All papers in 2021 (Page 4 of 1705 results)

Last updated:  2023-07-02
Leaking Arbitrarily Many Secrets: Any-out-of-Many Proofs and Applications to RingCT Protocols
Tianyu Zheng, Shang Gao, Yubo Song, Bin Xiao
Ring Confidential Transaction (RingCT) protocol is an effective cryptographic component for preserving the privacy of cryptocurrencies. However, existing RingCT protocols are instantiated from one-out-of-many proofs with only one secret, leading to low efficiency and weak anonymity when handling transactions with multiple inputs. Additionally, current partial knowledge proofs with multiple secrets are neither secure nor efficient to be applied in a RingCT protocol. In this paper, we propose a novel \emph{any-out-of-many proof}, a logarithmic-sized zero-knowledge proof scheme for showing the knowledge of arbitrarily many secrets out of a public list. Unlike other partial knowledge proofs that have to reveal the number of secrets [ACF21], our approach proves the knowledge of multiple secrets without leaking the exact number of them. Furthermore, we improve the efficiency of our method with a generic inner-product transformation to adopt the Bulletproofs compression [BBB+18], which reduces the proof size to $2 \lceil \log_2(N) \rceil \! + \! 9$. Based on our proposed proof scheme, we further construct a compact RingCT protocol for privacy cryptocurrencies, which can provide a logarithmic-sized communication complexity for transactions with multiple inputs. More importantly, as the only known RingCT protocol instantiated from the partial knowledge proofs, our protocol can achieve the highest anonymity level compared with other approaches like Omniring [LRR+19]. For other applications, such as multiple ring signatures, our protocol can also be applied with some modifications. We believe our techniques are also applicable in other privacy-preserving scenarios, such as multiple ring signatures and coin-mixing in the blockchain.
Last updated:  2021-10-18
Non-interactive Distributional Indistinguishability (NIDI) and Non-Malleable Commitments
Dakshita Khurana
We introduce non-interactive distributionally indistinguishable arguments (NIDI) to address a significant weakness of NIWI proofs: namely, the lack of meaningful secrecy when proving statements about $\mathsf{NP}$ languages with unique witnesses. NIDI arguments allow a prover P to send a single message to verifier V, given which V obtains a sample d from a (secret) distribution D, together with a proof of membership of d in an NP language L. The soundness guarantee is that if the sample d obtained by the verifier V is not in L, then V outputs $\bot$. The privacy guarantee is that secrets about the distribution remain hidden: for every pair of distributions $D_0$ and $D_1$ of instance-witness pairs in L such that instances sampled according to $D_0$ or $D_1$ are (sufficiently) hard-to-distinguish, a NIDI that outputs instances according to $D_0$ with proofs of membership in L is indistinguishable from one that outputs instances according to $D_1$ with proofs of membership in L. - We build NIDI arguments for sufficiently hard-to-distinguish distributions assuming sub-exponential indistinguishability obfuscation and sub-exponential one-way functions. - We demonstrate preliminary applications of NIDI and of our techniques to obtaining the first (relaxed) non-interactive constructions in the plain model, from well-founded assumptions, of: 1. Commit-and-prove that provably hides the committed message 2. CCA-secure commitments against non-uniform adversaries. The commit phase of our commitment schemes consists of a single message from the committer to the receiver, followed by a randomized output by the receiver (that need not necessarily be returned to the committer).
Last updated:  2022-06-06
Efficient Adaptively-Secure Byzantine Agreement for Long Messages
Amey Bhangale, Chen-Da Liu-Zhang, Julian Loss, Kartik Nayak
We investigate the communication complexity of Byzantine agreement protocols for long messages against an adaptive adversary. In this setting, prior results either achieved a communication complexity of $O(nl\cdot\poly(\kappa))$ or $O(nl + n^2 \cdot \poly(\kappa))$ for $l$-bit long messages. We improve the state of the art by presenting protocols with communication complexity $O(nl + n \cdot \poly(\kappa))$ in both the synchronous and asynchronous communication models. The synchronous protocol tolerates $t \le (1-\epsilon) \frac{n}{2}$ corruptions and assumes a VRF setup, while the asynchronous protocol tolerates $t \le (1-\epsilon) \frac{n}{3}$ corruptions under further cryptographic assumptions. Our protocols are very simple and combine subcommittee election with the recent approach of Nayak et al. (DISC `20). Surprisingly, the analysis of our protocols is 'all but simple' and involves an interesting new application of Mc Diarmid's inequality to obtain 'optimal' corruption thresholds.
Last updated:  2022-08-07
Guide to Fully Homomorphic Encryption over the [Discretized] Torus
Marc Joye
First posed as a challenge in 1978 by Rivest et al., fully homomorphic encryption—the ability to evaluate any function over encrypted data— was only solved in 2009 in a breakthrough result by Gentry (Commun. ACM, 2010). After a decade of intense research, practical solutions have emerged and are being pushed for standardization. This guide is intended to practitioners. It explains the inner-workings of TFHE, a torus-based fully homomorphic encryption scheme. More exactly, it describes its implementation on a discretized version of the torus. It also explains in detail the technique of the programmable bootstrapping.
Last updated:  2021-10-18
HIDE & SEEK: Privacy-Preserving Rebalancing on Payment Channel Networks
Zeta Avarikioti, Krzysztof Pietrzak, Iosif Salem, Stefan Schmid, Samarth Tiwari, Michelle Yeo
Payment channels effectively move the transaction load off-chain thereby successfully addressing the inherent scalability problem most cryptocurrencies face. A major drawback of payment channels is the need to ``top up'' funds on-chain when a channel is depleted. Rebalancing was proposed to alleviate this issue, where parties with depleting channels move their funds along a cycle to replenish their channels off-chain. Protocols for rebalancing so far either introduce local solutions or compromise privacy. In this work, we present an opt-in rebalancing protocol that is both private and globally optimal, meaning our protocol maximizes the total amount of rebalanced funds. We study rebalancing from the framework of linear programming. To obtain full privacy guarantees, we leverage multi-party computation in solving the linear program, which is executed by selected participants to maintain efficiency. Finally, we efficiently decompose the rebalancing solution into incentive-compatible cycles which conserve user balances when executed atomically.
Last updated:  2021-11-28
Three Input Exclusive-OR Gate Support For Boyar-Peralta's Algorithm (Extended Version)
Anubhab Baksi, Vishnu Asutosh Dasu, Banashri Karmakar, Anupam Chattopadhyay, Takanori Isobe
The linear layer, which is basically a binary non-singular matrix, is an integral part of cipher construction in a lot of private key ciphers. As a result, optimising the linear layer for device implementation has been an important research direction for about two decades. The Boyar-Peralta's algorithm (SEA'10) is one such common algorithm, which offers significant improvement compared to the straightforward implementation. This algorithm only returns implementation with XOR2 gates, and is deterministic. Over the last couple of years, some improvements over this algorithm has been proposed, so as to make support for XOR3 gates as well as make it randomised. In this work, we take an already existing improvement (Tan and Peyrin, TCHES'20) that allows randomised execution and extend it to support three input XOR gates. This complements the other work done in this direction (Banik et al., IWSEC'19) that also supports XOR3 gates with randomised execution. Further, noting from another work (Maximov, Eprint'19), we include one additional tie-breaker condition in the original Boyar-Peralta's algorithm. Our work thus collates and extends the state-of-the-art, at the same time offers a simpler interface. We show several results that improve from the lastly best-known results.
Last updated:  2021-10-18
Iterated Inhomogeneous Polynomials
Jiaxin Guan, Mark Zhandry
Let $p$ be a polynomial, and let $p^{(i)}(x)$ be the result of iterating the polynomial $i$ times, starting at an input $x$. The case where $p(x)$ is the homogeneous polynomial $x^2$ has been extensively studied in cryptography. Due to its associated group structure, iterating this polynomial gives rise to a number of interesting cryptographic applications such as time-lock puzzles and verifiable delay functions. On the other hand, the associated group structure leads to quantum attacks on the applications. In this work, we consider whether inhomogeneous polynomials, such as $2x^2+3x+1$, can have useful cryptographic applications. We focus on the case of polynomials mod $2^n$, due to some useful mathematical properties. The natural group structure no longer exists, so the quantum attacks but also applications no longer immediately apply. We nevertheless show classical polynomial-time attacks on analogs of hard problems from the homogeneous setting. We conclude by proposing new computational assumptions relating to these inhomogeneous polynomials, with cryptographic applications.
Last updated:  2023-05-19
Universally Composable Almost-Everywhere Secure Computation
Nishanth Chandran, Pouyan Forghani, Juan Garay, Rafail Ostrovsky, Rutvik Patel, Vassilis Zikas
Most existing work on secure multi-party computation (MPC) ignores a key idiosyncrasy of modern communication networks, that there are a limited number of communication paths between any two nodes, many of which might even be corrupted. The problem becomes particularly acute in the information-theoretic setting, where the lack of trusted setups (and the cryptographic primitives they enable) makes communication over sparse networks more challenging. The work by Garay and Ostrovsky [EUROCRYPT'08] on almost-everywhere MPC (AE-MPC), introduced ``best-possible security'' properties for MPC over such incomplete networks, where necessarily some of the honest parties may be excluded from the computation. In this work, we provide a universally composable definition of almost-everywhere security, which allows us to automatically and accurately capture the guarantees of AE-MPC (as well as AE-communication, the analogous ``best-possible security'' version of secure communication) in the Universal Composability (UC) framework of Canetti. Our results offer the first simulation-based treatment of this important but under-investigated problem, along with the first simulation-based proof of AE-MPC. To achieve that goal, we state and prove a general composition theorem, which makes precise the level or ``quality'' of AE-security that is obtained when a protocol's hybrids are replaced with almost-everywhere components.
Last updated:  2022-05-10
Practical Non-interactive Publicly Verifiable Secret Sharing with Thousands of Parties
Craig Gentry, Shai Halevi, Vadim Lyubashevsky
Non-interactive publicly verifiable secret sharing (PVSS) schemes enables (re-)sharing of secrets in a decentralized setting in the presence of malicious parties. A recently proposed application of PVSS schemes is to enable permissionless proof-of-stake blockchains to ``keep a secret" via a sequence of committees that share that secret. These committees can use the secret to produce signatures on the blockchain's behalf, or to disclose hidden data conditioned on consensus that some event has occurred. That application needs very large committees with thousands of parties, so the PVSS scheme in use must be efficient enough to support such large committees, in terms of both computation and communication. Yet, previous PVSS schemes have large proofs and/or require many exponentiations over large groups. We present a non-interactive PVSS scheme in which the underlying encryption scheme is based on the learning with errors (LWE) problem. While lattice-based encryption schemes are very fast, they often have long ciphertexts and public keys. We use the following two techniques to conserve bandwidth: First, we adapt the Peikert-Vaikuntanathan-Waters (PVW) encryption scheme to the multi-receiver setting, so that the bulk of the parties' keys is a common random string. The resulting scheme yields $\Omega(1)$ amortized plaintext/ciphertext rate, where concretely the rate is $\approx 1/60$ for 100 parties, $\approx 1/8$ for 1000 parties, and approaching 1/2 as the number of parties grows. Second, we use bulletproofs over a DL-group of order about 256 bits to get compact proofs of correct encryption/decryption of shares. Alternating between the lattice and DL settings is relatively painless, as we equate the LWE modulus with the order of the group. We also show how to reduce the the number of exponentiations in the bulletproofs by applying Johnson-Lindenstrauss-like compression to reduce the dimension of the vectors whose properties must be verified. An implementation of our PVSS with 1000 parties showed that it is feasible even at that size, and should remain so even with one or two order of magnitude increase in the committee size.
Last updated:  2021-10-18
NTT software optimization using an extended Harvey butterfly
Jonathan Bradbury, Nir Drucker, Marius Hillenbrand
Software implementations of the number-theoretic transform (NTT) method often leverage Harvey’s butterfly to gain speedups. This is the case in cryptographic libraries such as IBM’s HElib, Microsoft’s SEAL, and Intel’s HEXL, which provide optimized implementations of fully homomorphic encryption schemes or their primitives. We extend the Harvey butterfly to the radix-4 case for primes in the range [2^31, 2^52). This enables us to use the vector multiply sum logical (VMSL) instruction, which is available on recent IBM Z^(R) platforms. On an IBM z14 system, our implementation performs more than 2.5x faster than the scalar implementation of SEAL we converted to native C. In addition, we implemented a mixed-radix implementation that uses AVX512-IFMA on Intel’s Ice Lake processor, which happens to be ~1.1 times faster than the super-optimized implementation of Intel’s HEXL. Finally, we compare the performance of some of our implementation using GCC versus Clang compilers and discuss the results.
Last updated:  2021-10-18
Homomorphic Secret Sharing for Multipartite and General Adversary Structures Supporting Parallel Evaluation of Low-degree Polynomials
Reo Eriguchi, Koji Nuida
Homomorphic secret sharing (HSS) for a function $f$ allows input parties to distribute shares for their private inputs and then locally compute output shares from which the value of $f$ is recovered. HSS can be directly used to obtain a two-round multiparty computation (MPC) protocol for possibly non-threshold adversary structures whose communication complexity is independent of the size of $f$. In this paper, we propose two constructions of HSS schemes supporting parallel evaluation of a single low-degree polynomial and tolerating multipartite and general adversary structures. Our multipartite scheme tolerates a wider class of adversary structures than the previous multipartite one in the particular case of a single evaluation and has exponentially smaller share size than the general construction. While restricting the range of tolerable adversary structures (but still applicable to non-threshold ones), our schemes perform $\ell$ parallel evaluations with communication complexity approximately $\ell/\log\ell$ times smaller than simply using $\ell$ independent instances. We also formalize two classes of adversary structures taking into account real-world situations to which the previous threshold schemes are inapplicable. Our schemes then perform $O(m)$ parallel evaluations with almost the same communication cost as a single evaluation, where $m$ is the number of parties.
Last updated:  2021-10-15
Rethinking Modular Multi-Exponentiation in Real-World Applications
Vidal Attias, Luigi Vigneri, Vassil Dimitrov
The importance of efficient multi-exponen- tiation algorithms in a large spectrum of cryptographic applications continues to grow. Many of the algorithms proposed in the past pay attention exclusively on the minimization of the number of modular multiplications. However, a short reduction of the multiplicative com- plexity can be easily overshadowed by other figures of merit. In this article we demonstrate a large number of practical results aimed at concrete cryptographic tasks requiring multi-exponentiations and provide rec- ommendations on the best possible algorithmic strate- gies for different selection of security parameters.
