All papers in 2014 (Page 3 of 1029 results)

Last updated:  2015-01-11
Additively Homomorphic UC commitments with Optimal Amortized Overhead
Ignacio Cascudo, Ivan Damgård, Bernardo David, Irene Giacomelli, Jesper Buus Nielsen, Roberto Trifiletti
We propose the first UC secure commitment scheme with (amortized) computational complexity linear in the size of the string committed to. After a preprocessing phase based on oblivious transfer, that only needs to be done once and for all, our scheme only requires a pseudorandom generator and a linear code with efficient encoding. We also construct an additively homomorphic version of our basic scheme using VSS. Furthermore we evaluate the concrete efficiency of our schemes and show that the amortized computational overhead is significantly lower than in the previous best constructions. In fact, our basic scheme has amortised concrete efficiency comparable with previous protocols in the Random Oracle Model even though it is constructed in the plain model.
Last updated:  2014-10-13
Remarks on Quantum Modular Exponentiation and Some Experimental Demonstrations of Shor's Algorithm
Zhengjun Cao, Zhenfu Cao, Lihua Liu
An efficient quantum modular exponentiation method is indispensible for Shor's factoring algorithm. But we find that all descriptions presented by Shor, Nielsen and Chuang, Markov and Saeedi, et al., are flawed. We also remark that some experimental demonstrations of Shor's algorithm are misleading, because they violate the necessary condition that the selected number $q=2^s$, where $s$ is the number of qubits used in the first register, must satisfy $n^2 \leq q < 2n^2$, where $n$ is the large number to be factored.
Last updated:  2014-10-12
Interactive Coding for Interactive Proofs
Yevgeniy Dodis, Allison Bishop Lewko
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We consider interactive proof systems over adversarial communication channels. We show that the seminal result that $\ip = \pspace$ still holds when the communication channel is malicious, allowing even a constant fraction of the communication to be arbitrarily corrupted.
Last updated:  2014-10-12
Learning with Errors in the Exponent
Ozgur Dagdelen, Sebastian Gajek, Florian Gopfert
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We initiate the study of a novel class of group-theoretic intractability problems. Inspired by the theory of learning in presence of errors [Regev, STOC'05] we ask if noise in the exponent amplifies intractability. We put forth the notion of Learning with Errors in the Exponent (LWEE) and rather surprisingly show that various attractive properties known to exclusively hold for lattices carry over. Most notably are worst-case hardness and post-quantum resistance. In fact, LWEE's duality is due to the reducibility to two seemingly unrelated assumptions: learning with errors and the representation problem [Brands, Crypto'93] in finite groups. For suitable parameter choices LWEE superposes properties from each individual intractability problem. The argument holds in the classical and quantum model of computation. We give the very first construction of a semantically secure public-key encryption system in the standard model. The heart of our construction is an ``error recovery'' technique inspired by [Joye-Libert, Eurocrypt'13] to handle critical propagations of noise terms in the exponent.
Last updated:  2015-05-25
Towards Optimal Bounds for Implicit Factorization Problem
Yao Lu, Liqiang Peng, Rui Zhang, Dongdai Lin
We propose a new algorithm to solve the Implicit Factorization Problem, which was introduced by May and Ritzenhofen at PKC'09. In 2011, Sarkar and Maitra (IEEE TIT 57(6): 4002-4013, 2011) improved May and Ritzenhofen's results by making use of the technique for solving multivariate approximate common divisors problem. In this paper, based on the observation that the desired root of the equations that derived by Sarkar and Maitra contains large prime factors, which are already determined by some known integers, we develop new techniques to acquire better bounds. We show that our attack is the best among all known attacks, and give experimental results to verify the correctness. Additionally, for the first time, we can experimentally handle the implicit factorization for the case of balanced RSA moduli.
Last updated:  2014-10-12
Accountable Tracing Signatures
Markulf Kohlweiss, Ian Miers
Demands for lawful access to encrypted data are a long standing obstacle to integrating cryptographic protections into communication systems. A common approach is to allow a trusted third party (TTP) to gain access to private data. However, there is no way to verify that this trust is well place as the TTP may open all messages indiscriminately. Moreover, existing approaches do not scale well when, in addition to the content of the conversation, one wishes to hide ones identity. Given the importance of metadata this is a major problem. We propose a new signature scheme as an accountable replacement for group signatures, accountable forward and backward tracing signatures.
Last updated:  2014-10-12
On the Oblivious Transfer Capacity of Generalized Erasure Channels against Malicious Adversaries
Rafael Dowsley, Anderson C. A. Nascimento
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Noisy channels are a powerful resource for cryptography as they can be used to obtain information-theoretically secure key agreement, commitment and oblivious transfer protocols, among others. Oblivious transfer (OT) is a fundamental primitive since it is complete for secure multi-party computation, and the OT capacity characterizes how efficiently a channel can be used for obtaining string oblivious transfer. Ahlswede and Csiszár (\emph{ISIT'07}) presented upper and lower bounds on the OT capacity of generalized erasure channels (GEC) against passive adversaries. In the case of GEC with erasure probability at least 1/2, the upper and lower bounds match and therefore the OT capacity was determined. It was later proved by Pinto et al. (\emph{IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory 57(8)}) that in this case there is also a protocol against malicious adversaries achieving the same lower bound, and hence the OT capacity is identical for passive and malicious adversaries. In the case of GEC with erasure probability smaller than 1/2, the known lower bound against passive adversaries that was established by Ahlswede and Csiszár does not match their upper bound and it was unknown whether this OT rate could be achieved against malicious adversaries as well. In this work we show that there is a protocol against malicious adversaries achieving the same OT rate that was obtained against passive adversaries. In order to obtain our results we introduce a novel use of interactive hashing that is suitable for dealing with the case of low erasure probability ($p^* <1/2$).
Last updated:  2015-07-03
Ballot secrecy with malicious bulletin boards
David Bernhard, Ben Smyth
We propose a definition of ballot secrecy in the computational model of cryptography. The definition builds upon and strengthens earlier definitions by Bernhard et al. (ASIACRYPT'12, ESORICS'11 & ESORICS'13). The new definition is intended to ensure that ballot secrecy is preserved in the presence of malicious bulletin boards, whereas earlier definitions only consider trusted bulletin boards. It follows that the new definition prevents more attacks in comparison with earlier definitions.
Last updated:  2019-01-30
Non-malleable Reductions and Applications
Divesh Aggarwal, Yevgeniy Dodis, Tomasz Kazana, Maciej Obremski
Non-malleable codes, introduced by Dziembowski, Pietrzak and Wichs~\cite{DPW10}, provide a useful message integrity guarantee in situations where traditional error-correction (and even error-detection) is impossible; for example, when the attacker can completely overwrite the encoded message. Informally, a code is non-malleable if the message contained in a modified codeword is either the original message, or a completely ``unrelated value''. Although such codes do not exist if the family of ``tampering functions'' \cF allowed to modify the original codeword is completely unrestricted, they are known to exist for many broad tampering families \cF. The family which received the most attention is the family of tampering functions in the so called (2-part) {\em split-state} model: here the message x is encoded into two shares L and R, and the attacker is allowed to {\em arbitrarily} tamper with each L and R individually. Despite this attention, the following problem remained open: Build efficient, information-theoretically secure non-malleable codes in the split-state model with constant encoding rate}: |L|=|R|=O(|x|). In this work, we make progress towards obtaining this result. Specifically, we (a) develop a generalization of non-malleable codes, called {\em non-malleable reductions}; (b) show simple composition theorem for non-malleable reductions; (c) build a variety of such reductions connecting various (independently interesting) tampering families $\cF$ to each other; (d) construct several new non-malleable codes in the split-state model by applying the composition theorem to a series of easy to understand reductions. In particular, we design an unconditionally secure non-malleable code with 5 parts where the size of each part is quadratic in the length of the message, and state a conjecture under which we obtain a constant rate 2 part non-malleable code in the split-state model. Of independent interest, we show several ``independence amplification'' reductions, showing how to reduce split-state tampering of very few parts to an easier question of split-state tampering with a much larger number of parts. \paragraph{Note.} Some time after publishing the paper (it was presented at STOC 2015), Xin Li pointed out that one of the proofs in the paper had a mistake. In particular, we had incorrectly claimed a proof of Conjecture 26. We would like to emphasize that we still believe that Conjecture 26 is true but we do not have a proof.
Last updated:  2014-10-12
Operational Signature Schemes
Michael Backes, Ozgur Dagdelen, Marc Fischlin, Sebastian Gajek, Sebastian Meiser, Dominique Schröder
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Functional encryption, as introduced by Boneh, Sahai, and Waters (TCC'11), generalizes public-key encryption systems to include functional decryption capabilities. Recently, Boyle et al. as well as Bellare and Fuchsbauer (both PKC'14) formalized analogous notions for signature schemes. Here we discuss that both their notions are limited in terms of expressiveness in the sense that they cannot cast known signature schemes supporting operations on data in their frameworks. We therefore propose a notion of what we call, for sake of distinctiveness, operational signature schemes which captures functional signatures, policy-based signatures, sanitizable signatures, P-homomorphic signatures, ring signatures, aggregate signatures etc., and also their message authentication code counterparts. We discuss possible instantiations for operational signatures. We give some positive result about achieving our general notion of operational signatures presenting a compact construction that relies on a new combination of indistinguishability obfuscation and random oracles. We then indicate that it is unlikely to be able to instantiate operational signature schemes in general using one-wayness and, under some circumstances, even using specific ``non-interactive'' assumptions like RSA.
Last updated:  2015-08-19
Riding on Asymmetry: Efficient ABE for Branching Programs
Sergey Gorbunov, Dhinakaran Vinayagamurthy
In an Attribute-Based Encryption (ABE) scheme the ciphertext encrypting a message $\mu$, is associated with a public attribute vector $\vecx$ and a secret key $\sk_P$ is associated with a predicate $P$. The decryption returns $\mu$ if and only if $P(\vecx) = 1$. ABE provides efficient and simple mechanism for data sharing supporting fine-grained access control. Moreover, it is used as a critical component in constructions of succinct functional encryption, reusable garbled circuits, token-based obfuscation and more. In this work, we describe a new efficient ABE scheme for a family of branching programs with short secret keys and from a mild assumption. In particular, in our construction the size of the secret key for a branching program $P$ is $|P| + \poly(\secp)$, where $\secp$ is the security parameter. Our construction is secure assuming the standard Learning With Errors (LWE) problem with approximation factors $n^{\omega(1)}$. Previous constructions relied on $n^{O(\log n)}$ approximation factors of LWE (resulting in less efficient parameters instantiation) or had large secret keys of size $|P| \times \poly(\secp)$. We rely on techniques developed by Boneh et al. (EUROCRYPT'14) and Brakerski et al. (ITCS'14) in the context of ABE for circuits and fully-homomorphic encryption.
Last updated:  2015-10-01
Circulant Matrices and Differential Privacy
Jalaj Upadhyay
This paper resolves an open problem raised by Blocki {\it et al.} (FOCS 2012), i.e., whether other variants of the Johnson-Lindenstrauss transform preserves differential privacy or not? We prove that a general class of random projection matrices that satisfies the Johnson-Lindenstrauss lemma also preserves differential privacy. This class of random projection matrices requires only $n$ Gaussian samples and $n$ Bernoulli trials and allows matrix-vector multiplication in $O(n \log n)$ time. In this respect, this work unconditionally improves the run time of Blocki {\it et al.} (FOCS 2012) without using the graph sparsification trick of Upadhyay (ASIACRYPT 2013). For the metric of measuring randomness, we stick to the norm used by earlier researchers who studied variants of the Johnson-Lindenstrauss transform and its applications, i.e., count the number of random samples made. In concise, we improve the sampling complexity by quadratic factor, and the run time of cut queries by an $O(n^{o(1)})$ factor and that of covariance queries by an $O(n^{0.38})$ factor. Our proof for both the privacy and utility guarantee uses several new ideas. In order to improve the dimension bound, we use some known results from the domain of statistical model selection. This makes our proof short and elegant, relying just on one basic concentration inequality. For the privacy proof, even though our mechanism closely resembles that of Blocki {\it et al.} (FOCS 2012) and Upadhyay (ASIACRYPT 2013), we cannot use their proof idea. This is because the projection matrices we are interested in introduces non-trivial correlations between any two rows of the published matrix, and, therefore, we cannot invoke the composition theorem of Dwork, Rothblum and Vadhan (STOC 2009). We argue that the published matrix is not $r$-multivariate distribution; rather one matrix-variate distribution. We compute the distribution of the published matrix and then prove it preserves differential privacy.
Last updated:  2014-10-14
Optimized Karatsuba Squaring on 8-bit AVR Processors
Hwajeong Seo, Zhe Liu, Jongseok Choi, Howon Kim
Multi-precision squaring is a crucial operation for implementation of Elliptic Curve Cryptography. Particularly, when it comes to embedded processors, the operation should be designed carefully to execute expensive ECC operation on resource constrained devices. In order to bridge the gap between high overheads and limited computation capabilities, we present optimized Karatsuba squaring method for embedded processors. Traditional squaring computation can be divided into two sub-squaring and one sub-multiplication parts. Firstly we compute the multiplication part with the fastest Karatsuba multiplication and then remaining two squaring parts are conducted with the fastest sliding block doubling squaring. Proposed method sets the new speed records for multi-precision squaring, improving the execution time by up to 8.49% comparing to the best known works.
Last updated:  2015-03-02
FHEW: Bootstrapping Homomorphic Encryption in less than a second
Léo Ducas, Daniele Micciancio
The main bottleneck affecting the efficiency of all known fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) schemes is Gentry’s bootstrapping procedure, which is required to refresh noisy ciphertexts and keep computing on encrypted data. Bootstrapping in the latest implementation of FHE, the HElib library of Halevi and Shoup (Crypto 2014), requires about six minutes per batch. We present a new method to homomorphically compute simple bit operations, and refresh (bootstrap) the resulting output, which runs on a personal computer in just about half a second. We present a detailed technical analysis of the scheme (based on the worst-case hardness of standard lattice problems) and report on the performance of our prototype implementation.
