All papers in 2021 (Page 16 of 1705 results)

Last updated:  2021-07-22
Compact Zero-Knowledge Proofs for Threshold ECDSA with Trustless Setup
Tsz Hon Yuen, Handong Cui, Xiang Xie
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Threshold ECDSA signatures provide a higher level of security to a crypto wallet since it requires more than t parties out of n parties to sign a transaction. The state-of-the-art bandwidth efficient threshold ECDSA used the additive homomorphic Castagnos and Laguillaumie (CL) encryption based on an unknown order group G, together with a number of zero-knowledge proofs in G. In this paper, we propose compact zero-knowledge proofs for threshold ECDSA to lower the communication bandwidth, as well as the computation cost. The proposed zero-knowledge proofs include the discrete-logarithm relation in G and the well-formedness of a CL ciphertext. When applied to two-party ECDSA, we can lower the bandwidth of the key generation algorithm by 47%, and the running time for the key generation and signing algorithms are boosted by about 35% and 104% respectively. When applied to threshold ECDSA, our first scheme is more optimized for the key generation algorithm (about 70% lower bandwidth and 70% faster computation in key generation, at a cost of 20% larger bandwidth in signing), while our second scheme has an all-rounded performance improvement (about 60% lower bandwidth, 27% faster computation in key generation without additional cost in signing).
Last updated:  2022-10-31
Revisiting Homomorphic Encryption Schemes for Finite Fields
Andrey Kim, Yuriy Polyakov, Vincent Zucca
The Brakerski-Gentry-Vaikuntanathan (BGV) and Brakerski/ Fan-Vercauteren (BFV) schemes are the two main homomorphic encryption (HE) schemes to perform exact computations over finite fields and integers. Although the schemes work with the same plaintext space, there are significant differences in their noise management, algorithms for the core homomorphic multiplication operation, message encoding, and practical usability. The main goal of our work is to revisit both schemes, focusing on closing the gap between the schemes by improving their noise growth, computational complexity of the core algorithms, and usability. The other goal of our work is to provide both theoretical and experimental performance comparison of BGV and BFV. More precisely, we propose an improved variant of BFV where the encryption operation is modified to significantly reduce the noise growth, which makes the BFV noise growth somewhat better than for BGV (in contrast to prior results showing that BGV has smaller noise growth for larger plaintext moduli). We also modify the homomorphic multiplication procedure, which is the main bottleneck in BFV, to reduce its algorithmic complexity. Our work introduces several other novel optimizations, including lazy scaling in BFV homomorphic multiplication and an improved BFV decryption procedure in the Residue Number System (RNS) representation. We also develop a usable variant of BGV as a more efficient alternative to BFV for common practical scenarios. We implement our improved variants of BFV and BGV in PALISADE and evaluate their experimental performance for several benchmark computations. The experimental results suggest that our BGV implementation is faster for intermediate and large plaintext moduli, which are often used in practical scenarios with ciphertext packing, while our BFV implementation is faster for small plaintext moduli.
Last updated:  2022-05-22
Anonymous Tokens with Public Metadata and Applications to Private Contact Tracing
Tjerand Silde, Martin Strand
Anonymous single-use tokens have seen recent applications in private Internet browsing and anonymous statistics collection. We develop new schemes in order to include public metadata such as expiration dates for tokens. This inclusion enables planned mass revocation of tokens without distributing new keys, which for natural instantiations can give 77 % and 90 % amortized traffic savings compared to Privacy Pass (Davidson et al., 2018) and DIT: De-Identified Authenticated Telemetry at Scale (Huang et al., 2021), respectively. By transforming the public key, we are able to append public metadata to several existing protocols essentially without increasing computation or communication. Additional contributions include expanded definitions, a more complete framework for anonymous single-use tokens and a description of how anonymous tokens can improve the privacy in dp3t-like digital contact tracing applications. We also extend the protocol to create efficient and conceptually simple tokens with both public and private metadata, and tokens with public metadata and public verifiability from pairings.
Last updated:  2021-06-14
Subtractive Sets over Cyclotomic Rings: Limits of Schnorr-like Arguments over Lattices
Martin R. Albrecht, Russell W. F. Lai
We study when (dual) Vandermonde systems of the form ${V}_T^{{(\intercal)}} \cdot \vec{z} = s\cdot \vec{w}$ admit a solution $\vec{z}$ over a ring $\mathcal{R}$, where ${V}_T$ is the Vandermonde matrix defined by a set $T$ and where the "slack" $s$ is a measure of the quality of solutions. To this end, we propose the notion of $(s,t)$-subtractive sets over a ring $\mathcal{R}$, with the property that if $S$ is $(s,t)$-subtractive then the above (dual) Vandermonde systems defined by any $t$-subset $T \subseteq S$ are solvable over $\mathcal{R}$. The challenge is then to find large sets $S$ while minimising (the norm of) $s$ when given a ring $\mathcal{R}$. By constructing families of $(s,t)$-subtractive sets $S$ of size $n = $ poly over cyclotomic rings $\mathcal{R} = \mathbb{Z}[\zeta_{p^\ell}]$ for prime $p$, we construct Schnorr-like lattice-based proofs of knowledge for the SIS relation ${A} \cdot \vec{x} = s \cdot \vec{y} \bmod q$ with $O(1/n)$ knowledge error, and $s = 1$ in case $p = $ poly. Our technique slots naturally into the lattice Bulletproof framework from Crypto'20, producing lattice-based succinct arguments for NP with better parameters. We then give matching impossibility results constraining $n$ relative to $s$, which suggest that our Bulletproof-compatible protocols are optimal unless fundamentally new techniques are discovered. Noting that the knowledge error of lattice Bulletproofs is \(\Omega(\log k/n)\) for witnesses in \(\mathcal{R}^k\) and subtractive set size \(n\), our result represents a barrier to practically efficient lattice-based succinct arguments in the Bulletproof framework. Beyond these main results, the concept of $(s,t)$-subtractive sets bridges group-based threshold cryptography to lattice settings, which we demonstrate by relating it to distributed pseudorandom functions.
Last updated:  2021-05-25
DAUnTLeSS: Data Augmentation and Uniform Transformation for Learning with Scalability and Security
Hanshen Xiao, Srinivas Devadas
We revisit private optimization and learning from an information processing view. The main contribution of this paper is twofold. First, different from the classic cryptographic framework of operation-by-operation obfuscation, a novel private learning and inference framework via either random or data-dependent transformation on the sample domain is proposed. Second, we propose a novel security analysis framework, termed probably approximately correct (PAC) inference resistance, which bridges the information loss in data processing and prior knowledge. Using the entropy of private data, we develop an information theoretical security amplifier with a foundation of PAC security. We study the applications of such a framework from generalized linear regression models to modern learning techniques, such as deep learning. On the information theoretical privacy side, we compare three privacy interpretations: ambiguity, statistical indistinguishability (Differential Privacy) and PAC inference resistance, and precisely describe the information leakage of our framework. We show the advantages of this new random transform approach with respect to underlying privacy guarantees, computational efficiency and utility for fully-connected neural networks.
Last updated:  2021-02-24
Manticore: Efficient Framework for Scalable Secure Multiparty Computation Protocols
Sergiu Carpov, Kevin Deforth, Nicolas Gama, Mariya Georgieva, Dimitar Jetchev, Jonathan Katz, Iraklis Leontiadis, M. Mohammadi, Abson Sae-Tang, Marius Vuille
We propose a novel MPC framework, Manticore, in the multiparty setting, with full threshold and semi-honest security model, supporting a combination of real number arithmetic (arithmetic shares), Boolean arithmetic (Boolean shares) and garbled circuits (Yao shares). In contrast to prior work [MZ17, MR18], Manticore never overflows, an important feature for machine learning applications. It achieves this without compromising efficiency or security. Compared to other overflow-free recent techniques such as MP-SPDZ [EGKRS20] that convert arithmetic to Boolean shares, we introduce a novel highly efficient modular lifting/truncation method that stays in the arithmetic domain. We revisit some of the basic MPC operations such as real-valued polynomial evaluation, division, logarithm, exponential and comparison by employing our modular lift in combination with existing efficient conversions between arithmetic, Boolean and Yao shares. Furthermore, we provide a highly efficient and scalable implementation supporting logistic regression models with real-world training data sizes and high numerical precision through PCA and blockwise variants (for memory and runtime optimizations). On a dataset of 50 million rows and 50 columns distributed among two players, it completes in one day with at least 10 decimal digits of precision.Our logistic regression solution placed first at Track 3 of the annual iDASH’2020 Competition. Finally, we mention a novel oblivious sorting algorithm built using Manticore.
Last updated:  2021-12-09
Generic, Efficient and Isochronous Gaussian Sampling over the Integers
Shuo Sun, Yongbin Zhou, Yunfeng Ji, Rui Zhang, Yang Tao
Gaussian sampling over the integers is one of the fundamental building blocks of lattice-based cryptography. Among the extensively used trapdoor sampling algorithms, it's ineluctable until now. Under the influence of numerous side-channel attacks, it's still challenging to construct a Gaussian sampler that is generic, efficient, and resistant to timing attacks. In this paper, our contribution is three-fold. First, we propose a secure, efficient exponential Bernoulli sampling algorithm. It can be applied to Gaussian samplers based on rejection samplings. We apply it to FALCON, a candidate of round 3 of the NIST post-quantum cryptography standardization project, and reduce its signature generation time by 13%-14%. Second, we develop an isochronous Gaussian sampler based on rejection sampling. Our Algorithm can securely sample from Gaussian distributions with different standard deviations and arbitrary centers. We apply it to PALISADE (S&P 2018), an open-source lattice cryptography library. During the online phase of trapdoor sampling, the running time of the G-lattice sampling algorithm is reduced by 44.12% while resisting timing attacks. Third, we improve the efficiency of the COSAC sampler (PQC 2020). The new COSAC sampler is 1.46x-1.63x faster than the original and has the lowest expected number of trials among all Gaussian samplers based on rejection samplings. But it needs a more efficient algorithm sampling from the normal distribution to improve its performance.
Last updated:  2021-02-24
Automatic Parallelism Tuning for Module Learning with Errors Based Post-Quantum Key Exchanges on GPUs
Tatsuki Ono, Song Bian, Takashi Sato
The module learning with errors (MLWE) problem is one of the most promising candidates for constructing quantum-resistant cryptosystems. In this work, we propose an open-source framework to automatically adjust the level of parallelism for MLWE-based key exchange protocols to maximize the protocol execution efficiency. We observed that the number of key exchanges handled by primitive functions in parallel, and the dimension of the grids in the GPUs have significant impacts on both the latencies and throughputs of MLWE key exchange protocols. By properly adjusting the related parameters, in the experiments, we show that performance of MLWE based key exchange protocols can be improved across GPU platforms.
Last updated:  2021-11-17
Gambling for Success: The Lottery Ticket Hypothesis in Deep Learning-based SCA
Guilherme Perin, Lichao Wu, Stjepan Picek
Deep learning-based side-channel analysis (SCA) represents a strong approach for profiling attacks. Still, this does not mean it is trivial to find neural networks that perform well for any setting. Based on the developed neural network architectures, we can distinguish between small neural networks that are easier to tune and less prone to overfitting but could have insufficient capacity to model the data. On the other hand, large neural networks have sufficient capacity but can overfit and are more difficult to tune. This brings an interesting trade-off between simplicity and performance. This work proposes to use a pruning strategy and recently proposed Lottery Ticket Hypothesis (LTH) as an efficient method to tune deep neural networks for profiling SCA. Pruning provides a regularization effect on deep neural networks and reduces the overfitting posed by overparameterized models. We demonstrate that we can find pruned neural networks that perform on the level of larger networks, where we manage to reduce the number of weights by more than 90% on average. This way, pruning and LTH approaches become alternatives to costly and difficult hyperparameter tuning in profiling SCA. Our analysis is conducted over different masked AES datasets and for different neural network topologies. Our results indicate that pruning, and more specifically LTH, can result in competitive deep learning models.
Last updated:  2021-03-03
QCCA-Secure Generic Key Encapsulation Mechanism with Tighter Security in the Quantum Random Oracle Model
Xu Liu, Mingqiang Wang
Xagawa and Yamakawa (PQCrypto 2019) proved the transformation SXY can tightly turn DS secure PKEs into IND-qCCA secure KEMs in the quantum random oracle model (QROM). But transformations such as KC, TPunc that turn PKEs with standard security (OW-CPA or IND-CPA) into DS secure PKEs still suffer from quadratic security loss in the QROM. In this paper, we give a tighter security reduction for the transformation KC that turns OW-CPA secure deterministic PKEs into modified DS secure PKEs in the QROM. We use the Measure-Rewind-Measure One-Way to Hiding Lemma recently introduced by Kuchta et al. (EUROCRYPT 2020) to avoid the square-root advantage loss. Moreover, we extend it to the case that underlying PKEs are not perfectly correct. Combining with other transformations, we finally obtain a generic KEM from any IND-CPA secure PKE. Our security reduction has roughly the same tightness as the result of Kuchta et al. without any other assumptions and we achieve the stronger IND-qCCA security. We also give a similar result for another KEM transformation achieving the same security notion from any OW-CPA secure deterministic PKE.
Last updated:  2021-02-24
Compilation of Function Representations for Secure Computing Paradigms
Karim Baghery, Cyprien Delpech de Saint Guilhem, Emmanuela Orsini, Nigel P. Smart, Titouan Tanguy
This paper introduces M-Circuits, a program representation which generalizes arithmetic and binary circuits. This new representation is motivated by the way modern multi-party computation (MPC) systems based on linear secret sharing schemes actually operate. We then show how this representation also allows one to construct zero knowledge proof (ZKP) systems based on the MPC-in-the-head paradigm. The use of the M-Circuit program abstraction then allows for a number of program-specific optimizations to be applied generically. It also allows to separate complexity and security optimizations for program compilation from those for application protocols (MPC or ZKP).
Last updated:  2021-02-24
Misuse-Free Key-Recovery and Distinguishing Attacks on 7-Round Ascon
Raghvendra Rohit, Kai Hu, Sumanta Sarkar, Siwei Sun
Being one of the winning algorithms of the CAESAR competition and currently a second round candidate of the NIST lightweight cryptography standardization project, the authenticated encryption scheme Ascon (designed by Dobraunig, Eichlseder, Mendel, and Schl{ä}ffer) has withstood extensive self and third-party cryptanalysis. The best known attack on Ascon could only penetrate up to $7$ (out of $12$) rounds due to Li et al. (ToSC Vol I, 2017). However, it violates the data limit of $2^{64}$ blocks per key specified by the designers. Moreover, the best known distinguishers of Ascon in the AEAD context reach only 6 rounds. To fill these gaps, we revisit the security of 7-round Ascon in the nonce-respecting setting without violating the data limit as specified in the design. First, we introduce a new superpoly-recovery technique named as \textit{partial polynomial multiplication} for which computations take place between the so-called degree-$d$ homogeneous parts of the involved Boolean functions for a $2d$-dimensional cube. We apply this method to 7-round Ascon and present several key recovery attacks. Our best attack can recover the 128-bit secret key with a time complexity of about $2^{123}$ 7-round Ascon permutations and requires $2^{64}$ data and $2^{101}$ bits memory. Also, based on division properties, we identify several 60 dimensional cubes whose superpolies are constant zero after 7 rounds. We further improve the cube distinguishers for 4, 5 and 6 rounds. Although our results are far from threatening the security of full 12-round Ascon, they provide new insights in the security analysis of Ascon.
