All papers in 2011 (Page 6 of 714 results)

Last updated:  2011-05-07
On ``identities'', ``names'', ``NAMES'', ``ROLES'' and Security: A Manifesto
Charles Rackoff
There is a great deal of confusion in the cryptology literature relating to various identity related issues. By ``names'' (lower case), we are referring to informal, personal ways that we indicate others; by ``NAMES'' (upper case) we are referring to official ways that we use to indicate others. Both of these concepts are often confused with ``identity'', which is something else altogether, and with ``ROLES''. These confusions can lead to insecurities in key exchange as well as in other internet activities that relate to identity. We discuss why we should not use names in protocols and why we \textit{cannot} use identities. We discuss why, in a public-key infrastructure, we need to use NAMES in key-exchange protocols, and how they should be chosen and why they have to be unique, and why we should \textit{not} use NAMES in session protocols. We also argue for the importance of secure ROLEs in key-exchange protocols.
Last updated:  2011-05-06
On Cipher-Dependent Related-Key Attacks in the Ideal-Cipher Model
M. R. Albrecht, P. Farshim, K. G. Paterson, G. J. Watson
Bellare and Kohno introduced a formal framework for the study of related-key attacks against blockciphers. They established sufficient conditions (output-unpredictability and collision-resistance) on the set of related-key-deriving (RKD) functions under which an ideal cipher is secure against related-key attacks, and suggested this could be used to derive security goals for real blockciphers. However, to do so requires the reinterpretation of results proven in the ideal-cipher model for the standard model (in which a blockcipher is modelled as, say, a pseudorandom permutation family). As we show here, this is a fraught activity. In particular, building on a recent idea of Bernstein, we first demonstrate a related-key attack that applies generically to a large class of blockciphers. The attack exploits the existence of a short description of the blockcipher, and so does not apply in the ideal-cipher model. However, the specific RKD functions used in the attack are provably output-unpredictable and collision-resistant. In this sense, the attack can be seen as a separation between the ideal-cipher model and the standard model. Second, we investigate how the related-key attack model of Bellare and Kohno can be extended to include sets of RKD functions that themselves access the ideal cipher. Precisely such related-key functions underlie the generic attack, so our extended modelling allows us to capture a larger universe of related-key attacks in the ideal-cipher model. We establish a new set of conditions on related-key functions that is sufficient to prove a theorem analogous to the main result of Bellare and Kohno, but for our extended model. We then exhibit non-trivial classes of practically relevant RKD functions meeting the new conditions. We go on to discuss standard model interpretations of this theorem, explaining why, although separations between the ideal-cipher model and the standard model still exist for this setting, they can be seen as being much less natural than our previous separation. In this manner, we argue that our extension of the Bellare--Kohno model represents a useful advance in the modelling of related-key attacks. Third, we consider the topic of key-recovering related-key attacks and its relationship to the Bellare--Kohno formalism. In particular, we address the question of whether lowering the security goal by requiring the adversary to perform key-recovery excludes separations of the type exhibited by us in the Bellare--Kohno model.
Last updated:  2011-05-06
Maiorana-McFarland Functions with High Second-Order Nonlinearity
Nicholas Kolokotronis, Konstantinos Limniotis
The second-order nonlinearity, and the best quadratic approximations, of Boolean functions are studied in this paper. We prove that cubic functions within the Maiorana-McFarland class achieve very high second order nonlinearity, which is close to an upper bound that was recently proved by Carlet et al., and much higher than the second order nonlinearity obtained by other known constructions. The structure of the cubic Boolean functions considered allows the efficient computation of (a subset of) their best quadratic approximations.
Last updated:  2011-05-09
Security Evaluation of GOST 28147-89 In View Of International Standardisation
Nicolas T. Courtois
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GOST 28147-89 is is a well-known 256-bit block cipher which is a plausible alternative for AES-256 and triple DES, which however has a much lower implementation cost. GOST is implemented in standard crypto libraries such as OpenSSL and Crypto++ and is increasingly popular and used also outside its country of origin and on the Internet. In 2010 GOST was submitted to ISO, to become a worldwide industrial encryption standard. Until 2011 researchers unanimously agreed that GOST could or should be very secure, which was summarized in 2010 in these words: despite considerable cryptanalytic efforts spent in the past 20 years, GOST is still not broken". Unhappily, it was recently discovered that GOST can be broken and is a deeply flawed cipher. There is a very considerable amount of recent not yet published work on cryptanalysis of GOST known to us. One simple attack was already presented in February at FSE 2011. In this short paper we describe another attack, to illustrate the fact that there is now plethora of attacks on GOST, which require much less memory, and don't even require the reflection property to hold, without which the recent attack from FSE 2011 wouldn't work. We are also aware of many substantially faster attacks and of numerous special even weaker cases. These will be published in appropriate peer-reviewed cryptography conferences but we must warn the ISO committees right now. More generally, our ambition is to do more than just to point out that a major encryption standard is flawed. We would like to present and suggest a new general paradigm for effective symmetric cryptanalysis of so called "Algebraic Complexity Reduction" which in our opinion is going to structure and stimulate substantial amounts of academic research on symmetric cryptanalysis for many years to come. In this paper we will explain the main ideas behind it and explain also the precise concept of "Black-box Algebraic Complexity Reduction". This new paradigm builds on many already known attacks on symmetric ciphers, such as fixed point, slide, involution, cycling, reflection and other self-similarity attacks but the exact attacks we obtain, could never be developed previously, because only in the recent 5 years it became possible to show the existence of an appropriate last step for many such attacks, which is a low data complexity software algebraic attack. This methodology leads to a large number of new attacks on GOST, way more complex, better and more efficient than at FSE 2011. One example of such an attack is given in the present paper.