Last updated:  2014-12-30
A New Method for Decomposition in the Jacobian of Small Genus Hyperelliptic Curves
Palash Sarkar, Shashank Singh
Decomposing a divisor over a suitable factor basis in the Jacobian of a hyperelliptic curve is a crucial step in an index calculus algorithm for the discrete log problem in the Jacobian. For small genus curves, in the year 2000, Gaudry had proposed a suitable factor basis and a decomposition method. In this work, we provide a new method for decomposition over the same factor basis. The advantage of the new method is that it admits a sieving technique which removes smoothness checking of polynomials required in Gaudry's method. Also, the total number of additions in the Jacobian required by the new method is less than that required by Gaudry's method. The new method itself is quite simple and we present some example decompositions and timing results of our implementation of the method using Magma.
Last updated:  2014-10-11
Navigating in the Cayley graph of $SL_2(F_p)$ and applications to hashing
Lisa Bromberg, Vladimir Shpilrain, Alina Vdovina
Cayley hash functions are based on a simple idea of using a pair of (semi)group elements, $A$ and $B$, to hash the 0 and 1 bit, respectively, and then to hash an arbitrary bit string in the natural way, by using multiplication of elements in the (semi)group. In this paper, we focus on hashing with $2 \times 2$ matrices over $F_p$. Since there are many known pairs of $2 \times 2$ matrices over $Z$ that generate a free monoid, this yields numerous pairs of matrices over $F_p$, for a sufficiently large prime $p$, that are candidates for collision-resistant hashing. However, this trick can ``backfire", and lifting matrix entries to $Z$ may facilitate finding a collision. This ``lifting attack" was successfully used by Tillich and Zémor in the special case where two matrices $A$ and $B$ generate (as a monoid) the whole monoid $SL_2(\Z_+)$. However, in this paper we show that the situation with other, ``similar", pairs of matrices from $SL_2(Z)$ is different, and the ``lifting attack" can (in some cases) produce collisions in the {\it group} generated by $A$ and $B$, but not in the positive {\it monoid}. Therefore, we argue that for these pairs of matrices, there are no known attacks at this time that would affect security of the corresponding hash functions. We also give explicit lower bounds on the length of collisions for hash functions corresponding to some particular pairs of matrices from $SL_2(F_p)$.
Last updated:  2014-10-11
Boosting Linearly-Homomorphic Encryption to Evaluate Degree-2 Functions on Encrypted Data
Dario Catalano, Dario Fiore
We show a technique to transform a linearly-homomorphic encryption into a homomorphic encryption scheme capable of evaluating degree-2 computations on ciphertexts. Our transformation is surprisingly simple and requires only one very mild property on the underlying linearly-homomorphic scheme: the message space must be a public ring in which it is possible to sample elements uniformly at random. This essentially allows us to instantiate our transformation with virtually all existing number-theoretic linearly-homomorphic schemes, such as Goldwasser-Micali, Paillier, or ElGamal. Our resulting schemes achieve circuit privacy and are compact when considering a subclass of degree-2 polynomials in which the number of additions of degree-2 terms is bounded by a constant. As an additional contribution we extend our technique to build a protocol for outsourcing computation on encrypted data using two (non-communicating) servers. Somewhat interestingly, in this case we can boost a linearly-homomorphic scheme to support the evaluation of any degree-2 polynomial while achieving full compactness.
Last updated:  2014-10-11
Search-and-compute on Encrypted Data
Jung Hee Cheon, Miran Kim, Myungsun Kim
Private query processing on encrypted databases allows users to obtain data from encrypted databases in such a way that the user's sensitive data will be protected from exposure. Given an encrypted database, the users typically submit queries similar to the following examples: - How many employees in an organization make over 100,000? - What is the average age of factory workers suffering from leukemia? Answering the above questions requires one to \textbf{search} and then \textbf{compute} over the encrypted databases \emph{in sequence}. In the case of privately processing queries with only one of these operations, many efficient solutions have been developed using a special-purpose encryption scheme (e.g., searchable encryption). In this paper, we are interested in efficiently processing queries that need to perform both operations on \emph{fully} encrypted databases. One immediate solution is to use several special-purpose encryption schemes at the same time, but this approach is associated with a high computational cost for maintaining multiple encryption contexts. The other solution is to use a privacy homomorphism (or fully homomorphic encryption) scheme. However, no secure solutions have been developed that meet the efficiency requirements. In this work, we construct a unified framework so as to efficiently and privately process queries with ``search'' and ``compute'' operations. To this end, the first part of our work involves devising some underlying circuits as primitives for queries on encrypted data. Second, we apply two optimization techniques to improve the efficiency of the circuit primitives. One technique is to exploit SIMD techniques to accelerate their basic operations. In contrast to general SIMD approaches, our SIMD implementation can be applied even when one basic operation is executed. The other technique is to take a large integer ring (\textit{e.g.}, $\Z_{2^{t}}$) as a message space instead of a binary field. Even for an integer of $k$ bits with $k>t$, addition can be performed with degree 1 circuits with lazy carry operations. As a result, search queries including a conjunctive or disjunctive query on encrypted databases of $N$ tuples with $\mu$-bit attributes require $\bigo(N \log \mu)$ homomorphic operations with depth $\bigo(\log \mu)$ circuits. Search-and-compute queries, such as a conjunctive query with aggregate functions in the same conditions, are processed using $\bigo(\mu N)$ homomorphic operations with at most depth $\bigo(\log \mu \log N)$ circuits. Further, we can process search-and-compute queries using only $\bigo(N \log \mu)$ homomorphic operations with depth $\bigo(\log \mu)$ circuits, even in the large domain. Finally, we present various experiments by varying the parameters, such as the query type and the number of tuples.
Last updated:  2014-10-11
A Polynomial-Time Key-Recovery Attack on MQQ Cryptosystems
Jean-Charles Faugere, Danilo Gligoroski, Ludovic Perret, Simona Samardjiska, Enrico Thomae
We investigate the security of the family of MQQ public key cryptosystems using multivariate quadratic quasigroups (MQQ). These cryptosystems show especially good performance properties. In particular, the MQQ-SIG signature scheme is the fastest scheme in the ECRYPT benchmarking of cryptographic systems (eBACS). We show that both the signature scheme MQQ-SIG and the encryption scheme MQQ-ENC, although using different types of MQQs, share a common algebraic structure that introduces a weakness in both schemes. We use this weakness to mount a successful polynomial time key-recovery attack. Our key-recovery attack finds an equivalent key using the idea of so-called good keys that reveals the structure gradually. In the process we need to solve a MinRank problem that, because of the structure, can be solved in polynomial-time assuming some mild algebraic assumptions. We highlight that our theoretical results work in characteristic 2 which is known to be the most difficult case to address in theory for MinRank attacks. Also, we emphasize that our attack works without any restriction on the number of polynomials removed from the public-key, that is, using the minus modifier. This was not the case for previous MinRank like-attacks against MQ schemes. From a practical point of view, we are able to break an MQQ-SIG instance of $80$ bits security in less than 2 days, and one of the more conservative MQQ-ENC instances of 128 bits security in little bit over 9 days. Altogether, our attack shows that it is very hard to design a secure public key scheme based on an easily invertible MQQ structure.
Last updated:  2015-05-28
Simulation-Based Secure Functional Encryption in the Random Oracle Model
Vincenzo Iovino, Karol Zebrowski
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One of the main lines of research in functional encryption (FE) has consisted in studying the security notions for FE and their achievability. This study was initiated by [Boneh et al. -- TCC'11, O'Neill -- ePrint'10] where it was first shown that for FE the indistinguishability-based (IND) security notion is not sufficient in the sense that there are FE schemes that are provably IND-Secure but concretely insecure. For this reason, researchers investigated the achievability of Simulation-based (SIM) security, a stronger notion of security. Unfortunately, the above-mentioned works and others [e.g., Agrawal et al. -- CRYPTO'13] have shown strong impossibility results for SIM-Security. One way to overcome these impossibility results was first suggested in the work of Boneh et al. where it was shown how to construct, in the Random Oracle (RO) model, SIM-Secure FE for restricted functionalities and was asked the generalization to more complex functionalities as a challenging problem in the area. Subsequently, [De Caro et al. -- CRYPTO'13] proposed a candidate construction of SIM-Secure FE for all circuits in the RO model assuming the existence of an IND-Secure FE scheme for circuits with RO gates. This means that the functionality has to depend on the RO, thus it is not fixed in advance as in the standard definitions of FE. Moreover, to our knowledge there are no proposed candidate IND-Secure FE schemes for circuits with RO gates and they seem unlikely to exist. In this paper, we propose the first constructions of SIM-Secure FE schemes in the RO model that overcome the current impossibility results in different settings. We can do that because we resort to the two following models: In the public-key setting we assume a bound on the number of queries but this bound only affects the running-times of our encryption and decryption procedures. We stress that our FE schemes in this model are SIM-Secure and have ciphertexts and tokens of constant-size, whereas in the standard model, the current SIM-Secure FE schemes for general functionalities [De Caro et al., Gorbunov et al. -- CRYPTO'12] have ciphertexts and tokens of size growing as the number of queries. In the symmetric-key setting we assume a timestamp on both ciphertexts and tokens. This is reasonable because, in the symmetric-key setting, there is only one user that encrypts and generates tokens. In this model, we provide FE schemes with short ciphertexts and tokens that are SIM-Secure against adversaries asking an unbounded number of queries. Both results also assume the RO model, but not functionalities with RO gates and rely on extractability obfuscation w.r.t. distributional auxiliary input [Boyle et al. -- TCC'14] (and other standard primitives) secure only in the standard model.
Last updated:  2015-07-28
Server-Aided Two-Party Computation with Minimal Connectivity in the Simultaneous Corruption Model
Ignacio Cascudo, Ivan Damgård, Oriol Farràs, Samuel Ranellucci
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We consider secure two-party computation in the client-server model. In our scenario, two adversaries operate \emph{separately but simultaneously}, each of them corrupting one of the parties and a restricted subset of servers that they interact with. We model security in this setting via the local universal composability framework introduced by Canetti and Vald and show that information-theoretically secure two-party computation is possible if and only if there is always at least one server which remains uncorrupted. Moreover, in our protocols each of the servers only needs to communicate with the two clients, i.e. no messages are exchanged directly between servers. This communication pattern is minimal.
Last updated:  2014-10-11
Online/Off-line Ring Signature Scheme with Provable Security
Jayaprakash Kar
The article proposes an Online/Off-line Ring Signature Scheme in random oracle model.Security of the scheme relies on both Computational Diffie-Hellman and k-CAA problems. The proposed scheme is proven the two most important security goals Existential Unforgeability and Signer Ambiguity. Also it has robustness property where the misbehavior of the signer can be detected. Signing process is performed in two phases online and offline. All heavy computations are performed in Off-line stage. So the overall computational cost is reduced and very less than the traditional signature scheme. The scheme can be applied to Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs) that undergo node mobility.
Last updated:  2015-09-18
Leakage-resilient non-malleable codes
Divesh Aggarwal, Stefan Dziembowski, Tomasz Kazana, Maciej Obremski
A recent trend in cryptography is to construct cryptosystems that are secure against physical attacks. Such attacks are usually divided into two classes: the \emph{leakage} attacks in which the adversary obtains some information about the internal state of the machine, and the \emph{tampering} attacks where the adversary can modify this state. One of the popular tools used to provide tamper-resistance are the \emph{non-malleable codes} introduced by Dziembowski, Pietrzak and Wichs (ICS 2010). These codes can be defined in several variants, but arguably the most natural of them are the information-theoretically secure codes in the k-split-state model (the most desired case being k=2). Such codes were constucted recently by Aggarwal et al.~(STOC 2014). Unfortunately, unlike the earlier, computationally-secure constructions (Liu and Lysyanskaya, CRYPTO 2012) these codes are not known to be resilient to leakage. This is unsatisfactory, since in practice one always aims at providing resilience against both leakage and tampering (especially considering tampering without leakage is problematic, since the leakage attacks are usually much easier to perform than the tampering attacks). In this paper we close this gap by showing a non-malleable code in the $2$-split state model that is secure against leaking almost a $1/12$-th fraction of the bits from the codeword (in the bounded-leakage model). This is achieved via a generic transformation that takes as input any non-malleable code $(\Enc,\Dec)$ in the $2$-split state model, and constructs out of it another non-malleable code $(\Enc',\Dec')$ in the $2$-split state model that is additionally leakage-resilient. The rate of $(\Enc',\Dec')$ is linear in the rate of $(\Enc,\Dec)$. Our construction requires that $\Dec$ is \emph{symmetric}, i.e., for all $x, y$, it is the case that $\Dec(x,y) = \Dec(y,x)$, but this property holds for all currently known information-theoretically secure codes in the $2$-split state model. In particular, we can apply our transformation to the code of Aggarwal et al., obtaining the first leakage-resilient code secure in the split-state model. Our transformation can be applied to other codes (in particular it can also be applied to a recent code of Aggarwal, Dodis, Kazana and Obremski constructed in the work subsequent to this one).
Last updated:  2014-10-15
Summation polynomial algorithms for elliptic curves in characteristic two
Steven D. Galbraith, Shishay W. Gebregiyorgis
The paper is about the discrete logarithm problem for elliptic curves over characteristic 2 finite fields F_2^n of prime degree n. We consider practical issues about index calculus attacks using summation polynomials in this setting. The contributions of the paper include: a choice of variables for binary Edwards curves (invariant under the action of a relatively large group) to lower the degree of the summation polynomials; a choice of factor base that “breaks symmetry” and increases the probability of finding a relation; an experimental investigation of the use of SAT solvers rather than Gröbner basis methods for solving multivariate polynomial equations over F2. We show that our choice of variables gives a significant improvement to previous work in this case. The symmetry breaking factor base and use of SAT solvers seem to give some benefits in practice, but our experimental results are not conclusive. Our work indicates that Pollard rho is still much faster than index calculus algorithms for the ECDLP (and even for variants such as the oracle-assisted static Diffie-Hellman problem of Granger and Joux-Vitse) over prime extension fields F_2^n of reasonable size.