Last updated:  2021-12-08
Multitarget decryption failure attacks and their application to Saber and Kyber
Jan-Pieter D'Anvers, Senne Batsleer
Many lattice-based encryption schemes are subject to a very small probability of decryption failures. It has been shown that an adversary can efficiently recover the secret key using a number of ciphertexts that cause such a decryption failure. In PKC~2019, D'Anvers~et~al. introduced `failure boosting', a technique to speed up the search for decryption failures. In this work we first improve the state-of-the-art multitarget failure boosting attacks. We then improve the cost calculation of failure boosting and extend the applicability of these calculations to permit cost calculations of real-world schemes. Using our newly developed methodologies we determine the multitarget decryption failure attack cost for all parameter sets of Saber and Kyber, showing among others that the quantum security of Saber can theoretically be reduced from 172 bits to 145 bits in specific circumstances. We then discuss the applicability of decryption failure attack in real-world scenarios, showing that an attack might not be practical to execute.
Last updated:  2021-05-12
Quantum Indifferentiability of SHA-3
Jan Czajkowski
In this paper we prove quantum indifferentiability of the sponge construction instantiated with random (invertible) permutations. With this result we bring the post-quantum security of the standardized SHA-3 hash function to the level matching its security against classical adversaries. To achieve our result, we generalize the compressed-oracle technique of Zhandry (Crypto'19) by defining and proving correctness of a compressed permutation oracle. We believe our technique will find applications in many more cryptographic constructions.
Last updated:  2021-02-24
PT-Symmetric Quantum State Discrimination for Attack on BB84 Quantum Key Distribution
Yaroslav Balytskyi, Manohar Raavi, Anatoliy Pinchuk, Sang-Yoon Chang
Quantum Key Distribution or QKD provides symmetric key distribution using the quantum mechanics/channels with new security properties. The security of QKD relies on the difficulty of the quantum state discrimination problem. We discover that the recent developments in PT symmetry can be used to expedite the quantum state discrimination problem and therefore to attack the BB84 QKD scheme. We analyze the security of the BB84 scheme and show that the attack significantly increases the eavesdropping success rate over the previous Hermitian quantum state discrimination approach. We design and analyze the approaches to attack BB84 QKD protocol exploiting an extra degree of freedom provided by the PT-symmetric quantum mechanics.
Last updated:  2021-06-14
Decidability of Secure Non-interactive Simulation of Doubly Symmetric Binary Source
Hamidreza Amini Khorasgani, Hemanta K. Maji, Hai H. Nguyen
Noise, which cannot be eliminated or controlled by parties, is an incredible facilitator of cryptography. For example, highly efficient secure computation protocols based on independent samples from the doubly symmetric binary source (BSS) are known. A modular technique of extending these protocols to diverse forms of other noise without any loss of round and communication complexity is the following strategy. Parties, beginning with multiple samples from an arbitrary noise source, non-interactively, albeit securely, simulate the BSS samples. After that, they can use custom-designed efficient multi-party solutions using these BSS samples. Khorasgani, Maji, and Nguyen (EPRINT--2020) introduce the notion of secure non-interactive simulation (SNIS) as a natural cryptographic extension of concepts like non-interactive simulation and non-interactive correlation distillation in theoretical computer science and information theory. In SNIS, the parties apply local reduction functions to their samples to produce samples of another distribution. This work studies the decidability problem of whether samples from the noise $(X,Y)$ can securely and non-interactively simulate BSS samples. As is standard in analyzing non-interactive simulations, our work relies on Fourier-analytic techniques to approach this decidability problem. Our work begins by algebraizing the simulation-based security definition of SNIS. Using this algebraized definition of security, we analyze the properties of the Fourier spectrum of the reduction functions. Given $(X,Y)$ and BSS with noise parameter $\epsilon$, the objective is to distinguish between the following two cases. (A) Does there exist a SNIS from $BSS(\epsilon)$ to $(X,Y)$ with $\delta$-insecurity? (B) Do all SNIS from $BSS(\epsilon)$ to $(X,Y)$ incur $\delta'$-insecurity, where $\delta'>\delta$? We prove that there is a bounded computable time algorithm achieving this objective for the following cases. (1) $\delta=O{1/n}$ and $\delta'=$ positive constant, and (2) $\delta=$ positive constant, and $\delta'=$ another (larger) positive constant. We also prove that $\delta=0$ is achievable only when $(X,Y)$ is another BSS, where $(X,Y)$ is an arbitrary distribution over $\{-1,1\}\times\{-1,1\}$. Furthermore, given $(X,Y)$, we provide a sufficient test determining if simulating BSS samples incurs a constant-insecurity, irrespective of the number of samples of $(X,Y)$. Handling the security of the reductions in Fourier analysis presents unique challenges because the interaction of these analytical techniques with security is unexplored. Our technical approach diverges significantly from existing approaches to the decidability problem of (insecure) non-interactive reductions to develop analysis pathways that preserve security. Consequently, our work shows a new concentration of the Fourier spectrum of secure reduction functions, unlike their insecure counterparts. We show that nearly the entire weight of secure reduction functions' spectrum is concentrated on the lower-degree components. The authors believe that examining existing analytical techniques through the facet of security and developing new analysis methodologies respecting security is of independent and broader interest.
Last updated:  2021-02-21
Rotational Cryptanalysis From a Differential-linear Perspective: Practical Distinguishers for Round-reduced FRIET, Xoodoo, and Alzette
Yunwen Liu, Siwei Sun, Chao Li
The differential-linear attack, combining the power of the two most effective techniques for symmetric-key cryptanalysis, was proposed by Langford and Hellman at CRYPTO 1994. From the exact formula for evaluating the bias of a differential-linear distinguisher (JoC 2017), to the differential-linear connectivity table (DLCT) technique for dealing with the dependencies in the switch between the differential and linear parts (EUROCRYPT 2019), and to the improvements in the context of cryptanalysis of ARX primitives (CRYPTO 2020), we have seen significant development of the differential-linear attack during the last four years. In this work, we further extend this framework by replacing the differential part of the attack by rotational-xor differentials. Along the way, we establish the theoretical link between the rotational-xor differential and linear approximations, revealing that it is nontrivial to directly apply the closed formula for the bias of ordinary differential- linear attack to rotational differential-linear cryptanalysis. We then revisit the rotational cryptanalysis from the perspective of differential- linear cryptanalysis and generalize Morawiecki et al.’s technique for analyzing Keccak, which leads to a practical method for estimating the bias of a (rotational) differential-linear distinguisher in the special case where the output linear mask is a unit vector. Finally, we apply the rotational differential-linear technique to the permutations involved in FRIET, Xoodoo, Alzette, and SipHash. This gives significant improvements over existing cryptanalytic results or offers explanations for previous experimental distinguishers without a theoretical foundation. To confirm the validity of our analysis, all distinguishers with practical complexities are verified experimentally.
Last updated:  2021-08-29
Tight Security Bounds for Micali’s SNARGs
Alessandro Chiesa, Eylon Yogev
Succinct non-interactive arguments (SNARGs) in the random oracle model (ROM) have several attractive features: they are plausibly post-quantum; they can be heuristically instantiated via lightweight cryptography; and they have a transparent (public-coin) parameter setup. The canonical construction of a SNARG in the ROM is due to Micali (FOCS 1994), who showed how to use a random oracle to compile any probabilistically checkable proof (PCP) with sufficiently-small soundness error into a corresponding SNARG. Yet, while Micali's construction is a seminal result, it has received little attention in terms of analysis in the past 25 years. In this paper, we observe that prior analyses of the Micali construction are not tight and then present a new analysis that achieves tight security bounds. Our result enables reducing the random oracle's output size, and obtain corresponding savings in concrete argument size. Departing from prior work, our approach relies on precisely quantifying the cost for an attacker to find several collisions and inversions in the random oracle, and proving that any PCP with small soundness error withstands attackers that succeed in finding a small number of collisions and inversions in a certain tree-based information-theoretic game.
Last updated:  2021-05-23
Weak Keys in Reduced AEGIS and Tiaoxin
Fukang Liu, Takanori Isobe, Willi Meier, Kosei Sakamoto
AEGIS-128 and Tiaoxin-346 (Tiaoxin for short) are two AES-based primitives submitted to the CAESAR competition. Among them, AEGIS-128 has been selected in the final portfolio for high-performance applications, while Tiaoxin is a third-round candidate. Although both primitives adopt a stream cipher based design, they are quite different from the well-known bit-oriented stream ciphers like Trivium and the Grain family. Their common feature consists in the round update function, where the state is divided into several 128-bit words and each word has the option to pass through an AES round or not. During the 6-year CAESAR competition, it is surprising that for both primitives there is no third-party cryptanalysis of the initialization phase. Due to the similarities in both primitives, we are motivated to investigate whether there is a common way to evaluate the security of their initialization phases. Our technical contribution is to write the expressions of the internal states in terms of the nonce and the key by treating a 128-bit word as a unit and then carefully study how to simplify these expressions by adding proper conditions. As a result, we found that there are several groups of weak keys with $2^{96}$ keys each in 5-round AEGIS-128 and 8-round Tiaoxin, which allows us to construct integral distinguishers with time complexity $2^{32}$ and data complexity $2^{32}$. Based on the distinguisher, the time complexity to recover the weak key is $2^{72}$ for 5-round AEGIS-128. However, the weak key recovery attack on 8-round Tiaoxin will require the usage of a weak constant occurring with probability $2^{-32}$. All the attacks reach half of the total number of initialization rounds. We expect that this work can advance the understanding of the designs similar to AEGIS and Tiaoxin.
Last updated:  2021-03-02
Leakage-resilience of the Shamir Secret-sharing Scheme against Physical-bit Leakages
Hemanta K. Maji, Hai H. Nguyen, Anat Paskin-Cherniavsky, Tom Suad, Mingyuan Wang
Efficient Reed-Solomon code reconstruction algorithms, for example, by Guruswami and Wootters (STOC--2016), translate into local leakage attacks on Shamir secret-sharing schemes over characteristic-2 fields. However, Benhamouda, Degwekar, Ishai, and Rabin (CRYPTO--2018) showed that the Shamir secret sharing scheme over prime-fields is leakage resilient to one-bit local leakage if the reconstruction threshold is roughly 0.87 times the total number of parties. In several application scenarios, like secure multi-party multiplication, the reconstruction threshold must be at most half the number of parties. Furthermore, the number of leakage bits that the Shamir secret sharing scheme is resilient to is also unclear. Towards this objective, we study the Shamir secret-sharing scheme's leakage-resilience over a prime-field $F$. The parties' secret-shares, which are elements in the finite field $F$, are naturally represented as $\lambda$-bit binary strings representing the elements $\{0,1,\dotsc,p-1\}$. In our leakage model, the adversary can independently probe $m$ bit-locations from each secret share. The inspiration for considering this leakage model stems from the impact that the study of oblivious transfer combiners had on general correlation extraction algorithms, and the significant influence of protecting circuits from probing attacks has on leakage-resilient secure computation. Consider arbitrary reconstruction threshold $k\geq 2$, physical bit-leakage parameter $m\geq 1$, and the number of parties $n\geq 1$. We prove that Shamir's secret-sharing scheme with random evaluation places is leakage-resilient with high probability when the order of the field $F$ is sufficiently large; ignoring polylogarithmic factors, one needs to ensure that $\log \abs F \geq n/k$. Our result, excluding polylogarithmic factors, states that Shamir's scheme is secure as long as the total amount of leakage $m\cdot n$ is less than the entropy $k\cdot\lambda$ introduced by the Shamir secret-sharing scheme. Note that our result holds even for small constant values of the reconstruction threshold $k$, which is essential to several application scenarios. To complement this positive result, we present a physical-bit leakage attack for $m=1$ physical bit-leakage from $n=k$ secret shares and any prime-field $F$ satisfying $\abs F=1\mod k$. In particular, there are (roughly) $\abs F^{n-k+1}$ such vulnerable choices for the $n$-tuple of evaluation places. We lower-bound the advantage of this attack for small values of the reconstruction threshold, like $k=2$ and $k=3$, and any $\abs F=1\mod k$. In general, we present a formula calculating our attack's advantage for every $k$ as $\abs F\rightarrow\infty.$ Technically, our positive result relies on Fourier analysis, analytic properties of proper rank-$r$ generalized arithmetic progressions, and Bézout's theorem to bound the number of solutions to an equation over finite fields. The analysis of our attack relies on determining the ``discrepancy'' of the Irwin-Hall distribution. A probability distribution's discrepancy is a new property of distributions that our work introduces, which is of potential independent interest.
Last updated:  2021-06-18
No Silver Bullet: Optimized Montgomery Multiplication on Various 64-bit ARM Platforms
Hwajeong Seo, Pakize Sanal, Wai-Kong Lee, Reza Azarderakhsh
In this paper, we firstly presented optimized implementations of Montgomery multiplication on 64-bit ARM processors by taking advantages of Karatsuba algorithm and efficient multiplication instruction sets for ARM64 architectures. The implementation of Montgomery multiplication can improve the performance of (pre-quantum and post-quantum) public key cryptography (e.g. CSIDH, ECC, and RSA) implementations on ARM64 architectures, directly. Last but not least, the performance of Karatsuba algorithm does not ensure the fastest speed record on various ARM architectures, while it is determined by the clock cycles per multiplication instruction of target ARM architectures. In particular, recent Apple processors based on ARM64 architecture show lower cycles per instruction of multiplication than that of ARM Cortex-A series. For this reason, the schoolbook method shows much better performance than the sophisticated Karatsuba algorithm on Apple processors. With this observation, we can determine the proper approach for multiplication of cryptography library (e.g. Microsoft-SIDH) on Apple processors and ARM Cortex-A processors.
Last updated:  2022-05-24
Communication-Efficient BFT Protocols Using Small Trusted Hardware to Tolerate Minority Corruption
Sravya Yandamuri, Ittai Abraham, Kartik Nayak, Michael K. Reiter
Agreement protocols for partially synchronous or asynchronous networks tolerate fewer than one-third Byzantine faults. If parties are equipped with trusted hardware that prevents equivocation, then fault tolerance can be improved to fewer than one-half Byzantine faults, but typically at the cost of increased communication complexity. In this work, we present results that use small trusted hardware without worsening communication complexity assuming the adversary controls a fraction of the network that is less than one-half. Our results include a version of HotStuff that retains linear communication complexity in each view and a version of the VABA protocol with quadratic communication, both leveraging trusted hardware to tolerate a minority of corruptions. Our results use expander graphs to achieve efficient communication in a manner that may be of independent interest.
Last updated:  2021-02-20
Efficient State Management in Distributed Ledgers
Dimitris Karakostas, Nikos Karayannidis, Aggelos Kiayias
Distributed ledgers implement a storage layer, on top of which a shared state is maintained in a decentralized manner. In UTxO-based ledgers, like Bitcoin, the shared state is the set of all unspent outputs (UTxOs), which serve as inputs to future transactions. The continuously increasing size of this shared state will gradually render its maintenance unaffordable. Our work investigates techniques that minimize the shared state of the distributed ledger, i.e., the in-memory UTxO set. To this end, we follow two directions: a) we propose novel transaction optimization techniques to be followed by wallets, so as to create transactions that reduce the shared state cost and b) propose a novel fee scheme that incentivizes the creation of "state-friendly" transactions. We devise an abstract ledger model, expressed via a series of algebraic operators, and define the transaction optimization problem of minimizing the shared state; we also propose a multi-layered algorithm that approximates the optimal solution to this problem. Finally, we define the necessary conditions such that a ledger’s fee scheme incentivizes proper state management and propose a state efficient fee function for Bitcoin.
