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Attack on Private Signature Keys of the OpenPGP Format, PGP(TM) Programs and Other Applications Compatible with OpenPGP
The article describes an attack on OpenPGP format, which leads to disclosure of the private signature keys of the DSA and RSA algorithms. The OpenPGP format is used in a number of applications including PGP, GNU Privacy Guard and other programs specified on the list of products compatible with OpenPGP, which is available at Therefore all these applications must undergo the same revision as the actual program PGP. The success of the attack was practically verified and demonstrated on the PGP program, version 7.0.3 with a combination of AES and DH/DSS algorithms. As the private signature key is the basic information of the whole system which is kept secret, it is encrypted using the strong cipher. However, it shows that this protection is illusory, as the attacker has neither to attack this cipher nor user´s secret passphrase. A modification of the private key file in a certain manner and subsequent capturing of one signed message is sufficient for successful attack. Insufficient protection of the integrity of the public as well as private parts of signature keys in the OpenPGP format is analyzed in DSA and RSA algorithms and on the basis of this, a procedure of attacks is shown on both private signature keys. The attacks apply to all lengths of parameters (modules, keys) of RSA and DSA. In the end the cryptographic measures for correction of the OpenPGP format as well as PGP format are proposed.
Fault based cryptanalysis of the Advanced Encryption Standard
In this paper we describe several fault attacks on the
Advanced Encryption Standard (AES).
First, using optical fault induction attacks as recently
publicly presented by Skorobogatov and Anderson \cite{SA}, we
present an implementation independent fault attack on AES.
This attack is able to determine the complete -bit
secret key of a sealed tamper-proof smartcard by
generating faulty cipher texts.
Second, we present
several implementation-dependent fault attacks on AES.
These attacks
rely on the observation that due to the AES's known timing analysis
vulnerability (as pointed out by Koeune and Quisquater \cite{KQ}),
any implementation of the AES must ensure a data independent timing
behavior for the so called AES's {\tt xtime} operation. We present
fault attacks on AES based on various timing analysis resistant
implementations of the {\tt xtime}-operation.
Our strongest attack in this direction
uses a very liberal fault model and requires only faulty
encryptions to determine a -bit key.
How to repair ESIGN
The ESIGN signature scheme was provided with an inadequate proof
of security. We propose two techniques to repair the scheme,
which we name ESIGN-D and ESIGN-R.
Another improvement of ESIGN is encouraged, where the public key
is hashed together with the message.
This allows to have a security proof in the multi key setting.
Additionally, the lower security of ESIGN compared to RSA-PSS
leads to suggest that a common public key is used for ESIGN and RSA-PSS,
leaving to the signer the choice between fast signature or better
Fault attacks on RSA with CRT: Concrete Results and Practical Countermeasures
This article describes concrete results and practically approved countermeasures concerning differential fault attacks
on RSA using the CRT. It especially investigates smartcards with a RSA coprocessor where any hardware countermeasure to
defeat such fault attacks have been switched off.
This scenario has been chosen in order to completely analyze the resulting effects
and errors occurring inside the hardware. Using the results of this kind of physical
stress attack enables the development of completely reliable software countermeasures.
Although {\em successful\/} RSA attacks on the investigated hardware have been only possible with an expensive enhanced
laboratory equipment, the effects on the unprotected hardware have been tremendously. This caused lots of analysis efforts to
investigate what really happened during the attack. Indeed, this will be addressed in this paper.
We first report on the nature of the resulting errors within the hardware due to the physical stress applied to the
smartcard. Hereafter, we describe the experiments and results with a very efficient and prominent software RSA-CRT DFA
countermeasure. This method could be shown to be insufficient, i.e., detected nearly no error, when we introduced
stress at the right position during the computation.
Naturally, a detailed error analysis model followed, specifying every failure point during the RSA-CRT operation.
This model finally allowed to develop and present here new very practically oriented software countermeasures hedging
the observed and characterized fault attacks.
Eventually, we present the security analysis of our new developed software RSA-CRT DFA countermeasures.
Thanks to their careful specification according to the observed and analyzed errors they resisted all kinds of physical
stress attacks and were able to detect any subtle computation error, thus avoiding to break the smartcard by fault attacks.
Nevertheless, we stress, that although our software countermeasures have been fully approved by practical experiments,
we are convinced that only sophisticated hardware countermeasures like sensors and filters in combination with
software countermeasures will be able to provide a secure and comfortable base to defeat in general any conceivable
fault attacks scenario on smartcards properly.
Authenticated Identity-Based Encryption
Suppose Alice wishes to send a message to Bob using an identity-based
encryption scheme (recall such a scheme is a public key cryptosystem where
any string is a valid public key), but desires integrity as well as
security. In other words, Alice wants Bob to know that only she could have
sent the message. Furthermore, suppose
she does not want the non-repudiation property
that would necessarily be present if she simply used an identity-based
signature scheme i.e. she does not want Bob to be able to prove
to a third party
that she is the sender.
We augment the system of Boneh and Franklin
to allow communication with integrity without nonrepudiation.
We formalize notions of security and integrity for our scheme, and show that
new encryption and decryption
algorithms are more efficient, despite being equally secure
and authenticated.
Further Results and Considerations on Side Channel Attacks on RSA
This paper contains three parts. In the first part we present a new side channel attack on plaintext encrypted by EME-OAEP PKCS#1 v.2.1. In contrast with Manger´s attack, we attack that part of the plaintext, which is shielded by the OAEP method. In the second part we show that Bleichenbacher’s and Manger’s attack on the RSA encryption scheme PKCS#1 v.1.5 and EME-OAEP PKCS#1 v.2.1 can be converted to an attack on the RSA signature scheme with any message encoding (not only PKCS). This is a new threat for those implementations of PKI, in which the roles of signature and encryption keys are not strictly separated. This situation is often encountered in the SSL protocol used to secure access to web servers. In the third part we deploy a general idea of fault-based attacks on the RSA-KEM scheme and present two particular attacks as the examples. The result is the private key instead of the plaintext as with attacks on PKCS#1 v.1.5 and v.2.1. These attacks should highlight the fact that the RSA-KEM scheme is not an entirely universal solution to problems of RSAES-OAEP implementation and that even here the manner of implementation is significant.
Weak Keys in MST1
The public key cryptosystem has been introduced in~\cite{MaStTr00}. Its security relies on the hardness of factoring with respect to wild logarithmic signatures. To identify `wild-like' logarithmic signatures, the criterion of being totally-non-transversal has been proposed.
We give tame totally-non-transversal logarithmic signatures for the alternating and symmetric groups of degree . Hence, basing a key generation procedure on the assumption that totally-non-transversal logarithmic signatures are `wild like' seems critical. We also discuss the problem of recognizing `weak' totally-non-transversal
logarithmic signatures, and demonstrate that another proposed key generation procedure based on permutably transversal logarithmic signatures may produce weak keys.
A Distributed and Computationally Secure Key Distribution Scheme
In 1999, Naor, Pinkas and Reingold introduced schemes in which some groups of servers distribute keys among a set of users in a
distributed way. They gave some specific proposals both in the unconditional and in the computational security framework. Their computationally secure
scheme is based on the Decisional Diffie-Hellman Assumption. This model assumes secure communication between users and servers. Furthermore it
requires users to do some expensive computations in order to obtain a key.
In this paper we modify the model introduced by Naor et al., requiring authenticated channels instead of assuming the existence of secure channels. Our model makes the user's computations easier, because most computations of the protocol are carried out by servers, keeping to a more realistic situation. We propose a basic scheme, that makes use of ElGamal cryptosystem, and that fits in with this model in the case of a passive adversary. We then add zero-knowledge proofs and verifiable secret sharing to prevent from the action of an active adversary. We consider general structures (not only the threshold ones) for those subsets of servers that can provide a key to a user and for those tolerated subsets of servers that can be corrupted by the adversary. We find necessary combinatorial conditions on these structures in order to provide security to our scheme.
Improved key recovery of level 1 of the Bluetooth Encryption System
The encryption system , which is the encryption system used
in the Bluetooth specification, is a two level system where a key
and a packet nonce is given to a level 1 key stream generator, which
produces the key for a level 2 key stream generator, whose output is
used to encrypt.
We give a method for recovering the key for the level 1 key stream
generator given the internal keys for two or three
level 2 key stream generators. This method, combined with published
methods for recovering keys for the level 2 key stream generator,
can be used to recover the second key with
work, and precomputation time.
Although this attack is of no advantage if is used with
the recommended security parameters (64 bit encryption key), it
shows that no addition security would be made available by enlarging
the encryption key, as discussed in the Bluetooth specification.
(Not So) Random Shuffles of RC4
Most guidelines for implementation of the RC4 stream cipher recommend discarding the first 256 bytes of its output. This recommendation is based on the empirical fact that known attacks can either cryptanalyze RC4 starting at any point, or become harmless after these initial bytes are dumped. The motivation for this paper is to find a conservative estimate for the number of bytes that should be discarded in order to be safe. To this end we propose an idealized model of RC4 and analyze it applying the theory of random shuffles. Based on our analysis of the model we recommend dumping at least 512 bytes.
Black-Box Analysis of the Block-Cipher-Based Hash-Function Constructions from PGV
Preneel, Govaerts, and Vandewalle
considered the 64 most basic ways
to construct a hash function
from a block cipher
They regarded 12 of these 64 schemes as secure,
though no proofs or formal claims were given.
The remaining 52 schemes were shown to be subject to
various attacks.
Here we provide a formal and quantitative treatment of
the 64 constructions considered by PGV.
We prove that, in a black-box model, the 12
schemes that PGV singled out as secure really \textit{are} secure: we
give tight upper and lower bounds
on their collision resistance.