Last updated:  2016-10-02
Dual-System Simulation-Soundness with Applications to UC-PAKE and More
Charanjit S. Jutla, Arnab Roy
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We introduce a novel concept of dual-system simulation-sound non-interactive zero-knowledge (NIZK) proofs. Dual-system NIZK proof system can be seen as a two-tier proof system. As opposed to the usual notion of zero-knowledge proofs, dual-system defines an intermediate partial-simulation world, where the proof simulator may have access to additional auxiliary information about the potential language member, for example a membership bit, and simulation of proofs is only guaranteed if the membership bit is correct. Further, dual-system NIZK proofs allow a quasi-adaptive setting where the CRS can be generated based on language parameters. This allows for the further possibility that the partial-world CRS simulator may have access to further trapdoors related to the language parameters. We show that for important hard languages like the Diffie-Hellman language, such dual-system proof systems can be given which allow unbounded partial simulation soundness, and which further allow transition between partial simulation world and single-theorem full simulation world even when proofs are sought on non-members. The construction is surprisingly simple, involving only two additional group elements in asymmetric bilinear pairing groups. As a first application we show a first single-round universally-composable password authenticated key-exchange (UC-PAKE) protocol which is secure under dynamic corruption in the erasure model. The single message flow only requires four group elements under the SXDH assumption, which is at least two times shorter than earlier schemes. Adaptive Corruption is proved for a relaxed ideal functionality using non-information oracles. As another application we give a short keyed-homomorphic CCA-secure encryption scheme. The ciphertext in this scheme consist of only six group elements (under the SXDH assumption) and the security reduction is linear-preserving. An earlier scheme of Libert et al based on their efficient unbounded simulation-sound QA-NIZK proofs only provided a quadratic-preserving security reduction, and further had ciphertexts almost twice as long as ours.
Last updated:  2015-05-13
Short Signatures With Short Public Keys From Homomorphic Trapdoor Functions
Jacob Alperin-Sheriff
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We present a lattice-based stateless signature scheme provably secure in the standard model. Our scheme has a \emph{constant} number of matrices in the public key and a single lattice vector (plus a tag) in the signatures. The best previous lattice-based encryption schemes were the scheme of Ducas and Micciancio (CRYPTO 2014), which required a logarithmic number of matrices in the public key and that of Bohl et. al (J. of Cryptology 2014), which required a logarithmic number of lattice vectors in the signature. Our main technique involves using fully homomorphic computation to compute a degree $d$ polynomial over the tags hidden in the matrices in the public key. In the scheme of Ducas and Micciancio, only functions \emph{linear} over the tags in the public key matrices were used, which necessitated having $d$ matrices in the public key. As a matter of independent interest, we extend Wichs' (eprint 2014) recent construction of homomorphic trapdoor functions into a primitive we call puncturable homomorphic trapdoor functions (PHTDFs). This primitive abstracts out most of the properties required in many different lattice-based cryptographic constructions. We then show how to combine a PHTDF along with a function satisfying certain properties (to be evaluated homomorphically) to give an eu-scma signature scheme.
Last updated:  2014-11-11
A Decentralized Public Key Infrastructure with Identity Retention
Conner Fromknecht, Dragos Velicanu, Sophia Yakoubov
Public key infrastructures (PKIs) enable users to look up and verify one another's public keys based on identities. Current approaches to PKIs are vulnerable because they do not offer sufficiently strong guarantees of \emph{identity retention}; that is, they do not effectively prevent one user from registering a public key under another's already-registered identity. In this paper, we leverage the consistency guarantees provided by cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Namecoin to build a PKI that ensures identity retention. Our system, called Certcoin, has no central authority and thus requires the use of secure distributed dictionary data structures to provide efficient support for key lookup.
Last updated:  2014-10-10
Physical Characterization of Arbiter PUFs
Shahin Tajik, Enrico Dietz, Sven Frohmann, Jean-Pierre Seifert, Dmitry Nedospasov, Clemens Helfmeier, Christian Boit, Helmar Dittrich
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As intended by its name, Physically Unclonable Functions (PUFs) are considered as an ultimate solution to deal with insecure stor- age, hardware counterfeiting, and many other security problems. How- ever, many different successful attacks have already revealed vulnera- bilities of certain digital intrinsic PUFs. Although settling-state-based PUFs, such as SRAM PUFs, can be physically cloned by semi-invasive and fully-invasive attacks, successful attacks on timing-based PUFs were so far limited to modeling attacks. Such modeling requires a large sub- set of challenge-response-pairs (CRP) to successfully model the targeted PUF. In order to provide a final security answer, this paper proves that all arbiter-based (i.e. controlled and XOR-enhanced) PUFs can be com- pletely and linearly characterized by means of photonic emission analy- sis. Our experimental setup is capable of measuring every PUF-internal delay with a resolution of 6 picoseconds. Due to this resolution we in- deed require only the theoretical minimum number of linear independent equations (i.e. physical measurements) to directly solve the underlying inhomogeneous linear system. Moreover, we neither require to know the actual PUF challenges nor the corresponding PUF responses for our physical delay extraction. On top of that devastating result, we are also able to further simplify our setup for easier physical measurement han- dling. We present our practical results for a real arbiter PUF implemen- tation on a Complex Programmable Logic Device (CPLD) from Altera manufactured in a 180 nanometer process.
Last updated:  2014-10-10
Reversed Genetic Algorithms for Generation of Bijective S-boxes with Good Cryptographic Properties
Georgi Ivanov, Nikolay Nikolov, Svetla Nikova
Often S-boxes are the only nonlinear component in a block cipher and as such play an important role in ensuring its resistance to cryptanalysis. Cryptographic properties and constructions of S-boxes have been studied for many years. The most common techniques for constructing S-boxes are: algebraic constructions, pseudo-random generation and a variety of heuristic approaches. Among the latter are the genetic algorithms. In this paper, a genetic algorithm working in a reversed way is proposed. Using the algorithm we can rapidly and repeatedly generate a large number of strong bijective S-boxes of each dimension from $(8 \times 8)$ to $(16 \times 16)$, which have sub-optimal properties close to the ones of S-boxes based on finite field inversion, but have more complex algebraic structure and possess no linear redundancy.
Last updated:  2015-09-23
Efficient Pairings and ECC for Embedded Systems
Thomas Unterluggauer, Erich Wenger
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The research on pairing-based cryptography brought forth a wide range of protocols interesting for future embedded applications. One significant obstacle for the widespread deployment of pairing-based cryptography are its tremendous hardware and software requirements. In this paper we present three side-channel protected hardware/software designs for pairing-based cryptography yet small and practically fast: our plain ARM Cortex-M0+-based design computes a pairing in less than one second. The utilization of a multiply-accumulate instruction-set extension or a light-weight drop-in hardware accelerator that is placed between CPU and data memory improves runtime up to six times. With a 10.1 kGE large drop-in module and a 49 kGE large platform, our design is one of the smallest pairing designs available. Its very practical runtime of 162 ms for one pairing on a 254-bit BN curve and its reusability for other elliptic-curve based crypto systems offer a great solution for every microprocessor-based embedded application.
Last updated:  2015-03-16
Verifiable Random Functions from Weaker Assumptions
Tibor Jager
The construction of a verifiable random function (VRF) with large input space and full adaptive security from a static, non-interactive complexity assumption, like decisional Diffie-Hellman, has proven to be a challenging task. To date it is not even clear that such a VRF exists. Most known constructions either allow only a small input space of polynomially-bounded size, or do not achieve full adaptive security under a static, non-interactive complexity assumption. The only known constructions without these restrictions are based on non-static, so-called "q-type" assumptions, which are parametrized by an integer q. Since q-type assumptions get stronger with larger q, it is desirable to have q as small as possible. In current constructions, q is either a polynomial (e.g., Hohenberger and Waters, Eurocrypt 2010) or at least linear (e.g., Boneh et al., CCS 2010) in the security parameter. We show that it is possible to construct relatively simple and efficient verifiable random functions with full adaptive security and large input space from non-interactive q-type assumptions, where q is only logarithmic in the security parameter. Interestingly, our VRF is essentially identical to the verifiable unpredictable function (VUF) by Lysyanskaya (Crypto 2002), but very different from Lysyanskaya’s VRF from the same paper. Thus, our result can also be viewed as a new, direct VRF-security proof for Lysyanskaya’s VUF. As a technical tool, we introduce and construct balanced admissible hash functions.
Last updated:  2015-09-02
Multi-Identity and Multi-Key Leveled FHE from Learning with Errors
Michael Clear, Ciarán McGoldrick
Gentry, Sahai and Waters recently presented the first (leveled) identity-based fully homomorphic (IBFHE) encryption scheme (CRYPTO 2013). Their scheme however only works in the single-identity setting; that is, homomorphic evaluation can only be performed on ciphertexts created with the same identity. In this work, we extend their results to the multi-identity setting and obtain a multi-identity IBFHE scheme that is selectively secure in the random oracle model under the hardness of Learning with Errors (LWE). We also obtain a multi-key fully-homomorphic encryption (FHE) scheme that is secure under LWE in the standard model. This is the first multi-key FHE based on a well-established assumption such as standard LWE. The multi-key FHE of López-Alt, Tromer and Vaikuntanathan (STOC 2012) relied on a non-standard assumption, referred to as the Decisional Small Polynomial Ratio assumption.
Last updated:  2015-01-12
Tightly-Secure Authenticated Key Exchange
Christoph Bader, Dennis Hofheinz, Tibor Jager, Eike Kiltz, Yong Li
We construct the first Authenticated Key Exchange (AKE) protocol whose security does not degrade with an increasing number of users or sessions. We describe a three-message protocol and prove security in an enhanced version of the classical Bellare-Rogaway security model. Our construction is modular, and can be instantiated efficiently from standard assumptions (such as the SXDH or DLIN assumptions in pairing-friendly groups). For instance, we provide an SXDH-based protocol whose communication complexity is only 14 group elements and 4 exponents (plus some bookkeeping information). Along the way we develop new, stronger security definitions for digital signatures and key encapsulation mechanisms. For instance, we introduce a security model for digital signatures that provides existential unforgeability under chosen-message attacks in a multi-user setting with adaptive corruptions of secret keys. We show how to construct efficient schemes that satisfy the new definitions with tight security proofs under standard assumptions.
Last updated:  2014-12-17
Distributed Cryptography Based on the Proofs of Work
Marcin Andrychowicz, Stefan Dziembowski
Motivated by the recent success of Bitcoin we study the question of constructing distributed cryptographic protocols in a fully peer-to-peer scenario (without any trusted setup) under the assumption that the adversary has limited computing power. We propose a formal model for this scenario and then we construct the following protocols working in it: (i) a broadcast protocol secure under the assumption that the honest parties have computing power that is some non-negligible fraction of computing power of the adversary (this fraction can be small, in particular it can be much less than 1/2), (ii) a protocol for identifying a set of parties such that the majority of them is honest, and every honest party belongs to this set (this protocol works under the assumption that the majority of computing power is controlled by the honest parties). Our broadcast protocol can be used to generate an unpredictable beacon (that can later serve, e.g., as a genesis block for a new cryptocurrency). The protocol from Point (ii) can be used to construct arbitrary multiparty computation protocols. Our main tool for checking the computing power of the parties are the Proofs of Work (Dwork and Naor, CRYPTO 92). Our broadcast protocol is built on top of the classical protocol of Dolev and Strong (SIAM J. on Comp. 1983). Although our motivation is mostly theoretic, we believe that our ideas can lead to practical implementations (probably after some optimizations and simplifications). We discuss some possible applications of our protocols at the end of the paper.
Last updated:  2015-02-02
SPHINCS: practical stateless hash-based signatures
Daniel J. Bernstein, Daira Hopwood, Andreas Hülsing, Tanja Lange, Ruben Niederhagen, Louiza Papachristodoulou, Michael Schneider, Peter Schwabe, Zooko Wilcox-O'Hearn
This paper introduces a high-security post-quantum stateless hash-based signature scheme that signs hundreds of messages per second on a modern 4-core 3.5GHz Intel CPU. Signatures are 41 KB, public keys are 1 KB, and private keys are 1 KB. The signature scheme is designed to provide long-term $2^{128}$ security even against attackers equipped with quantum computers. Unlike most hash-based designs, this signature scheme is stateless, allowing it to be a drop-in replacement for current signature schemes.
Last updated:  2014-10-10
Efficient Identity-Based Encryption over NTRU Lattices
Léo Ducas, Vadim Lyubashevsky, Thomas Prest
Efficient implementations of lattice-based cryptographic schemes have been limited to only the most basic primitives like encryption and digital signatures. The main reason for this limitation is that at the core of many advanced lattice primitives is a trapdoor sampling algorithm(Gentry, Peikert, Vaikuntanathan, STOC 2008) that produced outputs that were too long for practical applications. In this work, we show that using a particular distribution over NTRU lattices can make GPV-based schemes suitable for practice. More concretely, we present the first lattice-based IBE scheme with practical parameters - key and ciphertext sizes are between two and four kilobytes, and all encryption and decryption operations take approximately one millisecond on a moderately-powered laptop. As a by-product, we also obtain digital signature schemes which are shorter than the previously most-compact ones of Ducas, Durmus, Lepoint, and Lyubashevsky from Crypto 2013.
Last updated:  2017-03-31
Robust Authenticated-Encryption: AEZ and the Problem that it Solves
Viet Tung Hoang, Ted Krovetz, Phillip Rogaway
With a scheme for \textit{robust} authenticated-encryption a user can select an arbitrary value $\lambda \ge 0$ and then encrypt a plaintext of any length into a ciphertext that's $\lambda$ characters longer. The scheme must provide all the privacy and authenticity possible for the requested~$\lambda$. We formalize and investigate this idea, and construct a well-optimized solution, AEZ, from the AES round function. Our scheme encrypts strings at almost the same rate as OCB-AES or CTR-AES (on Haswell, AEZ has a peak speed of about 0.7 cpb). To accomplish this we employ an approach we call \textit{prove-then-prune}: prove security and then instantiate with a \textit{scaled-down} primitive (e.g., reducing rounds for blockcipher calls).
Last updated:  2016-10-13
General Classification of the Authenticated Encryption Schemes for the CAESAR Competition
Farzaneh abed, Christian Forler, Stefan Lucks
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An Authenticated encryption scheme is a scheme which provides privacy and integrity by using a secret key. In 2013, CAESAR (the ``Competition for Authenticated Encryption: Security, Applicability, and Robustness'') was co-founded by NIST and Dan Bernstein with the aim of finding authenticated encryption schemes that offer advantages over AES-GCM and are suitable for widespread adoption. The first round started with 57 candidates in March 2014; and nine of these first-round candidates where broken and withdrawn from the competition. The remaining 48 candidates went through an intense process of review, analysis and comparison. While the cryptographic community benefits greatly from the manifold different submission designs, their sheer number implies a challenging amount of study. This paper provides an easy-to-grasp overview over functional aspects, security parameters, and robustness offerings by the CAESAR candidates, clustered by their underlying designs (block-cipher-, stream-cipher-, permutation-/sponge-, compression-function-based, dedicated). After intensive review and analysis of all 48 candidates by the community, the CAESAR committee selected only 30 candidates for the second round. The announcement for the third round candidates was made on 15th August 2016 and 15 candidates were chosen for the third round.
