme imposes minimal overhead on the Schnorr signer and verifier, leaving the signature verification process unchanged from standard Schnorr signatures. Fairness is enforced using a blockchain as a trusted third party, while exchanging only a constant amount of information on-chain regardless of the number of signatures exchanged. We demonstrate how to construct a batch adaptor signature scheme using FSE, and our FSE construction based on Schnorr results in an efficient implementation of a batch Schnorr adaptor signature scheme for the discrete logarithm problem. We implemented our scheme to show that it has negligible overhead compared to standard Schnorr signatures. For instance, exchanging $2^{10}$ signatures on the Vesta curve takes approximately $80$ms for the signer and $300$ms for the verifier, with almost no overhead for the signer and $2$x overhead for the verifier compared to the original Schnorr protocol. Additionally, we propose an extension to blind signature exchange, where the signer does not learn the messages being signed. This is achieved through a natural adaptation of blinded Schnorr signatures.
Skyscraper: Fast Hashing on Big Primes
Arithmetic hash functions defined over prime fields have been actively developed and used in verifiable computation (VC) protocols. Among those, elliptic-curve-based SNARKs require large (\(256\)-bit and higher) primes. Such hash functions are notably slow, losing a factor of up to \(1000\) compared to regular constructions like SHA-2/3.
In this paper, we present the hash function $\textsf{Skyscraper}$, which is aimed at large prime fields and provides major improvements compared to $\texttt{Reinforced Concrete}$ and $\texttt{Monolith}$. First, the design is exactly the same for all large primes, which simplifies analysis and deployment. Secondly, it achieves a performance comparable to cryptographic hash standards by using low-degree non-invertible transformations and minimizing modulo reductions. Concretely, it hashes two \(256\)-bit prime field (BLS12-381 curve scalar field) elements in \(135\) nanoseconds, whereas SHA-256 needs \(42\) nanoseconds on the same machine.
The low circuit complexity of $\textsf{Skyscraper}$, together with its high native speed, should allow a substantial reduction in many VC scenarios, particularly in recursive proofs.
Trustless Bridges via Random Sampling Light Clients
The increasing number of blockchain projects introduced annually has led to a pressing need for secure and efficient interoperability solutions. Currently, the lack of such solutions forces end-users to rely on centralized intermediaries, contradicting the core principle of decentralization and trust minimization in blockchain technology. In this paper, we propose a decentralized and efficient interoperability solution (aka Bridge Protocol) that operates without additional trust assumptions, relying solely on the Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT) of the two chains being connected. In particular, relayers (actors that exchange messages between networks) are permissionless and decentralized, hence eliminating any single point of failure. We introduce Random Sampling, a novel technique for on-chain light clients to efficiently follow the history of PoS blockchains by reducing the signature verifications required. Here, the randomness is drawn on-chain, for example, using Ethereum's RANDAO. We analyze the security of the bridge from a crypto- economic perspective and provide a framework to derive the security parameters. This includes handling subtle concurrency issues and randomness bias in strawman designs. While the protocol is applicable to various PoS chains, we demonstrate its feasibility by instantiating a bridge between Polkadot and Ethereum (currently deployed), and discuss some practical security challenges. We also evaluate the efficiency (gas costs) of an on-chain light-client verifier implemented as a smart contract on ethereum against SNARK-based approaches. Even for large validator set sizes (up to $10^6$), the signature verification gas costs of our light-client verifier are a magnitude lower.
Founding Zero-Knowledge Proofs of Training on Optimum Vicinity
Zero-knowledge proofs of training (zkPoT) allow a party to prove that a model is trained correctly on a committed dataset without revealing any additional information about the model or the dataset. Existing zkPoT protocols prove the entire training process in zero knowledge; i.e., they prove that the final model was obtained in an iterative fashion starting from the training data and a random seed (and potentially other parameters) and applying the correct algorithm at each iteration. This approach inherently requires the prover to perform work linear to the number of iterations.
In this paper, we take a different approach to proving the correctness of model training. Our approach is motivated by efficiency but also more urgently by the observation that the prover's ability to pick the random seed used for training introduces the potential for it to bias the model. In other words, if the input to the training algorithm is biased, the resulting model will be biased even if the prover correctly ran the training algorithm. Rather than prove the correctness of the training process, we thus directly prove the correctness of the training model using a notion we call optimum vicinity, which bounds the distance between the trained model and the mathematically optimal model for models that can be viewed as the solution to a convex optimization problem. We show both theoretically and experimentally that this ensures the trained model behaves similarly to the optimal model, and show this is not true for existing approaches. We also demonstrate significant performance improvements as compared to the existing zkPoT paradigm: the statement proven in ZK in our protocol has a size independent of the number of training iterations, and our Boolean (respectively arithmetic) circuit size is up to $246\times$ (respectively $5\times$) smaller than that of a baseline zkPoT protocol that verifies the whole training process.
