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OBLIVIATOR: Oblivious Parallel Joins and other Operators in Shared Memory Environments
We introduce oblivious parallel operators designed for both non-foreign key and foreign key equi-joins. Obliviousness ensures nothing is revealed about the data besides input/output sizes, even against a strong adversary that can observe memory access patterns.
Our solution achieves this by combining trusted hardware with efficient oblivious primitives for compaction and sorting, and two oblivious algorithms: (i) an oblivious aggregation tree, which can be described as a variation of the parallel prefix sum, customized for trusted hardware, and (ii) a novel algorithm for obliviously expanding the elements of a relation.
In the sequential setting, our oblivious join performs - faster than the prior state-of-the-art solution (Krastnikov et al., VLDB 2020) on data sets of size . In the parallel setting, our algorithm achieves a speedup of up to roughly over the sequential version, when running with 32 threads (becoming up to compared to the sequential algorithm of Krastnikov et al.).
Finally, our oblivious operators can be used independently to support other oblivious relational database queries, such as oblivious selection and oblivious group-by.
Deny Whatever You Want: Dual-Deniable Public-Key Encryption
We introduce an enhanced requirement of deniable public key encryption that we call dual-deniability. It asks that a sender who is coerced should be able to produce fake randomness, which can explain the target ciphertext as the encryption of any alternative message under any valid key she/he desires to deny. Compared with the original notion of deniability (Canetti et al. in CRYPTO ’97, hereafter named message-deniability), this term further provides a shield for the anonymity of the receiver against coercion attacks.
We first give a formal definition of dual-deniability, along with its weak-mode variant. For conceptual understanding, we then show dual-deniability implies semantic security and anonymity against CPA, separates full robustness, and even contradicts key-less or mixed robustness, while is (constructively) implied by key-deniability and full robustness with a minor assumption for bits encryption. As for the availability of dual-deniability, our main scheme is a generic approach from ciphertext-simulatable PKE, where we devise a subtle multi-encryption schema to hide the true message within random masking ciphertexts under plan-ahead setting. Further, we leverage the weak model to present a more efficient scheme having negligible detection probability and constant ciphertext size. Besides, we revisit the notable scheme (Sahai and Waters in STOC ’14) and show it is inherently dual-deniable. Finally, we extend the Boneh-Katz transform to capture CCA security, deriving dual-deniable and CCA-secure PKE from any selectively dual-deniable IBE under multi-TA setting. Overall our work mounts the feasibility of anonymous messaging against coercion attacks.
Improved NTT and CRT-based RNR Blinding for Side-Channel and Fault Resistant Kyber
In this paper, we build upon the blinding methods introduced in recent years to enhance the protection of lattice-based cryptographic schemes against side-channel and fault injection attacks. Specifically, we propose a cost-efficient blinded Number Theoretic Transform (NTT) that impedes the convergence of Soft Analytical Side-Channel Attacks (SASCA), even with limited randomness sampling. Additionally, we extend the blinding mechanism based on the Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT) and Redundant Number Representation (RNR) introduced by Heiz and Pöppelmann by reducing the randomness sampling overhead and accelerating the verification phase.
These two blinding mechanisms are nicely compatible with each other's and, when combined, provide enhanced resistance against side-channel attacks, both classical and soft analytical, as well as fault injection attacks, while maintaining high performance and low overhead, making the approach well-suited for practical applications, particularly in resource-constrained IoT environments.
On the Atomicity and Efficiency of Blockchain Payment Channels
Payment channels have emerged as a promising solution to address the performance limitations of cryptocurrencies payments, enabling efficient off-chain transactions while maintaining security guarantees. However, existing payment channel protocols, including the widely-deployed Lightning Network and the state-of-the-art Sleepy Channels, suffer from a fundamental vulnerability: non-atomic state transitions create race conditions that can lead to unexpected financial losses. We first formalize current protocols into a common paradigm and prove that this vulnerability is fundamental—any protocol following this paradigm cannot guarantee balance security due to the inherent race conditions in their design. To address this limitation, we propose a novel atomic paradigm for payment channels that ensures atomic state transitions, effectively eliminating race conditions while maintaining all desired functionalities. Based on this paradigm, we introduce Ultraviolet, a secure and efficient payment channel protocol that achieves both atomicity and high performance, while avoiding the introduction of unimplemented Bitcoin features. Ultraviolet reduces the number of required messages per transaction by half compared to existing solutions, while maintaining comparable throughput. We formally prove the security of Ultraviolet under the universal composability framework and demonstrate its practical efficiency through extensive evaluations across multiple regions. This results in a 37% and 52% reduction in latency compared to the Lightning Network and Sleepy Channels, respectively. Regarding throughput, Ultraviolet achieves performance comparable to the Lightning Network and delivers 2× the TPS of Sleepy Channels.
Higher-Order Deterministic Masking with Application to Ascon
Side-channel attacks (SCAs) pose a significant threat to the implementations of lightweight ciphers, particularly in resource-constrained environments where masking—the primary countermeasure—is constrained by tight resource limitations.
This makes it crucial to reduce the resource and randomness requirements of masking schemes. In this work, we investigate an approach to minimize the randomness complexity of masking algorithms. Specifically, we explore the theoretical foundations of
deterministic higher-order masking, which relies solely on offline randomness present in the initial input shares and eliminates the need for online (fresh) randomness during internal computations.
We demonstrate the feasibility of deterministic masking for ciphers such as Ascon, showing that their diffusion layer can act as a refresh subcircuit. This ensures that, up to a threshold number, probes placed in different rounds remain independent. Based on this observation, we propose composition theorems for deterministic masking
schemes. On the practical side, we extend the proof of first- and second-order probing security for Ascon’s protected permutation from a single round to an arbitrary number of rounds
Improved Differential and Linear Cryptanalysis on Round-Reduced SIMON
SIMON is a lightweight block cipher proposed by the National Security Agency.
According to previous cryptanalytic results on SIMON, differential and linear cryptanalysis are the two most effective attacks on it.
Usually, there are many trails sharing the same input and output differences (resp. masks).
These trails comprise the differential (resp. linear hull) and can be used together when mounting attacks.
In ASIACRYPT 2021, Leurent et al. proposed a matrix-based method on SIMON-like ciphers, where only trails whose active bits stay in a -bit window are considered.
The static window in each round is chosen to be least significant bits.
They applied this efficient framework on SIMON and SIMECK, and have obtained many better differentials and linear hulls than before. For SIMON, they also found that there seems to be some potential for improvement, which should be further investigated.
In this paper, we dynamically choose window for each round to achieve better distinguishers. Benefiting from these dynamic windows, we can obtain stronger differentials and linear hulls than previously proposed for almost all versions of SIMON.
Finally, we provided the best differential/linear attacks on SIMON48, SIMON64, and SIMON96 in terms of round number, complexity, or success rate.
On the Power of Sumcheck in Secure Multiparty Computation
Lund et al. (JACM 1992) invented the powerful Sumcheck protocol that has been extensively used in complexity theory and in designing concretely efficient (zero-knowledge) arguments. In this work, we systematically study Sumcheck in the context of secure multi-party computation (MPC). Our main result is a new generic framework for lifting semi-honest MPC protocols to maliciously secure ones, with a {\em constant} multiplicative overhead in {\em both} computation and communication, and in the best case, only an additional logarithmic communication cost. In general, our approach applies to any semi-honest linear secret-sharing based MPC secure up to additive attacks, where linear secret-sharing can be enhanced with an authentication mechanism. At a high-level, our approach has a highly distributive flavor, where the parties jointly emulate a Sumcheck prover to prove the correctness of MPC semi-honest evaluations in zero-knowledge, while simultaneously emulating a Sumcheck verifier to verify the proof themselves. Along the way, we provide a new perspective on the {\em fully linear interactive oracle proof} (FLIOP) systems proposed by Boneh et al. (CRYPTO 2019). That is, essentially distributed Sumcheck on proving a batch of multiplications can be viewed as an optimized concrete instantiation of the FLIOP-based approach.
As a concrete application of our techniques, we first consider semi-honest MPC protocols based on Shamir secret sharing in the honest majority setting. Given parties and a circuit of size , our approach achieves malicious security with only additional total computation, logarithmic communication for reconstructing secret-shared values, rounds, and correlated randomness. This demonstrates that malicious security with abort in honest majority MPC comes {\em free} in terms of both computation and communication.
We then consider \emph{dishonest-majority MPC}, where the best known semi-honest protocol achieves online communication per party and sublinear preprocessing by using programmable pseudorandom correlation generators (PCGs). We realize malicious MPC with online communication while maintaining sublinear preprocessing, less than achieved in Le Mans (CRYPTO 2022). Our protocol leverages Sumcheck techniques to check \emph{unverified} authenticated multiplication triple relations, requiring only {\em standard Beaver triples} and random authenticated shares. Compared to the FLIOP-based verification mechanism of Boyle et al. (CRYPTO 2022), which requires communication and computation, our approach eliminates additional cryptographic assumption beyond PCGs and achieves computation.
HyperLoop: Rationally secure efficient cross-chain bridge
Cross-chain bridges, realizing the transfer of information and assets between blockchains, form the core of blockchain interoperability solutions. Most existing bridge networks are modeled in an honest-malicious setting, where the bridge nodes are either honest or malicious. Rationality allows the nodes to deviate from the protocol arbitrarily for an economic incentive. In this work, we present HyperLoop, an efficient cross-chain multi-signature bridge and prove that it is safe and live game-theoretically, under the more realistic rational-malicious model.
As rational bridge nodes are allowed to deviate from the protocol and even collude, a monitor mechanism is necessitated, which we realize by introducing whistle-blower nodes. These whistle-blowers constantly check the operations of the bridge and raise complaints to a complaint resolution network in case of discrepancies. To enforce punishments, it is necessary for the nodes to stake an amount before participating as bridge nodes. Consequently, a cap on the volume of funds transferred over the bridge is established. We describe a sliding window mechanism and establish a relation between the stake and the sliding window limit necessary for the safety of the bridge.
Our design yields an economic, computation, and communication-efficient bridge. We realize and deploy our bridge prototype bridging Ethereum and Polygon chains over testnets. For a 19-node bridge network, each bridge node takes an average of only 3 msec to detect and sign a source chain request, showing the highly efficiency and low-latency of the bridge.
Updatable Public-Key Encryption, Revisited
We revisit Updatable Public-Key Encryption (UPKE), which was introduced as a practical mechanism for building forward-secure cryptographic protocols. We begin by observing that all UPKE notions to date are neither syntactically flexible nor secure enough for the most important multi-party protocols motivating UPKE. We provide an intuitive taxonomy of UPKE properties -- some partially or completely overlooked in the past -- along with an overview of known (explicit and implicit) UPKE constructions. We then introduce a formal UPKE definition capturing all intuitive properties needed for multi-party protocols.
Next, we provide a practical pairing-based construction for which we provide concrete security bounds under a standard assumption in the random oracle and the algebraic group model. The efficiency profile of the scheme compares very favorably with existing UPKE constructions (despite the added flexibility and stronger security). For example, when used to improve the forward security of the Messaging Layer Security protocol [RFC9420], our new UPKE construction requires of the bandwidth of the next-most efficient UPKE construction satisfying the strongest UPKE notion previously considered.
VITARIT: Paying for Threshold Services on Bitcoin and Friends
Blockchain service offerings have seen a rapid rise
in recent times. Many of these services realize a decentralized
architecture with a threshold adversary to avoid a single
point of failure and to mitigate key escrow issues. While
payments to such services are straightforward in systems
supporting smart contracts, achieving fairness poses challenges
in systems like Bitcoin, adhering to the UTXO model with
limited scripting capabilities. This is especially challenging
without smart contracts, as we wish to pay only the required
threshold of t + 1 out of the n servers offering the service
together, without any server claiming the payment twice.
In this paper, we introduce VITARIT 1, a novel payment
solution tailored for threshold cryptographic services in UTXO
systems like Bitcoin. Our approach guarantees robust provable
security while facilitating practical deployment. We focus on
the t-out-of-n distributed threshold verifiable random function
(VRF) service with certain properties, such as threshold BLS
signatures, a recently highlighted area of interest. Our protocol
enables clients to request verifiable random function (VRF)
values from the threshold service, triggering payments to up
to t + 1 servers of the distributed threshold VRF.
Our efficient design relies on simple transactions using
signature verification scripts, making it immediately applicable
in Bitcoin-like systems. We also introduce new tools and
techniques at both the cryptographic and transaction layers,
including a novel signature-VRF exchange protocol for standard
constructions, which may be of independent interest. Addition-
ally, our transaction flow design prevents malicious servers
from claiming payments twice, offering broader implications for
decentralized payment systems. Our prototype implementation
shows that in the two-party interaction, the client takes 126.4
msec, and the server takes 204 msec, demonstrating practicality
and deployability of the system
A Critical Analysis of Deployed Use Cases for Quantum Key Distribution and Comparison with Post-Quantum Cryptography
Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) is currently being discussed as a technology to safeguard communication in a future where quantum computers compromise traditional public-key cryptosystems. In this paper, we conduct a comprehensive security evaluation of QKD-based solutions, focusing on real-world use cases sourced from academic literature and industry reports. We analyze these use cases, assess their security and identify the possible advantages of deploying QKD-based solutions. We further compare QKD-based solutions with Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC), the alternative approach to achieving security when quantum computers compromise traditional public-key cryptosystems, evaluating their respective suitability for each scenario. Based on this comparative analysis, we critically discuss and comment on which use cases QKD is suited for, considering factors such as implementation complexity, scalability, and long-term security. Our findings contribute to a better understanding of the role QKD could play in future cryptographic infrastructures and offer guidance to decision-makers considering the deployment of QKD.
SoK: Understanding zk-SNARKs: The Gap Between Research and Practice
Zero-knowledge succinct non-interactive arguments of knowledge (zk-SNARKs) are a powerful tool for proving computation correctness, attracting significant interest from researchers, developers, and users. However, the complexity of zk-SNARKs has created gaps between these groups, hindering progress. Researchers focus on constructing efficient proving systems with stronger security and new properties, while developers and users prioritize toolchains, usability, and compatibility.