Last updated:  2022-03-17
Fiat–Shamir Bulletproofs are Non-Malleable (in the Algebraic Group Model)
Chaya Ganesh, Claudio Orlandi, Mahak Pancholi, Akira Takahashi, Daniel Tschudi
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Bulletproofs (Bünz et al. IEEE S&P 2018) are a celebrated ZK proof system that allows for short and efficient proofs, and have been implemented and deployed in several real-world systems. In practice, they are most often implemented in their non-interactive version obtained using the Fiat-Shamir transform, despite the lack of a formal proof of security for this setting. Prior to this work, there was no evidence that malleability attacks were not possible against Fiat-Shamir Bulletproofs. Malleability attacks can lead to very severe vulnerabilities, as they allow an adversary to forge proofs re-using or modifying parts of the proofs provided by the honest parties. In this paper, we show for the first time that Bulletproofs (or any other similar multi-round proof system satisfying some form of weak unique response property) achieve simulation-extractability in the algebraic group model. This implies that Fiat-Shamir Bulletproofs are non-malleable.
Last updated:  2021-10-25
Differential fault attack on DEFAULT
Chandan Dey, Sumit Kumar Pandey, Tapabrata Roy, Santanu Sarkar
Block cipher DEFAULT has been proposed as a differential fault analysis immune cipher at Asiacrypt 2021. In this paper, we consider the initial version of DEFAULT with no permutation involved in the last round and show that one can find the key in this version with complexity $2^{16}$ by injecting 112 faults. However, our idea does not work in the modified version of the cipher.
Last updated:  2021-10-15
A note on a Claim of Eldar & Hallgren: LLL already solves it
Léo Ducas, Wessel van Woerden
In a recent talk of Hallgren on a joint work with Eldar (Sept 21, 2021, Simons Institute), a polynomial-time quantum algorithm for solving BDD in a certain class of lattices was claimed. We show here that known classical (and even, deterministic) polynomial-time algorithms already achieve this result.
Last updated:  2022-11-01
UC Secure Private Branching Program and Decision Tree Evaluation
Keyu Ji, Bingsheng Zhang, Tianpei Lu, Lichun Li, Kui Ren
Branching program (BP) is a DAG-based non-uniform computational model for L/poly class. It has been widely used in formal verification, logic synthesis, and data analysis. As a special BP, a decision tree is a popular machine learning classifier for its effectiveness and simplicity. In this work, we propose a UC-secure efficient 3-party computation platform for outsourced branching program and/or decision tree evaluation. We construct a constant-round protocol and a linear-round protocol. In particular, the overall (online + offline) communication cost of our linear-round protocol is $O(d(\ell + \log m+\log n))$ and its round complexity is $2d-1$, where $m$ is the DAG size, $n$ is the number of features, $\ell$ is the feature length, and $d$ is the longest path length. To enable efficient oblivious hopping among the DAG nodes, we propose a lightweight $1$-out-of-$N$ shared OT protocol with logarithmic communication in both online and offline phase. This partial result may be of independent interest to some other cryptographic protocols. Our benchmark shows, compared with the state-of-the-arts, the proposed constant-round protocol is up to 10X faster in the WAN setting, while the proposed linear-round protocol is up to 15X faster in the LAN setting.
Last updated:  2022-06-13
DPCrypto: Acceleration of Post-quantum Cryptographic Algorithms using Dot-Product Instruction on GPUs
Wai-Kong Lee, Hwajeong Seo, Seong Oun Hwang, Angshuman Karmakar, Jose Maria Bermudo Mera, Ramachandra Achar
Dot-product is a widely used operation in many machine learning and scientific computing algorithms. Recently, NVIDIA has introduced dot-product instructions (DP2A and DP4A) in modern GPU architectures, with the aim of accelerating machine learning and scientific computing applications. These dot-product instructions allow the computation of multiply-and-add instructions in a clock cycle, effectively achieving higher throughput compared to conventional 32-bit integer units. In this paper, we show that the dot-product instruction can also be used to accelerate matrix-multiplication and polynomial convolution operations, which are commonly found in post-quantum lattice-based cryptographic schemes. In particular, we propose a highly optimized implementation of FrodoKEM, wherein the matrix-multiplication is accelerated by the dot-product instruction. We also present specially designed data structures that allow an efficient implementation of Saber key encapsulation mechanism, utilizing the dot-product instruction to speed-up the polynomial convolution. The proposed FrodoKEM implementation achieves 4.37x higher throughput in terms of key exchange operations per second than the state-of-the-art implementation on V100 GPU. This paper also presents the first implementation of Saber on GPU platforms, achieving 124,418, 120,463, and 31,658 key exchange operations per second on RTX3080, V100, and T4 GPUs, respectively. Since matrix-multiplication and polynomial convolution operations are the most time-consuming operations in lattice-based cryptographic schemes, our proposed techniques are likely to benefit other similar algorithms. The proposed high throughput implementation of KEMs on various GPU platforms allows the heavy computations (KEMs) to be offloaded from the server. This is very useful for many emerging applications like Internet of Things and cloud computing.
Last updated:  2022-02-28
Modeling Large S-box in MILP and a (Related-key) Differential Attack on Full Round PIPO-64/128
Tarun Yadav, Manoj Kumar
Mixed integer linear programming (MILP) based tools are used to estimate the strength of block ciphers against the cryptanalytic attacks. The existing tools use partial difference distribution table (p-DDT) approach to optimize the probability of differential characteristics for large (≥8-bit) S-box based ciphers. We propose to use the full difference distribution table (DDT) with the probability of each possible propagation for MILP modeling of large S-boxes. This requires more than 16 variables to represent the linear inequalities of each propagation and corresponding probabilities. The existing tools (viz. Logic Friday) cannot handle the linear inequalities in more than 16 variables. In this paper, we present a new tool (namely MILES) to minimize the linear inequalities in more than 16 variables. This tool reduces the number of inequalities by minimizing the truth table corresponding to the DDT of S-box. We use our tool to minimize the linear inequalities for 8-bit S-boxes (AES and SKINNY) and get better results than existing tools. We show the application of MILES on 8-bit S-box based lightweight block cipher PIPO. There are 20621 inequalities in 23 variables corresponding to the possible propagations in DDT and these are minimized to 6035 inequalities using MILES. MILP model based on these linear inequalities is used to optimizethe probability of differential characteristics for round-reduced PIPO. MILP model based on these inequalities is used to optimize the probability of differential and impossible differential characteristics for PIPO-64/128 reduced to 9 and 4 rounds respectively. We present an iterative 2-round related-key differential characteristic with the probability of 2^{-4} and that is used to construct a full round related-key differential distinguisher with the probability of 2^{-24}. We present a major collision in PIPO-64/128 which produces the same ciphertext (C) by encrypting the plaintext (P) under two different keys.
Last updated:  2021-12-26
Triplicate functions
Lilya Budaghyan, Ivana Ivkovic, Nikolay Kaleyski
We define the class of triplicate functions as a generalization of 3-to-1 functions over GF(2^n) for even values of n. We investigate the properties and behavior of triplicate functions, and of 3-to-1 among triplicate functions, with particular attention to the conditions under which such functions can be APN. We compute the exact number of distinct differential sets of power APN functions and quadratic 3-to-1 functions; we show that, in this sense, quadratic 3-to-1 functions are a generalization of quadratic power APN functions for even dimensions, while quadratic APN permutations are generalizations of quadratic power APN functions for odd dimensions. We show that quadratic 3-to-1 APN functions cannot be CCZ-equivalent to permutations in the case of doubly-even dimensions. We survey all known infinite families of APN functions with respect to the presence of 3-to-1 functions among them, and conclude that for even n almost all of the known infinite families contain functions that are quadratic 3-to-1 or EA-equivalent to quadratic 3-to-1 functions. We also give a simpler univariate representation of the family recently introduced by Gologlu singly-even dimensions n than the ones currently available in the literature.
Last updated:  2021-10-15
Efficient Threshold-Optimal ECDSA
Michaella Pettit
This paper proposes a threshold-optimal ECDSA scheme based on the first threshold signature scheme by Gennaro et al. with efficient non-interactive signing for any $t+1$ signers in the group, provided the total group size is more than twice the threshold $t$. The scheme does not require any homomorphic encryption or zero-knowledge proofs and is proven to be robust and unforgeable with identifiable aborts tolerating at most $t$ corrupted participants. The security of the scheme is proven in a simulation-based definition, assuming DDH and that ECDSA is existentially unforgeable under chosen message attack. To evaluate the performance of the protocol, it has been implemented in C++ and the results demonstrate the non-interactive signing phase takes 0.12ms on average meaning over 8000 signatures can be created per second. With pre-signing phase, it takes 3.35ms in total, which is over 144 times faster than the current state of the art.
Last updated:  2023-01-10
BlindOR: An Efficient Lattice-Based Blind Signature Scheme from OR-Proofs
Nabil Alkeilani Alkadri, Patrick Harasser, Christian Janson
An OR-proof is a protocol that enables a user to prove the possession of a witness for one of two (or more) statements, without revealing which one. Abe and Okamoto (CRYPTO 2000) used this technique to build a partially blind signature scheme whose security is based on the hardness of the discrete logarithm problem. Inspired by their approach, we present BlindOR, an efficient blind signature scheme from OR-proofs based on lattices over modules. Using OR-proofs allows us to reduce the security of our scheme from the MLWE and MSIS problems, yielding a much more efficient solution compared to previous works.
Last updated:  2023-02-14
Log-$\mathcal{S}$-unit lattices using Explicit Stickelberger Generators to solve Approx Ideal-SVP
Olivier Bernard, Andrea Lesavourey, Tuong-Huy Nguyen, Adeline Roux-Langlois
In 2020, Bernard and Roux-Langlois introduced the Twisted-PHS algorithm to solve Approx-SVP for ideal lattices on any number field, based on the PHS algorithm by Pellet-Mary, Hanrot and Stehlé. They performed experiments for prime conductors cyclotomic fields of degrees at most 70, one of the main bottlenecks being the computation of a log-$\mathcal{S}$-unit lattice which requires subexponential time. Our main contribution is to extend these experiments to cyclotomic fields of degree up to $210$ for most conductors $m$. Building upon new results from Bernard and Kučera on the Stickelberger ideal, we use explicit generators to construct full-rank log-$\mathcal{S}$-unit sublattices fulfilling the role of approximating the full Twisted-PHS lattice. In our best approximate regime, our results show that the Twisted-PHS algorithm outperforms, over our experimental range, the CDW algorithm by Cramer, Ducas and Wesolowski, and sometimes beats its asymptotic volumetric lower bound. Additionally, we use these explicit Stickelberger generators to remove almost all quantum steps in the CDW algorithm, under the mild restriction that the plus part of the class number verifies $h^+_{m}\leq O(\sqrt{m})$.
Last updated:  2021-10-15
MHz2k: MPC from HE over $\mathbb{Z}_{2^k}$ with New Packing, Simpler Reshare, and Better ZKP
Jung Hee Cheon, Dongwoo Kim, Keewoo Lee
We propose a multi-party computation (MPC) protocol over $\mathbb{Z}_{2^k}$ secure against actively corrupted majority from somewhat homomorphic encryption. The main technical contributions are: (i) a new efficient packing method for $\mathbb{Z}_{2^k}$-messages in lattice-based somewhat homomorphic encryption schemes, (ii) a simpler reshare protocol for level-dependent packings, (iii) a more efficient zero-knowledge proof of plaintext knowledge on cyclotomic rings $\mathbb{Z}[X]/\Phi_M(X)$ with $M$ being a prime. Integrating them, our protocol shows from 2.2x upto 4.8x improvements in amortized communication costs compared to the previous best results. Our techniques not only improve the efficiency of MPC over $\mathbb{Z}_{2^k}$ considerably, but also provide a toolkit that can be leveraged when designing other cryptographic primitives over $\mathbb{Z}_{2^k}$.
Last updated:  2021-10-15
ZPiE: Zero-knowledge Proofs in Embedded systems
Xavier Salleras, Vanesa Daza
Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKPs) are cryptographic primitives allowing a party to prove to another party that the former knows some information while keeping it secret. Such a premise can lead to the development of numerous privacy-preserving protocols in different scenarios, like proving knowledge of some credentials to a server without leaking the identity of the user. Even when the applications of ZKPs were endless, they were not exploited in the wild for a couple of decades due to the fact that computing and verifying proofs was too computationally expensive. However, the advent of efficient schemes (in particular, zk-SNARKs) made this primitive to break into the scene in fields like cryptocurrencies, smart-contracts, and more recently, self-sovereign scenarios: private-by-design identity management and authentication. Nevertheless, its adoption in environments like the Internet of Things (IoT) remains unexplored due to the computational limitations of embedded systems. In this paper, we introduce ZPiE, a C library intended to create ZKP applications to be executed in embedded systems. Its main feature is portability: it can be compiled, executed, and used out-of-the-box in a wide variety of devices. Moreover, our proof-of-concept has been proved to work smoothly in different devices with limited resources, which can execute state-of-the-art ZKP authentication protocols.
Last updated:  2021-10-15
Multi-Authority ABE, Revisited
Miguel Ambrona, Romain Gay
Attribute-Based Encryption (ABE) is a cryptographic primitive which supports fine-grained access control on encrypted data, making it an appealing building block for many applications. Multi-Authority Attribute-Based Encryption (MA-ABE) is a generalization of ABE where the central authority is distributed across several independent parties. We provide the first MA-ABE scheme from prime-order pairings where no trusted setup is needed and where the attribute universe of each authority is unbounded. Our constructions rely on a common modular blueprint that uses an Identity-Based Functional Encryption scheme for inner products (ID-IPFE) as an underlying primitive. Our presentation leads to simple proofs of security and brings new insight into the algebraic design choices that seem common to existing schemes. In particular, the well-known MA-ABE construction by Lewko and Waters (EUROCRYPT 2011) can be seen as a specific instantiation of our modular construction. Our schemes enjoy all of their advantageous features, and the improvements mentioned. Furthermore, different instantiations of the core ID-IPFE primitive lead to various security/efficiency trade-offs: we propose an adaptively secure construction proven in the generic group model and a selectively secure one that relies on SXDH. As in previous work, we rely on a hash function (to generate matching randomness for the same user across different authorities while preserving collusion resistance) that is modeled as a random oracle.
Last updated:  2021-10-15
Orca: Blocklisting in Sender-Anonymous Messaging
Nirvan Tyagi, Julia Len, Ian Miers, Thomas Ristenpart
Sender-anonymous end-to-end encrypted messaging allows sending messages to a recipient without revealing the sender’s identity to the messaging platform. Signal recently introduced a sender anonymity feature that includes an abuse mitigation mechanism meant to allow the platform to block malicious senders on behalf of a recipient. We explore the tension between sender anonymity and abuse mitigation. We start by showing limitations of Signal’s deployed mechanism, observing that it results in relatively weak anonymity properties and showing a new griefing attack that allows a malicious sender to drain a victim’s battery. We therefore design a new protocol, called Orca, that allows recipients to register a privacy-preserving blocklist with the platform. Without learning the sender’s identity, the platform can check that the sender is not on the blocklist and that the sender can be identified by the recipient. We construct Orca using a new type of group signature scheme, for which we give formal security notions. Our prototype implementation showcases Orca’s practicality.