Hash-Based Multi-Signatures for Post-Quantum Ethereum
With the threat posed by quantum computers on the horizon, systems like Ethereum must transition to cryptographic primitives resistant to quantum attacks. One of the most critical of these primitives is the non-interactive multi-signature scheme used in Ethereum's proof-of-stake consensus, currently implemented with BLS signatures. This primitive enables validators to independently sign blocks, with their signatures then publicly aggregated into a compact aggregate signature.
In this work, we introduce a family of hash-based signature schemes as post-quantum alternatives to BLS. We consider the folklore method of aggregating signatures via (hash-based) succinct arguments, and our work is focused on instantiating the underlying signature scheme. The proposed schemes are variants of the XMSS signature scheme, analyzed within a novel and unified framework. While being generic, this framework is designed to minimize security loss, facilitating efficient parameter selection. A key feature of our work is the avoidance of random oracles in the security proof. Instead, we define explicit standard model requirements for the underlying hash functions. This eliminates the paradox of simultaneously treating hash functions as random oracles and as explicit circuits for aggregation. Furthermore, this provides cryptanalysts with clearly defined targets for evaluating the security of hash functions. Finally, we provide recommendations for practical instantiations of hash functions and concrete parameter settings, supported by known and novel heuristic bounds on the standard model properties.
Doubly Efficient Fuzzy Private Set Intersection for High-dimensional Data with Cosine Similarity
Fuzzy private set intersection (Fuzzy PSI) is a cryptographic protocol for privacy-preserving similarity matching, which is one of the essential operations in various real-world applications such as facial authentication, information retrieval, or recommendation systems. Despite recent advancements in fuzzy PSI protocols, still a huge barrier remains in deploying them for these applications. The main obstacle is the high dimensionality, e.g., from 128 to 512, of data; lots of existing methods, Garimella et al. (CRYPTO’23, CRYPTO’24) or van Baarsen et al. (EUROCRYPT’24), suffer from exponential overhead on communication and/or computation cost. In addition, the dominant similarity metric in these applications is cosine similarity, which disables several optimization tricks based on assumptions for the distribution of data, e.g., techniques by Gao et al. (ASIACRYPT’24). In this paper, we propose a novel fuzzy PSI protocol for cosine similarity, called FPHE, that overcomes these limitations at the same time. FPHE features linear complexity on both computation and communication with respect to the dimension of set elements, only requiring much weaker assumption than prior works. The basic strategy of ours is to homomorphically compute cosine similarity and run an approximated comparison function, with a clever packing method for efficiency. In addition, we introduce a novel proof technique to harmonize the approximation error from the sign function with the noise flooding, proving the security of FPHE under the semi-honest model. Moreover, we show that our construction can be extended to support various functionalities, such as labeled or circuit fuzzy PSI. Through experiments, we show that FPHE can perform fuzzy PSI over 512-dimensional data in a few minutes, which was computationally infeasible for all previous proposals under the same assumption as ours.
More Efficient Lattice-Based Electronic Voting from NTRU
In recent years, there has been much focus on developing core cryptographic primitives based on lattice assumptions, driven by the NIST call for post-quantum key encapsulation and digital signature algorithms. However, more work must be conducted on efficient privacy-preserving protocols based on quantum-safe assumptions.
Electronic voting is one such privacy-preserving protocol whose adoption is increasing across the democratic world. E-voting offers both a fast and convenient alternative to postal voting whilst further ensuring cryptographic privacy of votes and offering full verifiability of the process. Owing to the sensitivity of voting and its infrastructure challenges, it is crucial to ensure security against quantum computers is baked into e-voting solutions.
We present an e-voting scheme from quantum-safe assumptions based on the hardness of the RLWE and NTRU lattice problems, providing concrete parameters and an efficient implementation. Our design achieves a factor $5.3 \times$ reduction in ciphertext size, $2.5 \times$ reduction in total communication cost, and $2 \times$ reduction in total computation time compared to the state-of-the-art lattice-based voting scheme by Aranha et al. (ACM CCS 2023). We argue that the efficiency of this scheme makes it suitable for real-world elections.
Our scheme makes use of non-ternary NTRU secrets to achieve optimal parameters. In order to compute the security of our design, we extend the ternary-NTRU work of Ducas and van Woerden (ASIACRYPT 2021) by determining the concrete fatigue point (for general secrets) of NTRU to be $q = 0.0058 \cdot \sigma^2 \cdot d^{2.484}$ (above which parameters become overstretched) for modulus $q$, ring dimension $d$, and secrets drawn from a Gaussian of parameter $\sigma$. We consider this relation to be of independent interest and demonstrate its significance by improving the efficiency of the (partially) blind signature scheme by del Pino and Katsumata (CRYPTO 2022).
Proximity Gaps in Interleaved Codes
A linear error-correcting code exhibits proximity gaps if each affine line of words either consists entirely of words which are close to the code or else contains almost no such words. In this short note, we prove that for each linear code which exhibits proximity gaps within the unique decoding radius, that code's interleaved code also does. Combining our result with a recent argument of Angeris, Evans and Roh ('24), we extend those authors' sharpening of the tensor-based proximity gap of Diamond and Posen (Commun. Cryptol. '24) up to the unique decoding radius, at least in the Reed–Solomon setting.