Last updated:  2022-11-06
The Legendre Pseudorandom Function as a Multivariate Quadratic Cryptosystem: Security and Applications
István András Seres, Máté Horváth, Péter Burcsi
Sequences of consecutive Legendre and Jacobi symbols as pseudorandom bit generators were proposed for cryptographic use in 1988. Major interest has been shown towards pseudorandom functions (PRF) recently, based on the Legendre and power residue symbols, due to their efficiency in the multi-party setting. The security of these PRFs is not known to be reducible to standard cryptographic assumptions. In this work, we show that key-recovery attacks against the Legendre PRF are equivalent to solving a specific family of multivariate quadratic (MQ) equation system over a finite prime field. This new perspective sheds some light on the complexity of key-recovery attacks against the Legendre PRF. We conduct algebraic cryptanalysis on the resulting MQ instance. We show that the currently known techniques and attacks fall short in solving these sparse quadratic equation systems. Furthermore, we build novel cryptographic applications of the Legendre PRF, e.g., verifiable random function and (verifiable) oblivious (programmable) PRFs.
Last updated:  2021-02-20
Group Signatures with User-Controlled and Sequential Linkability
Jesus Diaz, Anja Lehmann
Group signatures allow users to create signatures on behalf of a group while remaining anonymous. Such signatures are a powerful tool to realize privacy-preserving data collections, where e.g., sensors, wearables or vehicles can upload authenticated measurements into a data lake. The anonymity protects the user’s privacy yet enables basic data processing of the uploaded unlinkable information. For many applications, full anonymity is often neither desired nor useful though, and selected parts of the data must eventually be correlated after being uploaded. Current solutions of group signatures do not provide such functionality in a satisfactory way: they either rely on a trusted party to perform opening or linking of signatures, which clearly conflicts with the core privacy goal of group signatures; or require the user to decide upon the linkability of signatures before they are generated. In this paper we propose a new variant of group signatures that provides linkability in a flexible and user-centric manner. Users – and only they – can decide before and after signature creation whether they should remain linkable or be correlated. To prevent attacks where a user omits certain signatures when a sequence of events in a certain section (e.g., time frame), should be linked, we further extend this new primitive to allow for sequential link proofs. Such proofs guarantee that the provided sequence of data is not only originating from the same signer, but also occurred in that exact order and contains all of the user’s signatures within the time frame. We formally define the desired security and privacy properties, propose a provably secure construction based on DL-related assumptions and report on a prototypical implementation of our scheme.
Last updated:  2023-05-01
Unique Chain Rule and its Applications
Adithya Bhat, Akhil Bandarupalli, Saurabh Bagchi, Aniket Kate, Michael Reiter
Show abstract
Most existing Byzantine fault-tolerant State Machine Replication (SMR) protocols rely explicitly on either equivocation detection or quorum certificate formations to ensure protocol safety. These mechanisms inherently require $O(n^2)$ communication overhead among $n$ participating servers. This work proposes the Unique Chain Rule (UCR), a simple rule for hash chains where extending a block by including its hash in the next block, is treated as a vote for the proposed block \textit{and its ancestors}. When a block obtains a vote from at least one correct server, we can commit the block and its ancestors. While this idea was used implicitly earlier in conjunction with equivocation detection or quorum certificate generation, this work employs it explicitly to show safety. We present three applications of UCR.\@ We design \emph{Apollo}, and \emph{Artemis}: two novel synchronous SMR protocols with linear best-case communication complexity using round-robin, and stable leaders, respectively as the first two applications. Next, we employ UCR in a black-box fashion toward making any SMR commits publicly verifiable, where clients will no longer have to wait for $2f+1$ confirmations on every block, where $\kappa$ is a security parameter and $f$ is the number of Byzantine faults tolerated by the protocol, but can instead collect a UCR proof consisting of $\min({\kappa, f)}+1$ extensions on a block. This results in faster syncing times for clients as the publicly verifiable proofs can also be gossiped with every new block extension confirming a new block.
Last updated:  2021-02-20
Efficient Framework for Genetic-Algorithm-Based Correlation Power Analysis
An Wang, Yuan Li, Yaoling Ding, Liehuang Zhu, Yongjuan Wang
Various Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques are combined with classic side-channel methods to improve the efficiency of attacks. Among them, Genetic Algorithms based Correlation Power Analysis (GA-CPA) is proposed to launch attacks on hardware cryptosystems to extract the secret key efficiently. However, the convergence rate is unsatisfactory due to two problems: individuals of the initial population generally have low fitnesses, and the mutation operation is hard to generate high-quality components. In this paper, we give an analysis framework to solve them. Firstly, we employ lists of sorted candidate key bytes obtained with CPA to initialize the population with high quality candidates. Secondly, we guide the mutation operation with lists of candidate keys sorted according to fitnesses, which are obtained by exhausting the values of a certain key byte and calculating the corresponding correlation coefficients with the whole key. Thirdly, key enumeration algorithms are utilized to deal with ranked candidates obtained by the last generation of GA-CPA to improve the success rate further. Simulation experimental results show that our method reduces the number of traces by 33.3\% and 43.9\% compared to CPA with key enumeration and GA-CPA respectively when the success rate is fixed to 90\%. Real experiments performed on SAKURA-G confirm that the number of traces required in our method is much less than the numbers of traces required in CPA and GA-CPA. Besides, we adjust our method to deal with DPA contest v1 dataset, and achieve a better result of 40.76 traces than the winning proposal of 42.42 traces. The computation cost of our proposal is nearly 16.7\% of the winner.
Last updated:  2021-02-21
Attribute-Based Access Control for Inner Product Functional Encryption from LWE
Tapas Pal, Ratna Dutta
The notion of functional encryption (FE) was proposed as a generalization of plain public-key encryption to enable a much more fine-grained handling of encrypted data, with advanced applications such as cloud computing, multi-party computations, obfuscating circuits or Turing machines. While FE for general circuits or Turing machines gives a natural instantiation of the many cryptographic primitives, existing FE schemes are based on indistinguishability obfuscation or multilinear maps which either rely on new computational hardness assumptions or heuristically claimed to be secure. In this work, we present new techniques directly yielding FE for inner product functionality where secret-keys provide access control via polynomial-size bounded-depth circuits. More specifically, we encrypt messages with respect to attributes and embed policy circuits into secret-keys so that a restricted class of receivers would be able to learn certain property about the messages. Recently, many inner product FE schemes were proposed. However, none of them uses a general circuit as an access structure. Our main contribution is designing the first construction for an attribute-based FE scheme in key-policy setting for inner products from well-studied Learning With Errors (LWE) assumption. Our construction takes inspiration from the attribute-based encryption of Boneh et al. from Eurocrypt 2014 and the inner product functional encryption of Agrawal et al. from Crypto 2016. The scheme is proved in a stronger setting where the adversary is allowed to ask secret-keys that can decrypt the challenge ciphertext. Doing so requires a careful setting of parameters for handling the noise in ciphertexts to enable correct decryption. Another main advantage of our scheme is that the size of ciphertexts and secret-keys depends on the depth of the circuits rather than its size. Additionally, we extend our construction in a much desirable multi-input variant where secret-keys are associated with multiple policies subject to different encryption slots. This enhances the applicability of the scheme with finer access control.
Last updated:  2021-03-08
Generic Negation of Pair Encodings
Miguel Ambrona
Attribute-based encryption (ABE) is a cryptographic primitive which supports fine-grained access control on encrypted data, making it an appealing building block for many applications. Pair encodings (Attrapadung, EUROCRYPT 2014) are simple primitives that can be used for constructing fully secure ABE schemes associated to a predicate relative to the encoding. We propose a generic transformation that takes any pair encoding scheme (PES) for a predicate $P$ and produces a PES for its negated predicate $\bar{P}$ . This construction finally solves a problem that was open since 2015. Our techniques bring new insight to the expressivity and generality of PES and can be of independent interest. We also provide, to the best of our knowledge, the first pair encoding scheme for negated doubly spatial encryption (obtained with our transformation) and explore several other consequences of our results.
Last updated:  2021-04-16
Blitz: Secure Multi-Hop Payments Without Two-Phase Commits
Lukas Aumayr, Pedro Moreno-Sanchez, Aniket Kate, Matteo Maffei
Payment-channel networks (PCN) are the most prominent approach to tackle the scalability issues of current permissionless blockchains. A PCN reduces the load on-chain by allowing arbitrarily many off-chain multi-hop payments (MHPs) between any two users connected through a path of payment channels. Unfortunately, current MHP protocols are far from satisfactory. One-round MHPs (e.g., Interledger) are insecure as a malicious intermediary can steal the payment funds. Two-round MHPs (e.g., Lightning Network (LN)) follow the 2-phase-commit paradigm as in databases to overcome this issue. However, when tied with economical incentives, 2-phase-commit brings other security threats (i.e., wormhole attacks), staggered collateral (i.e., funds are locked for a time proportional to the payment path length) and dependency on specific scripting language functionality (e.g., Hash Time-Lock Contracts) that hinders a wider deployment in practice. We present Blitz, a novel MHP protocol that demonstrates for the first time that we can achieve the best of the two worlds: a single round MHP where no malicious intermediary can steal coins. Moreover, Blitz provides the same privacy for sender and receiver as current MHP protocols do, is not prone to the wormhole attack and requires only constant collateral. Additionally, we construct MHPs using only digital signatures and a timelock functionality, both available at the core of virtually every cryptocurrency today. We provide the cryptographic details of Blitz and we formally prove its security. Furthermore, our experimental evaluation on a LN snapshot shows that (i) staggered collateral in LN leads to in between 4x and 33x more unsuccessful payments than the constant collateral in Blitz; (ii) Blitz reduces the size of the payment contract by 26%; and (iii) Blitz prevents up to 0.3 BTC (3397 USD in October 2020) in fees being stolen over a three day period as it avoids wormhole attacks by design.
Last updated:  2021-02-20
On the Relationships between Different Methods for Degree Evaluation (Full Version)
Siwei Chen, Zejun Xiang, Xiangyong Zeng, Shasha Zhang
In this paper, we compare several non-tight degree evaluation methods i.e., Boura and Canteaut's formula, Carlet's formula as well as Liu's numeric mapping and division property proposed by Todo, and hope to find the best one from these methods for practical applications. Specifically, for the substitution-permutation-network (SPN) ciphers, we first deeply explore the relationships between division property of an Sbox and its algebraic properties (e.g., the algebraic degree of its inverse). Based on these findings, we can prove theoretically that division property is never worse than Boura and Canteaut's and Carlet's formulas, and we also experimentally verified that the division property can indeed give a better bound than the latter two methods. In addition, for the nonlinear feedback shift registers (NFSR) based ciphers, according to the propagation of division property and the core idea of numeric mapping, we give a strict proof that the estimated degree using division property is never greater than that of numeric mapping. Moreover, our experimental results on Trivium and Kreyvium indicate the division property actually derives a much better bound than the numeric mapping. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time to give a formal discussion on the relationships between division property and other degree evaluation methods, and we present the first theoretical proof and give the experimental verification to illustrate that division property is the optimal one among these methods in terms of the accuracy of the upper bounds on algebraic degree.
Last updated:  2021-03-26
Smart Contracts for Incentivized Outsourcing of Computation
Alptekin Küpçü, Reihaneh Safavi-Naini
Outsourcing computation allows a resource limited client to expand its computational capabilities by outsourcing computation to other nodes or clouds. A basic requirement of outsourcing is providing assurance that the computation result is correct. We consider a smart contract based outsourcing system that achieves assurance by replicating the computation on two servers and accepts the computation result if the two responses match. Correct computation result is obtained by using incentivization to instigate correct behaviour in servers. We show that all previous replication based incentivized outsourcing protocols with proven correctness, fail when automated by a smart contract because of the copy attack where a contractor simply copies the submitted response of the other contractor. We then design an incentivization mechanism that uses two lightweight challenge-response protocols that are used when the submitted results are compared, and employs monetary rewards, fines, and bounties to incentivize correct computation. We use game theory to model and analyze our mechanism, and prove that with appropriate choices of the mechanism parameters, there is a single Nash equilibrium corresponding to the contractors’ strategy of correctly computing the result. Our work provides a foundation for replicated incentivized computation in the smart contract setting and opens new research directions.
Last updated:  2022-02-17
Wai-Kong Lee, Hwajeong Seo, Zhenfei Zhang, Seongoun Hwang
Tensor core is a specially designed hardware included in new NVIDIA GPU chips, aimed at accelerating deep learning applications. With the introduction of tensor core, the matrix multiplication at low precision can be computed much faster than using conventional integer and floating point units in NVIDIA GPU. In the past, applications of tensor core were mainly restricted to machine learning and mixed precision scientific computing. In this paper, we show that for the first time, tensor core can be used to accelerate state-of-the-art lattice-based cryptosystems. In particular, we employed tensor core to accelerate NTRU, one of the finalists in NIST post-quantum standardization. Towards our aim, several parallel algorithms are proposed to allow the tensor core to handle flexible matrix sizes and ephemeral key pair. Experimental results show that the polynomial convolution using tensor core is 2.79× (ntruhps2048509) and 2.72× (ntruhps2048677) faster than the version implemented with conventional integer units of NVIDIA GPU. The proposed tensor core based polynomial convolution technique was applied to NTRU public key scheme (TensorTRU). It achieved 1.94×/1.95× (encryption) and 1.97×/2.02× (decryption) better performance for the two parameter sets, compared to the conventional integer based implementations in GPU. TensorTRU is also more than 20× faster than the reference implementation in CPU and 2× faster than the AVX2 implementation, for both encryption and decryption. To demonstrate the flexibility of the proposed technique, we have extended the implementation to other lattice-based cryptosystems that have a small modulus (LAC and two variant parameter sets in FrodoKEM). Experimental results show that the tensor core based polynomial convolution is flexible and useful in accelerating lattice-based cryptosystems that cannot utilize number theoretic transform in performing polynomial multiplication.
Last updated:  2021-02-17
Efficient Linear Multiparty PSI and Extensions to Circuit/Quorum PSI
Nishanth Chandran, Nishka Dasgupta, Divya Gupta, Sai Lakshmi Bhavana Obbattu, Sruthi Sekar, Akash Shah
Multiparty Private Set Intersection (mPSI), enables $n$ parties, each holding private sets (each of size $m$) to compute the intersection of these private sets, without revealing any other information to each other. While several protocols for this task are known, the only concretely efficient protocol is due to the work of Kolesnikov et al. (KMPRT, CCS 2017), who gave a semi-honest secure protocol with communication complexity $\mathcal{O}(nmt\lambda)$, where $t<n$ is the number of corrupt parties and $\lambda$ is the security parameter. In this work, we make the following contributions: $-$ First, for the natural adversarial setting of semi-honest honest majority (i.e. $t<n/2$), we asymptotically improve upon the above result and provide a concretely efficient protocol with total communication of $\mathcal{O}(nm\lambda)$. $-$ Second, concretely, our protocol has $6(t+2)/5$ times lesser communication than KMPRT and is upto $5\times$ and $6.2\times$ faster than KMPRT in the LAN and WAN setting even for 15 parties. $-$ Finally, we introduce and consider two important variants of mPSI - circuit PSI (that allows the parties to compute a function over the intersection set without revealing the intersection itself) and quorum PSI (that allows $P_1$ to learn all the elements in his/her set that are present in at least $k$ other sets) and provide concretely efficient protocols for these variants.
