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Last updated:  2008-03-16
Democratic Group Signatures with Threshold Traceability
Dong Zheng, Xiangxue Li, Changshe Ma, Kefei Chen, Jianhua Li
Recently, democratic group signatures(DGSs) particularly catch our attention due to their great flexibilities, \emph{i.e}., \emph{no group manager}, \emph{anonymity}, and \emph{individual traceability}. In existing DGS schemes, individual traceability says that any member in the group can reveal the actual signer's identity from a given signature. In this paper, we formally describe the definition of DGS, revisit its security notions by strengthening the requirement for the property of traceability, and present a concrete DGS construction with $(t, n)$-\emph{threshold traceability} which combines the concepts of group signatures and of threshold cryptography. The idea behind the $(t, n)$-threshold traceability is to distribute between $n$ group members the capability of tracing the actual signer such that any subset of not less than $t$ members can jointly reconstruct a secret and reveal the identity of the signer while preserving security even in the presence of an active adversary which can corrupt up to $t-1$ group members.
Last updated:  2008-03-12
Yuriy Izbenko, Vladislav Kovtun, Alexandr Kuznetsov
With cryptographic investigations, the design of Boolean functions is a wide area. The Boolean functions play important role in the construction of a symmetric cryptosystem. In this paper the modifed hill climbing method is considered. The method allows using hill climbing techniques to modify bent functions used to design balanced, highly nonlinear Boolean functions with high algebraic degree and low autocorrelation. The experimental results of constructing the cryptographically strong Boolean functions are presented.
Last updated:  2012-03-16
On the Design of Secure and Fast Double Block Length Hash Functions
Zheng Gong, Xuejia Lai, Kefei Chen
In this work the security of double block length hash functions with rate 1, which are based on a block cipher with a block length of $n$ bits and a key length of $2n$ bits, is reconsidered. Counter-examples and new attacks are presented on this general class of fast double block length hash functions, which reveal unnoticed flaws in the necessary conditions given by Satoh \textit{et al.} and Hirose. Preimage and second preimage attacks are presented on Hirose's two examples which were left as an open problem. Our synthetic analysis show that all rate-1 hash functions in FDBL-II are failed to be optimally (second) preimage resistant. The necessary conditions are refined for ensuring a subclass of hash functions in FDBL-II to be optimally secure against collision attacks. In particular, one of Hirose's two examples, which satisfies our refined conditions, is proven to be indifferentiable from a random oracle in the ideal cipher model. The security results are extended to a new class of double block length hash functions with rate 1, where the key length of one block cipher used in the compression function is equal to the block length, whereas the other is doubled.
Last updated:  2008-08-14
Collisions for Round-Reduced LAKE
Florian Mendel, Martin Schläffer
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LAKE is a family of cryptographic hash functions presented at FSE 2008. It is an iterated hash function and defines two main instances with a 256 bit and 512 bit hash value. In this paper, we present the first security analysis of LAKE. We show how collision attacks, exploiting the non-bijectiveness of the internal compression function of LAKE, can be mounted on reduced variants of LAKE. We show an efficient attack on the 256 bit hash function LAKE-256 reduced to 3 rounds and present an actual colliding message pair. Furthermore, we present a theoretical attack on LAKE-256 reduced to 4 rounds with a complexity of $2^{109}$. By using more sophisticated message modification techniques we expect that the attack can be extended to 5 rounds. However, for the moment our approach does not appear to be applicable to the full LAKE-256 hash function (with all 8 rounds).
Last updated:  2008-05-24
New Differential-Algebraic Attacks and Reparametrization of Rainbow
Jintai Ding, Bo-Yin Yang, Owen Chen, Ming-Shing Chen, Doug Cheng
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A recently proposed class of multivariate quadratic schemes, the Rainbow-Like signature Schemes, in which successive sets of central variables are obtained from previous ones by solving linear equations, seem to lead to efficient schemes (TTS, TRMS, and Rainbow) that perform well on systems of low computational resources. Recently SFLASH ($C^{\ast-}$) was broken by Dubois, Fouque, Shamir, and Stern via a differential attack. In this paper, we exhibit similar attacks based on differentials, that will reduce published Rainbow-like schemes below their security levels. We will present a new type of construction of Rainbow-Like schemes and design signature schemes with new parameters for practical applications.
Last updated:  2008-09-30
Private Branching Programs: On Communication-Efficient Cryptocomputing
Helger Lipmaa
We polish a recent cryptocomputing method of Ishai and Paskin from TCC 2007. More precisely, we show that every function can be cryptocomputed in communication, linear in the product of client's input length and the length of the branching program, and computation, linear in the size of the branching program that computes it. The method is based on the existence of a communication-efficient $(2,1)$-CPIR protocol. We give several nontrivial applications, including: (a) improvement on the communication of Lipmaa's CPIR protocol, (b) a CPIR protocol with log-squared communication and sublinear server-computation by giving a secure function evaluation protocol for Boolean functions with similar performance, (c) a protocol for PIR-writing with low amortized complexity, (d) a selective private function evaluation (SPFE) protocol. We detail one application of SPFE that makes it possible to compute how similar is client's input to an element in server's database, without revealing any information to the server. For SPFE, we design a $4$-message extension of the basic protocol that is efficient for a large class of functionalities.
Last updated:  2008-03-12
Knapsack cryptosystems built on NP-hard instances
Laurent Evain
We construct three public key knapsack cryptosystems. Standard knapsack cryptosystems hide easy instances of the knapsack problem and have been broken. The systems considered in the article face this problem: They hide a random (possibly hard) instance of the knapsack problem. We provide both complexity results (size of the key, time needed to encypher/decypher...) and experimental results. Security results are given for the second cryptosystem ( the fastest one and the one with the shortest key). Probabilistic polynomial reductions show that finding the private key is as difficult as factorizing a product of two primes. We also consider heuristic attacks. First, the density of the cryptosystem can be chosen arbitrarily close to one, discarding low density attacks. Finally, we consider explicit heuristic attacks based on the LLL algorithm and we prove that with respect to these attacks, the public key is as secure as a random key.
Last updated:  2008-03-12
Cryptanalysis of White-Box Implementations
W. Michiels, P. Gorissen, H. D. L. Hollmann
A white-box implementation of a block cipher is a software implementation from which it is difficult for an attacker to extract the cryptographic key. Chow et al. published white-box implementations for AES and DES that both have been cryptanalyzed. However, these white-box implementations are based on ideas that can easily be used to derive white-box implementations for other block ciphers as well. As the cryptanalyses published use typical properties of AES and DES, it remains an open question whether the white-box techniques proposed by Chow et al. can result in a secure white-box implementation for other ciphers than AES and DES. In this paper we identify a generic class of block ciphers for which the white-box techniques of Chow et al. do not result in a secure white-box implementation. The result can serve as a basis to design block ciphers and to develop white-box techniques that do result in secure white-box implementations.
Last updated:  2008-03-12
Simplified Security Notions of Direct Anonymous Attestation and a Concrete Scheme from Pairings
Ernie Brickell, Liqun Chen, Jiangtao Li
Direct Anonymous Attestation (DAA) is a cryptographic mechanism that enables remote authentication of a user while preserving privacy under the user's control. The DAA scheme developed by Brickell, Camenisch, and Chen has been adopted by the Trust Computing Group (TCG) for remote anonymous attestation of Trusted Platform Module (TPM), a small hardware device with limited storage space and communication capability. In this paper, we provide two contributions to DAA. We first introduce simplified security notions of DAA including the formal definitions of user controlled anonymity and traceability. We then propose a new DAA scheme from elliptic curve cryptography and bilinear maps. The lengths of private keys and signatures in our scheme are much shorter than the lengths in the original DAA scheme, with a similar level of security and computational complexity. Our scheme builds upon the Camenisch-Lysyanskaya signature scheme and is efficient and provably secure in the random oracle model under the LRSW (stands for Lysyanskaya, Rivest, Sahai and Wolf) assumption and the decisional Bilinear Diffie-Hellman assumption.
Last updated:  2008-12-16
Identity-Based Proxy Re-encryption Schemes with Multiuse, Unidirection, and CCA Security
Jun Shao, Dongsheng Xing, Zhenfu Cao
A proxy re-encryption (PRE) scheme allows a proxy to transform a ciphertext under Alice's public key into a ciphertext under Bob's public key on the same message. In 2006, Green and Ateniese extended the above notion to identity-based proxy re-encryption (IB-PRE), and proposed two open problems \cite{GA06}: building 1. IB-PRE schemes which are CCA-secure in the standard model; 2. multi-use CCA-secure IB-PRE schemes. Chu and Tzeng proposed two identity-based proxy re-encryption schemes afterwards in \cite{CT07}, aiming at solving the two open problems. However, in this paper, we show that they don't solve these two open problems by revealing a security flaw in their solution. Furthermore, we propose an improvement which is a solution to the open problems.
Last updated:  2008-03-11
Degradation and Amplification of Computational Hardness
Shai Halevi, Tal Rabin
What happens when you use a partially defective bit-commitment protocol to commit to the same bit many times? For example, suppose that the protocol allows the receiver to guess the committed bit with advantage $\eps$, and that you used that protocol to commit to the same bit more than $1/\eps$ times. Or suppose that you encrypted some message many times (to many people), only to discover later that the encryption scheme that you were using is partially defective, and an eavesdropper has some noticeable advantage in guessing the encrypted message from the ciphertext. Can we at least show that even after many such encryptions, the eavesdropper could not have learned the message with certainty? In this work we take another look at amplification and degradation of computational hardness. We describe a rather generic setting where one can argue about amplification or degradation of computational hardness via sequential repetition of interactive protocols, and prove that in all the cases that we consider, it behaves as one would expect from the corresponding information theoretic bounds. In particular, for the example above we can prove that after committing to the same bit for $n$ times, the receiver's advantage in guessing the encrypted bit is negligibly close to $1-(1-\eps)^n$. Our results for hardness amplification follow just by observing that some of the known proofs for Yao's lemmas can be easily extended also to handle interactive protocols. On the other hand, the question of hardness degradation was never considered before as far as we know, and we prove these results from scratch.
