All papers (Page 195 of 21883 results)

Last updated:  2007-11-24
Notions of Efficiency in Simulation Paradigm
Tzer-jen Wei
Abstract. There are some well-known conceptional and technical issues related to a common setting of simulation paradigm, i.e., EPT (expected polynomial time) simulator versus SPT (strict polynomial time) adversary. In fact, it has been shown that this setting is essential for achieving constant-round black-box zero-knowledge protocols. Many suggestions and results have been proposed to deal with these issues. In this paper, we propose an alternative solution. We study a new class of machines, MPT (Markov polynomial time), which is a cryptographic adaption of Levin's average polynomial-time. Since MPT has good compatibility to SPT and intuitive composition properties, we can use it as a drop-in replacement of SPT. Moreover, it is easy to construct simulators in MPT.
Last updated:  2007-11-24
Cryptanalysis of LASH
Scott Contini, Krystian Matusiewicz, Josef Pieprzyk, Ron Steinfeld, Jian Guo, San Ling, Huaxiong Wang
We show that the LASH-$x$ hash function is vulnerable to attacks that trade time for memory, including collision attacks as fast as $2^{\frac{4}{11}x}$ and preimage attacks as fast as $2^{\frac47x}$. Moreover, we describe heuristic lattice based collision attacks that use small memory but require very long messages. Based upon experiments, the lattice attacks are expected to find collisions much faster than $2^{x/2}$. All of these attacks exploit the designers' choice of an all zero IV. We then consider whether LASH can be patched simply by changing the IV. In this case, we show that LASH is vulnerable to a $2^{\frac78x}$ preimage attack. We also show that LASH is trivially not a PRF when any subset of input bytes is used as a secret key. None of our attacks depend upon the particular contents of the LASH matrix -- we only assume that the distribution of elements is more or less uniform. Additionally, we show a generalized birthday attack on the final compression of LASH which requires $O\left(x2^{\frac{x}{2(1+\frac{107}{105})}}\right) \approx O(x2^{x/4})$ time and memory. Our method extends the Wagner algorithm to truncated sums, as is done in the final transform in LASH.
Last updated:  2008-03-14
On compressible pairings and their computation
Michael Naehrig, Paulo S. L. M. Barreto, Peter Schwabe
In this paper we provide explicit formul\ae\ to compute bilinear pairings in compressed form. We indicate families of curves where the proposed compressed computation method can be applied and where particularly generalized versions of the Eta and Ate pairings due to Zhao \emph{et al.} are especially efficient. Our approach introduces more flexibility when trading off computation speed and memory requirement. Furthermore, compressed computation of reduced pairings can be done without any finite field inversions. We also give a performance evaluation and compare the new method with conventional pairing algorithms.
Last updated:  2007-11-18
Isogenies and the Discrete Logarithm Problem on Jacobians of Genus 3 Hyperelliptic Curves
Benjamin Smith
We describe the use of explicit isogenies to reduce Discrete Logarithm Problems (DLPs) on Jacobians of hyperelliptic genus~$3$ curves to Jacobians of non-hyperelliptic genus~$3$ curves, which are vulnerable to faster index calculus attacks. We provide algorithms which compute an isogeny with kernel isomorphic to $(\mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z})^3$ for any hyperelliptic genus~$3$ curve. These algorithms provide a rational isogeny for a positive fraction of all hyperelliptic genus~$3$ curves defined over a finite field of characteristic $p > 3$. Subject to reasonable assumptions, our algorithms provide an explicit and efficient reduction from hyperelliptic DLPs to non-hyperelliptic DLPs for around $18.57\%$ of all hyperelliptic genus~$3$ curves over a given finite field.
Last updated:  2007-12-11
Idempotents in the Neighbourhood of Patterson-Wiedemann Functions having Walsh Spectra Zeros
Sumanta Sarkar, Subhamoy Maitra
In this paper we study the neighbourhood of $15$-variable Patterson-Wiedemann (PW) functions, i.e., the functions that differ by a small Hamming distance from the PW functions in terms of truth table representation. We exploit the idempotent structure of the PW functions and interpret them as Rotation Symmetric Boolean Functions (RSBFs). We present techniques to modify these RSBFs to introduce zeros in the Walsh spectra of the modified functions with minimum reduction in nonlinearity. Our technique demonstrates 15-variable balanced and $1$-resilient functions with currently best known nonlinearities 16272 and 16264 respectively. In the process, we find functions for which the autocorrelation spectra and algebraic immunity parameters are best known till date.
Last updated:  2007-11-18
Implementing Cryptographic Pairings over Curves of Embedding Degrees 8 and 10
Christine Abegail Antonio, Satoru Tanaka, Ken Nakamula
In this paper, we will describe efficient implementations of the Tate and Ate pairings over ordinary elliptic curves of embedding degrees 8 and 10. We will discuss the possible curve-dependent optimizations that can be applied to evaluate the pairings. We pay particular attention to the use of elliptic curve twists and the denominator elimination method to make computations more efficient. Our main goal is to draw together the best possible optimizations that can be used to efficiently evaluate the Tate and the Ate pairings in both curves and to give timings and appropriate interpretation on the rate of change on the running time of our programs for both curves. To come up with an adequate conclusion, we will compare the performance of the curves we chose to an already experimented curve of embedding degree 12.
Last updated:  2007-11-18
On prime-order elliptic curves with embedding degrees k=3,4 and 6
Koray Karabina, Edlyn Teske
We further analyze the solutions to the Diophantine equations from which prime-order elliptic curves of embedding degrees $k=3,4$ or $6$ (MNT curves) may be obtained. We give an explicit algorithm to generate such curves. We derive a heuristic lower bound for the number $E(z)$ of MNT curves with $k=6$ and discriminant $D\le z$, and compare this lower bound with experimental data.
Last updated:  2007-11-18
When e-th Roots Become Easier Than Factoring
Antoine Joux, David Naccache, Emmanuel Thomé
We show that computing $e$-th roots modulo $n$ is easier than factoring $n$ with currently known methods, given subexponential access to an oracle outputting the roots of numbers of the form $x_i + c$. Here $c$ is fixed and $x_i$ denotes small integers of the attacker's choosing. Several variants of the attack are presented, with varying assumptions on the oracle, and goals ranging from selective to universal forgeries. The computational complexity of the attack is $L_n(\frac{1}{3}, \sqrt[3]{\frac{32}{9}})$ in most significant situations, which matches the {\sl special} number field sieve's ({\sc snfs}) complexity. This sheds additional light on {\sc rsa}'s malleability in general and on {\sc rsa}'s resistance to affine forgeries in particular -- a problem known to be polynomial for $x_i > \sqrt[3]{n}$, but for which no algorithm faster than factoring was known before this work.
Last updated:  2009-08-17
Finding Low Weight Polynomial Multiples Using Lattices
Laila El Aimani, Joachim von zur Gathen
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The low weight polynomial multiple problem arises in the context of stream ciphers cryptanalysis and of efficient finite field arithmetic, and is believed to be difficult. It can be formulated as follows: given a polynomial $f \in \F_2[X]$ of degree $d$, and a bound $n$, the task is to find a low weight multiple of $f$ of degree at most $n$. The best algorithm known so far to solve this problem is based on a time memory trade-off and runs in time ${\cal O}(n^{ \lceil {(w - 1)}/{2} \rceil})$ using ${\cal O}(n^{ \lceil {(w - 1)}/{4} \rceil})$ of memory, where $w$ is the estimated minimal weight. In this paper, we propose a new technique to find low weight multiples using lattice basis reduction. Our algorithm runs in time ${\cal O}(n^6)$ and uses ${\cal O}(nd)$ of memory. This improves the space needed and gives a better theoretical time estimate when $w \geq 12$ . Such a situation is plausible when the bound $n$, which represents the available keystream, is small. We run our experiments using the NTL library on some known polynomials in cryptanalysis and we confirm our analysis.
Last updated:  2007-11-18
Structural Identity-Based Encryption
Man Ho Au, Siu-Ming Yiu
In this paper, we introduce the concept of structural identity-based encryption (SIBE). Similar to hierarchical identity-based encryption (HIBE), entities in the system are organized into hierarchy. An entity in SIBE can decrypt ciphertext for all its ancestors. It can be seen as an opposite of HIBE, where an entity can decrypt the ciphertext for all its descendants. We formalize the notion and security requirements, propose an efficient construction and show that our construction is secure under appropriate assumptions in the random oracle model.
Last updated:  2007-11-18
The role of help in Classical and Quantum Zero-Knowledge
André Chailloux, Iordanis Kerenidis
We study the role of help in Non-Interactive Zero-Knowledge protocols and its relation to the standard interactive model. In the classical case, we show that help and interaction are equivalent, answering an open question of Ben-Or and Gutfreund (\cite{BG03}). This implies a new complete problem for the class SZK, the Image Intersection Density. For this problem, we also prove a polarization lemma which is stronger than the previously known one. In the quantum setting, we define the notion of quantum help and show in a more direct way that help and interaction are again equivalent. Moreover, we define quantum Non-Interactive Zero-Knowledge with classical help and prove that it is equal to the class of languages that have classical honest-Verifier Zero Knowledge protocols secure against quantum Verifiers (\cite{Wat06, HKSZ07}). Last, we provide new complete problems for all these quantum classes. Similar results were independently discovered by Dragos Florin Ciocan and Salil Vadhan.
Last updated:  2007-11-06
A Critical Analysis and Improvement of AACS Drive-Host Authentication
Jiayuan Sui, Douglas R. Stinson
This paper presents a critical analysis of the AACS drive-host authentication scheme. A few weaknesses are identified which could lead to various attacks on the scheme. In particular, we observe that the scheme is susceptible to unknown key-share and man-in-the-middle attacks. Modifications of the scheme are suggested in order to provide better security. A proof of security of the modified scheme is also presented. The modified scheme achieves better efficiency than the original scheme.
Last updated:  2007-11-06
Cryptanalysis of the Random Number Generator of the Windows Operating System
Leo Dorrendorf, Zvi Gutterman, Benny Pinkas
The pseudo-random number generator (PRNG) used by the Windows operating system is the most commonly used PRNG. The pseudo-randomness of the output of this generator is crucial for the security of almost any application running in Windows. Nevertheless, its exact algorithm was never published. We examined the binary code of a distribution of Windows 2000, which is still the second most popular operating system after Windows XP. (This investigation was done without any help from Microsoft.) We reconstructed, for the first time, the algorithm used by the pseudo-random number generator (namely, the function CryptGenRandom). We analyzed the security of the algorithm and found a non-trivial attack: given the internal state of the generator, the previous state can be computed in $O(2^{23})$ work (this is an attack on the forward-security of the generator, an $O(1)$ attack on backward security is trivial). The attack on forward-security demonstrates that the design of the generator is flawed, since it is well known how to prevent such attacks. We also analyzed the way in which the generator is run by the operating system, and found that it amplifies the effect of the attacks: The generator is run in user mode rather than in kernel mode, and therefore it is easy to access its state even without administrator privileges. The initial values of part of the state of the generator are not set explicitly, but rather are defined by whatever values are present on the stack when the generator is called.Furthermore, each process runs a different copy of the generator, and the state of the generator is refreshed with system generated entropy only after generating 128 KBytes of output for the process running it. The result of combining this observation with our attack is that learning a single state may reveal 128 Kbytes of the past and future output of the generator. The implication of these findings is that a buffer overflow attack or a similar attack can be used to learn a single state of the generator, which can then be used to predict all random values, such as SSL keys, used by a process in all its past and future operation. This attack is more severe and more efficient than known attacks, in which an attacker can only learn SSL keys if it is controlling the attacked machine at the time the keys are used.