In this work, we provide a comprehensive study of zk-SNARK, from theory to practice, pinpointing gaps and limitations. We first present a master recipe that unifies the main steps in converting a program into a zk-SNARK. We then classify existing zk-SNARKs according to their key techniques. Our classification addresses the main difference in practically valuable properties between existing zk-SNARK schemes. We survey over 40 zk-SNARKs since 2013 and provide a reference table listing their categories and properties. Following the steps in master recipe, we then survey 11 general-purpose popular used libraries. We elaborate on these libraries' usability, compatibility, efficiency and limitations. Since installing and executing these zk-SNARK systems is challenging, we also provide a completely virtual environment in which to run the compiler for each of them. We identify that the proving system is the primary focus in cryptography academia. In contrast, the constraint system presents a bottleneck in industry. To bridge this gap, we offer recommendations and advocate for the opensource community to enhance documentation, standardization and compatibility.
A light white-box masking scheme using Dummy Shuffled Secure Multiplication
In white-box cryptography, early encoding-based countermeasures have been broken by the DCA attack, leading to the utilization of masking schemes against a surge of automated attacks. The recent filtering attack from CHES 2024 broke the last viable masking scheme from CHES 2021 resisting both computational and algebraic attacks, raising the need for new countermeasures.
In this work, we perform the first formal study of the combinations of existing countermeasures and demonstrate that applying Dummy Shuffling (EUROCRYPT 2021) then ISW masking (CRYPTO 2003) to a circuit carries algebraic, correlation, and filtering security - necessary conditions to withstand state-of-the-art automated attacks. We also show that applying these two countermeasures in the opposite order leads to a Higher-Order Filtering attack, highlighting the importance of the order of application of the combined countermeasures.
We also propose a new masking scheme called S5, standing for the Semi-Shuffled Secret Sharing Scheme, a scheme merging Dummy Shuffling and ISW in a single countermeasure more efficiently than a direct composition.
Efficient Error Detection Methods for the Number Theoretic Transforms in Lattice-Based Algorithms
The Number Theoretic Transform (NTT) is a crucial component in many post-quantum cryptographic (PQC) algorithms, enabling efficient polynomial multiplication. However, the reliability of NTT computations is an important concern, especially for safety-critical applications. This work presents novel techniques to improve the fault tolerance of NTTs used in prominent PQC schemes such as Kyber, Dilithium, and Falcon. The work first establishes a theoretical framework for error detection in NTTs, exploiting the inherent algebraic properties of these transforms. It derives necessary and sufficient conditions for constructing error-detecting vectors that can identify single faults without the need for costly recomputation. For the Dilithium scheme, the work further advances the state-of-the-art by developing the first algorithm capable of detecting up to two maliciously placed faults. The proposed error detection methods are shown to reduce the number of required multiplications by half, leading to significant improvements in computational efficiency compared to existing single error-detecting algorithms. Concrete implementations for Kyber, Dilithium, and Falcon demonstrate the practicality and effectiveness of the error-detection scheme.
Efficient Pseudorandom Correlation Generators for Any Finite Field
Correlated randomness lies at the core of efficient modern secure multi-party computation (MPC) protocols. Costs of generating such correlated randomness required for the MPC online phase protocol often constitute a bottleneck in the overall protocol.
A recent paradigm of {\em pseudorandom correlation generator} (PCG) initiated by Boyle et al. (CCS'18, Crypto'19) offers an appealing solution to this issue. In sketch, each party is given a short PCG seed, which can be locally expanded into long correlated strings, satisfying the target correlation. Among various types of correlations, there is oblivious linear evaluation (OLE), a fundamental and useful primitive for typical MPC protocols on arithmetic circuits.
Towards efficient generating a great amount of OLE, and applications to MPC protocols, we establish the following results:
(i) We propose a novel {\em programmable} PCG construction for OLE over any field . For OLE correlations, we require communication and computation, where is an arbitrary integer . Previous works either have quadratic computation (Boyle et al. Crypto'19), or can only support fields of size larger than (Bombar et al. Crypto'23).
(ii) We extend the above OLE construction to provide various types of correlations for any finite field. One of the fascinating applications is an efficient PCG for two-party {\em authenticated Boolean multiplication triples}. For authenticated triples, we offer PCGs with seed size of bits. To our best knowledge, such correlation has not been realized with sublinear communication and quasi-linear computation ever before.
(iii) In addition, the \emph{programmability} admits efficient PCGs for multi-party Boolean triples, and thus the first efficient MPC protocol for Boolean circuits with {\em silent} preprocessing. In particular, we show -party Boolean multiplication triples can be generated in -bit communication, while the state-of-the-art FOLEAGE (Asiacrypt'24) requires a broadcast channel and takes bits communication.
(iv) Finally, we present efficient PCGs for circuit-dependent preprocessing, matrix multiplications triples, and string OTs etc. Compared to previous works, each has its own right.
Revisiting Beimel-Weinreb Weighted Threshold Secret Sharing Schemes
A secret sharing scheme is a cryptographic primitive that allows a dealer to share a secret among a set of parties, so that only authorized subsets of them can recover it. The access structure of the scheme is the family of authorized subsets. In a weighted threshold secret sharing scheme, each party is assigned a weight according to its importance, and the authorized subsets are those in which the sum of their weights is at least the threshold value.
For these access structures, the best general constructions were presented by Beimel and Weinreb [IPL 2006]: The scheme with perfect security has share size , while the scheme with computational security has share size polynomial in . However, these constructions require the use of shallow monotone sorting networks, which limits their practical use.
In this context, we revisit this work and provide variants of these constructions that are feasible in practice. This is done by considering alternative circuits and formulas for weighted threshold functions that do not require monotone sorting networks. We show that, under the assumption that subexponentially secure one-way functions exist, any WTAS over parties and threshold admits a computational secret sharing scheme where the size of the shares is and the size of the public information is . Moreover, we show that any authorized subset only needs to download bits of public information to recover the secret.
Wiretapping LLMs: Network Side-Channel Attacks on Interactive LLM Services
Recent server-side optimizations like speculative decoding significantly enhance the interactivity and resource efficiency of Large Language Model (LLM) services. However, we show that these optimizations inadvertently introduce new side-channel vulnerabilities through network packet timing and size variations that tend to be input-dependent. Network adversaries can leverage these side channels to learn sensitive information contained in \emph{encrypted} user prompts to and responses from public LLM services.
This paper formalizes the security implications using a novel indistinguishability framework and introduces a novel attack that establishes the insecurity of real-world LLM services with streaming APIs under our security framework.
Our proposed attack effectively deconstructs encrypted network packet traces to reveal the sizes of underlying LLM-generated tokens and whether the tokens were generated with or without certain server-side optimizations. Our attack can accurately predict private attributes in real-world privacy-sensitive LLM applications in medicine and finance with -- accuracy on an open-source vLLM service and -- accuracy on the commercial ChatGPT service. Finally, we show that solutions that hide these side channels to different degrees expose a tradeoff between security and performance --- specifically, interactivity and network bandwidth overheads.
Polynomial Inversion Algorithms in Constant Time for Post-Quantum Cryptography
The computation of the inverse of a polynomial over a quotient ring or a finite field plays a very important role during the key generation of post-quantum cryptosystems like NTRU, BIKE, and LEDACrypt. It is therefore important that there exist an efficient algorithm capable of running in constant time, to prevent timing side-channel attacks. In this article, we study both constant-time algorithms based on Fermat's Little Theorem and the Extended Algorithm, and provide a detailed comparison in terms of performance. According to our conclusion, we see that the constant-time Extended -based Bernstein-Yang's algorithm shows a better performance with 1.76x-3.76x on \texttt{x86} platforms compared to FLT-based methods. Although we report numbers from a software implementation, we additionally provide a short glimpse of some recent results when these two algorithms are implemented on various hardware platforms. Finally, we also explore other exponentiation algorithms that work similarly to the Itoh-Tsuji inversion method. These algorithms perform fewer polynomial multiplications and show a better performance with 1.56x-1.96x on \texttt{x86} platform compared to Itoh-Tsuji inversion method.
Shuffle Shamir Secret Shares Uniformly with Linear Online Communication
In this paper, we revisit shuffle protocol for Shamir secret sharing. Upon examining previous works, we observe that existing constructions either produce non-uniform shuffle or require large communication and round complexity, e.g. exponential in the number of parties. We propose two shuffle protocols, both of which shuffle uniformly within communication for shuffling rows of an matrix shared among parties, where is a parameter balancing communication and computation. Our first construction is more concretely efficient, while our second construction requires only online communication within round. In terms of overall communication and online communication, both shuffle protocols outperform current optimal shuffle protocols for Shamir secret sharing.
At the core of our constructions is a novel permutation-sharing technique, which can be used to permute arbitrarily many vectors by computing matrix-vector products. Once shared, applying a permutation becomes much cheaper, which results in a faster online phase. Letting each party share one secret uniform permutation in the offline phase and applying them sequentially in the online phase, we obtain our first shuffle protocol. To further optimize online complexity and simplify the trade-off, we adopt the shuffle correlation proposed by Gao et al. and obtain the second shuffle protocol with online communication and online computation. This brings an additional benefit that the online complexity is now independent of offline complexity, which reduces parameter optimization to optimizing offline efficiency.
Our constructions require only most basic primitives in Shamir secret sharing scheme, and work for arbitrary field of size larger than . As shuffle is a frequent operation in algorithm design, we expect them to accelerate many other primitives in context of Shamir secret sharing MPC, such as sorting, oblivious data structure, etc.
Multi-Authority Functional Encryption with Bounded Collusions from Standard Assumptions
Multi-Authority Functional Encryption ( - ) [Chase, TCC'07; Lewko-Waters, Eurocrypt'11; Brakerski et al., ITCS'17] is a popular generalization of functional encryption ( ) with the central goal of decentralizing the trust assumption from a single central trusted key authority to a group of multiple, independent and non-interacting, key authorities. Over the last several decades, we have seen tremendous advances in new designs and constructions for supporting different function classes, from a variety of assumptions and with varying levels of security. Unfortunately, the same has not been replicated in the multi-authority setting. The current scope of - designs is rather limited, with positive results only known for (all-or-nothing) attribute-based functionalities, or need full power of general-purpose code obfuscation. This state-of-the-art in - could be explained in part by the implication provided by Brakerski et al. (ITCS'17). It was shown that a general-purpose obfuscation scheme can be designed from any - scheme for circuits, even if the - scheme is secure only in a bounded-collusion model, where at most two keys per authority get corrupted.
In this work, we revisit the problem of - , and show that existing implication from - to obfuscation is not tight. We provide new methods to design - for circuits from simple and minimal cryptographic assumptions. Our main contributions are summarized below
1. We design a -authority - for circuits in the bounded-collusion model. Under the existence of public-key encryption, we prove it to be statically simulation-secure. Further, if we assume sub-exponential security of public-key encryption, then we prove it to be adaptively simulation-secure in the Random Oracle Model.
2. We design a -authority - for circuits in the bounded-collusion model. Under the existence of 2/3-party non-interactive key exchange, we prove it to be adaptively simulation-secure.
3. We provide a new generic bootstrapping compiler for - for general circuits to design a simulation-secure -authority - from any two -authority and -authority - .
Bootstrapping (T)FHE Ciphertexts via Automorphisms: Closing the Gap Between Binary and Gaussian Keys
The GINX method in TFHE enables low-latency ciphertext bootstrapping with relatively small bootstrapping keys, but is limited to binary or ternary key distributions. In contrast, the AP method supports arbitrary key distributions, however at the cost of significantly large bootstrapping keys. Building on AP, automorphism-based methods (LMK⁺, EUROCRYPT 2023) achieve smaller keys, though each automorphism application necessitates a key switch, introducing computational overhead and noise.
This paper advances automorphism-based methods in two important ways. First, it proposes a novel traversal blind rotation algorithm that optimizes the number of key switches for a given key material. Second, it introduces a new external product that is automorphism-parametrized and seamlessly applies an automorphism to one of the input ciphertexts. Together, these techniques substantially reduce the number of key switches, resulting in faster bootstrapping and improved noise control. As an independent contribution, this paper also introduce a comprehensive theoretical framework for analyzing the expected number of automorphism key switches, whose predictions perfectly align with the results of extensive numerical experiments, demonstrating its practical relevance.
In a typical setting, by utilizing additional key material, the LLW⁺ approach (TCHES 2024) reduces key switches by 17% compared to LMK⁺. Our combined techniques achieve a 46% reduction using similar key material and can eliminate an arbitrary large number (e.g., > 99%) of key switches with only a moderate (9x) increase in key material size.
Learning from Functionality Outputs: Private Join and Compute in the Real World
Private Join and Compute (PJC) is a two-party protocol recently proposed by Google for various use-cases, including ad conversion (Asiacrypt 2021) and which generalizes their deployed private set intersection sum (PSI-SUM) protocol (EuroS&P 2020).
PJC allows two parties, each holding a key-value database, to privately evaluate the inner product of the values whose keys lie in the intersection. While the functionality output is not typically considered in the security model of the MPC literature, it may pose real-world privacy risks, thus raising concerns about the potential deployment of protocols like PJC.
In this work, we analyze the risks associated with the PJC functionality output. We consider an adversary that is a participating party of PJC and describe four practical attacks that break the other party's input privacy, and which are able to recover both membership of keys in the intersection and their associated values. Our attacks consider the privacy threats associated with deployment and highlight the need to include the functionality output as part of the MPC security model.
Secure Showing of Partial Attributes
Anonymous Attribute-Based Credentials (ABCs) allow users to prove possession of attributes while adhering to various authentication policies and without revealing unnecessary information. Single-use ABCs are particularly appealing for their lightweight nature and practical efficiency. These credentials are typically built using blind signatures, with Anonymous Credentials Light (ACL) being one of the most prominent schemes in the literature. However, the security properties of single-use ABCs, especially their secure showing property, have not been fully explored, and prior definitions and corresponding security proofs fail to address scenarios involving partial attribute disclosure effectively. In this work, we propose a stronger secure showing definition that ensures robust security even under selective attribute revelation. Our definition extends the winning condition of the existing secure showing experiment by adding various constraints on the subsets of opened attributes. We show how to represent this winning condition as a matching problem in a suitable bipartite graph, thus allowing for it to be verified efficiently. We then prove that ACL satisfies our strong secure showing notion without any modification. Finally, we define double-spending prevention for single-use ABCs, and show how ACL satisfies the definition.