Last updated:  2008-06-03
Probabilistic Verifiable Secret Sharing Tolerating Adaptive Adversary
Arpita Patra, Ashish Choudhary, AshwinKumar B. V, C. Pandu Rangan
In this work we focus on two basic secure distributed computation tasks- Probabilistic Weak Secret Sharing (PWSS) and Probabilistic Verifiable Secret Sharing (PVSS). PVSS allows a dealer to share a secret among several players in a way that would later allow a unique reconstruction of the secret with negligible error probability. PWSS is slightly weaker version of PVSS where the dealer can choose not to disclose his secret later. Both of them are well-studied problems. While PVSS is used as a building block in every general probabilistic secure multiparty computation, PWSS can be used as a building block for PVSS protocols. Both these problems can be parameterized by the number of players ($n$) and the fault tolerance threshold ($t$) which bounds the total number of malicious (Byzantine) players having {\it unbounded computing power}. We focus on the standard {\it secure channel model}, where all players have access to secure point-to-point channels and a common broadcast medium. We show the following for PVSS: (a) 1-round PVSS is possible iff $t=1$ and $n>3$ (b) 2-round PVSS is possible if $n>3t$ (c) 4-round PVSS is possible if $n>2t$. For the PWSS we show the following: (a) 1-round PWSS is possible iff $n>3t$ and (b) 3-round PWSS is possible if $n>2t$. All our protocols are {\it efficient}. Comparing our results with the existing trade-off results for perfect (zero error probability) VSS and WSS, we find that probabilistically relaxing the conditions of VSS/WSS helps to increase fault tolerance significantly.
Last updated:  2008-03-10
Accelerating the Scalar Multiplication on Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems over Prime Fields
Patrick Longa
Elliptic curve cryptography (ECC), independently introduced by Koblitz and Miller in the 80's, has attracted increasing attention in recent years due to its shorter key length requirement in comparison with other public-key cryptosystems such as RSA. Shorter key length means reduced power consumption and computing effort, and less storage requirement, factors that are fundamental in ubiquitous portable devices such as PDAs, cellphones, smartcards, and many others. To that end, a lot of research has been carried out to speed-up and improve ECC implementations, mainly focusing on the most important and time-consuming ECC operation: scalar multiplication. In this thesis, we focus in optimizing such ECC operation at the point and scalar arithmetic levels, specifically targeting standard curves over prime fields. At the point arithmetic level, we introduce two innovative methodologies to accelerate ECC formulae: the use of new composite operations, which are built on top of basic point doubling and addition operations; and the substitution of field multiplications by squarings and other cheaper operations. These techniques are efficiently exploited, individually or jointly, in several contexts: to accelerate computation of scalar multiplications, and the computation of pre-computed points for window-based scalar multiplications (up to 30% improvement in comparison with previous best method); to speed-up computations of simple side-channel attack (SSCA)-protected implementations using innovative atomic structures (up to 22% improvement in comparison with scalar multiplication using original atomic structures); and to develop parallel formulae for SIMD-based applications, which are able to execute three and four operations simultaneously (up to 72% of improvement in comparison with a sequential scalar multiplication). At the scalar arithmetic level, we develop new sublinear (in terms of Hamming weight) multibase scalar multiplications based on NAF-like conversion algorithms that are shown to be faster than any previous scalar multiplication method. For instance, proposed multibase scalar multiplications reduce computing times in 10.9% and 25.3% in comparison with traditional NAF for unprotected and SSCA-protected scenarios, respectively. Moreover, our conversion algorithms overcome the problem of converting any integer to multibase representation, solving an open problem that was defined as hard. Thus, our algorithms make the use of multiple bases practical for applications as ECC scalar multiplication for first time.
Last updated:  2008-08-04
The Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem and Equivalent Hard Problems for Elliptic Divisibility Sequences
Kristin E. Lauter, Katherine E. Stange
We define three hard problems in the theory of elliptic divisibility sequences (EDS Association, EDS Residue and EDS Discrete Log), each of which is solvable in sub-exponential time if and only if the elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem is solvable in sub-exponential time. We also relate the problem of EDS Association to the Tate pairing and the MOV, Frey-Rück and Shipsey EDS attacks on the elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem in the cases where these apply.
Last updated:  2008-05-21
On Security Notions for Verifiable Encrypted Signature
Xu-An Wang, Xiaoyuan Yang, Yiliang Han
First we revisit three - BGLS, MBGLS and GZZ verifiably encrypted signature schemes[2,3,6].We find that they are all not strong unforgeable.We remark that the notion of existential unforgeable is not sufficient for fair exchange protocols in most circumstances.So we propose three new - NBGLS, MBGLS and NGZZ verifiably encrypted signature schemes which are strong unforgeable. Also we reconsider other two - ZSS and CA verifiably encrypted signature schemes[4,8], we find that they both cannot resist replacing public key attack. So we strongly suggest that strong unforgeable for verifiably encrypted signature maybe a better notion than existential unforgeable and checking adjudicator knowing its private key is a necessary step for secure verifiably encrypted signature scheme.
Last updated:  2008-03-10
Fairness with an Honest Minority and a Rational Majority
Shien Jin Ong, David Parkes, Alon Rosen, Salil Vadhan
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We provide a simple protocol for secret reconstruction in any threshold secret sharing scheme, and prove that it is fair when executed with many rational parties together with a small minority of honest parties. That is, all parties will learn the secret with high probability when the honest parties follow the protocol and the rational parties act in their own self-interest (as captured by the notion of a Bayesian subgame perfect equilibrium). The protocol only requires a standard (synchronous) broadcast channel, and tolerates fail-stop deviations (i.e. early stopping, but not incorrectly computed messages). Previous protocols for this problem in the cryptographic or economic models have either required an honest majority, used strong communication channels that enable simultaneous exchange of information, or settled for approximate notions of security/equilibria.
Last updated:  2008-03-07
Optimal Pairings
F. Vercauteren
In this paper we introduce the concept of an \emph{optimal pairing}, which by definition can be computed using only $\log_2 r/ \varphi(k)$ basic Miller iterations, with $r$ the order of the groups involved and $k$ the embedding degree. We describe an algorithm to construct optimal ate pairings on all parametrized families of pairing friendly elliptic curves. Finally, we conjecture that any non-degenerate pairing on an elliptic curve without efficiently computable endomorphisms different from powers of Frobenius requires at least $\log_2 r/ \varphi(k)$ basic Miller iterations.
Last updated:  2009-04-15
Strongly Unforgeable ID-based Signatures Without Random Oracles
Chifumi Sato, Takeshi Okamoto, Eiji Okamoto
In this paper, we construct a strongly unforgeable ID-based signature scheme without random oracles. The signature size of our scheme is smaller than that of other schemes based on varieties of the Diffie-Hellman problem or the discrete logarithm problem. The security of the scheme relies on the difficulty to solve three problems related to the Diffie-Hellman problem and a one-way isomorphism.
Last updated:  2008-05-19
Universally Composable Undeniable Signature
Kaoru Kurosawa, Jun Furukawa
How to define the security of undeniable signature schemes is a challenging task. This paper presents two security definitions of undeniable signature schemes which are more useful or natural than the existing definition. It then proves their equivalence. We first define the UC-security, where UC means universal composability. We next show that there exists a UC-secure undeniable signature scheme which does not satisfy the standard definition of security that has been believed to be adequate so far. More precisely, it does not satisfy the invisibility defined by \cite{DP96}. We then show a more adequate definition of invisibility which captures a wider class of (naturally secure) undeniable signature schemes. We finally prove that the UC-security against non-adaptive adversaries is equivalent to this definition of invisibility and the strong unforgeability in $\cF_{ZK}$-hybrid model, where $\cF_{ZK}$ is the ideal ZK functionality. Our result of equivalence implies that all the known proven secure undeniable signature schemes (including Chaum's scheme) are UC-secure if the confirmation/disavowal protocols are both UC zero-knowledge.
Last updated:  2008-03-03
New ID-based Fair Blind Signatures
Girraj Kumar Verma
A blind signature is a cryptographic premitive in which a user can obtain a signature from the signer without revealing any information about message signature pair.Blind signatures are used in electronic payment systems, electronic voting machines etc.The anonymity can be misused by criminals by money laundering or by dubious money.To prevent these crimes, the idea of fair blind signature scheme was given by stadler et al.In fair blind signature scheme, there is a trusted third party judge who can provide a linking protocol to signer to link his view to the message signature pair.In this paper we are proposing some identity based fair blind signatures.
Last updated:  2008-02-28
An Efficient SPRP-secure Construction based on Pseudo Random Involution
Mridul Nandi
Here we present a new security notion called as pseudo random involution or PRI which are associated with tweakable involution enciphering schemes or TIES (i.e., the encryption and decryption are same algorithm). This new security notion is important in two reasons. Firstly, it is the natural security notion for TIES which are having practical importance. Secondly, we show that there is a generic method to obtain a sprp-secure tweakable enciphering scheme (TES) from pri-secure construction. The generic method costs an extra xor with an extra key. In this paper, we also propose an efficient pri-secure construction Hash-Counter Involution or HCI and based on it we obtain a sprp-secure construction which is real improvement over XCB. We call the new construction as MXCB or Modified-XCB. HCH, XCB and HCTR are some of the popular counter based enciphering schemes, where HCTR is more efficient among them and HCH, XCB guarantee more security compare to HCTR. The new proposal MXCB has efficiency similar to HCTR and guarantees more security similar to HCH and XCB. We consider this new construction to be an important in light of the current activities of the IEEE working group on storage security which is working towards a standard for a wide block TES.
Last updated:  2008-02-28
A Generic Method to Extend Message Space of a Strong Pseudorandom Permutation
Mridul Nandi
In this paper we present an efficient and secure generic method which can encrypt messages of size at least $n$. This generic encryption algorithm needs a secure encryption algorithm for messages of multiple of $n$. The first generic construction, XLS, has been proposed by Ristenpart and Rogaway in FSE-07. It needs two extra invocations of an independently chosen strong pseudorandom permutation or SPRP defined over $\s^n$ for encryption of an incomplete message block. Whereas our construction needs only one invocation of a weak pseudorandom function and two multiplications over a finite field (equivalently, two invocations of an universal hash function). We prove here that the proposed method preserves (tweakable) SPRP. This new construction is meaningful for two reasons. Firstly, it is based on weak pseudorandom function which is a weaker security notion than SPRP. Thus we are able to achieve stronger security from a weaker one. Secondly, in practice, finite field multiplication is more efficient than an invocation of SPRP. Hence our method can be more efficient than XLS.
Last updated:  2008-02-28
Improving upon HCTR and matching attacks for Hash-Counter-Hash approach
Mridul Nandi
McGrew and Fluhrer first proposed hash-counter-hash approach to encrypt arbitrary length messages. By its nature, counter can handle incomplete message blocks as well as complete message blocks in the same manner. HCTR is the till date best (in terms of efficiency) strong pseudo random permutation or SPRP among all known counter based SPRPs. But as of now, a cubic bound for HCTR is known. Moreover, all invocations of underlying block ciphers can not be made in parallel. Our new proposal (we call it HMC or Hash Modified Counter) provides a quadratic security bound and all block cipher invocations are parallel in nature even if we have an incomplete message block. We also present a prp-distinguishing attack on a generic counter based encryption, which makes $q$ non-adaptive encryption queries consisting of $(\ell+1)$ $n$-bit blocks and has success probability roughly $\ell^2q^2/2^n$. Loosely speaking, the success probability matches with the upper bound of distinguishing probability. As a result, we prove that the known quadratic bounds for XCB, HCH and HMC are tight.