Last updated:  2007-11-07
An Improved Remote User Authentication Scheme with Smart Cards using Bilinear Pairings
Amit K Awasthi
Recently Manik et al. [3] proposed a novel remote user authentication scheme using bilinear pairings. Various attacks were discussed on this scheme. Recently, Fang et al [15] re-analyzed these schemes and pointed out that these further proposed schemes are not secure. They proposed an improvement to previous schemes. Recently, Giri and Srivastava [16] observed that the improved scheme is still insecure to off-line attack and they suggested an improvement on Feng et al's scheme. However, the improved scheme is still insecure. In this paper, we discuss these attacks and propose an improvement of their scheme that provides the better security compared to the schemes previously published
Last updated:  2008-09-10
Algorithms and Arithmetic Operators for Computing the $\eta_T$ Pairing in Characteristic Three
Jean-Luc Beuchat, Nicolas Brisebarre, Jérémie Detrey, Eiji Okamoto, Masaaki Shirase, Tsuyoshi Takagi
Since their introduction in constructive cryptographic applications, pairings over (hyper)elliptic curves are at the heart of an ever increasing number of protocols. Software implementations being rather slow, the study of hardware architectures became an active research area. In this paper, we discuss several algorithms to compute the $\eta_T$ pairing in characteristic three and suggest further improvements. These algorithms involve addition, multiplication, cubing, inversion, and sometimes cube root extraction over $\mathbb{F}_{3^m}$. We propose a hardware accelerator based on a unified arithmetic operator able to perform the operations required by a given algorithm. We describe the implementation of a compact coprocessor for the field $\mathbb{F}_{3^{97}}$ given by $\mathbb{F}_3[x]/(x^{97}+x^{12}+2)$, which compares favorably with other solutions described in the open literature.
Last updated:  2008-06-18
Compression Function Design Principles Supporting Variable Output Lengths from a Single Small Function
Donghoon Chang, Mridul Nandi, Jesang Lee, Jaechul Sung, Seokhie Hong
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In this paper, we introduce new compression function design principles supporting variable output lengths (multiples of size $n$). They are based on a function or block cipher with an $n$-bit output size. In the case of the compression function with a $(t+1)n$-bit output size, in the random oracle and ideal cipher models, their maximum advantages from the perspective of collision resistance are $O(\frac{t^2q}{2^{tn}}+\frac{q^2}{2^{(t+1)n}})$. In the case of $t=1$, the advantage is near-optimal. In the case of $t>1$, the advantage is optimal.
Last updated:  2007-11-06
Cryptanalytic Flaws in Oh et al.'s ID-Based Authenticated Key Agreement Protocol
Meng-Hui Lim, Sanggon Lee, Hoonjae Lee
A key agreement protocol is designed for two or more entities to agree upon a shared secret key, which is used to preserve confidentiality and data integrity over an open network. In 2007, Oh et al. proposed an efficient ID-based authenticated key agreement protocol on elliptic curve pairings, which is believed to be able to generate two session keys securely after a protocol execution. However, we discover that their protocol is in fact susceptible to the basic impersonation attack as well as the key compromise impersonation attack. In this paper, we present the imperfections of Oh et al.'s scheme and subsequently we suggest a slight modification to the scheme which would resolve the problems.
Last updated:  2007-11-06
Optimizing double-base elliptic-curve single-scalar multiplication
Daniel J. Bernstein, Peter Birkner, Tanja Lange, Christiane Peters
This paper analyzes the best speeds that can be obtained for single-scalar multiplication with variable base point by combining a huge range of options: – many choices of coordinate systems and formulas for individual group operations, including new formulas for tripling on Edwards curves; – double-base chains with many different doubling/tripling ratios, including standard base-2 chains as an extreme case; – many precomputation strategies, going beyond Dimitrov, Imbert, Mishra (Asiacrypt 2005) and Doche and Imbert (Indocrypt 2006). The analysis takes account of speedups such as S-M tradeoffs and includes recent advances such as inverted Edwards coordinates. The main conclusions are as follows. Optimized precomputations and triplings save time for single-scalar multiplication in Jacobian coordinates, Hessian curves, and tripling-oriented Doche/Icart/Kohel curves. However, even faster single-scalar multiplication is possible in Jacobi intersections, Edwards curves, extended Jacobi-quartic coordinates, and inverted Edwards coordinates, thanks to extremely fast doublings and additions; there is no evidence that double-base chains are worthwhile for the fastest curves. Inverted Edwards coordinates are the speed leader.
Last updated:  2007-11-06
Breaking ONE.FIVIUM by AIDA an Algebraic IV Differential Attack
Michael Vielhaber
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We show, how to break TRIVIUM with a setup of 576 (instead of 1152) clock cycles, with an effort of 2^6 chosen IV resynchronisations up to cycle 625 for each of the 47 recovered key bits.
Last updated:  2007-11-08
Proposing a Master One-Way Function
Gideon Samid
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Making an arbitrary binary string fit as a fixed size cipher key (via hashing) one could use an arbitrary string x as both plaintext and key to generate a ciphertext, y defined as "the crypto square of x", while x is the crypto square root of y. Extended to higher powers, this formalism allows for polynomial morphology that combines all one-way functions candidates into a single master function which is at least as intractable as its best ingredient one-way function. The master list has some interesting and useful attributes: at will size for both input and output, controlled forward computational burden, milestone computing, and of course the best practical chance for being one-way.
Last updated:  2007-12-11
Cryptanalysis on Improved One-round Lin-Li's Tripartite Key Agreement Protocol
Meng-Hui Lim, Sanggon Lee, Hoonjae Lee
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A tripartite authenticated key agreement protocol is designed for three entities to communicate securely over an open network particularly with a shared key. Recently, we have improved a one-round tripartite authenticated key agreement protocol proposed by Lin-Li due to its vulnerability to the forging attack in our previous report. However, we have later discovered that both the original Lin-Li's scheme and our previous enhanced protocol are vulnerable to the insider replay attack. Moreover, we have also realized that both protocols have falsely claimed the forward secrecy attribute. In this paper, we will revise our improvements and again secure this protocol against these cryptanalytic attacks while recovering the precious perfect forward secrecy property.
Last updated:  2007-10-26
Inverted Edwards coordinates
Daniel J. Bernstein, Tanja Lange
Edwards curves have attracted great interest for several reasons. When curve parameters are chosen properly, the addition formulas use only $10M+1S$. The formulas are {\it strongly unified}, i.e., work without change for doublings; even better, they are {\it complete}, i.e., work without change for all inputs. Dedicated doubling formulas use only $3M+4S$, and dedicated tripling formulas use only $9M+4S$. This paper introduces {\it inverted Edwards coordinates}. Inverted Edwards coordinates $(X_1:Y_1:Z_1)$ represent the affine point $(Z_1/X_1,Z_1/Y_1)$ on an Edwards curve; for comparison, standard Edwards coordinates $(X_1:Y_1:Z_1)$ represent the affine point $(X_1/Z_1,Y_1/Z_1)$. This paper presents addition formulas for inverted Edwards coordinates using only $9M+1S$. The formulas are not complete but still are strongly unified. Dedicated doubling formulas use only $3M+4S$, and dedicated tripling formulas use only $9M+4S$. Inverted Edwards coordinates thus save $1M$ for each addition, without slowing down doubling or tripling.
Last updated:  2008-07-06
Building a Collision-Resistant Compression Function from Non-Compressing Primitives
Thomas Shrimpton, Martijn Stam
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We consider how to build an efficient compression function from a small number of random, non-compressing primitives. Our main goal is to achieve a level of collision resistance as close as possible to the optimal birthday bound. We present a $2n$-to-$n$ bit compression function based on three independent $n$-to-$n$ bit random functions, each called only once. We show that if the three random functions are treated as black boxes finding collisions requires $\Theta(2^{n/2}/n^c)$ queries for $c\approx 1$. This result remains valid if two of the three random functions are replaced by a fixed-key ideal cipher in Davies-Meyer mode (i.e., $E_K(x)\xor x$ for permutation $E_K$). We also give a heuristic, backed by experimental results, suggesting that the security loss is at most four bits for block sizes up to 256 bits. We believe this is the best result to date on the matter of building a collision resistant compression function from non-compressing functions. It also relates to an open question from Black et al. (Eurocrypt'05), who showed that compression functions that invoke a single non-compressing random function cannot suffice. We also explore the relationship of our problem with that of doubling the output of a hash function and we show how our compression function can be used to double the output length of ideal hashes.
Last updated:  2008-01-09
Differential Cryptanalysis of PRESENT
Meiqin Wang
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PRESENT is proposed by A.Bogdanov et al. in CHES 2007 for extremely constrained environments such as RFID tags and sensor networks. In this paper, we find out the differential characteristics for r-round($5 \leq r \leq 15$), then give the differential cryptanalysis on reduced-round variants of PRESENT. We attack 16-round PRESENT using $2^{64}$ chosen plaintexts, $2^{32}$ 6-bit counters, and $2^{65}$ memory accesses.
Last updated:  2010-05-12
Provably Secure Grouping-proofs for RFID tags
Mike Burmester, Breno de Medeiros, Rossana Motta
We investigate an application of RFIDs referred to in the literature as group scanning, in which several tags are "simultaneously" scanned by a reader device. Our goal is to study the group scanning problem in strong adversarial models. We present a security model for this application and give a formal description of the attending security requirements, focusing on the privacy (anonymity) of the grouped tags, and/ or forward-security properties. Our model is based on the Universal Composability framework and supports re usability (through modularity of security guarantees). We introduce novel protocols that realize the security models, focusing on efficient solutions based on off-the-shelf components, such as highly optimized pseudo-random function designs that require fewer than 2000 Gate-Equivalents.
Last updated:  2008-06-26
Modeling Computational Security in Long-Lived Systems
Ran Canetti, Ling Cheung, Dilsun Kaynar, Nancy Lynch, Olivier Pereira
For many cryptographic protocols, security relies on the assumption that adversarial entities have limited computational power. This type of security degrades progressively over the lifetime of a protocol. However, some cryptographic services, such as timestamping services or digital archives, are long-lived in nature; they are expected to be secure and operational for a very long time (i.e., super-polynomial). In such cases, security cannot be guaranteed in the traditional sense: a computationally secure protocol may become insecure if the attacker has a super-polynomial number of interactions with the protocol. This paper proposes a new paradigm for the analysis of long-lived security protocols. We allow entities to be active for a potentially unbounded amount of real time, provided they perform only a polynomial amount of work per unit of real time. Moreover, the space used by these entities is allocated dynamically and must be polynomially bounded. We propose a new notion of long-term implementation, which is an adaptation of computational indistinguishability to the long-lived setting. We show that long-term implementation is preserved under polynomial parallel composition and exponential sequential composition. We illustrate the use of this new paradigm by analyzing some security properties of the long-lived timestamping protocol of Haber and Kamat.