AGATE: Augmented Global Attested Trusted Execution in the Universal Composability framework
A Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) is a security technology,
implemented by CPU manufacturers, which guarantees integrity and confidentiality
on a restricted execution environment to any remote verifier through attestation. TEEs are deployed
on various consumer and commercial hardware platforms, and have been widely adopted as a component in the design of cryptographic protocols both theoretical and practical.
Within the provable security community, the use of TEEs as a setup assumption
has converged to a standard ideal definition in the Universal Composability
setting ($G_{\mathsf{att}}$, defined by Pass et al., Eurocrypt '17). However, it is unclear
whether any real TEE design can actually realise such a level of security, or whether the diverse capabilities of today's TEE implementations will in fact converge to a single standard. Therefore, it is necessary for cryptographers and protocol designers to specify what assumptions are necessary for the TEE they are using to support the correctness and security of their protocol.
To this end, this paper provides a more careful treatment of trusted execution
than the existing literature, focusing on the capabilities of enclaves and
adversaries. Our goal is to provide meaningful patterns for comparing different
classes of TEEs, particularly how a weaker TEE functionality can implement a
stronger one given an appropriate mechanism to bridge the two. We introduce a
new, "modular" definition of TEEs that captures a broad range of pre-existing
functionalities defined in the literature while maintaining their high level of
abstraction. While our goal is not directly to model implementations of specific
commercial TEE providers, our modular definition provides a way to capture more
meaningful and realistic hardware capabilities. We propose to
characterise TEE capabilities along the following terms:
- the set of trusted features available to the enclave;
- the set of possible attacks on an enclave;
- the content of attestation signatures.
We then define various possible ideal modular $G_{\mathsf{att}}$ functionality
instantiations that capture existing variants in the literature. Finally, we
conclude the paper by constructing a protocol template to realise
stronger $G_{\mathsf{att}}$ setups from weaker ones, and provide an example of removing an attack.
Extreme Algebraic Attacks
When designing filter functions in Linear Feedback Shift Registers (LFSR) based stream ciphers, algebraic criteria of Boolean functions such as the Algebraic Immunity (AI) become key characteristics because they guarantee the security of ciphers against the powerful algebraic attacks. In this article, we investigate a generalization of the algebraic attacks proposed by Courtois and Meier on filtered LFSR twenty years ago. We consider how the standard algebraic attack can be generalized beyond filtered LFSR to stream ciphers applying a Boolean filter function to an updated state. Depending on the updating process, we can use different sets of annihilators than the ones used in the standard algebraic attack; it leads to a generalization of the concept of algebraic immunity, and more efficient attacks. To illustrate these strategies, we focus on one of these generalizations and introduce a new notion called Extreme Algebraic Immunity (EAI).
We perform a theoretic study of the EAI criterion and explore its relation to other algebraic criteria. We prove the upper bound of the EAI of an n-variable Boolean function and further show that the EAI can be lower bounded by the AI restricted to a subset, as defined by Carlet, Méaux and Rotella at FSE 2017. We also exhibit functions with EAI guaranteed to be lower than the AI, in particular we highlight a pathological case of functions with optimal algebraic immunity and EAI only n/4. As applications, we determine the EAI of filter functions of some existing stream ciphers and discuss how extreme algebraic attacks using EAI could apply to some ciphers.
Our generalized algebraic attack does not give a better complexity than Courtois and Meier's result on the existing stream ciphers. However, we see this work as a study to avoid weaknesses in the construction of future stream cipher designs.
Separating Broadcast from Cheater Identification
Secure Multiparty Computation (MPC) protocols that achieve Identifiable Abort (IA) guarantee honest parties that in the event that they are denied output, they will be notified of the identity of at least one corrupt party responsible for the abort. Cheater identification provides recourse in the event of a protocol failure, and in some cases can even be desired over Guaranteed Output Delivery. However, protocols in the literature typically make use of broadcast as a necessary tool in identifying cheaters. In many deployments, the broadcast channel itself may be the most expensive component.
In this work, we investigate if it is inherent that MPC with IA should bear the full complexity of broadcast. As the implication of broadcast from IA has been established in previous work, we relax our target to circumvent this connection: we allow honest parties to differ in which cheaters they identify, nonetheless retaining the ability to prove claims of cheating to an auditor.
We show that in the honest majority setting, our notion of Provable Identifiable Selective Abort (PISA) can be achieved without a traditional broadcast channel. Indeed, broadcast in this setting---which we term Broadcast with Selective Identifiable Abort (BC-IA)---is achievable in only two point-to-point rounds with a simple echoing technique. On the negative side, we also prove that BC-IA is impossible to achieve in the dishonest majority setting.
As a general result, we show that any MPC protocol that achieves IA with $r$ broadcasts, can be compiled to one that achieves PISA with $2(r+1)$ point to point rounds. As a practical application of this methodology, we design, implement, and benchmark a six-round honest majority threshold ECDSA protocol that achieves PISA, and can be deployed in any environment with point to point communication alone.