Last updated:  2014-10-10
Quantum Bit Commitment with Application in Quantum Zero-Knowledge Proof
Dongdai Lin, Yujuan Quan, Jian Weng, Jun Yan
Watrous (STOC 2006) proved that plugging classical bit commitment scheme that is secure against quantum attack into the GMW-type construction of zero-knowledge gives a classical zero-knowledge proof that is secure against quantum attack. In this paper, we showed that plugging quantum bit commitment scheme (allowing quantum computation and communication) into the GMW-type construction also gives a quantum zero-knowledge proof, as one expects. However, since the binding condition of quantum bit commitment scheme is inherently different from its classical counterpart, compared with Watrous' security proof, here we encounter new difficulty in soundness analysis. To overcome the difficulty, we take a geometric approach, managing to reduce quantum soundness analysis to classical soundness analysis. We also propose a formalization of non-interactive quantum bit commitment scheme, which may come in handy in other places. Moreover, inspired by our formalization, we generalize Naor's construction of bit commitment scheme to the quantum setting, achieving non-interactive commit stage. We hope quantum bit commitment scheme can find more applications in quantum cryptography.
Last updated:  2014-10-10
Fault Attack revealing Secret Keys of Exponentiation Algorithms from Branch Prediction Misses
Sarani Bhattacharya, Debdeep Mukhopadhyay
Performance monitors are provided in modern day computers for observing various features of the underlying microarchitectures. However the combination of underlying micro-architectural features and performance counters lead to side-channels which can be exploited for attacking cipher implementations. In this paper, to the best of our knowledge we study for the first time, the combination of branch-predictor algorithms and performance counters to demonstrate a fault attack on the popular square-and-multiply based exponentiation algorithm, used in the RSA. The attacks exploiting branching event like branch taken can be foiled by Montgomery Ladder based implementation of the exponentiation algorithm, while attacks based on branch miss are more devastating. We demonstrate the power of the attack exploiting branch misses from performance monitors by formalizing a fault attack model, where the adversary is capable of performing a bit flip at a desired bit position of the secret exponent. The paper characterizes the branch predictors using the popular two-bit predictor and formulates the dependence on the number of branch misses on the fault induced. This characterization is exploited to develop an iterative attack algorithm where knowledge of the previously determined key-bits and the difference of branch misses (as gathered from the performance counters) are utilised to determine the next bit. The attack has been validated on several standard Intel platforms, and puts to threat several implementations of exponentiation algorithms ranging from standard square-and-multiply, Montgomery Ladder to RSA-CRT and which are often used as side-channel counter measures. The attacks show that using the fault attack model featuring branch predictors one can attack implementations of exponentiation: both square and multiply, and Montgomery ladder, which forms the central algorithm for several standard public key ciphers.
Last updated:  2015-04-14
Statistical Properties of the Square Map Modulo a Power of Two
S. M. Dehnavi, A. Mahmoodi Rishakani, M. R. Mirzaee Shamsabad, Einollah Pasha
The square map is one of the functions that is used in cryptography. For instance, the square map is used in Rabin encryption scheme, block cipher RC6 and stream cipher Rabbit, in different forms. In this paper we study a special case of the square map, namely the square function modulo a power of two. We obtain probability distribution of the output of this map as a vectorial Boolean function. We find probability distribution of the component Boolean functions of this map. We present the joint probability distribution of the component Boolean functions of this function. We introduce a new function which is similar to the function that is used in Rabbit cipher and we compute the probability distribution of the component Boolean functions of this new map.
Last updated:  2014-10-07
Tuning GaussSieve for Speed
Robert Fitzpatrick, Christian Bischof, Johannes Buchmann, Ozgur Dagdelen, Florian Gopfert, Artur Mariano, Bo-Yin Yang
The area of lattice-based cryptography is growing ever-more prominent as a paradigm for quantum-resistant cryptography. One of the most important hard problem underpinning the security of lattice- based cryptosystems is the shortest vector problem (SVP). At present, two approaches dominate methods for solving instances of this problem in practice: enumeration and sieving. In 2010, Micciancio and Voulgaris presented a heuristic member of the sieving family, known as GaussSieve, demonstrating it to be comparable to enumeration methods in practice. With contemporary lattice-based cryptographic proposals relying largely on the hardness of solving the shortest and closest vector problems in ideal lattices, examining possible improvements to sieving algorithms becomes highly pertinent since, at present, only sieving algorithms have been successfully adapted to solve such instances more efficiently than in the random lattice case. In this paper, we propose a number of heuristic improvements to GaussSieve, which can also be applied to other sieving algorithms for SVP.
Last updated:  2014-10-07
Another Tor is possible
Amadou Moctar Kane
The aim of this paper is to introduce some modifications in Tor, in order to improve user’s anonymity and relay’s security. Thus, we introduced a system that will ensure anonymity for all users, while maintaining the ability to break the anonymity of a sender in case of misconduct. The revocation of the anonymity will require the use of secret sharing schemes, since we assume that, the lifting of the anonymity of the dishonest user should not depend on a single entity, but on a consensus within the network. In addition to the revocation of the anonymity, we propose in this paper further improvements such as mixing Tor traffic with those of the major internet groups, using the camouflage, or introducing a honeypot in the network.
Last updated:  2015-05-07
On the Indifferentiability of Key-Alternating Feistel Ciphers with No Key Derivation
Chun Guo, Dongdai Lin
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Feistel constructions have been shown to be indifferentiable from random permutations at STOC 2011. Whereas how to properly mix the keys into an un-keyed Feistel construction without appealing to domain separation technique to obtain a block cipher which is provably secure against known-key and chosen-key attacks (or to obtain an ideal cipher) remains an open problem. We study this, particularly the basic structure of NSA's SIMON family of block ciphers. SIMON family takes a construction which has the subkey xored into a halve of the state at each round. More clearly, at the $i$-th round, the state is updated according to $$(x_i,x_{i-1})\mapsto(x_{i-1}\oplus F_i(x_i)\oplus k_i,x_i)$$ For such key-alternating Feistel ciphers, we show that 21 rounds are sufficient to achieve indifferentiability from ideal ciphers with $2n$-bit blocks and $n$-bit keys, assuming the $n$-to-$n$-bit round functions $F_1,\ldots,F_{21}$ to be random and public and an identical user-provided $n$-bit key to be applied at each round. This gives an answer to the question mentioned before, which is the first to our knowledge.
Last updated:  2015-03-23
Divisible E-Cash Made Practical
Sébastien Canard, David Pointcheval, Olivier Sanders, Jacques Traoré
Divisible E-cash systems allow users to withdraw a unique coin of value $2^n$ from a bank, but then to spend it in several times to distinct merchants. In such a system, whereas users want anonymity of their transactions, the bank wants to prevent, or at least detect, double-spending, and trace the defrauders. While this primitive was introduced two decades ago, quite a few (really) anonymous constructions have been introduced. In addition, all but one were just proven secure in the random oracle model, but still with either weak security models or quite complex settings and thus costly constructions. The unique proposal, secure in the standard model, appeared recently and is unpractical. As evidence, the authors left the construction of an efficient scheme secure in this model as an open problem.
Last updated:  2014-10-07
Weak Instances of PLWE
Kirsten Eisentraeger, Sean Hallgren, Kristin Lauter
In this paper we present a new attack on the polynomial version of the Ring-LWE assumption, for certain carefully chosen number fields. This variant of RLWE, introduced in [BV11] and called the PLWE assumption, is known to be as hard as the RLWE assumption for 2-power cyclotomic number fields, and for cyclotomic number fields in general with a small cost in terms of error growth. For general number fields, we articulate the relevant properties and prove security reductions for number fields with those properties. We then present an attack on PLWE for number fields satisfying certain properties.
Last updated:  2014-10-06
Parametric Trojans for Fault-Injection Attacks on Cryptographic Hardware
Raghavan Kumar, Philipp Jovanovic, Wayne Burleson, Ilia Polian
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We propose two extremely stealthy hardware Trojans that facilitate fault-injection attacks in cryptographic blocks. The Trojans are carefully inserted to modify the electrical characteristics of predetermined transistors in a circuit by altering parameters such as doping concentration and dopant area. These Trojans are activated with very low probability under the presence of a slightly reduced supply voltage (0.001 for 20\% $V_{dd}$ reduction). We demonstrate the effectiveness of the Trojans by utilizing them to inject faults into an ASIC implementation of the recently introduced lightweight cipher %ip PRINCE. Full circuit-level simulation followed by differential cryptanalysis demonstrate that the secret key can be reconstructed after around 5 fault-injections.
Last updated:  2014-10-06
Precise Fault-Injections using Voltage and Temperature Manipulation for Differential Cryptanalysis
Raghavan Kumar, Philipp Jovanovic, Ilia Polian
State-of-the-art fault-based cryptanalysis methods are capable of breaking most recent ciphers after only a few fault injections. However, they require temporal and spatial accuracies of fault injection that were believed to rule out low-cost injection techniques such as voltage, frequency or temperature manipulation. We investigate selection of supply-voltage and temperature values that are suitable for high-precision fault injection even up to a single bit. The object of our studies is an ASIC implementation of the recently presented block cipher PRINCE, for which a two-stage fault attack scheme has been suggested lately. This attack requires, on average, about four to five fault injections in well-defined locations. We show by electrical simulations that voltage-temperature points exist for which faults show up at locations required for a successful attack with a likelihood of around 0.1\%. This implies that the complete attack can be mounted by approximately 4,000 to 5,000 fault injection attempts, which is clearly feasible.
Last updated:  2014-12-10
Tally-based simple decoders for traitor tracing and group testing
Boris Skoric
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The topic of this paper is collusion resistant watermarking, a.k.a. traitor tracing, in particular bias-based traitor tracing codes as introduced by G.Tardos in 2003. The past years have seen an ongoing effort to construct efficient high-performance decoders for these codes. In this paper we construct a score system from the Neyman-Pearson hypothesis test (which is known to be the most powerful test possible) into which we feed all the evidence available to the tracer, in particular the codewords of all users. As far as we know, until now simple decoders using Neyman-Pearson have taken into consideration only the codeword of a single user, namely the user under scrutiny. The Neyman-Pearson score needs as input the attack strategy of the colluders, which typically is not known to the tracer. We insert the Interleaving attack, which plays a very special role in the theory of bias-based traitor tracing by virtue of being part of the asymptotic (i.e. large coalition size) saddlepoint solution. The score system obtained in this way is universal: effective not only against the Interleaving attack, but against all other attack strategies as well. Our score function for one user depends on the other users' codewords in a very simple way: through the symbol tallies, which are easily computed. We present bounds on the False Positive probability and show ROC curves obtained from simulations. We investigate the probability distribution of the score. Finally we apply our construction to the area of (medical) Group Testing, which is related to traitor tracing.
Last updated:  2015-08-16
Deterministic Public-Key Encryption under Continual Leakage
Venkata Koppula, Omkant Pandey, Yannis Rouselakis, Brent Waters
Deterministic public-key encryption, introduced by Bellare, Boldyreva, and O’Neill (CRYPTO 2007), is an important technique for searchable encryption; it allows quick, logarithmic-time, search over encrypted data items. The technique is most effective in scenarios where frequent search queries are performed over a huge database of unpredictable data items. We initiate the study of deterministic public-key encryption (D-PKE) in the presence of leakage. We formulate appropriate security notions for leakage-resilient D-PKE, and present constructions that achieve them in the standard model. We work in the continual leakage model, where the secret-key is updated at regular intervals and an attacker can learn arbitrary but bounded leakage on the secret key during each time interval. We, however, do not consider leakage during the updates. Our main construction is based on the (standard) linear assumption in bilinear groups, tolerat- ing up to 0.5 - o(1) fraction of arbitrary leakage. The leakage rate can be improved to 1 - o(1) by relying on the SXDH assumption. At a technical level, we propose and construct a “continual leakage resilient” version of the all-but-one lossy trapdoor functions, introduced by Peikert and Waters (STOC 2008). Our formulation and construction of leakage-resilient lossy-TDFs is of independent general interest for leakage-resilient cryptography.
Last updated:  2015-02-10
Implementing Cryptographic Program Obfuscation
Daniel Apon, Yan Huang, Jonathan Katz, Alex J. Malozemoff
Program obfuscation is the process of making a program "unintelligible" without changing the program's underlying input/output behavior. Although there is a long line of work on heuristic techniques for obfuscation, such approaches do not provide any cryptographic guarantee on their effectiveness. A recent result by Garg et al. (FOCS 2013), however, shows that cryptographic program obfuscation is indeed possible based on a new primitive called a \emph{graded encoding scheme}. In this work, we present the first implementation of such an obfuscator. We describe several challenges and optimizations we made along the way, present a detailed evaluation of our implementation, and discuss research problems that need to be addressed before such obfuscators can be used in practice.
Last updated:  2014-10-05
Anonymous IBE from Quadratic Residuosity with Improved Performance
Michael Clear, Hitesh Tewari, Ciarán McGoldrick
Identity Based Encryption (IBE) has been constructed from bilinear pairings, lattices and quadratic residuosity. The latter is an attractive basis for an IBE owing to the fact that it is a well-understood hard problem from number theory. Cocks constructed the first such scheme, and subsequent improvements have been made to achieve anonymity and improve space efficiency. However, the anonymous variants of Cocks' scheme thus far are all less efficient than the original. In this paper, we present a new universally-anonymous IBE scheme based on the quadratic residuosity problem. Our scheme has better performance than the universally anonymous scheme from Ateniese and Gasti (CT-RSA 2009) at the expense of more ciphertext expansion. Another contribution of this paper is a modification to a variant of the space-efficient scheme by Boneh, Gentry and Hamburg (FOCS 07) that results in an IND-ID-CPA secure IBE scheme with comparable efficiency to Cocks, but with reduced ciphertext expansion.
Last updated:  2014-10-04
(Batch) Fully Homomorphic Encryption over Integers for Non-Binary Message Spaces
Koji Nuida, Kaoru Kurosawa
In this paper, we construct a fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) scheme over integers with the message space $Z_Q$ for any prime $Q$. Even for the binary case $Q=2$, our decryption circuit has a smaller degree than that of the previous scheme; the multiplicative degree is reduced from $O(\lambda (\log \lambda)^2)$ to $O(\lambda)$, where $\lambda$ is the security parameter. We also extend our FHE scheme to a batch FHE scheme.