Last updated:  2007-10-22
Secure PRNGs from Specialized Polynomial Maps over Any $F_q$
Michael Feng-Hao Liu, Chi-Jen Lu, Bo-Yin Yang, Jintai Ding
We prove that a random map drawn from any class ${\frak C}$ of polynomial maps from $F_q^n$ to $F_q^{n+r}$ that is (i) totally random in the affine terms, and (ii) has a negligible chance of being not strongly one-way, provides a secure PRNG (hence a secure stream cipher) for any q. Plausible choices for ${\frak C}$ are semi-sparse (i.e., the affine terms are truly random) systems and other systems that are easy to evaluate from a small (compared to a generic map) number of parameters. To our knowledge, there are no other positive results for provable security of specialized polynomial systems, in particular sparse ones (which are natural candidates to investigate for speed). We can build a family of provably secure stream ciphers a rough implementation of which at the same security level can be more than twice faster than an optimized QUAD (and any other provably secure stream ciphers proposed so far), and uses much less storage. This may also help build faster provably secure hashes. We also examine the effects of recent results on specialization on security, e.g., Aumasson-Meier (ICISC 2007), which precludes Merkle-Damgaard compression using polynomials systems {uniformly very sparse in every degree} from being universally collision-free. We conclude that our ideas are consistent with and complements these new results. We think that we can build secure primitives based on specialized (versus generic) polynomial maps which are more efficient.
Last updated:  2008-07-08
Predicate Encryption Supporting Disjunctions, Polynomial Equations, and Inner Products
Jonathan Katz, Amit Sahai, Brent Waters
Predicate encryption is a new paradigm generalizing, among other things, identity-based encryption. In a predicate encryption scheme, secret keys correspond to predicates and ciphertexts are associated with attributes; the secret key SK_f corresponding to the predicate f can be used to decrypt a ciphertext associated with attribute I if and only if f(I)=1. Constructions of such schemes are currently known for relatively few classes of predicates. We construct such a scheme for predicates corresponding to the evaluation of inner products over N (for some large integer N). This, in turn, enables constructions in which predicates correspond to the evaluation of disjunctions, polynomials, CNF/DNF formulae, or threshold predicates (among others). Besides serving as what we feel is a significant step forward in the theory of predicate encryption, our results lead to a number of applications that are interesting in their own right.
Last updated:  2007-10-26
Turbo SHA-2
Danilo Gligoroski, Svein Johan Knapskog
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In this paper we describe the construction of Turbo SHA-2 family of cryptographic hash functions. They are built with design components from the SHA-2 family, but the new hash function has three times more chaining variables, it is more robust and resistant against generic multi-block collision attacks, its design is resistant against generic length extension attacks and it is 2 - 8 times faster than the original SHA-2. It uses two novel design principles in the design of hash functions: {\em 1. Computations in the iterative part of the compression function start by using variables produced in the message expansion part that have the complexity level of a random Boolean function, 2. Variables produced in the message expansion part are not discarded after the processing of the current message block, but are used for the construction of the three times wider chain for the next message block.} These two novel principles combined with the already robust design principles present in SHA-2 (such as the nonlinear message expansion part), enabled us to build the compression function of Turbo SHA-2 that has just 16 new variables in the message expansion part (compared to 48 for SHA-256 and 64 for SHA-512) and just 8 rounds in the iterative part (compared to 64 for SHA-256 and 80 for SHA-512).
Last updated:  2007-10-21
Robust, Anonymous RFID Authentication with Constant Key-Lookup
Mike Burmester, Breno de Medeiros, Rossana Motta
A considerable number of anonymous RFID authentication schemes have been proposed. However, current proposals either do not provide robust security guarantees, or suffer from scalability issues when the number of tags issued by the system is very large. In this paper, we focus on approaches that reconcile these important requirements. In particular, we seek to reduce the complexity of identifying tags by the back-end server in anonymous RFID authentication protocols---what we term the key-lookup problem. We propose a compiler that transforms a generic RFID authentication protocol (supporting anonymity) into one that achieves the same guarantees with constant key-lookup cost even when the number of tags is very large (billions of tags and beyond). This approach uses a lightweight one-way trapdoor function and produces protocols that are suitable for deployment into current tag architectures. We then explore the issue of minimal assumptions required, and show that one-way trapdoor functions are necessary to achieve highly scalable, robustly secure solutions. We then relax the requirement of unlinkable anonymity, and consider scalable solutions that are provably secure and for which the loss of privacy is minimal.
Last updated:  2007-10-21
Another Look at Automated Theorem-Proving
Neal Koblitz
I examine the use of automated theorem-proving for reductionist security arguments in cryptography and discuss three papers that purport to show the potential of computer-assisted proof-writing and proof-checking. I look at the proofs that the authors give to illustrate the "game-hopping" technique -- for Full-Domain Hash signatures, ElGamal encryption, and Cramer-Shoup encryption -- and ask whether there is evidence that automated theorem-proving can contribute anything of value to the security analysis of cryptographic protocols.
Last updated:  2007-11-14
Sunder Lal, Priyam Sharma
In this paper we analyze and find an anomaly in the security proof of the identity-based encryption (IBE) scheme fullM-IBE of Wang and Cao [9], which is based on mBDHP. Here we give another proof for fullM-IBE which is based on Bilinear Diffie-Hellman Problem (BDHP). We also obtain a tightness improvement using a stronger assumption, namely, the Bilinear Inverse Dicision Diffie-Hellman problem (BIDDHP).
Last updated:  2007-10-21
Ceremony Design and Analysis
Carl Ellison
The concept of ceremony is introduced as an extension of the concept of network protocol, with human nodes alongside computer nodes and with communication links that include UI, human-to-human communication and transfers of physical objects that carry data. What is out-of-band to a protocol is in-band to a ceremony, and therefore subject to design and analysis using variants of the same mature techniques used for the design and analysis of protocols. Ceremonies include all protocols, as well as all applications with a user interface, all workflow and all provisioning scenarios. A secure ceremony is secure against both normal attacks and social engineering. However, some secure protocols imply ceremonies that cannot be made secure.
Last updated:  2012-07-31
A Short Signature Scheme in the Standard Model
Li Kang, Xiaohu Tang, Xianhui Lu, Jia Fan
In this paper, by elaborately choosing the parameters of Waters Hash function, we propose a new efficient signature scheme. It is shown that the scheme is secure against strongly unforgeable chosen-message attacks in the standard model under Computational Diffie-Hellman (CDH) assumption. Further, among all the known secure signatures in the standard model, our scheme is the shortest one and has the efficient security reduction as well.
Last updated:  2007-10-14
On the security defects of an image encryption scheme
Chengqing Li, Shujun Li, Muhammad Asim, Juana Nunez, Gonzalo Alvarez, Guanrong Chen
This paper studies the security of a recently-proposed chaos-based image encryption scheme, and points out the following problems: 1) there exist a number of invalid keys and weak keys, and some keys are partially equivalent for encryption/decryption; 2) given one chosen plain-image, a subkey $K_{10}$ can be guessed with a smaller computational complexity than that of the simple brute-force attack; 3) given at most 128 chosen plain-images, a chosen-plaintext attack can possibly break the following part of the secret key: $\{K_i\bmod 128\}_{i=4}^{10}$, which works very well when $K_{10}$ is not too large; 4) when $K_{10}$ is relatively small, a known-plaintext attack can be carried out with only one known plain-image to recover some visual information of any other plain-images encrypted by the same key.
Last updated:  2008-07-16
Proxy Re-Signature Schemes without Random Oracles
Jun Shao, Zhenfu Cao, Licheng Wang, Xiaohui Liang
To construct a suitable and secure proxy re-signature scheme is not an easy job, up to now, there exist only three schemes, one is proposed by Blaze et al. at EUROCRYPT 1998, and the others are proposed by Ateniese and Hohenbergerat ACM CCS 2005. However, none of these schemes is proved in the standard model (i.e., do not rely on the random oracle heuristic). In this paper, based on Waters' approach, we first propose a multi-use bidirectional proxy re-signature scheme, denoted as $S_{mb}$, which is existentially unforgeable in the standard model. And then, we extend $S_{mb}$ to be a multi-use bidirectional ID-based proxy re-signature scheme, denoted by $S_{id-mb}$, which is also existentially unforgeable in the standard model. Both of these two proposed schemes are computationally efficient, and their security bases on the Computational Diffie-Hellman (CDH) assumption.
Last updated:  2007-10-14
Second Preimage Attacks on Dithered Hash Functions
Charles Bouillaguet, Pierre-Alain Fouque, Adi Shamir, Sebastien Zimmer
The goal of this paper is to analyze the security of dithered variants of the Merkle-Damgard mode of operation that use a third input to indicate the position of a block in the message to be hashed. These modes of operation for hash functions have been proposed to avoid some structural weaknesses of the Merkle-Damgard paradigm, e.g. that second preimages can be constructed in much less than $2^n$ work, as pointed out by Kelsey and Schneier. Among the modes of operation that use such a third input are Rivest's dithered hashing and Biham and Dunkelman's HAIFA proposal. We propose several new second preimage attacks on the Merkle-Damgard mode of operation, which can also attack Rivest's dithered hash with almost the same complexity. When applied to Shoup's UOWHF, these attacks can be shown to be optimal since their complexity matches Shoup's security bound.
Last updated:  2007-10-14
Almost-everywhere Secure Computation
Juan A. Garay, Rafail Ostrovsky
Secure multi-party computation (MPC) is a central problem in cryptography. Unfortunately, it is well known that MPC is possible if and only if the underlying communication network has very large connectivity---specifically, $\Omega(t)$, where $t$ is the number of potential corruptions in the network. This impossibility result renders existing MPC results far less applicable in practice, since most deployed networks have in fact a very small degree. In this paper, we show how to circumvent this impossibility result and achieve meaningful security guarantees for graphs with small degree (such as expander graphs and several other topologies). In fact, the notion we introduce, which we call {\em almost-everywhere MPC}, building on the notion of almost-everywhere agreement due to Dwork, Peleg, Pippenger and Upfal, allows the degree of the network to be much smaller than the total number of allowed corruptions. In essence, our definition allows the adversary to {\em implicitly} wiretap some of the good nodes by corrupting sufficiently many nodes in the ``neighborhood'' of those nodes. We show protocols that satisfy our new definition, retaining both correctness and privacy for most nodes despite small connectivity, no matter how the adversary chooses his corruptions. Instrumental in our constructions is a new model and protocol for the {\em secure message transmission} (SMT) problem, which we call {\em SMT by public discussion}, and which we use for the establishment of pairwise secure channels in limited connectivity networks.
Last updated:  2010-06-28
Overlap-free Karatsuba-Ofman Polynomial Multiplication Algorithms
Haining Fan, Jiaguang Sun, Ming Gu, Kwok-Yan Lam
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We describe how a simple way to split input operands allows for fast VLSI implementations of subquadratic $GF(2)[x]$ Karatsuba-Ofman multipliers. The theoretical XOR gate delay of the resulting multipliers is reduced significantly. For example, it is reduced by about 33\% and 25\% for $n=2^{t}$ and $n=3^{t}$ $(t>1)$, respectively. To the best of our knowledge, this parameter has never been improved since the original Karatsuba-Ofman algorithm was first used to design $GF(2^n)$ multipliers in 1990.