Last updated:  2021-02-17
Pre-Computation Scheme of Window $\tau$NAF for Koblitz Curves Revisited
Wei Yu, Guangwu Xu
Let $E_a/ \mathbb{F}_{2}: y^2+xy=x^3+ax^2+1$ be a Koblitz curve. The window $\tau$-adic non-adjacent form (window $\tau$NAF) is currently the standard representation system to perform scalar multiplications on $E_a/ \mathbb{F}_{2^m}$ utilizing the Frobenius map $\tau$. This work focuses on the pre-computation part of scalar multiplication. We first introduce $\mu\bar{\tau}$-operations where $\mu=(-1)^{1-a}$ and $\bar{\tau}$ is the complex conjugate of $\tau$. Efficient formulas of $\mu\bar{\tau}$-operations are then derived and used in a novel pre-computation scheme. Our pre-computation scheme requires $6${\bf M}$+6${\bf S}, $18${\bf M}$+17${\bf S}, $44${\bf M}$+32${\bf S}, and $88${\bf M}$+62${\bf S} ($a=0$) and $6${\bf M}$+6${\bf S}, $19${\bf M}$+17${\bf S}, $46${\bf M}$+32${\bf S}, and $90${\bf M}$+62${\bf S} ($a=1$) for window $\tau$NAF with widths from $4$ to $7$ respectively. It is about two times faster, compared to the state-of-the-art technique of pre-computation in the literature. The impact of our new efficient pre-computation is also reflected by the significant improvement of scalar multiplication. Traditionally, window $\tau$NAF with width at most $6$ is used to achieve the best scalar multiplication. Because of the dramatic cost reduction of the proposed pre-computation, we are able to increase the width for window $\tau$NAF to $7$ for a better scalar multiplication. This indicates that the pre-computation part becomes more important in performing scalar multiplication. With our efficient pre-computation and the new window width, our scalar multiplication runs in at least 85.2\% the time of Kohel's work (Eurocrypt'2017) combining the best previous pre-computation. Our results push the scalar multiplication of Koblitz curves, a very well-studied and long-standing research area, to a significant new stage.
Last updated:  2021-02-17
Fully Anonymous Group Signature with Verifier-Local Revocation
Ai Kitagawa, Yusuke Sakai, Keita Emura, Goichiro Hanaoka, Keisuke Tanaka
Group signature with verifier-local revocation (VLR-GS) is a special type of revocable group sig- nature which enables a user to sign messages without referring to information regarding revoked users. Although there have been several proposals of VLR-GS schemes since the first scheme proposed by Boneh and Shacham [CCS 2004], all of these schemes only achieve a security notion called selfless anonymity, which is strictly weaker than the de facto standard security notion, full anonymity. Thus, for more than a decade, it has been an open problem whether a fully anonymous VLR-GS scheme can be achieved. In this paper, we give an affirmative answer to this problem. Concretely, we show the construction of a fully anonymous VLR-GS scheme from a digital signature scheme, a key-private public key encryption scheme, and a non-interactive zero-knowledge proof system. Also, we show that backward unlinkability, which ensures that even after a user is revoked, signatures produced by the user before the revocation remain anonymous, can be realized without additional building blocks. Although the size of group public key and signing key depend on the number of time periods, finally, we show that the size of these keys can be reduced by employing an identity-based encryption scheme.
Last updated:  2021-02-17
Security Analysis on an El-Gamal-like Multivariate Encryption Scheme Based on Isomorphism of Polynomials
Yasuhiko Ikematsu, Shuhei Nakamura, Bagus Santoso, Takanori Yasuda
Isomorphism of polynomials with two secrets (IP2S) problem was proposed by Patarin et al. at Eurocrypt 1996 and the problem is to find two secret linear maps filling in the gap between two polynomial maps over a finite field. At PQC 2020, Santoso proposed a problem originated from IP2S, which is called block isomorphism of polynomials with circulant matrices (BIPC) problem. The BIPC problem is obtained by linearizing IP2S and restricting secret linear maps to linear maps represented by circulant matrices. Using the commutativity of products of circulant matrices, Santoso also proposed an El-Gamal-like encryption scheme based on the BIPC problem. In this paper, we give a new security analysis on the El-Gamal-like encryption scheme. In particular, we introduce a new attack (called linear stack attack) which finds an equivalent key of the El-Gamal-like encryption scheme by using the linearity of the BIPC problem. We see that the attack is a polynomial-time algorithm and can break some 128-bit proposed parameters of the El-Gamal-like encryption scheme within 10 hours on a standard PC.
Last updated:  2021-08-01
Small Leaks Sink a Great Ship: An Evaluation of Key Reuse Resilience of PQC Third Round Finalist NTRU-HRSS
Xiaohan Zhang, Chi Cheng, Ruoyu Ding
NTRU is regarded as an appealing finalist due to its long history against all known attacks and relatively high efficiency. In the third round of the NIST competition, the submitted NTRU cryptosystem is the merger of NTRU-HPS and NTRU-HRSS. In 2019, Ding et al. have analyzed the case when the public key is reused for the original NTRU scheme. However, NTRU-HRSS selects coefficients in an arbitrary way, instead of fixed-weight sample spaces in the original NTRU and NTRU-HPS. Therefore, their method cannot be applied to NTRU-HRSS. To address this problem, we propose a full key mismatch attack on NTRU-HRSS. Firstly, we find a longest chain which helps us in recovering the following coefficients. Next, the most influential interference factors are eliminated by increasing the weight of targeted coefficients. In this step, we adaptively select the weights according to the feedbacks of the oracle to avoid errors. Finally, experiments show that we succeed in recovering all coefficients of the secret key in NTRU-HRSS with a success rate of $93.6\%$. Furthermore, we illustrate the trade-off among the success rate, average number of queries, and average time. Particularly, we show that when the success rate is 93.6\%, it has the minimum number of queries at the same time.
Last updated:  2021-09-23
Stealing Neural Network Models through the Scan Chain: A New Threat for ML Hardware
Seetal Potluri, Aydin Aysu
Stealing trained machine learning (ML) models is a new and growing concern due to the model's development cost. Existing work on ML model extraction either applies a mathematical attack or exploits hardware vulnerabilities such as side-channel leakage. This paper shows a new style of attack, for the first time, on ML models running on embedded devices by abusing the scan-chain infrastructure. We illustrate that having course-grained scan-chain access to non-linear layer outputs is sufficient to steal ML models. To that end, we propose a novel small-signal analysis inspired attack that applies small perturbations into the input signals, identifies the quiescent operating points and, selectively activates certain neurons. We then couple this with a Linear Constraint Satisfaction based approach to efficiently extract model parameters such as weights and biases. We conduct our attack on neural network inference topologies defined in earlier works, and we automate our attack. The results show that our attack outperforms mathematical model extraction proposed in CRYPTO 2020, USENIX 2020, and ICML 2020 by an increase in accuracy of 2^20.7x, 2^50.7x, and 2^33.9x, respectively, and a reduction in queries by 2^6.5x, 2^4.6x, and 2^14.2x, respectively.
Last updated:  2021-02-17
Cost Fairness for Blockchain-Based Two-Party Exchange Protocols
Matthias Lohr, Benjamin Schlosser, Jan Jürjens, Steffen Staab
Blockchains can guarantee fairness during the exchange of digital goods such that in a two-party exchange no one is defrauded by a malicious opponent. While several notions of fairness have been discussed in the literature, they all ignore that damage cannot only be incurred by the malicious failure of the exchange, but also by an unfair allocation of transaction costs. To address this issue we: 1. define the novel concept of cost fairness, which 2. builds on the notion of maximum cost matrices that formalize transaction costs in different combinations of benevolent and malicious behavior. 3. We show how limited notions of cost fairness can be achieved by modifying an existing exchange protocol or using a container protocol. In particular, we also provide 4. a tool that let us predict the maximum cost matrix for a specific protocol execution and, thus, gives trade exchange parties the possibility to weigh not only the value of transaction of exchanged goods but also the associated transaction costs.
Last updated:  2021-02-17
Composition with Knowledge Assumptions
Thomas Kerber, Aggelos Kiayias, Markulf Kohlweiss
Zero-knowledge succinct non-interactive arguments (zk-SNARKs) rely on knowledge assumptions for their security. Meanwhile, as the complexity and scale of cryptographic systems continues to grow, the composition of secure protocols is of vital importance. The current gold standards of composable security, the Universal Composability and Constructive Cryptography frameworks cannot capture knowledge assumptions, as their core proofs of composition prohibit white-box extraction. In this paper, we present a formal model allowing the composition of knowledge assumptions. Despite showing impossibility for the general case, we demonstrate the model’s usefulness when limiting knowledge assumptions to few instances of protocols at a time. We finish by providing the first instance of a simultaneously succinct and composable zk-SNARK, by using existing results within our framework.
Last updated:  2022-05-25
Graph-Based Construction for Non-Malleable Codes
Shohei Satake, Yujie Gu, Kouichi Sakurai
Non-malleable codes are introduced to protect the communication against adversarial tampering of data, as a relaxation of the error-correcting codes and error-detecting codes. To explicitly construct non-malleable codes is a central and challenging problem which has drawn considerable attention and been extensively studied in the past few years. Recently, Rasmussen and Sahai built an interesting connection between non-malleable codes and (non-bipartite) expander graphs, which is the first explicit construction of non-malleable codes based on graph theory other than the typically exploited extractors. So far, there is no other graph-based construction for non-malleable codes yet. In this paper, we aim to explore more connections between non-malleable codes and graph theory. Specifically, we first extend the Rasmussen-Sahai construction to bipartite expander graphs. Accordingly, we establish several explicit constructions for non-malleable codes based on Lubotzky-Phillips-Sarnak Ramanujan graphs and generalized quadrangles, respectively. It is shown that the resulting codes can either work for a more flexible split-state model or have better code rate in comparison with the existing results.
Last updated:  2021-12-23
CNF-FSS and its Applications
Paul Bunn, Eyal Kushilevitz, Rafail Ostrovsky
Function Secret Sharing (FSS), introduced by Boyle, Gilboa and Ishai [BGI15], extends the classical notion of secret-sharing a *value* to secret sharing a *function*. Namely, for a secret function f (from a class $F$), FSS provides a sharing of f whereby *succinct shares (``keys'') are distributed to a set of parties, so that later the parties can non-interactively compute an additive sharing of f(x), for any input x in the domain of f. Previous work on FSS concentrated mostly on the two-party case, where highly efficient schemes are obtained for some simple, yet extremely useful, classes $F$ (in particular, FSS for the class of point functions, a task referred to as DPF -- Distributed Point Functions [GI14,BGI15]. In this paper, we concentrate on the multi-party case, with p >= 3 parties and t-security (1 <= t < p). First, we introduce the notion of CNF-DPF (or, more generally, CNF-FSS), where the scheme uses the CNF version of secret sharing (rather than additive sharing) to share each value $f(x)$. We then demonstrate the utility of CNF-DPF by providing several applications. Our main result shows how CNF-DPF can be used to achieve substantial asymptotic improvement in communication complexity when using it as a building block for constructing *standard* (t,p)-DPF protocols that tolerate t > 1 (semi-honest) corruptions. For example, we build a 2-out-of-5 secure (standard) DPF scheme of communication complexity O(N^{1/4}), where N is the domain size of f (compared with the current best-known of O(N^{1/2}) for (2,5)-DPF). More generally, with p > d*t parties, we give a (t,p)-DPF whose complexity grows as O(N^{1/2d}) (rather than O(\sqrt{N}) that follows from the (p-1,p)-DPF scheme of [BGI15]). We also present a 1-out-of-3 secure CNF-DPF scheme, in which each party holds two of the three keys, with poly-logarithmic communication complexity. These results have immediate implications to scenarios where (multi-server) DPF was shown to be applicable. For example, we show how to use such a scheme to obtain asymptotic improvement (O(\log^2N) versus O(\sqrt{N})) in communication complexity over the 3-party protocol of [BKKO20].
Last updated:  2023-02-19
Verifiable Capacity-bound Functions: A New Primitive from Kolmogorov Complexity (Revisiting space-based security in the adaptive setting)
Giuseppe Ateniese, Long Chen, Danilo Francati, Dimitrios Papadopoulos, Qiang Tang
We initiate the study of verifiable capacity-bound function (VCBF). The main VCBF property imposes a strict lower bound on the number of bits read from memory during evaluation (referred to as minimum capacity). No adversary, even with unbounded computational resources, should produce an output without spending this minimum memory capacity. Moreover, a VCBF allows for an efficient public verification process: Given a proof-of-correctness, checking the validity of the output takes significantly fewer memory resources, sublinear in the target minimum capacity. Finally, it achieves soundness, i.e., no computationally bounded adversary can produce a proof that passes verification for a false output. With these properties, we believe a VCBF can be viewed as a “space” analog of a verifiable delay function. We then propose the first VCBF construction relying on evaluating a degree-$d$ polynomial $f$ from $\mathbb{F}_p[x]$ at a random point. We leverage ideas from Kolmogorov complexity to prove that sampling $f$ from a large set (i.e., for high-enough $d$) ensures that evaluation must entail reading a number of bits proportional to the size of its coefficients. Moreover, our construction benefits from existing verifiable polynomial evaluation schemes to realize our efficient verification requirements. In practice, for a field of order $O(2^\lambda)$ our VCBF achieves $O((d+1)\lambda)$ minimum capacity, whereas verification requires just $O(\lambda)$. The minimum capacity of our VCBF construction holds against adversaries that perform a constant number of random memory accesses. This poses the natural question of whether a VCBF with high minimum capacity guarantees exists when dealing with adversaries that perform non-constant (e.g., polynomial) number of random accesses.
Last updated:  2021-07-26
Generic Adaptor Signature
Xianrui Qin, Handong Cui, Tsz Hon Yuen
Adaptor signature is becoming an increasingly important tool in solving the scalability and interoperability issues of blockchain applications. It has many useful properties, such as reducing the on-chain communication cost, increasing the fungibility of transactions, and circumventing the limitation of the blockchain's scripting language. In this paper, we propose the first generic construction of adaptor signatures from {\sf Type-T} canonical identification, which includes discrete-logarithm-based, RSA-based, and lattice-based constructions. Our generic construction can be used as a general framework to combine with different privacy-preserving cryptosystems. We propose blind adaptor signature and linkable ring adaptor signature, which are useful in different blockchain applications.
Last updated:  2021-02-17
Efficient Adaptively-Secure IB-KEMs and VRFs via Near-Collision Resistance
Tibor Jager, Rafael Kurek, David Niehues
We construct more efficient cryptosystems with provable security against adaptive attacks, based on simple and natural hardness assumptions in the standard model. Concretely, we describe: - An adaptively-secure variant of the efficient, selectively-secure LWE-based identity-based encryption (IBE) scheme of Agrawal, Boneh, and Boyen (EUROCRYPT 2010). In comparison to the previously most efficient such scheme by Yamada (CRYPTO 2017) we achieve smaller lattice parameters and shorter public keys of size $\mathcal{O}(\log \lambda)$, where $\lambda$ is the security parameter. - Adaptively-secure variants of two efficient selectively-secure pairing-based IBEs of Boneh and Boyen (EUROCRYPT 2004). One is based on the DBDH assumption, has the same ciphertext size as the corresponding BB04 scheme, and achieves full adaptive security with public parameters of size only $\mathcal{O}(\log \lambda)$. The other is based on a $q$-type assumption and has public key size $\mathcal{O}(\lambda)$, but a ciphertext is only a single group element and the security reduction is quadratically tighter than the corresponding scheme by Jager and Kurek (ASIACRYPT 2018). - A very efficient adaptively-secure verifiable random function where proofs, public keys, and secret keys have size $\mathcal{O}(\log \lambda)$. As a technical contribution we introduce blockwise partitioning, which leverages the assumption that a cryptographic hash function is weak near-collision resistant to prove full adaptive security of cryptosystems.