Last updated:  2014-10-01
How to Obfuscate Programs Directly
Joe Zimmerman
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We propose a new way to obfuscate programs, using composite-order multilinear maps. Our construction operates directly on straight-line programs (arithmetic circuits), rather than converting them to matrix branching programs as in other known approaches. This yields considerable efficiency improvements. For an NC1 circuit of size $s$ and depth $d$, with $\n$ inputs, we require only $O(d^2s^2 + \n^2)$ multilinear map operations to evaluate the obfuscated circuit---as compared with other known approaches, for which the number of operations is exponential in $d$. We prove virtual black-box (VBB) security for our construction in a generic model of multilinear maps of hidden composite order, extending previous models for the prime-order setting. Our scheme works either with "noisy" multilinear maps, which can only evaluate expressions of degree $\lambda^c$ for pre-specified constant $c$; or with "clean" multilinear maps, which can evaluate arbitrary expressions. The "noisy" variant can be instantiated at present with the Coron-Lepoint-Tibouchi scheme, while the existence of "clean" maps is still unknown. With known "noisy" maps, our new obfuscator applies only to NC1 circuits, requiring the additional assumption of FHE in order to bootstrap to P/poly (as in other obfuscation constructions). From "clean" multilinear maps, on the other hand (whose existence is still open), we present the first approach that would achieve obfuscation for P/poly directly, without FHE. We also introduce the concept of succinct obfuscation, in which the obfuscation overhead size depends only on the length of the input and of the secret part of the circuit. Using our new techniques, along with the assumption that factoring is hard on average, we show that "clean" multilinear maps imply succinct obfuscation for P/poly. For the first time, the only remaining obstacle to implementable obfuscation in practice is the noise growth in known, "noisy" multilinear maps. Our results demonstrate that the question of "clean" multilinear maps is not a technicality, but a central open problem.
Last updated:  2014-10-01
Lock-free GaussSieve for Linear Speedups in Parallel High Performance SVP Calculation
Artur Mariano, Shahar Timnat, Christian Bischof
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Lattice-based cryptography became a hot-topic in the past years because it seems to be quantum immune, i.e., resistant to attacks operated with quantum computers. The security of lattice-based cryptosystems is determined by the hardness of certain lattice problems, such as the Shortest Vector Problem (SVP). Thus, it is of prime importance to study how efficiently SVP-solvers can be implemented. This paper presents a parallel shared-memory implementation of the GaussSieve algorithm, a well known SVP-solver. Our implementation achieves almost linear and linear speedups with up to 64 cores, depending on the tested scenario, and delivers better sequential performance than any other disclosed GaussSieve implementation. In this paper, we show that it is possible to implement a highly scalable version of GaussSieve on multi-core CPU-chips. The key features of our implementation are a lock-free singly linked list, and hand-tuned, vectorized code. Additionally, we propose an algorithmic optimization that leads to faster convergence.
Last updated:  2014-10-01
Automated Analysis and Synthesis of Block-Cipher Modes of Operation
Alex J. Malozemoff, Jonathan Katz, Matthew D. Green
Block ciphers such as AES are deterministic, keyed functions that operate on small, fixed-size blocks. Block-cipher \emph{modes of operation} define a mechanism for probabilistic encryption of arbitrary length messages using any underlying block cipher. A mode of operation can be proven secure (say, against chosen-plaintext attacks) based on the assumption that the underlying block cipher is a pseudorandom function. Such proofs are complex and error-prone, however, and must be done from scratch whenever a new mode of operation is developed. We propose an \emph{automated} approach for the security analysis of block-cipher modes of operation based on a ``local'' analysis of the steps carried out by the mode when handling a \emph{single} message block. We model these steps as a directed, acyclic graph, with nodes corresponding to instructions and edges corresponding to intermediate values. We then introduce a set of \emph{labels} and \emph{constraints} on the edges, and prove a meta-theorem showing that any mode for which there exists a labeling of the edges satisfying these constraints is secure (against chosen-plaintext attacks). This allows us to reduce security of a given mode to a constraint-satisfaction problem, which in turn can be handled using an SMT solver. We couple our security-analysis tool with a routine that automatically generates viable modes; together, these allow us to synthesize hundreds of secure modes.
Last updated:  2014-10-01
Obfuscating Low-Rank Matrix Branching Programs
Amit Sahai, Mark Zhandry
In this work, we seek to extend the capabilities of the “core obfuscator” from the work of Garg, Gentry, Halevi, Raykova, Sahai, and Waters (FOCS 2013), and all subsequent works constructing general-purpose obfuscators. This core obfuscator builds upon approximate multilinear maps, and applies to matrix branching programs. All previous works, however, limited the applicability of such core obfuscators to matrix branching programs where each matrix was of full rank. As we illustrate by example, this limitation is quite problematic, and intuitively limits the core obfuscator to obfuscating matrix branching programs that cannot “forget.” At a technical level, this limitation arises in previous work because all previous work relies on Kilian’s statistical simulation theorem, which is false when applied to matrices not of full rank. In our work, we build the first core obfuscator that can apply to matrix branching programs where matrices can be of arbitrary rank. We prove security of our obfuscator in the generic multilinear model, demonstrating a new proof technique that bypasses Kilian’s statistical simulation theorem. Furthermore, our obfuscator achieves two other notable advances over previous work: - Our construction allows for non-square matrices of arbitrary dimensions. We also show that this flexibility yields concrete efficiency gains. - Our construction allows for a single obfuscation to yield multiple bits of output. All previous work yielded only one bit of output. Our work leads to significant efficiency gains for obfuscation. Furthermore, our work can be applied to achieve efficiency gains even in applications not directly using obfuscation.
Last updated:  2014-10-01
Fully Secure and Succinct Attribute Based Encryption for Circuits from Multi-linear Maps
Nuttapong Attrapadung
We propose new fully secure attribute based encryption (ABE) systems for polynomial-size circuits in both key-policy and ciphertext-policy flavors. All the previous ABE systems for circuits were proved only selectively secure. Our schemes are based on asymmetric graded encoding systems in composite-order settings. The assumptions consist of the Subgroup Decision assumptions and two assumptions which are similar to Multi-linear Decisional Diffie-Hellman assumption (but more complex) and are proved to hold in the generic graded encoding model. Both of our systems enjoy succinctness: key and ciphertext sizes are proportional to their corresponding circuit and input string sizes. Our ciphertext-policy ABE for circuits is the first to achieve succinctness, and the first that can deal with unbounded-size circuits (even among selectively secure systems). We develop new techniques for proving co-selective security of key-policy ABE for circuits, which is the main ingredient for the dual-system encryption framework that uses computational arguments for enforcing full security.
Last updated:  2015-04-23
Succinct Randomized Encodings and their Applications
Nir Bitansky, Sanjam Garg, Sidharth Telang
A {\em randomized encoding} allows to represent a ``complex'' function $f(x)$ by a ``simpler'' randomized function $\hat{f}(x;r)$ whose output distribution encodes $f(x)$, while revealing nothing else regarding $x$. Existing randomized encodings, geared mostly to allow encoding with low parallel complexity, have proven instrumental in various strong applications such as multiparty computation and parallel cryptography. This work focuses on another natural complexity measure: {\em the time required to encode}. We construct {\em succinct randomized encodings} where a computation given by a (Turing or random-access) machine $M$, and input $x$, requiring time $t$ and space $s$, can be encoded roughly in time $\poly(|x|,\log t,s)$, thus inducing significant savings in time when $s \ll t$. The scheme guarantees computational input-privacy and is based on indistinguishability obfuscation for a relatively simple circuit class, which can in turn be based on a polynomial version of the subgroup elimination assumption on multilinear graded encodings. We then invoke succinct randomized encodings to obtain several strong applications, including: \begin{itemize} \item Indistinguishability obfuscation for uniform (Turing or random-access) machines, where the obfuscated machine $\iO(M)$ computes the same function as $M$ for inputs $x$ of apriori-fixed maximal size $n$, and is computed in time $\poly(n,\log t,s)$. \item Functional encryption for uniform machines, where a functional decryption key corresponding to $M$ allows decrypting $M(x)$ from encryptions of $x$. As in the previous case, inputs $x$ are of apriori-fixed maximal size $n$, and key derivation time is roughly $\poly(n,\log t,s)$. \item Publicly-verifiable 2-message delegation where verification time is roughly $\poly(n,\log t,s)$. We also show how to transform any 2-message delegation scheme to an essentially non-interactive system where the verifier message is reusable. \end{itemize} For the first application, we also require subexponentially-secure indistinguishability obfuscation for circuits, and for the second polynomial indistinguishability obfuscation, which can be replaced by more concrete polynomial hardness assumptions on multilinear graded-encodings. Previously, both applications were only known based on various non-standard knowledge assumptions.
Last updated:  2014-09-30
AES Cipher Keys Suitable for Efficient Side-Channel Vulnerability Evaluation
Takaaki Mizuki, Yu-ichi Hayashi
This paper investigates pairs of AES-128 cipher keys and plaintexts which result in being ``quiet'' in the final round, i.e., whose 128-bit State holds the same bit pattern before and after Round 10. We show that the number of such quiet plaintexts (resulting in Hamming distance 0) for any cipher key is at most 5,914,624, and that there exist exactly 729 cipher keys having such a maximum number. The same holds if ``quiet'' is replaced by ``noisy'' (which means to have Hamming distance 128). Because such quiet and noisy plaintexts make extreme actions in the final round of the AES encryption, these AES-128 cipher keys are quite useful for AES hardware designers to efficiently evaluate the vulnerabilities of their products, for instance, the performance of their side-channel attack countermeasures.
Last updated:  2014-09-30
Indistinguishability Obfuscation of Iterated Circuits and RAM Programs
Ran Canetti, Justin Holmgren, Abhishek Jain, Vinod Vaikuntanathan
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A key source of inefficiency in existing obfuscation schemes is that they operate on programs represented as Boolean circuits or (with stronger assumptions and costlier constructs) as Turing machines. We bring the complexity of obfuscation down to the level of RAM programs. That is, assuming injective one way functions and indistinguishability obfuscators for all circuits, we construct indistinguishability obfuscators for RAM programs with the following parameters, up to polylogarithmic factors and a multiplicative factor in the security parameter: (a) The space used by the obfuscated program, as well as the initial size of the program itself, are proportional to the maximum space s used by the plaintext program on any input of the given size. (b) On each input, the runtime of the obfuscated program is proportional to s plus the runtime of the plaintext program on that input. The security loss is proportional to the number of potential inputs for the RAM program. Our construction can be plugged into practically any existing use of indistinguishability obfuscation, such as delegation of computation, functional encryption, non-interactive zero-knowledge, and multi-party computation protocols, resulting in significant efficiency gains. It also gives the first succinct and efficient one-time garbled RAM scheme. The size of the garbled RAM is proportional to the maximum space $s$ used by the RAM machine, and its evaluation time is proportional to the running time of the RAM machine on plaintext inputs. At the heart of our construction is a mechanism for succinctly obfuscating "iterated circuits", namely circuits that run in iterations, and where the output of an iteration is used as input to the next. As contributions of independent interest, we also introduce (a) a new cryptographic tool called Asymmetrically Constrained Encapsulation (ACE), that allows us to succinctly and asymmetrically puncture both the encapsulation and decapsulation keys; and (b) a new program analysis tool called Inductive Properties (IP), that allows us to argue about computations that are locally different, but yet globally the same.
Last updated:  2014-09-30
Cut-and-Choose Bilateral Oblivious Transfer and Its Application in Secure Two-party Computation
Han Jiang, Xiaochao Wei, Chuan Zhao, Qiuliang Xu
In secure two-party computation protocols, the cut-and-choose paradigm is used to prevent the malicious party who constructs the garbled circuits from cheating. In previous realization of the cut-and-choose technique on the garbled circuits, the delivery of the random keys is divided into multiple stages. Thus, the round complexity is high and the consistency of cut-and-choose challenge should be proved. In this paper, we introduce a new primitive called cut-and-choose bilateral oblivious transfer, which transfers all necessary keys of garbled circuits in one process. Specifically, in our oblivious transfer protocol, the sender inputs two pairs $(x_0,x_1)$, $(y_0,y_1)$ and a bit $\tau$; the receiver inputs two bits $\sigma$ and $j$. After the protocol execution, the receiver obtains $x_{\tau},y_{\sigma}$ for $j=1$, and $x_0,x_1,y_0,y_1$ for $j=0$. By the introduction of this new primitive, the round complexity of secure two-party computation protocol can be decreased; the cut-and-choose challenge $j$ is no need to be opened anymore, therefore the consistency proof of $j$ is omitted. In addition, the primitive is of independent interest and could be useful in many cut-and-choose scenarios.
Last updated:  2016-07-12
Algebraic Attacks on Human Identification Protocols
Hassan Jameel Asghar, Ron Steinfeld, Shujun Li, Mohamed Ali Kaafar, Josef Pieprzyk
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Human identification protocols are challenge-response protocols that rely on human computational ability to reply to random challenges from the server based on a public function of a shared secret and the challenge to authenticate the human user. One security criterion for a human identification protocol is the number of challenge-response pairs the adversary needs to observe before it can deduce the secret. In order to increase this number, protocol designers have tried to construct protocols that cannot be represented as a system of linear equations or congruences. In this paper, we take a closer look at different ways from algebra, lattices and coding theory to obtain the secret from a system of linear congruences. We then show two examples of human identification protocols from literature that can be transformed into a system of linear congruences. The resulting attack limits the number of authentication sessions these protocols can be used before secret renewal. Prior to this work, these protocols had no known upper bound on the number of allowable sessions per secret.