Last updated:  2009-06-30
Efficient Computationally Private Information Retrieval From Anonymity or Trapdoor Groups
Jonathan Trostle, Andy Parrish
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A Private Information Retrieval (PIR) protocol allows a database user, or client, to obtain information from a database in a manner that prevents the database from knowing which data was retrieved. Although substantial progress has been made in the discovery of computationally PIR (cPIR) protocols with reduced communication complexity, there has been relatively little work in reducing the computational complexity of cPIR protocols. In particular, Sion \cite{sion} argues that existing cPIR protocols are slower than the trivial PIR protocol (in overall performance). In this paper, we present a new family of cPIR protocols with a variety of security and performance properties. Our protocols enable much lower CPU overhead for the database server. When the database is viewed as a bit sequence, only addition operations are performed by the database server. We can view our protocol as a middle ground between the trivial protocol (fastest possible computational complexity and slowest possible communication complexity) and protocols such as Gentry-Ramzan \cite{gentry} (fast communication complexity but slower computational complexity). This middle ground enjoys a much better overall performance. The security of the general version of our protocol depends on either a trapdoor group assumption or sender anonymity \cite{pfitzmann}, and we present two specialized versions, the first of which depends on the trapdoor group assumption, and the second which depends on the sender anonymity assumption. We may view both Gentry-Ramzan and our cPIR protocol as instances of a more general new construct: the \textit{trapdoor group}. In a trapdoor group, knowledge of the trapdoor allows efficient computation of an inversion problem, such as computing discrete logarithms. Without the trapdoor, it is computationally hard to solve the inversion problem. For our protocol, we assume, roughly speaking, that given only the elements $be_1, \ldots, be_t$ in the group $\Z_m$, where $e_i < m/t$ and t is small, it is hard to compute low order bits of the group order $m$. One version of our cPIR protocol depends only on sender anonymity, which to our knowledge, is the first cPIR protocol to depend only on an anonymity assumption. Our prototype implementation shows that our performance compares favorably with existing cPIR protocols.
Last updated:  2007-10-14
A novel public key crypto system based on semi-modules over quotient semi-rings
Reza Ebrahimi Atani, Shahabaddin Ebrahimi Atani, Sattar Mirzakuchaki
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In A generalization of the original Diffie-Hellman key exchange in (&#8484;/p&#8484;)* found a new depth when Miller and Koblitz suggested that such a protocol could be used with the group over an elliptic curve. Maze, Monico and Rosenthal extend such a generalization to the setting of a Semi-group action on a finite set, more precisely, linear actions of abelian semi-rings on semi-modules. In this paper, we extend such a generalization to the linear actions of quotient semi-rings on semi-modules. In fact, we show how the action of quotient semi-rings on a semi-module gives rise to a generalized Diffie-Hellman and ElGamal protocol. This leads naturally to a cryptographic protocol whose difficulty is based on the hardness of a particular control problem, namely the problem of steering the state of some dynamical system from an initial vector to some final location.
Last updated:  2008-10-31
Implementing Cryptographic Pairings over Barreto-Naehrig Curves
Augusto Jun Devegili, Michael Scott, Ricardo Dahab
In this paper we describe an efficient implementation of the Tate and Ate pairings using Barreto-Naehrig pairing-friendly curves, on both a standard 32-bit PC and on a 32-bit smartcard. First we introduce a sub-family of such curves with a particularly simple representation. Next we consider the issues that arise in the efficient implementation of field arithmetic in $\F_{p^{12}}$, which is crucial to good performance. Various optimisations are suggested, including a novel approach to the `final exponentiation', which is faster and requires less memory than the methods previously recommended.
Last updated:  2007-10-04
Interactive and Noninteractive Zero Knowledge Coincide in the Help Model
Dragos Florin Ciocan, Salil Vadhan
We show that a problem in $\AM$ has a interactive zero-knowledge proof system {\em if and only if} it has a noninteractive zero knowledge proof system in the `help model' of Ben-Or and Gutfreund ({\em J. Cryptology}, 2003). In this model, the shared reference string is generated by a probabilistic polynomial-time dealer who is given access to the statement to be proven. Our result holds for both computational zero knowledge and statistical zero knowledge, and does not rely on any unproven complexity assumptions. We also show that help does not add power to interactive computational zero-knowledge proofs, paralleling a result of Ben-Or and Gutfreund for the case of statistical zero knowledge.
Last updated:  2007-11-19
On Ciphertext Undetectability
Peter Gazi, Martin Stanek
We propose a novel security notion for public-key encryption schemes -- ciphertext undetectability. Informally, an encryption scheme has the property of ciphertext undetectability, if the attacker is unable to distinguish between valid and invalid ciphertexts. We compare this notion with the established ones, such as indistinguishability of ciphertexts and plaintext awareness. We analyze the possibilities of constructing schemes with the property of ciphertext undetectability. Moreover, we prove that the Damgard ElGamal, the Cramer-Shoup scheme and its lite variant achieve ciphertext undetectability under standard assumptions.
Last updated:  2007-11-09
Analysis of Local Optima in Block Ciphers
John A. Clark, Juan M. E. Tapiador
We present a technique to perform key distinguishing attacks on block ciphers. The method is based on profiling the behaviour of a simple search algorithm when it is applied to recover the key under which a set of known plaintexts has been encrypted. Even though the probability of finding the correct key is negligible, it is observed that the solutions (local optima) yielded by successive searches can be highly dependent on the key, forming patterns that can be unequivocally (in a statistical sense) associated with each particular key. When a cipher suffers from such a weakness, this provides us with an effective procedure to tell apart ciphertexts generated by different and unknown keys. We illustrate the method by applying it to the TEA block cipher, for which attacks of this kind can be successfully mounted against the full version (64 rounds) with extremely simple profiling methods. The technique itself is completely black-box and admits a number of refinements. We suspect it might be applied to many other ciphers by using the same or more complex profiling schemes.
Last updated:  2009-09-25
(Convertible) Undeniable Signatures without Random Oracles
Tsz Hon Yuen, Man Ho Au, Joseph K. Liu, Willy Susilo
We propose a convertible undeniable signature scheme without random oracles. Our construction is based on Waters' and Kurosawa and Heng's schemes that were proposed in Eurocrypt 2005. The security of our scheme is based on the CDH and the decision linear assumption. Comparing only the part of undeniable signatures, our scheme uses more standard assumptions than the existing undeniable signatures without random oracles due to Laguillamie and Vergnaud.
Last updated:  2007-10-04
On the insecurity of interchanged use of OFB and CBC modes of operation
Danilo Gligoroski
The security of interchanged use of modes of operation of block ciphers have not been discussed in the public literature. So far, the modes of operation of block ciphers have been treated as completely independent and uncorrelated. In this paper we represent both CBC and OFB as quasigroup string transformations, and then show that OFB mode is a special case of the CBC mode of operation. That raise possibilities for construction of several devastating attack scenarios against that interchanged use of CBC and OFB. These attacks have not been addressed in NIST Special Publication 800-38A 2001, ``Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation''. More specifically, in the chosen plaintext attack scenario with interchanged use of CBC and OFB mode, we give a concrete list of openssl commands that extract the complete plaintext without knowing the secret key.
Last updated:  2007-10-06
Non-Interactive Anonymous Credentials
Mira Belenkiy, Melissa Chase, Markulf Kohlweiss, Anna Lysyanskaya
In this paper, we introduce P-signatures. A P-signature scheme consists of a signature scheme, a commitment scheme, and (1) an interactive protocol for obtaining a signature on a committed value; (2) a non-interactive proof system for proving that the contents of a commitment has been signed; (3) a non-interactive proof system for proving that a pair of commitments are commitments to the same value. We give a definition of security for P-signatures and show how they can be realized under appropriate assumptions about groups with bilinear map. Namely, we make extensive use of the powerful suite of non-interactive proof techniques due to Groth and Sahai. Our P-signatures enable, for the first time, the design of a practical non-interactive anonymous credential system whose security does not rely on the random oracle model. In addition, they may serve as a useful building block for other privacy-preserving authentication mechanisms.
Last updated:  2007-10-04
Cryptanalysis on Improved Chou et al.'s ID-Based Deniable Authentication Protocol
Meng-Hui Lim, Sanggon Lee, Hoonjae Lee
A deniable authentication protocol enables the protocol participants to authenticate their respective peers, while able to deny their participation after the protocol execution. This protocol can be extremely useful in some practical applications such as online negotiation, online shopping and electronic voting. Recently, we have improved a deniable authentication scheme proposed by Chou et al. due to its vulnerability to the key compromise impersonation attack in our previous report. However, we have later discovered that our previous enhanced protocol is vulnerable to the insider key compromise impersonation attack and key replicating attack. In this paper, we will again secure this protocol against these attacks and demonstrate its heuristic security analysis.
Last updated:  2008-06-30
Oblivious Transfer via McEliece's PKC and Permuted Kernels
K. Kobara, K. Morozov, R. Overbeck
We present two efficient protocols for two flavors of oblivious transfer (OT): the Rabin and 1-out-of-2 OT using the McEliece cryptosystem and Shamir's zero-knowledge identification scheme based on permuted kernels. This is a step towards diversifying computational assumptions on which OT -- the primitive of central importance -- can be based. Although we obtain a weak version of Rabin OT (where the malicious receiver may decrease his erasure probability), it can nevertheless be reduced to secure 1-out-of-2 OT. Elaborating on the first protocol, we provide a practical construction for 1-out-of-2 OT.
Last updated:  2007-09-27
Cryptanalysis of Two New Instances of TTM Cryptosystem
Xuyun Nie, Xin Jiang, Lei Hu, Jintai Ding
In 2006, Nie et al proposed an attack to break an instance of TTM cryptosystems. However, the inventor of TTM disputed this attack and he proposed two new instances of TTM to support his viewpoint. At this time, he did not give the detail of key construction --- the construction of the lock polynomials in these instances which would be used in decryption. The two instances are claimed to achieve a security of $2^{109}$ against Nie et al attack. In this paper, we show that these instances are both still insecure, and in fact, they do not achieve a better design in the sense that we can find a ciphertext-only attack utilizing the First Order Linearization Equations while for the previous version of TTM, only Second Order Linearization Equations can be used in the beginning stage of the previous attack. Different from previous attacks, we use an iterated linearization method to break these two instances. For any given valid ciphertext, we can find its corresponding plaintext within $2^{31}$ $\mathbb{F}_{2^8}$-computations after performing once for any public key a computation of complexity less than $2^{44}$. Our experiment result shows we have unlocked the lock polynomials after several iterations, though we do not know the detailed construction of lock polynomials.
Last updated:  2007-09-27
X-FCSR: a new software oriented stream cipher based upon FCSRs
Francois Arnault, Thierry P. Berger, Cédric Lauradoux, Marine Minier
Feedback with Carry Shift Registers (FCSRs) are a promising alternative to LFSRs in the design of stream cipher. The previous constructions based on FCSRs were dedicated to hardware applications. In this paper, we will describe X-FCSR a family of software oriented stream cipher using FCSRs. The core of the system is composed of two 256-bits FCSRs. We propose two versions: X-FCSR-128 and X-FCSR-256 which output respectively 128 and 256 bits at each iteration. We study the resistance of our design against several cryptanalyses. In this way, we achieve a high throughput and secure stream ciphers suitable for software applications (6.3 cycles/byte).