Last updated:  2022-02-08
hbACSS: How to Robustly Share Many Secrets
Thomas Yurek, Licheng Luo, Jaiden Fairoze, Aniket Kate, Andrew Miller
Despite significant recent progress toward making multi-party computation (MPC) practical, no existing MPC library offers complete robustness---meaning guaranteed output delivery, including in the offline phase---in a network that even has intermittent delays. Importantly, several theoretical MPC constructions already ensure robustness in this setting. We observe that the key reason for this gap between theory and practice is the absence of efficient verifiable/complete secret sharing (VSS/CSS) constructions; existing CSS protocols either require a) challenging broadcast channels in practice or b) introducing computation and communication overhead that is at least quadratic in the number of players. This work presents hbACSS, a suite of optimal-resilience asynchronous complete secret sharing protocols that are (quasi)linear in both computation and communication overhead. Towards developing hbACSS, we develop hbPolyCommit, an efficient polynomial commitment scheme that is (quasi)linear (in the polynomial degree) in terms of computation and communication overhead without requiring a trusted setup. We implement our hbACSS protocols, extensively analyze their practicality, and observe that our protocols scale well with an increasing number of parties. In particular, we use hbACSS to generate MPC input masks: a useful primitive which had previously only been calculated nonrobustly in practice.
Last updated:  2022-05-25
Two-Round Perfectly Secure Message Transmission with Optimal Transmission Rate
Nicolas Resch, Chen Yuan
In the model of Perfectly Secure Message Transmission (PSMT), a sender Alice is connected to a receiver Bob via $n$ parallel two-way channels, and Alice holds an $\ell$ symbol secret that she wishes to communicate to Bob. There is an unbounded adversary Eve that controls $t$ of the channels, where $n=2t+1$. Eve is able to corrupt any symbol sent through the channels she controls, and furthermore may attempt to infer Alice's secret by observing the symbols sent through the channels she controls. The transmission is required to be (a) reliable, i.e., Bob must always be able to recover Alice's secret, regardless of Eve's corruptions; and (b) private, i.e., Eve may not learn anything about Alice's secret. We focus on the two-round model, where Bob is permitted to first transmit to Alice, and then Alice responds to Bob. In this work we provide upper and lower bounds for the PSMT model when the length of the communicated secret $\ell$ is asymptotically large. Specifically, we first construct a protocol that allows Alice to communicate an $\ell$ symbol secret to Bob by transmitting at most $2(1+o_{\ell \to \infty}(1))n\ell$ symbols. Under a reasonable assumption (which is satisfied by all known efficient two-round PSMT protocols), we complement this with a lower bound showing that $2n\ell$ symbols are necessary for Alice to privately and reliably communicate her secret. This provides strong evidence that our construction is optimal (even up to the leading constant).
Last updated:  2021-09-27
Sycon: A New Milestone in Designing ASCON-like Permutations
Kalikinkar Mandal, Dhiman Saha, Sumanta Sarkar, Yosuke Todo
ASCON is one of the elegant designs of authenticated encryption with associated data (AEAD) that was selected as the first choice for lightweight ap- plications in the CAESAR competition, which also has been submitted to NIST lightweight cryptography standardization. ASCON has been in the literature for a while, however, there has been no successful AEAD which is secure at the same time lighter than ASCON. In this article, we have overcome the challenge of constructing a permutation that is lighter than the ASCON permutation while ensuring a similar performance, and based on which we achieve a more lightweight AEAD which we call Sycon. Extensive security analysis of Sycon confirms that it provides the same level of security as that of ASCON. Our hardware implementation result shows that the Sycon permutation has 5.35% reduced area, compared to the ASCON permutation. This leads to a remarkable area reduction for Sycon AEAD which is about 14.95% as compared to ASCON AEAD. We regard the Sycon as a new milestone as it is the lightest among all the AEADs belonging to the ASCON family.
Last updated:  2021-09-07
Mechanized Proofs of Adversarial Complexity and Application to Universal Composability
Manuel Barbosa, Gilles Barthe, Benjamin Grégoire, Adrien Koutsos, Pierre-Yves Strub
EasyCrypt is a proof assistant used for verifying computational security proofs of cryptographic constructions. It has been applied to several prominent examples, including the SHA3 standard and a critical component of AWS Key Management Services. In this paper we enhance the EasyCrypt proof assistant to reason about computational complexity of adversaries. The key technical tool is a Hoare logic for reasoning about computational complexity (execution time and oracle calls) of adversarial computations. Our Hoare logic is built on top of the module system used by EasyCrypt for modeling adversaries. We prove that our logic is sound w.r.t. the semantics of EasyCrypt programs --- we also provide full semantics for the EasyCrypt module system, which was previously lacking. We showcase (for the first time in EasyCrypt and in other computer-aided cryptographic tools) how our approach can express precise relationships between the probability of adversarial success and their execution time. In particular, we can quantify existentially over adversaries in a complexity class, and express general composition statements in simulation-based frameworks. Moreover, such statements can be composed to derive standard concrete security bounds for cryptographic constructions whose security is proved in a modular way. As a main benefit of our approach, we revisit security proofs of some well-known cryptographic constructions and we present a new formalization of Universal Composability (UC).
Last updated:  2021-02-17
Exploring Parallelism to Improve the Performance of FrodoKEM in Hardware
James Howe, Marco Martinoli, Elisabeth Oswald, Francesco Regazzoni
FrodoKEM is a lattice-based key encapsulation mechanism, currently a semi-finalist in NIST’s post-quantum standardization effort. A condition for these candidates is to use NIST standards for sources of randomness (i.e., seed-expanding), and as such most candidates utilize SHAKE, an XOF defined in the SHA-3 standard. However, for many of the candidates, this module is a significant implementation bottleneck. Trivium is a lightweight, ISO standard stream cipher which performs well in hardware and has been used in previous hardware designs for lattice-based cryptography. This research proposes optimized designs for FrodoKEM, concentrating on high throughput by parallelising the matrix multiplication operations within the cryptographic scheme. This process is eased by the use of Trivium due to its higher throughput and lower area consumption. The parallelisations proposed also complement the addition of first-order masking to the decapsulation module. Overall, we significantly increase the throughput of FrodoKEM; for encapsulation we see a 16x speed-up, achieving 825 operations per second, and for decapsulation we see a 14x speed-up, achieving 763 operations per second, compared to the previous state-of-the-art, whilst also maintaining a similar FPGA area footprint of less than 2000 slices.
Last updated:  2021-05-19
Generating cryptographically-strong random lattice bases and recognizing rotations of $\mathbb{Z}^n$
Tamar Lichter Blanks, Stephen D. Miller
Lattice-based cryptography relies on generating random bases which are difficult to fully reduce. Given a lattice basis (such as the private basis for a cryptosystem), all other bases are related by multiplication by matrices in $GL(n,\mathbb{Z})$. How can one sample random elements from $GL(n,\mathbb{Z})$? We consider various methods, finding some are stronger than others with respect to the problem of recognizing rotations of the $\mathbb{Z}^n$ lattice. In particular, the standard algorithm of multiplying unipotent generators together (as implemented in Magma's RandomSLnZ command) generates instances of this last problem which can be efficiently broken, even in dimensions nearing 1,500. Likewise, we find that the random basis generation method in one of the NIST Post-Quantum Cryptography competition submissions (DRS) generates instances which can be efficiently broken, even at its 256-bit security settings. Other random basis generation algorithms (some older, some newer) are described which appear to be much stronger.
Last updated:  2022-10-23
On the Isogeny Problem with Torsion Point Information
Tako Boris Fouotsa, Péter Kutas, Simon-Philipp Merz, Yan Bo Ti
It has recently been rigorously proven (and was previously known under certain heuristics) that the general supersingular isogeny problem reduces to the supersingular endomorphism ring computation problem. However, in order to attack SIDH-type schemes, one requires a particular isogeny which is usually not returned by the general reduction. At Asiacrypt 2016, Galbraith, Petit, Shani and Ti presented a polynomial-time reduction of the problem of finding the secret isogeny in SIDH to the problem of computing the endomorphism ring of a supersingular elliptic curve. Their method exploits the fact that secret isogenies in SIDH are of degree approximately $p^{1/2}$. The method does not extend to other SIDH-type schemes, where secret isogenies of larger degree are used and this condition is not fulfilled. We present a more general reduction algorithm that generalises to all SIDH-type schemes. The main idea of our algorithm is to exploit available torsion point images together with the KLPT algorithm to obtain a linear system of equations over a certain residue class ring. We show that this system will have a unique solution that can be lifted to the integers if some mild conditions on the parameters are satisfied. This lift then yields the secret isogeny. One consequence of this work is that the choice of the prime $p$ in B-SIDH is tight. Finally, we show that our reduction still applies for SIDH variations deploying recently proposed countermeasures against a series of classical polynomial time attacks against SIDH.
Last updated:  2021-02-25
Hybrid Dual Attack on LWE with Arbitrary Secrets
Lei Bi, Xianhui Lu, Junjie Luo, Kunpeng Wang, Zhenfei Zhang
In this paper, we study the {\em hybrid dual attack} over Learning with Errors (LWE) problems for {\em any} secret distribution. Prior to our work, hybrid attacks are only considered for sparse and/or small secrets. A new and interesting result from our analysis shows that for most cryptographic use cases a hybrid dual attack outperforms a standalone dual attack, regardless of the secret distribution. We formulate our results into a framework of predicting the performance of the hybrid dual attacks. We also present a few tricks that further improve our attack. To illustrate the effectiveness of our result, we re-evaluate the security of {\em all} LWE related proposals in round 3 of NIST's post-quantum cryptography process, and improve the state-of-the-art cryptanalysis results by 2-14 bits, under the BKZ-core-SVP model.
Last updated:  2021-06-11
On Sufficient Oracles for Secure Computation with Identifiable Abort
Mark Simkin, Luisa Siniscalchi, Sophia Yakoubov
Identifiable abort is the strongest security guarantee that is achievable for secure multi-party computation in the dishonest majority setting. Protocols that achieve this level of security ensure that, in case of an abort, all honest parties agree on the identity of at least one corrupt party who can be held accountable for the abort. It is important to understand what computational primitives must be used to obtain secure computation with identifiable abort. This can be approached by asking which oracles can be used to build perfectly secure computation with identifiable abort. Ishai, Ostrovsky, and Zikas (Crypto 2014) show that an oracle that returns correlated randomness to all $n$ parties is sufficient; however, they leave open the question of whether oracles that return output to fewer than $n$ parties can be used. In this work, we show that for $t \leq n - 2$ corruptions, oracles that return output to $n - 1$ parties are sufficient to obtain information-theoretically secure computation with identifiable abort. Using our construction recursively, we see that for $t \leq n - \ell - 2$ and $\ell \in \mathcal{O}(1)$, oracles that return output to $n - \ell - 1$ parties are sufficient. For our construction, we introduce a new kind of secret sharing scheme which we call unanimously identifiable secret sharing with public and private shares (UISSwPPS). In a UISSwPPS scheme, each share holder is given a public and a private shares. Only the public shares are necessary for reconstruction, and the knowledge of a private share additionally enables the identification of at least one party who provided an incorrect share in case reconstruction fails. The important new property of UISSwPPS is that, even given all the public shares, an adversary should not be able to come up with a different public share that causes reconstruction of an incorrect message, or that avoids the identification of a cheater if reconstruction fails.
Last updated:  2023-04-13
Two-Party Adaptor Signatures From Identification Schemes
Andreas Erwig, Sebastian Faust, Kristina Hostáková, Monosij Maitra, Siavash Riahi
Adaptor signatures are a novel cryptographic primitive with important applications for cryptocurrencies. They have been used to construct second layer solutions such as payment channels or cross-currency swaps. The basic idea of an adaptor signature scheme is to tie the signing process to the revelation of a secret value in the sense that, much like a regular signature scheme, an adaptor signature scheme can authenticate messages, but simultaneously leaks a secret to certain parties. Recently, Aumayr et al. provide the first formalization of adaptor signature schemes, and present provably secure constructions from ECDSA and Schnorr signatures. Unfortunately, the formalization and constructions given in this work have two limitations: (1) current schemes are limited to ECDSA and Schnorr signatures, and no generic transformation for constructing adaptor signatures is known; (2) they do not offer support for aggregated two-party signing, which can significantly reduce the blockchain footprint in applications of adaptor signatures. In this work, we address these two shortcomings. First, we show that signature schemes that are constructed from identification (ID) schemes, which additionally satisfy certain homomorphic properties, can generically be transformed into adaptor signature schemes. We further provide an impossibility result which proves that unique signature schemes (e.g., the BLS scheme) cannot be transformed into an adaptor signature scheme. In addition, we define two-party adaptor signature schemes with aggregatable public keys and show how to instantiate them via a generic transformation from ID-based signature schemes. Finally, we give instantiations of our generic transformations for the Schnorr, Katz-Wang and Guillou-Quisquater signature schemes.
Last updated:  2021-08-17
Quantum Security of the Legendre PRF
Paul Frixons, André Schrottenloher
In this paper, we study the security of the Legendre PRF against quantum attackers, given classical queries only, and without quantum random-access memories. We give two algorithms that recover the key of a shifted Legendre symbol with unknown shift, with a complexity smaller than the exhaustive search of the key. The first one is a quantum variant of the table-based collision algorithm. The second one is an offline variant of Kuperberg's abelian hidden shift algorithm. We note that the latter, although asymptotically promising, is not currently the most efficient against practical parameters.
Last updated:  2021-02-12
On methods of shortening ElGamal-type signatures
Liliya Akhmetzyanova, Evgeny Alekseev, Alexandra Babueva, Stanislav Smyshlyaev
Development of signature schemes providing short signatures is a quite relevant non-trivial challenge for cryptographers. Since the late 1980’s many short signature schemes have been proposed. The most perspective schemes are multivariate schemes and schemes based on Weil pairing. Unfortunately, the cryptographic tools used in these schemes are still not supported by most cryptographic software that complicates their effortless use in practice. In the current paper we investigate the opportunity of shortening the standard ElGamal-type signatures. We propose three methods of shortening signatures (for any ElGamal-type schemes such as ECDSA, GOST and SM2) and analyze how applying these methods affects the security. Applying all three methods to the GOST signature scheme with elliptic curve subgroup order $q$, $2^{255} < q < 2^{256}$, can reduce the signature size from $512$ to $320$ bits. The modified scheme provides sufficient security and acceptable (for non-interactive protocols) signing and verifying time.