Furthermore, by stepping outside of
the Merkle-Damgard approach to analysis,
we show that an additional 8 of the 64 schemes
are just as collision resistant (up to a small constant) as the first group
of schemes.
Nonetheless, we are able to differentiate among the 20
schemes by bounding their security as one-way functions.
We suggest that proving black-box bounds,
of the style given here, is a feasible and useful step
for understanding the security of any
block-cipher-based hash-function construction.
Secure Channels based on Authenticated Encryption Schemes: A Simple Characterization
We consider communication sessions in which a pair of parties begin by running an authenticated key-exchange protocol to obtain a shared session key, and then secure successive data transmissions between them via an authenticated encryption scheme based on the session key. We show that such a communication session meets the notion of a secure channel protocol proposed by Canetti and Krawczyk if and only if the underlying authenticated encryption scheme meets two new, simple definitions of security that we introduce, and the key-exchange protocol is secure. In other words, we reduce the secure channel requirements of Canetti and Krawczyk to easier to use, stand-alone security requirements on the underlying authenticated encryption scheme.
Protecting against Key Exposure: Strongly Key-Insulated Encryption with Optimal Threshold
A new framework for protection against key exposure was
recently suggested by Dodis et. al.. We take its realization
further towards practice by presenting simple new schemes that provide benefits
over previous ones in terms of scalability, performance and security. Our first
contribution is a simple, practical, scalable scheme called SKIE-OT that
achieves the best possible security in their framework. SKIE-OT is based on
the Boneh-Franklin identity-based encryption (IBE) scheme and
exploits algebraic properties of the latter. We also show that the role of
identity-based encryption is not coincidental by proving that IBE is equivalent
to (not strongly) key-insulated encryption with optimal threshold and allowing
random-access key updates.
On some Attacks on Multi-prime RSA
Using more than two factors in the modulus of the RSA cryptosystem
has the arithmetic advantage that the private key computations can be
speeded up using Chinese remaindering. At the same time, with a proper
choice of parameters, one does not have to work with a larger
modulus to achieve the same level of security in terms of the difficulty of the integer factorization problem.
However, numerous attacks on specific instances on the RSA cryptosystem are known that apply if, for example, the decryption or encryption exponent are chosen too small, or if partial knowledge of the private key is available. Little work is known on how such attacks perform in the multi-prime case.
It turns out that for most of these attacks it is crucial that the
modulus contains exactly two primes. They become much less effective, or fail, when the modulus factors into more than two distinct primes.
ABC - A Block Cipher
The author proposes a block cipher wich is easy to implement in
software on modern 32 bit microprocessorsThe building blocks of the
cipher are from the block ciphers MMB and SAFER. The cipher may be
expanded for use with future 64 bit processors. Also a new diffusion
layer, developed from the SAFER diffusion layer is proposed. It has
complextity and the author
conjectures that it is MDS. Diffusion layers currently known to be MDS
are based on matrices and thus have complexity .
Strengthened Encryption in the CBC Mode
Vaudenay [1] has presented an attack on the CBC mode of block ciphers, which uses padding according to the PKCS#5 standard. One of the countermeasures, which he has assumed, consisted of the encryption of the message M´= M || padding || hash(M || padding) instead of the original M. This can increase the length of the message by several blocks compared with the present padding. Moreover, Wagner [1] showed a security weakness in this proposal. The next correction, which Vaudenay proposed ("A Fix Which May Work") has a general character and doesn't solve practical problems with the real cryptographic interfaces used in contemporary applications. In this article we propose three variants of the CBC mode. From the external point of view they behave the same as the present CBC mode with the PKCS#5 padding, but they prevent Vaudenay's attack.
A Forward-Secure Public-Key Encryption Scheme
Cryptographic computations are often carried out on insecure devices for which the threat of key exposure represents a serious and realistic concern.
In an effort to mitigate the damage caused by exposure of secret data stored on such devices, the paradigm of \emph{forward security} was introduced.
In this model, secret keys are updated at regular intervals throughout the lifetime of the system; furthermore, exposure of a secret key corresponding to a given interval does not enable an adversary to ``break'' the system (in the appropriate sense) for any \emph{prior} time period.
A number of constructions of forward-secure digital signature schemes and symmetric-key schemes are known.
We present the first construction of a forward-secure public-key encryption scheme whose security is based on the bilinear Diffie-Hellman assumption in the random oracle model.
Our scheme can be extended to achieve chosen-ciphertext security at minimal additional cost.
The construction we give is quite efficient: all parameters of the scheme grow (at most) poly-logarithmically with the total number of time periods.
Universally Composable Notions of Key Exchange and Secure Channels
Recently, Canetti and Krawczyk (Eurocrypt 2001) formulated a notion of
security for key-exchange (KE) protocols, called SK-security, and
showed that this notion suffices for constructing secure channels.
Their model and proofs, however, do not suffice for proving more general
composability properties of SK-secure KE protocols.
We show that while the notion of SK-security is strictly
weaker than a fully-idealized notion of key exchange security, it
is sufficiently robust for providing secure composition with
arbitrary protocols. In particular, SK-security guarantees the security
of the key for any application that desires to set-up secret keys
between pairs of parties. We also provide new definitions of
secure-channels protocols with similarly strong composability properties,
and show that SK-security suffices for obtaining these definitions.
To obtain these results we use the recently proposed framework of
"universally composable (UC) security."
We also use a new tool, called "non-information
oracles," which will probably find applications beyond the present case.
These tools allow us to bridge between seemingly limited
indistinguishability-based definitions such as SK-security and
more powerful, simulation-based definitions, such as UC-security,
where general composition theorems can be proven.
Furthermore, based on such composition theorems we reduce the
analysis of a full-fledged multi-session key-exchange protocol to the
(simpler) analysis of individual, stand-alone,
key-exchange sessions.
Construction of UOWHF: Tree Hashing Revisited
We present a binary tree based parallel algorithm for extending the domain of a UOWHF.
The key length expansion is bits for ; bits for and
bits for , where is the length
of the message digest and is the height of the binary tree.
A Simpler Construction of CCA2-Secure Public-Key Encryption Under General Assumptions
In this paper we present a simpler construction of an encryption scheme that achieves adaptive chosen ciphertext security (CCA2), assuming the existence of trapdoor permutations. We build on previous works of Sahai and De Santis et al. and construct a scheme that we believe is the easiest to understand to date. In particular, it is only slightly more involved than the Naor-Yung encryption scheme that is secure against passive chosen-ciphertext attacks (CCA1). We stress that the focus of this paper is on simplicity only.
Hierarchical ID-Based Cryptography
We present hierarchical identity-based encryption schemes and signature schemes that have total collusion resistance on an arbitrary number of levels and that have chosen ciphertext security in the random oracle model assuming the difficulty of the Bilinear Diffie-Hellman problem.
Concurrent Zero Knowledge Proofs with Logarithmic Round-Complexity
We consider the problem of constructing Concurrent Zero Knowledge
Proofs, in which the fascinating and useful ``zero
knowledge'' property is guaranteed even in situations where
multiple concurrent proof sessions are executed with many
colluding dishonest verifiers. Canetti et al.
show that black-box concurrent zero knowledge proofs for
non-trivial languages require rounds where
is the security parameter. Till now the best known upper
bound on the number of rounds for NP languages was , due to Kilian, Petrank and Richardson. We establish an
upper bound of on the number of rounds for NP
languages, thereby closing the gap between the upper and lower
bounds, up to a factor.
SiBIR: Signer-Base Intrusion-Resilient Signatures
We propose a new notion of intrusion-resilient signature schemes, which generalizes and improves upon both forward-secure [And97,BM99] and key-insulated [DKXY02] signature schemes.
Specifically, as in the prior notions, time is divided into predefined time periods (e.g., days); each signature includes the number of the time time period in which it was generated; while the public key remains the same, the secret keys evolve with time. Also, as in key-insulated schemes, the user has two modules, signer and home base: the signer generates signatures on his own, and the base is needed only to help update the signer's key from one period to the next.
The main strength of intrusion-resilient schemes, as opposed to prior notions, is that they remain secure even after arbitrarily many compromises of both modules, as long as the compromises are not simultaneous. Moreover, even if the intruder does compromise both modules simultaneously, she will still be unable to generate any signatures for the previous time periods.
We provide an efficient intrusion-resilient signature scheme, provably secure in the random oracle model based on the strong RSA assumption.
We also discuss how such schemes can eliminate the need for certificate revocation in the case of on-line authentication.
Extended Validity and Consistency in Byzantine Agreement
A broadcast protocol allows a sender to distribute a value among a set of
players such that it is guaranteed that all players receive the same
value (consistency), and if the sender is honest, then all players
receive the sender's value (validity). Classical broadcast protocols for
players provide security with respect to a fixed threshold ,
where both consistency and validity are guaranteed as long as at most
players are corrupted, and no security at all is guaranteed as soon as
players are corrupted. Depending on the environment, validity or
consistency may be the more important property.
We generalize the notion of broadcast by introducing an additional
threshold . In a {\em broadcast protocol with extended
validity}, both consistency and validity are achieved when no more than
players are corrupted, and validity is achieved even when up to
players are corrupted. Similarly, we define {\em broadcast with extended
consistency}. We prove that broadcast with extended validity as well as
broadcast with extended consistency is achievable if and only if
(or ).
For example, six players can achieve broadcast when at most one player is
corrupted (this result was known to be optimal), but they can even
achieve consistency (or validity) when two players are corrupted.
Furthermore, our protocols achieve {\em detection} in case of failure,
i.e., if at most players are corrupted then broadcast is achieved,
and if at most players are corrupted then broadcast is achieved or
every player learns that the protocol failed. This protocol can be
employed in the precomputation of a secure multi-party computation
protocol, resulting in {\em detectable multi-party computation}, where up
to corruptions can be tolerated and up to corruptions can
either be tolerated or detected in the precomputation, for any
with .
