Paper 2024/1129

Attribute-Based Signatures for Circuits with Optimal Parameter Size from Standard Assumptions

Ryuya Hayashi, The University of Tokyo and AIST
Yusuke Sakai, AIST
Shota Yamada, AIST

Attribute-based signatures (ABS) allow users to simultaneously sign messages and prove their possession of some attributes while hiding the attributes and revealing only the fact that they satisfy a public policy. In this paper, we propose a generic construction of ABS for circuits of unbounded depth and size with optimal parameter size, meaning that the lengths of public parameters, keys, and signatures are all constant. Our generic construction can be instantiated from various standard assumptions including LWE or DLIN. Only previous ABS construction with optimal parameter size necessitates succinct non-interactive argument of knowledge, which can be only constructed from non-standard assumptions. Our generic construction is based on RAM delegations, which intuitively allows us to compress the evaluation of a circuit when inputs are public. In high level, we find a way to compress the computation of the policy circuit on input a user attribute to achieve overall parameter size, while hiding the user policy at the same time.

Note: Added description of parameters in Table 1.

Available format(s)
Public-key cryptography
Publication info
Attribute-based signaturesRAM delegation
Contact author(s)
rhys @ iis u-tokyo ac jp
yusuke sakai @ aist go jp
yamada-shota @ aist go jp
2024-07-25: revised
2024-07-11: received
See all versions
Short URL
Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Ryuya Hayashi and Yusuke Sakai and Shota Yamada},
      title = {Attribute-Based Signatures for Circuits with Optimal Parameter Size from Standard Assumptions},
      howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2024/1129},
      year = {2024},
      url = {}
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