Last updated:  2021-10-15
Ofelimos: Combinatorial Optimization via Proof-of-Useful-Work \\ A Provably Secure Blockchain Protocol
Matthias Fitzi, Aggelos Kiayias, Giorgos Panagiotakos, Alexander Russell
Minimizing the energy cost and carbon footprint of the Bitcoin blockchain and related protocols is one of the most widely identified open questions in the cryptocurrency space. Substituting the proof-of-work (PoW) primitive in Nakamoto's longest chain protocol with a {\em proof of useful work} (PoUW) has been long theorized as an ideal solution in many respects but, to this day, the concept still lacks a convincingly secure realization. In this work we put forth Ofelimos, a novel PoUW-based block\-chain protocol whose consensus mechanism simultaneously realizes a decentralized optimization-problem solver. Our protocol is built around a novel local search algorithm, which we call Doubly Parallel Local Search (DPLS), that is especially crafted to suit implementation as the PoUW component of our blockchain protocol. We provide a thorough security analysis of our protocol and additionally present metrics that reflect the usefulness of the system. As an illustrative example we show how DPLS can implement a variant of WalkSAT and experimentally demonstrate its competitiveness with respect to a vanilla WalkSAT implementation. In this way, our work paves the way for safely using blockchain systems as generic optimization engines for a variety of hard optimization problems for which a publicly verifiable solution is desired.
Last updated:  2021-10-15
Cryptanalysis of Efficient Masked Ciphers: Applications to Low Latency
Tim Beyne, Siemen Dhooghe, Amir Moradi, Aein Rezaei Shahmirzadi
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This work introduces second-order masked implementations of LED, Midori, SKINNY, and PRINCE ciphers which do not require fresh masks to be updated at every clock cycle. The main idea lies on a combination of the constructions given by Shahmirzadi and Moradi at CHES~2021, and the theory presented by Beyne et al. at Asiacrypt~2020. The presented masked designs only use a minimal number of shares, i.e., three to achieve second-order security, and we make use of a trick to pair a couple of S-boxes to reduce their latency. The theoretical security analyses of our constructions are based on the linear-cryptanalytic properties of the underlying masked primitive as well as SILVER, the leakage verification tool presented at Asiacrypt~2020. To improve this cryptanalytic analysis, we use the \emph{noisy probing model} which allows for the inclusion of noise in the framework of Beyne et al. We further provide FPGA-based experimental security analysis confirming second-order protection of our masked implementations.
Last updated:  2022-02-16
Fiat-Shamir Transformation of Multi-Round Interactive Proofs
Thomas Attema, Serge Fehr, Michael Klooß
The celebrated Fiat-Shamir transformation turns any public-coin interactive proof into a non-interactive one, which inherits the main security properties (in the random oracle model) of the interactive version. While originally considered in the context of 3-move public-coin interactive proofs, i.e., so-called $\Sigma$-protocols, it is now applied to multi-round protocols as well. Unfortunately, the security loss for a $(2\mu + 1)$-move protocol is, in general, $Q^\mu$, where $Q$ is the number of oracle queries performed by the attacker. In general, this is the best one can hope for, as it is easy to see that this loss applies to the $\mu$-fold sequential repetition of $\Sigma$-protocols, but it raises the question whether certain (natural) classes of interactive proofs feature a milder security loss. In this work, we give positive and negative results on this question. On the positive side, we show that for $(k_1, \ldots, k_\mu)$-special-sound protocols (which cover a broad class of use cases), the knowledge error degrades linearly in $Q$, instead of $Q^\mu$. On the negative side, we show that for $t$-fold \emph{parallel repetitions} of typical $(k_1, \ldots, k_\mu)$-special-sound protocols with $t \geq \mu$ (and assuming for simplicity that $t$ and $Q$ are integer multiples of $\mu$), there is an attack that results in a security loss of approximately~$\frac12 Q^\mu /\mu^{\mu+t}$.
Last updated:  2023-06-06
Phoenix: Secure Computation in an Unstable Network with Dropouts and Comebacks
Ivan Damgård, Daniel Escudero, Antigoni Polychroniadou
We consider the task of designing secure computation protocols in an unstable network where honest parties can drop out at any time, according to a schedule provided by the adversary. This type of setting, where even honest parties are prone to failures, is more realistic than traditional models, and has therefore gained a lot of attention recently. Our model, Phoenix, enables a new approach to secure multiparty computation with dropouts, allowing parties to drop out and re-enter the computation on an adversarially-chosen schedule and without assuming that these parties receive the messages that were sent to them while being offline - features that are not available in the existing models of Sleepy MPC (Guo et al., CRYPTO '19), Fluid MPC (Choudhuri et al., CRYPTO '21 ) and YOSO (Gentry et al. CRYPTO '21). Phoenix does assume an upper bound on the number of rounds that an honest party can be off-line---otherwise protocols in this setting cannot guarantee termination within a bounded number of rounds; however, if one settles for a weaker notion, namely guaranteed output delivery only for honest parties who stay on-line long enough, this requirement is not necessary. In this work, we study the settings of perfect, statistical and computational security and design MPC protocols in each of these scenarios. We assume that the intersection of online-and-honest parties from one round to the next is at least $2t+1$, $t+1$ and $1$ respectively, where $t$ is the number of (actively) corrupt parties. We show the intersection requirements to be optimal. Our (positive) results are obtained in a way that may be of independent interest: we implement a traditional stable network on top of the unstable one, which allows us to plug in \emph{any} MPC protocol on top. This approach adds a necessary overhead to the round count of the protocols, which is related to the maximal number of rounds an honest party can be offline. We also present a novel, perfectly secure MPC protocol in the preprocessing model that avoids this overhead by following a more "direct" approach rather than first building a stable network and then using existing protocols. We introduce our network model in the UC-framework, show that the composition theorem still holds, and prove the security of our protocols within this setting.
Last updated:  2022-08-03
How to Prove Schnorr Assuming Schnorr: Security of Multi- and Threshold Signatures
Elizabeth Crites, Chelsea Komlo, Mary Maller
This work investigates efficient multi-party signature schemes in the discrete logarithm setting. We focus on a concurrent model, in which an arbitrary number of signing sessions may occur in parallel. Our primary contributions are: (1) a modular framework for proving the security of Schnorr multisignature and threshold signature schemes, (2) an optimization of the two-round threshold signature scheme $\mathsf{FROST}$ that we call $\mathsf{FROST2}$, and (3) the application of our framework to prove the security of $\mathsf{FROST2}$ as well as a range of other multi-party schemes. We begin by demonstrating that our framework is applicable to multisignatures. We prove the security of a variant of the two-round $\mathsf{MuSig2}$ scheme with proofs of possession and a three-round multisignature $\mathsf{SimpleMuSig}$. We introduce a novel three-round threshold signature $\mathsf{SimpleTSig}$ and propose an optimization to the two-round $\mathsf{FROST}$ threshold scheme that we call $\mathsf{FROST2}$. $\mathsf{FROST2}$ reduces the number of scalar multiplications required during signing from linear in the number of signers to constant. We apply our framework to prove the security of $\mathsf{FROST2}$ under the one-more discrete logarithm assumption and $\mathsf{SimpleTSig}$ under the discrete logarithm assumption in the programmable random oracle model.
Last updated:  2022-06-14
Information-Combining Differential Fault Attacks on DEFAULT
Marcel Nageler, Christoph Dobraunig, Maria Eichlseder
Differential fault analysis (DFA) is a very powerful attack vector on implementations of symmetric cryptography. Most countermeasures are applied at the implementation level. At ASIACRYPT 2021, Baksi et al. proposed a design strategy that aims to provide inherent cipher level resistance against DFA by using S-boxes with linear structures. They argue that in their instantiation, the block cipher DEFAULT, a DFA adversary can learn at most 64 of the 128 key bits, so the remaining brute-force complexity of $2^{64}$ is impractical. In this paper, we show that a DFA adversary can combine information across rounds to recover the full key, invalidating their security claim. In particular, we observe that such ciphers exhibit large classes of equivalent keys that can be represented efficiently in normalized form using linear equations. We exploit this in combination with the specifics of DEFAULT's strong key schedule to recover the key using less than 100 faulty computation and negligible time complexity. Moreover, we show that even an idealized version of DEFAULT with independent round keys is vulnerable to our information-combining attacks based on normalized keys.
Last updated:  2022-04-19
Highly Efficient OT-Based Multiplication Protocols
Iftach Haitner, Nikolaos Makriyannis, Samuel Ranellucci, Eliad Tsfadia
We present a new OT-based two-party multiplication protocol that is almost as efficient as Gilboa's semi-honest protocol (Crypto '99), but has a high-level of security against malicious adversaries without further compilation. The achieved security suffices for many applications, and, assuming DDH, can be cheaply compiled into full security.
Last updated:  2021-10-12
Arrows in a Quiver: A Secure Certificateless Group Key Distribution Protocol for Drones
Eugene Frimpong, Reyhaneh Rabbaninejad, Antonis Michalas
Drone-based applications continue to garner a lot of attention due to their significant potential in both commercial and non-commercial use. Owing to this increasing popularity, researchers have begun to pay attention to the communication security requirements involved in deploying drone-based applications and services on a large scale, with particular emphasis on group communication. The majority of existing works in this field focus on the use of symmetric key cryptographic schemes or group key agreement schemes. However, in this paper, we propose a pairing-free certificateless group authenticated key distribution protocol for drone-based applications which takes into consideration drones with varying computational resources. The proposed scheme ensures key freshness, group key secrecy, forward secrecy, and backward secrecy while ensuring that the scheme is lightweight enough to be implemented on very resource-constrained drones or smart devices. We extensively prove the security of our scheme and demonstrate its real-world applicability by evaluating its performance on three different kinds of drone boards (UP Xtreme i7 board, SamL11-Xpro board, and a Zolertia Re-mote Revb board).
Last updated:  2024-04-02
A Generic Construction of CCA-secure Attribute-based Encryption with Equality Test
Kyoichi Asano, Keita Emura, Atsushi Takayasu, and Yohei Watanabe
Attribute-based encryption with equality test ($\mathsf{ABEET}$) is an extension of the ordinary attribute-based encryption ($\mathsf{ABE}$), where trapdoors enable us to check whether two ciphertexts are encryptions of the same message. Thus far, several CCA-secure $\mathsf{ABEET}$ schemes have been proposed for monotone span programs satisfying selective security under $q$-type assumptions. In this paper, we propose a generic construction of CCA-secure $\mathsf{ABEET}$ from delegatable $\mathsf{ABE}$. Specifically, our construction is an attribute-based extension of Lee et al.'s generic construction of identity-based encryption with equality test from hierarchical identity-based encryption. Even as far as we know, there are various delegatable $\mathsf{ABE}$ schemes. Therefore, we obtain various $\mathsf{ABEET}$ schemes with new properties that have not been achieved before such as various predicates, adaptive security, standard assumptions, compact ciphertexts/secret keys, and lattice-based constructions. To obtain several pairing-based $\mathsf{ABEET}$ schemes, we explicitly describe how to transform a pair encoding scheme to be delegatable. Moreover, we propose the first pair encoding scheme for key-policy $\mathsf{ABE}$ for non-monotone span programs with compact ciphertexts satisfying relaxed perfect security.
Last updated:  2022-01-26
Masquerade: Verifiable Multi-Party Aggregation with Secure Multiplicative Commitments
Dimitris Mouris, Nektarios Georgios Tsoutsos
In crowd-sourced data aggregation, participants share their data points with curators. However, the lack of privacy guarantees may discourage participation, which motivates the need for privacy-preserving aggregation protocols. Unfortunately, existing solutions do not support public auditing without revealing the participants' data. In real-world applications, there is a need for public verifiability (i.e., verifying the protocol correctness) while preserving the privacy of the participants' inputs since the participants do not always trust the data curator. Likewise, public distributed ledgers (e.g., blockchains) provide public auditing but may reveal sensitive information. We present Masquerade, a novel protocol for computing private statistics, such as sum, average, and histograms without revealing anything about participants' data. We propose a tailored multiplicative commitment scheme to ensure the integrity of data aggregations and publish all the participants' commitments on a ledger to provide public verifiability. We complement our methodology with two zero-knowledge proof protocols that detect potentially untrusted participants who attempt to poison the aggregation results. Thus, Masquerade ensures the validity of shared data points before being aggregated, enabling a broad range of numerical and categorical studies. In our experiments, we evaluate our protocol's runtime and communication overhead using homomorphic ciphertexts and commitments for a variable number of participants.
Last updated:  2021-10-12
Faster Isogenies for Quantum-Safe SIKE
Rami Elkhatib, Brian Koziel, Reza Azarderakhsh
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In the third round of the NIST PQC standardization process, the only isogeny-based candidate, SIKE, suffers from slow performance when compared to other contenders. The large-degree isogeny computation performs a series of isogenous mappings between curves, to account for about 80% of SIKE’s latency. Here, we propose, implement, and evaluate a new method for computing large-degree isogenies of an odd power. Our new strategy for this computation avoids expensive recomputation of temporary isogeny results.We modified open-source libraries targeting x86, ARM64, and ARM32 platforms. Across each of these implementations, our new method achieves 10% and 5% speedups in SIKE’s key encapsulation and decapsulation operations, respectively. Additionally, these implementations use 3% less stack space at only a 48 byte increase in code size. Given the benefit and simplicity of our approach, we recommend this method for current and emerging SIKE implementations.
Last updated:  2023-10-23
Isogeny-based Group Signatures and Accountable Ring Signatures in QROM
Kai-Min Chung, Yao-Ching Hsieh, Mi-Ying Huang, Yu-Hsuan Huang, Tanja Lange, and Bo-Yin Yang
We provide the first isogeny-based group signature (GS) and accountable ring signature (ARS) that are provably secure in the quantum random oracle model (QROM). We do so by building an intermediate primitive called openable sigma protocol and show that every such protocol gives rise to a secure ARS and GS. Additionally, the QROM security is guaranteed if the perfect unique-response property is satisfied. Our design, with the underlying protocol satisfying this essential unique-response property, is sophisticatedly crafted for QROM security. From there, with clever twists to available proving techniques, we obtain the first isogeny-based ARS and GS that are proven QROM-secure. Concurrently, an efficient construction was proposed by Beullens et al. (Eurocrypt 2022), but is only proven secure in the classical random oracle model (ROM). Our proposal seeks stronger QROM security, although it is less efficient due to the signature size quadratically scaling with the ring/group size.