A Variant of the Cramer-Shoup Cryptosystem for Groups with Unknwon Order
The Cramer-Shoup cryptosystem for groups of prime order is a
practical public-key cryptosystem, provably secure in the standard
model under standard assumptions. This paper extends the
cryptosystem for groups of unknown order, namely the group of
quadratic residues modulo a composed N. Two security
results are:
In the standard model, the scheme is provably secure if both the
Decisional Diffie-Hellman assumption for QR_N *and* the
factorisation assumption for N hold. In the random oracle model, the
security of the scheme is provable by a quite efficient reduction.
Fully Distributed Proxy Signature Schemes
In a proxy signature scheme, a potential signer delegates his signing capability to a proxy entity, who signs a message on behalf of the original signer. All the proposals of proxy signature schemes made until now have been based on Schnorr's signature scheme. Threshold versions of these schemes have also been proposed, in which the power of the proxy signer is distributed among a group of players, in such a way that any subset with a minimum number (threshold) of players can sign a message on behalf of the original signer.
We consider a model that is fully distributed, because we want to distribute not only the power of the proxy signer, but also the original signer ability to delegate his signing capability. Furthermore, we consider general structures, instead of only the threshold ones, for both the tolerated subsets of dishonest players and the subsets of honest players authorized to execute a valid instance of the protocol, and in both the original and the proxy signer entities. We find sufficient combinatorial conditions that these structures must satisfy in order to design a fully distributed, secure and robust proxy signature scheme for this general scenario.
We propose such a scheme for this setting. It is also based on Schnorr's signature scheme.
Secret sharing schemes with three or four minimal qualified subsets
In this paper we study secret sharing schemes whose access structure
has three or four minimal qualified subsets. The ideal case is
completely characterized and for the non-ideal case
we provide bounds on the optimal information rate.
Tensor Transform of Boolean Functions and Related Algebraic and Probabilistic Properties
We introduce a tensor transform for Boolean functions that covers
the algebraic normal and Walsh transforms but which also allows
for the definition of new, probabilistic and weight transforms,
relating a function to its bias polynomial and to the weights of
its subfunctions respectively. Our approach leads to easy proofs
for some known results and to new properties of the aforecited
transforms. Several new results about algebraic and correlation
properties that depend on the weight transform of Boolean
functions are proved. Finally, we present a new probabilistic
characteristic of a Boolean function that is defined by its
algebraic normal and probabilistic transforms over the reals.
Towards a Uniform Description of Several Group Based Cryptographic Primitives
The public key cryptosystems and make use of certain kinds of factorizations of finite groups. We show that generalizing such factorizations to infinite groups allows a uniform description of several proposed cryptographic primitives. In particular, a generalization of can be regarded as a unifying framework for several suggested cryptosystems including the ElGamal public key system, a public key system based on braid groups and the MOR cryptosystem.
Universal Composition with Joint State
Cryptographic systems often involve running multiple concurrent instances of some protocol, where the instances have some amount of joint state and randomness. (Examples include systems where multiple protocol instances use the same public-key infrastructure, or the same common reference string.) Rather than attempting to analyze the entire system as a single unit, we would like to be able to analyze each such protocol instance as stand-alone, and then use a general composition theorem to deduce the security of the entire system. However, no known composition theorem applies in this setting, since they all assume that the composed protocol instances have disjoint internal states, and that the internal random choices in the various instances are independent.
We propose a new composition operation that can handle the case where
different components have some amount of joint state and randomness,
and demonstrate sufficient conditions for when the new operation preserves security. The new operation, which is called {\em universal composition with joint state} (and is based on the recently proposed universal composition operation), turns out to be very useful in a number of quite different scenarios such as those mentioned above.
On the Security of Joint Signature and Encryption
We formally study the notion of a joint signature and encryption in
the public-key setting. We refer to this primitive as {\em
signcryption}, adapting the terminology of Zheng [Zhe97]. We present
wo definitions for the security of signcryption depending on whether
the adversary is an outsider or a legal user of the system. We then
examine generic sequential composition methods of building
signcryption from a signature and encryption scheme. Contrary to
what recent results in the symmetric setting [BN00,Kra01] might
lead one to expect, we show that classical ``encrypt-then-sign''
(EtS) and ``sign-then-encrypt'' (StE) methods are both {\em secure}
composition methods in the public-key setting.
We also present a new composition method which we call
``commit-then-encrypt-and-sign'' (CtE&S). Unlike the generic
sequential composition methods, CtE&S applies the expensive
signature and encryption operations {\em in parallel}, which could
imply a gain in efficiency over the StE and EtS schemes. We
also show that the new CtE&S method elegantly combines with the
recent ``hash-sign-switch'' technique of Shamir and Tauman [ST01],
leading to efficient {\em on-line/off-line} signcryption.
Finally and of independent interest, we discuss the {\em definitional}
inadequacy of the standard notion of chosen ciphertext (CAA)
security. Motivated by our applications to signcryption, we show
that the notion of CAA-security is syntactically ill-defined, and
leads to artificial examples of ``secure'' encryption schemes which
do not meet the formal definition of CCA-security. We suggest a
natural and very slight relaxation of CAA-security, which we call
generalized CCA-security (gCCA). We show that gCCA-security suffices
for all known uses of CCA-secure encryption, while no longer
suffering from the definitional shortcomings of the latter.
Cryptanalysis of S-DES
This paper describes an effort to attack S-DES using differential cryptanalysis and linear cryptanalysis. S-DES is a reduced version of
the Data Encryption Standard (DES). It also includes a discussion on the subject of cryptology and a literature survey of useful papers regarding cryptography and cryptanalysis. This paper is meant as a tutorial on the fundamentals of differential cryptanalysis and
linear cryptanalysis of a Feistel cipher.
Cryptanalysis of Block Ciphers with Overdefined Systems of Equations
Several recently proposed ciphers are built with layers of small S-boxes, interconnected by linear key-dependent layers. Their security relies on the fact, that the classical methods of cryptanalysis (e.g. linear or differential attacks) are based on probabilistic characteristics, which makes their security grow exponentially with the number of rounds Nr.
In this paper we study the security of such ciphers under an additional hypothesis: the S-box can be described by an overdefined system of algebraic equations (true with probability 1). We show that this hypothesis is true for both Serpent (due to a small size of S-boxes) and Rijndael (due to unexpected algebraic properties).
We study general methods known for solving overdefined systems of equations, such as XL from Eurocrypt'00, and show their inefficiency. Then we introduce a new method called XSL that uses the sparsity of the equations and their specific structure.
The XSL attack is very powerful, but heuristic and it is very difficult to evaluate its complexity. The XSL attack has a parameter P, and in theory we show that P should be a constant. The XSL attack would then be polynomial in Nr, with a huge constant that is double-exponential in the size of the S-box.
We demonstrated by computer simulations that the XSL attack works well enough on a toy cipher. It seems however that P will rather increase very slowly with Nr. More simulations are needed for bigger ciphers.
Our optimistic evaluation shows that the XSL attack might be able to break Rijndael 256 bits and Serpent for key lengths 192 and 256 bits. However if only is increased by 2 (respectively 4) the XSL attack on Rijndael (respectively Serpent) would become slower than the exhaustive search. At any rate, it seems that the security of these ciphers does NOT grow exponentially with the number of rounds.
Strict Polynomial-time in Simulation and Extraction
The notion of efficient computation is
usually identified in cryptography and complexity with (strict)
probabilistic polynomial time. However, until recently, in order
to obtain *constant-round* zero-knowledge proofs and proofs
of knowledge, one had to allow simulators and knowledge-extractors
to run in time that is only polynomial *on the average*
(i.e., *expected* polynomial time). Recently Barak gave the
first constant-round zero-knowledge argument with a
*strict* (in contrast to expected) polynomial-time
simulator. The simulator in his protocol is a
*non-black-box* simulator (i.e., it makes inherent use of
the description of the *code* of the verifier).
In this paper, we further address the question of strict
polynomial-time in constant-round zero-knowledge proofs and
arguments of knowledge. First, we show that there exists a
constant-round zero-knowledge *argument of knowledge* with
a *strict* polynomial-time *knowledge extractor*. As in
the simulator of Barak's zero-knowledge protocol, the extractor
for our argument of knowledge is not black-box and makes inherent
use of the code of the prover. On the negative side, we show that
non-black-box techniques are *essential* for both strict
polynomial-time simulation and extraction. That is, we show that
no (non-trivial) constant-round zero-knowledge proof or argument
can have a strict polynomial-time *black-box* simulator.
Similarly, we show that no (non-trivial) constant-round
zero-knowledge proof or argument of knowledge can have a strict
polynomial-time *black-box* knowledge extractor.
A Unified Methodology For Constructing Public-Key Encryption Schemes Secure Against Adaptive Chosen-Ciphertext Attack
We introduce a new methodology for achieving security against
adaptive chosen-ciphertext attack (CCA) for
public-key encryption schemes, which we call
the {\em oblivious decryptors model}. The oblivious decryptors model
generalizes both the two-key model of Naor and Yung,
as well the Cramer--Shoup encryption schemes.
The key ingredient in our new paradigm is Sahai's notion of
Simulation-Sound NIZK proofs.
Our methodology is easy to use: First, construct an
encryption scheme which satisfies the ``bare'' oblivious-decryptors
model: This can be done quite easily, with simple proofs
of security. Then, by adding a Simulation-Sound NIZK proof,
the scheme becomes provably CCA-secure. Note that this paradigm
allows for the use of {\em efficient} special-purpose Simulation-Sound
NIZK proofs, such as those recently put forward by Cramer and Shoup.