Last updated:  2021-03-08
IPDL: A Simple Framework for Formally Verifying Distributed Cryptographic Protocols
Greg Morrisett, Elaine Shi, Kristina Sojakova, Xiong Fan, Joshua Gancher
Show abstract
Although there have been many successes in verifying proofs of non-interactive cryptographic primitives such as encryption and signatures, formal verification of interactive cryptographic protocols is still a nascent area. While in principle, it seems possible to extend general frameworks such as Easycrypt to encode proofs for more complex, interactive protocols, a big challenge is whether the human effort would be scalable enough for proof mechanization to eventually acquire mainstream usage among the cryptography community. We work towards closing this gap by introducing a simple framework, Interactive Probabilistic Dependency Logic (IPDL), for reasoning about a certain well-behaved subset of cryptographic protocols. A primary design goal of IPDL is for formal cryptographic proofs to resemble their on-paper counterparts. To this end, IPDL includes an equational logic to reason about approximate observational equivalence (i.e., computational indistinguishability) properties between protocols. IPDL adopts a channel-centric core logic, which decomposes the behavior of the protocol into the behaviors along each communication channel. IPDL supports straight-line programs with statically bounded loops. This design allows us to capture a broad class of protocols encountered in the cryptography literature, including multi-party, reactive, and/or inductively-defined protocols; meanwhile, the logic can track the runtime of the computational reduction in security proofs, thus ensuring computational soundness. We demonstrate the use of IPDL by a number of case studies, including a multi-use, secure message communication protocol, a multi-party coin toss with abort protocol, several oblivious transfer constructions, as well as the two-party GMW protocol for securely evaluating general circuits. We provide a mechanization of the IPDL proof system and our case studies in Coq, and our code is open sourced at
Last updated:  2022-09-07
Securely Computing Piecewise Constant Codes
Benjamin E. Diamond
Piecewise constant codes form an expressive and well-understood class of codes. In this work, we show that many piecewise constant codes admit exact coverings by polynomial-cardinality collections of hyperplanes. We prove that any boolean function whose "on-set" has been covered in just this manner can be evaluated by two parties with malicious security. This represents an interesting connection between covering codes, affine-linear algebra over prime fields, and secure computation. We observe that many natural boolean functions' on-sets admit expressions as piecewise constant codes (and hence can be computed securely). Our protocol supports secure computation on committed inputs; we describe applications in blockchains and credentials. We finally present an efficient implementation of our protocol.
Last updated:  2023-12-18
A Security Framework for Distributed Ledgers
Mike Graf, Daniel Rausch, Viktoria Ronge, Christoph Egger, Ralf Küsters, and Dominique Schröder
In the past few years blockchains have been a major focus for security research, resulting in significant progress in the design, formalization, and analysis of blockchain protocols. However, the more general class of distributed ledgers, which includes not just blockchains but also prominent non-blockchain protocols, such as Corda and OmniLedger, cannot be covered by the state-of-the-art in the security literature yet. These distributed ledgers often break with traditional blockchain paradigms, such as block structures to store data, system-wide consensus, or global consistency. In this paper, we close this gap by proposing the first framework for defining and analyzing the security of general distributed ledgers, with an ideal distributed ledger functionality, called $\mathcal{F}_\text{ledger}$, at the core of our contribution. This functionality covers not only classical blockchains but also non-blockchain distributed ledgers in a unified way. To illustrate $\mathcal{F}_\text{ledger}$, we first show that the prominent ideal blockchain functionalities $\mathcal{G}_\text{ledger}$ and $\mathcal{G}_\text{PL}$ realize (suitable instantiations of) $\mathcal{F}_\text{ledger}$, which precisely captures their security properties. This immediately implies that their respective implementations, including Bitcoin, Ouroboros Genesis, and Ouroboros Crypsinous, realize $\mathcal{F}_\text{ledger}$ as well. Secondly, we demonstrate that $\mathcal{F}_\text{ledger}$ is capable of precisely modeling also non-blockchain distributed ledgers by performing the first formal security analysis of such a distributed ledger, namely the prominent Corda protocol. Due to the wide spread use of Corda in the industry, in particular the financial sector, this analysis is of independent interest. These results also illustrate that $\mathcal{F}_\text{ledger}$ not just generalizes the modular treatment of blockchains to distributed ledgers, but moreover helps to unify existing results.
Last updated:  2021-02-12
\(\chi\)perbp: a Cloud-based Lightweight Mutual Authentication Protocol
Morteza Adeli, Nasour Bagheri, Sadegh Sadeghi, Saru Kumari
Alongside the development of cloud computing and Internet of Things(IoT), cloud-based RFID is receiving more attention nowadays. Cloud-based RFID system is specifically developed to providing real-time data that can be fed to the cloud for easy access and instant data interpretation. Security and privacy of constrained devices in these systems is a challenging issue for many applications. To deal with this problem, we propose \(\chi\)perbp, a lightweight authentication protocol based on \(\chi\)per component. \(\chi\)per is a hardware/software friendly component that can be implemented using bit-wise operations. To evaluate the performance efficiency of our proposed scheme, we implement the \(\chi\)perbp scheme on a FPGA module Xilinx Kintex-7 using the hardware description language VHDL. Our security and cost analysis of the proposed protocol shows that the proposed protocol provides desired security against various attacks, in a reasonable cost. Also, formal security evaluation using BAN logic and Scyther tool indicates its security correctness. Besides, we analyse the security of a related protocol which has been recently proposed by Fan \textit{et al.} It is a cloud-based lightweight mutual authentication protocol for RFID devices in an IoT system. Although they have claimed security against active and passive adversaries, however, our detailed security analysis in this paper demonstrates major drawbacks of this protocol. More precisely, the proposed attack disclose the tag's secrets efficiently. Given the tag's secrets, any other attack will be trivial.
Last updated:  2021-06-03
On Bitcoin Cash’s Target Recalculation Functions
Juan Garay, Yu Shen
Bitcoin Cash, created in 2017, is a “hard fork” from Bitcoin responding to the need for allowing a higher transaction volume. This is achieved by a larger block size, as well as a new difficulty adjustment (target recalculation) function(s) that acts more frequently (as opposed to Bitcoin’s difficulty adjustment happening about every two weeks), resulting in a potentially different target for each block. While seemingly achieving its goal in practice, to our knowledge there is no formal analysis to back this proposal up. In this paper we provide the first formal cryptographic analysis of Bitcoin Cash’s target recalculation functions—both ASERT and SMA (current and former recalculation functions, respectively)—against all possible adversaries. The main distinction with respect to Bitcoin’s is that they are no longer epoch-based, and as such previous analyses fail to hold. We overcome this technical obstacle by introducing a new set of analytical tools focusing on the “calibration” of blocks’ timestamps in sliding windows, which yield a measure of closeness to the initial block generation rate. With that measure, we then follow the analytical approach developed in the Bitcoin backbone protocol [Eurocrypt 2015 and follow-ups] to first establish the basic properties of the blockchain data structure, from which the properties of a robust transaction ledger (namely, Consistency and Liveness) can be derived. Finally, we compare our analytical results with data from the Bitcoin Cash network, and conclude that in order to satisfy security (namely, properties satisfied except with negligible probability in the security parameter) considerably larger parameter values should be used with respect to the ones used in practice.
Last updated:  2021-02-10
Federated Learning with Local Differential Privacy: Trade-offs between Privacy, Utility, and Communication
Muah Kim, Onur Gunlu, Rafael F. Schaefer
Federated learning (FL) allows to train a massive amount of data privately due to its decentralized structure. Stochastic gradient descent (SGD) is commonly used for FL due to its good empirical performance, but sensitive user information can still be inferred from weight updates shared during FL iterations. We consider Gaussian mechanisms to preserve local differential privacy (LDP) of user data in the FL model with SGD. The trade-offs between user privacy, global utility, and transmission rate are proved by defining appropriate metrics for FL with LDP. Compared to existing results, the query sensitivity used in LDP is defined as a variable and a tighter privacy accounting method is applied. The proposed utility bound allows heterogeneous parameters over all users. Our bounds characterize how much utility decreases and transmission rate increases if a stronger privacy regime is targeted. Furthermore, given a target privacy level, our results guarantee a significantly larger utility and a smaller transmission rate as compared to existing privacy accounting methods.
Last updated:  2021-02-10
Advanced Lattice Sieving on GPUs, with Tensor Cores
Léo Ducas, Marc Stevens, Wessel van Woerden
In this work, we study GPU implementations of various state-of-the-art sieving algorithms for lattices (Becker-Gama-Joux 2015, Becker-Ducas-Gama-Laarhoven 2016, Herold-Kirshanova 2017) inside the General Sieve Kernel (G6K, Albrecht et al. 2019). In particular, we extensively exploit the recently introduced *Tensor Cores* -- originally designed for raytracing and machine learning -- and demonstrate their fitness for the cryptanalytic task at hand. We also propose a new *dual-hash* technique for efficient detection of `lift-worthy' pairs to accelerate a key ingredient of G6K: finding short lifted vectors. We obtain new computational records, reaching dimension $180$ for the SVP Darmstadt Challenge improving upon the previous record for dimension $155$. This computation ran for $51.6$ days on a server with $4$ NVIDIA Turing GPUs and $1.5$TB of RAM. This corresponds to a gain of about two orders of magnitude over previous records both in terms of wall-clock time and of energy efficiency.
Last updated:  2024-04-15
Practical and Scalable Access Control Mechanism for the Internet of Things using Time-bound Attribute-based Encryption
Clémentine Gritti, Emanuel Regnath, and Sebastian Steinhorst
Internet of Things (IoT) promises a strong connection between digital and physical environments. Nevertheless, such framework comes with huge security vulnerabilities, due to the heterogeneous nature of devices and of the diversity of their provenance. Furthermore, the resource constraints of weaker devices, such as sensors, require a lightweight design of security protocols. In 2018, Liu et al. presented a new system with access control key updates and direct user revocation, that are beneficial features in IoT. Access control is done using Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption where attributes represent roles of devices within their networks and time validity ranges. In this paper, we propose an extension of this system by enabling several authorities to allocate those role attributes, to mitigate the key escrow problem. Moreover, we devise a novel approach, based on a binary tree, to append the time credentials. This allows us to find an interesting trade-off between key update frequency and user revocation list length, for stressing time-sensitive data exchanged in IoT environments. We adapt the security model to follow the multi-authority setting and prove our scheme secure under the Decisional Bilinear Diffie-Hellman Exponent assumption. Finally, we implement and evaluate of our solution, in order to confirm that the latter is fully deployable in IoT networks.
Last updated:  2021-02-10
Order-Fair Consensus in the Permissionless Setting
Mahimna Kelkar, Soubhik Deb, Sreeram Kannan
Over the past five years, a significant line of research has investigated the blockchain consensus problem in the general permissionless setting, where protocol nodes can leave and join dynamically. The work of Garay et al. (Eurocrypt 2015) and Pass et al. (Eurocrypt 2017) showed the security properties of consistency and liveness for Nakamoto's seminal proof-of-work protocol. However, consistency and liveness do not provide any guarantees on the relationship between the order in which transactions arrive into the network and the finalized order in the ledger, making protocols prone to transaction order-manipulation attacks. As a solution, a recent paper by Kelkar et al. (Crypto 2020) introduced a third useful property for consensus protocols: transaction-order-fairness. Their model was limited to the classical (permissioned) setting, where the set of protocol nodes is fixed a priori, and does not fit well for permissionless environments where order-manipulation attacks have been most prominent. In this work, we initiate the investigation of order-fairness in the permissionless setting and provide two protocols that realize it. Our protocols work in a synchronous network and use an underlying longest-chain blockchain. As an added contribution, we show that any fair ordering protocol achieves a powerful zero-block confirmation property, through which honest transactions can be securely confirmed even before they are included in any block.
Last updated:  2021-02-10
Classic McEliece Implementation with Low Memory Footprint
Johannes Roth, Evangelos Karatsiolis, Juliane Krämer
The Classic McEliece cryptosystem is one of the most trusted quantum-resistant cryptographic schemes. Deploying it in practical applications, however, is challenging due to the size of its public key. In this work, we bridge this gap. We present an implementation of Classic McEliece on an ARM Cortex-M4 processor, optimized to overcome memory constraints. To this end, we present an algorithm to retrieve the public key ad-hoc. This reduces memory and storage requirements and enables the generation of larger key pairs on the device. To further improve the implementation, we perform the public key operation by streaming the key to avoid storing it as a whole. This additionally reduces the risk of denial of service attacks. Finally, we use these results to implement and run TLS on the embedded device.
Last updated:  2021-04-23
Cryptographic Security of the MLS RFC, Draft 11
Chris Brzuska, Eric Cornelissen, Konrad Kohbrok
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Cryptographic communication protocols provide confidentiality, integrity and authentication properties for end-to- end communication under strong corruption attacks, including, notably, post-compromise security (PCS). Most protocols are designed for one-to-one communication. Protocols for group communication are less common, less efficient, and tend to provide weaker security guarantees. This is because group communication poses unique challenges, such as coordinated key updates, changes to group membership and complex post-compromise recovery procedures. We need to tackle this complex challenge as a community. Thus, the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) has created a working group with the goal of developing a sound standard for a continuous asynchronous key-exchange protocol for dynamic groups that is secure and remains efficient for large group sizes. The current version of the Messaging Layer Security (MLS) security protocol is in a feature freeze, i.e., no changes are made in order to provide a stable basis for cryptographic analysis. The key schedule and TreeKEM design are of particular concern since they are crucial to distribute and combine several keys to achieve PCS. In this work, we study the MLS continuous group key distribution (CGKD) which comprises the MLS key schedule, TreeKEM and their composition, as specified in Draft 11 of the MLS RFC, while abstracting away signatures, message flow and authentication guarantees. We establish the uniqueness and key indistinguishability properties of the MLS CGKD as computational security properties.
Last updated:  2023-04-26
An approach for designing fast public key encryption systems using white-box cryptography techniques
Dmitry Schelkunov
We present an approach for designing fast public key encryption cryptosystems using random primitives and error permutation. An encryption speed of such systems allows to use them for “on-the-fly” public key encryption and makes them useful for real-time communications. A small error size allows to use this approach for designing digital signature schemes
Last updated:  2021-10-06
Acyclicity Programming for Sigma-Protocols
Masayuki Abe, Miguel Ambrona, Andrej Bogdanov, Miyako Ohkubo, Alon Rosen
Cramer, Damgård, and Schoenmakers (CDS) built a proof system to demonstrate the possession of subsets of witnesses for a given collection of statements that belong to a prescribed access structure P by composing so-called sigma-protocols for each atomic statement. Their verifier complexity is linear in the size of the monotone span program representation of P. We propose an alternative method for combining sigma-protocols into a single non-interactive system for a compound statement in the random oracle model. In contrast to CDS, our verifier complexity is linear in the size of the acyclicity program representation of P, a complete model of monotone computation introduced in this work. We show that the acyclicity program size of a predicate is never larger than its de Morgan formula size and it is polynomially incomparable to its monotone span program size. We additionally present an extension of our proof system, with verifier complexity linear in the monotone circuit size of P, in the common reference string model. Finally, considering the types of statement that naturally reduce to acyclicity programming, we discuss several applications of our new methods to protecting privacy in cryptocurrency and social networks.
Last updated:  2021-07-08
Cryptanalysis of a code-based signature scheme without trapdoors
Marco Baldi, Jean-Christophe Deneuville, Edoardo Persichetti, Paolo Santini
We propose an attack on the recent attempt by Li, Xing and Yeo to produce a code-based signature scheme using the Schnorr-Lyubashevsky approach in the Hamming metric, and verify its effectiveness through numerical simulations. Differently from other (unsuccessful) proposals, this new scheme exploits rejection sampling along with dense noise vectors to hide the secret key structure in produced signatures. We show that these measures, besides yielding very slow signing times and rather long signatures, do not succeed in protecting the secret key. We are indeed able to prove the existence of a strong correlation between produced signatures, which ultimately leaks information about the secret key. To support this claim, we use both theoretical arguments and numerical evidences. Finally, we employ such a weakness to mount a full key recovery attack, which is able to recover the secret key after the observation of a bunch of signatures. Our results show that the considered scheme may be secure only for one-time usage.