Last updated:  2011-05-06
The preimage security of double-block-length compression functions
Jooyoung Lee, Martijn Stam, John Steinberger
We give improved bounds on the preimage security of the three ``classical'' double-block-length, double-call, blockcipher-based compression functions, these being Abreast-DM, Tandem-DM and Hirose's scheme. For Hirose's scheme, we show that an adversary must make at least $2^{2n-5}$ blockcipher queries to achieve chance $0.5$ of inverting a randomly chosen point in the range. For Abreast-DM and Tandem-DM we show that at least $2^{2n-10}$ queries are necessary. These bounds improve upon the previous best bounds of $\Omega(2^n)$ queries, and are optimal up to a constant factor since the compression functions in question have range of size $2^{2n}$.
Last updated:  2012-11-29
Better Security for Deterministic Public-Key Encryption: The Auxiliary-Input Setting
Zvika Brakerski, Gil Segev
Deterministic public-key encryption, introduced by Bellare, Boldyreva, and O'Neill (CRYPTO '07), provides an alternative to randomized public-key encryption in various scenarios where the latter exhibits inherent drawbacks. A deterministic encryption algorithm, however, cannot satisfy any meaningful notion of security when the plaintext is distributed over a small set. Bellare et al. addressed this difficulty by requiring semantic security to hold only when the plaintext has high min-entropy from the adversary's point of view. In many applications, however, an adversary may obtain auxiliary information that is related to the plaintext. Specifically, when deterministic encryption is used as a building block of a larger system, it is rather likely that plaintexts do not have high min-entropy from the adversary's point of view. In such cases, the framework of Bellare et al. might fall short from providing robust security guarantees. We formalize a framework for studying the security of deterministic public-key encryption schemes with respect to auxiliary inputs. Given the trivial requirement that the plaintext should not be efficiently recoverable from the auxiliary input, we focus on hard-to-invert auxiliary inputs. Within this framework, we propose two schemes: the first is based on the $d$-linear assumption for any $d \ge 1$ (including, in particular, the decisional Diffie-Hellman assumption), and the second is based on a rather general class of subgroup indistinguishability assumptions (including, in particular, the quadratic residuosity assumption and Paillier's composite residuosity assumption). Our schemes are secure with respect to any auxiliary input that is subexponentially hard to invert (assuming the standard hardness of the underlying computational assumptions). In addition, our first scheme is secure even in the multi-user setting where related plaintexts may be encrypted under multiple public keys. Constructing a scheme that is secure in the multi-user setting (even without considering auxiliary inputs) was identified by Bellare et al. as an important open problem.
Last updated:  2011-05-08
Direct Constructions of Bidirectional Proxy Re-Encryption with Alleviated Trust in Proxy
Jian Weng, Yunlei Zhao
In this work, we study (the direct constructions of) bidirectional proxy re-encryption (PRE) with alleviated trust in the proxy, specifically the master secret security (MSS) and the non-transitivity (NT) security, in the standard model, and achieve the following: 1. A multi-hop MSS-secure bidirectional PRE scheme with security against chosen plaintext attacks (CPA) in the standard model, where the ciphertext remains constant size regardless of how many times it has been re-encrypted. To the best of our knowledge, there exists previously no MSS-secure multi-hop bidirectional PRE scheme with constant size of ciphertexts (whether in the random oracle model or not). 2. A single-hop MSS-secure and non-transitive bidirectional PRE scheme with security against chosen ciphertext attacks (CCA) in the standard model. The CCA-secure scheme is based on the CPA-secure scheme, and particularly employs a new re-encryption key (REK) generation mechanism to which each user makes equal contributions, where a \emph{single} REK is used in both directions with the same proxy computation. Single-hop non-transitive bidirectional PRE schemes also enjoy better fine-grained delegate right control (against malicious proxy). The security analysis uses Coron's technique [Coron, Crypto 2000], which particularly allows adaptive secret key corruption. Along the way, we also refine and clarify the security models for bidirectional PRE.