We also show how to present all known
efficient (provably secure) CCA-secure public-key encryption schemes
as special cases of our model.
New Results on Boomerang and Rectangle Attack
The boomerang attack is a new and very powerful cryptanalytic
technique. However, due to the adaptive chosen plaintext and
ciphertext nature of the attack, boomerang
key recovery attacks
that retrieve key material on both sides of the
boomerang distinguisher are hard to mount.
We also present
a method for using a boomerang distinguisher,
which enables retrieving subkey bits on both sides of the boomerang
The rectangle attack evolved from the boomerang attack.In this paper we present
a new algorithm which improves the results of the
rectangle attack.
Using these improvements we can attack 3.5-round SC2000 with
adaptive chosen plaintexts and ciphertexts, and
10-round Serpent
with time complexity of memory accesses (which are
equivalent to Serpent encryptions) with data complexity of
chosen plaintexts.
Secure Computation Without Agreement
It has recently been shown that authenticated Byzantine agreement,
in which more than a third of the parties are corrupted, cannot be
securely realized under concurrent or parallel (stateless)
composition. This result puts into question any usage of
authenticated Byzantine agreement in a setting where many
executions take place. In particular, this is true for the whole
body of work of secure multi-party protocols in the case that a
third or more of the parties are corrupted. This is because these
protocols strongly rely on the extensive use of a broadcast
channel, which is in turn realized using authenticated Byzantine
agreement. We remark that it was accepted folklore that the use of
a broadcast channel (or authenticated Byzantine agreement) is
actually essential for achieving meaningful secure multi-party
computation whenever a third or more of the parties are corrupted.
In this paper we show that this folklore is false. We present a
mild relaxation of the definition of secure computation allowing
abort. Our new definition captures all the central security issues
of secure computation, including privacy, correctness and
independence of inputs. However, the novelty of the definition is
in {\em decoupling} the issue of agreement from these issues. We
then show that this relaxation suffices for achieving secure
computation in a point-to-point network. That is, we show that
secure multi-party computation for this definition can be achieved
for {\em any} number of corrupted parties and {\em without} a
broadcast channel (or trusted preprocessing phase as required for
running authenticated Byzantine agreement). Furthermore, this is
achieved by just replacing the broadcast channel in known
protocols with a very simple and efficient echo-broadcast
protocol. An important corollary of our result is the ability to
obtain multi-party protocols that remain secure under composition,
without assuming a broadcast channel.
Partial Key Escrow Monitoring Scheme
In (Partial) Key Escrow, how to monitoring a user securitly and efficiently is
a very important problem. This paper initially proposes a monitoring scheme of
a typical partial key escrow scheme. In this scheme, the escrowed key is not compromised
even if the user is monitored for many times.
Last updated: 2002-04-11
A Distributed RSA Signature Scheme for General Access Structures
In a distributed digital signature scheme, a set of participants shares a secret information that allows them to compute a valid signature for a given message. These systems are said to be robust if they can tolerate the presence of some dishonest players.
Up to now, all the proposed schemes consider only threshold structures: the tolerated subsets of corrupted players as well as the subsets of players who can sign a message are defined according to their cardinality.
We propose a framework that is more general than the threshold one, considering a general access structure of players allowed to sign and a general family of dishonest players that the scheme can tolerate. If these general structures satisfy some combinatorial conditions, we can design a distributed and secure RSA signature scheme for this setting. Our construction is based on the threshold scheme of Shoup.
An efficient semantically secure elliptic curve cryptosystem based on KMOV
We propose an elliptic curve scheme over the ring , which is efficient and semantically secure in the standard model. There appears to be no previous elliptic curve cryptosystem based on factoring that enjoys both of these properties. KMOV scheme has been used as an underlying primitive
to obtain efficiency and probabilistic encryption. Semantic security of the scheme is based on a new decisional assumption, namely, the Decisional Small- -Multiples Assumption. Confidence on this assumption is also discussed.
Optimal Black-Box Secret Sharing over Arbitrary Abelian Groups
A {\em black-box} secret sharing scheme for the threshold
access structure is one which works over any finite Abelian group .
Briefly, such a scheme differs from an ordinary linear secret sharing
scheme (over, say, a given finite field) in that distribution matrix
and reconstruction vectors are defined over the integers and are designed {\em
independently} of the group from which the secret and the shares
are sampled. This means that perfect completeness and perfect
privacy are guaranteed {\em regardless} of which group is chosen. We define
the black-box secret sharing problem as the problem of devising, for
an arbitrary given , a scheme with minimal expansion factor,
i.e., where the length of the full vector of shares divided by the
number of players is minimal.
Such schemes are relevant for instance in the context of distributed
cryptosystems based on groups with secret or hard to compute group
order. A recent example is secure general multi-party computation over
black-box rings.
In 1994 Desmedt and Frankel have proposed an
elegant approach to the black-box secret sharing problem
based in part on polynomial interpolation over
cyclotomic number fields. For arbitrary given with
, the expansion factor of their scheme is . This is
the best previous general approach to the problem.
Using low degree integral extensions of the integers over which there exists a
pair of sufficiently large Vandermonde matrices with co-prime
determinants, we construct, for arbitrary given with
, a black-box secret sharing scheme with expansion factor
, which we show is minimal.
Tripartite Authenticated Key Agreement Protocols from Pairings
Joux's protocol is a one round, tripartite key
agreement protocol that is more bandwidth-efficient than any
previous three-party key agreement protocol. But it is insecure,
suffering from a simple man-in-the-middle attack. This paper shows
how to make Joux's protocol secure, presenting several tripartite,
authenticated key agreement protocols that still require only one
round of communication. A pass-optimal authenticated and key
confirmed tripartite protocol that generalises the
station-to-station protocol is also presented. The security
properties of the new protocols are studied using provable
security methods and heuristic approaches. Applications for the
protocols are also discussed.
An OAEP Variant With a Tight Security Proof
We introduce the OAEP++ encoding method, which is an adaptation of the OAEP encoding method, replacing the last step of the encoding operation with an application of a block cipher such as AES. We demonstrate that if is a one-way trapdoor function that is hard to invert, then OAEP++ combined with is secure against an IND-CCA2 adversary in the random oracle model. Moreover, the security reduction is tight; an adversary against -OAEP++ can be extended to an -inverter with a running time linear in the number of oracle queries.
Equivalence between semantic security and indistinguishability against chosen ciphertext attacks
The aim of this work is to examine the relation between the notions of
semantic security and indistinguishability against chosen ciphertext attacks.
For this purpose, a new security notion called non-dividability is introduced
independent of attack models, and is shown to be equivalent to both of the two notions.
This result is expected to provide a clearer understanding of the equivalence between
semantic security and indistinguishability under any form of attack.
Supersingular Hyperelliptic Curve of Genus 2 over Finite Fields
In this paper we describe an elementary criterion to determine
supersingular hyperelliptic curve of genus , using
only the given Weierstrass equation.
Furthermore, we show that the discrete logarithm problem defined on
supersingular abelian variety of dimension over
can be embedded to that over the extension field
, with
This implies that
supersingular hyperelliptic curves are cryptographically
weaker than the general case due to
the Frey-R ck attack.
A family of the hyperelliptic
curve of the type and have been studied and further examples are listed.
A Parallelizable Design Principle for Cryptographic Hash Functions
We describe a parallel design principle for hash functions. Given a secure hash
function with , and a binary tree of
processors we show how to construct a secure hash function which can hash
messages of lengths less than and a secure hash function which can
hash messages of arbitrary length. The number of parallel rounds required to hash a
message of length is . Further, our algorithm is incrementally
parallelizable in the following sense : given a digest produced using a binary tree of
processors, we show that the same digest can also be produced using a binary tree of
Adaptive chi-square test and its application to some cryptographic problems.
We address the problem of testing the hypothesis H_0 that the
letters from some alphabet A= {a_1,a_2,..., a_k }, are
distributed uniformly
against the alternative hypothesis H_1 that the true
distribution is not uniform, in case k is large. (It is typical
for random number testing and some cryptographic problems where
k= 2^{10} - 2^{30} and more). In such
a case it is difficult to use the chi-square test because the
sample size must be greater than k.
We suggest the adaptive chi-square test which can be
successfully applied for testing some kinds of H_1 even in case
when the sample size is much less than k. This statement is
confirmed theoretically and experimentally. The theoretical proof
is based on the consideration of one kind of the alternative
hypothesis H_1 where the suggested test rejects the null
hypothesis when the sample size is O( \sqrt{k} ) (instead of
const k for the usual chi-square test ).
For experimental
investigation of the suggested test we consider a problem of
testing ciphered Russian texts. It turns out that the suggested
test can distinguish the ciphered texts from random sequences
basing on a sample which is much smaller than that required for the
usual chi-square test.
Efficient Computation Modulo a Shared Secret with Application to the Generation of Shared Safe-Prime Products
We present a new protocol for efficient distributed computation modulo a
shared secret. We further present a protocol to distributively generate a
random shared prime or safe prime that is much more efficient than
previously known methods. This allows to distributively compute shared RSA
keys, where the modulus is the product of two safe primes, much more
efficiently than was previously known.
A Universal Forgery of Hess's Second ID-based Signature against the Known-message Attack
In this paper we propose a universal forgery attack of Hess's second
ID-based signature scheme against the known-message attack.
Efficient and Non-Malleable Proofs of Plaintext Knowledge and Applications
We describe very efficient protocols for non-malleable (interactive)
proofs of plaintext knowledge for the RSA, Rabin, Paillier, and
El-Gamal encryption schemes whose security can be proven in the
standard model. We also highlight some important applications of
these protocols, where we take care to ensure that our protocols
remain secure when run in an asynchronous, concurrent environment:
--- Chosen-ciphertext-secure, interactive encryption: In some settings
where both parties are on-line (e.g., SSL), an interactive encryption
protocol may be used. We construct chosen-ciphertext-secure interactive
encryption schemes based on any of the schemes above. In each case,
the improved scheme requires only a small overhead beyond the original,
semantically-secure scheme.
