Paper 2021/1353

Noise-Tolerant Quantum Tokens for MAC

Amit Behera, Or Sattath, and Uriel Shinar


Message Authentication Code or MAC, is a well-studied cryptographic primitive that is used in order to authenticate communication between two parties sharing a secret key. A Tokenized MAC or TMAC is a related cryptographic primitive, introduced by Ben-David & Sattath (QCrypt'17) which allows limited signing authority to be delegated to third parties via the use of single-use quantum signing tokens. These tokens can be issued using the secret key, such that each token can be used to sign at most one document. We provide an elementary construction for TMAC based on BB84 states. Our construction can tolerate up to 14% noise, making it the first noise-tolerant TMAC construction. The simplicity of the quantum states required for our construction combined with its noise tolerance, makes it practically more feasible than the previous TMAC construction. The TMAC is existentially unforgeable against adversaries with signing and verification oracles (i.e., analogous to EUF-CMA security for MAC), assuming post-quantum one-way functions exist.

Available format(s)
Secret-key cryptography
Publication info
Preprint. MINOR revision.
quantum cryptographyauthentication codesmessage authentication codessecret-key cryptographyone-way functions
Contact author(s)
behera @ post bgu ac il
shinaru @ post bgu ac il
sattath @ post bgu ac il
2021-10-12: received
Short URL
Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Amit Behera and Or Sattath and Uriel Shinar},
      title = {Noise-Tolerant Quantum Tokens for {MAC}},
      howpublished = {Cryptology ePrint Archive, Paper 2021/1353},
      year = {2021},
      note = {\url{}},
      url = {}
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