The Nonlinear Filter Model of Stream Cipher Redivivus
The nonlinear filter model is an old and well understood approach to the design of secure stream ciphers. Extensive research over several decades has shown how to attack stream ciphers based on this model and has identified the security properties required of the Boolean function used as the filtering function to resist such attacks. This led to the problem of constructing Boolean functions which provide adequate security and at the same time are efficient to implement. Unfortunately, over the last two decades no good solutions to this problem appeared in the literature. The lack of good solutions has effectively led to nonlinear filter model becoming more or less obsolete. This is a big loss to the cryptographic design toolkit, since the great advantages of the nonlinear filter model are its simplicity, well understood security and the potential to provide low cost solutions for hardware oriented stream ciphers. In this paper we construct balanced functions on an odd number of variables with the following provable properties: linear bias equal to , algebraic degree equal to , algebraic immunity at least , fast algebraic immunity at least , and can be implemented using NAND gates. The functions are obtained from a simple modification of the well known class of Maiorana-McFarland bent functions. By appropriately choosing and the length of the linear feedback shift register, we show that it is possible to obtain examples of stream ciphers which are -bit secure against known types of attacks for various values of . We provide concrete proposals for and . For the -bit, -bit, and the -bit security levels, the circuits for the corresponding stream ciphers require about 1743.5, 2771.5, and 5607.5 NAND gates respectively. For the -bit and the -bit security levels, the gate count estimates compare quite well to the famous ciphers Trivium and Grain-128a respectively, while for the -bit security level, we do not know of any other stream cipher design which has such a low gate count.
A Holistic Framework for Impossible Boomerang Attacks
In 2011, Lu introduced the impossible boomerang attack at DCC. This powerful cryptanalysis technique combines the strengths of the impossible differential and boomerang attacks, thereby inheriting the advantages of both cryptographic techniques. In this paper, we propose a holistic framework comprising two generic and effective algorithms and a MILP-based model to search for the optimal impossible boomerang attack systematically. The first algorithm incorporates any key guessing strategy, while the second integrates the meet-in-the-middle (MITM) attack into the key recovery process. Our framework is highly flexible, accommodating any set of attack parameters and returning the optimal attack complexity. When applying our framework to Deoxys-BC-256, Deoxys-BC-384, Joltik-BC-128, Joltik-BC-192, and SKINNYe v2, we achieve several significant improvements. We achieve the first 11-round impossible boomerang attacks on Deoxys-BC-256\ and Joltik-BC-128. For SKINNYe v2, we achieve the first 33-round impossible boomerang attack, then using the MITM approach in the key recovery attack, the time complexity is significantly reduced. Additionally, for the 14-round Deoxys-BC-384 and Joltik-BC-192, the time complexity of the impossible boomerang attack is reduced by factors exceeding 2^{27} and 2^{12}, respectively.
Optimizing Key Recovery in Impossible Cryptanalysis and Its Automated Tool
Impossible differential (ID) cryptanalysis and impossible boomerang (IB) cryptanalysis are two methods of impossible cryptanalysis against block ciphers. Since the seminal work introduced by Boura et al. in 2014, there have been no substantial advancements in the key recovery process for impossible cryptanalysis, particularly for the IB attack.In this paper, we propose a generic key recovery framework for impossible cryptanalysis that supports arbitrary key-guessing strategies, enabling optimal key recovery attacks. Within the framework, we provide a formal analysis of probabilistic extensions in impossible cryptanalysis for the first time. Besides, for the construction of IB distinguishers, we propose a new method for finding contradictions in multiple rounds.
By incorporating these techniques, we propose an Mixed-Integer Linear Programming (MILP)-based tool for finding full ID and IB attacks. To demonstrate the power of our methods, we applied it to several block ciphers, including SKINNY, SKINNYee, Midori, and Deoxys-BC. Our approach yields a series of optimal results in impossible cryptanalysis, achieving significant improvements in time and memory complexities. Notably, our IB attack on SKINNYee is the first 30-round attack.
Breaking the Blindfold: Deep Learning-based Blind Side-channel Analysis
Physical side-channel analysis (SCA) operates on the foundational assumption of access to known plaintext or ciphertext. However, this assumption can be easily invalidated in various scenarios, ranging from common encryption modes like Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) to complex hardware implementations, where such data may be inaccessible. Blind SCA addresses this challenge by operating without the knowledge of plaintext or ciphertext. Unfortunately, prior such approaches have shown limited success in practical settings.
In this paper, we introduce the Deep Learning-based Blind Side-channel Analysis (DL-BSCA) framework, which leverages deep neural networks to recover secret keys in blind SCA settings. In addition, we propose a novel labeling method, Multi-point Cluster-based (MC) labeling, accounting for dependencies between leakage variables by exploiting multiple sample points for each variable, improving the accuracy of trace labeling.
We validate our approach across four datasets, including symmetric key algorithms (AES and Ascon) and a post-quantum cryptography algorithm, Kyber, with platforms ranging from high-leakage 8-bit AVR XMEGA to noisy 32-bit ARM STM32F4. Notably, previous methods failed to recover the key on the same datasets. Furthermore, we demonstrate the first successful blind SCA on a desynchronization countermeasure enabled by DL-BSCA and MC labeling. All experiments are validated with real-world SCA measurements, highlighting the practicality and effectiveness of our approach.
TallyGuard: Privacy Preserving Tallied-as-cast Guarantee
This paper presents a novel approach to verifiable vote tallying using additive homomorphism, which can be appended to existing voting systems without modifying the underlying infrastructure. Existing End-to-End Verifiable (E2E-V) systems like Belenios and ElectionGuard rely on distributed trust models or are vulnerable to decryption compromises, making them less suitable for general elections. Our approach introduces a tamper-evident commitment to votes through cryptographic hashes derived from homomorphic encryption schemes such as Paillier. The proposed system provides tallied-as-cast verifiability without revealing individual votes, thereby preventing coercion. The system also provides the ability to perform public verification of results. We also show that this system can be transitioned to quantum-secure encryption like Regev for future-proofing the system. We discuss how to deploy this system in a real-world scenario, including for general political elections, analyzing the security implications and report on the limitations of this system. We believe that the proposed system offers a practical solution to the problem of verifiable vote tallying in general elections.
Cycles and Cuts in Supersingular L-Isogeny Graphs
Supersingular elliptic curve isogeny graphs underlie isogeny-based cryptography. For isogenies of a single prime degree , their structure has been investigated graph-theoretically.
We generalise the notion of -isogeny graphs to -isogeny graphs (studied in the prime field case by Delfs and Galbraith), where is a set of small primes dictating the allowed isogeny degrees in the graph. We analyse the graph-theoretic structure of -isogeny graphs. Our approaches may be put into two categories: cycles and graph cuts.
On the topic of cycles, we provide: a count for the number of non-backtracking cycles in the -isogeny graph using traces of Brandt matrices; an efficiently computable estimate based on this approach; and a third ideal-theoretic count for a certain subclass of -isogeny cycles. We provide code to compute each of these three counts.
On the topic of graph cuts, we compare several algorithms to compute graph cuts which minimise a measure called the edge expansion, outlining a cryptographic motivation for doing so. Our results show that a greedy neighbour algorithm out-performs standard spectral algorithms for computing optimal graph cuts. We provide code and study explicit examples.
Furthermore, we describe several directions of active and future research.
Shadowfax: Combiners for Deniability
As cryptographic protocols transition to post-quantum security, most adopt hybrid solutions combining pre-quantum and post-quantum assumptions. However, this shift often introduces trade-offs in terms of efficiency, compactness, and in some cases, even security. One such example is deniability, which enables users, such as journalists or activists, to deny authorship of potentially incriminating messages. While deniability was once mainly of theoretical interest, protocols like X3DH, used in Signal and WhatsApp, provide it to billions of users. Recent work (Collins et al., PETS'25) has further bridged the gap between theory and real-world applicability. In the post-quantum setting, however, protocols like PQXDH, as well as others such as Apple’s iMessage with PQ3, do not support deniability. This work investigates how to preserve deniability in the post-quantum setting by leveraging unconditional (statistical) guarantees instead of computational assumptions - distinguishing deniability from confidentiality and authenticity.
As a case study, we present a hybrid authenticated key encapsulation mechanism (AKEM) that provides statistical deniability, while maintaining authenticity and confidentiality through a combination of pre-quantum and post-quantum assumptions. To this end, we introduce two combiners at different levels of abstraction. First, at the highest level, we propose a black-box construction that combines two AKEMs, showing that deniability is preserved only when both constituent schemes are deniable. Second, we present Shadowfax, a non-black-box combiner that integrates a pre-quantum NIKE, a post-quantum KEM, and a post-quantum ring signature. We demonstrate that Shadowfax ensures deniability in both dishonest and honest receiver settings. When instantiated, we rely on statistical security for the former, and on a pre- or post-quantum assumption in the latter. Finally, we provide an optimised, yet portable, implementation of a specific instantiation of Shadowfax yielding ciphertexts of 1781 bytes and public keys of 1449 bytes. Our implementation achieves competitive performance: encapsulation takes 1.9 million cycles and decapsulation takes 800000 cycles on an Apple M1 Pro.
Error floor prediction with Markov models for QC-MDPC codes
Quasi-cyclic moderate-density parity check (QC-MDPC) code-based encryption schemes under iterative decoders offer highly-competitive performance in the quantum-resistant space of cryptography, but the decoding-failure rate (DFR) of these algorithms are not well-understood. The DFR decreases extremely rapidly as the ratio of code-length to error-bits increases, then decreases much more slowly in regimes known as the waterfall and error-floor, respectively.
This work establishes three, successively more detailed probabilistic models of the DFR for iterative decoders for QC-MPDC codes: the simplified model, the refined model for perfect keys, and the refined model for all keys. The models are built upon a Markov model introduced by Sendrier and Vasseur that closely predicts decoding behavior in the waterfall region but does not capture the error floor behavior. The simplified model introduces a modification which captures the dominant contributor to error floor behavior which is convergence to near codewords introduced by Vasseur in his PhD thesis. The refined models give more accurate predictions taking into account certain structural features of specific keys.
Our models are based on the step-by-step decoder, which is highly simplified and experimentally displays worse decoding performance than parallel decoders used in practice. Despite the use of the simplified decoder, we obtain an accurate prediction of the DFR in the error floor and demonstrate that the error floor behavior is dominated by convergence to a near codeword during a failed decoding instance. Furthermore, we have run this model for a simplified version of the QC-MDPC code-based cryptosystem BIKE to better ascertain whether the DFR is low enough to achieve IND-CCA2 security. Our model for a modified version of BIKE 1 gives a DFR which is below , using a block length instead of the BIKE 1 parameter .
Efficient Quantum-safe Distributed PRF and Applications: Playing DiSE in a Quantum World
We propose the first version of a simple, efficient, and provably quantum-safe pseudorandom function (PRF). The distributed PRF (DPRF) supports arbitrary threshold access structures based on the hardness of the well-studied Learning with Rounding (LWR) problem. Our construction (abbreviated as ) practically outperforms not only existing constructions of DPRF based on lattice-based assumptions, but also outperforms (in terms of evaluation time) existing constructions of: (i) classically secure DPRFs based on discrete-log hard groups, and (ii) quantum-safe DPRFs based on any generic quantum-safe PRF (e.g. AES). The efficiency of stems from the extreme simplicity of its construction, consisting of a simple inner product computation over , followed by a rounding to a smaller modulus . The key technical novelty of our proposal lies in our proof technique, where we prove the correctness and post-quantum security of (against semi-honest corruptions of any less than threshold number of parties) for a polynomial (equivalently, "modulus to modulus")-ratio.
Our proposed DPRF construction immediately enables efficient yet quantum-safe instantiations of several practical applications, including key distribution centers, distributed coin tossing, long-term encryption of information, etc. We showcase a particular application of in realizing an efficient yet quantum-safe version of distributed symmetric-key encryption ( -- originally proposed by Agrawal et al. in CCS 2018), which we call . For semi-honest adversarial corruptions across a wide variety of corruption thresholds, substantially outperforms existing instantiations of based on discrete-log hard groups and generic PRFs (e.g. AES). We illustrate the practical efficiency of our via prototype implementation of .
Quantum function secret sharing
We propose a quantum function secret sharing scheme in which the communication is exclusively classical. In this primitive, a classical dealer distributes a secret quantum circuit by providing shares to quantum parties. The parties on an input state and a projection , compute values that they then classically communicate back to the dealer, who can then compute using only classical resources. Moreover, the shares do not leak much information about the secret circuit .
Our protocol for quantum secret sharing uses the Cayley path, a tool that has been extensively used to support quantum primacy claims. More concretely, the shares of correspond to randomized version of which are delegated to the quantum parties, and the reconstruction can be done by extrapolation. Our scheme has two limitations, which we prove to be inherent to our techniques: First, our scheme is only secure against single adversaries, and we show that if two parties collude, then they can break its security. Second, the evaluation done by the parties requires exponential time in the number of gates.
On pairs of primes with small order reciprocity
We give a sieving algorithm for finding pairs of primes with small multiplicative orders modulo each other. This problem is a necessary condition for obtaining constructions of -cycles of pairing-friendly curves, which have found use in cryptographic applications. Our database of examples suggests that, with the exception of a well-known infinite family of such primes, instances become increasingly rare as the size of the primes increase. This leads to some interesting open questions for which we hope our database prompts further investigation.
Practical Asynchronous Distributed Key Reconfiguration and Its Applications
In this paper, we study practical constructions of asynchronous distributed key reconfiguration ( ), which enables an asynchronous fault-tolerant system with an existing threshold cryptosystem to efficiently generate a new threshold cryptosystem for a reconfigured set of participants. While existing asynchronous distributed threshold key generation ( ) protocols theoretically solve , they fail to deliver satisfactory scalability due to cubic communication overhead, even with simplifications to the reconfiguration setting.
We introduce a more efficient \textit{share-dispersal-then-agree-and-recast} paradigm for constructing with preserving adaptive security. The method replaces expensive asynchronous verifiable secret sharing protocols in classic with cheaper dispersals of publicly-verifiable sharing transcripts; after consensus confirms a set of finished dispersals, it selects a small -subset of finished dispersals for verification, reducing the total overhead to from , where is a small constant (typically 30 or less). To further optimize concrete efficiency, we propose an interactive protocol with linear communication to generate publicly verifiable secret sharing (PVSS) transcripts, avoiding computationally expensive non-interactive PVSS. Additionally, we introduce a distributed PVSS verification mechanism, minimizing redundant computations across different parties and reducing the dominating PVSS verification cost by about one-third.
Our design also enables diverse applications: (i) given a quadratic-communication asynchronous coin-flipping protocol, it implies the first quadratic-communication ; and (ii) it can be extended to realize the first quadratic-communication asynchronous dynamic proactive secret sharing (ADPSS) protocol with adaptive security. Experimental evaluations on a global network of 256 AWS servers show up to 40\% lower latency compared to state-of-the-art protocols (with simplifications to the reconfiguration setting), highlighting the practicality of our in large-scale asynchronous systems.