Post-Quantum Privacy for Traceable Receipt-Free Encryption
Traceable Receipt-free Encryption (TREnc) has recently been introduced as a verifiable public-key encryption primitive endowed with a unique security model. In a nutshell, TREnc allows randomizing ciphertexts in transit in order to remove any subliminal information up to a public trace that ensures the non-malleability of the underlying plaintext. A remarkable property of TREnc is the indistinguishability of the randomization of chosen ciphertexts against traceable chosen-ciphertext attacks (TCCA). The main application lies in voting systems by allowing voters to encrypt their votes, tracing whether a published ballot takes their choices into account, and preventing them from proving how they
voted. While being a very promising primitive, the few existing TREnc mechanisms solely rely on discrete-logarithm related assumptions making them vulnerable to the well-known record-now/decrypt-later attack in the wait of quantum computers.
We address this limitation by building the first TREnc whose privacy withstands the advent of quantum adversaries in the future. To design our construction, we first generalize the original TREnc primitive that is too restrictive to be easily compatible with built-in lattice-based semantically-secure encryption. Our more flexible model keeps all the ingredients generically implying receipt-free voting. Our instantiation relies on Ring Learning With Errors (RLWE) with pairing-based statistical zero-knowledge simulation sound proofs from Groth-Sahai, and further enjoys a public-coin common reference string removing the need of a trusted setup.
Black-Box Registered ABE from Lattices
This paper presents the first black-box registered ABE for circuit from lattices. The selective security is based on evasive LWE assumption [EUROCRYPT'22, CRYPTO'22]. The unique prior Reg-ABE scheme from lattices is derived from non-black-box construction based on function-binding hash and witness encryption [CRYPTO'23]. Technically, we first extend the black-box registration-based encryption from standard LWE [CRYPTO'23] so that we can register a public key with a function; this yields a LWE-based Reg-ABE with ciphertexts of size $L \cdot \mathsf{polylog}(L)$ where $L$ is the number of users. We then make use of the special structure of its ciphertext to reduce its size to $\mathsf{polylog}(L)$ via an algebraic obfuscator based on evasive LWE [CRYPTO'24].
Concretely Efficient Private Set Union via Circuit-based PSI
Private set intersection (PSI) is a type of private set operation (PSO) for which concretely efficient linear-complexity protocols do exist. However, the situation is currently less satisfactory for other relevant PSO problems such as private set union (PSU): For PSU, the most promising protocols either rely entirely on computationally expensive public-key operations or suffer from substantial communication overhead.
In this work, we present the first PSU protocol that is mainly based on efficient symmetric-key primitives yet enjoys comparable communication as public-key-based alternatives. Our core idea is to re-purpose state-of-the-art circuit-based PSI to realize a multi-query reverse private membership test (mq-RPMT), which is instrumental for building PSU. We carefully analyze a privacy leakage issue resulting from the hashing paradigm commonly utilized in circuit-based PSI and show how to mitigate this via oblivious pseudorandom function (OPRF) and new shuffle sub-protocols. Our protocol is modularly designed as a sequential execution of different building blocks that can be easily replaced by more efficient variants in the future, which will directly benefit the overall performance.
We implement our resulting PSU protocol, showing a run-time improvement of 10% over the state-of-the-art public-key-based protocol of Chen et al. (PKC'24) for input sets of size $2^{20}$. Furthermore, we improve communication by $1.6\times$ over the state-of-the-art symmetric-key-based protocol of Zhang et al. (USENIX Sec'23).
Cryptojacking detection using local interpretable model-agnostic explanations
Cryptojacking, the unauthorised use of computing resources to mine cryptocurrency, has emerged as a critical threat in today’s digital landscape. These attacks not only compromise system integrity but also result in increased costs, reduced hardware lifespan, and heightened network security risks. Early and accurate detection is essential to mitigate the adverse effects of cryptojacking. This study focuses on developing a semi-supervised machine learning (ML) approach that leverages an autoencoder for feature extraction and a random forest (RF) model for classification. The objective is to enhance cryptojacking detection while maintaining a balance between accuracy and interpretability. The proposed methodology is further enhanced with explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) techniques such as local interpretable model-agnostic explanations (LIME) to offer insights into model predictions. Results from datasets such as UGRansome and BitcoinHeist indicate that the semi-supervised approach achieves accuracy rates ranging from 70% to 99%. The study demonstrates that the proposed model provides an efficient, interpretable, and scalable solution for real-time cryptojacking detection across various scenarios.
ProbeShooter: A New Practical Approach for Probe Aiming
Electromagnetic side-channel analysis is a powerful method for monitoring processor activity and compromising cryptographic systems in air-gapped environments. As analytical methodologies and target devices evolve, the importance of leakage localization and probe aiming becomes increasingly apparent for capturing only the desired signals with a high signal-to-noise ratio. Despite its importance, there remains substantial reliance on unreliable heuristic approaches and inefficient exhaustive searches. Furthermore, related studies often fall short in terms of feasibility, practicality, and performance, and are limited to controlled DUTs and low-end MCUs.