Last updated:  2011-08-11
Proofs of Ownership in Remote Storage Systems
Shai Halevi, Danny Harnik, Benny Pinkas, Alexandra Shulman-Peleg
Cloud storage systems are increasingly popular nowadays, and a promising technology to keep their cost down is *deduplication*, namely removing unnecessary copies of repeating data. Moreover, *client-side deduplication* attempts to identify deduplication opportunities already at the client and save the bandwidth in uploading another copy of an existing file to the server. In this work we identify attacks that exploit client-side deduplication, allowing an attacker to gain access to potentially huge files of other users based on a very small amount of side information. For example, an attacker who knows the hash signature of a file can convince the storage service that it owns that file, hence the server later lets the attacker download the entire file. To overcome such attacks, we introduce proofs-of-ownership (PoWs), where a client proves to the server that it actually holds the data of the file and not just some short information about it. We formalize proof-of-ownership, present solutions based on Merkle trees and specific encodings, and analyze their security. We implemented one variant of the scheme, our performance measurements indicate that our protocol incurs only a small overhead (compared to naive client-side deduplication that is vulnerable to the attack).
Last updated:  2011-10-17
Isomorphism classes of Edwards curves over finite fields
R. Farashahi, D. Moody, H. Wu
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Edwards curves are an alternate model for elliptic curves, which have attracted notice in cryptography. We give exact formulas for the number of $\Fq$-isomorphism classes of Edwards curves and twisted Edwards curves. This answers a question recently asked by R. Farashahi and I. Shparlinski.
Last updated:  2011-04-25
Group-oriented ring signature
Chunbo Ma, Jun Ao
In this paper, we present an improved Rivest's ring signature scheme. In our scheme, the size of the signature is only related to the ring members, and the signer needs no to publish amount of random numbers. On this basis, we propose a group-oriented ring signature. In this scheme, only the person who belongs to the designated group can verify the validity of the ring signature. The security of these two schemes can be proved by using Forking Lemmas.
Last updated:  2011-04-28
Leakage Tolerant Interactive Protocols
Nir Bitansky, Ran Canetti, Shai Halevi
We put forth a framework for expressing security requirements from interactive protocols in the presence of arbitrary leakage. This allows capturing different levels of leakage tolerance of protocols, namely the preservation (or degradation) of security, under coordinated attacks that include various forms of leakage from the secret states of participating components. The framework extends the universally composable (UC) security framework. We also prove a variant of the UC theorem, that enables modular design and analysis of protocols even in face of general, non-modular leakage. We then construct leakage tolerant protocols for basic tasks, such as, secure message transmission, message authentication, commitment, oblivious transfer and zero knowledge. A central component in several of our constructions is the observation that resilience to adaptive party corruptions (in some strong sense) implies leakage-tolerance in an essentially optimal way.
Last updated:  2011-04-25
Key agreement based on homomorphisms of algebraic structures
Juha Partala
We give a generalization of the Diffie-Hellman key agreement scheme that is based on the hardness of computing homomorphic images from an algebra to another. We formulate computational and decision versions of the homomorphic image problem and devise a key agreement protocol that is secure in the Canetti-Krawczyk model under the decision homomorphic image assumption. We also give an instantiation of the protocol using an additively homomorphic symmetric encryption scheme of Armknecht and Sadeghi. We prove that the instantiation is secure under the assumption that the encryption scheme is IND-CPA secure.
Last updated:  2012-03-16
Cycling Attacks on GCM, GHASH and Other Polynomial MACs and Hashes
Markku-Juhani O. Saarinen
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The Galois/Counter Mode (GCM) of operation has been standardized by NIST to provide single-pass authenticated encryption. The GHASH authentication component of GCM belongs to a class of Wegman-Carter polynomial hashes that operate in the field $\mathrm{GF}(2^{128})$. We present message forgery attacks that are made possible by its extremely smooth-order multiplicative group which splits into 512 subgroups. GCM uses the same block cipher key $K$ to both encrypt data and to derive the generator $H$ of the authentication polynomial for GHASH. In present literature, only the trivial weak key $H=0$ has been considered. We show that GHASH has much wider classes of weak keys in its 512 multiplicative subgroups, analyze some of their properties, and give experimental results on AES-GCM weak key search. Our attacks can be used not only to bypass message authentication with garbage but also to target specific plaintext bits if a polynomial MAC is used in conjunction with a stream cipher. These attacks can also be applied with varying efficiency to other polynomial hashes and MACs, depending on their field properties. Our findings show that especially the use of short polynomial-evaluation MACs should be avoided if the underlying field has a smooth multiplicative order.