Last updated:  2007-11-13
On The Inequivalence Of Ness-Helleseth APN Functions
Xiangyong Zeng, Lei Hu, Yang Yang, Wenfeng Jiang
In this paper, the Ness-Helleseth functions over $F_{p^n}$ defined by the form $f(x)=ux^{\frac{p^n-1}{2}-1}+x^{p^n-2}$ are proven to be a new class of almost perfect nonlinear (APN) functions and they are CCZ-inequivalent with all other known APN functions when $p\geq 7$. The original method of Ness and Helleseth showing the functions are APN for $p=3$ and odd $n\geq 3$ is also suitable for showing their APN property for any prime $p\geq 7$ with $p\equiv 3\,({\rm mod}\,4)$ and odd $n$.
Last updated:  2007-12-12
Algebraic Structure Defectoscopy
Sean O'Neil
We present a novel instrument of automated cryptanalysis suitable for measuring the number of rounds that can build one PRF round, so that 4 such rounds could be recommended as a Luby-Rackoff cipher secure against adaptive attacks. ASD tests can detect structural flaws in all kinds of cryptographic primitives and their implementations. We present our results for some of the well-known ciphers and hash functions and for some of the eSTREAM candidates. Our tools can distinguish complete Achterbahn, Grain v1 and Grain-128 from random, detect weak keys in the complete IDEA cipher and find fatal structural flaws even in complete ciphers like LILI, KeeLoq or TEA in a matter of seconds. Cryptanalysts can save their valuable time by requiring that all new ciphers must pass not only randomness tests, but also automated cryptanalysis tests like ours before they could be considered interesting for manual cryptanalytic study.
Last updated:  2007-10-08
Fast Point Multiplication on Elliptic Curves of Even Order
Rongquan Feng, Hongfeng Wu
Every elliptic curve of even order over a finite field of characteristic >3 is birationally equivalent to a curve in Jacobi quartic form. This paper presents the fast explicit formulas for group operations on a Jacobi quartic curve. The algorithm for doubling uses only 1M+6S, for the mixed-addition uses only 8M+2S and the unified addition formula only 9M+2S to be the best case. For elliptic curve of even order, these algorithm are more efficient than the other algorithms in the literature.
Last updated:  2007-09-21
An Efficient Range-Bounded Commitment Scheme
Zhengjun Cao
Checking whether a committed integer lies in a specific interval has many cryptographic applications. In Eurocrypt'98, Chan et al. proposed an instantiation (CFT for short). Based on CFT, Boudot presented an efficient range-bounded commitment scheme in Eurocrypt'2000. Both CFT proof and Boudot proof are based on the encryption $E(x, r)=g^xh^r\ \mbox{mod}\ n$, where $n$ is an RSA modulus whose factorization is \textit{unknown} by the prover. They did not use a single base as usual. Thus an increase in cost occurs. In this paper we show that it suffices to adopt a single base. The cost of the improved Boudot proof is about half of that of the original scheme. Moreover, the key restriction in the original scheme, i.e., both the discrete logarithm of $g$ in base $h$ and the discrete logarithm of $h$ in base $g$ are unknown by the prover, which is a potential menace to the Boudot proof, is definitely removed.
Last updated:  2007-09-21
Further Musings on the Wang et al. MD5 Collision: Improvements and Corrections on the Work of Hawkes, Paddon, and Rose
Gregory Hirshman
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The recent successful attack on the widely used hash function, the MD5 Message Digest Algorithm, was a breakthrough in cryptanalysis. The original paper, published in 2004 by Wang et al., described this attack in an obscure and elliptical manner. Hawkes, Paddon, and Rose later presented the attack in more detail, but even their paper contained numerous unproven statements and several significant errors. In a seven-fold process, this paper will prove assertions made by Hawkes, Paddon, and Rose, provide original corrections and illustrations, and explicate their work to make it more accessible to the mathematically literate reader. First, this paper will augment their introductory material by adding original insight to compare their unorthodox description of MD5 to the more conventional notation of Ron Rivest. Second, it will provide original examples for conditions that they present for the Tt. Third, it will elaborate on the description of the first block of the differential by asserting why and how the conditions on the Tt are determined. Fourth, it will develop a step by step analysis of the description of the second block of the differential based only the table that Hawkes, Paddon, and Rose provide. Fifth, it will supply original proofs for the assertions that they make for the conditions for the propagation of the differences through the ft functions for the first block. Sixth, it will give both the assertions and the proofs for the propagation of the differences through the ft functions for the second block. Finally, it will correct two significant errors in the work of Hawkes, Paddon, and Rose, demonstrating that the complexity of the attack is only about half of what they stated it to be and that their Case Two does not succeed in fulfilling the conditions required for the collision differential to hold.
Last updated:  2007-09-19
On Factoring Arbitrary Integers with Known Bits
Mathias Herrmann, Alexander May
We study the {\em factoring with known bits problem}, where we are given a composite integer $N=p_1p_2\dots p_r$ and oracle access to the bits of the prime factors $p_i$, $i=1, \dots, r$. Our goal is to find the full factorization of $N$ in polynomial time with a minimal number of calls to the oracle. We present a rigorous algorithm that efficiently factors $N$ given $(1-\frac{1}{r}H_r)\log N$ bits, where $H_r$ denotes the $r^{th}$ harmonic number.
Last updated:  2007-09-25
A Meet-in-the-Middle Collision Attack Against the New FORK-256
Markku-Juhani O. Saarinen
We show that a $2^{112.9}$ collision attack exists against the FORK-256 Hash Function. The attack is surprisingly simple compared to existing published FORK-256 cryptanalysis work, yet is the best known result against the new, tweaked version of the hash. The attack is based on "splitting" the message schedule and compression function into two halves in a meet-in-the-middle attack. This in turn reduces the space of possible hash function results, which leads to significantly faster collision search. The attack strategy is also applicable to the original version of FORK-256 published in FSE 2006.
Last updated:  2007-09-19
On the Authentication of One Popular Signcryption Scheme
Zhengjun Cao
Whether a recipient \textit{can prove} a signature to others is of great importance. The function is just one reason that we call a signature ``signature" rather than others. In this paper, we point out that one popular signcryption signature convinces \textit{only} the designated document's recipient that the signer deliberately signed the document. The \textit{designated recipient} can \textit{check} the validity of a given signcryptext but \textit{cannot prove} it to others. We also improve it using the efficient technique developed in Schnorr's signature instead of a zero-knowledge proof such that the receiver can \textit{check} the validity of a given signcryptext and \textit{can prove} it to a third party.
Last updated:  2007-09-19
Group-oriented encryption secure against collude attack
Chunbo Ma, Jun Ao, Jianhua Li
A group oriented encryption scheme is presented in this paper. In this scheme, a sender is allowed to encrypt a message using the group public key and send the ciphertext to the group. Any user in the group can independently decrypt the ciphertext via his private key. The scheme is secure against adaptively chosen ciphertext attack and collude attack.
Last updated:  2007-09-19
Claude Carlet, Xiangyong Zeng, Chunlei Li, Lei Hu
Thanks to a method proposed by Carlet, several classes of balanced Boolean functions with optimum algebraic immunity are obtained. By choosing suitable parameters, for even $n\geq 8$, the balanced $n$-variable functions can have nonlinearity $2^{n-1}-{n-1\choose\frac{n}{2}-1}+2{n-2\choose\frac{n}{2}-2}/(n-2)$, and for odd $n$, the functions can have nonlinearity $2^{n-1}-{n-1\choose\frac{n-1}{2}}+\Delta(n)$, where the function $\Delta(n)$ is describled in Theorem 4.4. The algebraic degree of some constructed functions is also discussed.
Last updated:  2007-12-28
Universally Composable Multi-Party Computation with an Unreliable Common Reference String
Vipul Goyal, Jonathan Katz
Universally composable multi-party computation has been studied in two settings: \begin{itemize} \item When a majority of participants are honest, universally composable multi-party computation is known to be possible without any assumptions. \item When honest participants are \emph{not} in the majority, universally composable multi-party computation is known to be impossible (under any cryptographic assumption) in the bare model. On the other hand, feasibility results have been obtained (under standard cryptographic assumptions) in various augmented models, the most popular of which posits the existence of a \emph{common references string} (CRS) available to all parties who are executing the protocol. \end{itemize} In either of the above settings, some \emph{assumption} regarding the protocol execution is made (i.e., that many parties are honest in the first case, or that a legitimately-chosen string is available in the second), and if this assumption is incorrect then all security is lost. A natural question is whether it is possible to design protocols giving \emph{some} assurance of security in case \emph{either one} of these assumptions holds, i.e., a single protocol (that uses a CRS) which is secure if \emph{either} at most $s$ players are dishonest \emph{or} if up to $t$ players are dishonest (with $t > s$) but the CRS is chosen in the proscribed manner. We show that such protocols exist if and only if $s+t < n$.
Last updated:  2007-12-07
Reducing Trust in the PKG in Identity Based Cryptosystems
Vipul Goyal
One day, you suddenly find that a private key corresponding to your Identity is up for sale at e-Bay. Since you do not suspect a key compromise, perhaps it must be the PKG who is acting dishonestly and trying to make money by selling your key. How do you find out for sure and even prove it in a court of law? This paper introduces the concept of Accountable Authority Identity based Encryption (A-IBE). A-IBE is a new approach to mitigate the (inherent) key escrow problem in identity based encryption schemes. Our main goal is to restrict the ways in which the PKG can misbehave. In our system, if the PKG ever maliciously generates and distributes a decryption key for an Identity, it runs the risk of being caught and prosecuted. In contrast to other mitigation approaches, our approach does not require multiple key generation authorities.
Last updated:  2007-09-19
Cryptanalysis of Rational Multivariate Public Key Cryptosystems
Jintai Ding, John Wagner
In 1989, Tsujii, Fujioka, and Hirayama proposed a family of multivariate public key cryptosystems, where the public key is given as a set of multivariate rational functions of degree 4\cite{Tsujii-Fujioka:89}. These cryptosystems are constructed via composition of two quadratic rational maps. In this paper, we present the cryptanalysis of this family of cryptosystems. The key point of our attack is to transform a problem of decomposition of two rational maps into a problem of decomposition of two polynomial maps. We develop a new improved 2R decomposition method and other new techniques, which allows us to find an equivalent decomposition of the rational maps to break the system completely. For the example suggested for practical applications, it is extremely fast to perform the computation to derive an equivalent private key, and it requires only a few seconds on a standard PC.
Last updated:  2007-09-13
Breaking the Symmetry: a Way to Resist the New Differential Attack
Jintai Ding, Bo-Yin Yang, Chen-Mou Cheng, Owen Chen, Vivien Dubois
Sflash had recently been broken by Dubois, Stern, Shamir, etc., using a differential attack on the public key. The $C^{\ast-}$ signature schemes are hence no longer practical. In this paper, we will study the new attack from the point view of symmetry, then (1) present a simple concept (projection) to modify several multivariate schemes to resist the new attacks; (2) demonstrate with practical examples that this simple method could work well; and (3) show that the same discussion of attack-and-defence applies to other big-field multivariates. The speed of encryption schemes is not affected, and we can still have a big-field multivariate signatures resisting the new differential attacks with speeds comparable to Sflash.