Last updated:  2021-10-17
Hybrid Steganography deployed in hospitals for compression of medical images
Avinash Vijayarangan, K. R. Sekar, R. Srikanth
With the fast-growing technology and emerging innovations in the research arena, privacy and preservation of data predominantly in the medical field are highly essential. At the same time, there is a need for minimized storage of voluminous data in the medical repository. The inspiration for this research work to formulate the hybrid methodologies using improved Steganography, wavelet transform, and lossless compression for privacy and preservation of medical big data images and patient information in the medical big data repositories. The novelty of the work focuses on the preservation of patient’s information using enhanced security and optimized big data image storage, which helps the pharmacology professionals to store double the amount of information in the same storage space of the medical big data repository. The secure storage, fast retrieval of image, and minimum computation are the basic ideology of the work. The research work adopts a fast and optimized approach of the Knight Tour algorithm for embedding the patient’s data in their medical image and a Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) for the safeguarding of the cover image. Furthermore, a lossless wavelet packet compression is applied to minimize the storage size and to maximize storage efficiency. The outcome of the work achieves a higher level of data security without loss in the quality of the image. In addition, the preservation of the reduced size image will be easy to accommodate and can store bountiful images in the repository. A proposed hybrid method of compression in order to get high resolution on spatial and frequency domains will provide an edge.
Last updated:  2021-10-28
Group Signatures and More from Isogenies and Lattices: Generic, Simple, and Efficient
Ward Beullens, Samuel Dobson, Shuichi Katsumata, Yi-Fu Lai, Federico Pintore
We construct an efficient dynamic group signature (or more generally an accountable ring signature) from isogeny and lattice assumptions. Our group signature is based on a simple generic construction that can be instantiated by cryptographically hard group actions such as the CSIDH group action or an MLWE-based group action. The signature is of size $O(\log N)$, where $N$ is the number of users in the group. Our idea builds on the recent efficient OR-proof by Beullens, Katsumata, and Pintore (Asiacrypt'20), where we efficiently add a proof of valid ciphertext to their OR-proof and further show that the resulting non-interactive zero-knowledge proof system is online extractable. Our group signatures satisfy more ideal security properties compared to previously known constructions, while simultaneously having an attractive signature size. The signature size of our isogeny-based construction is an order of magnitude smaller than all previously known post-quantum group signatures (e.g., 6.6 KB for 64 members). In comparison, our lattice-based construction has a larger signature size (e.g., either 126 KB or 89 KB for 64 members depending on the satisfied security property). However, since the $O(\cdot)$-notation hides a very small constant factor, it remains small even for very large group sizes, say $2^{20}$.
Last updated:  2021-10-20
Collusion Resistant Revocable Ring Signatures and Group Signatures from Hard Homogeneous Spaces
Yi-Fu Lai, Samuel Dobson
Both ring signatures and group signatures are useful privacy tools, allowing signers to hide their identities within a set of other public keys, while allowing their signatures to be validated with respect to the entire set. Group signature schemes and revocable ring signature schemes both provide the additional ability for certain authorized members to revoke the anonymity on a signature and reveal the true signer—allowing management of abuse in the scheme. This work consists of two parts. Firstly, we introduce a stronger security notion—collusion resistance—for revocable ring signatures and show how to derive a group signature scheme from it, which provides a new approach to obtaining group signatures. This improves on the existing weak security model (e.g. with selfless anonymity) which fails to guarantee anonymity of members whose keys are exposed. Our stronger notion requires that the scheme remains secure against full key exposure in the anonymity game, and allows collusion among arbitrary members in the revocability game. Secondly (and more concretely), we construct a practical collusion-resistant revocable ring signature scheme based on hard homogenous spaces (HHS), and thus obtain a group signature scheme based on isogenies. To the best of our knowledge, the schemes given in this work are the first efficient post-quantum (collusion-resistant) revocable ring signature scheme, and the first efficient isogeny-based group signature scheme in the literature.
Last updated:  2021-10-12
Non-applicability of the Gaborit&Aguilar-Melchor patent to Kyber and Saber
Vadim Lyubashevsky, Damien Stehlé
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In the context of the NIST post-quantum cryptography project, there have been claims that the Gaborit&Aguilar-Melchor patent could apply to the Kyber and Saber encryption schemes. In this short note, we argue that these claims are in contradiction with the potential validity of the patent.
Last updated:  2021-11-04
On Entropy and Bit Patterns of Ring Oscillator Jitter
Markku-Juhani O. Saarinen
Thermal jitter (phase noise) from a free-running ring oscillator is a common, easily implementable physical randomness source in True Random Number Generators (TRNGs). We show how to evaluate entropy, autocorrelation, and bit pattern distributions of ring oscillator noise sources, even with low jitter levels or some bias. Entropy justification is required in NIST 800-90B and AIS-31 testing and for applications such as the RISC-V entropy source extension. Our numerical evaluation algorithms outperform Monte Carlo simulations in speed and accuracy. We also propose a new lower bound estimation formula for the entropy of ring oscillator sources which applies more generally than previous ones.
Last updated:  2021-10-13
Practical Multiple Persistent Faults Analysis
Hadi Soleimany, Nasour Bagheri, Hosein Hadipour, Prasanna Ravi, Shivam Bhasin, Sara Mansouri
We focus on the multiple persistent faults analysis in this paper to fill existing gaps in its application in a variety of scenarios. Our major contributions are twofold. First, we propose a novel technique to apply persistent fault in the multiple persistent faults setting that decreases the number of survived keys and the required data. We demonstrate that by utilizing 1509 and 1448 ciphertexts, the number of survived keys after performing persistent fault analysis on AES in the presence of eight and sixteen faults can be reduced to only $2^9$ candidates, whereas the best known attacks need 2008 and 1643 ciphertexts, respectively, with a time complexity of $2^{50}$. Second, we develop generalized frameworks for retrieving the key in the ciphertext-only model. Our methods for both performing persistent fault attacks and key-recovery processes are highly flexible and provide a general trade-off between the number of required ciphertexts and the time complexity. To break AES with 16 persistent faults in the Sbox, our experiments show that the number of required ciphertexts can be decreased to 477 while the attack is still practical with respect to the time complexity. To confirm the accuracy of our methods, we performed several simulations as well as experimental validations on the ARM Cortex-M4 microcontroller with electromagnetic fault injection on AES and LED, which are two well-known block ciphers to validate the types of faults and the distribution of the number of faults in practice.
Last updated:  2022-04-05
Plumo: An Ultralight Blockchain Client
Psi Vesely, Kobi Gurkan, Michael Straka, Ariel Gabizon, Philipp Jovanovic, Georgios Konstantopoulos, Asa Oines, Marek Olszewski, Eran Tromer
Syncing the latest state of a blockchain can be a resource-intensive task, driving (especially mobile) end users towards centralized services offering instant access. To expand full decentralized access to anyone with a mobile phone, we introduce a consensus-agnostic compiler for constructing {\em ultralight clients}, providing secure and highly efficient blockchain syncing via a sequence of SNARK-based state transition proofs, and prove its security formally. Instantiating this, we present Plumo, an ultralight client for the Celo blockchain capable of syncing the latest network state summary in just a few seconds even on a low-end mobile phone. In Plumo, each transition proof covers four months of blockchain history and can be produced for just $25 USD of compute. Plumo achieves this level of efficiency thanks to two new SNARK-friendly constructions, which may also be of independent interest: a new BLS-based offline aggregate multisignature scheme in which signers do not have to know the members of their multisignature group in advance, and a new composite algebraic-symmetric cryptographic hash function.
Last updated:  2021-10-12
Updatable Trapdoor SPHFs: Modular Construction of Updatable Zero-Knowledge Arguments and More
Behzad Abdolmaleki, Daniel Slamanig
Recently, motivated by its increased use in real-world applications, there has been a growing interest on the reduction of trust in the generation of the common reference string (CRS) for zero-knowledge (ZK) proofs. This line of research was initiated by the introduction of subversion non-interactive ZK (NIZK) proofs by Bellare et al. (ASIACRYPT'16). Here, the zero-knowledge property needs to hold even in case of a malicious generation of the CRS. Groth et al. (CRYPTO'18) then introduced the notion of updatable zk-SNARKS, later adopted by Lipmaa (SCN'20) to updatable quasi-adaptive NIZK (QA-NIZK) proofs. In contrast to the subversion setting, in the updatable setting one can achieve stronger soundness guarantees at the cost of reintroducing some trust, resulting in a model in between the fully trusted CRS generation and the subversion setting. It is a promising concept, but all previous updatable constructions are ad-hoc and tailored to particular instances of proof systems. Consequently, it is an interesting question whether it is possible to construct updatable ZK primitives in a more modular way from simpler building blocks. In this work we revisit the notion of trapdoor smooth projective hash functions (TSPHFs) in the light of an updatable CRS. TSPHFs have been introduced by Benhamouda et al. (CRYPTO'13) and can be seen as a special type of a 2-round ZK proof system. In doing so, we first present a framework called lighter TSPHFs (L-TSPHFs). Building upon it, we introduce updatable L-TSPHFs as well as instantiations in bilinear groups. We then show how one can generically construct updatable quasi-adaptive zero-knowledge arguments from updatable L-TSPHFs. Our instantiations are generic and more efficient than existing ones. Finally, we discuss applications of (updatable) L-TSPHFs to efficient (updatable) 2-round ZK arguments as well as updatable password-authenticated key-exchange (uPAKE).
Last updated:  2022-05-13
Families of SNARK-friendly 2-chains of elliptic curves
Youssef El Housni, Aurore Guillevic
At CANS’20, El Housni and Guillevic introduced a new 2-chain of pairing-friendly elliptic curves for recursive zero-knowledge Succinct Non-interactive ARguments of Knowledge (zk-SNARKs) made of the former BLS12-377 curve (a Barreto–Lynn–Scott curve over a 377- bit prime field) and the new BW6-761 curve (a Brezing–Weng curve of embedding degree 6 over a 761-bit prime field). First we generalise the curve construction, the pairing formulas (e : G1 × G2 → GT ) and the group operations to any BW6 curve defined on top of any BLS12 curve, forming a family of 2-chain pairing-friendly curves. Second, we investigate other possible 2-chain families made on top of the BLS12 and BLS24 curves. We compare BW6 to Cocks–Pinch curves of higher embedding degrees 8 and 12 (CP8, CP12) at the 128-bit security level. We explicit an optimal ate and optimal Tate pairing on our new CP curves. We show that both for BLS12 and BLS24, the BW6 construction always gives the fastest pairing and curve arithmetic compared to Cocks-Pinch curves. Finally, we suggest a short list of curves suitable for Groth16 and KZG-based universal SNARKs and present an optimized implementation of these curves. Based on Groth16 and PlonK (a KZG- based SNARK) implementations, we obtain that the BLS12-377/BW6-761 pair is optimized for the former while the BLS24-315/BW6-672 pair is optimized for the latter.
Last updated:  2021-10-12
The Hardness of LWE and Ring-LWE: A Survey
David Balbás
The Learning with Errors (LWE) problem consists of distinguishing linear equations with noise from uniformly sampled values. LWE enjoys a hardness reduction from worst-case lattice problems, which are believed to be hard for classical and quantum computers. Besides, LWE allows for the construction of a large variety of cryptographic schemes, including fully-homomorphic encryption and attribute-based cryptosystems. Unfortunately, LWE requires large key sizes and computation times. To improve efficiency, Ring-LWE replaces linear equations with noisy ring products. Nowadays, Ring-LWE and its variants are frequently used in the construction of post-quantum secure cryptosystems. In this survey, we give an overview of the hardness results for LWE and Ring-LWE, aiming to connect both problems and to provide good intuition to the reader. We present a proof of the strongest hardness result for Ring-LWE available the literature, which is a reduction from ideal lattice problems to its decision form. We start by introducing both Ring-LWE and LWE and their mathematical foundations, focusing on lattices and algebraic number theory. Then, we sketch the classical hardness proof for LWE and extend the proof techniques to the ring case. We also introduce informal discussions on parameter choices, weaknesses, related work, and open problems.
Last updated:  2022-12-12
Two-Round Concurrently Secure Two-Party Computation
Behzad Abdolmaleki, Giulio Malavolta, Ahmadreza Rahimi
In this paper, we study the round complexity of concurrently secure computation protocols in the plain model, without random oracles or assuming the presence of a trusted setup. In the plain model, it is well known that concurrently secure two-party computation with polynomial simulation is impossible to achieve in two rounds. For this reason, we focus on the well-studied notion of security with super-polynomial simulation (SPS). Our main result is the first construction of two-round SPS two-party computation for general functionalities in the plain model. Prior to our work, we only knew three-round constructions [Badrinarayanan et al., TCC 2017] and two-round protocols were not known from any computational assumption. As immediate applications, we establish the feasibility result for a series of cryptographic primitives of interest, such as: Two-round password authentication key exchange (PAKE) in the plain model, two-round concurrent blind signature in the plain model, and two round concurrent computation for quantum circuits (2PQC).
Last updated:  2021-10-12
Structural Mutual Information and Its Application
Youliang Tian, Zhiying Zhang, Jinbo Xiong, Jianfeng Ma
Shannon mutual information is an effective method to analyze the information interaction in a point-to-point communication system. However, it cannot solve the problem of channel capacity in graph structure communication system. This problem make it impossible to use traditional mutual information (TMI) to detect the real information and to measure the information embedded in the graph structure. Therefore, measuring the interaction of graph structure and the degree of privacy leakage has become an emerging and challenging issue to be considered. To solve this issue, we propose a novel structural mutual information (SMI) theory based on structure entropy model and the Shannon mutual information theorem, following by the algorithms for solving SMI. The SMI is used to detect the real network structure and measure the degree of private data leakage in the graph structure. Our work expands the channel capacity of Shannon’s second theorem in graph structure, discusses the correlation properties between SMI and TMI, and concludes that SMI satisfies some basic properties, including symmetry, non-negativity, and so on. Finally, theoretical analysis and example demonstration show that the SMI theory is more effective than the traditional privacy measurement methods to measure the information amount embedded in the graph structure and the overall degree of privacy leakage. It provides feasible theoretical support for the privacy protection technology in the graph structure.
Last updated:  2021-10-12
Curve448 on 32-bit ARM Cortex-M4
Hwajeong Seo, Reza Azarderakhsh
Public key cryptography is widely used in key exchange and digital signature protocols. Public key cryptography requires expensive primitive operations, such as finite-field and group operations. These finite-field and group operations require a number of clock cycles to exe- cute. By carefully optimizing these primitive operations, public key cryp- tography can be performed with reasonably fast execution timing. In this paper, we present the new implementation result of Curve448 on 32-bit ARM Cortex-M4 microcontrollers. We adopted state-of-art implementa- tion methods, and some previous methods were re-designed to fully uti- lize the features of the target microcontrollers. The implementation was also performed with constant timing by utilizing the features of micro- controllers and algorithms. Finally, the scalar multiplication of Curve448 on 32-bit ARM Cortex-M4@168MHz microcontrollers requires 6,285,904 clock cycles. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first optimized im- plementation of Curve448 on 32-bit ARM Cortex-M4 microcontrollers. The result is also compared with other ECC and post-quantum cryptog- raphy (PQC) implementations. The proposed ECC and the-state-of-art PQC results show the practical usage of hybrid post-quantum TLS on the target processor.