--- Password-based authenticated key exchange: We provide efficient
protocols for password-based authenticated key exchange in the public-
key model \cite{HK98,B99}. Security of our protocols may be based on
any of the cryptosystems mentioned above.
--- Deniable authentication: We demonstrate deniable authentication
protocols satisfying the strongest notion of security. These are the
first efficient constructions based on, e.g., the RSA or computational Diffie-Hellman assumptions.
Our techniques provide a general methodology for constructing efficient
\emph{non-malleable} (zero-knowledge) proofs of knowledge when shared
parameters are available (for our intended applications, these
parameters can simply be included as part of users' public keys). Thus,
non-malleable proofs of knowledge are easy to achieve ``in practice''.
Generic Groups, Collision Resistance, and ECDSA
Proved here is the sufficiency of certain conditions to ensure the
Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) existentially
unforgeable by adaptive chosen-message attacks. The sufficient
conditions include (i) a uniformity property and collision-resistance
for the underlying hash function, (ii) pseudo-randomness in the
private key space for the ephemeral private key generator, (iii)
generic treatment of the underlying group, and (iv) a further
condition on how the ephemeral public keys are mapped into the private
key space. For completeness, a brief survey of necessary security
conditions is also given. Some of the necessary conditions are weaker
than the corresponding sufficient conditions used in the security
proofs here, but others are identical. Despite the similarity between
DSA and ECDSA, the main result is not appropriate for DSA, because the
fourth condition above seems to fail for DSA. (The corresponding
necessary condition is plausible for DSA, but is not proved here nor
is the security of DSA proved assuming this weaker condition.)
Brickell et al., Jakobsson et al. and Pointcheval et al. only consider
signature schemes that include the ephemeral public key in the hash
input, which ECDSA does not do, and moreover, assume a condition on
the hash function stronger than the first condition above. This work
seems to be the first advance in the provable security of ECDSA.
Making Mix Nets Robust For Electronic Voting By Randomized Partial Checking
We propose a new technique for making mix nets robust, called
randomized partial checking (RPC). The basic idea is that
rather than providing a proof of completely correct operation, each
server provides strong evidence of its correct operation by revealing a pseudo-randomly selected subset of its input/output relations.
Randomized partial checking is exceptionally efficient compared to
previous proposals for providing robustness; the evidence provided at
each layer is shorter than the output of that layer, and producing the
evidence is easier than doing the mixing. It works with mix nets
based on any encryption scheme (i.e., on public-key alone, and on hybrid schemes using public-key/symmetric-key combinations). It also works both with Chaumian mix nets where the messages are successively encrypted with each servers' key, and with mix nets based on a single public key with randomized re-encryption at each layer.
Randomized partial checking is particularly well suited for voting
systems, as it ensures voter privacy and provides assurance of correct
operation. Voter privacy is ensured (either probabilistically or
cryptographically) with appropriate design and parameter selection. Unlike previous work, our work provides voter privacy as a global property of the mix net rather than as a property ensured by a single honest server. RPC-based mix nets also provide very high assurance of a correct election result, since a corrupt server is very likely to be caught if it attempts to tamper with even a couple of ballots.
Last updated: 2002-05-09
Timed Release of Standard Digital Signatures
In this paper we investigate the timed release of standard digital signatures, and demonstrate how to do it for RSA, Schnorr and DSA signatures. Such signatures, once released, cannot be distinguished from signatures of the same type obtained without a timed
release, making it transparent to an observer of the end result.
While previous work has allowed timed release of signatures,
these have not been standard, but special-purpose signatures.
Building on the recent work by Boneh and Naor on timed commitments,
we introduce the notion of a reusable time-line, which,
besides allowing the release of standard signatures, lowers the session costs of existing timed applications.
Almost Optimal Hash Sequence Traversal
We introduce a novel technique for computation of
consecutive preimages of hash chains. Whereas traditional
techniques have a memory-times-computation complexity of
per output generated, the complexity of our technique
is only , where is the length of the chain.
Our solution is based on the same principal amortization principle
as \cite{J01}, and has the same asymptotic behavior as this solution.
However, our solution decreases the real complexity by approximately
a factor of two. Thus, the computational costs of our solution are approximately hash function applications, using only a little more than storage cells.
A result of independent interest is the lower
bounds we provide for the optimal (but to us unknown)
solution to the problem we study. The bounds show that
our proposed solution is very close to optimal. In particular,
we show that there exists no improvement on our scheme that reduces
the complexity by more than an approximate factor of two.
From Identification to Signatures via the Fiat-Shamir Transform: Minimizing Assumptions for Security and Forward-Security
The Fiat-Shamir paradigm for transforming
identification schemes into signature schemes has been popular since
its introduction because it yields efficient signature schemes, and
has been receiving renewed interest of late as the main tool in
deriving forward-secure signature schemes.
We find minimal (meaning
necessary and sufficient) conditions on the identification scheme to
ensure security of the signature scheme in the random oracle model,
in both the usual and the forward-secure cases.
Specifically we show that the signature scheme is secure
(resp. forward-secure) against chosen-message attacks in the random
oracle model if and only if the underlying identification
scheme is secure (resp. forward-secure) against impersonation under
passive (i.e.. eavesdropping only) attacks, and has its
commitments drawn at random from a large space. An extension is
proven incorporating a random seed into the Fiat-Shamir transform so
that the commitment space assumption may be removed.
Spectral Analysis of Boolean Functions under Non-uniformity of Arguments
For independent binary random variables x_1,...,x_n and a Boolean function f(x), x=(x_1,...,x_n), we suppose that |1/2 - P{x_i = 1}|<=e, 1<=i<=n. Under these conditions we present new characteristics D_F(f(),e) = max{|1/2 - P{y=1}|} of the probability properties of Boolean functions, where y = F(x), and F(x) being equal to 1) F(x)=f(x), 2) F(x)=f(x)+(a,x), 3) F(x)=f(x)+f(x+a), and investigate their properties.
Special attention is paid to the classes of balanced and correlation immune functions, bent functions, and second order functions, for which upper estimates of D_F(f(),e) are found and statements
on behaviour of sequences f^{(n)}(x) of functions of n arguments are made.
Cryptanalysis of stream ciphers with linear masking
We describe a cryptanalytical technique for distinguishing some stream ciphers from a truly random process. Roughly, the ciphers to which this method applies consist of a ``non-linear process'' (say, akin to a round function in block ciphers), and a ``linear process'' such as an LFSR (or even fixed tables). The output of the cipher can be the linear sum of both processes. To attack such ciphers, we look for any property of the ``non-linear process'' that can be distinguished from random. In addition, we look for a linear combination of the linear process that vanishes. We then consider the same linear combination applied to the cipher's output, and try to find traces of the distinguishing property.
In this report we analyze two specific ``distinguishing properties''. One is a linear approximation of the non-linear process, which we demonstrate on the stream cipher SNOW. This attack needs roughly words of output, with work-load of about . The other is a ``low-diffusion'' attack, that we apply to the cipher Scream-0. The latter attack needs only about bytes of output, using roughly space and time.
Scream: a software-efficient stream cipher
We report on the design of Scream, a new software-efficient stream
cipher, which was designed to be a ``more secure SEAL''. Following SEAL, the design of Scream resembles in many ways a block-cipher design. The new cipher is roughly as fast as SEAL, but we believe that it offers a significantly higher security level. In the process of designing this cipher, we re-visit the SEAL design paradigm, exhibiting some tradeoffs and limitations.
An Identity-Based Signature from Gap Diffie-Hellman Groups
In this paper we propose an identity(ID)-based signature scheme using gap Diffie-Hellman (GDH) groups. Our scheme is proved secure against existential forgery on adaptively chosen message and ID attack under the random oracle model. Using GDH groups obtained from bilinear pairings, as a special case of our scheme, we obtain an ID-based signature scheme that shares the same system parameters and the same private/public key pairs with the ID-based encryption scheme (BF-IBE) by Boneh and Franklin, and is as efficient as the BF-IBE. Combining our signature scheme with the BF-IBE yields a complete solution of an ID-based public key system. It can be an alternative for certificate-based public key infrastructures, especially when efficient key management and moderate security are required.
The Cramer-Shoup Strong-RSA Signature Scheme Revisited
We discuss a modification of the Cramer-Shoup strong-RSA signature
scheme. Our proposal also presumes the strong RSA assumption (and a
collision-intractable hash function for long messages), but -without
loss in performance- the size of a signature is almost halved
compared to the original scheme. We also show how to turn the
signature scheme into a "lightweight" anonymous (but linkable)
group identification protocol without random oracles.
Content Extraction Signatures
Motivated by emerging needs in online interactions, we define a
new type of digital signature called a `Content Extraction
Signature' (CES). A CES allows the owner, Bob, of a document
signed by Alice, to produce an `extracted signature' on selected
extracted portions of the original document, which can be
verified to originate from Alice by any third party Cathy, while
hiding the unextracted (removed) document portions. The new
signature therefore achieves verifiable content extraction with
minimal multi-party interaction. We specify desirable functional
and security requirements for a CES (including an efficiency
requirement: a CES should be more efficient in either computation
or communication than the simple multiple signature solution). We
propose and analyze four CES constructions which are provably
secure with respect to known cryptographic assumptions and
compare their performance characteristics.