Last updated:  2008-02-28
An improved preimage attack on MD2
Søren S. Thomsen
This paper describes an improved preimage attack on the cryptographic hash function MD2. The attack has complexity equivalent to about $2^{73}$ evaluations of the MD2 compression function. This is to be compared with the previous best known preimage attack, which has complexity about $2^{97}$.
Last updated:  2008-02-28
A Public Key Encryption In Standard Model Using Cramer-Shoup Paradigm
Mahabir Prasad Jhanwar, Rana Barua
We present a public-key encryption scheme which is provably secure against adaptive chosen ciphertext attack. The scheme is constructed using Cramer-Shoup paradigm. The security of the scheme is based on the Decisional Bilinear Diffie-Hellman problem
Last updated:  2009-04-25
Towards a Theory of White-Box Security
Amir Herzberg, Haya Shulman, Amitabh Saxena, Bruno Crispo
Program hardening for secure execution in remote untrusted environment is an important yet elusive goal of security, with numerous attempts and efforts of the research community to produce secure solutions. Obfuscation is the prevailing practical technique employed to tackle this issue. Unfortunately, no provably secure obfuscation techniques currently exist. Moreover, Barak et. al., showed that not all programs can be obfuscated. Theoretical research exhibits provably secure albeit inefficient constructions, e.g. using tools from encrypted domain. We present a rigorous approach to software execution in remote environment based on a new white box primitive, the White Box Remote Program Execution (WBRPE), whose security specifications include confidentiality and integrity of both the local and the remote hosts. WBRPE can be used for many applications, e.g. grid computing, digital rights management, mobile agents. We then present a construction of a specific program such that if there exists a secure WBRPE for that program, then there is a secure WBRPE for any program, reducing its security to the underlying WBRPE primitive. The security of WBRPE construction is established by reduction among two white box primitives and it introduces new techniques of programs manipulation.
Last updated:  2008-02-28
Efficient Perfectly Reliable and Secure Communication Tolerating Mobile Adversary
Arpita Patra, Ashish Choudhary, Madhu Gayatri, C. Pandu Rangan
We study the problem of Perfectly Reliable Message Transmission}(PRMT) and Perfectly Secure Message Transmission (PSMT) between two nodes S and R in an undirected synchronous network, a part of which is under the influence of an all powerful mobile Byzantine adversary. In ACISP 2007 Srinathan et. al. has proved that the connectivity requirement for PSMT protocols is same for both static and mobile adversary thus showing that mobility of the adversary has no effect on the possibility of PSMT (also PRMT) protocols. Similarly in CRYPTO 2004, Srinathan et. al. has shown that the lower bound on the communication complexity of any multiphase PSMT protocol is same for static and mobile adversary. The authors have also designed a $O(t)$ phase (A phase is a send from S to R or R to S or both) protocol satisfying this bound where $t$ is the maximum number of nodes corrupted by the Byzantine adversary. In this work, we design a three phase bit optimal PSMT protocol using a novel technique, whose communication complexity matches the lower bound proved in CRYPTO 2004 and thus significantly reducing the number of phases from $O(t)$ to three. Further using our novel technique, we design a three phase bit optimal PRMT protocol which achieves reliability with constant factor overhead against a mobile adversary. These are the first ever constant phase optimal PRMT and PSMT protocols against mobile Byzantine adversary. We also characterize PSMT protocols in directed networks tolerating mobile adversary. All the existing PRMT and PSMT protocols abstracts the paths between S and R as wires, neglecting the intermediate nodes in the paths. However, this causes significant over estimation in the communication complexity as well as round complexity (Round is different from phase. Round is a send from one node to its immediate neighbor in the network} of protocols. Here, we consider the underlying paths as a whole instead of abstracting them as wires and derive a tight bound on the number of rounds required to achieve reliable communication from S to R tolerating a mobile adversary with arbitrary roaming speed (By roaming speed we mean the speed with which the adversary changes the set of corrupted node). We show how our constant phase PRMT and PSMT protocols can be easily adapted to design round optimal and bit optimal PRMT and PSMT protocols provided the network is given as a collection of vertex disjoint paths.
Last updated:  2008-02-29
All Pairings Are in a Group
Chang-An Zhao, Fangguo Zhang, Jiwu Huang
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In this paper, we suggest that all pairings be in a group from an abstract angle. It is possible that our observation can be applied into other aspects of pairing-based cryptosystems.
Last updated:  2008-02-27
ID based generalized signcryption
Sunder Lal, Prashant Kushwah
Generalized signcryption is a new cryptographic primitive in which a signcryption scheme can work as an encryption scheme as well as a signature scheme. This paper presents an identity based generalized signcryption scheme based on bilinear pairing and discusses its security for message confidentiality non repudiation and ciphertext authentication.
Last updated:  2008-02-27
On the Security of Chien's Ultralightweight RFID Authentication Protocol
Hung-Min Sun, Wei-Chih Ting, King-Hang Wang
Recently, Chien proposed an ultralightweight RFID authentication protocol to prevent all possible attacks. However, we find two de-synchronization attacks to break the protocol.
Last updated:  2008-02-27
Improving the Farnel, Threeballot, and Randell-Ryan Voting Schemes
Roberto Araujo, Peter Y. A. Ryan
A number of recent voting schemes provide the property of voter verifiability: voters can confirm that their votes are accurately counted in the tally. The Farnel type voting schemes are based on the observation that to achieve voter-verifiability it is not necessary for the voter to carry away a receipt corresponding to their own vote. The Farnel approach then is to provide voters, when they cast their vote, with copies of receipts of one or more randomly selected, previous cast votes. This idea has a number of attractive features: ballot secrecy is achieved up front and does not have to be provided by anonymising mixes etc during tabulation. In fact, plaintext receipts can be used in contrast to the encrypted receipts of many other voter-verifiable schemes. Furthermore, any fears that voters might have that their vote is not truly concealed in an encrypted receipt are mitigated. The Farnel mechanism also mitigates randomization style attacks. In this paper we explore some enhancements to the original Farnel scheme and ways that the Farnel concept can be combined with some existing voter-verifiable schemes, namely Prˆet-`a-Voter, ThreeBallot, and Randell-Ryan.
Last updated:  2008-02-27
Template Attacks on ECDSA
Marcel Medwed, Elisabeth Oswald
Template attacks have been considered exclusively in the context of implementations of symmetric cryptographic algorithms on 8-bit devices. Within these scenarios, they have proven to be the most powerful attacks. This is not surprising because they assume the most powerful adversaries. In this article we investigate how template attacks can be applied to implementations of an asymmetric cryptographic algorithm on a 32-bit platform. The asymmetric cryptosystem under scrutiny is the elliptic curve digital signature algorithm (ECDSA). ECDSA is particularly suitable for 32-bit platforms. In this article we show that even SPA resistant implementations of ECDSA on a typical 32-bit platform succumb to template-based SPA attacks. The only way to secure such implementations against template-based SPA attacks is to make them resistant against DPA attacks.
Last updated:  2008-02-27
Pairing-Based Onion Routing with Improved Forward Secrecy
Aniket Kate, Greg Zaverucha, Ian Goldberg
This paper presents new protocols for onion routing anonymity networks. We define a provably secure privacy-preserving key agreement scheme in an identity-based infrastructure setting, and use it to forge new onion routing circuit constructions. These constructions, based on a user's selection, offer immediate or eventual forward secrecy at each node in a circuit and require significantly less computation and communication than the telescoping mechanism used by Tor. Further, the use of the identity-based infrastructure also leads to a reduction in the required amount of authenticated directory information. Therefore, our constructions provide practical ways to allow onion routing anonymity networks to scale gracefully.
Last updated:  2008-05-24
Homomorphic Encryption with CCA Security
Manoj Prabhakaran, Mike Rosulek
We address the problem of constructing public-key encryption schemes that meaningfully combine useful {\em computability features} with {\em non-malleability}. In particular, we investigate schemes in which anyone can change an encryption of an unknown message $m$ into an encryption of $T(m)$ (as a {\em feature}), for a specific set of allowed functions $T$, but the scheme is ``non-malleable'' with respect to all other operations. We formulate precise definitions that capture these intuitive requirements and also show relationships among our new definitions and other more standard ones (IND-CCA, gCCA, and RCCA). We further justify our definitions by showing their equivalence to a natural formulation of security in the Universally Composable framework. We also consider extending the definitions to features which combine {\em multiple} ciphertexts, and show that a natural definition is unattainable for a useful class of features. Finally, we describe a new family of encryption schemes that satisfy our definitions for a wide variety of allowed transformations $T$, and which are secure under the standard Decisional Diffie-Hellman (DDH) assumption.
Last updated:  2008-02-27
A Short Proof of the PRP/PRF Switching Lemma
Donghoon Chang, Mridul Nandi
In Eurocrypt 2006, Bellare and Rogaway \cite{BeRo06} gave a proof of the PRP/PRF switching Lemma using their game-based proof technique. In the appendix of the same paper, they also gave an proof without games. In this paper, we give another proof of the switching lemma, which is simple and mathematically-clear and easy to uderstand. Our proof is based on \textit{the strong interpolation theorem}.
Last updated:  2008-02-27
Nonlinear Piece In Hand Matrix Method for Enhancing Security of Multivariate Public Key Cryptosystems
Shigeo Tsujii, Kohtaro Tadaki, Ryou Fujita
It is widely believed to take exponential time to find a solution of a system of random multivariate polynomials because of the NP-completeness of such a task. On the other hand, in most of multivariate public key cryptosystems proposed so far, the computational complexity of cryptanalysis is apt to be polynomial time due to the trapdoor structure. In this paper, we develop the concept, piece in hand matrix (PH matrix, for short), which aims to bring the computational complexity of cryptanalysis of multivariate public key cryptosystems close to exponential time by adding random polynomial terms to original cryptosystems. This is a general concept which can be applicable to any reasonable type of multivariate public key cryptosystems for the purpose of enhancing their security. There are two types of the PH matrices: a linear matrix whose elements are constants and a nonlinear matrix whose elements are polynomial functions of the plain text or random numbers. In the present paper, we focus our thought on the nonlinear PH matrix method and develop the framework of it. The nonlinear PH matrix method is obtained by generalizing the linear PH matrix method, and the nonlinearity may bring an additional randomization to the original linear PH matrix method. Thus, the nonlinear PH matrix method may enhance the security of the original multivariate public key cryptosystem more than the linear PH matrix method. We show, in an experimental manner, that this actually holds in the enhancement of the security of the Matsumoto-Imai cryptosystem and RSE(2)PKC against the Gröbner basis attack.