A Comprehensive Formal Security Analysis of OPC UA
OPC UA is a standardized Industrial Control System (ICS) protocol, deployed in critical infrastructures, that aims to ensure security. The forthcoming version 1.05 includes major changes in the underlying cryptographic design, including a Diffie-Hellmann based key exchange, as opposed to the previous RSA based version. Version 1.05 is supposed to offer stronger security, including Perfect Forward Secrecy (PFS).
We perform a formal security analysis of the security protocols specified in OPC UA v1.05 and v1.04, for the RSA-based and the new DH-based mode, using the state-of-the-art symbolic protocol verifier ProVerif. Compared to previous studies, our model is much more comprehensive, including the new protocol version, combination of the different sub-protocols for establishing secure channels, sessions and their management, covering a large range of possible configurations. This results in one of the largest models ever studied in ProVerif raising many challenges related to its verification mainly due to the complexity of the state machine. We discuss how we mitigated this complexity to obtain meaningful analysis results. Our analysis uncovered several new vulnerabilities, that have been reported to and acknowledged by the OPC Foundation. We designed and proposed provably secure fixes, most of which are included in the upcoming version of the standard.
Efficient algorithms for the detection of -splittings and endomorphisms
We develop an efficient algorithm to detect whether a superspecial genus 2 Jacobian is optimally -split for each integer . Incorporating this algorithm into the best-known attack against the superspecial isogeny problem in dimension 2 (due to Costello and Smith) gives rise to significant cryptanalytic improvements. Our implementation shows that when the underlying prime is 100 bits, the attack is sped up by a factor of ; when the underlying prime is 200 bits, the attack is sped up by a factor of ; and, when the underlying prime is 1000 bits, the attack is sped up by a factor of . Furthermore, we describe a more general algorithm to find endomorphisms of superspecial genus 2 Jacobians.
SHIFT SNARE: Uncovering Secret Keys in FALCON via Single-Trace Analysis
This paper presents a novel single-trace side-channel attack on FALCON---a lattice-based post-quantum digital signature protocol recently approved for standardization by NIST. We target the discrete Gaussian sampling operation within the FALCON key generation scheme and use a single power measurement trace to succeed. Notably, negating the 'shift right 63-bit' operation (for 64-bit values) leaks critical information about the '-1' vs. '0' assignments to intermediate coefficients. These leaks enable full recovery of the generated secret keys. The proposed attack is implemented on an ARM Cortex-M4 microcontroller running both reference and optimized software implementation from FALCON's NIST Round 3 package.
Statistical analysis with 500k tests reveals a per coefficient success rate of 99.9999999478% and a full key recovery success rate of 99.99994654% for FALCON-512. This work highlights the vulnerability of current software solutions to single-trace attacks and underscores the urgent need to develop single-trace resilient software for embedded systems.
Breaking RSA with Overclocking-induced GPU Faults
Overclocking is a a supported functionality of Nvidia GPUs, and is a common performance enhancement practice. However, overclocking poses a danger for cryptographic applications. As the temperature in the overclocked GPU increases, spurious computation faults occur. Coupled with well known fault attacks against RSA implementations, one can expect such faults to allow compromising RSA private keys during decryption or signing.
We first validate this hypothesis: We evaluate two commercial-grade GPU-based implementations of RSA within openSSL (called RNS and MP), under a wide range of overclocking levels and temperatures, and demonstrate that both implementations are vulnerable.
However, and more importantly, we show for the first time that even if the GPU is benignly overclocked to a seemingly ``safe'' rate, a successful attack can still be mounted, over the network, by simply sending requests at an aggressive rate to increase the temperature. Hence, setting any level of overclocking on the GPU is risky.
Moreover, we observe a huge difference in the implementations'
vulnerability: the rate of RSA breaks for RNS is 4 orders of magnitude higher than that of MP. We attribute this difference to the implementations' memory usage patterns: RNS makes heavy use of the GPU's global memory, which is accessed via both the Unified (L1) cache and the L2 cache; MP primarily uses ``shared'' on-chip memory, which is local to each GPU Streaming MultiProcessor (SM) and is uncached, utilizing the memory banks used for the L1 cache. We believe that the computation faults are caused by reads from the global memory, which under a combination of overclocking, high temperature and high memory contention, occasionally return stale values.
KZH-Fold: Accountable Voting from Sublinear Accumulation
Accumulation schemes are powerful primitives that enable distributed and incremental verifiable computation with less overhead than recursive SNARKs. However, existing schemes with constant-size accumulation verifiers, suffer from linear-sized accumulators and deciders, leading to linear-sized proofs that are unsuitable in distributed settings. Motivated by the need for bandwidth efficient accountable voting protocols, (I) We introduce KZH, a novel polynomial commitment scheme, and (II) KZH-fold, the first sublinear accumulation scheme where the verifier only does group scalar multiplications and accumulator size and decider time. Our scheme generalizes to achieve accumulator and decider complexity of with verifier complexity . Using the BCLMS compiler, (III) we build an IVC/PCD scheme with sublinear proof and decider. (IV) Next, we propose a new approach to non-uniform IVC, where the cost of proving a step is proportional only to the size of the step instruction circuit, and unlike previous approaches, the witness size is not linear in the number of instructions. (V) Leveraging these advancements, we demonstrate the power of KZH-fold by implementing an accountable voting scheme using a novel signature aggregation protocol supporting millions of participants, significantly reducing communication overhead and verifier time compared to BLS-based aggregation. We implemented and benchmarked our protocols and KZH-fold achieves a 2000x reduction in communication and a 50x improvement in decider time over Nova when proving 2000 Poseidon hashes, at the cost of 3x the prover time.
A New Way to Achieve Round-Efficient Asynchronous Byzantine Agreement
We translate the \emph{expand-and-extract} framework by Fitzi, Liu-Zhang, and Loss (PODC 21) to the asynchronous setting.
While they use it to obtain a synchronous BA with error probability in rounds, we make it work in asynchrony in rounds.
At the heart of their solution is a \emph{proxcensus} primitive,
which is used to reach graded agreement with grades in rounds by reducing proxcensus with grades to proxcensus with grades in one round.
The \emph{expand-and-extract} paradigm uses proxcensus to \emph{expand} binary inputs to grades in rounds before \emph{extracting} a binary output by partitioning the grades using a bit common coin.
However, the proxcensus protocol by Fitzi et al. does not translate to the asynchronous setting without lowering the corruption threshold or using more rounds in each recursive step.
We solve this by attaching \emph{justifiers} to all messages: forcing the adversary to choose between being ignored by the honest parties, or sending messages with certain validity properties.
Using these we define validated proxcensus and show that it can be instantiated in asynchrony with the same recursive structure and round complexity as synchronous proxcensus.
In asynchrony the extraction phase incurs a security loss of one bit
which is recovered by expanding to twice as many grades using an extra round of communication.
This results in a round and a round BA, both with error probability and communication complexity matching Fitzi et al.
hax: Verifying Security-Critical Rust Software using Multiple Provers
We present hax, a verification toolchain for Rust targeted at security-critical software such as cryptographic libraries, protocol imple- mentations, authentication and authorization mechanisms, and parsing and sanitization code. The key idea behind hax is the pragmatic observation that different verification tools are better at handling different kinds of verification goals. Consequently, hax supports multiple proof backends, including domain-specific security analysis tools like ProVerif and SSProve, as well as general proof assistants like Coq and F*. In this paper, we present the hax toolchain and show how we use it to translate Rust code to the input languages of different provers. We describe how we systematically test our translated models and our models of the Rust system libraries to gain confidence in their correctness. Finally, we briefly overview various ongoing verification projects that rely on hax.
Space-Lock Puzzles and Verifiable Space-Hard Functions from Root-Finding in Sparse Polynomials
Timed cryptography has initiated a paradigm shift in the design of cryptographic protocols: Using timed cryptography we can realize tasks fairly, which is provably out of range of standard cryptographic concepts. To a certain degree, the success of timed cryptography is rooted in the existence of efficient protocols based on the sequential squaring assumption.
In this work, we consider space analogues of timed cryptographic primitives, which we refer to as space-hard primitives. Roughly speaking, these notions require honest protocol parties to invest a certain amount of space and provide security against space constrained adversaries. While inefficient generic constructions of timed-primitives from strong assumptions such as indistinguishability obfuscation can be adapted to the space-hard setting, we currently lack concrete and versatile algebraically structured assumptions for space-hard cryptography.
In this work, we initiate the study of space-hard primitives from concrete algebraic assumptions relating to the problem of root-finding of sparse polynomials. Our motivation to study this problem is a candidate construction of VDFs by Boneh et al. (CRYPTO 2018) which are based on the hardness of inverting permutation polynomials. Somewhat anticlimactically, our first contribution is a full break of this candidate. However, we then revise this hardness assumption by dropping the permutation requirement and considering arbitrary sparse high degree polynomials. We argue that this type of assumption is much better suited for space-hardness rather than timed cryptography. We then proceed to construct both space-lock puzzles and verifiable space-hard functions from this assumption.
HELP: Everlasting Privacy through Server-Aided Randomness
Everlasting (EL) privacy offers an attractive solution to the Store-Now-Decrypt-Later (SNDL) problem, where future increases in the attacker's capability could break systems which are believed to be secure today. Instead of requiring full information-theoretic security, everlasting privacy allows computationally-secure transmissions of ephemeral secrets, which are only "effective" for a limited periods of time, after which their compromise is provably useless for the SNDL attacker.
In this work we revisit such everlasting privacy model of Dodis and Yeo (ITC'21), which we call Hypervisor EverLasting Privacy (HELP). HELP is a novel architecture for generating shared randomness using a network of semi-trusted servers (or "hypervisors"), trading the need to store/distribute large shared secrets with the assumptions that it is hard to: (a) simultaneously compromise too many publicly accessible ad-hoc servers; and (b) break a computationally-secure encryption scheme very quickly. While Dodis and Yeo presented good HELP solutions in the asymptotic sense, their solutions were concretely expensive and used heavy tools (like large finite fields or gigantic Toeplitz matrices).
We abstract and generalize the HELP architecture to allow for more efficient instantiations, and construct several concretely efficient HELP solutions. Our solutions use elementary cryptographic operations, such as hashing and message authentication. We also prove a very strong composition theorem showing that our EL architecture can use any message transmission method which is computationally-secure in the Universal Composability (UC) framework. This is the first positive composition result for everlasting privacy, which was otherwise known to suffer from many "non-composition" results (Müller-Quade and Unruh; J of Cryptology'10).
Path Privacy and Handovers: Preventing Insider Traceability Attacks During Secure Handovers
The rise of 5G and IoT has shifted secure communication from centralized and homogeneous to a landscape of heterogeneous mobile devices constantly travelling between myriad networks. In such environments, it is desirable for devices to securely extend their connection from one network to another, often referred to as a handover. In this work we introduce the first cryptographic formalisation of secure handover schemes. We leverage our formalisation to propose path privacy, a novel security property for handovers that has hitherto remained unexplored. We further develop a syntax for secure handovers, and identify security properties appropriate for secure handover schemes. Finally, we introduce a generic handover scheme that captures all the strong notions of security we have identified, combining our novel path privacy concept with other security properties characteristic to existing handover schemes, demonstrating the robustness and versatility of our framework.
Preprocessing Security in Multiple Idealized Models with Applications to Schnorr Signatures and PSEC-KEM
In modern cryptography, relatively few instantiations of foundational cryptographic primitives are used across most cryptographic protocols. For example, elliptic curve groups are typically instantiated using P-256, P-384, Curve25519, or Curve448, while block ciphers are commonly instantiated with AES, and hash functions with SHA-2, SHA-3, or SHAKE. This limited diversity raises concerns that an adversary with nation-state-level resources could perform a preprocessing attack, generating a hint that might later be exploited to break protocols built on these primitives. It is often notoriously challenging to analyze and upper bound the advantage of a preprocessing attacker even if we assume that we have idealized instantiations of our cryptographic primitives (ideal permutations, ideal ciphers, random oracles, generic groups). Coretti et al. (CRYPTO/EUROCRYPT'18) demonstrated a powerful framework to simplify the analysis of preprocessing attacks, but they only proved that their framework applies when the cryptographic protocol uses a single idealized primitive. In practice, however, cryptographic constructions often utilize multiple different cryptographic primitives.
We verify that Coretti et al. (CRYPTO/EUROCRYPT'18)'s framework extends to settings with multiple idealized primitives and we apply this framework to analyze the multi-user security of (short) Schnorr Signatures and the CCA-security of PSEC-KEM against pre-processing attackers in the Random Oracle Model (ROM) plus the Generic Group Model (GGM). Prior work of Blocki and Lee (EUROCRYPT'22) used complicated compression arguments to analyze the security of {\em key-prefixed} short Schnorr signatures where the random oracle is salted with the user's public key. However, the security analysis did not extend to standardized implementations of Schnorr Signatures (e.g., BSI-TR-03111 or ISO/IEC 14888-3) which do not adopt key-prefixing, but take other measures to protect against preprocessing attacks by disallowing signatures that use a preimage of . Blocki and Lee (EUROCRYPT'22) left the (in)security of such "nonzero Schnorr Signature" constructions as an open question. We fully resolve this open question demonstrating that (short) nonzero Schnorr Signatures are also secure against preprocessing attacks. We also analyze PSEC-KEM in the ROM+GGM demonstrating that this Key Encapsulation Mechanism (KEM) is CPA-secure against preprocessing attacks.
FINAL bootstrap acceleration on FPGA using DSP-free constant-multiplier NTTs
This work showcases Quatorze-bis, a state-of-the-art Number Theoretic Transform circuit for TFHE-like cryptosystems on FPGAs. It contains a novel modular multiplication design for modular multiplication with a constant for a constant modulus. This modular multiplication design does not require any DSP units or any dedicated multiplier unit, nor does it require extra logic when compared to the state-of-the-art modular multipliers. Furthermore, we present an implementation of a constant multiplier Number Theoretic Transform design for TFHE-like schemes. Lastly, we use this Number Theoretic Transform design to implement a FINAL hardware accelerator for the AMD Alveo U55c which improves the Throughput metric of TFHE-like cryptosystems on FPGAs by a factor 9.28x over Li et al.'s NFP CHES 2024 accelerator and by 10-25% over the absolute state-of-the-art design FPT while using one third of FPTs DSPs.