To address the limitations and inefficiencies of the previous approaches, we propose a novel methodology―${\rm P{\tiny ROBE}S{\tiny HOOTER}}$―for leakage localization and probe aiming. This approach leverages new insights into the spatial characteristics of amplitude modulation and intermodulation distortion in processors. As a result, ${\rm P{\tiny ROBE}S{\tiny HOOTER}}$ provides substantial improvements in various aspects: $\boldsymbol 1)$ it is applicable to not only simple MCUs but also complex SoCs, $\boldsymbol 2)$ it effectively handles multi-core systems and dynamic frequency scaling, $\boldsymbol 3)$ it is adoptable to uncontrollable DUTs, making it viable for constrained real-world attacks, and $\boldsymbol 4)$ it performs significantly faster than previous methods. To demonstrate this, we experimentally evaluate ${\rm P{\tiny ROBE}S{\tiny HOOTER}}$ on a high-end MCU (the NXP i.MX RT1061 featuring a single ARM Cortex-M7 core) and a complex SoC (the Broadcom BCM2711 equipped with the Raspberry Pi 4 Model B, featuring four ARM Cortex-A72 cores).
Theoretical Approaches to Solving the Shortest Vector Problem in NP-Hard Lattice-Based Cryptography with Post-SUSY Theories of Quantum Gravity in Polynomial Time
The Shortest Vector Problem (SVP) is a cornerstone of lattice-based cryptography, underpinning the security of numerous cryptographic schemes like NTRU. Given its NP-hardness, efficient solutions to SVP have profound implications for both cryptography and computational complexity theory. This paper presents an innovative framework that integrates concepts from quantum gravity, noncommutative geometry, spectral theory, and post-SUSY particle physics to address SVP. By mapping high-dimensional lattice points to spin foam networks and by means of Hamiltonian engineering, it is theoretically possible to devise new algorithms that leverage the interactions topologically protected Majorana fermion particles have with the gravitational field through the spectral action principle to loop through these spinfoam networks where SVP vectors could then be encoded onto the spectrum of the corresponding Dirac-like dilation operators within the system. We establish a novel approach that leverages post-SUSY physics and theories of quantum gravity to achieve algorithmic speedups beyond those expected by conventional quantum computers. This interdisciplinary methodology not only proposes potential polynomial-time algorithms for SVP but also bridges gaps between theoretical physics and cryptographic applications, providing further insights into the Riemann Hypothesis (RH) and the Hilbert-Polya Conjecture.
Quantum-safe Signatureless DNSSEC
We present $\mathsf{SL\text{-}DNSSEC}$: a backward-compatible protocol that leverages a quantum-safe KEM and a MAC to perform signature-less $\mathsf{(SL)}$ DNSSEC validations in a single UDP query/response style. Our experiments targeting NIST level I security for QTYPE A query resolution show that $\mathsf{SL\text{-}DNSSEC}$ is practically equivalent to the presently deployed RSA-2048 in terms of bandwidth usage and resolution speeds. Compared to post-quantum signatures, $\mathsf{SL\text{-}DNSSEC}$ reduces bandwidth consumption and resolution times by up to $95\%$ and $60\%$, respectively. Moreover, with response size $<$ query size $\leq 1232$ bytes, $\mathsf{SL\text{-}DNSSEC}$ obviates the long-standing issues of IP fragmentation, TCP re-transmits and DDoS amplification attacks.
On the gap between terms in an addition chain
In this paper, we study the distribution of the \textit{gap} between terms in an addition chain. In particular, we show that if $1,2,\ldots,s_{\delta(n)}=n$ is an addition chain of length $\delta(n)$ leading to $n$, then $$\underset{1\leq l\leq \delta(n)}{\mathrm{sup}}(s_{l+k}-s_l)\gg k\frac{n}{\delta(n)}$$ and $$\underset{1\leq l\leq \delta(n)}{\mathrm{inf}}(s_{l+k}-s_l)\ll k\frac{n}{\delta(n)}$$ for fixed $k\geq 1$.
Advancements in Distributed RSA Key Generation: Enhanced Biprimality Tests
RSA is widely used in modern cryptographic practice, with certain RSA-based protocols relying on the secrecy of $p$ and $q$. A common approach is to use secure multiparty computation to address the privacy concerns of $p$ and $q$.
Specifically constrained to distributed RSA modulus generation protocols, the biprimality test for Blum integers $N=pq$, where $p\equiv q\equiv 3 \mod4$ are two primes, proposed by Boneh and Franklin ($2001$) is the most commonly used. Over the past $20 $ years, the worst-case acceptance rate of this test has been consistently assumed to be $1/2$ under the condition $\gcd(pq,p+q-1)=1$.This paper demonstrates that the acceptance probability for the Boneh-Franklin test is at most $1/4$, rather than $1/2$, except in the specific case where $p = q = 3$. Notably, $1/4$ is shown to be the tightest upper bound. This result substantially improves the practical effectiveness of the Boneh-Franklin test: achieving the same level of soundness for the RSA modulus now requires only half the iterations previously considered necessary.