Last updated:  2007-09-13
Pairings on Jacobians of Hyperelliptic Curves
Christian Robenhagen Ravnshoj
Consider the jacobian of a hyperelliptic genus two curve defined over a finite field. Under certain restrictions on the endomorphism ring of the jacobian we give an explicit description all non-degenerate, bilinear, anti-symmetric and Galois-invariant pairings on the jacobian. From this description it follows that no such pairing can be computed more efficiently than the Weil pairing. To establish this result, we need an explicit description of the representation of the Frobenius endomorphism on the l-torsion subgroup of the jacobian. This description is given. In particular, we show that if the characteristic polynomial of the Frobenius endomorphism splits into linear factors modulo l, then the Frobenius is diagonalizable. Finally, under the restriction that the Frobenius element is an element of a certain subring of the endomorphism ring, we prove that if the characteristic polynomial of the Frobenius endomorphism splits into linear factors modulo l, then the embedding degree and the total embedding degree of the jacobian with respect to l are the same number.
Last updated:  2007-09-13
A Proof of Security of a Mesh Security Architecture
Doug Kuhlman, Ryan Moriarty, Tony Braskich, Steve Emeott, Mahesh Tripunitara
The IEEE 802.11s standard is tasked to provide ways of establishing and securing a wireless mesh network. One proposal establishes a Mesh Security Architecture (MSA), with an interesting key hierarchy and full protocol definitions. This paper proves the correctness and security of the MSA proposal and its corresponding protocols. We also propose and prove the security of an additional protocol (an abbreviated handshake) which offers a substantial efficiency improvement in certain instances. To prove the entire architecture secure, we utilize Protocol Composition Logic (PCL) to prove each protocol secure. From that basis, we can show the protocols compose securely to prove the entire architecture. We also contribute some novel concepts to PCL, to allow us to prove the security of the overall architecture.
Last updated:  2007-10-26
Fuzzy Private Matching (Extended Abstract)
Łukasz Chmielewski, Jaap-Henk Hoepman
In the private matching problem, a client and a server each hold a set of $n$ input elements. The client wants to privately compute the intersection of these two sets: he learns which elements he has in common with the server (and nothing more), while the server gains no information at all. In certain applications it would be useful to have a private matching protocol that reports a match even if two elements are only similar instead of equal. Such a private matching protocol is called \emph{fuzzy}, and is useful, for instance, when elements may be inaccurate or corrupted by errors. We consider the fuzzy private matching problem, in a semi-honest environment. Elements are similar if they match on $t$ out of $T$ attributes. First we show that the original solution proposed by Freedman et al. is incorrect. Subsequently we present two fuzzy private matching protocols. The first, simple, protocol has bit message complexity $O(n \binom{T}{t} (T \log{|D|}+k))$. The second, improved, protocol has a much better bit message complexity of $O(n T (\log{|D|}+k))$, but here the client incurs a $O(n)$ factor time complexity. Additionally, we present protocols based on the computation of the Hamming distance and on oblivious transfer, that have different, sometimes more efficient, performance characteristics.
Last updated:  2007-12-14
Statistical Testing for Disk Encryption Modes of Operations
Mohamed Abo El-Fotouh, Klaus Diepold
In this paper we present a group of statistical tests that explore the random behavior of encryption modes of operations, when used in disk encryption applications. The results of these tests help us to better understand how these modes work. We tested ten modes of operations with the presented statistical tests, five of the narrow-block type and the other five of the wide-block type. Our analysis shows some weakness in some of these modes.
Last updated:  2007-09-13
Proxy Re-encryption Systems for Identity-based Encryption
Toshihiko Matsuo
A proxy re-encryption system allows the proxy to transform ciphertexts encrypted under Alice's public key into the different ciphertexts that can be decrypted by Bob's secret key. In this paper, we propose new proxy re-encryption systems; one for the transformation from ciphertexts encrypted under a traditional certificate-based public key into the ciphertexts that can be decrypted by an secret key for Identity-Based Encryption, and the other one for the transformation from ciphertexts encrypted in IBE manner into the different ciphertexts that can be decrypted by the other secret key for the IBE.
Last updated:  2008-08-08
Sufficient Conditions for Intractability over Black-Box Groups: Generic Lower Bounds for Generalized DL and DH Problems
Andy Rupp, Gregor Leander, Endre Bangerter, Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi, Alexander W. Dent
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The generic (aka. black-box) group model is a valuable methodology for analyzing the computational hardness of number-theoretic problems used in cryptography. Since the properties ensuring generic hardness have not been well-studied and formalized yet, for each newly proposed problem an entire hardness proof has to be done from scratch. In this work we identify criteria that guarantee the hardness of generalized DL and DH problems in an extended generic group model where algorithms are allowed to perform any operation representable by a polynomial function. Assuming our conditions are satisfied, we are able to provide negligible upper bounds on the success probability of such algorithms. As useful means for the formalization of definitions and conditions we explicitly relate the concepts of generic algorithms and straight-line programs that have only been used independently in cryptography so far.
Last updated:  2007-09-13
Intrusion-Resilient Secret Sharing
Stefan Dziembowski, Krzysztof Pietrzak
We introduce a new primitive called Intrusion-Resilient Secret Sharing (IRSS), whose security proof exploits the fact that there exist functions which can be efficiently computed interactively using low communication complexity in k, but not in k - 1 rounds. IRSS is a means of sharing a secret message amongst a set of players which comes with a very strong security guarantee. The shares in an IRSS are made artificially large so that it is hard to retrieve them completely, and the reconstruction procedure is interactive requiring the players to exchange k short messages. The adversaries considered can attack the scheme in rounds, where in each round the adversary chooses some player to corrupt and some function, and retrieves the output of that function applied to the share of the corrupted player. This model captures for example computers connected to a network which can occasionally be infected by malicious software like viruses, which can compute any function on the infected machine, but cannot sent out a huge amount of data. Using methods from the Bounded-Retrieval Model, we construct an IRSS scheme which is secure against any computationally unbounded adversary as long as the total amount of information retrieved by the adversary is somewhat less than the length of the shares, and the adversary makes at most k - 1 corruption rounds (as described above, where k rounds are necessary for reconstruction). We extend our basic scheme in several ways in order to allow the shares sent by the dealer to be short (the players then blow them up locally) and to handle even stronger adversaries who can learn some of the shares completely. As mentioned, there is an obvious connection between IRSS schemes and the fact that there exist functions with an exponential gap in their communication complexity for k and k - 1 rounds. Our scheme implies such a separation which is in several aspects stronger than the previously known ones.
Last updated:  2008-06-18
Improving the Round Complexity of VSS in Point-to-Point Networks
Jonathan Katz, Chiu-Yuen Koo, Ranjit Kumaresan
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We revisit the following question: what is the optimal round complexity of verifiable secret sharing~(VSS)? We focus here on the case of perfectly-secure VSS where the number of corrupted parties~$t$ satisfies $t < n/3$, with $n$ being the total number of parties. Work of Gennaro et al. (STOC~2001) and Fitzi et al. (TCC~2006) shows that, assuming a broadcast channel, 3~rounds are necessary and sufficient for efficient VSS. The efficient 3-round protocol of Fitzi et al., however, treats the broadcast channel as being available ``for free'' and does not attempt to minimize its usage. This approach leads to relatively poor round complexity when protocols are compiled for a point-to-point network. We show here a VSS protocol that is simultaneously optimal in terms of both the number of rounds and the number of invocations of broadcast. Our protocol also has a certain ``2-level sharing'' property that makes it useful for constructing protocols for general secure computation.
Last updated:  2007-09-13
A Note on Signature Standards
Michael Braun, Anton Kargl
A major security goal for signature schemes is to prevent an adversary from producing new valid signatures even though he can receive valid signatures of any messages from the legitimate signer. On the one hand the security of elliptic curve signature schemes, as ECDSA, ECGDSA, or ECKCDSA, is based on the elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem, respectively on the security of the used hash function. On the other hand some special cases for ephemeral keys and signature components also have to be excluded to guarantee the security of the signature scheme. In this paper we are going to investigate some exceptional cases, which are not covered by current signature generation algorithms, but leak information on the private signature key.
Last updated:  2008-01-02
A Block Cipher based PRNG Secure Against Side-Channel Key Recovery
Christophe Petit, Francois-Xavier Standaert, Olivier Pereira, Tal G. Malkin, Moti Yung
We study the security of a block cipher-based pseudorandom number generator, both in the black box world and in the physical world, separately. We first show that the construction is a secure PRNG in the ideal cipher model. Then, we demonstrate its security against a Bayesian side-channel key recovery adversary. As a main result, we show that our construction guarantees that the success rate of the adversary does not increase with the number of physical observations, but in a limited and controlled way. Besides, we observe that, under common assumptions on side-channel attack strategies, increasing the security parameter (typically the block cipher key size) by a polynomial factor involves an increase of a side-channel attack complexity by an exponential factor, making the probability of a successful attack negligible. We believe this work provides a first interesting example of the way the algorithmic design of a cryptographic scheme influences its side-channel resistance.
Last updated:  2007-09-13
Secret sharing on the infinite ladder
Laszlo Csirmaz
The notion of perfect secret sharing scheme has been extended to encompass infinite access structures, in particular infinite graphs. The participants are the vertices of the graph $G$ and the edges are the minimal qualified subsets. The information ratio (the inverse of the information rate) of $G$ is the largest lower bound on the amount of information by secret bits some vertex must receive in each scheme realizing this access structure. We show that this value is 7/4 for the infinite ladder, solving an open problem from. We give bounds for other infinite graphs as well.
Last updated:  2007-09-13
Identity-Committable Signatures and Their Extension to Group-Oriented Ring Signatures
Cheng-Kang Chu, Wen-Guey Tzeng
The identity of "Deep Throat", a pseudonym of the information source in the Watergate scandal, remained mysterious for more than three decades. In 2005, an ex-FBI official claimed that he was the anonymous source. Nevertheless, some are still inconvinced. In this paper, we introduce a new notion of identity-committable signatures (ICS) to ensure the anonymity of "Deep Throat" inside a group. A member of an organization can sign a message on behalf of himself (regular signature) or the organization (identity-committed signature). In the latter case, the signer's identity is hidden from anyone, and can be opened by himself only. We describe the requirements of ICS and give the formal definition of it. Then we extend the notion of ICS to group-oriented ring signatures (GRS) which further allow the signer to hide his identity behind multiple groups. We believe a GRS scheme is more efficient and practical than a ring signature scheme for leaking secrets. Finally, we provide concrete constructions of ICS and GRS with information-theoretic anonymity, that is, the identity of the signer is fully-protected.
Last updated:  2007-09-13
Multiparty Computation to Generate Secret Permutations
Chris Studholme, Ian Blake
We make use of a universal re-encryption mixnet to efficiently perform a secure multiparty computation to generate a secret permutation. When complete, the permutation is shared among the players in such a way that each player knows his share of the permutation but no others. Such a permutation is useful in dining cryptographers networks (DC-nets) to determine in which slot each player should transmit. We also see this primitive as being useful in online gaming for either shuffling cards or ordering players without the need for a trusted dealer or other third party.
Last updated:  2007-10-11
New Local Collisions for the SHA-2 Hash Family
Somitra Kumar Sanadhya, Palash Sarkar
The starting point for collision attacks on practical hash functions is a local collision. In this paper, we make a systematic study of local collisions for the SHA-2 family. The possible linear approximations of the constituent Boolean functions are considered and certain impossible conditions for such approximations are identified. Based on appropriate approximations, we describe a general method for finding local collisions. Applying this method, we obtain several local collisions and compute the probabilities of the various differential paths. Previously, only one local collision due to Gilbert-Handschuh was known. We point out two impossible conditions in the GH local collision and provide an example of an impossible differential path for linearized SHA-2 using this local collision. Sixteen new local collisions are obtained none of which have any impossible conditions. The probabilities of these local collisions are a little less than the GH local collision. On the other hand, the absence of impossible conditions may make them more suitable for (reduced round) collision search attacks on the SHA-2 family.