Last updated:  2008-02-27
Results from a Search for the Best Linear Approximation of a Block Cipher
Kashif Ali, Howard M. Heys
In this paper, we investigate the application of an algorithm to find the best linear approximation of a basic Substitution-Permutation Network block cipher. The results imply that, while it is well known that the S-box used for the Advanced Encryption Standard has good nonlinear properties, it is straightforward to randomly select other S-boxes which are able to provide a similar level of security, as indicated by the exact bias of the best linear approximation found by the algorithm, rather than a simple upper bound on the maximum bias.
Last updated:  2008-02-27
On the Strength of the Concatenated Hash Combiner when All the Hash Functions are Weak
Jonathan J. Hoch, Adi Shamir
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At Crypto 2004 Joux showed a novel attack against the concatenated hash combiner instantiated with \md iterated hash functions. His method of producing multicollisions in the \md design was the first in a recent line of generic attacks against the \md construction. In the same paper, Joux raised an open question concerning the strength of the concatenated hash combiner and asked whether his attack can be improved when the attacker can efficiently find collisions in both underlying compression functions. We solve this open problem by showing that even in the powerful adversarial scenario first introduced by Liskov (SAC 2006) in which the underlying compression functions can be fully inverted (which implies that collisions can be easily generated), collisions in the concatenated hash cannot be created using fewer than $2^{n/2}$ queries. We then expand this result to include the double pipe hash construction of Lucks from Asiacrypt 2005. One of the intermediate results is of interest on its own and provides the first streamable construction provably indifferentiable from a random oracle in this model.
Last updated:  2008-02-19
On the Chikazawa-Inoue ID based key system
Bae Eun Jung, Hee Jean Kim
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In this paper, we show that Chikazawa-Inoue ID-based key system is insecure by collusion, where Chikazawa-Inoue ID-based key system means the key parameters established during the initiation phase. We describe an algorithm factorizing a public key of Trust Center. Since our attack is based on only the key system and has no relation with specific key sharing protocols, it can be applied to all variant protocols of Chikazawa-Inoue ID based key sharing protocol. From this analysis, we obtain conclusions that Chikazawa-Inoue ID-based key system cannot be used any more for any application protocols.
Last updated:  2011-01-12
Compact Proofs of Retrievability
Hovav Shacham, Brent Waters
In a proof-of-retrievability system, a data storage center must prove to a verifier that he is actually storing all of a client's data. The central challenge is to build systems that are both efficient and provably secure -- that is, it should be possible to extract the client's data from any prover that passes a verification check. All previous provably secure solutions require that a prover send O(l) authenticator values (i.e., MACs or signatures) to verify a file, for a total of O(l^2) bits of communication, where l is the security parameter. The extra cost over the ideal O(l) communication can be prohibitive in systems where a verifier needs to check many files. We create the first compact and provably secure proof of retrievability systems. Our solutions allow for compact proofs with just one authenticator value -- in practice this can lead to proofs with as little as 40 bytes of communication. We present two solutions with similar structure. The first one is privately verifiable and builds elegantly on pseudorandom functions (PRFs); the second allows for publicly verifiable proofs and is built from the signature scheme of Boneh, Lynn, and Shacham in bilinear groups. Both solutions rely on homomorphic properties to aggregate a proof into one small authenticator value.
Last updated:  2008-09-14
The SIP Security Enhanced by Using Pairing-assisted Massey-Omura Signcryption
Alexandre M. Deusajute, Paulo S. L. M. Barreto
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Voice over IP (or VoIP) has been adopted progressively not only by a great number of companies but also by an expressive number of people, in Brazil and in other countries. However, this crescent adoption of VoIP in the world brings some concerns such as security risks and threats, mainly on the privacy and integrity of the communication. The risks and threats already exist in the signaling process to the call establishment. This signaling process is performed by specific types of protocols, like the H.323 and SIP (Session Initiation Protocol). Among those risks and threats, we can emphasize the man-in-the-middle attack because of its high danger degree. After doing a bibliographical revision of the current SIP security mechanisms and analyzing some proposals to improve these mechanisms, we verified that the SIP vulnerability to the man-in-the-middle was not totally solved. Then we propose a new security mechanism for SIP in this paper, aiming both to be an alternative security mechanism and a solution for the vulnerability to the man-in-the-middle attack. In our proposal we use a protocol for secure information exchange -- the Massey-Omura protocol -- which, when combined with Pairing-based Cryptography (PBC), provides a better security level for SIP in all its aspects.
Last updated:  2009-04-07
Blockcipher Based Hashing Revisited
Martijn Stam
We revisit the rate-1 blockcipher based hash functions as first studied by Preneel, Govaerts and Vandewalle (Crypto'93) and later extensively analysed by Black, Rogaway and Shrimpton (Crypto'02). We analyze a further generalization where any pre- and postprocessing is considered. By introducing a new tweak to earlier proof methods, we obtain a simpler proof that is both more general and more tight than existing results. As added benefit, this also leads to a clearer understanding of the current classification of rate-1 blockcipher based schemes as introduced by Preneel et al. and refined by Black et al.
Last updated:  2008-02-18
Generators of Jacobians of Genus Two Curves
Christian Robenhagen Ravnshoj
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We prove that in most cases relevant to cryptography, the Frobenius endomorphism on the Jacobian of a genus two curve is represented by a diagonal matrix with respect to an appropriate basis of the subgroup of l-torsion points. From this fact we get an explicit description of the Weil-pairing on the subgroup of l-torsion points. Finally, the explicit description of the Weil-pairing provides us with an efficient, probabilistic algorithm to find generators of the subgroup of l-torsion points on the Jacobian of a genus two curve.
Last updated:  2008-02-18
HENKOS Cryptanalysis-Related keys attack
Marius Oliver Gheorghita
This paper describes a series of vulnerabilities found on HENKOS algorithm ( having a description below, regarding to the related key attacks, mounting this type of attack for a particular relation between keys and showing that is a practical attack, having results in real time.
Last updated:  2008-10-28
Multiparty Computation Goes Live
Peter Bogetoft, Dan Lund Christensen, Ivan Damgard, Martin Geisler, Thomas Jakobsen, Mikkel Krøigaard, Janus Dam Nielsen, Jesper Buus Nielsen, Kurt Nielsen, Jakob Pagter, Michael Schwartzbach, Tomas Toft
In this note, we report on the first large-scale and practical application of multiparty computation, which took place in January 2008. We also report on the novel cryptographic protocols that were used.
Last updated:  2009-02-10
The Twin Diffie-Hellman Problem and Applications
David Cash, Eike Kiltz, Victor Shoup
We propose a new computational problem called the \emph{twin Diffie-Hellman problem}. This problem is closely related to the usual (computational) Diffie-Hellman problem and can be used in many of the same cryptographic constructions that are based on the Diffie-Hellman problem. Moreover, the twin Diffie-Hellman problem is at least as hard as the ordinary Diffie-Hellman problem. However, we are able to show that the twin Diffie-Hellman problem remains hard, even in the presence of a decision oracle that recognizes solutions to the problem --- this is a feature not enjoyed by the Diffie-Hellman problem in general. Specifically, we show how to build a certain ``trapdoor test'' that allows us to effectively answer decision oracle queries for the twin Diffie-Hellman problem without knowing any of the corresponding discrete logarithms. Our new techniques have many applications. As one such application, we present a new variant of ElGamal encryption with very short ciphertexts, and with a very simple and tight security proof, in the random oracle model, under the assumption that the ordinary Diffie-Hellman problem is hard. We present several other applications as well, including: a new variant of Diffie and Hellman's non-interactive key exchange protocol; a new variant of Cramer-Shoup encryption, with a very simple proof in the standard model; a new variant of Boneh-Franklin identity-based encryption, with very short ciphertexts; a more robust version of a password-authenticated key exchange protocol of Abdalla and Pointcheval.
Last updated:  2008-02-11
High Performance Architecture for Elliptic Curve Scalar Multiplication over GF(2^m)
Junjie Jiang, Jing Chen, Jian Wang, Duncan S. Wong, Xiaotie Deng
We propose a new architecture for performing Elliptic Curve Scalar Multiplication (ECSM) on elliptic curves over GF(2^m). This architecture maximizes the parallelism that the projective version of the Montgomery ECSM algorithm can achieve. It completes one ECSM operation in about $2(m-1)( \lceil m/D \rceil +4)+m$ cycles, and is at least three times the speed of the best known result currently available. When implemented on a Virtex-4 FPGA, it completes one ECSM operation over GF(2^163) in 12.5us with the maximum achievable frequency of 222MHz. Two other implementation variants for less resource consumption are also proposed. Our first variant reduces the resource consumption by almost 50% while still maintaining the utilization efficiency, which is measured by a performance to resource consumption ratio. Our second variant achieves the best utilization efficiency and in our actual implementation on an elliptic curve group over GF(2^163), it gives more than 30% reduction on resource consumption while maintaining almost the same speed of computation as that of our original design. For achieving this high performance, we also propose a modified finite field inversion algorithm which takes only m cycles to invert an element over GF(2^m), rather than 2m cycles as the traditional Extended Euclid algorithm does, and this new design yields much better utilization of the cycle time.
Last updated:  2008-02-11
Infringing and Improving Password Security of a Three-Party Key Exchange Protocol
Junghyun Nam
Key exchange protocols allow two or more parties communicating over a public network to establish a common secret key called a session key. Due to their significance in building a secure communication channel, a number of key exchange protocols have been suggested over the years for a variety of settings. Among these is the so-called S-3PAKE protocol proposed by Lu and Cao for password-authenticated key exchange in the three-party setting. In the current work, we are concerned with the password security of the S-3PAKE protocol. We first show that S-3PAKE is vulnerable to an off-line dictionary attack in which an attacker exhaustively enumerates all possible passwords in an attempt to determine the correct one. We then figure out how to eliminate the security vulnerability of S-3PAKE.
Last updated:  2008-02-11
Remarks on the NFS complexity
Pavol Zajac
In this contribution we investigate practical issues with implementing the NFS algorithm to solve the DLP arising in XTR-based cryptosystems. We can transform original XTR-DLP to a DLP instance in $\mathbb{F}_{p^6},$ where $p$ is a medium sized prime. Unfortunately, for practical ranges of $p,$ the optimal degree of NFS polynomial is less than the required degree 6. This leads to a problem to find enough smooth equations during the sieve stage of the NFS algorithm. We discuss several techniques that can increase the NFS output, i.e. the number of equations produced during the sieve, without increasing the smoothness bound.