Security proofs of cryptographic protocols
In time of internet attacks is important to use cryptographic protcols and algorithms to secure private data that are sent via Internet. But using of such protocol is not enough. To really secure our data we must know that used protocol is secure. For this purpose where a lot of methods design such as well-known BAN logic. In this articel we want to present DLA (Database and Logic Abduction)- method that is used to prove that a security or cryptographic protocol is secure or it is possible perform an attack.
Better than BiBa: Short One-time Signatures with Fast Signing and Verifying
One-time signature schemes have found numerous applications: in ordinary, on-line/off-line, and forward-secure signatures. More recently, they have been used in multicast and broadcast authentication. We propose a one-time signature scheme with very efficient signing and verifying, and short signatures. Our scheme is well-suited for broadcast authentication, and, in fact, can be viewed as an improvement of the BiBa one-time signature (proposed by Perrig in CCS 2001 for broadcast authentication).
Generic Lower Bounds for Root Extraction and Signature Schemes in General Groups
We study the problem of root extraction in finite Abelian groups, where the
group order is unknown. This is a
natural generalization of the problem of decrypting RSA ciphertexts.
We study the complexity of this problem for generic algorithms, that is,
algorithms that work for any group and do not use any special properties
of the group at hand.
We prove an exponential lower bound on the generic
complexity of root extraction, even if the algorithm can choose the
"public exponent"
itself. In other words, both the standard and the strong RSA assumption
are provably true w.r.t. generic algorithms.
The results hold for arbitrary groups, so security w.r.t. generic attacks
follows for any cryptographic construction based on root extracting.
As an example of this, we revisit Cramer-Shoup signature scheme.
We modify the scheme such that it becomes a generic
algorithm. This allows us to
implement it in RSA groups without the original restriction that the
modulus must be a product
of safe primes. It can also be implemented in class groups.
In all cases, security follows from a
well defined complexity assumption (the strong root assumption),
without relying on random
oracles, and the assumption is shown to be true w.r.t. generic attacks.
Exponent Group Signature Schemes and Efficient Identity Based Signature Schemes Based on Pairings
We describe general exponent group signature schemes and show how
these naturally give rise to identity based signature schemes if
pairings are used. We prove these schemes to be secure in the random
oracle model. Furthermore we describe a particular identity based
signature scheme which is quite efficient in terms of bandwidth and
computing time, and we develop a further scheme which is not derived
from a general exponent group signature scheme. The realization of
these schemes uses supersingular elliptic curves and the Tate pairing,
which is more efficient than the Weil pairing. Finally we show that
these schemes have a more natural solution, than Shamir's original
scheme, to the ``escrow'' property that all identity based signature
schemes suffer from.
Optimal Chosen-Ciphertext Secure Encryption of Arbitrary-Length Messages
This paper considers arbitrary-length chosen-ciphertext secure asymmetric encryption, thus addressing what is actually needed for a practical usage of strong public-key cryptography in the real world. We put forward two generic constructions, gem-1 and gem-2, which apply to explicit fixed-length weakly secure primitives and provide a strongly secure (IND-CCA2) public-key encryption scheme for messages of unfixed length (typically computer files). Our techniques optimally combine a single call to any one-way trapdoor function with repeated encryptions through some weak block-cipher (a simple xor is fine) and hash functions of fixed-length input so that a minimal number of calls to these functions is needed. Our encryption/decryption throughputs are comparable to the ones of standard methods (asymmetric encryption of a session key + symmetric encryption with multiple modes). In our case, however, we formally prove that our designs are secure in the strongest sense and provide complete security reductions holding in the random oracle model.
Cut and Paste Attacks with Java
This paper describes malicious applets that use Java's sophisticated graphic features to rectify the browser's padlock area and cover the address bar with a false https domain name.
The attack was successfully tested on Netscape's Navigator and Microsoft's Internet Explorer; we consequently recommend to neutralize Java whenever funds or private data transit via these browsers and patch the flaw in the coming releases.
The degree of novelty of our attack is unclear since similar (yet non-identical) results can be achieved by spoofing as described by Felten; however our scenario is much simpler to mount as it only demands the inclusion of an applet in the attacker's web page. In any case, we believe that the technical dissection of our malicious Java code has an illustrative value in itself.
Tree-based Group Key Agreement
Secure and reliable group communication is an active area of
research. Its popularity is caused by the growing importance of
group-oriented and collaborative applications. The central research
challenge is secure and efficient group key management. While
centralized methods are often appropriate for key distribution in
large multicast-style groups, many collaborative group settings
require distributed key agreement techniques. This work
investigates a novel group key agreement approach which blends
so-called key trees with Diffie-Hellman key exchange. It yields a
secure protocol suite (TGDH) that is both simple and fault-tolerant.
Moreover, the efficiency of TGDH appreciably surpasses that of
prior art.
Efficient Algorithms for Pairing-Based Cryptosystems
We describe fast new algorithms to implement recent cryptosystems based on the Tate pairing. In particular, our techniques improve pairing evaluation speed by a factor of about 55 compared to previously known methods in characteristic 3, and attain performance comparable to that of RSA in larger characteristics. We also propose faster algorithms for scalar multiplication in characteristic 3 and square root extraction over , the latter technique being also useful in contexts other than that of pairing-based cryptography.
Parallel scalar multiplication on general elliptic curves over hedged against Non-Differential Side-Channel Attacks
For speeding up elliptic curve scalar multiplication and making it secure against side-channel attacks such as timing or power analysis, various
methods have been proposed using specifically chosen elliptic curves. We show that both goals can be achieved simultaneously even for conventional
elliptic curves over . This result is shown via two facts.
First, we recall the known fact that every elliptic curve over admits a scalar
multiplication via a (Montgomery ladder) Lucas chain.
As such chains are known to be resistant against timing- and simple power/electromagnetic
radiation analysis attacks, the security of our scalar multiplication against timing and
simple power/electromagnetic radiation analysis follows.
Second, we show how to parallelize the 19 multiplications within the resulting
\lq\lq double" and \lq\lq add" formulas of the Lucas chain for the
scalar multiplication.
This parallelism together with the Lucas chain results in 10 parallel field multiplications per bit of the scalar.
Finally, we also report on a concrete successful implementation of the above mentioned scalar multiplication algorithm
on a very recently developed and commercially available coprocessor for smart cards.
The best and worst of supersingular abelian varieties in cryptology
For certain security applications, including identity based encryption and short signature schemes, it is useful to have abelian varieties with security parameters that are neither too small nor too large. Supersingular abelian varieties are natural candidates for these applications. This paper determines exactly which values can occur as the security parameters of supersingular abelian varieties (in terms of the dimension of the abelian variety and the size of the finite field), and gives constructions of supersingular abelian varieties which are optimal for use in cryptography.
Cryptanalysis of Stream Cipher COS (2,128) Mode I
Filiol and Fontaine recently proposed a family of stream ciphers named COS. COS is based on nonlinear feedback shift registers and was claimed to be with high cryptographic strength. Babbage showed that COS Mode II is extremely weak. But Babbage's attack is too expensive to break the COS Mode I (the complexity is around ). In this paper, we show that the COS Mode I is too weak. With about -bit known plaintext, the secret information could be recovered with small amount of memory and computation time (less than one second on a Pentium IV Processor).
ID-based Signatures from Pairings on Elliptic Curves
We present an efficient identity-based signature scheme which makes
use of bilinear pairings on elliptic curves. Our scheme is similar to
the generalized ElGamal signature scheme. We consider the security of
our scheme.
Square Attacks on Reduced-Round Variants of the Skipjack Block Cipher
This report surveys on a series of Square attacks on reduced-round
versions of the Skipjack block cipher.
{\bf Skipjack} is an iterated block cipher encrypting 64-bit plaintext
blocks into 64-bit ciphertext blocks, using an 80-bit key. Its
design is based on a generalized Feistel Network making up 32 rounds
of two different types. This cipher was developed by the National Security
Agency for the Clipper chip and Fortezza PC card.
Evaluating Security of Voting Schemes in the Universal Composability Framework
In the literature, voting protocols are considered secure if they satisfy requirements such as privacy, accuracy, robustness, etc. It can be time consuming to evaluate a voting protocol with respect to all these requirements and it is not clear that the list of known requirements is complete. Perhaps because of this many papers on electronic voting do not offer any security proof at all.
As a solution to this, we suggest evaluating voting schemes in the universal composability framework. We investigate the popular class of voting schemes based on homomorphic threshold encryption. It turns out that schemes in this class realize an ideal voting functionality that takes the votes as input and outputs the result. This ideal functionality corresponds closely to the well-known ballot box model used today in manual voting. Security properties such as privacy, accuracy and robustness now follow as easy corollaries. We note that some security requirements, for instance incoercibility, are not addressed by our solution.
Security holds in the random oracle model against a non-adaptive adversary. We show with a concrete example that the schemes are not secure against adaptive adversaries. We proceed to sketch how to make them secure against adaptive adversaries in the erasure model with virtually no loss of efficiency. We also sketch how to achieve security against adaptive adversaries in the erasure-free model.
Fractal Hash Sequence Representation and Traversal
We introduce a novel amortization technique for computation of consecutive preimages of hash chains, given knowledge of the seed.
While all previously known techniques have a memory-times-computational complexity of per chain element, the complexity of our technique can be upper bounded at , making it a useful primitive for low-cost applications such as authentication, signatures and micro-payments. Our technique uses a logarithmic number
of {\em pebbles} associated with points on the hash chain. The locations of these pebbles are modified over time. Like fractals, where images can be found within images, the pebbles move within intervals and sub-intervals according to a highly symmetric pattern.
Efficient Revocation of Anonymous Group Membership
An accumulator scheme, introduced be Benaloh and de Mare
and further studied by Baric̈ and Pfitzmann, is an algorithm that
allows to hash a large set of inputs into one short value, called the
\textit{accumulator}, such that there is a short witness that a given
input was incorporated into the accumulator.