Furthermore, we propose a generalized biprimality test based on the Lucas sequence. In the worst case, the acceptance rate of the proposed test is at most $1/4 + 1.25/(p_{\min} -3)$, where $p_{\min}$ is the smallest prime factors of $N$. To validate our approach, we implemented the variant Miller-Rabin test, the Boneh-Franklin test, and our proposed test, performing pairwise comparisons of their effectiveness. Simulations indicate that the proposed test is generally more efficient than the Boneh-Franklin test in detecting cases where $N$ is not an RSA modulus. Additionally, this test is applicable to generating RSA moduli for arbitrary odd primes $p,q$.
A corresponding protocol is developed for this test, validated for resilience against semi-honest adversaries, and shown to be applicable to most known distributed RSA modulus generation protocols. After thoroughly analyzing and comparing well-known protocols for Blum integers, including Burkhardt et al.'s protocol (CCS 2023), and the Boneh-Franklin protocol, our protocol is competitive for generating distributed RSA moduli.
ABLE: Optimizing Mixed Arithmetic and Boolean Garbled Circuit
Privacy and security have become critical priorities in many scenarios. Privacy-preserving computation (PPC) is a powerful solution that allows functions to be computed directly on encrypted data. Garbled circuit (GC) is a key PPC technology that enables secure, confidential computing. GC comes in two forms: Boolean GC supports all operations by expressing functions as logic circuits; arithmetic GC is a newer technique to efficiently compute a set of arithmetic operations like addition and multiplication. Mixed GC combines both Boolean and arithmetic GC, in an attempt to optimize performance by computing each function in its most natural form. However, this introduces additional costly conversions between the two forms. It remains unclear if and when the efficiency gains of arithmetic GC outweigh these conversion costs.
In this paper, we present A̲rithmetic Ḇoolean Ḻogic E̲xchange for Garbled Circuit, the first real implementation of mixed GC. ABLE profiles the performance of Boolean and arithmetic GC operations along with their conversions. We assess not only communication but also computation latency, a crucial factor in evaluating the end-to-end runtime of GC. Based on these insights, we propose a method to determine whether it is more efficient to use general Boolean GC or mixed GC for a given application. Rather than implementing both approaches to identify the better solution for each unique case, our method enables users to select the most suitable GC realization early in the design process. This method evaluates whether the benefits of transitioning operations from Boolean to arithmetic GC offset the associated conversion costs. We apply this approach to a neural network task as a case study.
Implementing ABLE reveals opportunities for further GC optimization. We propose a heuristic to reduce the number of primes in arithmetic GC, cutting communication by 14.1% and compute latency by 15.7% in a 16-bit system. Additionally, we optimize mixed GC conversions with row reduction technique, achieving a 48.6% reduction in garbled table size for bit-decomposition and a 50% reduction for bit-composition operation. These improvements reduce communication overhead in stream GC and free up storage in the GC with preprocessing approach. We open source our code for community use.
Time-Lock Puzzles from Lattices
Time-lock puzzles (TLP) are a cryptographic tool that allow one to encrypt a message into the future, for a predetermined amount of time $T$. At present, we have only two constructions with provable security: One based on the repeated squaring assumption and the other based on obfuscation. Basing TLP on any other assumption is a long-standing question, further motivated by the fact that known constructions are broken by quantum algorithms.
In this work, we propose a new approach to construct time-lock puzzles based on lattices, and therefore with plausible post-quantum security. We obtain the following main results:
* In the preprocessing model, where a one-time public-coin preprocessing is allowed, we obtain a time-lock puzzle with encryption time $\log(T)$.
* In the plain model, where the encrypter does all the computation, we obtain a time-lock puzzle with encryption time $\sqrt{T}$.
Both constructions assume the existence of any sequential function $f$, and the hardness of the circular small-secret learning with errors (LWE) problem. At the heart of our results is a new construction of succinct randomized encodings (SRE) for $T$-folded repeated circuits, where the complexity of the encoding is $\sqrt{T}$. This is the first construction of SRE where the overall complexity of the encoding algorithm is sublinear in the runtime $T$, and which is not based on obfuscation. As a direct corollary, we obtain a non-interactive RAM delegation scheme with sublinear complexity (in the number of steps $T$).
The Meta-Complexity of Secret Sharing
A secret-sharing scheme allows the distribution of a secret $s$ among $n$ parties, such that only certain predefined “authorized” sets of parties can reconstruct the secret, while all other “unauthorized” sets learn nothing about $s$. The collection of authorized/unauthorized sets is defined by a monotone function $f: \{0,1\}^n \rightarrow \{0,1\}$. It is known that any monotone function can be realized by a secret-sharing scheme; thus, the smallest achievable \emph{total share size}, $S(f)$, serves as a natural complexity measure.
In this paper, we initiate the study of the following meta-complexity question: Given a monotone function $f$, is it possible to efficiently distinguish between cases where the secret-sharing complexity of $f$ is small versus large? We examine this question across several computational models, yielding the following main results.