Last updated:  2023-06-29
smartFHE: Privacy-Preserving Smart Contracts from Fully Homomorphic Encryption
Ravital Solomon, Rick Weber, Ghada Almashaqbeh
Despite the great potential and flexibility of smart contract-enabled blockchains, building privacy-preserving applications using these platforms remains an open question. Existing solutions fall short since they ask end users to coordinate and perform the computation off-chain themselves. While such an approach reduces the burden of the miners of the system, it largely limits the ability of lightweight users to enjoy privacy since performing the actual computation on their own and attesting to its correctness is expensive even with state-of-the-art proof systems. To address this limitation, we propose smartFHE, a framework to support private smart contracts using fully homomorphic encryption (FHE). To the best of our knowledge, smartFHE is the first to use FHE in the blockchain model; moreover, it is the first to support arbitrary privacy-preserving applications for lightweight users under the same computation-on-demand model pioneered by Ethereum. smartFHE does not overload the user since miners are instead responsible for performing the private computation. This is achieved by employing FHE so miners can compute over encrypted data and account balances. Users are only responsible for proving well-formedness of their private inputs using efficient zero-knowledge proof systems (ZKPs). We formulate a notion for a privacy-preserving smart contract (PPSC) scheme and show a concrete instantiation of our smartFHE framework. We address challenges resulting from using FHE in the blockchain setting---including concurrency and dealing with leveled schemes. We also show how to choose suitable FHE and ZKP schemes to instantiate our framework, since naively choosing these will lead to poor performance in practice. We formally prove correctness and security of our construction. Finally, we conduct experiments to evaluate its efficiency, including comparisons with a state-of-the-art scheme and testing several private smart contract applications. We have open-sourced our (highly optimized) ZKP library, which could be of independent interest.
Last updated:  2021-02-06
Privacy-Preserving Feature Selection with Secure Multiparty Computation
Xiling Li, Rafael Dowsley, Martine De Cock
Existing work on privacy-preserving machine learning with Secure Multiparty Computation (MPC) is almost exclusively focused on model training and on inference with trained models, thereby overlooking the important data pre-processing stage. In this work, we propose the first MPC based protocol for private feature selection based on the filter method, which is independent of model training, and can be used in combination with any MPC protocol to rank features. We propose an efficient feature scoring protocol based on Gini impurity to this end. To demonstrate the feasibility of our approach for practical data science, we perform experiments with the proposed MPC protocols for feature selection in a commonly used machine-learning-as-a-service configuration where computations are outsourced to multiple servers, with semi-honest and with malicious adversaries. Regarding effectiveness, we show that secure feature selection with the proposed protocols improves the accuracy of classifiers on a variety of real-world data sets, without leaking information about the feature values or even which features were selected. Regarding efficiency, we document runtimes ranging from several seconds to an hour for our protocols to finish, depending on the size of the data set and the security settings.
Last updated:  2021-02-06
Privacy-Preserving Video Classification with Convolutional Neural Networks
Sikha Pentyala, Rafael Dowsley, Martine De Cock
Many video classification applications require access to personal data, thereby posing an invasive security risk to the users' privacy. We propose a privacy-preserving implementation of single-frame method based video classification with convolutional neural networks that allows a party to infer a label from a video without necessitating the video owner to disclose their video to other entities in an unencrypted manner. Similarly, our approach removes the requirement of the classifier owner from revealing their model parameters to outside entities in plaintext. To this end, we combine existing Secure Multi-Party Computation (MPC) protocols for private image classification with our novel MPC protocols for oblivious single-frame selection and secure label aggregation across frames. The result is an end-to-end privacy-preserving video classification pipeline. We evaluate our proposed solution in an application for private human emotion recognition. Our results across a variety of security settings, spanning honest and dishonest majority configurations of the computing parties, and for both passive and active adversaries, demonstrate that videos can be classified with state-of-the-art accuracy, and without leaking sensitive user information.
Last updated:  2021-03-04
Ready-Made Short Basis for GLV+GLS on High Degree Twisted Curves
Bei Wang, Songsong Li, Yi Ouyang, Honggang Hu
The crucial step in elliptic curve scalar multiplication based on scalar decompositions using efficient endomorphisms—such as GLV, GLS or GLV+GLS—is to produce a short basis of a lattice involving the eigenvalues of the endomorphisms, which usually is obtained by lattice basis reduction algorithms or even more specialized algorithms. Recently, lattice basis reduction is found to be unnecessary. Benjamin Smith (AMS 2015) was able to immediately write down a short basis of the lattice for the GLV, GLS, GLV+GLS of quadratic twists using elementary facts about quadratic rings. Certainly it is always more convenient to use a ready-made short basis than to compute a new one by some algorithm. In this paper, we extend Smith's method on GLV+GLS for quadratic twists to quartic and sextic twists, and give ready-made short bases for $4$-dimensional decompositions on these high degree twisted curves. In particular, our method gives a unified short basis compared with Hu et. al's method (DCC 2012) for $4$-dimensional decompositions on sextic twisted curves.
Last updated:  2021-02-18
Lattice-based weak curve fault attack on ECDSA
Weiqiong Cao, Hongsong Shi, Hua Chen, Wei Wei
ECDSA algorithm is usually used in ICT system to achieve communication authenticity. But weakness in various implementations of the algorithm may make its security deviate from theoretical guarantee. This paper proposes a new lattice-based weak curve fault attack on ECDSA. An elliptic curve is weak if the problem of ECDLP in a \emph{subgroup} of the point group $\langle G \rangle$ is computationally solvable in practice, where $G$ is the specified basis point of ECDSA algorithm. Since ECDLP is not required to be computationally practical in the whole group of $\langle G \rangle$, our approach extends the known existing attacks along this line. In detail, the proposed attack assumes a fault injection process can perturb a segment of consecutive bits of the curve parameter $a$ in the Weierstrass equation of ECDSA. An analysis on the density of smooth numbers indicates the faulty value $a'$ parameterized elliptic curve is weak in high probability. Then we show the faulty value $a'$ can be recovered by a dedicated quadratic residue distinguisher, which makes it possible to collect enough side channel information about the nonce used in the ECDSA signature generation process. With the help of these information, we can construct a lattice to recover the private key with lattice basis reduction techniques. Further, we show the same strategy can defeat the nonce masking countermeasure if the random mask is not too long, and makes the commonly employed countermeasures ineffective. To our knowledge, the problem remains untractable to the existing weak curve fault attacks. Thus the proposed approach can find more applications than the existing ones. This is demonstrated by the experimental analysis.
Last updated:  2022-04-26
Designing Tweakable Enciphering Schemes Using Public Permutations
Debrup Chakraborty, Avijit Dutta, Samir Kundu
A tweakable enciphering scheme (TES) is a length preserving (tweakable) encryption scheme that provides (tweakable) strong pseudorandom permutation security on arbitrarily long messages. TES is traditionally built using block ciphers and the security of the mode depends on the strong pseudorandom permutation security of the underlying block cipher. In this paper, we construct TESs using public random permutations. Public random permutations are being considered as a replacement of block cipher in several cryptographic schemes including AEs, MACs, etc. However, to our knowledge, a systematic study of constructing TES using public random permutations is missing. In this paper, we give a generic construction of a TES which uses a public random permutation, a length expanding public permutation based PRF and a hash function which is both almost xor universal and almost regular. Further, we propose a concrete length expanding public permutation based PRF construction. We also propose a single keyed TES using a public random permutation and an AXU and almost regular hash function.
Last updated:  2021-05-07
Cuproof: A Novel Range Proof with Constant Size
Cong Deng, Xianghong Tang, Lin You, Gengran Hu, Shuhong Gao
Zero-knowledge proof is widely used in blockchains. For example, zk-SNARK is used by Zcash as its core technology in identifying transactions. Up to now, various range proofs have been proposed, and their efficiency and range-flexibility are enhanced. Bootle et al. used inner product method and recursion to make an efficient zero-knowledge proof. Then, Benediky Bünz et al. came up with an efficient zero-knowledge proof scheme called Bulletproofs which can convince the verifier that a secret number lies in $[0,2^{\kappa}-1]$. By combining inner-product and Lagrange's four-square theorem, we structure a range proof scheme which is called Cuproof. The scheme of Cuproof would make a range proof to prove that a secret number $v \in [a,b]$ without exposing redundant information of $v$. In Cuproof, all the communication cost, the proving time and the verification time are constant. When the interval of the range proof is large, our Cuproof would show much better.
Last updated:  2022-07-19
Observer Attack on Stream Ciphers
Ramachandran Anantharaman, Virendra Sule
This paper proposes an internal state recovery attack on special class of stream generators called non-linear combiners and filter generators over finite fields consisting of linear feedback shift registers (LFSRs) and nonlinear functions combining internal states to form output stream. This attack utilizes the concept of an observer, well known in the theory of Linear Dynamical Systems. An observer is a special linear dynamical system which when fed with the output sequence of the stream generator as an input with arbitrary initial state, reconstructs the internal state of the generator in finite time. This attack is termed as observability attack and it is shown that the computations are of complexity $O(D^4)$ in pre-computation and of $O(D)$ for online computation, where $D = \sum_{i=0}^{d} {n \choose i}$ for stream generators with $n$ states and $d$ the degree of the output function, when the stream generator is defined over $\mathbb{F}_2$. The attack is technically applicable over general finite fields and appropriate bounds on computation are estimated. This attack gives an important estimates of time and memory resources required for cryptanalysis of realistic stream ciphers.
Last updated:  2021-02-05
Privacy Preserving and Resilient RPKI
Kris Shrishak, Haya Shulman
Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI) is vital to the security of inter-domain routing. However, RPKI enables Regional Internet Registries (RIRs) to unilaterally takedown IP prefixes - indeed, such attacks have been launched by nation-state adversaries. The threat of IP prefix takedowns is one of the factors hindering RPKI adoption. In this work, we propose the first distributed RPKI system, based on threshold signatures, that requires the coordination of a number of RIRs to make changes to RPKI objects; hence, preventing unilateral prefix takedown. We perform extensive evaluations using our implementation demonstrating the practicality of our solution. Furthermore, we show that our system is scalable and remains efficient even when RPKI is widely deployed.
Last updated:  2021-02-05
Efficient Number Theoretic Transform Implementation on GPU for Homomorphic Encryption
Ozgun Ozerk, Can Elgezen, Ahmet Can Mert, Erdinc Ozturk, Erkay Savas
Lattice-based cryptography forms the mathematical basis for homomorphic encryption, which allows computation directly on encrypted data. Homomorphic encryption enables privacy-preserving applications such as secure cloud computing; yet, its practical applications suffer from the high computational complexity of homomorphic operations. Fast implementations of the homomorphic encryption schemes heavily depend on efficient polynomial arithmetic; multiplication of very large degree polynomials over polynomial rings, in particular. Number theoretic transform (NTT) accelerates polynomial multiplication significantly and therefore, it is the core arithmetic operation in the majority of homomorphic encryption scheme implementations. Therefore, practical homomorphic applications require efficient and fast implementations of NTT in different computing platforms. In this work, we present an efficient and fast implementation of NTT, inverse NTT (INTT) and NTT-based polynomial multiplication operations for GPU platforms. To demonstrate that our GPU implementation can be utilized as an actual accelerator, we experimented with the key generation, the encryption and the decryption operations of the Brakerski/Fan-Vercauteren (BFV) homomorphic encryption scheme implemented in Microsoft's SEAL homomorphic encryption library on GPU, all of which heavily depend on the NTT-based polynomial multiplication. Our GPU implementations improve the performance of these three BFV operations by up to 141.95x, 105.17x and 90.13x, respectively, on Tesla V100 GPU compared to the highly-optimized SEAL library running on an Intel i9-7900X CPU.
Last updated:  2021-12-09
A Systematic Approach and Analysis of Key Mismatch Attacks on Lattice-Based NIST Candidate KEMs
Yue Qin, Chi Cheng, Xiaohan Zhang, Yanbin Pan, Lei Hu, Jintai Ding
The research on the key mismatch attacks against the lattice-based KEMs is an important part of the cryptographic assessment of the ongoing NIST standardization. There have been a number of these attacks. However, a unified method to evaluate these KEMs' resilience under key mismatch attacks is still missing. Since the key index of the efficiency of these attacks is the number of queries needed to successfully mount such an attack, in this paper, we propose and develop a systematic approach to find the lower bounds on the minimum average number of queries needed for such attacks. Our basic idea is to transform the problem of finding the lower bound of queries into finding an optimal binary recovery tree (BRT), where the computations of the lower bounds become essentially the computations of a certain Shannon entropy. The introduction of the optimal BRT approach also enables us to understand why, for some lattice-based NIST candidate KEMs, there is a big gap between the theoretical bounds and practical attacks, in terms of the number of queries needed. This further leads us to propose a generic improvement method for these existing attacks, which are confirmed by our experiments. Moreover, our proposed method could be directly used to improve the side-channel attacks against CCA-secure NIST candidate KEMs.
Last updated:  2021-05-13
PSImple: Practical Multiparty Maliciously-Secure Private Set Intersection
Aner Ben Efraim, Olga Nissenbaum, Eran Omri, Anat Paskin-Cherniavsky
Private set intersection (PSI) protocols allow a set of mutually distrustful parties, each holding a private set of items, to compute the intersection over all their sets, such that no other information is revealed. PSI has a wide variety of applications including online advertising (e.g., efficacy computation), security (e.g., botnet detection, intrusion detection), proximity testing (e.g., COVID-19 contact tracing), and more. Private set intersection is a rapidly developing area and there exist many highly efficient protocols. However, almost all of these protocols are for the case of two parties or for semi-honest security. In particular, despite the high interest in this problem, prior to our work there has been no concretely efficient, maliciously secure multiparty PSI protocol. We present PSImple, the first concretely efficient maliciously-secure multiparty PSI protocol. Our construction is based on oblivious transfer and garbled Bloom filters. To demonstrate the practicality of the PSImple protocol, we implemented the protocol and ran experiments with up to $32$ parties and $2^{20}$ inputs. We show that PSImple is competitive even with the state-of-the-art concretely efficient semi-honest multiparty PSI protocols. Additionally, we revisit the garbled Bloom filter parameters used in the 2-party PSI protocol of Rindal and Rosulek (Eurocrypt 2017). Using a more careful analysis, we show that the size of the garbled Bloom filters and the number of oblivious transfers required for malicious security can be significantly reduced, often by more than $20\%$. These improved parameters can be used both in the 2-party PSI protocol of Rindal and Rosulek and in PSImple.
Last updated:  2021-02-05
BooLigero: Improved Sublinear Zero Knowledge Proofs for Boolean Circuits
Yaron Gvili, Sarah Scheffler, Mayank Varia
We provide a modified version of the Ligero sublinear zero knowledge proof system for arithmetic circuits provided by Ames et. al. (CCS ‘17). Our modification "BooLigero" tailors Ligero for use in Boolean circuits to achieve a significant improvement in proof size. Although the original Ligero system could be used for Boolean circuits, Ligero generally requires allocating an entire field element to represent a single bit on a wire in a Boolean circuit. In contrast, our system performs operations over words of bits, allowing a proof size savings of between O(log(|F|)^1/4) and O(log(|F|)^1/2) compared to Ligero, where F is the field that leads to the optimal proof size in original Ligero. We achieve improvements in proof size of approximately 1.1-1.6x for SHA-2 and 1.7-2.8x for SHA-3. In addition to checking constraints of standard Boolean operations such as AND, XOR, and NOT over words, BooLigero also supports several other constraints such as multiplication in GF(2^w), bit masking, bit rearrangement within and across words, and bitwise outer product. Like Ligero, construction requires no trusted setup and no computational assumptions, which is ideal for blockchain applications. It is plausibly post-quantum secure in the standard model. Furthermore, it is public-coin, perfect honest-verifier zero knowledge, and can be made non-interactive in the random oracle model using the Fiat-Shamir transform.