Last updated:  2014-09-30
Succinct Garbling Schemes and Applications
Huijia Lin, Rafael Pass
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Assuming the existence of iO for P/poly and one-way functions, we show how to succinctly garble bounded-space computations (BSC) M: the size of the garbled program (as well as the time needed to generate the garbling) only depends on the size and space (including the input and output) complexity of M, but not its running time. The key conceptual insight behind this construction is a method for using iO to "compress" a computation that can be performed piecemeal, without revealing anything about it. As corollaries of our succinct garbling scheme, we demonstrate the following: -functional encryption for BSC from iO for P/poly and one-way functions; -reusable succinct garbling schemes for BSC from iO for P/poly and one-way functions; - succinct iO for BSC from sub-exponentially-secure iO for P/poly and sub-exponentially secure one-way functions; - (PerfectNIZK) SNARGS for bounded space and witness NP from sub-exponentially-secure iO for P/poly and sub-exponentially-secure one-way functions. Previously such primitives were only know to exists based on “knowledge-based” assumptions (such as SNARKs and/or differing-input obfuscation). We finally demonstrate the first (non-succinct) iO for RAM programs with bounded input and output lengths, that has poly-logarithmic overhead, based on the existence of sub-exponentially-secure iO for P/poly and sub-exponentially-secure one-way functions.
Last updated:  2020-08-14
The Bitcoin Backbone Protocol: Analysis and Applications
Juan Garay, Aggelos Kiayias, Nikos Leonardos
Bitcoin is the first and most popular decentralized cryptocurrency to date. In this work, we extract and analyze the core of the Bitcoin protocol, which we term the Bitcoin backbone, and prove two of its fundamental properties which we call common prefix and chain quality in the static setting where the number of players remains fixed. Our proofs hinge on appropriate and novel assumptions on the hashing power of the adversary relative to network synchronicity; we show our results to be tight under high synchronization. Next, we propose and analyze applications that can be built on top of the backbone protocol, specifically focusing on Byzantine agreement (BA) and on the notion of a public transaction ledger. Regarding BA, we observe that Nakamoto's suggestion falls short of solving it, and present a simple alternative which works assuming that the adversary's hashing power is bounded by 1/3. The public transaction ledger captures the essence of Bitcoin's operation as a cryptocurrency, in the sense that it guarantees the liveness and persistence of committed transactions. Based on this notion we describe and analyze the Bitcoin system as well as a more elaborate BA protocol, proving them secure assuming high network synchronicity and that the adversary's hashing power is strictly less than 1/2, while the adversarial bound needed for security decreases as the network desynchronizes. Finally, we show that our analysis of the Bitcoin backbone protocol for synchronous networks extends with relative ease to the recently considered partially synchronous model, where there is an upper bound in the delay of messages that is unknown to the honest parties.
Last updated:  2014-09-30
One-out-of-Many Proofs: Or How to Leak a Secret and Spend a Coin
Jens Groth, Markulf Kohlweiss
We construct a 3-move public coin special honest verifier zero-knowledge proof, a so-called Sigma-protocol, for a list of commitments having at least one commitment that opens to 0. It is not required for the prover to know openings of the other commitments. The proof system is efficient, in particular in terms of communication requiring only the transmission of a logarithmic number of commitments. We use our proof system to instantiate both ring signatures and zerocoin, a novel mechanism for bitcoin privacy. We use our Sigma-protocol as a (linkable) ad-hoc group identification scheme where the users have public keys that are commitments and demonstrate knowledge of an opening for one of the commitments to unlinkably identify themselves (once) as belonging to the group. Applying the Fiat-Shamir transform on the group identification scheme gives rise to ring signatures, applying it to the linkable group identification scheme gives rise to zerocoin. Our ring signatures are very small compared to other ring signature schemes and we only assume the users' secret keys to be the discrete logarithms of single group elements so the setup is quite realistic. Similarly, compared with the original zerocoin protocol we rely on a weak cryptographic assumption and do not require a trusted setup. A third application of our Sigma protocol is an efficient proof of membership of a secret committed value belonging to a public list.
Last updated:  2014-10-13
On the Privacy Provisions of Bloom Filters in Lightweight Bitcoin Clients
Arthur Gervais, Ghassan O. Karame, Damian Gruber, Srdjan Capkun
Lightweight Bitcoin clients are gaining increasing adoption among Bitcoin users, owing to their reduced resource and bandwidth consumption. These clients support a simplified payment verification (SPV) mode as they are only required to download and verify a part of the block chain — thus supporting the usage of Bitcoin on constrained devices, such as smartphones. SPV clients rely on Bloom filters to receive transactions that are relevant to their local wallet. These filters embed all the Bitcoin addresses used by the SPV clients, and are outsourced to more powerful Bitcoin nodes which then only forward to those clients transactions relevant to their outsourced Bloom filters. In this paper, we explore the privacy of existing SPV clients. We show analytically and empirically that the reliance on Bloom filters within existing SPV clients leaks considerable information about the addresses of Bitcoin users. Our results show that an SPV client who uses a modest number of Bitcoin addresses (e.g., < 20) risks revealing almost all of his addresses. We also show that this information leakage is further exacerbated when users restart their SPV clients and/or when the adversary has access to more than one Bloom filter pertaining to the same SPV client. Motivated by these findings, we propose an efficient countermeasure to enhance the privacy of users which rely on SPV clients; our proposal can be directly integrated within existing SPV client implementations.
Last updated:  2015-03-25
Access Control in Publicly Verifiable Outsourced Computation
James Alderman, Christian Janson, Carlos Cid, Jason Crampton
Publicly Verifiable Outsourced Computation (PVC) allows devices with restricted resources to delegate expensive computations to more powerful external servers, and to verify the correctness of results. Whilst this is highly beneficial in many situations, it also increases the visibility and availability of potentially sensitive data, and thus we may wish to limit the set of entities with access to input data and results. Additionally, within an organization it is extremely unlikely that every user would have uncontrolled access to all functionality. It is also not always reasonable to publish the results of a sensitive computation. Thus there is a need to apply access control mechanisms in PVC environments. In this work, we define a new framework for Publicly Verifiable Outsourced Computation with Access Control (PVC-AC) that applies cryptographic enforcement mechanisms to address these concerns, and we provide a provably secure instantiation using Key Assignment Schemes. We also discuss example policies of interest in this setting.
Last updated:  2014-09-30
Cryptanalysis of Reduced-round SIMON32 and SIMON48
Qingju Wang, Zhiqiang Liu, Kerem Varici, Yu Sasaki, Vincent Rijmen, Yosuke Todo
SIMON family is one of the recent lightweight block cipher designs introduced by NSA. So far there have been several cryptanalytic results on this cipher by means of differential, linear and impossible differential cryptanalysis. In this paper, we study the security of SIMON32, SIMON48/72 and SIMON48/96 by using integral, zero-correlation linear and impossible differential cryptanalysis. Firstly, we present a novel experimental approach to construct the best known integral distinguishers of SIMON32. The small block size, 32 bits, of SIMON32 enables us to experimentally find a 15-round integral distinguisher, based on which we present a key recovery attack on 21-round SIMON32, while previous best results published in FSE 2014 only achieved 19 rounds. Actually, our approach provides a very efficient way to elaborate good integral distinguishers of block ciphers with small block size. Moreover, by applying the divide-and-conquer technique delicately, we attack 20-round SIMON32, 20-round SIMON48/72 and 21-round SIMON48/96 based on 11 and 12-round zero-correlation linear hulls of SIMON32 and SIMON48 respectively. The results for SIMON32 and SIMON48/96 are better than the known results published in FSE 2014. Finally, we propose impossible differential attacks on 18-round SIMON32, 18-round SIMON48/72 and 19-round SIMON48/96, which significantly improve the previous impossible differential attacks. Our analysis together with the previous results show that SIMON maintains enough security margin even if various approaches of cryptanalysis are considered.
Last updated:  2014-10-31
Montgomery Modular Multiplication on ARM-NEON Revisited
Hwajeong Seo, Zhe Liu, Johann Großschädl, Jongseok Choi, Howon Kim
Montgomery modular multiplication constitutes the "arithmetic foundation" of modern public-key cryptography with applications ranging from RSA, DSA and Diffie-Hellman over elliptic curve schemes to pairing-based cryptosystems. The increased prevalence of SIMD-type instructions in commodity processors (e.g. Intel SSE, ARM NEON) has initiated a massive body of research on vector-parallel implementations of Montgomery modular multiplication. In this paper, we introduce the Cascade Operand Scanning (COS) method to speed up multi-precision multiplication on SIMD architectures. We developed the COS technique with the goal of reducing Read-After-Write (RAW) dependencies in the propagation of carries, which also reduces the number of pipeline stalls (i.e. bubbles). The COS method operates on 32-bit words in a row-wise fashion (similar to the operand-scanning method) and does not require a "non-canonical" representation of operands with a reduced radix. We show that two COS computations can be "coarsely" integrated into an efficient vectorized variant of Montgomery multiplication, which we call Coarsely Integrated Cascade Operand Scanning (CICOS) method. Due to our sophisticated instruction scheduling, the CICOS method reaches record-setting execution times for Montgomery modular multiplication on ARM-NEON platforms. Detailed benchmarking results obtained on an ARM Cortex-A9 and Cortex-A15 processors show that the proposed CICOS method outperforms Bos et al's implementation from SAC 2013 by up to 57% (A9) and 40% (A15), respectively. Furthermore, our COS multiplication is faster than lastest GMP 6.0.0 by up to 55% (A9) and 52% (A15), respectively.
Last updated:  2015-01-30
How to Efficiently Evaluate RAM Programs with Malicious Security
Arash Afshar, Zhangxiang Hu, Payman Mohassel, Mike Rosulek
Secure 2-party computation (2PC) is becoming practical for some applications. However, most approaches are limited by the fact that the desired functionality must be represented as a boolean circuit. In response, random-access machines (RAM programs) have recently been investigated as a promising alternative representation. In this work, we present the first practical protocols for evaluating RAM programs with security against malicious adversaries. A useful efficiency measure is to divide the cost of malicious-secure evaluation of $f$ by the cost of semi-honest-secure evaluation of $f$. Our RAM protocols achieve ratios matching the state of the art for circuit-based 2PC. For statistical security $2^{-s}$, our protocol without preprocessing achieves a ratio of $s$; our online-offline protocol has a pre-processing phase and achieves online ratio $\sim 2 s / \log T$, where $T$ is the total execution time of the RAM program. To summarize, our solutions show that the ``extra overhead" of obtaining malicious security for RAM programs (beyond what is needed for circuits) is minimal and does not grow with the running time of the program.
Last updated:  2014-09-29
Cryptographic Reverse Firewalls
Ilya Mironov, Noah Stephens-Davidowitz
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Recent revelations by Edward Snowden show that a user's own hardware and software can be used against her in various ways (e.g., to leak her private information). And, a series of recent announcements has shown that widespread implementations of cryptographic software often contain serious bugs that cripple security. This motivates us to consider the following (seemingly absurd) question: How can we guarantee a user's security when she may be using a malfunctioning or arbitrarily compromised machine? To that end, we introduce the notion of a cryptographic reverse firewall (RF). Such a machine sits between the user's computer and the outside world, potentially modifying the messages that she sends and receives as she engages in a cryptographic protocol. A good reverse firewall accomplishes three things: (1) it maintains functionality, so that if the user's computer is working correctly, the RF will not break the functionality of the underlying protocol; (2) it preserves security, so that regardless of how the user's machine behaves, the presence of the RF will provide the same security guarantees as the properly implemented protocol; and (3) it resists exfiltration, so that regardless of how the user's machine behaves, the presence of the RF will prevent the machine from leaking any information to the outside world. Importantly, we do not model the firewall as a trusted party. It does not share any secrets with the user, and the protocol should be both secure and functional without the firewall (when it is implemented correctly). Our security definition for reverse firewalls depends on the security notion(s) of the underlying protocol. As such, our model generalizes much prior work and provides a general framework for building cryptographic schemes that remain secure when run on compromised machine. It is also a modern take on a line of work that received considerable attention in the 80s and 90s. We show that our definition is achievable by constructing a private function evaluation protocol with a secure reverse firewall for each party. Along the way, we design an oblivious transfer protocol that also has a secure RF for each party, and a rerandomizable garbled circuit that is both more efficient and more secure than previous constructions. Finally, we show how to convert \emph{any} protocol into a protocol with an exfiltration-resistant reverse firewall for all parties. (In other words, we provide a generic way to prevent a tampered machine from leaking information to an eavesdropper via any protocol.)
Last updated:  2015-03-08
Adaptively Secure Broadcast Encryption with Small System Parameters
Mark Zhandry
We build the first public-key broadcast encryption systems that simultaneously achieve adaptive security against arbitrary number of colluders, have small system parameters, and have security proofs that do not rely on knowledge assumptions or complexity leveraging. Our schemes are built from either composite order multilinear maps or obfuscation and enjoy a ciphertext overhead, private key size, and public key size that are all poly-logarithmic in the total number of users. Previous broadcast schemes with similar parameters are either proven secure in a weaker static model, or rely on non-falsifiable knowledge assumptions.
Last updated:  2015-03-17
Two Halves Make a Whole: Reducing Data Transfer in Garbled Circuits using Half Gates
Samee Zahur, Mike Rosulek, David Evans
The well-known classical constructions of garbled circuits use four ciphertexts per gate, although various methods have been proposed to reduce this cost. The best previously known methods for optimizing AND gates (two ciphertexts; Pinkas et al., ASIACRYPT 2009) and XOR gates (zero ciphertexts; Kolesnikov & Schneider, ICALP 2008) were incompatible, so most implementations used the best known method compatible with free-XOR gates (three ciphertexts; Kolesnikov & Schneider, ICALP 2008). In this work we show how to simultaneously garble AND gates using two ciphertexts and XOR gates using zero ciphertexts, resulting in smaller garbled circuits than any prior scheme. The main idea behind our construction is to break an AND gate into two half-gates --- AND gates for which one party knows one input. Each half-gate can be garbled with a single ciphertext, so our construction uses two ciphertexts for each AND gate while being compatible with free-XOR gates. The price for the reduction in size is that the evaluator must perform two cryptographic operations per AND gate, rather than one as in previous schemes. We experimentally demonstrate that our garbling scheme leads to an overall decrease in time (up to 25%), bandwidth (up to 33%), and energy use (up to 20%) over several benchmark applications. We also initiate a study of lower bounds for garbled gate size, and show that our construction is optimal for a large class of garbling schemes encompassing all known practical garbling techniques.
Last updated:  2014-09-29
Computing Mod Without Mod
Mark A. Will, Ryan K. L. Ko
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Encryption algorithms are designed to be difficult to break without knowledge of the secrets or keys. To achieve this, the algorithms require the keys to be large, with some algorithms having a recommend size of 2048-bits or more. However most modern processors only support computation on 64-bits at a time. Therefore standard operations with large numbers are more complicated to implement. One operation that is particularly challenging to implement efficiently is modular reduction. In this paper we propose a highly-efficient algorithm for solving large modulo operations; it has several advantages over current approaches as it supports the use of a variable sized lookup table, has good spatial and temporal locality allowing data to be streamed, and only requires basic processor instructions. Our proposed algorithm is theoretically compared to widely used modular algorithms, before practically compared against the state-of-the-art GNU Multiple Precision (GMP) large number library.