(Hardness for formulas and circuits): Given a monotone formula $f$ of size $L$, it is coNP-hard to distinguish between ``cheap'' functions, where the maximum share size is 1 bit and the total share size is $O(L^{0.01})$, and ``expensive'' functions, where the maximum share size is $\Omega(\sqrt{L})$ and the total share size is $\Omega(L/\log L)$.
This latter bound nearly matches known secret-sharing constructions yielding a total share size of $L$ bits. For monotone circuits, we strengthen the bound on the expensive case to a maximum share size of $\Omega(L/\log L)$ and a total share size of $\Omega(L^2/\log L)$. These results rule out the existence of instance-optimal compilers that map a formula $f$ to a secret-sharing scheme with complexity polynomially related to $S(f)$.
(Hardness for truth tables): Under cryptographic assumptions, either (1) every $n$-bit slice function can be realized by a $\text{poly}(n)$-size secret-sharing scheme, or (2) given a truth-table representation of $f$ of size $N = 2^n$, it is computationally infeasible to distinguish in time $\text{poly}(N)$ between cases where $S(f) = \text{poly}(n)$ and $S(f) = n^{\omega(1)}$. Option (1) would be considered a breakthrough result, as the best-known construction for slices has a sub-exponential complexity of $2^{\tilde{O}(\sqrt{n})}$ (Liu, Vaikuntanathan, and Wee; Eurocrypt 2018). Our proof introduces a new worst-case-to-average-case reduction for slices, which may be of independent interest.
(Hardness for graphs): We examine the simple case where $f$ is given as a 2-DNF, represented by a graph $G$ whose edges correspond to 2-terms, and ask whether it is possible to distinguish between cases where the share size is constant and those where the share size is large, say $\Omega(\log n)$. We establish several connections between this question and questions in communication complexity. For instance, we show that graphs admitting constant-cost secret sharing form a subclass of graphs with constant randomized communication complexity and constant-size adjacency sketches (Harms, Wild, and Zamaraev; STOC 2022). We leverage these connections to establish new lower bounds for specific graph families, derive a combinatorial characterization of graphs with constant-size linear secret-sharing schemes, and show that a natural class of myopic algorithms fails to distinguish cheap graphs from expensive ones.
Use of Simple Arithmetic Operations to Construct Efficiently Implementable Boolean functions Possessing High Nonlinearity and Good Resistance to Algebraic Attacks
We describe a new class of Boolean functions which provide the presently best known trade-off between low computational complexity, nonlinearity and (fast) algebraic immunity. In particular, for $n\leq 20$, we show that there are functions in the family achieving a combination of nonlinearity and (fast) algebraic immunity which is superior to what is achieved by any other efficiently implementable function. The main novelty of our approach is to apply a judicious combination of simple integer and binary field arithmetic to Boolean function construction.
IND-CPA$^{\text{C}}$: A New Security Notion for Conditional Decryption in Fully Homomorphic Encryption
Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) allows a server to perform computations directly over the encrypted data. In general FHE protocols, the client is tasked with decrypting the computation result using its secret key. However, certain FHE applications benefit from the server knowing this result, especially without the aid of the client. Providing the server with the secret key allows it to decrypt all the data, including the client's private input. Protocols such as Goldwasser et. al. (STOC'13) have shown that it is possible to provide the server with the capability of conditional decryption that allows it to decrypt the result of some pre-defined computation and nothing else. While beneficial to an honest-but-curious server to aid in providing better services, a malicious server may utilize this added advantage to perform active attacks on the overall FHE application to leak secret information. Existing security notions fail to capture this scenario since they assume that only the client has the ability to decrypt FHE ciphertexts. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a new security notion named IND-CPA$^{\text{C}}$, that provides the adversary with access to a conditional decryption oracle. We then show that none of the practical exact FHE schemes are secure under this notion by demonstrating a generic attack that utilizes this restricted decryption capability to recover the underlying errors in the FHE ciphertexts. Given the security guarantee of the underlying (R)LWE hardness problem collapses with the leakage of these error values, we show a full key recovery attack. Finally, we propose a technique to convert any IND-CPA secure FHE scheme into an IND-CPA$^\text{C}$ secure FHE scheme. Our technique utilizes Succinct Non-Interactive Argument of Knowledge, where the server is forced to generate a proof of an honest computation of the requested function along with the computation result. During decryption, the proof is verified, and the decryption proceeds only if the verification holds. Both the verification and decryption steps run inside a Garbled Circuit and thus are not observable or controllable by the server.