Last updated:  2007-12-12
A Linear Lower Bound on the Communication Complexity of Single-Server Private Information Retrieval
Iftach Haitner, Jonathan J. Hoch, Gil Segev
We study the communication complexity of single-server Private Information Retrieval (PIR) protocols that are based on fundamental cryptographic primitives in a black-box manner. In this setting, we establish a tight lower bound on the number of bits communicated by the server in any polynomially-preserving construction that relies on trapdoor permutations. More specifically, our main result states that in such constructions $\Omega(n)$ bits must be communicated by the server, where $n$ is the size of the server's database, and this improves the $\Omega(n / \log n)$ lower bound due to Haitner, Hoch, Reingold and Segev (FOCS '07). Therefore, in the setting under consideration, the naive solution in which the user downloads the entire database turns out to be optimal up to constant multiplicative factors. We note that the lower bound we establish holds for the most generic form of trapdoor permutations, including in particular enhanced trapdoor permutations. Technically speaking, this paper consists of two main contributions from which our lower bound is obtained. First, we derive a tight lower bound on the number of bits communicated by the sender during the commit stage of any black-box construction of a statistically-hiding bit-commitment scheme from a family of trapdoor permutations. This lower bound asymptotically matches the upper bound provided by the scheme of Naor, Ostrovsky, Venkatesan and Yung (CRYPTO '92). Second, we improve the efficiency of the reduction of statistically-hiding commitment schemes to low-communication single-server PIR, due to Beimel, Ishai, Kushilevitz and Malkin (STOC '99). In particular, we present a reduction that essentially preserves the communication complexity of the underlying single-server PIR protocol.
Last updated:  2007-09-06
On Tweaking Luby-Rackoff Blockciphers
David Goldenberg, Susan Hohenberger, Moses Liskov, Elizabeth Crump Schwartz, Hakan Seyalioglu
Tweakable blockciphers, first formalized by Liskov, Rivest, and Wagner, are blockciphers with an additional input, the tweak, which allows for variability. An open problem proposed by Liskov et al. is how to construct tweakable blockciphers without using a pre-existing blockcipher. This problem has yet to receive any significant study. There are many natural questions in this area: is it significantly more effcient to incorporate a tweak directly? How do direct constructions compare to existing techniques? Are these direct constructions optimal and for what levels of security? How large of a tweak can be securely added? In this work, we address these questions for Luby-Rackoff blockciphers. We show that tweakable blockciphers can be created directly from Feistel ciphers, and in some cases show that direct constructions of tweakable blockciphers are more e±cient than previously known constructions.
Last updated:  2008-10-20
Statistically Hiding Sets
Manoj Prabhakaran, Rui Xue
Zero-knowledge set is a primitive introduced by Micali, Rabin, and Kilian (FOCS 2003) which enables a prover to commit a set to a verifier, without revealing even the size of the set. Later the prover can give zero-knowledge proofs to convince the verifier of membership/non-membership of elements in/not in the committed set. We present a new primitive called {\em Statistically Hiding Sets} (SHS), similar to zero-knowledge sets, but providing an information theoretic hiding guarantee, rather than one based on efficient simulation. This is comparable to relaxing zero-knowledge proofs to {\em witness independent proofs}. More precisely, we continue to use the simulation paradigm for our definition, but do not require the simulator (nor the distinguisher) to be efficient. We present a new scheme for statistically hiding sets, which does not fit into the ``Merkle-tree/mercurial-commitment'' paradigm that has been used for {\em all} zero-knowledge set constructions so far. This not only provides efficiency gains compared to the best schemes in that paradigm, but also lets us provide {\em statistical} hiding; previous approaches required the prover to maintain growing amounts of state with each new proof for this. Our construction is based on an algebraic tool called {\em trapdoor DDH groups} (\tdg), introduced recently by Dent and Galbraith (ANTS 2006). Ours is perhaps the first non-trivial application of this tool. However the specific hardness assumptions we associate with \tdg are different, and of a strong nature --- strong RSA and a knowledge-of-exponent assumption. Our new knowledge-of-exponent assumption may be of independent interest. We prove this assumption in the generic group model.
Last updated:  2019-01-23
A Framework for Efficient and Composable Oblivious Transfer
Chris Peikert, Vinod Vaikuntanathan, Brent Waters
We propose a simple and general framework for constructing oblivious transfer (OT) protocols that are \emph{efficient}, \emph{universally composable}, and \emph{generally realizable} from a variety of standard number-theoretic assumptions, including the decisional Diffie-Hellman assumption, the quadratic residuosity assumption, and \emph{worst-case} lattice assumptions. Our OT protocols are round-optimal (one message each way), quite efficient in computation and communication, and can use a single common string for an unbounded number of executions. Furthermore, the protocols can provide \emph{statistical} security to either the sender or receiver, simply by changing the distribution of the common string. For certain instantiations of the protocol, even a common \emph{random} string suffices. Our key technical contribution is a simple abstraction that we call a \emph{dual-mode} cryptosystem. We implement dual-mode cryptosystems by taking a unified view of several cryptosystems that have what we call ``messy'' public keys, whose defining property is that a ciphertext encrypted under such a key carries \emph{no information} (statistically) about the encrypted message. As a contribution of independent interest, we also provide a multi-bit version of Regev's lattice-based cryptosystem (STOC 2005) whose time and space efficiency are improved by a linear factor in the security parameter $n$. The amortized encryption and decryption time is only $\tilde{O}(n)$ bit operations per message bit, and the ciphertext expansion can be made as small as a constant; the public key size and underlying lattice assumption remain essentially the same.
Last updated:  2007-09-05
Lai-Massey Scheme and Quasi-Feistel Networks
Aaram Yun, Je Hong Park, Jooyoung Lee
We introduce the notion of quasi-Feistel network, which is generalization of the Feistel network, and contains the Lai-Massey scheme as an instance. We show that some of the works on the Feistel network, including the works of Luby-Rackoff, Patarin, Naor-Reingold and Piret, can be naturally extended to our setting. This gives a new proof for theorems of Vaudenay on the security of the Lai-Massey scheme, and also introduces for Lai-Massey a new construction of pseudorandom permutation, analoguous to the construction of Naor-Reingold using pairwise independent permutations. Also, we prove the birthday security of $(2b-1)$- and $(3b-2)$-round unbalanced quasi-Feistel networks with b branches against CPA and CPCA attacks, respectively. This answers an unsolved problem pointed out by Patarin et al.
Last updated:  2009-06-23
Secure multi-party computation on incomplete networks
Shailesh Vaya
Secure multiparty computation of a multivariate function is a central problem in cryptography. It is known that secure multiparty computation can be realized by a set of $n$ parties iff the connectivity of the underlying (authenticated) communication network is more than twice the number of corrupted parties. This impossibility result makes secure multiparty computation far less applicable in practice, as most deployed networks have a much lower degree than $O(n)$ and one would ideally like to tolerate $\theta(n)$ corrupted parties. This work considers a model for (unconditional) secure multiparty computation for networks of low degrees in which authenticated channels are available between very few pairs of parties. Not all honest parties can achieve traditional security guarantees of multiparty computation for this setting. This formulation of secure multiparty computation, which permits some of the honest parties to be "sacrificed" is called almost everywhere secure computation. In this work we show how to realize a.e.s.c., on a few special families of incomplete networks, for the case of Byzantine corruptions.
Last updated:  2007-09-05
Analysis of Underlying Assumptions in NIST DRBGs
Wilson Kan
In \cite{NIST}, four different DRBGs are recommended for cryptographic purpose. Each generator is based on some underlying cryptographic concept. The article examines each of the concept to determine what are the necessary and sufficient conditions for the DRBG to be secured in its generation process. In addition, the effects of failure of typical cryptographic requirements of each underlying concept are discussed. From \cite{MC}, permutation based DRBGs are never indistinguishable from a true random source. From \cite{DB}, elliptic based DRBGs are secured given a set of problems regarding elliptic curve remains difficult. This article demostrates that a pseudo-random family is required for both hash based and HMAC based DRBGs.
Last updated:  2007-09-05
Security Analysis of WAPI Authentication and Key Exchange Protocol
Liufei Wu, Yuqing Zhang, FengjiaoWang
We first do an in-depth security analysis of the authenticated key exchange protocol WAI in WAPI (WALN Authentication Privacy Infrastructure), point out its flaws and improve it. Next, we give the security proof of this new protocol WAI' in CK security model, which indicates that WAI' has the corresponding security attributes in CK security model, and satisfies the requirements of WAPI.
Last updated:  2007-09-05
Updated standards for validating elliptic curves
Laura Hitt
We give a concise statement of a test for security of elliptic curves that should be inserted into the standards for elliptic curve cryptography. In particular, current validation for parameters related to the MOV condition that appears in the latest draft of the IEEE P1363 standard \cite[Section A.12.1, Section A.16.8]{P1363} should be replaced with our subfield-adjusted MOV condition. Similarly, the Standards for Efficient Cryptography Group's document SEC 1 \cite{sec_1} should make adjustments accordingly.
Last updated:  2007-09-05
A New Security Model for Cross-Realm C2C-PAKE Protocol
Fengjiao Wang, Yuqing Zhang
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Cross realm client-to-client password authenticated key exchange (C2C-PAKE) schemes are designed to enable two clients in different realms to agree on a common session key using different passwords. In 2006, Yin-Bao presented the first provably secure cross-realm C2C-PAKE, which security is proven rigorously within a formally defined security model and based on the hardness of some computationally intractable assumptions. However, soon after, Phan et al. pointed out that the Yin-Bao scheme was flawed. In this paper, we first analyze the necessary security attributes in the cross-realm C2C-PAKE scenario, and then a new security model for cross-realm C2C-PAKE is given. Analogous to the general construction of 3PAKE protocol for single server C2C-PAKE setting, we give a general construction of cross-realm C2C-PAKE protocol, which security is proved in the new security model.
Last updated:  2007-09-05
Multi-Party Indirect Indexing and Applications
Matthew Franklin, Mark Gondree, Payman Mohassel
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We develop a new multi-party generalization of Naor-Nissim indirect indexing, making it possible for many participants to simulate a RAM machine with only poly-logarithmic blow-up. Our most efficient instantiation (built from length-flexible additively homomorphic public key encryption) improves the communication complexity of secure multi-party computation for a number of problems in the literature. Underlying our approach is a new multi-party variant of oblivious transfer which may be of independent interest.
Last updated:  2007-09-13
Efficient Implementation of the Pairing on Mobilephones using BREW
Motoi Yoshitomi, Tsuyoshi Takagi, Shinsaku Kiyomoto, Toshiaki Tanaka
Pairing based cryptosystems can accomplish novel security applications such as ID-based cryptosystems, which have not been constructed efficiently without the pairing. The processing speed of the pairing based cryptosystems is relatively slow compared with the other conventional public key cryptosystems. However, several efficient algorithms for computing the pairing have been proposed, namely Duursma-Lee algorithm and its variant $\eta_T$ pairing. In this paper, we present an efficient implementation of the pairing over some mobilephones. The processing speed of our implementation in ARM9 processors on BREW achieves under 100 milliseconds using the supersingular curve over $\mathbb F_{3^{97}}$. It has become efficient enough to implement security applications, such as ID-based cryptosystems and broadcast encryption, using the pairing on BREW mobilephones.