Last updated:  2010-10-12
Efficient Sequential Aggregate Signed Data
Gregory Neven
We generalize the concept of sequential aggregate signatures (SAS), proposed by Lysyanskaya, Micali, Reyzin, and Shacham at Eurocrypt 2004, to a new primitive called sequential aggregate signed data (SASD) that tries to minimize the total amount of transmitted data, rather than just signature length. We present SAS and SASD schemes that offer numerous advantages over the scheme of Lysyanskaya et al. Most importantly, our schemes can be instantiated with uncertified claw-free permutations, thereby allowing implementations based on low-exponent RSA and factoring, and drastically reducing signing and verification costs. Our schemes support aggregation of signatures under keys of different lengths, and the SASD scheme even has as little as 160 bits of bandwidth overhead. Finally, we present a multi-signed data scheme that, when compared to the state-of-the-art multi-signature schemes, is the first scheme with non-interactive signature generation not based on pairings. All of our constructions are proved secure in the random oracle model based on families of claw-free permutations.
Last updated:  2008-02-11
Computing Hilbert Class Polynomials
Juliana Belding, Reinier Broker, Andreas Enge, Kristin Lauter
We present and analyze two algorithms for computing the Hilbert class polynomial H_D(X). The first is a p-adic lifting algorithm for inert primes p in the order of discriminant D < 0. The second is an improved Chinese remainder algorithm which uses the class group action on CM-curves over finite fields. Our run time analysis gives tighter bounds for the complexity of all known algorithms for computing H_D(X), and we show that all methods have comparable run times.
Last updated:  2008-02-11
Abelian varieties with prescribed embedding degree
David Freeman, Peter Stevenhagen, Marco Streng
We present an algorithm that, on input of a CM-field $K$, an integer $k \ge 1$, and a prime $r \equiv 1 \bmod k$, constructs a $q$-Weil number $\pi \in \O_K$ corresponding to an ordinary, simple abelian variety $A$ over the field $\F$ of $q$ elements that has an $\F$-rational point of order $r$ and embedding degree $k$ with respect to $r$. We then discuss how CM-methods over $K$ can be used to explicitly construct $A$.
Last updated:  2008-02-11
Fast Algorithms for Arithmetic on Elliptic Curves Over Prime Fields
Nicholas T. Sullivan
We present here a thorough discussion of the problem of fast arithmetic on elliptic curves over prime order &#64257;nite &#64257;elds. Since elliptic curves were independently pro- posed as a setting for cryptography by Koblitz [53] and Miller [67], the group of points on an elliptic curve has been widely used for discrete logarithm based cryptosystems. In this thesis, we survey, analyse and compare the fastest known serial and parallel algorithms for elliptic curve scalar multiplication, the primary operation in discrete logarithm based cryptosystems. We also introduce some new algorithms for the basic group operation and several new parallel scalar multiplication algorithms. We present a mathematical basis for comparing the various algorithms and make recommendations for the fastest algorithms to use in di&#64256;erent circumstances.
Last updated:  2008-02-03
Buying random votes is as hard as buying no-votes
Stefan Popoveniuc, Jonathan Stanton
In voting systems where a mark in a fixed position may mean a vote for Alice on a ballot,and a vote for Bob on another ballot, an attacker may coerce voters to put their mark at a certain position, enforcing effectively a random vote. This attack is meaningful if the voting system allows to take receipts with them and/or posts them to a bulletin board. The coercer may also ask for a blank receipt. We analyze this kind of attack and prove that it requires the same effort as a comparable attack would require against any voting system, even one without receipts.
Last updated:  2008-02-29
Physical Cryptanalysis of KeeLoq Code Hopping Applications
Thomas Eisenbarth, Timo Kasper, Amir Moradi, Christof Paar, Mahmoud Salmasizadeh, Mohammad T. Manzuri Shalmani
KeeLoq remote keyless entry systems are widely used for access control purposes such as garage door openers for car anti-theft systems. We present the first successful differential power analysis attacks on numerous commercially available products employing KeeLoq code hopping. Our new techniques combine side-channel cryptanalysis with specific properties of the KeeLoq algorithm. They allow for efficiently revealing both the secret key of a remote transmitter and the manufacturer key stored in a receiver. As a result, a remote control can be cloned from only ten power traces, allowing for a practical key recovery in few minutes. Once knowing the manufacturer key, we demonstrate how to disclose the secret key of a remote control and replicate it from a distance, just by eavesdropping at most two messages. This key-cloning without physical access to the device has serious real-world security implications. Finally, we mount a denial-of-service attack on a KeeLoq access control system. All the proposed attacks have been verified on several commercial KeeLoq products.
Last updated:  2008-06-21
Software Implementation of Genus-2 Hyperelliptic Curve Cryptosystems Over Prime Fields
Vladislav Kovtun, Jan Pelzl, Alexandr Kuznetsov
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This paper describes the system parameters and software implementation of a HECDSA cryptosystem based on genus-2 hyperelliptic curves over prime fields. We show how to reduce the computational complexity for special cases and compare the given cryptosystem with the well-known ECDSA cryptosystem based on elliptic curves.
Last updated:  2008-02-03
Fast explicit formulae for genus 2 hyperelliptic curves using projective coordinates (Updated)
Vladislav Kovtun, Thomas Wollinger
This contribution proposes a modification of method of divisors group operation in the Jacobian of hyperelliptic curve over even and odd characteristic fields in projective coordinate. The hyperelliptic curve cryptosystem (HECC), enhances cryptographic security efficiency in e.g. information and telecommunications systems.
Last updated:  2008-02-07
cryptanalysis and Improvement of a Recently Proposed Remote User Authentication Scheme Using Smart Cards
S. Sharmila Deva Selvi, S. Sree Vivek
Recently Debasis et al[1] proposed an improvement to prevent offline attack in Fang et al’s[2] scheme, where [2] was an improvement of Das et al’s[3] scheme. However the improved scheme is insecure against side channel attack. In this paper we propose an enhancement for [1]. The enhanced scheme is secure against substitution, impersonation, spoofing, replay, side-channel and password guessing attacks.
Last updated:  2008-02-15
Variants of the Distinguished Point Method for Cryptanalytic Time Memory Trade-offs (Full version)
Jin Hong, Kyung Chul Jeong, Eun Young Kwon, In-Sok Lee, Daegun Ma
The time memory trade-off (TMTO) algorithm, first introduced by Hellman, is a method for quickly inverting a one-way function, using pre-computed tables. The distinguished point method (DP) is a technique that reduces the number of table lookups performed by Hellman's algorithm. In this paper we propose a new variant of the DP technique, named variable DP (VDP), having properties very different from DP. It has an effect on the amount of memory required to store the pre-computed tables. We also show how to combine variable chain length techniques like DP and VDP with a more recent trade-off algorithm called the rainbow table method.
Last updated:  2008-01-31
Breaking One-Round Key-Agreement Protocols in the Random Oracle Model
Miroslava Sotakova
In this work we deal with one-round key-agreement protocols, called Merkle's Puzzles, in the random oracle model, where the players Alice and Bob are allowed to query a random permutation oracle $n$ times. We prove that Eve can always break the protocol by querying the oracle $O(n^2)$ times. The long-time unproven optimality of the quadratic bound in the fully general, multi-round scenario has been proven recently by Barak and Mahmoody-Ghidary. The results in this paper have been found independently of their work.
Last updated:  2008-03-14
New Multibase Non-Adjacent Form Scalar Multiplication and its Application to Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems (extended version)
Patrick Longa, Ali Miri
In this paper we present a new method for scalar multiplication that uses a generic multibase representation to reduce the number of required operations. Further, a multibase NAF-like algorithm that efficiently converts numbers to such representation without impacting memory or speed performance is developed and showed to be sublinear in terms of the number of nonzero terms. Additional representation reductions are discussed with the introduction of window-based variants that use an extended set of precomputations. To realize the proposed multibase scalar multiplication with or without precomputations in the setting of Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems (ECC) over prime fields, we also present a methodology to derive fast composite operations such as tripling or quintupling of a point that require less memory than previous point formulae. Point operations are then protected against simple side-channel attacks using a highly efficient atomic structure. Extensive testing is carried out to show that our multibase scalar multiplication is the fastest method to date in the setting of ECC and exhibits a small footprint, which makes it ideal for implementation on constrained devices.
Last updated:  2008-01-31
New Composite Operations and Precomputation Scheme for Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems over Prime Fields (full version)
Patrick Longa, Ali Miri
We present a new methodology to derive faster composite operations of the form dP+Q, where d is a small integer >= 2, for generic ECC scalar multiplications over prime fields. In particular, we present an efficient Doubling-Addition (DA) operation that can be exploited to accelerate most scalar multiplication methods, including multiscalar variants. We also present a new precomputation scheme useful for window-based scalar multiplications that is shown to achieve the lowest cost among all known methods using only one inversion. In comparison to the remaining approaches that use none or several inversions, our scheme offers higher performance for most common I/M ratios. By combining the benefits of our precomputation scheme and the new DA operation, we can save up to 6.2% in the scalar multiplication using fractional wNAF.
Last updated:  2008-01-30
Multi-PKG ID based signcryption
Sunder Lal, Prashant Kushwah
Here we propose an identity based signcryption scheme in the multi-PKG environment where sender and receiver receive public key from different PKG. We also define security models for our scheme and give security proofs in random oracle model.
Last updated:  2008-01-30
An Efficient Protocol for Secure Two-Party Computation in the Presence of Malicious Adversaries
Yehuda Lindell, Benny Pinkas
We show an efficient secure two-party protocol, based on Yao's construction, which provides security against malicious adversaries. Yao's original protocol is only secure in the presence of semi-honest adversaries, and can be transformed into a protocol that achieves security against malicious adversaries by applying the compiler of Goldreich, Micali and Wigderson (the ``GMW compiler''). However, this approach does not seem to be very practical as it requires using generic zero-knowledge proofs. Our construction is based on applying cut-and-choose techniques to the original circuit and inputs. Security is proved according to the {\sf ideal/real simulation paradigm}, and the proof is in the standard model (with no random oracle model or common reference string assumptions). The resulting protocol is computationally efficient: the only usage of asymmetric cryptography is for running $O(1)$ oblivious transfers for each input bit (or for each bit of a statistical security parameter, whichever is larger). Our protocol combines techniques from folklore (like cut-and-choose) along with new techniques for efficiently proving consistency of inputs. We remark that a naive implementation of the cut-and-choose technique with Yao's protocol does \emph{not} yield a secure protocol. This is the first paper to show how to properly implement these techniques, and to provide a full proof of security. Our protocol can also be interpreted as a constant-round black-box reduction of secure two-party computation to oblivious transfer and perfectly-hiding commitments, or a black-box reduction of secure two-party computation to oblivious transfer alone, with a number of rounds which is linear in a statistical security parameter. These two reductions are comparable to Kilian's reduction, which uses OT alone but incurs a number of rounds which is linear in the depth of the circuit~\cite{Kil}.