NICE-PAKE: On the Security of KEM-Based PAKE Constructions without Ideal Ciphers
The interest in realizing generic PQC KEM-based PAKEs has increased significantly in the last few years. One such PAKE is the CAKE protocol, proposed by Beguinet et al. (ACNS ’23). However, despite its simple design based on the well-studied PAKE protocol EKE by Bellovin and Merritt (IEEE S&P ’92), both CAKE and its variant OCAKE do not fully protect against quantum adversaries, as they rely on the Ideal Cipher (IC) model. Related and follow-up works, including Pan and Zeng (ASIACRYPT ’23), Dos Santos et al. (EUROCRYPT ’23), Alnahawi et al. (CANS ’24), and Arragia et al. (IACR ’24/308) although touching on that issue, still rely on an IC. Considering the lack of a quantum IC model and the difficulty of using the classical IC to achieve secure instantiations on public keys in general and PQC in particular, we set out to eliminate it from PAKE design. In this paper, we present the No IC Encryption (NICE)-PAKE, a (semi)-generic PAKE framework providing a quantum-safe alternative for the IC, utilizing simpler cryptographic components for the authentication step. To give a formal proof for our construction, we introduce the notions of A-Part-Secrecy (A-SEC-CCA), Splittable Collision Freeness (A-CFR-CCA) and Public Key Uniformity (SPLIT-PKU) for splittable LWE KEMs. We show the relation of the former to the Non-uniform LWE and the Weak Hint LWE assumptions, as well as its application to ring and module LWE. Notably, this side quest led to some surprising discoveries, as we concluded that the new notion is not directly interchangeable between the LWE variants, or at least not in a straightforward manner. Further, we show that our approach requires some tedious tweaking for the parameter choices in both FrodoKEM and CRYSTALS-Kyber to obtain a secure PAKE construction. We also address some fundamental issues with the common IC usage and identify differences between lattice KEMs regarding their suitability for generic PQC PAKEs, especially regarding the structure of their public keys. We believe that this work marks a further step towards achieving complete security against quantum adversaries in PQC PAKEs.
Registered ABE and Adaptively-Secure Broadcast Encryption from Succinct LWE
Registered attribute-based encryption (ABE) is a generalization of public-key encryption that enables fine-grained access control to encrypted data (like standard ABE), but without needing a central trusted authority. In a key-policy registered ABE scheme, users choose their own public and private keys and then register their public keys together with a decryption policy with an (untrusted) key curator. The key curator aggregates all of the individual public keys into a short master public key which serves as the public key for an ABE scheme.
Currently, we can build registered ABE for restricted policies (e.g., Boolean formulas) from pairing-based assumptions and for general policies using witness encryption or indistinguishability obfuscation. In this work, we construct a key-policy registered ABE for general policies (specifically, bounded-depth Boolean circuits) from the $\ell$-succinct learning with errors (LWE) assumption in the random oracle model. The ciphertext size in our registered ABE scheme is $\mathsf{poly}(\lambda, d)$, where $\lambda$ is a security parameter and $d$ is the depth of the circuit that computes the policy circuit $C$. Notably, this is independent of the length of the attribute $\mathbf{x}$ and is optimal up to the $\mathsf{poly}(d)$ factor.
Previously, the only lattice-based instantiation of registered ABE uses witness encryption, which relies on private-coin evasive LWE, a stronger assumption than $\ell$-succinct LWE. Moreover, the ciphertext size in previous registered ABE schemes that support general policies (i.e., from obfuscation or witness encryption) scales with $\mathsf{poly}(\lambda, |\mathbf{x}|, |C|)$. The ciphertext size in our scheme depends only on the depth of the circuit (and not the length of the attribute or the size of the policy). This enables new applications to identity-based distributed broadcast encryption.
Our techniques are also useful for constructing adaptively-secure (distributed) broadcast encryption, and we give the first scheme from the $\ell$-succinct LWE assumption in the random oracle model. Previously, the only lattice-based broadcast encryption scheme with adaptive security relied on witness encryption in the random oracle model. All other lattice-based broadcast encryption schemes only achieved selective security.
Bitwise Garbling Schemes --- A Model with $\frac{3}{2}\kappa$-bit Lower Bound of Ciphertexts
At Eurocrypt 2015, Zahur, Rosulek, and Evans proposed the model of Linear Garbling Schemes.
This model proved a $2\kappa$-bit lower bound of ciphertexts for a broad class of garbling schemes.
At Crypto 2021, Rosulek and Roy presented the innovative "three-halves" garbling scheme in which AND gates cost $1.5\kappa+5$ bits and XOR gates are free.
A noteworthy aspect of their scheme is the slicing-and-dicing technique,
which is applicable universally to all AND gates when garbling a boolean circuit.
Following this revelation, Rosulek and Roy presented several open problems.
Our research primarily addresses one of them: ``Is $1.5\kappa$ bits optimal for garbled AND gates in a more inclusive model than Linear Garbling Schemes?''
In this paper, we propose theBitwise Garbling Schemes.
Our key revelation is that $1.5\kappa$ bits is indeed optimal for arbitrary garbled AND gates in our model.
Moreover, we prove the necessity of the free-XOR technique:
If free-XOR is forbidden, we prove a $2\kappa$-bit lower bound.
As an extension, we apply our idea to construct a model for fan-in 3 gates.
Somewhat unexpectedly, we prove a $\frac{7}{4}\kappa$-bit lower bound.
Unfortunately, the corresponding construction
is not suitable for 3-input AND gates.
This construction may be of independent interest.