Last updated:  2021-02-05
Large Scale, Actively Secure Computation from LPN and Free-XOR Garbled Circuits
Aner Ben-Efraim, Kelong Cong, Eran Omri, Emmanuela Orsini, Nigel P. Smart, Eduardo Soria-Vazquez
We present a secure multiparty computation (MPC) protocol based on garbled circuits which is both actively secure and supports the free-XOR technique, and which has communication complexity $O(n)$ per party. This improves on a protocol of Ben-Efraim, Lindell and Omri which only achieved passive security, without support for free-XOR. Our construction is based on a new variant of LPN-based encryption, but has the drawback of requiring a rather expensive garbling phase. To address this issue we present a second protocol that assumes at least $n/c$ of the parties are honest (for an arbitrary fixed value $c$). This second protocol allows for a significantly lighter preprocessing, at the cost of a small sacrifice in online efficiency. We demonstrate the practicality of our evaluation phase with a implementation.
Last updated:  2021-04-02
Rabbit: Efficient Comparison for Secure Multi-Party Computation
Eleftheria Makri, Dragos Rotaru, Frederik Vercauteren, Sameer Wagh
Secure comparison has been a fundamental challenge in privacy-preserving computation, since its inception as the Yao's millionaires' problem (FOCS 1982). In this work, we present a novel construction for general n-party private comparison, secure against an active adversary, in the dishonest majority setting. For the case of comparisons over fields, our protocol is more efficient than the best prior work (edaBits: Crypto 2020), with ~1.5x better throughput in most adversarial settings, over 2.3x better throughput in particular in the passive, honest majority setting, and lower communication. Our comparisons crucially eliminate the need for bounded inputs as well as the need for statistical security that prior works require. An important consequence of removing this "slack" (a gap between the bit-length of the input and the MPC representation) is that multi-party computation (MPC) protocols can be run in a field of smaller size, reducing the overhead incurred by privacy-preserving computations. We achieve this novel construction using the commutative nature of addition over rings and fields. This makes the protocol both simple to implement and highly efficient and we provide an implementation in MP-SPDZ (CCS 2020).
Last updated:  2021-02-09
High-Threshold AVSS with Optimal Communication Complexity
Nicolas Alhaddad, Mayank Varia, Haibin Zhang
Asynchronous verifiable secret sharing (AVSS) protocols protect a secret that is distributed among N parties. Dual-threshold AVSS protocols guarantee consensus in the presence of T Byzantine failures and privacy if fewer than P parties attempt to reconstruct the secret. In this work, we construct a dual-threshold AVSS protocol that is optimal along several dimensions. First, it is a high-threshold AVSS scheme, meaning that it is a dual-threshold AVSS with optimal parameters T < N/3 and P < N - T. Second, it has O(N^2) message complexity, and for large secrets it achieves the optimal O(N) communication overhead, without the need for a public key infrastructure or trusted setup. While these properties have been achieved individually before, to our knowledge this is the first protocol that is achieves all of the above simultaneously. The core component of our construction is a high-threshold AVSS scheme for small secrets based on polynomial commitments that achieves O(N^2 log(N)) communication overhead, as compared to prior schemes that require O(N^3) overhead with T<N/4 Byzantine failures or O(N^4) overhead for the recent high-threshold protocol of Kokoris-Kogias et al (CCS 2020). Using standard amortization techniques based on erasure coding, we can reduce the communication complexity to O(N*|F|) for a large secret F.
Last updated:  2021-02-05
FPPW: A Fair and Privacy Preserving Watchtower For Bitcoin
Arash Mirzaei, Amin Sakzad, Jiangshan Yu, Ron Steinfeld
In this paper, we introduce FPPW, a new payment channel with watchtower scheme for Bitcoin. This new scheme provides fairness w.r.t. all channel participants including both channel parties and the watchtower. It means that the funds of any honest channel participant are safe even assuming that other two channel participants are corrupted and/or collude with each other. Furthermore, the watchtower in FPPW learns no information about the off-chain transactions and hence the channel balance privacy is preserved. As a byproduct, we also define the coverage of a watchtower scheme, that is the total capacity of channels that a watchtower can cover on a scale of 0 to 1, and show that FPPW's coverage is higher than those of PISA and Cerberus. The scheme can be implemented without any update in Bitcoin script.
Last updated:  2021-02-16
MAKE: a Matrix Action Key Exchange
Nael Rahman, Vladimir Shpilrain
We offer a public key exchange protocol based on a semidirect product of two cyclic (semi)groups of matrices over Z_p. One of the (semi)groups is additive, the other one multiplicative. This allows us to take advantage of both operations on matrices to diffuse information. We note that in our protocol, no power of any matrix or of any element of Z_p is ever exposed, so all standard attacks on Diffie-Hellman-like protocols are not applicable.
Last updated:  2021-02-01
Fast Strategies for the Implementation of SIKE Round 3 on ARM Cortex-M4
Mila Anastasova, Reza Azarderakhsh, Mehran Mozaffari Kermani
Abstract The Supersingular Isogeny Key Encapsulation mechanism (SIKE) is the only post-quantum key encapsulation mechanism based on supersingular elliptic curves and isogenies between them. Despite the security of the protocol, unlike the rest of the NIST post-quantum algorithms, SIKE requires more number of clock cycles and hence does not provide competitive timing, energy and power consumption results. However, it is more attractive offering smallest public key sizes as well as ciphertext sizes, which taking into account the impact of the communication costs and storage of the keys could become as good fit for resource-constrained devices. In this work, we present the fastest practical implementation of SIKE, targeting the platform Cortex-M4 based on the ARMv7-M architecture. We performed our measurements on NIST recommended device based on STM32F407 microcontroller, for benchmarking the clock cycles, and on the target board Nucleo-F411RE, attached to X-NUCLEO-LPM01A (Power Shield), for measuring the power and energy consumption. The lower level finite field arithmetic and extension field operations play main role determining the efficiency of SIKE. Therefore, we mainly focus on those improvements and apply them to all NIST required security levels. Our SIKEp434 implementations for NIST security level 1 take about 850ms which is about 22.3% faster than the counterparts appeared in previous work. Moreover, our implementations are 21.9%, 19.7% and 19.5% faster for SIKEp503, SIKEp610 and SIKEp751 in comparison to the previously reported work for other NIST recommended security levels. Finally, we benchmark power and energy consumption and report the results for comparison.
Last updated:  2021-10-11
Security Analysis of CPace
Michel Abdalla, Björn Haase, Julia Hesse
In response to standardization requests regarding password-authenticated key exchange (PAKE) protocols, the IRTF working group CFRG has setup a PAKE selection process in 2019, which led to the selection of the CPace protocol in the balanced setting, in which parties share a common password. In subsequent standardization efforts, the CPace protocol further developed, yielding a protocol family whose actual security guarantees in practical settings are not well understood. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive security analysis of CPace in the universal composability framework. Our analysis is realistic in the sense that it captures adaptive corruptions and refrains from modeling CPace's MapToPoint function that maps field elements to curve points as an idealized function. In order to extend our proofs to different CPace variants optimized for specific elliptic-curve ecosystems, we employ a new approach which represents the assumptions required by the proof as libraries accessed by a simulator. By allowing for the modular replacement of assumptions used in the proof, this new approach avoids a repeated analysis of unchanged protocol parts and lets us efficiently analyze the security guarantees of all the different CPace variants. As a result of our analysis, all of the investigated practical CPace variants enjoy adaptive UC security.
Last updated:  2021-02-01
Improvement of Secure Multi-Party Multiplication of (k,n) Threshold Secret Sharing Using Only N=k Servers (Revised Version)
Ahmad Akmal Aminuddin Mohd Kamal, Keiichi Iwamura
Secure multi-party computation (MPC) allows a set of n servers to jointly compute an arbitrary function of their inputs, without revealing these inputs to each other. A (k,n) threshold secret sharing is a protocol in which a single secret is divided into n shares and the secret can be recovered from a threshold k shares. Typically, multiplication of (k,n) secret sharing will result in increase of polynomial degree from k-1 to 2k-2, thus increasing the number of shares required from k to 2k-1. Since each server typically hold only one share, the number of servers required in MPC will also increase from k to 2k-1. Therefore, a set of n servers can compute multiplication securely if the adversary corrupts at most k-1<n/2 of the servers. In this paper, we differentiate the number of servers N required and parameter n of (k,n) secret sharing scheme, and propose a method of computing (k-1) sharing of multiplication ab by using only N=k servers. By allowing each server to hold two shares, we realize MPC of multiplication with the setting of N=k,n&#8805;2k-1. We also show that our proposed method is information theoretic secure against a semi-honest adversary.
Last updated:  2021-02-06
Full-Resilient Memory-Optimum Multi-Party Non-Interactive Key Exchange
Majid Salimi, Hamid Mala, Honorio Martin, Pedro Peris-Lopez
Multi-Party Non-Interactive Key Exchange (MP-NIKE) is a fundamental cryptographic primitive in which users register into a key generation centre and receive a public/private key pair each. After that, any subset of these users can compute a shared key without any interaction. Nowadays, IoT devices suffer from a high number and large size of messages exchanged in the Key Management Protocol (KMP). To overcome this, an MP-NIKE scheme can eliminate the airtime and latency of messages transferred between IoT devices. MP-NIKE schemes can be realized by using multilinear maps. There are several attempts for constructing multilinear maps based on indistinguishable obfuscation, lattices and the Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT). Nevertheless, these schemes are inefficient in terms of computation cost and memory overhead. Besides, several attacks have been recently reported against CRT-based and lattice-based multilinear maps. There is only one modular exponentiation-based MP-NIKE scheme in the literature which has been claimed to be both secure and efficient. In this article, we present an attack on this scheme based on the Euclidean algorithm, in which two colluding users can obtain the shared key of any arbitrary subgroup of users. We also propose an efficient and secure MP-NIKE scheme. We show how our proposal is secure in the random oracle model assuming the hardness of the root extraction modulo a composite number.
Last updated:  2021-02-01
A note on Post Quantum Onion Routing
Kelesidis Evgnosia-Alexandra
Show abstract
Even though the currently used encryption and signature schemes are well tested and secure in a classical computational setting, they are not quantum-resistant as Shor's work proves. Taking this into account, alternatives based on hard mathematical problems that cannot be solved using quantum methods are needed, and lattice-based cryptography offers such solutions. The well-known GGH and NTRUEncrypt encryption schemes are proven secure, but their corresponding signature schemes are flawed in their design approach. Once introducing the computationally hard problems like Ring-LWE, elegant and efficient cryptographic primitives could be built.
Last updated:  2021-07-19
Replacing Probability Distributions in Security Games via Hellinger Distance
Kenji Yasunaga
Security of cryptographic primitives is usually proved by assuming ``ideal'' probability distributions. We need to replace them with approximated ``real'' distributions in the real-world systems without losing the security level. We demonstrate that the Hellinger distance is useful for this problem, while the statistical distance is mainly used in the cryptographic literature. First, we show that for preserving $\lambda$-bit security of a given security game, the closeness of $2^{-\lambda/2}$ to the ideal distribution is sufficient for the Hellinger distance, whereas $2^{-\lambda}$ is generally required for the statistical distance. The result can be applied to both search and decision primitives through the bit security framework of Micciancio and Walter (Eurocrypt 2018). We also show that the Hellinger distance gives a tighter evaluation of closeness than the max-log distance when the distance is small. Finally, we show that the leftover hash lemma can be strengthened to the Hellinger distance. Namely, a universal family of hash functions gives a strong randomness extractor with optimal entropy loss for the Hellinger distance. Based on the results, a $\lambda$-bit entropy loss in randomness extractors is sufficient for preserving $\lambda$-bit security. The current understanding based on the statistical distance is that a $2\lambda$-bit entropy loss is necessary.
Last updated:  2021-02-01
Sequential Logic Encryption Against Model Checking Attack
Amin Rezaei, Hai Zhou
Due to high IC design costs and emergence of countless untrusted foundries, logic encryption has been taken into consideration more than ever. In state-of-the-art logic encryption works, a lot of performance is sold to guarantee security against both the SAT-based and the removal attacks. However, the SAT-based attack cannot decrypt the sequential circuits if the scan chain is protected or if the unreachable states encryption is adopted. Instead, these security schemes can be defeated by the model checking attack that searches iteratively for different input sequences to put the activated IC to the desired reachable state. In this paper, we propose a practical logic encryption approach to defend against the model checking attack on sequential circuits. The robustness of the proposed approach is demonstrated by experiments on around fifty benchmarks.
Last updated:  2021-02-01
Implementing CRYSTALS-Dilithium Signature Scheme on FPGAs
Sara Ricci, Lukas Malina, Petr Jedlicka, David Smekal, Jan Hajny, Petr Cibik, Patrik Dobias
In July 2020, the lattice-based CRYSTALS-Dilithium digital signature scheme has been chosen as one of the three third-round finalists in the post-quantum cryptography standardization process by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). In this work, we present the first Very High Speed Integrated Circuit Hardware Description Language (VHDL) implementation of the CRYSTALS-Dilithium signature scheme for Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs). Due to our parallelization-based design requiring only low numbers of cycles, running at high frequency and using reasonable amount of hardware resources on FPGA, our implementation is able to sign 15832 messages per second and verify 10524 signatures per second. In particular, the signing algorithm requires 68461 Look-Up Tables (LUTs), 86295 Flip-Flops (FFs), and the verification algorithm takes 61738 LUTs and 34963 FFs on Virtex 7 UltraScale+ FPGAs. In this article, experimental results for each Dilithium security level are provided and our VHDL-based implementation is compared with related High-Level Synthesis (HLS)-based implementations. Our solution is ca 114 times faster (in the signing algorithm) and requires less hardware resources.
Last updated:  2021-02-01
A Decentralized and Encrypted National Gun Registry
Seny Kamara, Tarik Moataz, Andrew Park, Lucy Qin
Gun violence results in a significant number of deaths in the United States. Starting in the 1960’s, the US Congress passed a series of gun control laws to regulate the sale and use of firearms. One of the most important but politically fraught gun control measures is a national gun registry. A US Senate office is currently drafting legislation that proposes the creation of a voluntary national gun registration system. At a high level, the bill envisions a decentralized system where local county officials would control and manage the registration data of their constituents. These local databases could then be queried by other officials and law enforcement to trace guns. Due to the sensitive nature of this data, however, these databases should guarantee the confidentiality of the data. In this work, we translate the high-level vision of the proposed legislation into technical requirements and design a cryptographic protocol that meets them. Roughly speaking, the protocol can be viewed as a decentralized system of locally-managed end-to-end encrypted databases. Our design relies on various cryptographic building blocks including structured encryption, secure multi-party computation and secret sharing. We propose a formal security definition and prove that our design meets it. We implemented our protocol and evaluated its performance empirically at the scale it would have to run if it were deployed in the United States. Our results show that a decentralized and end-to-end encrypted national gun registry is not only possible in theory but feasible in practice.
Last updated:  2021-01-28
MERCAT: Mediated, Encrypted, Reversible, SeCure Asset Transfers
Aram Jivanyan, Jesse Lancaster, Arash Afshar, Parnian Alimi
For security token adoption by financial institutions and industry players on the blockchain, there is a need for a secure asset management protocol that enables condential asset issuance and transfers by concealing from the public the transfer amounts and asset types, while on a public blockchain. Flexibly supporting arbitrary restrictions on financial transactions, only some of which need to be supported by zero-knowledge proofs. This paper proposes leveraging a hybrid design approach, by using zero-knowledge proofs, supported by restrictions enforced by trusted mediators. As part of our protocol, we also describe a novel transaction ordering mechanism that can support a flexible transaction workflow without putting any timing constraints on when the transactions should be generated by the users or processed by the network validators. This technique is likely to be of independent interest.
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