Last updated:  2011-04-27
Improved Meet-in-the-Middle Cryptanalysis of KTANTAN
Lei Wei, Christian Rechberger, Jian Guo, Hongjun Wu, Huaxiong Wang, San Ling
We revisit meet-in-the-middle attacks on block ciphers and recent developments in meet-in-the-middle preimage attacks on hash functions. Despite the presence of a secret key in the block cipher case, we identify techniques that can also be mounted on block ciphers, thus allowing us to improve the cryptanalysis of the block cipher KTANTAN family. The first and major contribution is that we spot errors in previous cryptanalysis, secondly we improve upon the corrected results. Especially, the technique indirect-partial-matching can be used to increase the number of matched bits significantly, as exemplified by our attacks. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that a splice-and-cut meet-in-the-middle attack is applied to block ciphers. When the splitting point is close to the start or the end of the cipher, the attack remains to be at very low data complexity. The secret key of the full cipher can be recovered faster than exhaustive search for all three block sizes in the KTANTAN family. The attack on KTANTAN32 works with a time complexity $2^{72.9}$ in terms of full round encryptions. The attack has a time complexity of $2^{73.8}$ and $2^{74.4}$ on KTANTAN48 and KTANTAN64, respectively. Moreover, all the three attacks work with 4 chosen ciphertexts only. These results compare favourably with the factor 2 speed-up over brute force obtained in earlier work 4 , and hence these attacks are the best cryptanalysis results so far.
Last updated:  2011-04-25
Fair and Privacy-Preserving Multi-Party Protocols for Reconciling Ordered Input Sets (Extended version)
Georg Neugebauer, Ulrike Meyer, Susanne Wetzel
In this paper, we introduce the first protocols for multi-party, privacy-preserving, fair reconciliation of ordered sets. Our contributions are twofold. First, we show that it is possible to extend the round-based construction for fair, two-party privacy-preserving reconciliation of ordered sets to multiple parties using a multi-party privacy-preserving set intersection protocol. Second, we propose new constructions for fair, multi-party, privacy-preserving reconciliation of ordered sets based on multiset operations. We prove that all our protocols are privacy-preserving in the semi-honest model. We furthermore provide a detailed performance analysis of our new protocols and show that the constructions based on multisets generally outperform the round-based approach.
Last updated:  2011-04-25
An efficient deterministic test for Kloosterman sum zeros
Omran Ahmadi, Robert Granger
We propose a simple deterministic test for deciding whether or not a non-zero element $a \in \F_{2^n}$ or $\F_{3^n}$ is a zero of the corresponding Kloosterman sum over these fields, and analyse its complexity. The test seems to have been overlooked in the literature. For binary fields, the test has an expected operation count dominated by just two $\F_{2^n}$-multiplications when $n$ is odd (with a slightly higher cost for even extension degrees), making its repeated invocation the most efficient method to date to find a non-trivial Kloosterman sum zero in these fields. The analysis depends on the distribution of Sylow $p$-subgroups in two corresponding families of elliptic curves, which we prove using a theorem due to Howe.
Last updated:  2011-04-25
Terminating BKZ
Guillaume Hanrot, Xavier Pujol, Damien Stehlé
Strong lattice reduction is the key element for most attacks against lattice-based cryptosystems. Between the strongest but impractical HKZ reduction and the weak but fast LLL reduction, there have been several attempts to find efficient trade-offs. Among them, the BKZ algorithm introduced by Schnorr and Euchner [FCT'91] seems to achieve the best time/quality compromise in practice. However, no reasonable complexity upper bound is known for BKZ, and Gama and Nguyen [Eurocrypt'08] observed experimentally that its practical runtime seems to grow exponentially with the lattice dimension. In this work, we show that BKZ can be terminated long before its completion, while still providing bases of excellent quality. More precisely, we show that if given as inputs a basis $(b_i)_{i\leq n} \in Q^{n \times n}$ of a lattice L and a block-size $\beta$, and if terminated after $\Omega\left(\frac{n^3}{\beta^2}(\log n + \log \log \max_i \|\vec{b}_i\|)\right)$ calls to a $\beta$-dimensional HKZ-reduction (or SVP) subroutine, then BKZ returns a basis whose first vector has norm $\leq 2 \gamma_{\beta}^{\frac{n-1}{2(\beta-1)}+\frac{3}{2}} \cdot (\det L)^{\frac{1}{n}}$, where~$\gamma_{\beta} \leq \beta$ is the maximum of Hermite's constants in dimensions $\leq \beta$. To obtain this result, we develop a completely new elementary technique based on discrete-time affine dynamical systems, which could lead to the design of improved lattice reduction algorithms.
Last updated:  2011-04-25
Public Key Encryption for the Forgetful
Puwen Wei, Yuliang Zheng, Xiaoyun Wang
We investigate public key encryption that allows the originator of a ciphertext to retrieve a ``forgotten'' plaintext from the ciphertext. This type of public key encryption with ``backward recovery'' contrasts more widely analyzed public key encryption with ``forward secrecy''. We advocate that together they form the two sides of a whole coin, whereby offering complementary roles in data security, especially in cloud computing, 3G/4G communications and other emerging computing and communication platforms. We formalize the notion of public key encryption with backward recovery, and present two construction methods together with formal analyses of their security. The first method embodies a generic public key encryption scheme with backward recovery using the ``encrypt then sign" paradigm, whereas the second method provides a more efficient scheme that is built on Hofheinz and Kiltz's public key encryption in conjunction with target collision resistant hashing. Security of the first method is proved in a two-user setting, whereas the second is in a more general multi-user setting.