Last updated:  2008-01-30
Improved Cryptanalysis of APOP-MD4 and NMAC-MD4 using New Differential Paths
Donghoon Chang, Jaechul Sung, Seokhie Hong, Sangjin Lee
In case of security analysis of hash functions, finding a good collision-inducing differential paths has been only focused on. However, it is not clear how differential paths of a hash function influence the securities of schemes based on the hash function. In this paper, we show that any differential path of a hash function can influence the securities of schemes based on the hash function. We explain this fact with the MD4 hash function. We first show that APOP-MD4 with a nonce of fixed length can be analyzed efficiently with a new differential path. Then we improve the result of the key-recovery attack on NMAC-MD4 described by Fouque {\em et al.} \cite{FoLeNg07} by combining new differential paths. Our results mean that good hash functions should have the following property : \textit{It is computationally infeasible to find differential a path of hash functions with a high probability}.
Last updated:  2008-01-30
Fair Traceable Multi-Group Signatures
Vicente Benjumea, Seung Geol Choi, Javier Lopez, Moti Yung
This paper presents fair traceable multi-group signatures (FTMGS), which have enhanced capabilities, compared to group and traceable signatures, that are important in real world scenarios combining accountability and anonymity. The main goal of the primitive is to allow multiple groups that are managed separately (managers are not even aware of the other ones), yet allowing users (in the spirit of the Identity 2.0 initiative) to manage what they reveal about their identity with respect to these groups by themselves. This new primitive incorporates the following additional features. - While considering multiple groups it discourages users from sharing their private membership keys through two orthogonal and complementary approaches. In fact, it merges functionality similar to credential systems with anonymous type of signing with revocation. - The group manager now mainly manages joining procedures, and new entities (called fairness authorities and consisting of various representatives, possibly) are involved in opening and revealing procedures. In many systems scenario assuring fairness in anonymity revocation is required. We specify the notion and implement it in the random oracle model.
Last updated:  2008-01-31
David and Goliath Commitments: UC Computation for Asymmetric Parties Using Tamper-Proof Hardware
Tal Moran, Gil Segev
Designing secure protocols in the Universal Composability (UC) framework confers many advantages. In particular, it allows the protocols to be securely used as building blocks in more complex protocols, and assists in understanding their security properties. Unfortunately, most existing models in which universally composable computation is possible (for useful functionalities) require a trusted setup stage. Recently, Katz [Eurocrypt '07] proposed an alternative to the trusted setup assumption: tamper-proof hardware. Instead of trusting a third party to correctly generate the setup information, each party can create its own hardware tokens, which it sends to the other parties. Each party is only required to trust that its own tokens are tamper-proof. Katz designed a UC commitment protocol that requires both parties to generate hardware tokens. In addition, his protocol relies on a specific number-theoretic assumption. In this paper, we construct UC commitment protocols for ``David'' and ``Goliath'': we only require a single party (Goliath) to be capable of generating tokens. We construct a version of the protocol that is secure for computationally unbounded parties, and a more efficient version that makes computational assumptions only about David (we require only the existence of a one-way function). Our protocols are simple enough to be performed by hand on David's side. These properties may allow such protocols to be used in situations which are inherently asymmetric in real-life, especially those involving individuals versus large organizations. Classic examples include voting protocols (voters versus ``the government'') and protocols involving private medical data (patients versus insurance-agencies or hospitals).
Last updated:  2008-02-06
Threshold RSA for Dynamic and Ad-Hoc Groups
Rosario Gennaro, Shai Halevi, Hugo Krawczyk, Tal Rabin
We consider the use of threshold signatures in ad-hoc and dynamic groups such as MANETs ("mobile ad-hoc networks"). While the known threshold RSA signature schemes have several properties that make them good candidates for deployment in these scenarios, we show that none of these schemes is practical enough for realistic use in these highly-constrained environments. In particular, this is the case of the most efficient of these threshold RSA schemes, namely, the one due to Shoup. Our contribution is in presenting variants of Shoup's protocol that overcome the limitations that make the original protocol unsuitable for dynamic groups. The resultant schemes provide the efficiency and flexibility needed in ad-hoc groups, and add the capability of incorporating new members (share-holders) to the group of potential signers without relying on central authorities. Namely, any threshold of existing members can cooperate to add a new member. The schemes are efficient, fully non-interactive and do not assume broadcast.
Last updated:  2008-01-29
Unidirectional Key Distribution Across Time and Space with Applications to RFID Security
Ari Juels, Ravikanth Pappu, Bryan Parno
We explore the problem of secret-key distribution in _unidirectional_ channels, those in which a sender transmits information blindly to a receiver. We consider two approaches: (1) Key sharing across _space_, i.e., across simultaneously emitted values that may follow different data paths and (2) Key sharing across _time_, i.e., in temporally staggered emissions. Our constructions are of general interest, treating, for instance, the basic problem of constructing highly compact secret shares. Our main motivating problem, however, is that of practical key management in RFID (Radio-Frequency IDentification) systems. We describe the application of our techniques to RFID-enabled supply chains and a prototype privacy-enhancing system.
Last updated:  2008-01-29
Cryptanalysis of CRUSH hash structure
Nasour Bagheri, Majid Naderi, Babak Sadeghiyan
In this paper, we will present a cryptanalysis of CRUSH hash structure. Surprisingly, our attack could find pre-image for any desired length of internal message. Time complexity of this attack is completely negligible. We will show that the time complexity of finding a pre-image of any length is O(1). In this attack, an adversary could freely find a pre-image with the length of his own choice for any given message digits. We can also find second pre-image, collision, multi-collision in the same complexity with our attack. In this paper, we also introduce a stronger variant of the algorithm, and show that an adversary could still be able to produce collisions for this stronger variant of CRUSH hash structure with a time complexity less than a Birthday attack.
Last updated:  2008-01-28
Trusted-HB: a low-cost version of HB+ secure against Man-in-The-Middle attacks
Julien Bringer, Herve Chabanne
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Since the introduction at Crypto'05 by Juels and Weis of the protocol HB+, a lightweight protocol secure against active attacks but only in a detection based-model, many works have tried to enhance its security. We propose here a new approach to achieve resistance against Man-in-The-Middle attacks. Our requirements - in terms of extra communications and hardware - are surprisingly low.
Last updated:  2008-01-28
A New Proxy Identity-Based Signcryption Scheme for Partial Delegation of Signing Rights
Hassan Elkamchouchi, Yasmine Abouelseoud
In this paper, a new identity-based proxy signcryption scheme is presented. The proposed scheme allows partial delegation of signing rights. Consequently, a signature created by the proxy signer is distinguishable from that created by the principal signer. This level of security is a common requirement in many applications to prevent malicious proxy agents from impersonating the principal signer. Moreover, the scheme is based on bilinear pairings over elliptic curves and thus smaller key sizes are required compared to schemes not utilizing elliptic curves. A revocation protocol of dishonest agents is given together with a renewal procedure for the proxies of honest agents. Finally, an application scenario for the proposed scheme is presented.
Last updated:  2008-01-28
Efficient and Generalized Pairing Computation on Abelian Varieties
Eunjeong Lee, Hyang-Sook Lee, Cheol-Min Park
In this paper, we propose a new method for constructing a bilinear pairing over (hyper)elliptic curves, which we call the R-ate pairing. This pairing is a generalization of the Ate and Ate_i pairing, and also improves efficiency of the pairing computation. Using the R-ate pairing, the loop length in Miller's algorithm can be as small as ${\rm log}(r^{1 / \phi(k)})$ for some pairing-friendly elliptic curves which have not reached this lower bound. Therefore we obtain from 29 % to 69 % savings in overall costs compared to the Ate_i pairing. On supersingular hyperelliptic curves of genus 2, we show that this approach makes the loop length in Miller's algorithm shorter than that of the Ate pairing.
Last updated:  2008-01-28
New Results on Unconditionally Secure Multireceiver Manual Authentication
Shuhong Wang, Reihaneh Safavi-Naini
Manual authentication is a recently proposed model of communication motivated by the settings where the only trusted infrastructure is a low bandwidth authenticated channel, possibly realized by the aid of a human, that connects the sender and the receiver who are otherwise connected through an insecure channel and do not have any shared key or public key infrastructure. A good example of such scenarios is pairing of devices in Bluetooth. Manual authentication systems are studied in computational and information theoretic security model and protocols with provable security have been proposed. In this paper we extend the results in information theoretic model in two directions. Firstly, we extend a single receiver scenario to multireceiver case where the sender wants to authenticate the same message to a group of receivers. We show new attacks (compared to single receiver case) that can launched in this model and demonstrate that the single receiver lower bound $2\log(1/\epsilon)+O(1)$ on the bandwidth of manual channel stays valid in the multireceiver scenario. We further propose a protocol that achieves this bound and provides security, in the sense that we define, if up to $c$ receivers are corrupted. The second direction is the study of non-interactive protocols in unconditionally secure model. We prove that unlike computational security framework, without interaction a secure authentication protocol requires the bandwidth of the manual channel to be at least the same as the message size, hence non-trivial protocols do not exist.
Last updated:  2008-01-28
A New Blind Identity-Based Signature Scheme with Message Recovery
Hassan Elkamchouchi, Yasmine Abouelseoud
Anonymity of consumers is an essential functionality that should be supported in e-cash systems, locations based services, electronic voting systems as well as digital rights management system. Privacy protection is an important aspect for wider acceptance of consumers of DRM systems. The concept of a blind signature is one possible cryptographic solution, yet it has not received much attention in the identity-based setting. In the identity-based setting, the public key of a user is derived from his identity, thus simplifying certificates management process compared to traditional public key cryptosystems. In this paper, a new blind identity-based signature scheme with message recovery based on bilinear pairings on elliptic curves is presented. The use of bilinear pairings over elliptic curves enables utilizing smaller key sizes, while achieving the same level of security compared to other schemes not utilizing elliptic curves. The scheme achieves computational savings compared to other schemes in literature. The correctness of the proposed scheme is validated and the proof of the blindness property is provided. Performance and other security related issues are also addressed.
Last updated:  2008-05-18
Anonymous Consecutive Delegation of Signing Rights: Unifying Group and Proxy Signatures
Georg Fuchsbauer, David Pointcheval
We define a general model for consecutive delegations of signing rights with the following properties: The delegatee actually signing and all intermediate delegators remain anonymous. As for group signatures, in case of misuse, a special authority can open signatures to reveal the chain of delegations and the signer's identity. The scheme satisfies a strong notion of non-frameability generalizing the one for dynamic group signatures. We give formal definitions of security and show them to be satisfiable by constructing an instantiation proven secure under general assumptions in the standard model. Our primitive is a proper generalization of both group signatures and proxy signatures and can be regarded as non-frameable dynamic hierarchical group signatures.