Isogeny-based Cryptography using Isomorphisms of Superspecial Abelian Surfaces
We investigate the algorithmic problem of computing isomorphisms between products of supersingular elliptic curves, given their endomorphism rings. This computational problem seems to be difficult when the domain and codomain are fixed, whereas we provide efficient algorithms to compute isomorphisms when part of the codomain is built during the construction. We propose an authentication protocol whose security relies on this asymmetry. Its most prominent feature is that the endomorphism rings of the elliptic curves are not hidden. Furthermore, it does not require a trusted setup.
Quickly after this preprint was published, Benjamin Wesolowski found a way to solve efficiently Problem 5.1 that we assumed to be hard. This kills our authentication protocol.
PRISM: Simple And Compact Identification and Signatures From Large Prime Degree Isogenies
The problem of computing an isogeny of large prime degree from a supersingular elliptic curve of unknown endomorphism ring is assumed to be hard both for classical as well as quantum computers.
In this work, we first build a two-round identification protocol whose security reduces to this problem. The challenge consists of a random large prime and the prover simply replies with an efficient representation of an isogeny of degree from its public key.
Using the hash-and-sign paradigm, we then derive a signature scheme with a very simple and flexible signing procedure and prove its security in the standard model.
Our optimized C implementation of the signature scheme shows that signing is roughly faster than all SQIsign variants, whereas verification is times slower. The sizes of the public key and signature are comparable to existing schemes.
TockOwl: Asynchronous Consensus with Fault and Network Adaptability
BFT protocols usually have a waterfall-like degradation in performance in the face of crash faults. Some BFT protocols may not experience sudden performance degradation under crash faults. They achieve this at the expense of increased communication and round complexity in fault-free scenarios. In a nutshell, existing protocols lack the adaptability needed to perform optimally under varying conditions.
We propose TockOwl, the first asynchronous consensus protocol with fault adaptability. TockOwl features quadratic communication and constant round complexity, allowing it to remain efficient in fault-free scenarios. TockOwl also possesses crash robustness, enabling it to maintain stable performance when facing crash faults. These properties collectively ensure the fault adaptability of TockOwl.
Furthermore, we propose TockOwl+ that has network adaptability. TockOwl+ incorporates both fast and slow tracks and employs hedging delays, allowing it to achieve low latency comparable to partially synchronous protocols without waiting for timeouts in asynchronous environments. Compared to the latest dual-track protocols, the slow track of TockOwl+ is simpler, implying shorter latency in fully asynchronous environments.
Cryptanalysis of an Efficient Signature Based on Isotropic Quadratic Forms
We present a key-recovery attack on DEFI, an efficient signature scheme proposed recently by Feussner and Semaev, and based on isotropic quadratic forms, borrowing from both multivariate and lattice cryptography.
Our lattice-based attack is partially heuristic, but works on all proposed parameters: experimentally, it recovers the secret key in a few minutes, using less than ten (message,signature) pairs.
Distributional Private Information Retrieval
A private-information-retrieval (PIR) scheme lets a client fetch a record from a remote database without revealing which record it fetched. Classic PIR schemes treat all database records the same but, in practice, some database records are much more popular (i.e., commonly fetched) than others. We introduce distributional PIR, a new type of PIR that can run faster than classic PIR---both asymptotically and concretely---when the popularity distribution is skewed. Distributional PIR provides exactly the same cryptographic privacy as classic PIR. The speedup comes from a relaxed form of correctness: distributional PIR guarantees that in-distribution queries succeed with good probability, while out-of-distribution queries succeed with lower probability. Because of its relaxed correctness, distributional PIR is best suited for applications where "best-effort" retrieval is acceptable. Moreover, for security, a client's decision to query the server must be independent of whether its past queries were successful.
We construct a distributional-PIR scheme that makes black-box use of classic PIR protocols, and prove a lower bound on the server runtime of a natural class of distributional-PIR schemes. On two real-world popularity distributions, our construction reduces compute costs by - compared to existing techniques. Finally, we build CrowdSurf, an end-to-end system for privately fetching tweets, and show that distributional-PIR reduces the end-to-end server cost by .
On the Anonymity of Linkable Ring Signatures
Security models provide a way of formalising security properties in a rigorous way, but it is sometimes difficult to ensure that the model really fits the concept that we are trying to formalise. In this paper, we illustrate this fact by showing the discrepancies between the security model of anonymity of linkable ring signatures and the security that is actually expected for this kind of signature. These signatures allow a user to sign anonymously within an ad hoc group generated from the public keys of the group members, but all their signatures can be linked together. Reading the related literature, it seems obvious that users' identities must remain hidden even when their signatures are linked, but we show that, surprisingly, almost none have adopted a security model that guarantees it. We illustrate this by presenting two counter-examples which are secure in most anonymity model of linkable ring signatures, but which trivially leak a signer's identity after only two signatures.
A natural fix to this model, already introduced in some previous work, is proposed in a corruption model where the attacker can generate the keys of certain users themselves, which seems much more coherent in a context where the group of users can be constructed in an ad hoc way at the time of signing. We believe that these two changes make the security model more realistic. Indeed, within the framework of this model, our counter-examples becomes insecure. Furthermore, we show that most of the schemes in the literature we surveyed appear to have been designed to achieve the security guaranteed by the latest model, which reinforces the idea that the model is closer to the informal intuition of what anonymity should be in linkable ring signatures.
Symmetric Perceptrons, Number Partitioning and Lattices
The symmetric binary perceptron ( ) problem with parameter is an average-case search problem defined as follows: given a random Gaussian matrix as input where , output a vector such that
The number partitioning problem ( ) corresponds to the special case of setting . There is considerable evidence that both problems exhibit large computational-statistical gaps.
In this work, we show (nearly) tight average-case hardness for these problems, assuming the worst-case hardness of standard approximate shortest vector problems on lattices.
For , statistically, solutions exist with (Aubin, Perkins and Zdeborova, Journal of Physics 2019). For large , the best that efficient algorithms have been able to achieve is a far cry from the statistical bound, namely (Bansal and Spencer, Random Structures and Algorithms 2020). The problem has been extensively studied in the TCS and statistics communities, and Gamarnik, Kizildag, Perkins and Xu (FOCS 2022) conjecture that Bansal-Spencer is tight: namely, is the optimal value achieved by computationally efficient algorithms.
We prove their conjecture assuming the worst-case hardness of approximating the shortest vector problem on lattices.
For , statistically, solutions exist with (Karmarkar, Karp, Lueker and Odlyzko, Journal of Applied Probability 1986). Karmarkar and Karp's classical differencing algorithm achieves
We prove that Karmarkar-Karp is nearly tight: namely, no polynomial-time algorithm can achieve , once again assuming the worst-case subexponential hardness of approximating the shortest vector problem on lattices to within a subexponential factor.
Our hardness results are versatile, and hold with respect to different distributions of the matrix (e.g., i.i.d. uniform entries from ) and weaker requirements on the solution vector .
DewTwo: a transparent PCS with quasi-linear prover, logarithmic verifier and 4.5KB proofs from falsifiable assumptions
We construct the first polynomial commitment scheme (PCS) that has a transparent setup, quasi-linear prover time, verifier time, and proof size, for multilinear polynomials of size . Concretely, we have the smallest proof size amongst transparent PCS, with proof size less than KB for . We prove that our scheme is secure entirely under falsifiable assumptions about groups of unknown order. The scheme significantly improves on the prior work of Dew (PKC 2023), which has super-cubic prover time and relies on the Generic Group Model (a non-falsifiable assumption). Along the way, we make several contributions that are of independent interest: PoKEMath, a protocol for efficiently proving that an arbitrary predicate over committed integer vectors holds; SIPA, a bulletproofs-style inner product argument in groups of unknown order; we also distill out what prior work required from the Generic Group Model and frame this as a falsifiable assumption.
Asynchronous YOSO a la Paillier
We present the first complete adaptively secure asynchronous MPC protocol for the YOSO (You Speak Only Once) setting. In contrast to many previous MPC constructions in the YOSO model, we provide a full stack implementation that does MPC, role assignment and total order broadcast. Therefore, our construction is also the first to provide adaptively secure asynchronous total order broadcast and MPC that is sub-quadratic in the number of parties and does not require threshold fully homomorphic encryption. Instead, our protocols rely on threshold additively homomorphic Paillier encryption. Our total-order broadcast protocol has complexity optimal in the message length. This optimality also implies that the amortized complexity of handling a secure multiplication is linear in the number of parties.
A Revision of CROSS Security: Proofs and Attacks for Multi-Round Fiat-Shamir Signatures
Signature schemes from multi-round interactive proofs are becoming increasingly relevant in post-quantum cryptography. A prominent example is CROSS, recently admitted to the second round of the NIST on-ramp standardisation process for post-quantum digital signatures. While the security of these constructions relies on the Fiat-Shamir transform, in the case of CROSS the use of the fixed-weight parallel-repetition optimisation makes the security analysis fuzzier than usual. A recent work has shown that the fixed-weight parallel repetition of a multi-round interactive proof is still knowledge sound, but no matching result appears to be known for the non-interactive version.
In this paper we provide two main results. First, we explicitly prove the EUF-CMA security of CROSS, filling a gap in the literature. We do this by showing that, in general, the Fiat-Shamir transform of an HVZK and knowledge-sound multi-round interactive proof is EUF-CMA secure. Second, we present a novel forgery attack on signatures obtained from fixed-weight repetitions of 5-round interactive proofs, substantially improving upon a previous attack on parallel repetitions due to Kales and Zaverucha. Our new attack has particular relevance for CROSS, as it shows that several parameter sets achieve a significantly lower security level than claimed, with reductions up to 24% in the worst case.
Always by Your Side: Constructing Traceable Anonymous Credentials with Hardware-Binding
With the development of decentralized identity (DID), anonymous credential (AC) technology, as well as its traceability, is receiving more and more attention. Most works introduce a trusted party (regulator) that holds a decryption key or backdoor to directly deanonymize the user identity of anonymous authentication. While some cryptographic primitives can help regulators handle complex tracing tasks among large amounts of user profiles (stored by the issuer) and authentication records (stored by the service provider), additional security primitives are still needed to ensure the privacy of other users. Besides, hardware-binding anonymous credential (hbAC) systems have been proposed to prevent credential sharing or address platform resource constraints, the traceability of hbAC has yet to be discussed.
In this paper, we introduce a public key encryption with equality test as a regulatory text for each authentication record to address the above-mentioned challenges. The security of this feature is guaranteed by the verifiability, non-frameability, and round isolation of the proposed scheme. We compared the asymptotic complexity of our scheme with other traceable AC schemes and shows our scheme has advantages in tracing tasks as well as securely outsourcing them. The key feature of our scheme is that the ability of equality test of regulatory texts is independent of the public key, but rather depends on the round identifier of the authentication. We instantiate a traceable, hardware-binding AC scheme based on smart cards and BBS+ signature and give the performance analysis of it.
A Privacy Model for Classical & Learned Bloom Filters
The Classical Bloom Filter (CBF) is a class of Probabilistic Data Structures (PDS) for handling Approximate Query Membership (AMQ). The Learned Bloom Filter (LBF) is a recently proposed class of PDS that combines the Classical Bloom Filter with a Learning Model while preserving the Bloom Filter's one-sided error guarantees. Bloom Filters have been used in settings where inputs are sensitive and need to be private in the presence of an adversary with access to the Bloom Filter through an API or in the presence of an adversary who has access to the internal state of the Bloom Filter. Prior work has investigated the privacy of the Classical Bloom Filter providing attacks and defenses under various privacy definitions. In this work, we formulate a stronger differential privacy-based model for the Bloom Filter. We propose constructions of the Classical and Learned Bloom Filter that satisfy -differential privacy. This is also the first work that analyses and addresses the privacy of the Learned Bloom Filter under any rigorous model, which is an open problem.
GPU Implementations of Three Different Key-Switching Methods for Homomorphic Encryption Schemes
In this work, we report on the latest GPU implementations of the three well-known methods for the key switching operation, which is critical for Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE). Additionally, for the first time in the literature, we provide implementations of all three methods in GPU for leveled CKKS schemes. To ensure a fair comparison, we employ the most recent GPU implementation of the number-theoretic transform (NTT), which is the most time-consuming operation in key switching, and evaluate the performance across two fully homomorphic schemes: BFV and CKKS. Furthermore, we highlight the advantages and shortcomings of the three methods in the context of leveled HE schemes, and discuss other aspects such as memory requirements. Our GPU implementation is integrated with HEonGPU Library and delivers up to a ×380 improvement in execution time compared to the Microsoft SEAL Library. Since key switching is a specialized form of the external product common in many HE schemes, our results are directly relevant to time-intensive homomorphic operations such as relinearization and rotation. As homomorphic rotation is one of the most dominant operations in bootstrapping, our results are also applicable in bootstrapping algorithms of BFV, BGV and CKKS schemes.
Falcon on ARM Cortex-M4: an Update
This note reports new implementation results for the Falcon signature algorithm on an ARM Cortex-M4 microcontroller. Compared with our previous implementation (in 2019), runtime cost has been about halved.
Qelect: Lattice-based Single Secret Leader Election Made Practical
In a single secret leader election (SSLE) protocol, all parties collectively and obliviously elect one leader. No one else should learn its identity unless it reveals itself as the leader. The problem is first formalized by Boneh \textit{et al.} (AFT'20), which proposes an efficient construction based on the Decision Diffie-Hellman (DDH) assumption. Considering the potential risk of quantum computers, several follow-ups focus on designing a post-quantum secure SSLE protocol based on pure lattices or fully homomorphic encryption. However, no concrete benchmarks demonstrate the feasibility of deploying such heavy cryptographic primitives.
In this work, we present Qelect, the first practical constant-round post-quantum secure SSLE protocol. We first adapt the commitment scheme in Boneh \textit{et al.} (AFT'23) into a \textit{multi-party randomizable commitment} scheme, and propose our novel construction based on an adapted version of ring learning with errors (RLWE) problem. We then use it as a building block and construct a \textit{constant-round} single secret leader election (crSSLE) scheme. We utilize the single instruction multiple data (SIMD) property of a specific threshold fully homomorphic encryption (tFHE) scheme to evaluate our election circuit efficiently. Finally, we built Qelect from the crSSLE scheme, with performance optimizations including a preprocessing phase to amortize the local computation runtime and a retroactive detection phase to avoid the heavy zero-knowledge proofs during the election phase. Qelect achieves asymptotic improvements and is concretely practical. We implemented a prototype of Qelect and evaluated its performance in a WAN. Qelect is at least two orders of magnitude faster than the state-of-the-art.