We put forward the notion of \textit{dynamic accumulators}, i.e., a method
that allows to dynamically add and delete inputs from the accumulator,
such that the cost of an add or delete is independent on the number of
accumulated values. We achieve this under the strong RSA assumption. For
this construction, we also show an efficient zero-knowledge protocol for
proving that a committed value is in the accumulator.
In turn, our construction of dynamic accumulator enables efficient
membership revocation in the anonymous setting. This method applies
to membership revocation in group signature schemes, such as the one
due to Ateniese et al., and efficient revocation of
credentials in anonymous credential systems, such as the one due to
Camenisch and Lysyanskaya. Using our method,
allowing revocation does not alter the complexity of any operations of
the underlying schemes. In particular, the cost of a group signature
verification or credential showing increases by only a small constant
factor, less than 2. All previously known methods (such as the ones
due to Bresson and Stern and Ateniese and Tsudik incurred an increase in these costs that was
linear in the number of members.
A Proposal for an ISO Standard for Public Key Encryption
This document is an initial proposal for a draft for a forthcoming
ISO standard on public-key encryption.
It is hoped that this proposal will serve as a basis for discussion,
from which a consensus for a standard may be formed.
An Identity Based Authenticated Key Agreement Protocol Based on the Weil Pairing
We describe an ID based authenticated two pass key agreement
protocol which makes use of the Weil pairing.
The protocol is described and its properties are discussed
including the ability to add key confirmation.
RSA hybrid encryption schemes
This document compares the two published RSA-based hybrid encryption
schemes having linear reduction in their security proof:
While the performance of RSA-REACT is worse than the performance of
RSA-KEM+DEM1, a complete proof of its security has already been
This is indeed an advantage, because we show that the security result
for RSA-KEM+DEM1 has a small hole.
We provide here a complete proof of the security of
We also propose some changes to RSA-REACT to improve its efficiency
without changing its security, and conclude that this new RSA-REACT is
a generalisation of RSA-KEM+DEM1, with at most the same security,
and with possibly worse performance.
Therefore we show that RSA-KEM+DEM1 should be preferred to RSA-REACT.
New Notions of Soundness and Simultaneous Resettability in the Public-Key Model
I n this paper, some new notions of soundness in public-key model are presented. We clarify the relationships among our new notions of soundness and the original 4 soundness notions presented by Micali and Reyzin. Our new soundness notions also characterize a new model for ZK protocols in public key model: weak soundness model. By ``weak” we mean for each common input x selected by a malicious prover on the fly, x is used by the malicious prover at most a-priori bounded polynomial times. The weak soundness model just lies in between BPK model and UPK model. Namely, it is weaker than BPK model but stronger than UPK model. In the weak soundness model (also in the UPK model, since weak soundness model implies UPK model), we get a 3-round black-box rZK arguments with weak resettable soundness for NP.
Note that simultaneous resettability is an important open problem in the field of ZK protocols. And Reyzin has proven that there are no ZK protocols with resettable soundness in the BPK model. It means that to achieve simultaneous resettability one needs to augment the BPK model in a reasonable fashion. Although Barak et al. [BGGL01] have proven that any language which has a black-box ZK arguments with resettable soundness is in BPP. It is the weak soundness that makes us to get simultaneous resettability.
More interestingly, our protocols work in a somewhat ``parallel repetition” manner to reduce the error probability and the verifier indeed has secret information with respect to historical transcripts. Note that in general the error probability of such protocols can not be reduced by parallel repetition. [BIN97]
At last, we give a 3-round non-black-box rZK arguments system with resettable soundness for NP in the preprocessing model in which a trusted third party is assumed. Our construction for such protocol is quite simple. Note that although the preprocessing model is quite imposing but it is still quite reasonable as indicated in [CGGM00]. For example, in many e-commerce setting a trusted third party is often assumed.
The critical tools used in this paper are: verifiable pseudorandom functions, zap and complexity leveraging. To our knowledge, our protocols are also the second application of verifiable pseudorandom functions. The first application is the 3-round rZK arguments with one-time soundness for NP in the public-key model as indicated by Micali and Reyzin [MR01a].
Design and Analysis of Practical Public-Key Encryption Schemes Secure against Adaptive Chosen Ciphertext Attack
A new public key encryption scheme, along with several variants,
is proposed and analyzed.
The scheme and its variants are quite practical, and are proved
against adaptive chosen ciphertext attack under standard
intractability assumptions.
These appear to be the first public-key encryption schemes
in the literature that are simultaneously practical and provably secure.
Parallel Coin-Tossing and Constant-Round Secure Two-Party Computation
In this paper we show that any {\em two-party} functionality can be securely computed in a {\em constant number of rounds}, where security is obtained against malicious adversaries that may arbitrarily deviate from the protocol specification. This is in contrast to Yao's constant-round protocol that ensures security only in the face of semi-honest adversaries, and to its malicious adversary version that requires a polynomial number of rounds.
In order to obtain our result, we present a constant-round protocol for secure coin-tossing of polynomially many coins (in parallel). We then show how this protocol can be used in conjunction with other existing constructions in order to obtain a constant-round protocol for securely computing any two-party functionality. On the subject of coin-tossing, we also present a constant-round {\em perfect} coin-tossing protocol, where by ``perfect'' we mean that the resulting coins are guaranteed to be statistically close to uniform (and not just pseudorandom).
Cryptanalysis of the COS (2,128) Stream Ciphers
A new family of very fast stream ciphers called COS (for “crossing over system”) has been proposed by Filiol and Fontaine, and seems to have been adopted for at least one commercial standard. COS(2,128) Mode I and COS(2,128) Mode II are particular members of this family for which the authors proposed a cryptanalysis challenge. The ciphers accept secret keys of 256, 192 or 128 bits. In this note we cryptanalyse both of these ciphers, using a small amount of known keystream — with negligible effort in the case of Mode II, and with effort well below that required for a single DES key search in the case of Mode I.
Universal Arguments and their Applications
We put forward a new type of
computationally-sound proof systems, called universal-arguments,
which are related but different from both CS-proofs (as defined
by Micali) and arguments (as defined by Brassard, Chaum and
Crepeau). In particular, we adopt the instance-based
prover-efficiency paradigm of CS-proofs, but follow the
computational-soundness condition of argument systems (i.e., we
consider only cheating strategies that are implementable by
polynomial-size circuits).
We show that universal-arguments can be constructed based on
standard intractability assumptions that refer to polynomial-size
circuits (rather than assumptions referring to
subexponential-size circuits as used in the construction of
CS-proofs). As an application of universal-arguments, we weaken
the intractability assumptions used in the recent non-black-box
zero-knowledge arguments of Barak. Specifically, we only utilize
intractability assumptions that refer to polynomial-size circuits
(rather than assumptions referring to circuits of some ``nice''
super-polynomial size).
Concurrent Zero-Knowledge With Timing, Revisited
Following Dwork, Naor, and Sahai (30th STOC, 1998),
we consider concurrent execution of protocols in a
semi-synchronized network. Specifically, we assume that each party
holds a local clock such that a constant bound on the relative rates
of these clocks is a-priori known, and consider protocols that
employ time-driven operations
(i.e., time-out in-coming messages and delay out-going messages).
We show that the constant-round zero-knowledge proof for NP
of Goldreich and Kahan (Jour. of Crypto., 1996)
preserves its security when polynomially-many independent copies
are executed concurrently under the above timing model.
We stress that
our main result establishes zero-knowledge of interactive proofs,
whereas the results of Dwork et al. are
either for zero-knowledge arguments
or for a weak notion of zero-knowledge (called -knowledge) proofs.
Our analysis identifies two extreme schedulings
of concurrent executions under the above timing model:
the first is the case of parallel execution of polynomially-many copies,
and the second is of concurrent execution of polynomially-many
copies such the number of copies that are simultaneously active
at any time is bounded by a constant (i.e., bounded simultaneity).
Dealing with each of these extreme cases is of independent interest,
and the general result (regarding concurrent executions under
the timing model) is obtained by combining the two treatments.
Countermeasures against Side-Channel Attacks for Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems
Some attacks on cryptographic systems exploit the leakage of information through so-called ``side channels'', such as power consumption or time employed by a computation.
For cryptosystems involving an exponentiation, a few possible countermeasures are suggested.
In the case of elliptic curves over a binary finite field, we show how to split point addition into two blocks which, through the addition of a little overhead, can be made undistinguishable from a point doubling. This allows the whole exponentiation process to be performed as a sequence of homogeneous steps.
To add some randomization to the exponentiation process in the ECC case, we suggest the use of points of small order, computed on the fly. This presents some disadvantages over known methods, but allows to avoid the storage of points in non-volatile RAM.
A multiplicative variation of ``additive exponent blinding'' is suggested. This involves a two-phase exponentiation and is valid both for discrete log and RSA settings.
Computer experiments implementing some of these ideas are described and analyzed.
An Extended Quadratic Frobenius Primality Test with Average Case Error Estimates
We present an Extended Quadratic Frobenius Primality Test (EQFT), which is related to the Miller-Rabin test and the Quadratic Frobenius test (QFT) by Grantham. EQFT is well-suited for generating large, random prime numbers since on a random input number, it takes time about equivalent to 2 Miller-Rabin tests, but has much smaller error probability. EQFT extends QFT by verifying additional algebraic properties related to the existence of elements of order 3 and 4. We obtain a simple closed expression that upper bounds the probability of acceptance for any input number. This in turn allows us to give strong bounds on the average-case behaviour of the test: consider the algorithm that repeatedly chooses random odd bit numbers, subjects them to iterations of our test and outputs the first one found that passes all tests. We obtain numeric upper bounds for the error probability of this algorithm as well as a general closed expression bounding the error. For instance, it is at most for . Compared to earlier similar results for the Miller-Rabin test, the results indicates that our test in the average case has the effect of 9 Miller-Rabin tests, while only taking time equivalent to about 2 such tests. We also give bounds for the error in case a prime is sought by incremental search from a random starting point. While EQFT is slower than the average case on a small set of inputs, we present a variant that is always fast, i.e.takes time about 2 Miller-Rabin tests. The variant has slightly larger worst case error probability than EQFT, but still improves on previous proposed tests.