Last updated:  2008-01-28
Generic Attacks on Feistel Schemes
Jacques Patarin
\begin{abstract} Let $A$ be a Feistel scheme with $5$ rounds from $2n$ bits to $2n$ bits. In the present paper we show that for most such schemes $A$: \begin{enumerate} \item It is possible to distinguish $A$ from a random permutation from $2n$ bits to $2n$ bits after doing at most ${\cal O}(2^{n})$ computations with ${\cal O}(2^{n})$ non-adaptive {\bf chosen} plaintexts. \item It is possible to distinguish $A$ from a random permutation from $2n$ bits to $2n$ bits after doing at most ${\cal O}(2^{\frac{3n}{2}})$ computations with ${\cal O}(2^{\frac{3n}{2}})$ {\bf random} plaintext/ciphertext pairs. \end{enumerate} Since the complexities are smaller than the number $2^{2n}$ of possible inputs, they show that some generic attacks always exist on Feistel schemes with $5$ rounds. Therefore we recommend in Cryptography to use Feistel schemes with at least $6$ rounds in the design of pseudo-random permutations. We will also show in this paper that it is possible to distinguish most of $6$ round Feistel permutations generator from a truly random permutation generator by using a few (i.e. ${\cal O}(1)$) permutations of the generator and by using a total number of ${\cal O}(2^{2n})$ queries and a total of ${\cal O}(2^{2n})$ computations. This result is not really useful to attack a single $6$ round Feistel permutation, but it shows that when we have to generate several pseudo-random permutations on a small number of bits we recommend to use more than $6$ rounds. We also show that it is also possible to extend these results to any number of rounds, however with an even larger complexity. \end{abstract}
Last updated:  2008-01-28
Efficient Fully-Simulatable Oblivious Transfer
Yehuda Lindell
Oblivious transfer, first introduced by Rabin, is one of the basic building blocks of cryptographic protocols. In an oblivious transfer (or more exactly, in its 1-out-of-2 variant), one party known as the sender has a pair of messages and the other party known as the receiver obtains one of them. Somewhat paradoxically, the receiver obtains exactly one of the messages (and learns nothing of the other), and the sender does not know which of the messages the receiver obtained. Due to its importance as a building block for secure protocols, the efficiency of oblivious transfer protocols has been extensively studied. However, to date, there are almost no known oblivious transfer protocols that are secure in the presence of \emph{malicious adversaries} under the \emph{real/ideal model simulation paradigm} (without using general zero-knowledge proofs). Thus, \emph{efficient protocols} that reach this level of security are of great interest. In this paper we present efficient oblivious transfer protocols that are secure according to the ideal/real model simulation paradigm. We achieve constructions under the DDH, $N$th residuosity and quadratic residuosity assumptions, as well as under the assumption that homomorphic encryption exists.
Last updated:  2008-02-05
Perfectly Hiding Commitment Scheme with Two-Round from Any One-Way Permutation
Chunming Tang, Dingyi Pei, Zhuojun Liu, Zheng-an Yao, Mingsheng Wang
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Commitment schemes are arguably among the most important and useful primitives in cryptography. According to the computational power of receivers, commitments can be classified into three possible types: {\it computational hiding commitments, statistically hiding commitments} and {\it perfect computational commitments}. The fist commitment with constant rounds had been constructed from any one-way functions in last centuries, and the second with non-constant rounds were constructed from any one-way functions in FOCS2006, STOC2006 and STOC2007 respectively, furthermore, the lower bound of round complexity of statistically hiding commitments has been proven to be $\frac{n}{logn}$ rounds under the existence of one-way function. Perfectly hiding commitments implies statistically hiding, hence, it is also infeasible to construct a practically perfectly hiding commitments with constant rounds under the existence of one-way function. In order to construct a perfectly hiding commitments with constant rounds, we have to relax the assumption that one-way functions exist. In this paper, we will construct a practically perfectly hiding commitment with two-round from any one-way permutation. To the best of our knowledge, these are the best results so far.
Last updated:  2019-03-31
Lower Bounds on Signatures From Symmetric Primitives
Boaz Barak, Mohammad Mahmoody
We show that every construction of one-time signature schemes from a random oracle achieves black-box security at most $2^{(1+o(1))q}$, where $q$ is the total number of oracle queries asked by the key generation, signing, and verification algorithms. That is, any such scheme can be broken with probability close to $1$ by a (computationally unbounded) adversary making $2^{(1+o(1))q}$ queries to the oracle. This is tight up to a constant factor in the number of queries, since a simple modification of Lamport's one-time signatures (Lamport'79) achieves $2^{(0.812-o(1))q}$ black-box security using $q$ queries to the oracle. Our result extends (with a loss of a constant factor in the number of queries) also to the random permutation and ideal-cipher oracles. Since the symmetric primitives (e.g. block ciphers, hash functions, and message authentication codes) can be constructed by a constant number of queries to the mentioned oracles, as corollary we get lower bounds on the efficiency of signature schemes from symmetric primitives when the construction is black-box. This can be taken as evidence of an inherent efficiency gap between signature schemes and symmetric primitives.
Last updated:  2016-06-15
Merkle's Key Agreement Protocol is Optimal: An $O(n^2)$ Attack on any Key Agreement from Random Oracles
Boaz Barak, Mohammad Mahmoody
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We prove that every key agreement protocol in the random oracle model in which the honest users make at most $n$ queries to the oracle can be broken by an adversary who makes $O(n^2)$ queries to the oracle. This improves on the previous $\Omega(n^6)$ query attack given by Impagliazzo and Rudich (STOC '89) and resolves an open question posed by them. Our bound is optimal up to a constant factor since Merkle proposed a key agreement protocol in 1974 that can be easily implemented with $n$ queries to a random oracle and cannot be broken by any adversary who asks $o(n^2)$ queries.
Last updated:  2008-01-28
Authenticating with Attributes
Dalia Khader
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Attribute based group signature (ABGS) is a a new generation of group signature schemes. In such a scheme the verifier could define the role of a signer within the group. He determines the attributes possessed by the member signing the document. In this paper we propose the first ABGS scheme with multi-authorities and define its security notions. We construct an ABGS that is proved to be fully traceable and fully anonymous. Our scheme is efficient and secure.
Last updated:  2008-02-06
Detection of Algebraic Manipulation with Applications to Robust Secret Sharing and Fuzzy Extractors
Ronald Cramer, Yevgeniy Dodis, Serge Fehr, Carles Padró, Daniel Wichs
Consider an abstract storage device $\Sigma(\G)$ that can hold a single element $x$ from a fixed, publicly known finite group $\G$. Storage is private in the sense that an adversary does not have read access to $\Sigma(\G)$ at all. However, $\Sigma(\G)$ is non-robust in the sense that the adversary can modify its contents by adding some offset $\Delta \in \G$. Due to the privacy of the storage device, the value $\Delta$ can only depend on an adversary's {\em a priori} knowledge of $x$. We introduce a new primitive called an {\em algebraic manipulation detection} (AMD) code, which encodes a source $s$ into a value $x$ stored on $\Sigma(\G)$ so that any tampering by an adversary will be detected, except with a small error probability $\delta$. We give a nearly optimal construction of AMD codes, which can flexibly accommodate arbitrary choices for the length of the source $s$ and security level $\delta$. We use this construction in two applications: \begin{itemize} \item We show how to efficiently convert any linear secret sharing scheme into a {\em robust secret sharing scheme}, which ensures that no \emph{unqualified subset} of players can modify their shares and cause the reconstruction of some value $s'\neq s$. \item We show how how to build nearly optimal {\em robust fuzzy extractors} for several natural metrics. Robust fuzzy extractors enable one to reliably extract and later recover random keys from noisy and non-uniform secrets, such as biometrics, by relying only on {\em non-robust public storage}. In the past, such constructions were known only in the random oracle model, or required the entropy rate of the secret to be greater than half. Our construction relies on a randomly chosen common reference string (CRS) available to all parties. \end{itemize}
Last updated:  2008-01-28
Non-Cyclic Subgroups of Jacobians of Genus Two Curves
Christian Robenhagen Ravnshoj
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Let E be an elliptic curve defined over a finite field. Balasubramanian and Koblitz have proved that if the l-th roots of unity m_l is not contained in the ground field, then a field extension of the ground field contains m_l if and only if the l-torsion points of E are rational over the same field extension. We generalize this result to Jacobians of genus two curves. In particular, we show that the Weil- and the Tate-pairing are non-degenerate over the same field extension of the ground field. From this generalization we get a complete description of the l-torsion subgroups of Jacobians of supersingular genus two curves. In particular, we show that for l>3, the l-torsion points are rational over a field extension of degree at most 24.
Last updated:  2008-01-22
HB#: Increasing the Security and Efficiency of HB+
Henri Gilbert, Matthew J. B. Robshaw, Yannick Seurin
The innovative HB+ protocol of Juels and Weis [10] extends device authentication to low-cost RFID tags. However, despite the very simple on-tag computation there remain some practical problems with HB+ and despite an elegant proof of security against some limited active attacks, there is a simple man-in-the-middle attack due to Gilbert et al. [8]. In this paper we consider improvements to HB+ in terms of both security and practicality. We introduce a new protocol that we denote random-HB#. This proposal avoids many practical drawbacks of HB+, remains provably resistant to attacks in the model of Juels and Weis, and at the same time is provably resistant to a broader class of active attacks that includes the attack of [8]. We then describe an enhanced variant called HB# which offers practical advantages over HB+.
Last updated:  2008-01-22
Blind Signature Scheme over Braid Groups
Girraj Kumar Verma
A blind signature scheme is a cryptographic protocol for obtaining a signature from a signer such that the signer's view of the protocol cannot be linked to the resulting message signature pair. In this paper we have proposed two blind signature schemes using Braid groups. The security of given schemes depends upon conjugacy search problem in Braid groups.
Last updated:  2008-06-02
Pairing-friendly Hyperelliptic Curves with Ordinary Jacobians of Type $y^2=x^5+ax$
Mitsuru Kawazoe, Tetsuya Takahashi
An explicit construction of pairing-friendly hyperelliptic curves with ordinary Jacobians was firstly given by D.~Freeman. In this paper, we give other explicit constructions of pairing-friendly hyperelliptic curves with ordinary Jacobians based on the closed formulae for the order of the Jacobian of a hyperelliptic curve of type $y^2=x^5+ax$. We present two methods in this paper. One is an analogue of the Cocks-Pinch method and the other is a cyclotomic method. By using these methods, we construct a pairing-friendly hyperelliptic curve $y^2=x^5+ax$ over a finite prime field ${¥mathbb F}_p$ whose Jacobian is ordinary and simple over ${¥mathbb F}_p$ with a prescribed embedding degree. Moreover, the analogue of the Cocks-Pinch produces curves with $¥rho¥approx 4$ and the cyclotomic method produces curves with $3¥le ¥rho¥le 4$.