On symbolic computations over arbitrary commutative rings and cryptography with the temporal Jordan-Gauss graphs.
The paper is dedicated to Multivariate Cryptography over general commutative ring K and protocols of symbolic computations for safe delivery of multivariate maps. We consider itera-tive algorithm of generation of multivariate maps of prescribed degree or density with the trapdoor accelerator, i.e. piece of information which allows to compute the reimage of the map in polynomial time. The concept of Jordan-Gauss temporal graphs is used for the obfus-cation of known graph based public keys and constructions of new cryptosystems. We sug-gest use of the platforms of Noncommutative Cryptography defined in terms of Multivariate Cryptography over K for the conversion of Multivariate Public Keys into El Gamal type Cryptosystems. Some new platforms are introduced.
Module Learning with Errors with Truncated Matrices
The Module Learning with Errors ( ) problem is one of the most commonly used hardness assumption in lattice-based cryptography. In its standard version, a matrix is sampled uniformly at random over a quotient ring , as well as noisy linear equations in the form of , where is the secret, sampled uniformly at random over , and is the error, coming from a Gaussian distribution. Many previous works have focused on variants of , where the secret and/or the error are sampled from different distributions. Only few works have focused on different distributions for the matrix . One variant proposed in the literature is to consider matrix distributions where the low-order bits of a uniform are deleted. This seems a natural approach in order to save in bandwidth. We call it truncated .
In this work, we show that the hardness of standard implies the hardness of truncated , both for search and decision versions. Prior works only covered the search variant and relied on the (module) assumption, limitations which we are able to overcome. Overall, we provide two approaches, offering different advantages. The first uses a general Rényi divergence argument, applicable to a wide range of secret/error distributions, but which only works for the search variants of (truncated) . The second applies to the decision versions, by going through an intermediate variant of , where additional hints on the secret are given to the adversary. However, the reduction makes use of discrete Gaussian distributions.
SoK: PQC PAKEs - Cryptographic Primitives, Design and Security
PAKE protocols are used to establish secure communication channels using a relatively short, often human memorable, password for authentication. The currently standardized PAKEs however rely on classical asymmetric (public key) cryptography. Thus, these classical PAKEs may no longer maintain their security, should the expected quantum threat become a reality. Unlike prominent security protocols such as TLS, IKEv2 and VPN, quantum-safe PAKEs did not receive much attention from the ongoing PQC integration efforts. Thus, there is a significant gap in awareness compared to PQC schemes that are subject to the official governmental and institutional standardization processes. In the work at hand, we provide a comprehensive overview of the existing PQC PAKEs focusing on their design rationales, authentication methods and used asymmetric key agreement primitives. We highlight their performance and properties as per their assumed security assurances and practical usage in applications. Moreover, we address PAKE designs that are still non-present in the PQC realm and discuss the possibility of their adaptation. Thus, we offer a detailed reference and derive future work for quantum-safe PAKEs.
How to Prove False Statements: Practical Attacks on Fiat-Shamir
The Fiat-Shamir (FS) transform is a prolific and powerful technique for compiling public-coin interactive protocols into non-interactive ones. Roughly speaking, the idea is to replace the random coins of the verifier with the evaluations of a complex hash function.
The FS transform is known to be sound in the random oracle model (i.e., when the hash function is modeled as a totally random function). However, when instantiating the random oracle using a concrete hash function, there are examples of protocols in which the transformation is not sound. So far all of these examples have been contrived protocols that were specifically designed to fail.
In this work we show such an attack for a standard and popular interactive succinct argument, based on the GKR protocol, for verifying the correctness of a non-determinstic bounded-depth computation. For every choice of FS hash function, we show that a corresponding instantiation of this protocol, which was been widely studied in the literature and used also in practice, is not (adaptively) sound when compiled with the FS transform. Specifically, we construct an explicit circuit for which we can generate an accepting proof for a false statement.
We further extend our attack and show that for every circuit and desired output , we can construct a functionally equivalent circuit , for which we can produce an accepting proof that outputs (regardless of whether or not this statement is true). This demonstrates that any security guarantee (if such exists) would have to depend on the specific implementation of the circuit , rather than just its functionality.
Lastly, we also demonstrate versions of the attack that violate non-adaptive soundness of the protocol -- that is, we generate an attacking circuit that is independent of the underlying cryptographic objects. However, these versions are either less practical (as the attacking circuit has very large depth) or make some additional (reasonable) assumptions on the underlying cryptographic primitives.
Post-Quantum Online/Offline Signatures
Post-quantum signatures have high costs compared to RSA and ECDSA, in particular for smart cards. A line of work originating from Even, Goldreich, and Micali (CRYPTO'89) aimed to reduce digital signature latency by splitting up signing into an online and offline phase. The online/offline paradigm combines an ordinary long-term signature scheme with a fast, generally one-time, signature scheme. We reconsider this paradigm in the context of lattice-based post-quantum signatures in the GPV framework, with an example instantiation based on Falcon.
A Horizontal Attack on the Codes and Restricted Objects Signature Scheme (CROSS)
CROSS is a post-quantum secure digital signature scheme submitted to NIST’s Call for Additional Signatures which was recently selected for round 2. It features signature and key sizes in the range of SLH-DSA while providing a substantially faster signing operation. Within this work, we provide the first passive side-channel attack on the scheme. The attack recovers the secret key from all except one parameter sets from a single power trace while requiring at maximum two power traces for the R-SDP(G) 1 Fast instance. To successfully mount the attack, we show how to recover the secret key from side-channel information gained from the syndrome computation in CROSS’ identification protocol. We furthermore show how the hypothesis space for the attack can be restricted using information from the published signature.
Signatures with Tight Adaptive Corruptions from Search Assumptions
We construct the \emph{first} tightly secure signature schemes in the multi-user setting with adaptive corruptions from static search assumptions, such as classical discrete logarithm, RSA, factoring, or post-quantum group action discrete logarithm assumptions. In contrast to our scheme, the previous tightly secure schemes are based on decisional assumptions (e.g., (group action) DDH) or interactive search assumptions (e.g., one-more CDH).
The security of our schemes is independent of the numbers of users, signing queries, and random oracle queries, and forging our signatures is as hard as solving the underlying static search problems.
Our signature schemes are based on an identification scheme with multiple secret keys per public key and ``second-key recovery resistance,'' difficulty of finding another secret key of a given public and secret key pair (e.g., Okamoto identification (CRYPTO'92) and Parallel-OR identification (CRYPTO'94)). These properties allow a reduction in solving a search problem while answering signing and corruption queries for all users in the signature security game.
To convert such an identification scheme into a signature scheme tightly, we employ randomized Fischlin transformation introduced by Kondi and shelat (Asiacrypt 2022) that provides improved straight-line extraction. Intuitively, the transformation guarantees the tight security of our signature scheme in the programmable random oracle model, but we successfully prove its tight security in the non-programmable random oracle model.
Also, as a side contribution, we point out a flaw in the proof for the zero-knowledge property of randomized Fischlin transformation by Kondi and shelat. This paper summarizes what they overlooked in the proof of zero-knowledge property of the transformation, the difficulty of correcting their proof, and how to overcome it.
Last updated: 2025-01-23
Better Codes for the HQC Cryptosystem
In the HQC cryptosystem, the length of the code determines several concrete parameters such as the bandwidth usage, the memory consumption, or the decoding efficiency. In this paper, we show that currently known methods to explicitly generate asymptotically good (especially with high relative distances), binary codes with efficient associated procedures cannot be used to improve . We also show that concatenated codes are currently better suited, and by exhausting small codes, find a closer to optimal concatenated code for HQC, which improves upon currently used codes.
Post-Quantum Threshold Ring Signature Applications from VOLE-in-the-Head
We propose efficient, post-quantum threshold ring signatures constructed from one-wayness of AES encryption and the VOLE-in-the-Head zero-knowledge proof system. Our scheme scales efficiently to large rings and extends the linkable ring signatures paradigm. We define and construct key-binding deterministic tags for signature linkability, that also enable succinct aggregation with approximate lower bound arguments of knowledge; this allows us to achieve succinct aggregation of our signatures without SNARKs. Finally, we extend our threshold ring signatures to realize post-quantum anonymous ledger transactions in the spirit of Monero. Our constructions assume symmetric key primitives only.
Whilst it is common to build post-quantum signatures from the one-wayness property of AES and a post-quantum NIZK scheme, we extend this paradigm to define and construct novel security properties from AES that are useful for advanced signature applications. We introduce key-binding and pseudorandomness of AES to establish linkability and anonymity of our threshold ring signatures from deterministic tags, and similarly establish binding and hiding properties of block ciphers modeled as ideal permutations to build commitments from AES, a crucial building block for our proposed post-quantum anonymous ledger scheme.
Post-Quantum Stealth Address Protocols
The Stealth Address Protocol (SAP) allows users to receive assets through stealth addresses that are unlinkable to their stealth meta-addresses. The most widely used SAP, Dual-Key SAP (DKSAP), and the most performant SAP, Elliptic Curve Pairing Dual-Key SAP (ECPDKSAP), are based on elliptic curve cryptography, which is vulnerable to quantum attacks. These protocols depend on the elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem, which could be efficiently solved on a sufficiently powerful quantum computer using the Shor algorithm. In this paper three novel post-quantum SAPs based on lattice-based cryptography are presented: LWE SAP, Ring-LWE SAP and Module-LWE SAP. These protocols leverage Learning With Errors (LWE) problem to ensure quantum-resistant privacy. Among them, Module-LWE SAP, which is based on the Kyber key encapsulation mechanism, achieves the best performance and outperforms ECPDKSAP by approximately 66.8% in the scan time of the ephemeral public key registry.
On the structure of the Schur squares of Twisted Generalized Reed-Solomon codes and application to cryptanalysis
Twisted generalized Reed-Solomon (TGRS) codes constitute an interesting family of evaluation codes, containing a large class of maximum distance separable codes non-equivalent to generalized Reed-Solomon (GRS) ones.
Moreover, the Schur squares of TGRS codes may be much larger than those of GRS codes with same dimension.
Exploiting these structural differences, in 2018, Beelen, Bossert, Puchinger and Rosenkilde proposed a subfamily of Maximum Distance Separable (MDS) Twisted Reed--Solomon (TRS) codes over with twists for McEliece encryption, claiming their resistance to both Sidelnikov Shestakov attack and
Schur products--based attacks. In short, they claimed these codes to resist to classical key recovery attacks on McEliece encryption scheme instantiated with Reed-Solomon (RS) or GRS codes. In 2020, Lavauzelle and Renner presented an original attack on this system based on the computation of the subfield subcode of the public TRS code.
In this paper, we show that the original claim on the resistance of TRS and TGRS codes to Schur products based--attacks is wrong.
We identify a broad class of codes including TRS and TGRS ones that is distinguishable from random by computing the Schur square
of some shortening of the code. Then, we focus on the case of single twist ({i.e.}, ), which is the most efficient one in terms of decryption complexity, to derive an attack. The technique is similar to the distinguisher-based attacks of RS code-based systems given by Couvreur, Gaborit, Gauthier-Umaña, Otmani, Tillich in 2014.
Verification-efficient Homomorphic Signatures for Verifiable Computation over Data Streams
Homomorphic signatures for NP (HSNP) allow proving that a signed value is the result of a non-deterministic computation on signed inputs. At CCS'22, Fiore and Tucker introduced HSNP, showed how to use them for verifying arbitrary computations on data streams, and proposed a generic HSNP construction obtained by efficiently combining zkSNARKs with linearly homomorphic signatures (LHS), namely those supporting linear functions. Their proposed LHS however suffered from an high verification cost. In this work we propose an efficient LHS that significantly improves on previous work in terms of verification time. Using the modular approach of Fiore and Tucker, this yields a verifier-efficient HSNP. We show that the HSNP instantiated with our LHS is particularly suited to the case when the data is taken from consecutive samples, which captures important use cases including sliding window statistics such as variances, histograms and stock market predictions.
A Formal Treatment of Homomorphic Encryption Based Outsourced Computation in the Universal Composability Framework
The adoption of Homomorphic Encryption (HE) and Secure
Function Evaluation (SFE) applications in the real world remains lim-
ited, even nearly 50 years after the introduction of HE. This is particu-
larly unfortunate given the strong privacy and confidentiality guarantees
these tools can offer to modern digital life.
While attempting to incorporate a simple straw-man PSI protocol into
a web service for matching individuals based on their profiles, we en-
countered several shortcomings in current outsourcing frameworks. Ex-
isting outsourced protocols either require clients to perform tasks beyond
merely contributing their inputs or rely on a non-collusion assumption
between a server and a client, which appears implausible in standard web
service scenarios.
To address these issues, we present, to the best of our knowledge, the first
general construction for non-interactive outsourced computation based
on black-box homomorphic encryption. This approach relies on a non-
collusion assumption between two dedicated servers, which we consider
more realistic in a web-service setting. Furthermore, we provide a proof
of our construction within the Universal Composability (UC) framework,
assuming semi-honest (i.e., passive) adversaries.
Unlike general one-sided two-party SFE protocols, our construction addi-
tionally requires sender privacy. Specifically, the sender must contribute
its inputs solely in encrypted form. This ensures stronger privacy guar-
antees and broadens the applicability of the protocol.
Overall, the range of applications for our construction includes all one-
sided two-party sender-private SFE protocols as well as server-based
arithmetic computations on encrypted inputs. Finally, we demonstrate
the practical applicability of our general outsourced computation frame-
work by applying it to the specific use case of Outsourced Private Set
Intersection (OPSI) in a real-world scenario, accompanied by a detailed
evaluation of its efficiency.
Subset sum, a new insight
In this paper, we show that subset sum problem consists on finding a solution over of equation where A and n are given matrix and integer and U = . We show that it can be subdivized into 2 solvable subproblems.
dCTIDH: Fast & Deterministic CTIDH
This paper presents dCTIDH, a CSIDH implementation that combines two recent developments into a novel state-of-the-art deterministic implementation. We combine the approach of deterministic variants of CSIDH with the batching strategy of CTIDH, which shows that the full potential of this key space has not yet been explored. This high-level adjustment in itself leads to a significant speed-up. To achieve an effective deterministic evaluation in constant time, we introduce Wombats, a new approach to performing isogenies in batches, specifically tailored to the behavior required for deterministic CSIDH using CTIDH batching.