Last updated:  2021-10-12
SoK: On the Security of Cryptographic Problems from Linear Algebra
Carl Bootland, Wouter Castryck, Alan Szepieniec, Frederik Vercauteren
There are two main aims to this paper. Firstly, we survey the relevant existing attack strategies known to apply to the most commonly used lattice-based cryptographic problems as well as to a number of their variants. In particular, we consider attacks against problems in the style of LWE, SIS and NTRU defined over rings of the form $\mathbb{Z}[X]/(f(X), g(X))$, where classically $g(X) = q$ is an integer modulus. We also include attacks on variants which use only large integer arithmetic, corresponding to the degree one case $g(X) = X - c$. Secondly, for each of these approaches we investigate whether they can be generalised to the case of a polynomial modulus $g(X)$ having degree larger than one, thus addressing the security of the generalised cryptographic problems from linear algebra introduced by Bootland et al. We find that some attacks readily generalise to a wide range of parameters while others require very specific conditions to be met in order to work.
Last updated:  2021-10-12
Noise-Tolerant Quantum Tokens for MAC
Amit Behera, Or Sattath, Uriel Shinar
Message Authentication Code or MAC, is a well-studied cryptographic primitive that is used in order to authenticate communication between two parties sharing a secret key. A Tokenized MAC or TMAC is a related cryptographic primitive, introduced by Ben-David & Sattath (QCrypt'17) which allows limited signing authority to be delegated to third parties via the use of single-use quantum signing tokens. These tokens can be issued using the secret key, such that each token can be used to sign at most one document. We provide an elementary construction for TMAC based on BB84 states. Our construction can tolerate up to 14% noise, making it the first noise-tolerant TMAC construction. The simplicity of the quantum states required for our construction combined with its noise tolerance, makes it practically more feasible than the previous TMAC construction. The TMAC is existentially unforgeable against adversaries with signing and verification oracles (i.e., analogous to EUF-CMA security for MAC), assuming post-quantum one-way functions exist.
Last updated:  2021-10-07
A Thorough Treatment of Highly-Efficient NTRU Instantiations
Julien Duman, Kathrin Hövelmanns, Eike Kiltz, Vadim Lyubashevsky, Gregor Seiler, Dominique Unruh
Cryptography based on the hardness of lattice problems over polynomial rings currently provides the most practical solution for public key encryption in the quantum era. The first encryption scheme utilizing properties of polynomial rings was NTRU (ANTS '98), but in the recent decade, most research has focused on constructing schemes based on the hardness of the somewhat related Ring/Module-LWE problem. Indeed, 14 out of the 17 encryption schemes based on the hardness of lattice problems in polynomial rings submitted to the first round of the NIST standardization process used some version of Ring/Module-LWE, with the other three being based on NTRU. The preference for using Ring/Module-LWE is due to the fact that this problem is at least as hard as NTRU, is more flexible in the algebraic structure due to the fact that no polynomial division is necessary, and that the decryption error is independent of the message. And indeed, the practical NTRU encryption schemes in the literature generally lag their Ring/Module-LWE counterparts in either compactness or speed, or both. In this paper, we put the efficiency of NTRU-based schemes on equal (even slightly better, actually) footing with their Ring/Module-LWE counterparts. We provide several instantiations and transformations, with security given in the ROM and the QROM, that detach the decryption error from the message, thus eliminating the adversary's power to have any effect on it, which ultimately allows us to decrease parameter sizes. The resulting schemes are on par, compactness-wise, with their counterparts based on Ring/Module-LWE. Performance-wise, the NTRU schemes instantiated in this paper over NTT-friendly rings of the form $Z_q[X]/(X^d-X^{d/2}+1)$ are the fastest of all public key encryption schemes, whether quantum-safe or not. When compared to the NIST finalist NTRU-HRSS-701, our scheme is $15\%$ more compact and has a $15$X improvement in the round-trip time of ephemeral key exchange, with key generation being $35$X faster, encapsulation being $6$X faster, and decapsulation enjoying a $9$X speedup.
Last updated:  2021-10-07
Faster Lattice-Based KEMs via a Generic Fujisaki-Okamoto Transform Using Prefix Hashing
Julien Duman, Eike Kiltz, Kathrin Hövelmanns, Vadim Lyubashevsky, Gregor Seiler
Constructing an efficient CCA-secure KEM is generally done by first constructing a passively-secure PKE scheme, and then applying the Fujisaki-Okamoto (FO) transformation. The original FO transformation was designed to offer security in a single user setting. A stronger notion, known as multi-user security, considers the attacker's advantage in breaking one of many user's ciphertexts. Bellare et al.~(EUROCRYPT 2020) showed that standard single user security implies multi-user security with a multiplicative tightness gap equivalent to the number of users. To obtain even more confidence in the security of KEMs in the multi-user setting, it is a common design paradigm to also ``domain separate'' the random oracles of each user by including his public key as an input to the hash function. We are not aware of any formal analysis of this technique, but it was at least informally thought to be a computationally cheap way to add security. This design principle was carried over into the FO transformations used by several schemes in the NIST post-quantum standardization effort -- notably the lattice-based schemes Kyber and Saber, which are two of the four KEM finalists. In this work, we formally analyze domain separation in the context of the FO transformation in the multi-user setting. We first show that including the public key in the hash function is indeed important for the tightness of the security reductions in the ROM and the QROM. At the same time, we show that including the \emph{entire} public key into the hash function is unnecessarily wasteful -- it is enough to include just a small (e.g. $32$ byte) unpredictable part of the key to achieve the same security. Reducing the input of the hash function results in a very noticeable improvement in the running time of the lattice-based KEMs. In particular, using this generic transform results in a 2X - 3X speed-up over the current (Round 3) key generation and encapsulation procedures in Kyber, and up to a $40\%$ improvement in the same functions in Saber.
Last updated:  2021-10-07
Generalized Proof of Liabilities
Yan Ji, Konstantinos Chalkias
Proof of liabilities (PoL) allows a prover to prove his/her liabilities to a group of verifiers. This is a cryptographic primitive once used only for proving financial solvency but is also applicable to domains outside finance, including transparent and private donations, new algorithms for disapproval voting and publicly verifiable official reports such as COVID-19 daily cases. These applications share a common nature in incentives: it's not in the prover's interest to increase his/her total liabilities. We generalize PoL for these applications by attempting for the first time to standardize the goals it should achieve from security, privacy and efficiency perspectives. We also propose DAPOL+, a concrete PoL scheme extending the state-of-the-art DAPOL protocol but providing provable security and privacy, with benchmark results demonstrating its practicality. In addition, we explore techniques to provide additional features that might be desired in different applications of PoL and measure the asymptotic probability of failure.
Last updated:  2021-12-21
Updatable Private Set Intersection
Saikrishna Badrinarayanan, Peihan Miao, Tiancheng Xie
Private set intersection (PSI) allows two mutually distrusting parties each with a set as input, to learn the intersection of both their sets without revealing anything more about their respective input sets. Traditionally, PSI studies the static setting where the computation is performed only once on both parties' input sets. We initiate the study of updatable private set intersection (UPSI), which allows parties to compute the intersection of their private sets on a regular basis with sets that also constantly get updated. We consider two specific settings. In the first setting called UPSI with addition, parties can add new elements to their old sets. We construct two protocols in this setting, one allowing both parties to learn the output and the other only allowing one party to learn the output. In the second setting called UPSI with weak deletion, parties can additionally delete their old elements every $t$ days. We present a protocol for this setting allowing both parties to learn the output. All our protocols are secure against semi-honest adversaries and have the guarantee that both the computational and communication complexity only grow with the set updates instead of the entire sets. Finally, we implement our UPSI with addition protocols and compare with the state-of-the-art PSI protocols. Our protocols compare favorably when the total set size is sufficiently large, the new updates are sufficiently small, or in networks with low bandwidth.
Last updated:  2022-05-16
Beyond quadratic speedups in quantum attacks on symmetric schemes
Xavier Bonnetain, André Schrottenloher, Ferdinand Sibleyras
In this paper, we report the first quantum key-recovery attack on a symmetric block cipher design, using classical queries only, with a more than quadratic time speedup compared to the best classical attack. We study the 2XOR-Cascade construction of Ga{\v{z}}i and Tessaro (EUROCRYPT~2012). It is a key length extension technique which provides an n-bit block cipher with 5n/2 bits of security out of an n-bit block cipher with 2n bits of key, with a security proof in the ideal model. We show that the offline-Simon algorithm of Bonnetain et al. (ASIACRYPT~2019) can be extended to, in particular, attack this construction in quantum time Õ(2^n), providing a 2.5 quantum speedup over the best classical attack. Regarding post-quantum security of symmetric ciphers, it is commonly assumed that doubling the key sizes is a sufficient precaution. This is because Grover's quantum search algorithm, and its derivatives, can only reach a quadratic speedup at most. Our attack shows that the structure of some symmetric constructions can be exploited to overcome this limit. In particular, the 2XOR-Cascade cannot be used to generically strengthen block ciphers against quantum adversaries, as it would offer only the same security as the block cipher itself.
Last updated:  2021-10-07
TOTA: Fully Homomorphic Encryption with Smaller Parameters and Stronger Security
Zhaomin Yang, Xiang Xie, Huajie Shen, Shiying Chen, Jun Zhou
We present fully homomorphic encryption schemes for fixed-point arithmetic with fixed precision. Our scheme achieves $\mathsf{IND}$-$\mathsf{CPA^D}$ security and uses $\mathsf{RLWE}$ ring with dimension ${2^{13}}$ or less. Our techniques could also be extended to construct fully homomorphic encryption schemes for approximate numbers with $\mathsf{IND}$-$\mathsf{CPA}$ security. The bootstrapping process of our $\mathsf{IND}$-$\mathsf{CPA}$ scheme preserves about 39-bit precision with ring dimension $2^{13}$, which is the first construction that preserves high precision while keeping the parameters small. The core technique in this paper is a new and efficient functional bootstrapping algorithm that avoids the negacyclicity constraint of the evaluated functions, which enables us to extract bits blocks homomorphically. This new functional bootstrapping algorithm could be applied to BFV and TFHE schemes as well, and is of independent interest.
Last updated:  2021-10-07
WeStat: a Privacy-Preserving Mobile Data Usage Statistics System
Sébastien Canard, Nicolas Desmoulins, Sébastien Hallay, Adel Hamdi, Dominique Le Hello
The preponderance of smart devices, such as smartphones, has boosted the development and use of mobile applications (apps) in the recent years. This prevalence induces a large volume of mobile app usage data. The analysis of such information could lead to a better understanding of users' behaviours in using the apps they have installed, even more if these data can be coupled with a given context (location, time, date, sociological data...). However, mobile and apps usage data are very sensitive, and are today considered as personal. Their collection and use pose serious concerns associated with individuals' privacy. To reconcile harnessing of data and privacy of users, we investigate in this paper the possibility to conduct privacy-preserving mobile data usage statistics that will prevent any inference or re-identification risks. The key idea is for each user to encrypt their (private and sensitive) inputs before sending them to the data processor. The possibility to perform statistics on those data is then possible thanks to the use of functional encryption, a cryptographic building block permitting to perform some allowed operations over encrypted data. In this paper, we first show how it is possible to obtain such individuals' usage of their apps, which step is necessary for our use case, but can at the same time pose some security problems w.r.t. those apps. We then design our new encryption scheme, adding some fault tolerance property to a recent dynamic decentralized function encryption scheme. We finally show how we have implemented all that, and give some benchmarks.
Last updated:  2021-11-22
New Attacks on LowMC instances with a Single Plaintext/Ciphertext pair
Subhadeep Banik, Khashayar Barooti, Serge Vaudenay, Hailun Yan
Cryptanalysis of the LowMC block cipher when the attacker has access to a single known plaintext/ciphertext pair is a mathematically challenging problem. This is because the attacker is unable to employ most of the standard techniques in symmetric cryptography like linear and differential cryptanalysis. This scenario is particularly relevant while arguing the security of the \picnic digital signature scheme in which the plaintext/ciphertext pair generated by the LowMC block cipher serves as the public (verification) key and the corresponding LowMC encryption key also serves as the secret (signing) key of the signature scheme. In the paper by Banik et al. (IACR ToSC 2020:4), the authors used a linearization technique of the LowMC S-box to mount attacks on some instances of the block cipher. In this paper, we first make a more precise complexity analysis of the linearization attack. Then, we show how to perform a 2-stage MITM attack on LowMC. The first stage reduces the key candidates corresponding to a fraction of key bits of the master key. The second MITM stage between this reduced candidate set and the remaining fraction of key bits successfully recovers the master key. We show that the combined computational complexity of both these stages is significantly lower than those reported in the ToSC paper by Banik et al.
Last updated:  2021-10-14
Racing BIKE: Improved Polynomial Multiplication and Inversion in Hardware
Jan Richter-Brockmann, Ming-Shing Chen, Santosh Ghosh, Tim Güneysu
BIKE is a Key Encapsulation Mechanism selected as an alternate candidate in NIST’s PQC standardization process, in which performance plays a significant role in the third round. This paper presents FPGA implementations of BIKE with the best area-time performance reported in literature. We optimize two key arithmetic operations, which are the sparse polynomial multiplication and the polynomial inversion. Our sparse multiplier achieves time-constancy for sparse polynomials of indefinite Hamming weight used in BIKE’s encapsulation. The polynomial inversion is based on the extended Euclidean algorithm, which is unprecedented in current BIKE implementations. Our optimized design results in a 5.5 times faster key generation compared to previous implementations based on Fermat’s little theorem. Besides the arithmetic optimizations, we present a united hardware design of BIKE with shared resources and shared sub-modules among KEM functionalities. On Xilinx Artix-7 FPGAs, our light-weight implementation consumes only 3 777 slices and performs a key generation, encapsulation, and decapsulation in 3 797 µs, 443 µs, and 6 896 µs, respectively. Our high-speed design requires 7 332 slices and performs the three KEM operations in 1 672 µs, 132 µs, and 1 892 µs, respectively.