Last updated:  2011-04-25
Acceleration of Composite Order Bilinear Pairing on Graphics Hardware
Ye Zhang, Chun Jason Xue, Duncan S. Wong, Nikos Mamoulis, S. M. Yiu
Recently, composite-order bilinear pairing has been shown to be useful in many cryptographic constructions. However, it is time-costly to evaluate. This is because the composite order should be at least 1024bit and, hence, the elliptic curve group order $n$ and base field become too large, rendering the bilinear pairing algorithm itself too slow to be practical (e.g., the Miller loop is $\Omega(n)$). Thus, composite-order computation easily becomes the bottleneck of a cryptographic construction, especially, in the case where many pairings need to be evaluated at the same time. The existing solution to this problem that converts composite-order pairings to prime-order ones is only valid for certain constructions. In this paper, we leverage the huge number of threads available on Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) to speed up composite-order pairing computation. We investigate suitable SIMD algorithms for base field, extension field, elliptic curve and bilinear pairing computation as well as mapping these algorithms into GPUs with careful considerations. Experimental results show that our method achieves a record of 8.7ms per pairing on a 1024bit security level, which is a 20-fold speedup compared to state-of-the-art CPU implementation. This result also opens the road to adopting higher security levels and using rich-resource parallel platforms, which for example are available in cloud computing. In fact, we can achieve more than 24 times speedup on a 2048bit security level and a record of $7 \times 10^{-6}$ USD per pairing on the Amazon cloud computing environment.
Last updated:  2011-07-20
An ID-based three-party authenticated key exchange protocol using elliptic curve cryptography for mobile-commerce environments
Debiao He, Yitao Chen
For secure communications in public network environments, various three-party authenticated key exchange (3PAKE) protocols are proposed to provide the transaction confidentiality and efficiency. In 2009, Yang et al. proposed an efficient three-party authenticated key exchange protocol based upon elliptic curve cryptography(ECC) for mobile-commerce environments. Because the elliptic curve cryptography is used, their 3PAKE protocol has low computation costs and light communication loads. However, Tan demonstrated that Yang et al.’s protocol suffers from the impersonation attack and the parallel attack. Tan also proposed an enhanced protocol to improve the security and the performance. However, Yang et al.’s protocol and Tan’s protocol bases on the public key infrastructure(PKI). Then the server has to maintain the certificates for users’ public keys. When the number of users is increased, the server needs a large storage space to store users’ public keys and certificates. In addition, the server needs additional computations to verify the other’s certificate in their protocols. This causes the computation loads and the energy costs of mobile devices very high. In this paper, we propose an ID-based 3PAKE using ECC. Compared with the related protocol, our protocol does not need additional computations to verify certificate and has the better performance. Then our protocol is more suitable and practical for mobile-commerce environments.
Last updated:  2011-04-25
Cryptanalysis of Chen \textit{et al.}'s RFID Access Control Protocol
Masoumeh Safkhani, Nasour Bagheri, Majid Naderi
Recently Chen \textit{et al.} have proposed a RFID access control protocol based on the strategy of indefinite-index and challenge-response. They have claimed that their protocol provides optimal location privacy and resists against man in the middle, spoofed tag and spoofed reader attacks. However, in this paper we show that Chen \textit{ et al.} protocol does not provide the claimed security. More precisely, we present the following attacks on the protocol: \begin{enumerate} \item Tag impersonation attack. \item Reader impersonation attack. \item Location traceability attack. \end{enumerate} All attacks presented in this paper have the success probability of '1' on the cost of only one or two runs of protocol.
Last updated:  2011-04-25
Security Analysis of $LMAP^{++}$, an RFID Authentication Protocol
Nasour Bagheri, Masoumeh Safkhani, Majid Naderi, Somitra Kumar Sanadhya
Low cost RFID tags are increasingly being deployed in various practical applications these days. Security analysis of the way these tags are used in an application is a must for successful adoption of the RFID technology. Depending on the requirements of the particular application, security demands on these tags cover some or all of the aspects such as privacy, untraceability and authentication. As a result of increasing deployment of RFID tags, many works on RFID protocols and their security analysis have appeared in the literature in the past few years. Although most protocol proposals also provide some justification for the claimed security properties of these protocols, independent third party evaluation has often revealed weaknesses in these protocols. In this work, we present a third party security evaluation of a recently proposed mutual authentication protocol $LMAP^{++}$. Mutual authentication protocols are an important class of protocols for RFID applications. In these protocols, the reader and the tag of an RFID system run an interactive game to authenticate themselves to each other. In this work, we present traceability and desynchronization attacks against the protocol $LMAP^{++}$. First we show that $LMAP^{++}$ does not satisfy the security notion of traceability as defined in the model proposed by Jules and Weis. Using the ideas of this traceability attack, next we show that $LMAP^{++}$ also suffers from a desynchronization attack. The presented attacks have low complexities and high success probabilities. To the best of our knowledge, this the first attack on the $LMAP^{++}$ protocol.