Furthermore, we explore the two-dimensional space of optimal primes for dCTIDH, with regard to both the performance of dCTIDH in terms of finite-field operations per prime and the efficiency of finite-field operations, determined by the prime shape, in terms of cycles. This allows us to optimize both for choice of prime and scheme parameters simultaneously. Lastly, we implement and benchmark constant-time, deterministic dCTIDH. Our results show that dCTIDH not only outperforms state-of-the-art deterministic CSIDH, but even non-deterministic CTIDH: dCTIDH-2048 is faster than CTIDH-2048 by 17 percent, and is almost five times faster than dCSIDH-2048.
NTRU+Sign: Compact NTRU-Based Signatures Using Bimodal Distributions
We present a new lattice-based signature scheme, called ‘NTRU+Sign’, using the Fiat-Shamir with Aborts framework. The proposed scheme is designed based on a novel NTRU-based key structure that fits well with bimodal distributions, enabling efficiency improvements compared to its predecessor, BLISS. The novel NTRU-based key structure is characterized by: (1) effectively changing a modulus from 2q to q, which is different from the existing usage of 2q for bimodal distributions, and (2) drastically reducing the magnitude of a secret key, which directly leads to compactness of signature sizes. We provide two concrete parameter sets for NTRU+Sign, supporting 93-bit and 211-bit security levels. Using the technique from GALACTICS (that was suggested as the constant-time implementation of BLISS),
our analysis shows that NTRU+Sign achieves a good balance between computational efficiency and signature compactness, with constant-time implementation. For instance, at the NIST-3 security level, NTRU+Sign produces signatures that are significantly smaller than Dilithium and HAETAE, while providing faster verification speeds. These advantages position NTRU+Sign as a competitive and practical
solution for real-world deployments.
Twist and Shout: Faster memory checking arguments via one-hot addressing and increments
A memory checking argument enables a prover to prove to a verifier that it is correctly processing reads and writes to memory. They are used widely in modern SNARKs, especially in zkVMs, where the prover proves the correct execution of a CPU including the correctness of memory operations.
We describe a new approach for memory checking, which we call the method of one-hot addressing and increments. We instantiate this method via two different families of protocols, called Twist and Shout. Twist supports read/write memories, while Shout targets read-only memories (also known as lookup arguments). Both Shout and Twist have logarithmic verifier costs. Unlike prior works, these protocols do not invoke "grand product" or "grand sum" arguments.
Twist and Shout significantly improve the prover costs of prior works across the full range of realistic memory sizes, from tiny memories (e.g., 32 registers as in RISC-V), to memories that are so large they cannot be explicitly materialized (e.g., structured lookup tables of size or larger, which arise in Lasso and the Jolt zkVM). Detailed cost analysis shows that Twist and Shout are well over 10x cheaper for the prover than state-of-the-art memory-checking procedures configured to have logarithmic proof length.
Prior memory-checking procedures can also be configured to have larger proofs. Even then, we estimate that Twist and Shout are at least 2--4x faster for the prover in key applications.
Finally, using Shout, we provide two fast-prover SNARKs for non-uniform constraint systems, both of which achieve minimal commitment costs (the prover commits only to the witness): (1) SpeedySpartan applies to Plonkish constraints, substantially improving the previous state-of-the-art protocol, BabySpartan; and (2)Spartan++ applies to CCS (a generalization of Plonkish and R1CS), improving prover times over the previous state-of-the-art protocol, Spartan, by 6x.
Additive Randomized Encodings from Public Key Encryption
Introduced by Halevi, Ishai, Kushilevitz, and Rabin (CRYPTO 2023), Additive randomized encodings (ARE) reduce the computation of a -party function to locally computing encodings of each input and then adding them together over some Abelian group into an output encoding , which reveals nothing but the result. The appeal of ARE comes from the simplicity of the non-local computation, involving only addition. This gives rise for instance to non-interactive secure function evaluation in the shuffle model where messages from different parties are anonymously shuffled before reaching their destination. Halevi, Ishai, Kushilevitz, and Rabin constructed ARE based on Diffie-Hellman type assumptions in bilinear groups.
We construct ARE assuming public-key encryption. The key insight behind our construction is that one-sided ARE, which only guarantees privacy for one of the parties, are relatively easy to construct, and yet can be lifted to full-fledged ARE. We also give a more efficient black-box construction from the CDH assumption.
Technology-Dependent Synthesis and Optimization of Circuits for Small S-boxes
Boolean formula minimization is a notoriously hard problem that is known to be -complete. Circuit minimization, typically studied in the context of a much broader subject known as synthesis and optimization of circuits, introduces another layer of complexity since ultimately those technology-independent epresentations (e.g., Boolean formulas and truth tables) has to be transformed into a netlist of cells of the target technology library. To manage those complexities, the industrial community typically separates the synthesis process into two steps: technology-independent optimization and technology mapping. In each step, this approach only tries to find the local optimal solution and relies heavily on heuristics rather than a systematic search. However, for small S-boxes, a more systematic exploration of the design space is possible. Aiming at the global optimum, we propose a method which can synthesize a truth table for a small S-box directly into a netlist of the cells of a given technology library. Compared with existing technology-dependent synthesis tools like LIGHTER and PEIGEN, our method produces improved results for many S-boxes with respect to circuit area. In particular, by applying our method to the -inverter involved in the tower field implementation of the AES S-box, we obtain the currently known lightest implementation of the AES S-box. The search framework can be tweaked to take circuit delay into account. As a result, we find implementations for certain S-boxes with both latency and area improved.
A practical distinguisher on the full Skyscraper permutation
Skyscraper is a cryptographic permutation published in TCHES 2025, optimized for use in proof systems such as PlonK. This primitive is based on a 10-round Feistel network combining monomials and lookup-based functions to achieve competitive plain performances and efficiency in proof systems supporting lookups. In terms of security, the monomials are supposed to provide security against statistical attacks, while lookups are supposed to provide security against algebraic attacks.
In this note, we show that this primitive has a much lower security margin than expected. Using a rebound attack, we find practical truncated differentials on the full permutation. As a corollary, we also find a practical collision attack on the compression function based on a 9-round Skyscraper permutation, which significantly reduces the security margin of the primitive. All of these attacks have been implemented and work in practice.
Unveiling Privacy Risks in Quantum Optimization Services
As cloud-based quantum computing services, such as those offered by D-Wave, become more popular for practical applications, privacy-preserving methods (such as obfuscation) are essential to address data security, privacy, and legal compliance concerns.
Several efficient obfuscation methods have been proposed, which do not increase the time complexity of solving the obfuscated problem, for quantum optimization problems. These include {\em sign reversing}, {\em variable permutation}, and the combination of both methods assumed to provide greater protection. Unfortunately, sign reversing has already been shown to be insecure.
We present two attacks on variable permutation and the combined method, where it is possible to efficiently recover the deobfuscated problem, particularly when given access to the obfuscated problem and its obfuscated solution, as a cloud-based quantum provider would have.
Our attacks are in the context of an optimization problem of cryptanalysis of the Trivium cipher family, but our approach generalizes to other similarly structured problems.
Our attacks are efficient and practical.
Deobfuscating an optimization problem with variables obfuscated with the combined method has a complexity of compared to the complexity of of the brute force attack.
We provide an implementation of our attack; using a commodity laptop, our attack using the full Trivium cipher takes less than two minutes if optimized.
We also present possible countermeasures to mitigate our attacks and bring attention to the need for further development in this area.
Zero-Knowledge Proofs of Quantumness
With the rapid development of quantum computers, proofs of quantumness have recently become an interesting and intriguing research direction. However, in all current schemes for proofs of quantumness, quantum provers almost invariably face the risk of being maliciously exploited by classical verifiers. In fact, through malicious strategies in interaction with quantum provers, classical verifiers could solve some instances of hard problems that arise from the specific scheme in use. In other words, malicious verifiers can break some schemes (that quantum provers are not aware of) through interaction with quantum provers. All this is due to the lack of formalization that prevents malicious verifiers from extracting useful information in proofs of quantumness.
To address this issue, we formalize zero-knowledge proofs of quantumness. Intuitively, the zero-knowledge property necessitates that the information gained by the classical verifier from interactions with the quantum prover should not surpass what can be simulated using a simulated classical prover interacting with the same verifier. As a result, the new zero-knowledge notion can prevent any malicious verifier from exploiting quantum advantage.
Interestingly, we find that the classical zero-knowledge proof is sufficient to compile some existing proofs of quantumness schemes into zero-knowledge proofs of quantumness schemes.
Due to some technical reasons, it appears to be more general to require zero-knowledge proof on the verifier side instead of the prover side. Intuitively, this helps to regulate the verifier's behavior from malicious to be honest-but-curious. As a result, both parties will play not only one role in the proofs of quantumness but also the dual role in the classical zero-knowledge proof.
Specifically, the two principle proofs of quantumness schemes: Shor's factoring-based scheme and learning with errors-based scheme in [Brakerski et al, FOCS, 2018], can be transformed into zero-knowledge proofs of quantumness by requiring an extractable non-interactive zero-knowledge argument on the verifier side.
Notably, the zero-knowledge proofs of quantumness can be viewed as an enhanced security notion for proofs of quantumness. To prevent malicious verifiers from exploiting the quantum device's capabilities or knowledge, it is advisable to transition existing proofs of quantumness schemes to this framework whenever feasible.
Adaptive Hardcore Bit and Quantum Key Leasing over Classical Channel from LWE with Polynomial Modulus
Quantum key leasing, also known as public key encryption with secure key leasing (PKE-SKL),
allows a user to lease a (quantum) secret key to a server for decryption purpose, with the capability of revoking the key afterwards.
In the pioneering work by Chardouvelis et al (arXiv:2310.14328), a PKE-SKL scheme utilizing classical channels was successfully built upon the noisy trapdoor claw-free (NTCF) family. This approach, however, relies on the superpolynomial hardness of learning with errors (LWE) problem, which could affect both efficiency and security of the scheme.
In our work, we demonstrate that the reliance on superpolynomial hardness is unnecessary, and that LWE with polynomial-size modulus is sufficient to achieve the same goal.
Our approach enhances both efficiency and security, thereby improving the practical feasibility of the scheme on near-term quantum devices.
To accomplish this, we first construct a \textit{noticeable} NTCF (NNTCF) family with the adaptive hardcore bit property, based on LWE with polynomial-size modulus. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first demonstration of the adaptive hardcore bit property based on LWE with polynomial-size modulus, which may be of independent interest.
Building on this foundation, we address additional challenges in prior work to construct the first PKE-SKL scheme satisfying the following properties:
(\textit{i}) the entire protocol utilizes only classical communication, and can also be lifted to support homomorphism.
(\textit{ii}) the security is solely based on LWE assumption with polynomial-size modulus.
As a demonstration of the versatility of our noticeable NTCF, we show that an efficient proof of quantumness protocol can be built upon it. Specifically, our protocol enables a classical verifier to test the quantumness while relying exclusively on the LWE assumption with polynomial-size modulus.
Fast, private and regulated payments in asynchronous networks
We propose a decentralized asset-transfer system that enjoys full privacy: no party can learn the details of a transaction, except for its issuer and its recipient. Furthermore, the recipient is only aware of the amount of the transaction. Our system does not rely on consensus or synchrony assumptions, and therefore, it is responsive, since it runs at the actual network speed. Under the hood, every transaction creates a consumable coin equipped with a non-interactive zero-knowledge proof (NIZK) that confirms that the issuer has sufficient funds without revealing any information about her identity, the recipient's identity, or the payment amount. Moreover, we equip our system with a regulatory enforcement mechanism that can be used to regulate transfer limits or restrict specific addresses from sending or receiving funds, while preserving the system's privacy guarantees.
Finally, we report on Paxpay, our implementation of Fully Private Asset Transfer (FPAT) that uses the Gnark library for the NIZKs. In our benchmark, Paxpay exhibits better performance than earlier proposals that either ensure only partial privacy, require some kind of network synchrony or do not implement regulation features. Our system thus reconciles privacy, responsiveness, regulation enforcement and performance.
Available Attestation: Towards a Reorg-Resilient Solution for Ethereum Proof-of-Stake
Ethereum transitioned from Proof-of-Work consensus to Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus in September 2022. While this upgrade brings significant improvements (e.g., lower energy costs and higher throughput), it also introduces new vulnerabilities. One notable example is the so-called malicious \textit{reorganization attack}. Malicious reorganization denotes an attack in which the Byzantine faulty validators intentionally manipulate the canonical chain so the blocks by honest validators are discarded. By doing so, the faulty validators can gain benefits such as higher rewards, lower chain quality, or even posing a liveness threat to the system.
In this work, we show that the majority of the known attacks on Ethereum PoS are some form of reorganization attacks. In practice, most of these attacks can be launched even if the network is synchronous (there exists a known upper bound for message transmission and processing). Different from existing studies that mitigate the attacks in an ad-hoc way, we take a systematic approach and provide an elegant yet efficient solution to reorganization attacks. Our solution is provably secure such that no reorganization attacks can be launched in a synchronous network. In a partially synchronous network, our approach achieves the conventional safety and liveness properties of the consensus protocol. Our evaluation results show that our solution is resilient to five types of reorganization attacks and also highly efficient.
Simultaneous-Message and Succinct Secure Computation
We put forth and instantiate a new primitive we call simultaneous-message and succinct (SMS) secure computation. An SMS scheme enables a minimal communication pattern for secure computation in the following scenario: Alice has a large private input X, Bob has a small private input y, and Charlie wants to learn for some public function .
Given a common reference string (CRS) setup phase, an SMS scheme for a function f is instantiated with two parties holding inputs and , and has the following structure:
- The parties simultaneously exchange a single message.
- Communication is succinct, scaling sublinearly in the size of and the output .
- Without further interaction, the parties can locally derive additive secret shares of .
Indeed, Alice and Bob simultaneously send each other a message using the CRS and their private inputs. Using the transcript and their private state, the parties locally derive additive secret shares of , which they can send to Charlie. As such, an SMS scheme incurs a communication cost to Charlie that is only twice that of the function output length. Importantly, the size of Alice’s message does not grow with the size of her input , and both Alice’s and Bob’s first-round messages grow sublinearly in the size of the output. Additionally, Alice’s or Bob’s view provides no information about the other party’s input besides the output of , even if colluding with Charlie.