Last updated:  2022-09-08
A Non-heuristic Approach to Time-space Tradeoffs and Optimizations for BKW
Hanlin Liu, Yu Yu
Blum, Kalai and Wasserman (JACM 2003) gave the first sub-exponential algorithm to solve the Learning Parity with Noise (LPN) problem. In particular, consider the LPN problem with constant noise $\mu=(1-\gamma)/2$. The BKW solves it with space complexity $2^{\frac{(1+\epsilon)n}{\log n}}$ and time/sample complexity $2^{\frac{(1+\epsilon)n}{\log n}}\cdot 2^{O(n^{\frac{1}{1+\epsilon}})}$ for small constant $\epsilon\to 0^+$. We propose a variant of the BKW by tweaking Wagner's generalized birthday problem (Crypto 2002) and adapting the technique to a $c$-ary tree structure. In summary, our algorithm achieves the following: (Time-space tradeoff). We obtain the same time-space tradeoffs for LPN and LWE as those given by Esser et al. (Crypto 2018), but without resorting to any heuristics. For any $2\leq c\in\mathbb{N}$, our algorithm solves the LPN problem with time/sample complexity $2^{\frac{\log c(1+\epsilon)n}{\log n}}\cdot 2^{O(n^{\frac{1}{1+\epsilon}})}$ and space complexity $2^{\frac{\log c(1+\epsilon)n}{(c-1)\log n}}$, where one can use Grover's quantum algorithm or Dinur et al.'s dissection technique (Crypto 2012) to further accelerate/optimize the time complexity. (Time/sample optimization). A further adjusted variant of our algorithm solves the LPN problem with sample, time and space complexities all kept at $2^{\frac{(1+\epsilon)n}{\log n}}$ for $\epsilon\to 0^+$, saving factor $2^{\Omega(n^{\frac{1}{1+\epsilon}})}$ in time/sample compared to the original BKW, and the variant of Devadas et al. (TCC 2017). This benefits from a careful analysis of the error distribution among the correlated candidates, and therefore avoids repeating the same process $2^{\Omega(n^{\frac{1}{1+\epsilon}})}$ times on fresh new samples. (Sample reduction) Our algorithm provides an alternative to Lyubashevsky's BKW variant (RANDOM 2005) for LPN with a restricted amount of samples. In particular, given $Q=n^{1+\epsilon}$ (resp., $Q=2^{n^{\epsilon}}$) samples, our algorithm saves a factor of $2^{\Omega(n)/(\log n)^{1-\kappa}}$ (resp., $2^{\Omega(n^{\kappa})}$) for constant $\kappa \to 1^-$ in running time while consuming roughly the same space, compared with Lyubashevsky's algorithm. We seek to bridge the gaps between theoretical and heuristic LPN solvers, but take a different approach from Devadas et al. (TCC 2017). We exploit weak yet sufficient conditions (e.g., pairwise independence), and the analysis uses only elementary tools (e.g., Chebyshev's inequality).
Last updated:  2022-02-28
Efficient Functional Commitments: How to Commit to a Private Function
Dan Boneh, Wilson Nguyen, Alex Ozdemir
We construct efficient (function hiding) functional commitments for arithmetic circuits of polynomial size. A (function hiding) functional commitment scheme enables a \textit{committer} to commit to a secret function $f$ and later prove that $y = f(x)$ for public $x$ and $y$ without revealing any other information about $f$. As such, functional commitments allow the operator of a secret process to prove that the process is being applied uniformly to everyone. For example, one can commit to the secret function that computes credit scores and then prove that it is applied uniformly to all. To build a functional commitment scheme, we introduce a new primitive called a proof of function relation (PFR) to show that a committed relation is a function. We show that combining a suitable preprocessing zk-SNARK (or more precisely, an Algebraic Holographic Proof) with a PFR yields a secure functional commitment scheme. We then construct efficient PFRs for two popular preprocessing zk-SNARKs, and obtain two functional commitment schemes for arithmetic circuits. Along the way we develop new techniques for proving interesting properties of committed polynomials, which may be of independent interest.
Last updated:  2022-09-15
Anonymous Whistleblowing over Authenticated Channels
Thomas Agrikola, Geoffroy Couteau, Sven Maier
The goal of anonymous whistleblowing is to publicly disclose a message while at the same time hiding the identity of the sender in a way that even if suspected of being the sender, this cannot be proven. While many solutions to this problem have been proposed over the years, they all require some form of interaction with trusted or non-colluding parties. In this work, we ask whether this is fundamentally inherent. We put forth the notion of anonymous transfer as a primitive allowing to solve this problem without relying on any participating trusted parties. We initiate the theoretical study of this question, and derive negative and positive results on the existence of such a protocol. We refute the feasibility of asymptotically secure anonymous transfer, where the message will be received with overwhelming probability while at the same time the identity of the sender remains hidden with overwhelming probability. On the other hand, resorting to fine-grained cryptography, we provide a heuristic instantiation (assuming ideal obfuscation) which guarantees that the message will be correctly received with overwhelming probability and the identity of the sender leaks with vanishing probability. Our results provide strong foundations for the study of the possibility of anonymous communications through authenticated channels, an intriguing goal which we believe to be of fundamental interest.
Last updated:  2022-11-29
TEDT2 - Highly Secure Leakage-resilient TBC-based Authenticated Encryption
Eik List
Leakage-resilient authenticated encryption (AE) schemes received considerable attention during the previous decade. Two core security models of bounded and unbounded leakage have evolved, where the latter has been motivated in a very detailed and practice-oriented manner. In that setting, designers often build schemes based on (tweakable) block ciphers due to the small state size, such as the recent two-pass AE scheme TEDT from TCHES 1/2020. TEDT is interesting due to its high security guarantees of O(n - log(n^2))-bit integrity under leakage and similar AE security in the black-box setting. Though, a detail limited it to provide only n/2-bit privacy under leakage. In this work, we extend TEDT to TEDT2 in three aspects with the help of a tweakable block cipher with a 3n-bit tweakey: we (1) adopt the idea from the design team of Romulus of replacing TEDT's previous internal hash function with Naito's MDPH, (2) move the nonce from the hash to the tag-generation function both for more efficiency, and (3) strengthen the security of the encryption to obtain beyond-birthday-bound security also under leakage.
Last updated:  2021-10-05
Safe-Error Analysis of Post-Quantum Cryptography Mechanisms
Luk Bettale, Simon Montoya, Guénaël Renault
The NIST selection process for standardizing Post-Quantum Cryptography Mechanisms is currently running. Many papers already studied their theoretical security, but the resistance in deployed device has not been much investigated so far. In particular, fault attack is a serious threat for algorithms implemented in embedded devices. One particularly powerful technique is to use safe-error attacks. Such attacks exploit the fact that a specific fault may or may not lead to a faulty output depending on a secret value. In this paper, we investigate the resistance of various Post-Quantum candidates algorithms against such attacks.
Last updated:  2021-11-02
Embedded Multilayer Equations: a New Hard Problem for Constructing Post-Quantum Signatures Smaller than RSA (without Hardness Assumption)
Dongxi Liu
We propose a new hard problem, called the Embedded Multilayer Equations (eMLE) problem in this paper. An example of eMLE, with one secret variable x and three layers, is given below. 6268 = 57240 * x + (1248 * x + (9 * x mod 16) mod 2053) mod 65699 In this example, the eMLE problem is to find x from the above equation. eMLE in this paper has the same number of variables and equations. The hardness of eMLE problem lies in its layered structure. Without knowing the eMLE value of lower layer (i.e., the layer with modulus 2053), the top layer (i.e., the layer with modulus 65699) has many candidate solutions; the adversary has to search the solution space for a few valid ones. A lower-bound for the number of searches has been proven in the paper, together with the expected number of valid solutions. The hardness of eMLE can be increased by adding more layers, without changing the number of variables and equations; no existing NP-complete problems have this feature. Over the hardness of eMLE, a post-quantum signature scheme, eMLE-Sig, is constructed. Compared with all existing signature schemes (conventional and post-quantum), eMLE-Sig might be the simplest to understand, analyze, instantiate, and implement. At the security level above 128 bits, five configurations are provided; all of them have keys and signatures smaller than RSA keys and signatures (above 380 bytes) at the 128-bit security level. The smallest configuration is with two variables and three layers, having 84.1/52.2 bytes for private/public key and 168.4 bytes for signatures.
Last updated:  2022-09-17
Large-Precision Homomorphic Sign Evaluation using FHEW/TFHE Bootstrapping
Zeyu Liu, Daniele Micciancio, Yuriy Polyakov
A comparison of two encrypted numbers is an important operation needed in many machine learning applications, for example, decision tree or neural network inference/training. An efficient instantiation of this operation in the context of fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) can be challenging, especially when a relatively high precision is sought. The conventional FHE way of evaluating the comparison operation, which is based on the sign function evaluation using FHEW/TFHE bootstrapping (often referred in literature as programmable bootstrapping), can only support very small precision (practically limited to 4-5 bits or so). For higher precision, the runtime complexity scales linearly with the ciphertext (plaintext) modulus (i.e., exponentially with the modulus bit size). We propose sign function evaluation algorithms that scale logarithmically with the ciphertext (plaintext) modulus, enabling the support of large-precision comparison in practice. Our sign evaluation algorithms are based on an iterative use of homomorphic floor function algorithms, which are also derived in our work. Further, we generalize our procedures for floor function evaluation to arbitrary function evaluation, which can be used to support both small plaintext moduli (directly) and larger plaintext moduli (by using a homomorphic digit decomposition algorithm, also suggested in our work). We implement all these algorithms using the PALISADE lattice cryptography library, introducing several implementation-specific optimizations along the way, and discuss our experimental results.
Last updated:  2022-07-07
Improved Computational Extractors and their Applications
Dakshita Khurana, Akshayaram Srinivasan
Recent exciting breakthroughs, starting with the work of Chattopadhyay and Zuckerman (STOC 2016) have achieved the first two-source extractors that operate in the low min-entropy regime. Unfortunately, these constructions suffer from non-negligible error, and reducing the error to negligible remains an important open problem. In recent work, Garg, Kalai, and Khurana (GKK, Eurocrypt 2020) investigated a meaningful relaxation of this problem to the computational setting, in the presence of a common random string (CRS). In this relaxed model, their work built explicit two-source extractors for a restricted class of unbalanced sources with min-entropy $n^{\gamma}$ (for some constant $\gamma$) and negligible error, under the sub-exponential DDH assumption. In this work, we investigate whether computational extractors in the CRS model be applied to more challenging environments. Specifically, we study network extractor protocols (Kalai et al., FOCS 2008) and extractors for adversarial sources (Chattopadhyay et al., STOC 2020) in the CRS model. We observe that these settings require extractors that work well for balanced sources, making the GKK results inapplicable. We remedy this situation by obtaining the following results, all of which are in the CRS model and assume the sub-exponential hardness of DDH. - We obtain ``optimal'' computational two-source and non-malleable extractors for balanced sources: requiring both sources to have only poly-logarithmic min-entropy, and achieving negligible error. To obtain this result, we perform a tighter and arguably simpler analysis of the GKK extractor. - We obtain a single-round network extractor protocol for poly-logarithmic min-entropy sources that tolerates an optimal number of adversarial corruptions. Prior work in the information-theoretic setting required sources with high min-entropy rates, and in the computational setting had round complexity that grew with the number of parties, required sources with linear min-entropy, and relied on exponential hardness (albeit without a CRS). - We obtain an ``optimal'' {\em adversarial source extractor} for poly-logarithmic min-entropy sources, where the number of honest sources is only 2 and each corrupted source can depend on either one of the honest sources. Prior work in the information-theoretic setting had to assume a large number of honest sources.
Last updated:  2021-10-06
Integer Functions Suitable for Homomorphic Encryption over Finite Fields
Ilia Iliashenko, Christophe Nègre, Vincent Zucca
Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) gives the ability to evaluate any function over encrypted data. However, despite numerous improvements during the last decade, the computational overhead caused by homomorphic computations is still very important. As a consequence, optimizing the way of performing the computations homomorphically remains fundamental. Several popular FHE schemes such as BGV and BFV encode their data, and thus perform their computations, in finite fields. In this work, we study and exploit algebraic relations occurring in prime characteristic allowing to speed-up the homomorphic evaluation of several functions over prime fields. More specifically we give several examples of unary functions: "modulo", "is power of $b$", "Hamming weight" and "Mod2'" whose homomorphic evaluation complexity over $\mathbb{F}_p$ can be reduced from the generic bound $\sqrt{2p} + \mathcal{O}(\log(p))$ homomorphic multiplications, to $\sqrt{p} + \mathcal{O}(\log(p))$, $\mathcal{O}(\log (p))$, $\mathcal{O}(\sqrt{p/\log (p)})$ and $\mathcal{O}(\sqrt{p/\log (p)})$ respectively. Additionally we provide a proof of a recent claim regarding the structure of the polynomial interpolation of the "less-than" bivariate function which confirms that this function can be evaluated in $2p-6$ homomorphic multiplications instead of $3p-5$ over $\mathbb{F}_p$ for $p\geq 5$.
Last updated:  2021-10-05
Indistinguishability Obfuscation from LPN over F_p, DLIN, and PRGs in NC^0
Aayush Jain, Huijia Lin, Amit Sahai
In this work, we study what minimal sets of assumptions suffice for constructing indistinguishability obfuscation ($i\mathcal{O}$). We prove: {\bf Theorem}(Informal): Assume sub-exponential security of the following assumptions: - the Learning Parity with Noise ($\mathsf{LPN}$) assumption over general prime fields $\mathbb{F}_p$ with polynomially many $\mathsf{LPN}$ samples and error rate $1/k^\delta$, where $k$ is the dimension of the $\mathsf{LPN}$ secret, and $\delta>0$ is any constant; - the existence of a Boolean Pseudo-Random Generator ($\mathsf{PRG}$) in $\mathsf{NC}^0$ with stretch $n^{1+\tau}$, where $n$ is the length of the $\mathsf{PRG}$ seed, and $\tau>0$ is any constant; - the Decision Linear ($\mathsf{DLIN}$) assumption on symmetric bilinear groups of prime order. Then, (subexponentially secure) indistinguishability obfuscation for all polynomial-size circuits exists. Further, assuming only polynomial security of the aforementioned assumptions, there exists collusion resistant public-key functional encryption for all polynomial-size circuits.} This removes the reliance on the Learning With Errors (LWE) assumption from the recent work of [Jain, Lin, Sahai STOC'21]. As a consequence, we obtain the first fully homomorphic encryption scheme that does not rely on any lattice-based hardness assumption. Our techniques feature a new notion of randomized encoding called Preprocessing Randomized Encoding (PRE) that, essentially, can be computed in the exponent of pairing groups. When combined with other new techniques, PRE gives a much more streamlined construction of $\iO$ while still maintaining reliance only on well-studied assumptions.
Last updated:  2021-10-05
Paradoxical Compression with Verifiable Delay Functions
Thomas Pornin
Lossless compression algorithms such as DEFLATE strive to reliably process arbitrary inputs, while achieving compressed sizes as low as possible for commonly encountered data inputs. It is well-known that it is mathematically impossible for a compression algorithm to simultaneously achieve non-trivial compression on some inputs (i.e. compress these inputs into strictly shorter outputs) and to never expand any other input (i.e. guaranteeing that all inputs will be compressed into an output which is no longer than the input); this is a direct application of the "pigeonhole principle". Despite their mathematical impossibility, we show in this paper how to build such paradoxical compression and decompression algorithms, with the aid of some tools from cryptography, notably verifiable delay functions, and, of course, by slightly cheating.