Last updated:  2011-04-16
Short and Efficient Certificate-Based Signature
Joseph K. Liu, Feng Bao, Jianying Zhou
In this paper, we propose a short and efficient certificate-based signature (CBS) scheme. Certificate-based cryptography proposed by Gentry \cite{Gentry03} combines the merit of traditional public key cryptography (PKI) and identity based cryptography, without use of the costly certificate chain verification process and the removal of key escrow security concern. Under this paradigm, we propose the shortest certificate-based signature scheme in the literature. We require one group element for the signature size and public key respectively. Thus the public information for each user is reduced to just one group element. It is even shorter than the state-of-the-art PKI based signature scheme, which requires one group element for the public key while another group element for the certificate. Our scheme is also very efficient. It just requires one scalar elliptic curve multiplication for the signing stage. Our CBS is particularly useful in power and bandwidth limited environment such as Wireless Cooperative Networks.
Last updated:  2017-09-28
On the Security of the Winternitz One-Time Signature Scheme
Johannes Buchmann, Erik Dahmen, Sarah Ereth, Andreas Hülsing, Markus Rückert
We show that the Winternitz one-time signature scheme is existentially unforgeable under adaptive chosen message attacks when instantiated with a family of pseudo random functions. Compared to previous results, which require a collision resistant hash function, our result provides significantly smaller signatures at the same security level. We also consider security in the strong sense and show that the Winternitz one-time signature scheme is strongly unforgeable assuming additional properties of the pseudo random function. In this context we formally define several key-based security notions for function families and investigate their relation to pseudorandomness. All our reductions are exact and in the standard model and can directly be used to estimate the output length of the hash function required to meet a certain security level.
Last updated:  2011-04-16
SHS: Secure Hybrid Search by Combining Dynamic and Static Indexes in PEKS
Peng Xu, Hai Jin
With a significant advance in ciphertext searchability, Public-key encryption with keyword search (PEKS) is the first keyword searchable encryption scheme based on the probabilistic encryption, such that it is more secure than almost all previous schemes. However, there is an open problem in PEKS that its search complexity is linear with the sum of ciphertexts, such that it is inefficient for a mass of ciphertexts. Fortunately, we find an elegant method that by adaptively taking the keyword trapdoor of each query as an index, the search complexity of the queried keywords can be decreased in a huge degree. We call this method dynamic index (DI) technique. Furthermore, for keywords having not been queried before, we employ deterministic encryption to establish indexes to decrease their first search complexity. We call this method static index (SI) technique. Consequently, we propose a secure hybrid search (SHS) system by combing DI and SI techniques in PEKS to decrease the search complexity of PEKS. At last, we demonstrate its semantic security and convergent search complexity, which is considerably lower than that of PEKS.
Last updated:  2011-04-12
SIMPL Systems as a Keyless Cryptographic and Security Primitive
Ulrich Rührmair
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We discuss a recent cryptographic primitive termed SIMPL system. Like Physical Unclonable Functions (PUFs), SIMPL systems are disordered, unclonable physical systems with many possible inputs and a complex input-output behavior. Contrary to PUFs, however, each SIMPL system comes with a publicly known, individual numeric description that allows its slow simulation and output prediction. While everyone can determine a SIMPL system’s output slowly by simulation, only its actual holder can determine the output fast by physical measurement. This added functionality allows new public key like protocols and applications. But SIMPLs have a second, perhaps more striking advantage: No secret information is, or needs to be, contained in SIMPL systems in order to enable cryptographic security. Neither in the form of a standard digital key, nor as secret information hidden in the random, analog features of some hardware, as it is the case for PUFs. The security of SIMPL systems instead rests on (i) an assumption regarding their physical unclonability, and (ii) a computational assumption on the complexity of simulating their output. This provides SIMPL systems with a natural immunity against any key extraction attacks, including malware, side channel, invasive, and modeling attempts. In this manuscript, we give a comprehensive discussion of SIMPLs as a cryptographic and security primitive. Special emphasis is placed on the different cryptographic protocols that are enabled by this new tool.
Last updated:  2014-08-07
Physical Turing Machines and the Formalization of Physical Cryptography
Ulrich Rührmair
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We introduce an extension of the standard Turing machine model, so-called Physical Turing machines, and apply them in a reductionist security proof for a standard scheme from physical cryptography.