We obtain the following results:
- Assuming Learning With Errors (LWE), we build an SMS scheme supporting evaluation of depth- circuits, where Alice's message is of size · poly(λ, d), Bob's message is of size · poly(λ, d), and λ is the security parameter. We can further extend this to support all functions by assuming the circular security of LWE.
- Assuming sub-exponentially secure indistinguishability obfuscation, in conjunction with other standard assumptions, we build an SMS scheme supporting arbitrary polynomial-sized batch functions of the form , for . The size of Alice's and Bob's messages in this construction is poly(λ) and poly(λ, |f|, log L), respectively.
We show that SMS schemes have several immediate applications. An SMS scheme gives:
- A direct construction of trapdoor hash functions (TDH) (Döttling et al., Crypto'19) for the same class of functions as the one supported by the SMS scheme.
- A simple and generic compiler for obtaining compact, rate-1 fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) from any non-compact FHE scheme.
- A simple and generic compiler for obtaining correlation-intractable (CI) hash functions that are secure against all efficiently-searchable relations.
In turn, under the LWE assumption, we obtain the first construction of TDH for all functions and generic approaches for obtaining rate-1 FHE and CI hashing. We also show that our iO-based construction gives an alternative approach for two-round secure computation with communication succinctness in the output length (Hubáček and Wichs, ITCS'15).
Non-Interactive Distributed Point Functions
Distributed Point Functions (DPFs) are a useful cryptographic primitive enabling a dealer to distribute short keys to two parties, such that the keys encode additive secret shares of a secret point function. However, in many applications of DPFs, no single dealer entity has full knowledge of the secret point function, necessitating the parties to run an interactive protocol to emulate the setup. Prior works have aimed to minimize complexity metrics of such distributed setup protocols, e.g., round complexity, while remaining black-box in the underlying cryptography.
We construct Non-Interactive DPFs (NIDPF), which have a one-round (simultaneous-message, semi-honest) setup protocol, removing the need for a trusted dealer. Specifically, our construction allows each party to publish a special "public key" to a public channel or bulletin board, where the public key encodes the party's secret function parameters. Using the public key of another party, any pair of parties can locally derive a DPF key for the point function parameterized by the two parties' joint inputs.
We realize NIDPF from an array of standard assumptions, including DCR, SXDH, QR, and LWE. Each party's public key is of size , for point functions with a domain of size , which leads to a sublinear communication setup protocol. The only prior approach to realizing such a non-interactive setup required using multi-key fully-homomorphic encryption or indistinguishability obfuscation.
As immediate applications of our construction, we get "public-key setups" for several existing constructions of pseudorandom correlation generators and round-efficient protocols for secure comparisons.
Multi-Key Homomorphic Secret Sharing
Homomorphic secret sharing (HSS) is a distributed analogue of fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) where following an input-sharing phase, two or more parties can locally compute a function over their private inputs to obtain shares of the function output.
Over the last decade, HSS schemes have been constructed from an array of different assumptions. However, all existing HSS schemes, except ones based on assumptions known to imply multi-key FHE, require a public-key infrastructure (PKI) or a correlated setup between parties. This limitation carries over to many applications of HSS.
In this work, we construct multi-key homomorphic secret sharing (MKHSS), where given only a common reference string (CRS), two parties can secret share their inputs to each other and then perform local computations as in HSS. We present the first MKHSS schemes supporting all NC1 computations from either the decisional Diffie-Hellman (DDH), decisional composite residuosity (DCR), or class group assumptions.
Our constructions imply the following applications in the CRS model:
- Succinct two-round secure computation. Under the same assumptions as our MKHSS schemes, we construct succinct, two-round secure two-party computation for NC1 circuits. Previously, such a result was only known from the learning with errors assumption.
- Attribute-based NIKE. Under DCR or class group assumptions, we construct non-interactive key exchange (NIKE) protocols where two parties agree on a key if and only if their secret attributes satisfy a public NC1 predicate. This significantly generalizes the existing notion of password-based NIKE.
- Public-key PCFs. Under DCR or class group assumptions, we construct public-key pseudorandom correlation functions (PCFs) for any NC1 correlation. This yields the first public-key PCFs for Beaver triples (and more) from non-lattice assumptions.
- Silent MPC. Under DCR or class group assumptions, we construct a p-party secure computation protocol in the silent preprocessing model where the preprocessing phase has communication O(p), ignoring polynomial factors. All prior protocols that do not rely on spooky encryption require communication.
A Survey on Transciphering and Symmetric Ciphers for Homomorphic Encryption
Data privacy concerns are sharply rising in the current digital era, hyperdriven by cloud computing, big data analytics, and the Internet of Things. Homomorphic Encryption (HE) has emerged as an ideal technique for computing on encrypted data, but current schemes suffer from slow encryption speed and large ciphertext expansion. Practical implementation is hindered, especially when the client has limited bandwidth, memory, and computing power. In 2011, Naehrig et al. proposed transciphering, reducing computational and communication overload on the client side. This involves symmetric ciphers with minimized multiplicative complexity,
referred to as HE-Friendly Ciphers (HEFCs).
In this work, we present a detailed study of transciphering for HE by systematizing existing knowledge and crystallizing research challenges. Particularly we conduct a comprehensive study on state-of-the-art HEFC constructions. Our work highlights gaps, open problems, and directions for future research.
Public-Key Quantum Money From Standard Assumptions (In The Generic Model)
Our main result is a quantum polynomial-time reduction from the group action discrete logarithm (DLP) problem to a specific cloning problem. A consequence of this result is that the public-key quantum money scheme proposed by Zhandry (2024), based on abelian group actions, is secure in the generic group action model. Specifically, our result shows that breaking the quantum money scheme is equivalent, under quantum polynomial-time reductions, to solving the group action DLP. Two immediate implications of our results are: i) A separation between quantum money and quantum lightning. This separation arises because our reduction is non-uniform, and quantum lightning is not secure against non-uniform adversaries. ii) Cloning vs. preparing Fourier states. Our main theorem shows that the problem of cloning group action Fourier states is equivalent to the problem of preparing these states.
poqeth: Efficient, post-quantum signature verification on Ethereum
This work explores the application and efficient deployment of (standardized) post-quantum (PQ) digital signature algorithms in the blockchain environment. Specifically, we implement and evaluate four PQ signatures in the Ethereum Virtual Machine: W-OTS , XMSS, SPHINCS+, and MAYO. We focus on optimizing the gas costs of the verification algorithms as that is the signature schemes' only algorithm executed on-chain, thus incurring financial costs (transaction fees) for the users. Hence, the verification algorithm is the signature schemes' main bottleneck for decentralized applications.
We examine two methods to verify post-quantum digital signatures on-chain. Our practical performance evaluation shows that full on-chain verification is often prohibitively costly. Naysayer proofs (FC'24) allow a novel optimistic verification mode. We observe that the Naysayer verification mode is generally the cheapest, at the cost of additional trust assumptions. We release our implementation called poqeth as an open-source library.
Friendly primes for efficient modular arithmetic using the Polynomial Modular Number System
The Polynomial Modular Number System (PMNS) is a non-positional number system designed for modular arithmetic. Its efficiency, both in software and hardware, has been demonstrated for integers commonly used in Elliptic Curve Cryptography. In recent papers, some authors introduce specific prime forms that are particularly well-suited for PMNS arithmetic. In this work, we extend their results to a broader class of prime numbers. In practice, our approach yields performance that is competitive with, and in some cases superior to, Pseudo-Mersenne arithmetic. As a result, we expand the set of prime numbers that are well-suited for modular arithmetic. Furthermore, we contribute a database of proof of concept Elliptic Curves constructed with those primes that verify the Brainpool Standard.
An Introduction to Protein Cryptography
We introduce protein cryptography, a recently proposed method that encodes data into the amino acid sequences of proteins. Unlike traditional digital encryption, this approach relies on the inherent diversity, complexity, and replication resistance of biological macromolecules, making them highly secure against duplication or tampering. The experimental realization of protein cryptography remains an open problem. To accelerate experimental progress in this area, we provide an accessible and self-contained introduction to the fundamentals of cryptography for biologists with limited mathematical and computational backgrounds. Furthermore, we outline a framework for encoding, synthesizing, and decoding information using proteins. By enabling biologists to actively engage in the development of protein cryptography, this work bridges disciplinary boundaries and paves the way for applications in secure data storage.
ICT: Insured Cryptocurrency Transactions
Cryptocurrencies have emerged as a critical medium for digital financial transactions, driving widespread adoption while simultaneously exposing users to escalating fraud risks. The irreversible nature of cryptocurrency transactions, combined with the absence of consumer protection mechanisms, leaves users vulnerable to substantial financial losses and emotional distress. To address these vulnerabilities, we introduce Insured Cryptocurrency Transactions (ICT), a novel decentralized insurance framework designed to ensure financial recovery for honest users affected by fraudulent cryptocurrency transactions. We rigorously formalize the ICT framework, establishing strong security guarantees to protect against malicious adversaries. Furthermore, we present Insured Cryptocurrency Exchange (ICE), a concrete instantiation of ICT tailored for centralized cryptocurrency exchanges. ICE relies primarily on a standard smart contract and provides a robust mechanism to compensate users in cases of security breaches, insolvency, or fraudulent activities affecting the exchange. We have implemented ICE’s smart contract and evaluated its on-chain costs. The evaluation results demonstrate ICE’s low operational overhead. To our knowledge, ICT and ICE represent the first formal approaches to decentralized insurance frameworks in the cryptocurrency domain.
On Gaussian Sampling for -ary Lattices and Linear Codes with Lee Weight
We show that discrete Gaussian sampling for a -ary lattice is equivalent to codeword sampling for a linear code over with the Lee weight. This insight allows us to derive the theta series of a -ary lattice from the Lee weight distribution of the associated code. We design a novel Gaussian sampler for -ary lattices assuming an oracle that computes the symmetrized weight enumerator of the associated code.
We apply this sampler to well-known lattices, such as the , Barnes-Wall, and Leech lattice, highlighting both its advantages and limitations, which depend on the underlying code properties. For certain root lattices, we show that the sampler is indeed efficient, forgoing the need to assume an oracle. We also discuss applications of our results in digital signature schemes and the Lattice Isomorphism Problem. In many cases, our sampler achieves a significant speed-up compared to state-of-the-art sampling algorithms in cryptographic applications.
Artificial Results From Hardware Synthesis
In this paper, we revisit venerable lower-bounds on the or
performance metric of hardware circuits. A series of works started in the late 1970's has established that if a hardware circuit of area computes a function in clock cycles, then is asymptotically larger than (a form of) the communication complexity of . These lower-bounds ignore the active component of the circuit such as the logic gates and only take into account the area of the wiring.
However, it seems that it is common practice to report the performance
characteristics of hardware designs after synthesis, namely after having
``compiled'' the design into the topological description of a hardware circuit made of standard cells. The area of the cells can be be determined with certainty, whereas the area occupied by the wires cannot. This may leads to optimistic performance figures, that may even violate the old lower-bounds.
In this paper, we take the case of the Möbius transform as a case study, following the work of Banik and Regazzoni in TCHES, 2024(2) who presented hardware designs that implement it. We first determine the communication complexity of the Möbius transform. Then, following the old methodology, we derive lower-bounds on the area (in ) of any circuit that implement the operation using several open Process Design Kits for ASIC production. For large enough instances, the wires provably occupy more area than the logic gates themselves. This invalidate previous theoretical claims about the performance of circuits implementing the Möbius transform.
Fundamentally, the root cause of the contradiction between ``VLSI-era''
lower-bounds and current performance claims is that the lower-bounds apply to a geometric description of the circuit where the length of wiring is known, while it is common to report performance results on the basis of hardware synthesis alone, where a topological description of the circuit has been obtained but the actual length of wires is unknown.
Enhancing Threshold Group Action Signature Schemes: Adaptive Security and Scalability Improvements
Designing post-quantum digital signatures is a very active research area at present, with several protocols being developed, based on a variety of mathematical assumptions. Many of these signatures schemes can be used as a basis to define more advanced schemes, such as ring or threshold signatures, where multiple parties are involved in the signing process. Unfortunately, the majority of these protocols only considers a static adversary, that must declare which parties to corrupt at the beginning of the execution. However, a stronger security notion can be achieved, namely security against adaptive adversaries, that can corrupt parties at any times.
In this paper we tackle the challenges of designing a post-quantum adap- tively secure threshold signature scheme: starting from the GRASS sig- nature scheme, which is only static secure, we show that it is possible to turn it into an adaptive secure threshold signature that we call GRASS+. In particular, we introduce two variants of the classical GAIP problem and discuss their security. We prove that our protocol is adaptively secure in the Random Oracle Model, if the adversary corrupts only t 2 parties. We are also able to prove that GRASS+ achieves full adaptive security, with a corruption threshold of t, in the Black Box Group Action Model with Random Oracle. Finally, we improve the performance of the scheme by exploiting a better secret sharing, inspired from the work of Desmedt, Di Crescenzo, and Burmester from ASIACRYPT’94.
Arbitrary-Threshold Fully Homomorphic Encryption with Lower Complexity
Threshold fully homomorphic encryption (ThFHE) enables multiple parties to compute functions over their sensitive data without leaking data privacy. Most of existing ThFHE schemes are restricted to full threshold and require the participation of all parties to output computing results. Compared with these full-threshold schemes, arbitrary threshold (ATh)-FHE schemes are robust to non-participants and can be a promising solution to many real-world applications. However, existing AThFHE schemes are either inefficient to be applied with a large number of parties and a large data size , or insufficient to tolerate all types of non-participants. In this paper, we propose an AThFHE scheme to handle all types of non-participants with lower complexity over existing schemes. At the core of our scheme is the reduction from AThFHE construction to the design of a new primitive called approximate secret sharing (ApproxSS). Particularly, we formulate ApproxSS and prove the correctness and security of AThFHE on top of arbitrary-threshold (ATh)-ApproxSS's properties. Such a reduction reveals that existing AThFHE schemes implicitly design ATh-ApproxSS following a similar idea called ``noisy share''. Nonetheless, their ATh-ApproxSS design has high complexity and become the performance bottleneck. By developing ATASSES, an ATh-ApproxSS scheme based on a novel ``encrypted share'' idea, we reduce the computation (resp. communication) complexity from to (resp. from to ). We not only theoretically prove the (approximate) correctness and security of ATASSES, but also empirically evaluate its efficiency against existing baselines. Particularly, when applying to a system with one thousand parties, ATASSES achieves a speedup of -- over baselines.