Last updated:  2022-09-19
On the Lattice Isomorphism Problem, Quadratic Forms, Remarkable Lattices, and Cryptography
Léo Ducas, Wessel van Woerden
A natural and recurring idea in the knapsack/lattice cryptography literature is to start from a lattice with remarkable decoding capability as your private key, and hide it somehow to make a public key. This is also how the code-based encryption scheme of McEliece (1978) proceeds. This idea has never worked out very well for lattices: ad-hoc approaches have been proposed, but they have been subject to ad-hoc attacks, using tricks beyond lattice reduction algorithms. On the other hand the framework offered by the Short Integer Solution (SIS) and Learning With Errors (LWE) problems, while convenient and well founded, remains frustrating from a coding perspective: the underlying decoding algorithms are rather trivial, with poor decoding performance. In this work, we provide generic realizations of this natural idea (independently of the chosen remarkable lattice) by basing cryptography on the lattice isomorphism problem (LIP). More specifically, we provide: - a worst-case to average-case reduction for search-LIP and distinguish-LIP within an isomorphism class, by extending techniques of Haviv and Regev (SODA 2014). - a zero-knowledge proof of knowledge (ZKPoK) of an isomorphism. This implies an identification scheme based on search-LIP. - a key encapsulation mechanism (KEM) scheme and a hash-then-sign signature scheme, both based on distinguish-LIP. The purpose of this approach is for remarkable lattices to improve the security and performance of lattice-based cryptography. For example, decoding within poly-logarithmic factor from Minkowski's bound in a remarkable lattice would lead to a KEM resisting lattice attacks down to poly-logarithmic approximation factor, provided that the dual lattice is also close to Minkowski's bound. Recent works have indeed reached such decoders for certain lattices (Chor-Rivest, Barnes-Sloan), but these do not perfectly fit our need as their duals have poor minimal distance.
Last updated:  2021-10-05
Communicating Through Subliminal-Free Signatures
George Teseleanu
By exploiting the inherent randomness used by certain digital signature protocols, subliminal channels can subvert these protocols without degrading their security. Due to their nature, these channels cannot be easily detected by an outside observer. Therefore, they pose a severe challenge for protocol designers. More precisely, designers consider certain assumptions implicitly, but in reality these assumptions turn out to be false or cannot be enforced or verified. In this paper we exemplify exactly such a situation by presenting several subliminal channels with a small capacity in Zhang et al. and Dong et al.'s subliminal-free signature protocols.
Last updated:  2022-04-27
On the security of ECDSA with additive key derivation and presignatures
Jens Groth, Victor Shoup
Two common variations of ECDSA signatures are additive key derivation and presignatures. Additive key derivation is a simple mechanism for deriving many subkeys from a single master key, and is already widely used in cryptocurrency applications with the Hierarchical Deterministic Wallet mechanism standardized in Bitcoin Improvement Proposal 32 (BIP32). Because of its linear nature, additive key derivation is also amenable to efficient implementation in the threshold setting. With presignatures, the secret and public nonces used in the ECDSA signing algorithm are precomputed. In the threshold setting, using presignatures along with other precomputed data allows for an extremely efficient "online phase" of the protocol. Recent works have advocated for both of these variations, sometimes combined together. However, somewhat surprisingly, we are aware of no prior security proof for additive key derivation, let alone for additive key derivation in combination with presignatures. In this paper, we provide a thorough analysis of these variations, both in isolation and in combination. Our analysis is in the generic group model (GGM). Importantly, we do not modify ECDSA or weaken the standard notion of security in any way. Of independent interest, we also present a version of the GGM that is specific to elliptic curves. This EC-GGM better models some of the idiosyncrasies (such as the conversion function and malleability) of ECDSA. In addition to this analysis, we report security weaknesses in these variations that apparently have not been previously reported. For example, we show that when both variations are combined, there is a cube-root attack on ECDSA, which is much faster than the best known, square-root attack on plain ECDSA. We also present two mitigations against these weaknesses: re-randomized presignatures and homogeneous key derivation. Each of these mitigations is very lightweight, and when used in combination, the security is essentially the same as that of plain ECDSA (in the EC-GGM).
Last updated:  2021-11-19
Trail Search with CRHS Equations
John Petter Indrøy, Håvard Raddum
Evaluating a block cipher’s strength against differential or linear cryptanalysis can be a difficult task. Several approaches for finding the best differential or linear trails in a cipher have been proposed, such as using mixed integer linear programming or SAT solvers. Recently a different approach was suggested, modelling the problem as a staged, acyclic graph and exploiting the large number of paths the graph contains. This paper follows up on the graph-based approach and models the prob- lem via compressed right-hand side equations. The graph we build contains paths which represent differential or linear trails in a cipher with few active S-boxes. Our method incorporates control over the memory usage, and the time complexity scales linearly with the number of rounds of the cipher being analysed. The proposed method is made available as a tool, and using it we are able to find differential trails for the Klein and Prince ciphers with higher probabilities than previously published.
Last updated:  2022-04-15
Cross Subkey Side Channel Analysis Based on Small Samples
Fanliang Hu, Huanyu Wang, Junnian Wang
The majority of recently demonstrated Deep-Learning Side-Channel Analysis (DLSCA) use neural networks trained on a segment of traces containing operations only related to the target subkey. However, when the size of the training set is limited, as in this paper with only 5K power traces, the deep learning (DL) model cannot effectively learn the internal features of the data due to insufficient training data. In this paper, we propose a cross-subkey training approach that acts as a trace augmentation. We train deep-learning models not only on a segment of traces containing the SBox operation of the target subkey of AES-128 but also on segments for other 15 subkeys. Experimental results show that the accuracy of the subkey combination training model is 28.20% higher than that of the individual subkey training model on traces captured in the microcontroller implementation of the STM32F3 with AES-128. And validation is performed on two additional publicly available datasets. At the same time, the number of traces that need to be captured when the model is trained is greatly reduced, demonstrating the effectiveness and practicality of the method.
Last updated:  2021-10-05
Secure Multiparty Computation in the Bounded Storage Model
Jiahui Liu, Satyanarayana Vusirikala
Most cryptography is based on assumptions such as factoring and discrete log, which assume an adversary has bounded computational power. With the recent development in quantum computing as well as concern with everlasting security, there is an interest in coming up with information-theoretic constructions in the bounded storage model. In this model, an adversary is computationally unbounded but has lim- ited space. Past works have constructed schemes such as key exchange and bit commitment in this model. In this work, we expand the function- alities further by building a semi-honest MPC protocol in the bounded storage model. We use the hardness of the parity learning problem (recently shown by Ran Raz (FOCS 16) without any cryptographic assump- tions) to prove the security of our construction, following the work by Guan and Zhandry (EUROCRYPT 19).
Last updated:  2021-10-05
FuzzyKey: Comparing Fuzzy Cryptographic Primitives on Resource-Constrained Devices
Mo Zhang, Eduard Marin, David Oswald, Dave Singelee
Implantable medical devices, sensors and wearables are widely deployed today. However, establishing a secure wireless communication channel to these devices is a major challenge, amongst others due to the constraints on energy consumption and the need to obtain immediate access in emergencies. To address this issue, researchers have proposed various key agreement protocols based on the measurement of physiological signals such as a person's heart signal. At the core of such protocols are fuzzy cryptographic primitives that allow to agree on a shared secret based on several simultaneous, noisy measurements of the same signal. So far, although many fuzzy primitives have been proposed, there is no comprehensive evaluation and comparison yet of the overhead that such methods incur on resource-constrained embedded devices. In this paper, we study the feasibility of six types of fuzzy cryptographic primitives on embedded devices for 128-bit key agreement. We configure several variants for each fuzzy primitive under different parameter selections and mismatch rates of the physiological signal measurements on an MSP430 microcontroller, and then measure and compare their energy consumption and communication overhead. The most efficient constructions consume between 0.021 mJ and 0.198 mJ for the transmitter and between 0.029 mJ and 0.380 mJ for the receiver under different mismatch rates. Subsequently, we modify the best performing methods so that they run in constant time to protect against timing side-channel attacks, and observe that these changes only minimally affect resource consumption. Finally, we provide open-source implementations and energy consumption data of each fuzzy primitive as a reference for real-world designs.
Last updated:  2021-10-05
Decentralized Multi-Authority ABE for NC^1 from Computational-BDH
Pratish Datta, Ilan Komargodski, Brent Waters
Decentralized multi-authority attribute-based encryption (𝖬𝖠-𝖠𝖡𝖤) is a strengthening of standard ciphertext-policy attribute-based encryption so that there is no trusted central authority: any party can become an authority and there is no requirement for any global coordination other than the creation of an initial set of common reference parameters. Essentially, any party can act as an authority for some attribute by creating a public key of its own and issuing private keys to different users that reflect their attributes. This paper presents the first 𝖬𝖠-𝖠𝖡𝖤 proven secure under the standard search variant of bilinear Diffie-Hellman (CBDH) and in the random oracle model. Our scheme supports all access policies captured by 𝖭𝖢1 circuits. All previous constructions were proven secure in the random oracle model and additionally were based on decision assumptions such as the DLIN assumption, non-standard 𝑞-type assumptions, or subspace decision assumptions over composite-order bilinear groups.
Last updated:  2021-10-05
Lockable Obfuscation from Circularly Insecure Fully Homomorphic Encryption
Kamil Kluczniak
In a lockable obfuscation scheme, a party called the obfuscator takes as input a circuit C, a lock value y and, a message m, and outputs an obfuscated circuit. Given the obfuscated circuit, an evaluator can run it on an input x and learn the message if C(x) = y. For security, we require that the obfuscation reveals no information on the circuit as long as the lock y has high entropy even given the circuit C. The only known constructions of lockable obfuscation schemes require indistinguishability obfuscation (iO) or the learning with errors (LWE) assumption. Furthermore, in terms of technique, all known constructions, excluding iO-based, are build from provably secure variations of graph-induced multilinear maps. We show a generic construction of a lockable obfuscation scheme build from a (leveled) fully homomorphic encryption scheme that is circularly insecure. Specifically, we need a fully homomorphic encryption scheme that is secure under chosen-plaintext attack (IND-CPA) but for which there is an efficient cycle tester that can detect encrypted key cycles. Our finding sheds new light on how to construct lockable obfuscation schemes and shows why cycle tester constructions were helpful in the design of lockable obfuscation schemes. One of the many use cases for lockable obfuscation schemes are constructions for IND-CPA secure but circularly insecure encryption schemes. Our work shows that there is a connection in both ways between circular insecure encryption and lockable obfuscation.
Last updated:  2022-09-22
Anonymity of NIST PQC Round 3 KEMs
Keita Xagawa
This paper investigates __anonymity__ of all NIST PQC Round 3 KEMs: Classic McEliece, Kyber, NTRU, Saber, BIKE, FrodoKEM, HQC, NTRU Prime (Streamlined NTRU Prime and NTRU LPRime), and SIKE. We show the following results: * NTRU is anonymous in the quantum random oracle model (QROM) if the underlying deterministic PKE is strongly disjoint-simulatable. NTRU is collision-free in the QROM. A hybrid PKE scheme constructed from NTRU as KEM and appropriate DEM is anonymous and robust. (Similar results for BIKE, FrodoKEM, HQC, NTRU LPRime, and SIKE hold except for two of three parameter sets of HQC.) * Classic McEliece is anonymous in the QROM if the underlying PKE is strongly disjoint-simulatable and a hybrid PKE scheme constructed from it as KEM and appropriate DEM is anonymous. * Grubbs, Maram, and Paterson pointed out that Kyber and Saber have a gap in the current IND-CCA security proof in the QROM (EUROCRYPT 2022). We found that Streamlined NTRU Prime has another technical obstacle for the IND-CCA security proof in the QROM. Those answer the open problem to investigate the anonymity and robustness of NIST PQC Round~3 KEMs posed by Grubbs, Maram, and Paterson (EUROCRYPT 2022). We use strong disjoint-simulatability of the underlying PKE of KEM and strong pseudorandomness and smoothness/sparseness of KEM as the main tools, which will be of independent interest.
Last updated:  2021-12-05
A New Adaptive Attack on SIDH
Tako Boris Fouotsa, Christophe Petit
The SIDH key exchange is the main building block of SIKE, the only isogeny based scheme involved in the NIST standardization process. In 2016, Galbraith et al. presented an adaptive attack on SIDH. In this attack, a malicious party manipulates the torsion points in his public key in order to recover an honest party's static secret key, when having access to a key exchange oracle. In 2017, Petit designed a passive attack (which was improved by de Quehen et al. in 2020) that exploits the torsion point information available in SIDH public key to recover the secret isogeny when the endomorphism ring of the starting curve is known. In this paper, firstly, we generalize the torsion point attacks by de Quehen et al. Secondly, we introduce a new adaptive attack vector on SIDH-type schemes. Our attack uses the access to a key exchange oracle to recover the action of the secret isogeny on larger subgroups. This leads to an unbalanced SIDH instance for which the secret isogeny can be recovered in polynomial time using the generalized torsion point attacks. Our attack is different from the GPST adaptive attack and constitutes a new cryptanalytic tool for isogeny based cryptography. This result proves that the torsion point attacks are relevant to SIDH parameters in an adaptive attack setting. We suggest attack parameters for some SIDH primes and discuss some countermeasures.
Last updated:  2021-10-05
Blockchain-based Privacy-preserving Fair Data Trading Protocol
Yao Jiang Galteland, Shuang Wu
Fair data trading online is a challenging task when there is mistrust between data providers and data collectors. The trust issue leads to an unsolvable situation where the data collector is unwilling to pay until she receives the data while the data provider will not send the data unless she receives the payment. The traditional solutions toward fair data trading rely on the trust-third party. After the emergence of the blockchain, many researchers use a smart contract on blockchain as a trust-less third party to address the mistrust deadlock. However, involving a smart contract in the protocol inevitably exposes some information to the public if the smart contract is on public blockchain cryptocurrency systems. We observe that the existing fair data trading protocols do not take privacy into account, which, for instance, is critical when trading the sensitive data or the players simply do not want to leak any information about the tradings on the public blockchain. In this paper, we construct a fair trading protocol based on a smart contract that provides better privacy to the participants. We introduce new security notions for privacy-preserving blockchain-based fair data trading protocol and prove our protocol is secure under our new notions. Furthermore, we give a prototype implementation on Ethereum smart contract.
Last updated:  2022-03-03
Faster Key Generation of Supersingular Isogeny Diffie-Hellman
Kaizhan Lin, Fangguo Zhang, Chang-An Zhao
Supersingular isogeny Diffe-Hellman (SIDH) is attractive for its relatively small public key size, but it is still unsatisfactory due to its effciency, compared to other post-quantum proposals. In this paper, we focus on the performance of SIDH when the starting curve is $E_6 : y^2 = x^3 + 6x^2 + x$, which is fixed in Round-3 SIKE implementation. Inspired by the previous work, we present several tricks to accelerate key generation of SIDH and each process of SIKE. Our experimental results show that the performance of this work is at least $6.09\%$ faster than that of the current SIKE implementation, and we can further improve the performance when large storage is available.