Last updated:  2012-01-12
Accelerating ID-based Encryption based on Trapdoor DL using Pre-computation
Hyung Tae Lee, Jung Hee Cheon, Jin Hong
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The existing identity-based encryption (IBE) schemes based on pairings require pairing computations in encryption or decryption algorithm and it is a burden to each entity which has restricted computing resources in mobile computing environments. An IBE scheme (MY-IBE) based on a trapdoor DL group for RSA setting is one of good alternatives for applying to mobile computing environments. However, it has a drawback for practical use, that the key generation algorithm spends a long time for generating a user's private key since the key generation center has to solve a discrete logarithm problem. In this paper, we suggest a method to reduce the key generation time of the MY-IBE scheme, applying modified Pollard rho algorithm using significant pre-computation (mPAP). We also provide a rigorous analysis of the mPAP for more precise estimation of the key generation time and consider the parallelization and applying the tag tracing technique to reduce the wall-clock running time of the key generation algorithm. Finally, we give a parameter setup method for an efficient key generation algorithm and estimate key generation time for practical parameters from our theoretical analysis and experimental results on small parameters. Our estimation shows that it takes about two minutes using pre-computation for about 50 days with 27 GB storage to generate one user's private key using the parallelized mPAP enhanced by the tag tracing technique with 100 processors.
Last updated:  2011-04-25
Some aspects of multi-variable secret sharing
Umadevi Ganugula, Prabal Paul
In this paper we introduce a technique that reduces a multi-variable polynomial to a single variable polynomial in such a way that it is easy to evaluate the multi-variable polynomial. Moreover, this single variable polynomial is optimal in certain cases. Based on this lemma, we propose a new optimal multi-variable secret sharing scheme. We improve upon some existing schemes. We propose a secret sharing scheme to realize a compartmental access structure scheme. Using the lemma, we prove that multi-variable secret sharing schemes are just a generalization of Shamir secret sharing scheme, which is based on single variable polynomials.
Last updated:  2011-04-12
Efficient and Secure Data Storage Operations for Mobile Cloud Computing
Zhibin Zhou, Dijiang Huang
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Cloud computing is a promising technology, which is transforming the traditional Internet computing paradigm and IT industry. With the development of wireless access technologies, cloud computing is expected to expand to mobile environments, where mobile devices and sensors are used as the information collection nodes for the cloud. However, users' concerns about data security are the main obstacles that impede cloud computing from being widely adopted. These concerns are originated from the fact that sensitive data resides in public clouds, which are operated by commercial service providers that are not trusted by the data owner. Thus, new secure service architectures are needed to address the security concerns of users for using cloud computing techniques. In this paper, we present a holistic security framework to secure the data storage in public clouds with the special focus on lightweight wireless devices store and retrieve data without exposing the data content to the cloud service providers. To achieve this goal, our solution focuses on the following two research directions: First, we present a novel Privacy Preserving Cipher Policy Attribute-Based Encryption (PP-CP-ABE) to protect users' data. Using PP-CP-ABE, light-weight devices can securely outsource heavy encryption and decryption operations to cloud service providers, without revealing the data content and used security keys. Second, we propose an Attribute Based Data Storage (ABDS) system as a cryptographic access control mechanism. ABDS achieves information theoretical optimality in terms of minimizing computation, storage and communication overheads. Especially, ABDS minimizes cloud service charges by reducing communication overhead for data managements. Our performance assessments demonstrate the security strength and efficiency of the presented solution in terms of computation, communication, and storage.
Last updated:  2011-04-12
Fortification of AES with Dynamic Mix-Column Transformation
Ghulam Murtaza, Azhar Ali Khan, Syed Wasi Alam, Aqeel Farooqi
MDS Matrix has an important role in the design of Rijndael Cipher and is the most expensive component of the cipher. It is also used as a perfect diffusion primitive in some other block ciphers. In this paper, we propose a replacement of Mix Column Transformation in AES by equivalent Dynamic Mix Column Transformation. A Dynamic Mix Column Transformation comprises dynamic MDS Matrices which are based on default MDS Matrix of AES and m-bit additional key. Here m is a variable length that does not exceed the product of 31.97 and one less the number of encryption rounds. This mechanism increases a brute force attack complexity by m-bit to the original key and enforces the attackers to design new frameworks for different modern cryptanalytic techniques applicable to the cipher. We also present efficient implementation of this technique in Texas Instrument’s DSP C64x+ with no extra cost to default AES and in Xilinx Spartan3 FPGA with no change in AES throughput. We also briefly analyze the security achieved over it.
Last updated:  2011-04-10
Elliptic Curve Point Multiplication Using MBNR and Point Halving
G. N. Purohit, Asmita SIngh Rawat
The fast implementation of elliptic curve cryptosystems heavily relies on the efficient computation of scalar multiplication. Scalar multiplication is most important and costly operation (in terms of time) in ECC, there is always a need of developing a faster method with lower cost. Generalization of double base number system of a number k to multi-base number system (MBNR) provides a faster method for scalar multiplication In this paper we optimize the cost of scalar multiplication using halving and add method instead doubling and add methods. Using this method the cost is reduced from 40% to 50% with respect to the other techniques of number representation.