Last updated:  2016-06-01
Bilinear Entropy Expansion from the Decisional Linear Assumption
Lucas Kowalczyk, Allison Bishop Lewko
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We develop a technique inspired by pseudorandom functions that allows us to increase the entropy available for proving the security of dual system encryption schemes under the Decisional Linear Assumption. We show an application of the tool to Attribute-Based Encryption by presenting a Key-Policy ABE scheme that is fully-secure under DLIN with short public parameters.
Last updated:  2014-09-29
Online Deniability for Multiparty Protocols with Applications to Externally Anonymous Authentication
Alonso Gonzalez-Ulloa, Alejandro Hevia
In the problem of anonymous authentication (Boneh et al. CCS 1999), a sender wishes to authenticate a message to a given recipient in a way that preserves anonymity: the recipient does not know the identity of the sender and only is assured that the sender belongs to some authorized set. Although solutions for the problem exist (for example, by using ring signatures, e.g. Naor, Crypto 2002), they provide no security when the anonymity set is a singleton. This work is motivated by the question of whether there is any type of anonymity possible in this scenario. It turns out that we can still protect the identity of all senders (authorized or not) if we shift our concern from preventing the identity information be revealed to the recipient to preventing it could be revealed to an external entity, other than the recipient. We define a natural functionality which provides such guarantees and we denote it by F_{eaa} for externally anonymous authenticated channel. We argue that any realization of F_{eaa} must be deniable in the sense of Dodis et al. TCC 2009. To prove the deniability of similar primitives, previous work defined ad hoc notions of deniability for each task, and then each notion was showed equivalent to realizing the primitive in the Generalized Universal Composability framework (GUC, Canetti et al. TCC 2007). Instead, we put forward the question of whether deniability can be defined independently from any particular task. We answer this question in the affirmative providing a natural extension of the definition of Dodis et al. for arbitrary multiparty protocols. Furthermore, we show that a protocol satisfies this definition if an only if it realizes the ideal functionality F_{eaa} in the GUC framework. This result enables us to prove that most GUC functionalities we are aware of (and their realizations) are deniable. We conclude by applying our results to the construction of a deniable protocol that realizes F_{eaa}.
Last updated:  2014-09-29
Key Indistinguishability vs. Strong Key Indistinguishability for Hierarchical Key Assignment Schemes
Arcangelo Castiglione, Alfredo De Santis, Barbara Masucci
A hierarchical key assignment scheme is a method to assign some private information and encryption keys to a set of classes in a partially ordered hierarchy, in such a way that the private information of a higher class can be used to derive the keys of all classes lower down in the hierarchy. In this paper we analyze the security of hierarchical key assignment schemes according to different notions: security with respect to key indistinguishability and against key recovery, as well as the two recently proposed notions of security with respect to strong key indistinguishability and against strong key recovery. We first explore the relations between all security notions and, in particular, we prove that security with respect to strong key indistinguishability is not stronger than the one with respect to key indistinguishability. Afterwards, we propose a general construction yielding a hierarchical key assignment scheme offering security against strong key recovery, given any hierarchical key assignment scheme which guarantees security against key recovery.
Last updated:  2014-09-29
Higher-Order Threshold Implementations
Begül Bilgin, Benedikt Gierlichs, Svetla Nikova, Ventzislav Nikov, Vincent Rijmen
Higher-order differential power analysis attacks are a serious threat for cryptographic hardware implementations. In particular, glitches in the circuit make it hard to protect the implementation with masking. The existing higher-order masking countermeasures that guarantee security in the presence of glitches use multi-party computation techniques and require a lot of resources in terms of circuit area and randomness. The Threshold Implementation method is also based on multi-party computation but it is more area and randomness efficient. Moreover, it typically requires less clock-cycles since all parties can operate simultaneously. However, so far it is only provable secure against 1st-order DPA. We address this gap and extend the Threshold Implementation technique to higher orders. We define generic constructions and prove their security. To illustrate the approach, we provide 1st, 2nd and 3rd-order DPA-resistant implementations of the block cipher KATAN- 32. Our analysis of 300 million power traces measured from an FPGA implementation supports the security proofs.
Last updated:  2014-09-29
Hardware Trojan Horses in Cryptographic IP Cores
Shivam Bhasin, Jean-Luc Danger, Sylvain Guilley, Xuan Thuy Ngo, Laurent Sauvage
Detecting hardware trojans is a difficult task in general. In this article we study hardware trojan horses insertion and detection in cryptographic intellectual property (IP) blocks. The context is that of a fabless design house that sells IP blocks as GDSII hard macros, and wants to check that final products have not been infected by trojans during the foundry stage. First, we show the efficiency of a medium cost hardware trojans detection method if the placement or the routing have been redone by the foundry. It consists in the comparison between optical microscopic pictures of the silicon product and the original view from a GDSII layout database reader. Second, we analyze the ability of an attacker to introduce a hardware trojan horse without changing neither the placement nor the routing of the cryptographic IP logic. On the example of an AES engine, we show that if the placement density is beyond $80$\%, the insertion is basically impossible. Therefore, this settles a simple design guidance to avoid trojan horses insertion in cryptographic IP blocks: have the design be compact enough, so that any functionally discreet trojan necessarily requires a complete re-place and re-route, which is detected by mere optical imaging (and not complete chip reverse-engineering).
Last updated:  2014-09-26
Bitline PUF: Building Native Challenge-Response PUF Capability into Any SRAM
Daniel E. Holcomb, Kevin Fu
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Physical Unclonable Functions (PUFs) are specialized circuits with applications including key generation and challenge-response authentication. PUF properties such as low cost and resistance to invasive attacks make PUFs well-suited to embedded devices. Yet, given how infrequently the specialized capabilities of a PUF may be needed, the silicon area dedicated to it is largely idle. This inefficient resource usage is at odds with the cost minimization objective of embedded devices. Motivated by this inefficiency, we propose the Bitline PUF -- a novel PUF that uses modified wordline drivers together with SRAM circuitry to enable challenge-response authentication. The number of challenges that can be applied to the Bitline PUF grows exponentially with the number of SRAM rows, and these challenges can be applied at any time without power cycling. This paper presents in detail the workings of the Bitline PUF, and shows that it achieves high throughput, low latency, and uniqueness across instances. Circuit simulations indicate that the Bitline PUF responses have a nominal bit-error-rate (BER) of 0.023 at 1.2 V supply and 27C, and that BER does not exceed 0.076 when supply voltage is varied from 1.1 V to 1.3 V, or when temperature is varied from 0C to 80C. Because the Bitline PUF leverages existing SRAM circuitry, its area overhead is only a single flip-flop and two logic gates per row of SRAM. The combination of high performance and low cost makes the Bitline PUF a promising candidate for commercial adoption and future research.
Last updated:  2015-09-09
Efficient and Verifiable Algorithms for Secure Outsourcing of Cryptographic Computations
Mehmet Sabır Kiraz, Osmanbey Uzunkol
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Reducing computational cost of cryptographic computations for resource-constrained devices is an active research area. One of the practical solutions is to securely outsource the computations to an external and more powerful cloud server. Modular exponentiations are the most expensive computation from the cryptographic point of view. Therefore, outsourcing modular exponentiations to a single, external and potentially untrusted cloud server while ensuring the security and privacy provide an efficient solution. In this paper, we propose new efficient outsourcing algorithms for modular exponentiations using only one untrusted cloud server. These algorithms cover public-base & private-exponent, private-base & public-exponent, private-base & privateexponent, and more generally private-base & private-exponents simultaneous modular exponentiations. Our algorithms are the most efficient solutions utilizing only one single untrusted server with best checkability probabilities. Furthermore, unlike existing schemes, which have fixed checkability probability, our algorithms provide adjustable predetermined checkability parameters. Finally, we apply our algorithms to outsource Oblivious Transfer Protocols and Blind Signatures which are expensive primitives in modern cryptography.
Last updated:  2015-02-09
Towards Finding the Best Characteristics of Some Bit-oriented Block Ciphers and Automatic Enumeration of (Related-key) Differential and Linear Characteristics with Predefined Properties
Siwei Sun, Lei Hu, Meiqin Wang, Peng Wang, Kexin Qiao, Xiaoshuang Ma, Danping Shi, Ling Song, Kai Fu
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In this paper, we investigate the Mixed-integer Linear Programming (MILP) modelling of the differential and linear behavior of a wide range of block ciphers. We point out that the differential behavior of an arbitrary S-box can be exactly described by a small system of linear inequalities. ~~~~~Based on this observation and MILP technique, we propose an automatic method for finding high probability (related-key) differential or linear characteristics of block ciphers. Compared with Sun {\it et al.}'s {\it heuristic} method presented in Asiacrypt 2014, the new method is {\it exact} for most ciphers in the sense that every feasible 0-1 solution of the MILP model generated by the new method corresponds to a valid characteristic, and therefore there is no need to repeatedly add valid cutting-off inequalities into the MILP model as is done in Sun {\it et al.}'s method; the new method is more powerful which allows us to get the {\it exact lower bounds} of the number of differentially or linearly active S-boxes; and the new method is more efficient which allows to obtain characteristic with higher probability or covering more rounds of a cipher (sometimes with less computational effort). ~~~~~Further, by encoding the probability information of the differentials of an S-boxes into its differential patterns, we present a novel MILP modelling technique which can be used to search for the characteristics with the maximal probability, rather than the characteristics with the smallest number of active S-boxes. With this technique, we are able to get tighter security bounds and find better characteristics. ~~~~~Moreover, by employing a type of specially constructed linear inequalities which can remove {\it exactly one} feasible 0-1 solution from the feasible region of an MILP problem, we propose a method for automatic enumeration of {\it all} (related-key) differential or linear characteristics with some predefined properties, {\it e.g.}, characteristics with given input or/and output difference/mask, or with a limited number of active S-boxes. Such a method is very useful in the automatic (related-key) differential analysis, truncated (related-key) differential analysis, linear hull analysis, and the automatic construction of (related-key) boomerang/rectangle distinguishers. ~~~~~The methods presented in this paper are very simple and straightforward, based on which we implement a Python framework for automatic cryptanalysis, and extensive experiments are performed using this framework. To demonstrate the usefulness of these methods, we apply them to SIMON, PRESENT, Serpent, LBlock, DESL, and we obtain some improved cryptanalytic results.
Last updated:  2014-09-26
Decoy-based information security
Vladimir Shpilrain
In this survey, we discuss an emerging concept of decoy-based information security, or security without computational assumptions. In particular, we show how this concept can be implemented to provide security against (passive) computationally unbounded adversary in some public-key encryption protocols. In the world of symmetric cryptography, decoy-based security finds a wide range of applications, notably to secure delegation of computation to another party. We single out the scenario where a computationally limited party wants to send an encrypted message to a computationally superior party using the RSA protocol, thereby providing another kind of application of decoy ideas in a public-key setting. With typical RSA parameters, decoy-based method of delegation of computation improves the efficiency for the sender by several orders of magnitude.
Last updated:  2014-09-26
Universal Signature Aggregators
Susan Hohenberger, Venkata Koppula, Brent Waters
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We introduce the concept of universal signature aggregators. In a universal signature aggregator system, a third party, using a set of common reference parameters, can aggregate a collection of signatures produced from any set of signing algorithms (subject to a chosen length constraint) into one short signature whose length is independent of the number of signatures aggregated. In prior aggregation works, signatures can only be aggregated if all signers use the same signing algorithm (e.g., BLS) and shared parameters. A universal aggregator can aggregate across schemes even in various algebraic settings (e.g., BLS, RSA, ECDSA), thus creating novel opportunities for compressing authentication overhead. It is especially compelling that existing public key infrastructures can be used and that the signers do not have to alter their behavior to enable aggregation of their signatures. We provide multiple constructions and proofs of universal signature aggregators based on indistinguishability obfuscation and other supporting primitives. We detail our techniques as well as the tradeoffs in features and security of our solutions.
Last updated:  2015-07-13
Sieving for shortest vectors in lattices using angular locality-sensitive hashing
Thijs Laarhoven
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By replacing the brute-force list search in sieving algorithms with Charikar's angular locality-sensitive hashing (LSH) method, we get both theoretical and practical speedups for solving the shortest vector problem (SVP) on lattices. Combining angular LSH with a variant of Nguyen and Vidick's heuristic sieve algorithm, we obtain heuristic time and space complexities for solving SVP in dimension n of 2^(0.3366n) and 2^(0.2075n) respectively, while combining the same ideas with Micciancio and Voulgaris' GaussSieve algorithm leads to a practical algorithm with (conjectured) time and space complexities bounded by 2^(0.3366n), leading to the best complexities for solving SVP in high dimensions to date. Experiments show that in moderate dimensions the GaussSieve-based HashSieve algorithm already outperforms the GaussSieve, and the practical increase in the space complexity is smaller than the asymptotic bounds suggest, and can be further reduced with probing. Extrapolating to higher dimensions, we estimate that a fully optimized and parallelized implementation of the GaussSieve-based HashSieve algorithm might need a few core years to solve SVP in dimension 130 or even 140.