Last updated:  2022-11-07
Maliciously-Secure MrNISC in the Plain Model
Rex Fernando, Aayush Jain, Ilan Komargodski
A recent work of Benhamouda and Lin (TCC~'20) identified a dream version of secure multiparty computation (MPC), termed **Multiparty reusable Non-Interactive Secure Computation** (MrNISC), that combines at the same time several fundamental aspects of secure computation with standard simulation security into one primitive: round-optimality, succinctness, concurrency, and adaptivity. In more detail, MrNISC is essentially a two-round MPC protocol where the first round of messages serves as a reusable commitment to the private inputs of participating parties. Using these commitments, any subset of parties can later compute any function of their choice on their respective inputs by broadcasting one message each. Anyone who sees these parties' commitments and evaluation messages (even an outside observer) can learn the function output and nothing else. Importantly, the input commitments can be computed without knowing anything about other participating parties (neither their identities nor their number) and they are reusable across any number of computations. By now, there are several known MrNISC protocols from either (bilinear) group-based assumptions or from LWE. They all satisfy semi-malicious security (in the plain model) and require trusted setup assumptions in order to get malicious security. We are interested in maliciously secure MrNISC protocols **in the plain model, without trusted setup**. Since the standard notion of polynomial simulation is un-achievable in less than four rounds, we focus on MrNISC with **super-polynomial**-time simulation (SPS). Our main result is the first maliciously secure SPS MrNISC in the plain model. The result is obtained by generically compiling any semi-malicious MrNISC and the security of our compiler relies on several well-founded assumptions, including an indistinguishability obfuscator and a time-lock puzzle (all of which need to be sub-exponentially hard). As a special case we also obtain the first 2-round maliciously secure SPS MPC based on well-founded assumptions. This MPC is also concurrently self-composable and its first message is short (i.e., its size is independent of the number of the participating parties) and reusable throughout any number of computations.
Last updated:  2022-06-04
Supersingular Isogeny-Based Ring Signature
Maryam Sheikhi Garjan, N. Gamze Orhon Kılıç, Murat Cenk
A ring signature is a digital signature scheme that allows identifying a group of possible signers without revealing the identity of the actual signer. In this paper, we first present a post-quantum sigma protocol for a ring that relies on the supersingular isogeny-based interactive zero-knowledge identification scheme proposed by De Feo, Jao, and Plût in 2014. Then, we construct a ring signature from the proposed sigma protocol for a ring by applying the Fiat-Shamir transform. In order to reduce the size of exchanges, we use Merkle trees and show that the signature size increases logarithmically in the size of the ring. The security proofs and complexity analyses of the proposed protocols are also provided.
Last updated:  2023-12-14
m-Stability: Threshold Security Meets Transferable Utility
Osman Biçer, Burcu Yıldız, and Alptekin Küpçü
Use of game theory and mechanism design in cloud security is a well-studied topic. When applicable, it has the advantages of being efficient and simple compared to cryptography alone. Most analyses consider two-party settings, or multi-party settings where coalitions are not allowed. However, many cloud security problems that we face are in the multi-party setting and the involved parties can almost freely collaborate with each other. To formalize the study of disincentivizing coalitions from deviating strategies, a well-known definition named k-resiliency has been proposed by Abraham et al. (ACM PODC '06). Since its proposal, k-resiliency and related definitions are used extensively for mechanism design. However, in this work we observe the shortcoming of k-resiliency. That is, although this definition is secure, it is too strict to use for many cases and rule out secure mechanisms as insecure. To overcome this issue, we propose a new definition named l-repellence against the presence of a single coalition to replace k-resiliency. Our definition incorporates transferable utility in game theory as it is realistic in many distributed and multi-party computing settings. We also propose m-stability definition against the presence of multiple coalitions, which is inspired by threshold security in cryptography. We then show the advantages of our novel definitions on three mechanisms, none of which were previously analyzed against coalitions: incentivized cloud computation, forwarding data packages in ad hoc networks, and connectivity in ad hoc networks. Regarding the former, our concepts improve the proposal by Küpçü (IEEE TDSC '17), by ensuring a coalition-proof mechanism.
Last updated:  2021-09-30
Towards Human Dependency Elimination: AI Approach to SCA Robustness Assessment
Unai Rioja, Lejla Batina, Igor Armendariz, Jose Luis Flores
Evaluating the side-channel resistance of a device in practice is a problematic and arduous process. Current certification schemes require to attack the device under test with an ever-growing number of techniques to validate its security. In addition, the success or failure of these techniques strongly depends on the individual implementing them, due to the fallible and human intrinsic nature of several steps of this path. To alleviate this problem, we propose a battery of automated attacks as a side-channel analysis robustness assessment of an embedded device. To prove our approach, we conduct realistic experiments on two different devices, creating a new dataset (AES_RA) as a part of our contribution. Furthermore, we propose a novel way of performing these attacks using Principal Component Analysis, which also serves as an alternative way of selecting optimal principal components automatically. In addition, we perform a detailed analysis of automated attacks against masked AES implementations, comparing our method with the state-of-the-art approaches and proposing two novel initialization techniques to overcome its limitations in this scenario. We support our claims with experiments on AES_RA and a public dataset (ASCAD), showing how our, although fully automated, approach can straightforwardly provide state-of-the-art results.
Last updated:  2021-09-30
Certified Everlasting Zero-Knowledge Proof for QMA
Taiga Hiroka, Tomoyuki Morimae, Ryo Nishimaki, Takashi Yamakawa
In known constructions of classical zero-knowledge protocols for NP, either of zero-knowledge or soundness holds only against computationally bounded adversaries. Indeed, achieving both statistical zero-knowledge and statistical soundness at the same time with classical verifier is impossible for NP unless the polynomial-time hierarchy collapses, and it is also believed to be impossible even with a quantum verifier. In this work, we introduce a novel compromise, which we call the certified everlasting zero-knowledge proof for QMA. It is a computational zero-knowledge proof for QMA, but the verifier issues a classical certificate that shows that the verifier has deleted its quantum information. If the certificate is valid, even unbounded malicious verifier can no longer learn anything beyond the validity of the statement. We construct a certified everlasting zero-knowledge proof for QMA. For the construction, we introduce a new quantum cryptographic primitive, which we call commitment with statistical binding and certified everlasting hiding, where the hiding property becomes statistical once the receiver has issued a valid certificate that shows that the receiver has deleted the committed information. We construct commitment with statistical binding and certified everlasting hiding from quantum encryption with certified deletion by Broadbent and Islam [TCC 2020] (in a black box way), and then combine it with the quantum sigma-protocol for QMA by Broadbent and Grilo [FOCS 2020] to construct the certified everlasting zero-knowledge proof for QMA. Our constructions are secure in the quantum random oracle model. Commitment with statistical binding and certified everlasting hiding itself is of independent interest, and there will be many other useful applications beyond zero-knowledge.
Last updated:  2023-05-20
High-order Table-based Conversion Algorithms and Masking Lattice-based Encryption
Jean-Sébastien Coron, François Gérard, Simon Montoya, Rina Zeitoun
Masking is the main countermeasure against side-channel attacks on embedded devices. For cryptographic algorithms that combine Boolean and arithmetic masking, one must therefore convert between the two types of masking, without leaking additional information to the attacker. In this paper we describe a new high-order conversion algorithm between Boolean and arithmetic masking, based on table recomputation, and provably secure in the ISW probing model. We show that our technique is particularly efficient for masking structured LWE encryption schemes such as Kyber and Saber. In particular, for Kyber IND-CPA decryption, we obtain an order of magnitude improvement compared to existing techniques.
Last updated:  2021-09-28
Hybrid Memristor-CMOS Obfuscation Against Untrusted Foundries
Amin Rezaei, Jie Gu, Hai Zhou
The high cost of IC design has made chip protection one of the first priorities of the semiconductor industry. In addition, with the growing number of untrusted foundries, the possibility of inside foundry attack is escalating. However, by taking advantage of polymorphic gates, the layouts of the circuits with different functionalities look exactly identical, making it impossible even for an inside foundry attacker to distinguish the defined functionality of an IC by looking at its layout. Moreover, since memristor is compatible with CMOS structure, it is possible to efficiently design hybrid memristor- CMOS circuits. In this paper, we propose a hardware obfuscation method based on polymorphic hybrid memristor-CMOS technology. Overhead of the polymorphic designs and the time complexity of possible attacks are discussed.
Last updated:  2021-09-28
Selectively Linkable Group Signatures - Stronger Security and Preserved Verifiability
Ashley Fraser, Lydia Garms, Anja Lehmann
Group signatures allow group members to sign on behalf of the group anonymously. They are therefore well suited to storing data in a way that preserves the users’ privacy, while guaranteeing its authenticity. Garms and Lehmann (PKC’19) introduced a new type of group signatures that balance privacy with utility by allowing to selectively link subsets of the group signatures via an oblivious entity, the converter. The conversion takes a batch of group signatures and blindly transforms signatures originating from the same user into a consistent representation. Their scheme essentially targets a setting where the entity receiving fully unlinkable signatures and the converted ones is the same: only pseudonyms but not full signatures are converted, and the input to the converter is assumed to be well-formed. Thus, the converted outputs are merely linkable pseudonyms but no longer signatures. In this work we extend and strengthen such convertibly linkable group signatures. Conversion can now be triggered by malicious entities too, and the converted outputs can be publicly verified. This preserves the authentication of data during the conversion process. We define the security of this scheme and give a provably secure instantiation. Our scheme makes use of controlled-malleable NIZKs, which allow proofs to be mauled in a controlled manner. This allows signatures to be blinded, while still ensuring they can be verified during conversions.
Last updated:  2021-09-28
Power analysis attack on Kyber
Alexandre Karlov, Natacha Linard de Guertechin
This paper describes a practical side-channel power analysis on CRYSTALS-Kyber key-encapsulation mechanism. In particular, we analyse the polynomial multiplication in the decapsulation phase to recover the secret key in a semi-static setting. The power analysis attack was performed against the KYBER512 implementation from pqm4 running on STM32F3 M4-cortex CPU.
Last updated:  2021-09-28
Related-Tweak Impossible Differential Cryptanalysis of Reduced-Round TweAES
Chao Niu, Muzhou Li, Meiqin Wang, Qingju Wang, Siu-Ming Yiu
We consider the related-tweak impossible differential cryptanalysis of \texttt{TweAES}. It is one of the underlying primitives of Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data (AEAD) scheme \texttt{ESTATE} which was accepted as one of second-round candidates in the NIST Lightweight Cryptography Standardization project. Firstly, we reveal several properties of \texttt{TweAES}, which show what kinds of distinguishers are more effective in recovering keys. With the help of automatic solver Simple Theorem Prover (STP), we achieve many 5.5-round related-tweak impossible differentials with fixed input differences and output differences that just have one active byte. Then, we implement 8-round key recovery attacks against \texttt{TweAES} based on one of these 5.5-round distinguishes. Moreover, another 5.5-round distinguisher that has four active bytes at the end is utilized to mount a 7-round key recovery attack against \texttt{TweAES}, which needs much lower attack complexities than the 6-round related-tweak impossible differential attack of \texttt{TweAES} in the design document. Our 8-round key recovery attack is the best one against \texttt{TweAES} in terms of the number of rounds and complexities so far.
Last updated:  2021-09-28
Faster Final Exponentiation on the KSS18 Curve
Shiping Cai, Zhi Hu, Chang-An Zhao
The final exponentiation affects the efficiency of pairing computations especially on pairing-friendly curves with high embedding degree. We propose an efficient method for computing the hard part of the final exponentiation on the KSS18 curve at 192-bit security level. Implementations indicate that the computation of the final exponentiation can be 8.74% faster than the previously fastest result.
Last updated:  2021-09-28
No-Commit Proofs: Defeating Livelock in BFT
Neil Giridharan, Heidi Howard, Ittai Abraham, Natacha Crooks, Alin Tomescu
This paper presents the design and evaluation of Wendy, the first Byzantine consensus protocol that achieves optimal latency (two phases), linear authenticator complexity, and optimistic responsiveness. Wendy's core technical contribution is a novel aggregate signature scheme that allows leaders to prove, with constant pairing cost, that an operation did not commit. This No-commit proof addresses prior liveness concerns in protocols with linear authenticator complexity (including view change), allowing Wendy to commit operations in two-phases only.
Last updated:  2021-09-28
In-depth Analysis of Side-Channel Countermeasures for CRYSTALS-Kyber Message Encoding on ARM Cortex-M4
Hauke Malte Steffen, Lucie Johanna Kogelheide, Timo Bartkewitz
A variety of post-quantum cryptographic schemes are currently undergoing standardization in the National Institute of Standards and Technology's post-quantum cryptography standardization process. It is well known from classical cryptography that actual implementations of cryptographic schemes can be attacked by exploiting side-channels, e.g. timing behavior, power consumption or emanation in the electromagnetic field. Although several of the reference implementations currently in the third and final standardization round are - to some extent - implemented in a timing-constant fashion, resistance against other side-channels is not taken into account yet. Implementing sufficient countermeasures, however, is challenging. We therefore exemplarily examine CRYSTALS-Kyber, which is a lattice-based key encapsulation mechanism currently considered as a candidate for standardization. By analyzing the power consumption side-channel during message encoding we develop four more and compare six different implementations with an increasing degree of countermeasures. We show that introducing randomization countermeasures is crucial as all examined implementations aiming at reducing the leakage by minimizing the Hamming distance of the processed intermediate values only are vulnerable against single-trace attacks when implemented on an ARM Cortex-M4.
Last updated:  2022-03-09
Probabilistic micropayments with transferability
Taisei Takahashi, Akira Otsuka
Micropayments are one of the challenges in cryptocurrencies. The problems in realizing micropayments in the blockchain are the low throughput and the high blockchain transaction fee. As a solution, decentralized probabilistic micropayment has been proposed. The winning amount is registered in the blockchain, and the tickets are issued to be won with probability $p$, which allows us to aggregate approximately $\frac{1}{p}$ transactions into one. Unfortunately, existing solutions do not allow for ticket transferability, and the smaller $p$, the more difficult it is to use them in the real world. We propose a novel decentralized probabilistic micropayment Transferable Scheme. It allows tickets to be transferable among users. By allowing tickets to be transferable, we can make $p$ smaller. We also propose a novel Proportional Fee Scheme. This is a scheme where each time a ticket is transferred, a portion of the blockchain transaction fee will be charged. With the proportional fee scheme, users will have the advantage of sending money with a smaller fee than they would generally send through the blockchain. For example, sending one dollar requires only ten cents.
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