Last updated:  2008-01-22
Non-Cyclic Subgroups of Jacobians of Genus Two Curves with Complex Multiplication
Christian Robenhagen Ravnshoj
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Let E be an elliptic curve defined over a finite field. Balasubramanian and Koblitz have proved that if the l-th roots of unity m_l is not contained in the ground field, then a field extension of the ground field contains m_l if and only if the l-torsion points of E are rational over the same field extension. We generalize this result to Jacobians of genus two curves with complex multiplication. In particular, we show that the Weil- and the Tate-pairing on such a Jacobian are non-degenerate over the same field extension of the ground field.
Last updated:  2008-01-22
Identity Based Strong Bi-Designated Verifier Proxy Signature Schemes
Sunder Lal, Vandani Verma
Proxy signature schemes allow delegation of signing rights. The paper proposes the notion of Identity Based Strong Bi-Designated Verifier Proxy Signature (ID-SBDVPS) schemes. In such schemes, only the two designated verifiers can verify that the proxy signer on behalf of the original signer signed the message but none of them is able to convince anyone else of this fact. The paper proposes nine such schemes and analyses the computational efficiency of each.
Last updated:  2008-06-23
General Certificateless Encryption and Timed-Release Encryption
Sherman S. M. Chow, Volker Roth, Eleanor G. Rieffel
While recent timed-release encryption (TRE) schemes are implicitly supported by a certificateless encryption (CLE) mechanism, the security models of CLE and TRE differ and there is no generic transformation from a CLE to a TRE. This paper gives a generalized model for CLE that fulfills the requirements of TRE. This model is secure against adversaries with adaptive trapdoor extraction capabilities, decryption capabilities for arbitrary public keys, and partial decryption capabilities. It also supports hierarchical identifiers. We propose a concrete scheme under our generalized model and prove it secure without random oracles, yielding the first strongly-secure security-mediated CLE and the first TRE in the standard model. In addition, our technique of partial decryption is different from the previous approach.
Last updated:  2008-01-22
Computing Almost Exact Probabilities of Differential Hash Collision Paths by Applying Appropriate Stochastic Methods
M. Gebhardt, G. Illies, W. Schindler
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Generally speaking, the probability of a differential path determines an upper bound for the expected workload and thus for the true risk potential of a differential attack. In particular, if the expected workload seems to be in a borderline region between practical feasibility and non-feasibility it is desirable to know the path probability as exact as possible. We present a generally applicable approach to determine at least almost exact probabilities of differential paths where we focus on (near-)collision paths for Merkle-Damgard-type hash functions. Our results show both that the number of bit conditions provides only a rough estimate for the true path probability and that the IV may have significant impact on the path probability. For MD5 we verified the effectivity of our approach experimentally. An abbreviated version [GIS4], which in particular omits proofs, technical details and several examples, will appear in the proceedings of the security conference 'Sicherheit 2008'.
Last updated:  2008-02-15
Block Ciphers Implementations Provably Secure Against Second Order Side Channel Analysis
Matthieu Rivain, Emmanuelle Dottax, Emmanuel Prouff
In the recent years, side channel analysis has received a lot of attention, and attack techniques have been improved. Side channel analysis of second order is now successful in breaking implementations of block ciphers supposed to be effectively protected. This progress shows not only the practicability of second order attacks, but also the need for provably secure countermeasures. Surprisingly, while many studies have been dedicated to the attacks, only a few papers have been published about the dedicated countermeasures. In fact, only the method proposed by Schramm and Paar at CT-RSA 2006 enables to thwart second order side channel analysis. In this paper, we introduce two new methods which constitute a worthwhile alternative to Schramm and Paar's proposition. We prove their security in a strong security model and we exhibit a way to signifficantly improve their efficiency by using the particularities of the targeted architectures. Finally, we argue that the introduced methods allow to efficiently protect a wide variety of block ciphers, including AES.
Last updated:  2008-06-23
CCA2 Secure IBE: Standard Model Efficiency through Authenticated Symmetric Encryption
Eike Kiltz, Yevgeniy Vahlis
We propose two constructions of chosen-ciphertext secure identity-based encryption (IBE) schemes. Our schemes have a security proof in the standard model, yet they offer performance competitive with all known random-oracle based schemes. The efficiency improvement is obtained by combining modifications of the IBE schemes by Waters and Gentry with authenticated symmetric encryption.
Last updated:  2008-01-22
Computing Pairings Using x-Coordinates Only
Steven D. Galbraith, Xibin Lin
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To reduce bandwidth in elliptic curve cryptography one can transmit only $x$-coordinates of points (or $x$-coordinates together with an extra bit). For further computation using the points one can either recover the $y$-coordinates by taking square roots or one can use point multiplication formulae which use $x$-coordinates only. We consider how to efficiently use point compression in pairing-based cryptography. We give a method to compute compressed Weil pairings using $x$-coordinates only. We also show how to compute the compressed Tate and ate pairings using only one $y$-coordinate. Our methods are more efficient than taking square roots when the embedding degree is small. We implemented the algorithms in the case of embedding degree 2 curves over $\F_p$ where $p \equiv 3 \pmod{4}$ and found that our methods are $10-15\%$ faster than the analogous methods using square roots.
Last updated:  2008-01-14
Disjunctive Multi-Level Secret Sharing
Mira Belenkiy
A disjunctive multi-level secret sharing scheme divides users into different levels. Each level L is associated with a threshold t_L, and a group of users can only recover the secret if, for some L, there are at least t_L users at levels 0....L in the group. We present a simple ideal disjunctive multi-level secret sharing scheme -- in fact, the simplest and most direct scheme to date. It is the first polynomial-time solution that allows the dealer to add new users dynamically. Our solution is by far the most efficient; the dealer must perform O(t) field operations per user, where t is the highest threshold in the system. We demonstrate the simplicity of our scheme by extending our construction into a distributed commitment scheme using standard techniques.
Last updated:  2008-02-20
New State Recovery Attack on RC4
Alexander Maximov, Dmitry Khovratovich
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The stream cipher RC4 was designed by R.~Rivest in 1987, and it has a very simple and elegant structure. It is probably the most deployed cipher on the Earth. ~~~~In this paper we analyse the class RC4-$N$ of RC4-like stream ciphers, where $N$ is the modulus of operations, as well as the length of internal arrays. Our new attack is a state recovery attack which accepts the keystream of a certain length, and recovers the internal state. For the original RC4-256, our attack has total complexity of around $2^{241}$ operations, whereas the best previous attack needs $2^{779}$ of time. Moreover, we show that if the secret key is of length $N$ bits or longer, the new attack works faster than an exhaustive search. The algorithm of the attack was implemented and verified on small cases.
Last updated:  2011-10-08
ECM using Edwards curves
Daniel J. Bernstein, Peter Birkner, Tanja Lange, Christiane Peters
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This paper introduces EECM-MPFQ, a fast implementation of the elliptic-curve method of factoring integers. EECM-MPFQ uses fewer modular multiplications than the well-known GMP-ECM software, takes less time than GMP-ECM, and finds more primes than GMP-ECM. The main improvements above the modular-arithmetic level are as follows: (1) use Edwards curves instead of Montgomery curves; (2) use extended Edwards coordinates; (3) use signed-sliding-window addition-subtraction chains; (4) batch primes to increase the window size; (5) choose curves with small parameters and base points; (6) choose curves with large torsion.
Last updated:  2009-01-21
Practical Short Signature Batch Verification
Anna Lisa Ferrara, Matthew Green, Susan Hohenberger, Michael Østergaard Pedersen
In many applications, it is desirable to work with signatures that are both short, and yet where many messages from different signers be verified very quickly. RSA signatures satisfy the latter condition, but are generally thousands of bits in length. Recent developments in pairing-based cryptography produced a number of short signatures which provide equivalent security in a fraction of the space. Unfortunately, verifying these signatures is computationally intensive due to the expensive pairing operation. In an attempt to simultaneously achieve "short and fast" signatures, Camenisch, Hohenberger and Pedersen (Eurocrypt 2007) showed how to batch verify two pairing-based schemes so that the total number of pairings was independent of the number of signatures to verify. In this work, we present both theoretical and practical contributions. On the theoretical side, we introduce new batch verifiers for a wide variety of regular, identity-based, group, ring and aggregate signature schemes. These are the first constructions for batching group signatures, which answers an open problem of Camenisch et al. On the practical side, we implement each of these algorithms and compare each batching algorithm to doing individual verifications. Our goal is to test whether batching is practical; that is, whether the benefits of removing pairings significantly outweigh the cost of the additional operations required for batching, such as group membership testing, randomness generation, and additional modular exponentiations and multiplications. We experimentally verify that the theoretical results of Camenisch et al. and this work, indeed, provide an efficient, effective approach to verifying multiple signatures from (possibly) different signers.
Last updated:  2008-01-14
Simulatable Adaptive Oblivious Transfer
Jan Camenisch, Gregory Neven, abhi shelat
We study an adaptive variant of oblivious transfer in which a sender has N messages, of which a receiver can adaptively choose to receive k one-after-the-other, in such a way that (a) the sender learns nothing about the receiver’s selections, and (b) the receiver only learns about the k requested messages. We propose two practical protocols for this primitive that achieve a stronger security notion than previous schemes with comparable efficiency. In particular, by requiring full simulatability for both sender and receiver security, our notion prohibits a subtle selective-failure attack not addressed by the security notions achieved by previous practical schemes. Our first protocol is a very efficient generic construction from unique blind signatures in the random oracle model. The second construction does not assume random oracles, but achieves remarkable efficiency with only a constant number of group elements sent during each transfer. This second construction uses novel techniques for building efficient simulatable protocols.
Last updated:  2008-03-13
Twisted Edwards Curves
Daniel J. Bernstein, Peter Birkner, Marc Joye, Tanja Lange, Christiane Peters
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This paper introduces ``twisted Edwards curves,'' a generalization of the recently introduced Edwards curves; shows that twisted Edwards curves include more curves over finite fields, and in particular every elliptic curve in Montgomery form; shows how to cover even more curves via isogenies; presents fast explicit formulas for twisted Edwards curves in projective and inverted coordinates; and shows that twisted Edwards curves save time for many curves that were already expressible as Edwards curves.
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