Last updated:  2008-01-04
On the security of a class of image encryption schemes
Chengqing Li, Guanrong Chen
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Recently four chaos-based image encryption schemes were proposed. Essentially, the four schemes can be classified into one class, which is composed of two basic parts: permutation of position and diffusion of pixel value with the same cipher-text feedback function. The operations involved in the two basic parts are determined by a pseudo random number sequence (PRNS) generated from iterating a chaotic dynamic system. According to the security requirement, the two basic parts are performed alternatively for some rounds. Although the designers claimed that the schemes are of high quality, we found the following security problems: 1) the schemes are not sensitive to the changes of plain-images; 2) the schemes are not sensitive to the changes of the key streams generated by any secret key; 3) there exists a serious flaw of the diffusion function; 4) the schemes can be broken with no more than $\lceil\log_L(MN)\rceil+3$ chosen-images when the iteration number is equal to one, where $MN$ is the size of the plain-image and $L$ is the number of different pixel values; 5) the cryptanalysis on one scheme proposed by another research group is questionable.
Last updated:  2007-08-29
VHASH Security
Wei Dai, Ted Krovetz
VHASH is an almost-delta-universal hash family, designed for exceptional performance on computers that multiply 64-bit quantities efficiently. Changes to the algorithm detailed in this note improve both security and performance over the original 2006 version. Speed is improved through a newly analyzed hash construction which allows the use of lower-degree polynomials. Claimed security is higher due primarily to improved analysis and a change in prime modulus. The result is a hash family capable of hashing cache-resident one kilobyte messages on the Intel Core 2 architecture at a rate of about one-half processor cycle per byte of message with a collision probability of less than $1/2^{61}$.
Last updated:  2007-08-29
Mobile Phones as Secure Gateways for Message-Based Ubiquitous Communication (Revised)
W. Bamberger, O. Welter, S. Spitz, M. Marhöfer
For ubiquitous communication self-organising ad-hoc networks become more and more important. We consider mobile phones as appropriate secure gateways to provide access to the Internet for external machines with low communication needs. A message-based approach is best in such a scenario with moving mobile phones and machines. In this paper we propose a security model for access control to the communication infrastructure, which is also message oriented. To meet the requirements of ubiquitously communicating machines, all algorithms on the sender's side are based on symmetric cryptography resulting in low computation requirements. Our sophisticated symmetric key infrastructure for access control is based on unique combinations of keys and is completed with an effective key management. This results in a carrier grade security level although many parties share the same keys. Adopting the Subscriber Identity Module as a secure storage and computing module achieves the trustworthiness of the mobile phone. This makes it possible to use the mobile phone not only as a user terminal but also as a trusted infrastructure component of the mobile network. This document is an update of earlier work [BWS07] presented at the Workshop in Information Security Theory and Practices 2007 in Crete, Greece.
Last updated:  2007-08-28
A Major Vulnerability in RSA Implementations due to MicroArchitectural Analysis Threat
Onur Aciicmez, Werner Schindler
Recently, Aciicmez, Koc, and Seifert have introduced new side-channel analysis types,namely Branch Prediction Analysis (BPA) and Simple Branch Prediction Analysis (SBPA), which take advantage of branch mispredictions occur during the operations of cryptosystems [4, 5]. Even more recently, Aciicmez has developed another attack type, I-cache analysis, which exploits the internal functionalities of instruction/trace caches [1]. These MicroArchitectural Analysis (MA) techniques, more specifically SBPA and I-cache Analysis, have the potential of disclosing the entire execution flow of a cryptosystem as stated in [4, 1]. Our focus of interest in this paper is that these attacks can reveal whether an extra reduction step is performed in each Montgomery multiplication operation. First Walter et. al. and then Schindler developed attacks on RSA, which result in total break of the system if the occurrences of extra reduction steps can be determined with a reasonable error rate [39, 30, 29]. These attacks may be viewed as theoretical in the sense that neither Walter et. al. nor Schindler implemented actual attacks on real systems but instead they assumed that side-channel information obtained via power and timing analysis would reveal such occurrences of extra reduction step. In this paper we adjusted the attack from [30] to the current OpenSSL standard and put this attack into practice, proving its practicality via MA. The second part of the attack exploits the previously gathered information on the required extra reductions in an optimal way, using advanced stochastic methods as the formulation and analysis of stochastic processes. Our results show the feasibility of compromising current RSA implementations such as OpenSSL. After we shared our result with OpenSSL development team, they included a patch into the stable branch ([45]), which allows users to compile an OpenSSL version that is resistent against our attack ([46]). In particular, this patch will affect the upcoming version of 0.9.8f. We also contacted the US CERT who informed software vendors. The US CERT assigned the vulnerability explained in this paper CVE name CVE-2007-3108 and CERT vulnerability number VU#724968, and they issued a vulnerability note ([47–49]). We point out that this publication appeared in accordance with the OpenSSL development team. Several countermeasures have been developed and employed in widely used cryptographic libraries like OpenSSL to mitigate such side-channel analysis threats. However the current implementations still do not provide sufficient protection against MicroArchitectural Analysis, despite of all the sophisticated mitigation techniques employed in these implementations. In this paper, we will show that one can completely break the RSA implementation of the current OpenSSL version (v.0.9.8e) even if the most secure configuration, including all of the countermeasures against side-channel and MicroArchitectural analysis, is in place. We have only analyzed OpenSSL, thus we currently do not know the strength of other cryptographic libraries. Other libraries and software products need to be thoroughly analyzed and appropriately modified if it is necessary. At least, developers of the current software applications that rely on OpenSSL RSA implementation need to update their products based on the recent OpenSSL changes. Our results indicate that MicroArchitectural Analysis threatens at least 60% of the internet traffic worldwide and the current systems should be analyzed thoroughly to evaluate their overall strength against MicroArchitectural Analysis ([44]). We will eventually discuss appropriate countermeasures that must be employed in security systems.
Last updated:  2007-09-27
Encryption Techniques for Secure Database Outsourcing
Sergei Evdokimov, Oliver Guenther
While the idea of database outsourcing is becoming increasingly popular, the associated security risks still prevent many potential users from deploying it. In particular, the need to give full access to one's data to a third party, the database service provider, remains a major obstacle. A seemingly obvious solution is to encrypt the data in such a way that the service provider retains the ability to perform relational operations on the encrypted database. In this paper we present a model and an encryption scheme that solves this problem at least partially. Our approach represents the provably secure solution to the database outsourcing problem that allows operations exact select, Cartesian product, and projection, and that guarantees the probability of erroneous answers to be negligible. Our scheme is simple and practical, and it allows effective searches on encrypted tables: For a table consisting of n tuples the scheme performs search in O(n) steps.
Last updated:  2010-10-07
New Constructions for UC Secure Computation using Tamper-proof Hardware
Nishanth Chandran, Vipul Goyal, Amit Sahai
The Universal Composability framework was introduced by Canetti to study the security of protocols which are concurrently executed with other protocols in a network environment. Unfortunately it was shown that in the so called plain model, a large class of functionalities cannot be securely realized. These severe impossibility results motivated the study of other models involving some sort of setup assumptions, where general positive results can be obtained. Until recently, all the setup assumptions which were proposed required some trusted third party (or parties). Katz recently proposed using a \emph{physical setup} to avoid such trusted setup assumptions. In his model, the physical setup phase includes the parties exchanging tamper proof hardware tokens implementing some functionality. The tamper proof hardware is modeled so as to assume that the receiver of the token can do nothing more than observe its input/output characteristics. It is further assumed that the sender \emph{knows} the program code of the hardware token which it distributed. Based on the DDH assumption, Katz gave general positive results for universally composable multi-party computation tolerating any number of dishonest parties making this model quite attractive. In this paper, we present new constructions for UC secure computation using tamper proof hardware (in a stronger model). Our results represent an improvement over the results of Katz in several directions using substantially different techniques. Interestingly, our security proofs do not rely on being able to rewind the hardware tokens created by malicious parties. This means that we are able to relax the assumptions that the parties \emph{know} the code of the hardware token which they distributed. This allows us to model real life attacks where, for example, a party may simply pass on the token obtained from one party to the other without actually knowing its functionality. Furthermore, our construction models the interaction with the tamper-resistant hardware as a simple request-reply protocol. Thus, we show that the hardware tokens used in our construction can be \emph{resettable}. In fact, it suffices to use token which are completely stateless (and thus cannot execute a multi-round protocol). Our protocol is also based on general assumptions (namely enhanced trapdoor permutations).
Last updated:  2008-01-13
Towards Key-Dependent Message Security in the Standard Model
Dennis Hofheinz, Dominique Unruh
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Standard security notions for encryption schemes do not guarantee any security if the encrypted messages depend on the secret key. Yet it is exactly the stronger notion of security in the presence of key-dependent messages (KDM security) that is required in a number of applications: most prominently, KDM security plays an important role in analyzing cryptographic multi-party protocols in a formal calculus. But although often assumed, the mere existence of KDM secure schemes is an open problem. The only previously known construction was proven secure in the random oracle model. We present symmetric encryption schemes that are KDM secure in the standard model (i.e., without random oracles). The price we pay is that we achieve only a relaxed (but still useful) notion of key-dependent message security. Our work answers (at least partially) an open problem posed by Black, Rogaway, and Shrimpton. More concretely, our contributions are as follows: - We present a (stateless) symmetric encryption scheme that is information-theoretically secure in face of a bounded number and length of encryptions for which the messages depend in an arbitrary way on the secret key. - We present a stateful symmetric encryption scheme that is computationally secure in face of an arbitrary number of encryptions for which the messages depend only on the respective current secret state/key of the scheme. The underlying computational assumption is minimal: we assume the existence of one-way functions. - We give evidence that the only previously known KDM secure encryption scheme cannot be proven secure in the standard model (i.e., without random oracles).
Last updated:  2008-12-14
Universally Composable Multiparty Computation with Partially Isolated Parties
Ivan Damgaard, Jesper Buus Nielsen, Daniel Wichs
It is well known that universally composable multiparty computation cannot, in general, be achieved in the standard model without setup assumptions when the adversary can corrupt an arbitrary number of players. One way to get around this problem is by having a \emph{trusted third party} generate some global setup such as a \emph{common reference string (CRS)} or a \emph{public key infrastructure (PKI)}. The recent work of Katz shows that we may instead rely on physical assumptions, and in particular \emph{tamper-proof hardware tokens}. In this paper, we consider a similar but \emph{strictly weaker} physical assumption. We assume that a player (Alice) can \emph{partially isolate} another player (Bob) for a brief portion of the computation and prevent Bob from communicating more than some limited number of bits with the environment. For example, isolation might be achieved by asking Bob to put his functionality on a tamper-proof hardware token and assuming that Alice can prevent this token from communicating to the outside world. Alternatively, Alice may interact with Bob directly but in a special office which she administers and where there are no high-bandwidth communication channels to the outside world. We show that, under \emph{standard} cryptographic assumptions, such physical setup can be used to UC-realize any two party and multiparty computation in the presence of an active and \emph{adaptive} adversary corrupting any number of players. We also consider an alternative scenario, in which there are some trusted third parties but no single such party is trusted by all of the players. This compromise allows us to significantly limit the use of the physical set-up and hence might be preferred in practice.
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