Quasi-Efficient Revocation of Group Signatures
A group signature scheme allows any group member to sign
on behalf of the group in an anonymous and unlinkable fashion.
In the event of a dispute, a designated trusted entity can reveal
the identity of the signer. Group signatures are claimed to
have many useful applications such as voting and electronic cash.
A number of group signature schemes have been proposed to-date.
However, in order for the whole group signature concept to become
practical and credible, the problem of secure and efficient group
member revocation must be addressed. In this paper, we construct a
new revocation method for group signatures based on the signature
scheme by Ateniese et al. at Crypto 2000. This new method represents
an advance in the state-of-the-art since the only revocation schemes
proposed thus far are either: 1) based on implicit revocation and
the use of fixed time periods, or 2) require the signature size to
be linear in the number of revoked members. Our method, in contrast,
does not rely on time periods, offers constant-length signatures
and constant work for the signer.
A Note on Girault's Self-Certified Model
In this paper, we describe an important shortcoming of
the first self-certified model proposed by Girault,
that may be exploited by the authority to compute users' secret keys.
We also show, while it is possible to make the attack ineffective by
taking additional precautions, the resulting model loses all merits
of the original model and does no longer meet the primary
contribution of the self-certified notion.
Linear Code Implies Public-Key Traitor Tracing
In this paper, we first show that three public-key -traceability schemes can be derived from an -linear code such that . The previous schemes are obtained as special cases. This observation gives a more freedom and a new insight to this field. For example, we show that Boneh-Franklin scheme is equivalent to a slight modification of the corrected Kurosawa-Desmedt scheme. This means that BF scheme is redundant or overdesigned because the modified KD scheme is much simpler. It is also shown that the corrected KD scheme is the best among them.
Fast hashing onto elliptic curves over fields of characteristic 3
We describe a fast hash algorithm that maps arbitrary messages
onto points of an elliptic curve defined over a finite field of
characteristic 3. Our new scheme runs in time for curves
over . The best previous algorithm for this task runs
in time . Experimental data confirms the speedup by a
factor , or approximately a hundred times for practical
values. Our results apply for both standard and normal basis
representations of .
An Efficient MAC for Short Messages
HMAC is the internet standard for message authentication. What
distinguishes HMAC from other MAC algorithms is that it provides
proofs of security assuming that the underlying cryptographic hash
(e.g. SHA-1) has some reasonable properties. HMAC is efficient for
long messages, however, for short messages the nested construction
results in a significant inefficiency. For example to MAC a message
shorter than a block, HMAC requires at least two calls to the
compression function rather than one.
This inefficiency may be particularly high for some applications, like
message authentication of signaling messages, where the individual
messages may all fit within one or two blocks. Also for TCP/IP traffic
it is well known that large number of packets (e.g. acknowledgment)
have sizes around 40 bytes which fit within a block of most
cryptographic hashes. We propose an enhancement that allows both
short and long messages to be message authenticated more efficiently
than HMAC while also providing proofs of security. In particular, for
a message smaller than a block our MAC only requires one call to the
compression function.
Constructing elliptic curves with a given number of points over a finite field
In using elliptic curves for cryptography, one often needs to construct elliptic curves with a given or known number of points over a given finite field. In the context of primality proving, Atkin and Morain suggested the use of the theory of complex multiplication to construct such curves. One of the steps in this method is the calculation of the Hilbert class polynomial
modulo some integer for a certain fundamental discriminant . The usual way of doing this is to compute
over the integers and then reduce modulo . But this involves computing the roots with very high accuracy and subsequent rounding of the coefficients to the closest integer. (Such accuracy issues also arise for higher genus cases.) We present a modified version of the Chinese remainder theorem (CRT) to compute modulo directly from the knowledge of modulo enough small primes. Our algorithm is inspired by Couveigne's method for computing square roots in the number field sieve, which is useful in other scenarios as well. It runs in heuristic expected time less than
the CRT method in [CNST]. Moreover, our method requires very few digits of precision to succeed, and avoids calculating the exponentially large coefficients of the Hilbert class polynomial over the integers.
Secure Vickrey Auctions without Threshold Trust
We argue that threshold trust is not an option in most of the real-life
electronic auctions. We then propose two new cryptographic Vickrey auction schemes that involve, apart from the bidders and the seller , an auction authority so that unless and collude the outcome of auctions will be correct, and moreover, will not get any information about the bids, while will learn bid statistics. Further extensions make it possible to decrease damage that colluding and can do, and to construct st price auction schemes. The communication complexity between the and in medium-size auctions is at least one order of magnitude less than in the Naor-Pinkas-Sumner scheme.
Slope packings and coverings, and generic algorithms for the discrete logarithm problem
We consider the set of slopes of lines formed by
joining all pairs of points in some subset S of a
Desarguesian affine plane of prime order, p.
If all the slopes are distinct and non-infinite, we have a
slope packing;
if every possible non-infinite slope occurs, then we have
a slope covering. We review and unify some results on these problems
that can be derived from the study of Sidon sets and sum covers.
Then we report some
computational results we have obtained for small values of p.
Finally, we
point out some connections between slope packings and coverings
and generic algorithms for the discrete logarithm problem in prime
order (sub)groups. Our results provide a combinatorial
of such algorithms, in the sense that any generic algorithm
implies the
existence of a certain slope packing or covering, and conversely.
Threshold Cryptosystems Based on Factoring
We consider threshold cryptosystems over a composite
modulus where the \emph{factors} of are shared among the
participants as the secret key.
This is a new paradigm for threshold cryptosystems based on a
composite modulus, differing from the
typical treatment of RSA-based systems where a ``decryption
exponent'' is shared among the participants. Our approach yields
solutions to some open problems in threshold cryptography; in particular, we obtain the following:
1. \emph{Threshold homomorphic encryption}. A number of applications (e.g., electronic voting or efficient multi-party computation) require threshold homomorphic encryption schemes.
We present a protocol for threshold decryption of the homomorphic Goldwasser-Micali encryption scheme \cite{GM84}, answering an open question of \cite{FPS00}.
2. \emph{Threshold cryptosystems as secure as factoring}. We describe a threshold version of a variant of the signature standards ISO 9796-2 and PKCS\#1 v1.5 (cf.\ \cite[Section 11.3.4]{MvOV}), thus giving the first threshold signature scheme
whose security (in the random oracle model) is equivalent to the hardness of factoring \cite{C02}.
Our techniques may be adapted to distribute the Rabin encryption
scheme \cite{R79} whose semantic security may be reduced to the hardness of factoring.
3. \emph{Efficient threshold schemes without a trusted dealer.}
Because our schemes only require sharing of --- which furthermore need not be a product of strong primes --- our schemes are very efficient (compared to previous schemes) when a trusted dealer is not assumed and key generation is done in a distributed manner.
Extensions to achieve robustness and proactivation are also possible with our schemes.
BDD-based Cryptanalysis of Keystream Generators
Many of the keystream generators which are used in practice are LFSR-based in the sense
that they produce the keystream according to a rule ,
where denotes an internal linear bitstream, produced by a small number of parallel
linear feedback shift registers (LFSRs),
and denotes some nonlinear compression function.
We present an time bounded attack, the FBDD-attack,
against LFSR-based generators, which computes the secret initial state
from consecutive keystream bits, where denotes the rate of information,
which reveals about the internal bitstream, and denotes some small constant.
The algorithm uses Free Binary Decision Diagrams (FBDDs), a data structure for
minimizing and manipulating Boolean functions.
The FBDD-attack yields better
bounds on the effective key length for several keystream generators of practical use, so
a bound for the self-shrinking generator, a bound for the A5/1 generator,
used in the GSM standard, a
bound for the encryption standard in the one level mode,
and a bound for the two-level generator used in the Bluetooth wireless LAN system.
Perfect Hiding and Perfect Binding Universally Composable Commitment Schemes with Constant Expansion Factor
Canetti and Fischlin have recently proposed the security notion {\em
universal composability} for commitment schemes and provided two
examples. This new notion is very strong. It guarantees that security
is maintained even when an unbounded number of copies of the scheme
are running concurrently, also it guarantees non-malleability,
resilience to selective decommitment, and security against adaptive
adversaries. Both of their schemes uses bits to commit to
one bit and can be based on the existence of trapdoor commitments and
non-malleable encryption.
We present new universally composable commitment schemes based on the
Paillier cryptosystem and the Okamoto-Uchiyama cryptosystem. The
schemes are efficient: to commit to bits, they use a constant
number of modular exponentiations and communicates
bits. Further more the scheme can be instantiated in either perfectly
hiding or perfectly binding versions. These are the first schemes to
show that constant expansion factor, perfect hiding, and perfect
binding can be obtained for universally composable commitments.
We also show how the schemes can be applied to do efficient
zero-knowledge proofs of knowledge that are universally composable.
Identity Based Encryption From the Weil Pairing
We propose a fully functional identity-based encryption scheme (IBE).
The scheme has chosen ciphertext security in the random oracle model
assuming an elliptic curve variant of the computational Diffie-Hellman
problem. Our system is based on bilinear maps between groups. The
Weil pairing on elliptic curves is an example of such a map. We give
precise definitions for secure identity based encryption schemes and
give several applications for such systems.