Last updated:  2014-09-26
Concise Multi-Challenge CCA-Secure Encryption and Signatures with Almost Tight Security
Benoit Libert, Marc Joye, Moti Yung, Thomas Peters
To gain strong confidence in the security of a public-key scheme, it is most desirable for the security proof to feature a \emph{tight} reduction between the adversary and the algorithm solving the underlying hard problem. Recently, Chen and Wee (Crypto\,'13) described the first Identity-Based Encryption scheme with almost tight security under a standard assumption. Here, ``almost tight'' means that the security reduction only loses a factor $O(\lambda)$ -- where $\lambda$ is the security parameter -- instead of a factor proportional to the number of adversarial queries. Chen and Wee also gave the shortest signatures whose security almost tightly relates to a simple assumption in the standard model. Also recently, Hofheinz and Jager (Crypto\,'12) constructed the first CCA-secure public-key encryption scheme in the multi-user setting with tight security. These constructions give schemes that are significantly less efficient in length (and thus, processing) when compared with the earlier schemes with loose reductions in their proof of security. Hofheinz and Jager's scheme has a ciphertext of a few hundreds of group elements, and they left open the problem of finding truly efficient constructions. Likewise, Chen and Wee's signatures and IBE schemes are somewhat less efficient than previous constructions with loose reductions from the same assumptions. In this paper, we consider space-efficient schemes with security almost tightly related to standard assumptions. As a step in solving the open question by Hofheinz and Jager, we construct an efficient CCA-secure public-key encryption scheme whose chosen-ciphertext security in the multi-challenge, multi-user setting almost tightly relates to the DLIN assumption (in the standard model). Quite remarkably, the ciphertext size decreases to $69$ group elements under the DLIN assumption whereas the best previous solution required about $400$ group elements. Our scheme is obtained by taking advantage of a new almost tightly secure signature scheme (in the standard model) we develop here and which is based on the recent concise proofs of linear subspace membership in the quasi-adaptive non-interactive zero-knowledge setting (QA-NIZK) defined by Jutla and Roy (Asiacrypt\,'13). Our signature scheme reduces the length of the previous such signatures (by Chen and Wee) by $37\%$ under the Decision Linear assumption, by almost $50\%$ under the $K$-LIN assumption, and it becomes only $3$ group elements long under the Symmetric eXternal Diffie-Hellman assumption. Our signatures are obtained by carefully combining the proof technique of Chen and Wee and the above mentioned QA-NIZK proofs.
Last updated:  2014-09-26
A survey of Fault Attacks in Pairing Based Cryptography
Nadia El Mrabet, Jacques J. A. Fournier, Louis Goubin, Ronan Lashermes
The latest implementations of pairings allow efficient schemes for Pairing Based Cryptography. These make the use of pairings suitable for small and constrained devices (smart phones, smart cards...) in addition to more powerful platforms. As for any cryptographic algorithm which may be deployed in insecure locations, these implementations must be secure against physical attacks, and in particular fault attacks. In this paper, we present the state-of-the-art of fault attacks against pairing algorithms, more precisely fault attacks against the Miller algorithm and the final exponentiation which are the two parts of a pairing calculation.
Last updated:  2017-01-18
Eliminating Leakage in Reverse Fuzzy Extractors
André Schaller, Taras Stanko, Boris Škorić, Stefan Katzenbeisser
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In recent years Physically Unclonable Functions (PUFs) have been proposed as a promising building block for key storage and device authentication. PUFs are physical systems and as such their responses are inherently noisy, precluding a straightforward derivation of cryptographic key material from raw PUF measurements. To overcome this drawback, Fuzzy Extractors are used to eliminate the noise and guarantee robust outputs. A special type are Reverse Fuzzy Extractors, shifting the computational load of error correction towards a computationally powerful verifier. However, the Reverse Fuzzy Extractor reveals error patterns to any eavesdropper, which may cause privacy issues (due to a systematic drift of the PUF responses, the error pattern is linkable to the identity) and even security problems (if the noise is data-dependent). In this work we investigate both these issues and propose modified protocols that eliminate the problems.
Last updated:  2015-08-02
Non-existence of [n; 5] type Generalized Bent function.
Shashi Kant Pandey, P. R Mishra, B. K Dass
Search of rich Boolean function for designing a good cryptosystem is most important. In this search from the infinite domain of integers,cases where rejection of integers for the existence of Generalized bent function is very helpful. With the help of some necessary condition of GBF here we show the non existence of [n,5] type Generalized Bent functions.
Last updated:  2014-09-23
SBIM(Q) - a Multivariate Polynomial Trapdoor Function over the Field of Rational Numbers
Smile Markovski, Aleksandra Mileva, Vesna Dimitrova
In this paper we define a trapdoor function called SBIM(Q) by using multivariate polynomials over the field of rational numbers $\mathbb Q.$ The public key consists of $2n$ multivariate polynomials with $3n$ variables $y_1,\dots,y_n,$ $z_1,\dots,z_{2n}$. The $y_i$ variables take care for the information content, while the $z_i$ variables are for redundant information. Thus, for encryption of a plaintext of $n$ rational numbers, a ciphertext of $2n$ rational numbers is used. The security is based on the fact that there are infinitely many solutions of a system with $2n$ polynomial equations of $3n$ unknowns. The public key is designed by quasigroup transformations obtained from quasigroups presented in matrix form. The quasigroups presented in matrix form allow numerical as well as symbolic computations, and here we exploit that possibility. The private key consists of several $1\times n$ and $n\times n$ matrices over $\mathbb Q$, and one $2n\times 2n$ matrix.
Last updated:  2014-09-23
A Very Compact FPGA Implementation of LED and PHOTON
N. Nalla Anandakumar, Thomas Peyrin, Axel Poschmann
LED and PHOTON are new ultra-lightweight cryptographic algorithms aiming at resource-constrained devices. In this article, we describe three different hardware architectures of the LED and PHOTON family optimized for Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) devices. In the first architecture we propose a round-based implementation while the second is a fully serialized architecture performing operations on a single cell per clock cycle. Then, we propose a novel architecture that is designed with a focus on utilizing commonly available building blocks (SRL16). This new architecture, organized in a complex scheduling of the operations, seems very well suited for recent designs that use serial matrices. We implemented both the lightweight block cipher LED and the lightweight hash function PHOTON on the Xilinx FPGA series Spartan-3 (low-cost) and Artix-7 (high-end) devices and our new proposed architecture provides very competitive area-throughput trade-offs. In comparison with other recent lightweight block ciphers, the implementation results of LED show a significant improvement of hardware efficiency and we obtain the smallest known FPGA implementation (as of today) of any hash function.
Last updated:  2014-10-18
Design and analysis of one-round certificateless authenticated group key agreement protocol with bilinear pairings
SK Hafizul Islam, Abhishek Singh
In this paper, we propose an efficient and provably secure certificateless public key cryptography (CL-PKC) based authenticated group key agreement (CL-AGKA) protocol that meets practicability, simplicity, and strong notions of security. Our protocol focuses on certificateless public key cryptography (CL-PKC) which simplifies the complex certificate management in the traditional public key cryptography (PKC) and resolves the key escrow problem in identity-based cryptography (IBC). The authenticated group key exchange (AGKA) protocols allow participants to communicate over a public network to exchange a shared secret key. The CL-AGKA protocol is designed to established a group key between group of participants by ensuring that no other outsiders can learn any information about the agreed session key. Our CL-AGKA protocol presents a security notion in random oracle model. It is formally proven that our CL-AGKA protocol provides strong Authenticated Key Exchange (AKE) security. Thus, the proposed protocol provides provable security along with low message exchange cost and computational cost to form the shared group key.
Last updated:  2014-09-20
Cube Attacks and Cube-attack-like Cryptanalysis on the Round-reduced Keccak Sponge Function
Itai Dinur, Pawel Morawiecki, Josef Pieprzyk, Marian Srebrny, Michal Straus
In this paper, we comprehensively study the resistance of keyed variants of SHA-3 (Keccak) against algebraic attacks. This analysis covers a wide range of key recovery, MAC forgery and other types of attacks, breaking up to 9 rounds (out of the full 24) of the Keccak internal permutation much faster than exhaustive search. Moreover, some of our attacks on the 6-round Keccak are completely practical and were verified on a desktop PC. Our methods combine cube attacks (an algebraic key recovery attack) and related algebraic techniques with structural analysis of the Keccak permutation. These techniques should be useful in future cryptanalysis of Keccak and similar designs. Although our attacks break more rounds than previously published techniques, the security margin of Keccak remains large. For Keyak -- a Keccak-based authenticated encryption scheme -- the nominal number of rounds is 12 and therefore its security margin is smaller (although still sufficient).
Last updated:  2014-09-20
Dealer-Leakage Resilient Verifiable Secret Sharing
Ruxandra F. Olimid
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Verifiable Secret Sharing (VSS) guarantees that honest parties reconstruct a consistent secret even in the presence of a malicious dealer that distributes invalid shares. We empower the dishonest dealer and consider the case when he subliminally leaks information in valid shares, allowing an adversary to access the secret prior to the reconstruction phase. We define the concept of Dealer-Leakage Resilient Verifiable Secret Sharing (DLR-VSS) as a stronger notion of VSS that achieves security under this settings. We propose an efficient DLR-VSS and prove its properties in the semi-honest adversarial model.
Last updated:  2014-09-19
S-box pipelining using genetic algorithms for high-throughput AES implementations: How fast can we go?
Lejla Batina, Domagoj Jakobovic, Nele Mentens, Stjepan Picek, Antonio de la Piedra, Dominik Sisejkovic
In the last few years, several practitioners have proposed a wide range of approaches for reducing the implementation area of the AES in hardware. However, an area-throughput trade-off that undermines high-speed is not realistic for real-time cryptographic applications. In this manuscript, we explore how Genetic Algorithms (GAs) can be used for pipelining the AES substitution box based on composite field arithmetic. We implemented a framework that parses and analyzes a Verilog netlist, abstracts it as a graph of interconnected cells and generates circuit statistics on its elements and paths. With this information, the GA extracts the appropriate arrangement of Flip-Flops (FFs) that maximizes the throughput of the given netlist. In doing so, we show that it is possible to achieve a 50 % improvement in throughput with only an 18 % increase in area in the UMC 0.13 um low-leakage standard cell library.
Last updated:  2017-02-26
Augmented Learning with Errors: The Untapped Potential of the Error Term
Rachid El~Bansarkhani, Özgür Dagdelen, Johannes Buchmann
The Learning with Errors (LWE) problem has gained a lot of attention in recent years leading to a series of new cryptographic applications. Specifically, it states that it is hard to distinguish random linear equations disguised by some small error from truly random ones. Interestingly, cryptographic primitives based on LWE often do not exploit the full potential of the error term beside of its importance for security. To this end, we introduce a novel LWE-close assumption, namely Augmented Learning with Errors (A-LWE), which allows to hide auxiliary data injected into the error term by a technique that we call message embedding. In particular, it enables existing cryptosystems to strongly increase the message throughput per ciphertext. We show that A-LWE is for certain instantiations at least as hard as the LWE problem. This inherently leads to new cryptographic constructions providing high data load encryption and customized security properties as required, for instance, in economic environments such as stock markets resp. for financial transactions. The security of those constructions basically stems from the hardness to solve the A-LWE problem. As an application we introduce (among others) the first lattice-based replayable chosen-ciphertext secure encryption scheme from A-LWE.
Last updated:  2014-12-08
Resizable Tree-Based Oblivious RAM
Tarik Moataz, Travis Mayberry, Erik-Oliver Blass, Agnes Hui Chan
Although newly proposed, tree-based Oblivious RAM schemes are drastically more efficient than older techniques, they come with a significant drawback: an inherent dependence on a fixed-size database. This capability is vital for real-world use of Oblivious RAM since one of its most promising deployment scenarios is for cloud storage, where scalability and elasticity are crucial. We revisit the original construction by Shi et al. [16] and propose several ways to support both increasing and decreasing the ORAM’s size with sublinear communication. We show that increasing capacity can be accomplished by adding leaf nodes to the tree, but that it must be done carefully in order to preserve the probabilistic integrity of the data structures. We also provide new, tighter bounds for the size of interior and leaf nodes in the scheme, saving bandwidth and storage over previous constructions. Finally, we define an oblivious pruning technique for removing leaf nodes and decreasing the size of the tree. We show that this pruning method is both secure and efficient.
Last updated:  2016-10-13
Secure modular password authentication for the web using channel bindings
Mark Manulis, Douglas Stebila, Franziskus Kiefer, Nick Denham
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Secure protocols for password-based user authentication are well-studied in the cryptographic literature but have failed to see wide-spread adoption on the Internet; most proposals to date require extensive modifications to the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol, making deployment challenging. Recently, a few modular designs have been proposed in which a cryptographically secure password-based mutual authentication protocol is run inside a confidential (but not necessarily authenticated) channel such as TLS; the password protocol is bound to the established channel to prevent active attacks. Such protocols are useful in practice for a variety of reasons: security no longer relies on users' ability to validate server certificates and can potentially be implemented with no modifications to the secure channel protocol library. We provide a systematic study of such authentication protocols. Building on recent advances in modelling TLS, we give a formal definition of the intended security goal, which we call password-authenticated and confidential channel establishment (PACCE). We show generically that combining a secure channel protocol, such as TLS, with a password authentication or password authenticated key exchange protocol, where the two protocols are bound together using the transcript of the secure channel's handshake, the server's certificate, or the server's domain name, results in a secure PACCE protocol. Our prototypes based on TLS are available as a cross-platform client-side Firefox browser extension as well as an Android application and a server-side web application that can easily be installed on servers.
Last updated:  2014-11-05
Differentially Private Linear Algebra in the Streaming Model
Jalaj Upadhyay
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The focus of this paper is a systematic study of differential privacy on streaming data using sketch-based algorithms. Previous works, like Dwork {\it et al.} (ICS 2010, STOC 2010), explored random sampling based streaming algorithms. We work in the well studied streaming model of computation, where the database is stored in the form of a matrix and a curator can access the database row-wise or column-wise. Dwork {\it et al.} (STOC 2010) gave impossibility result for any non-trivial query on a streamed data with respect to the user level privacy. Therefore, in this paper, we work with the event level privacy. {We provide optimal, up to logarithmic factor, space data-structure in the streaming model for three basic linear algebraic tasks in a differentially private manner: matrix multiplication, linear regression, and low rank approximation, while incurring significantly less additive error}. The mechanisms for matrix multiplication and linear regression can be seen as the private analogues of known non-private algorithms, and have some similarities with Blocki {\it et al.} (FOCS 2012) and Upadhyay (ASIACRYPT 2013) on the superficial level, but there are some subtle differences. For example, they perform an affine transformation to convert the private matrix in to a set of $\{\sqrt{w/n},1\}^n$ vectors for some appropriate $w$, while we perform a perturbation that raises the singular values of the private matrix. In order to get a streaming algorithm for low rank approximation, we have to reuse the random Gaussian matrix in a specific way. We prove that the resulting distribution also preserve differential privacy. We do not make any assumptions, like singular value separation, as made in the earlier works of Hardt and Roth (STOC 2013) and Kapralov and Talwar (SODA 2013). Further, we do not assume normalized row as in the work of Dwork {\it et al.} (STOC 2014). All our mechanisms, in the form presented, can also be computed in the distributed setting of Biemel, Nissim, and Omri (CRYPTO 2008).
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