Paper 2015/1171

On the Security of a access polynomial based self-healing key management schemes in wireless sensor networks

Yandong Zheng and Hua Guo


Secure group communication in wireless sensors networks (WSN) is a critical issue. Self-healing mechanism is that nodes in WSN can recover the lost session keys without requiring anything to the group manager (GM). Self-healing can be applied to key management, which can efficiently achieve the secure group communication. In 2015, Sun {\em et al.} proposed a self-healing group key distribution (SGKD) scheme based on access polynomial and sliding-window in WSN, and they claim that the proposed scheme can achieve any-wise backward secrecy, any-wise forward secrecy and $\delta$ collusion resistance. However, we find the scheme can not resist the collusion attack of new joined nodes and revoked nodes, and the legitimate cannot achieve session key recovery in some case.

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-- withdrawn --
Publication info
Preprint. MINOR revision.
key mangement
Contact author(s)
hguo @ buaa edu cn
zy1406423 @ buaa edu cn
2015-12-15: withdrawn
2015-12-08: received
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