Last updated:  2011-04-08
Designated Confirmer Signatures With Unified Verification
Guilin Wang, Fubiao Xia, Yunlei Zhao
After the introduction of designated confirmer signatures (DCS) by Chaum in 1994, considerable researches have been done to build generic schemes from standard digital signatures and construct efficient concrete solutions. In DCS schemes, a signature cannot be verified without the help of either the signer or a semi-trusted third party, called the designated confirmer. If necessary, the confirmer can further convert a DCS into an ordinary signature that is publicly verifiable. However, there is one limit in most existing schemes: the signer is not given the ability to disavow invalid DCS signatures. Motivated by this observation, in this paper we first propose a new variant of DCS model, called designated confirmer signatures with unified verification}, in which both the signer and the designated confirmer can run the same protocols to confirm a valid DCS or disavow an invalid signature. Then, we present the first DCS scheme with unified verification and prove its security in the random oracle (RO) model and under a new computational assumption, called Decisional Co-efficient Linear (D-co-L) assumption, whose intractability in pairing settings is shown to be equivalent to the well-known Decisional Bilinear Diffie-Hellman (DBDH) assumption. The proposed scheme is constructed by encrypting Boneh, Lynn and Shacham's pairing based short signatures with signed ElGamal encryption. The resulting solution is efficient in both aspects of computation and communication. In addition, we point out that the proposed concept can be generalized by allowing the signer to run different protocols for confirming and disavowing signatures.
Last updated:  2011-04-08
Security of Prime Field Pairing Cryptoprocessor Against Differential Power Attack
Santosh Ghosh, Debdeep Mukhopadhyay, Dipanwita Roy Chowdhury
This paper deals with the differential power attack on a pairing cryptoprocessor. The cryptoprocessor is designed for pairing computations on elliptic curves defined over finite fields with large prime characteristic. The work pinpoints the vulnerabilities of such pairing computations against side-channel attacks. By exploiting the power consumptions, the paper experimentally demonstrates such vulnerability on FPGA platform. A suitable counteracting technique is also suggested to overcome such vulnerability.
Last updated:  2013-03-05
Highly-Efficient Universally-Composable Commitments based on the DDH Assumption
Yehuda Lindell
Universal composability (or UC security) provides very strong security guarantees for protocols that run in complex real-world environments. In particular, security is guaranteed to hold when the protocol is run concurrently many times with other secure and possibly insecure protocols. Commitment schemes are a basic building block in many cryptographic constructions, and as such universally composable commitments are of great importance in constructing UC-secure protocols. In this paper, we construct highly efficient UC-secure commitments from the standard DDH assumption, in the common reference string model. Our commitment stage is non-interactive, has a common reference string with $O(1)$ group elements, and has complexity of $O(1)$ exponentiations for committing to a group element (to be more exact, the effective cost is that of $23\frac{1}{3}$ exponentiations overall, for both the commit and decommit stages). Our scheme is secure in the presence of static adversaries.
Last updated:  2011-11-28
Compact McEliece keys based on Quasi-Dyadic Srivastava codes
Edoardo Persichetti
The McEliece cryptosystem is one of the few systems to be considered secure against Quantum attacks. The original scheme is built upon Goppa codes and produces very large keys, hence latest research has focused mainly on trying to reduce the public key size. Previous proposals tried to replace the class of Goppa codes with other families of codes, but this revealed to be an insecure choice. In this paper we introduce a construction based on Generalized Srivastava codes, a large class which include Goppa codes as a special case, that allows relatively short public keys without being vulnerable to known structural attacks.
Last updated:  2012-07-11
Differential Fault Analysis of AES: Toward Reducing Number of Faults
Chong Hee KIM
Differential Fault Analysis (DFA) finds the key of a block cipher using differential information between correct and faulty ciphertexts obtained by inducing faults during the computation of ciphertexts. Among many ciphers AES has been the main target of DFA due to its popularity. DFA of AES has also been diversied into several directions: reducing the required number of faults, applying it to multi-byte fault models, extending to AES-192 and AES-256, or exploiting faults induced at an earlier round. This paper deals with the first three directions together, especially giving weight to reducing the required number of faults. Many previous works show that the required numbers of faults are different although the same fault model is used. This comes from lack of a general method of constructing and solving differential fault equations. Therefore we first present how to generate differential fault equations systematically and reduce the number of candidates of the key with them, which leads us to find the minimum number of faults. Then we extend to multi-byte fault models and AES-192/256.
Last updated:  2011-04-08
Dynamic MDS Matrices for Substantial Cryptographic Strength
Muhammad Yasir Malik, Jong-Seon No
Ciphers get their strength from the mathematical functions of confusion and diffusion, also known as substitution and permutation. These were the basics of classical cryptography and they are still the basic part of modern ciphers. In block ciphers diffusion is achieved by the use of Maximum Distance Separable (MDS) matrices. In this paper we present some methods for constructing dynamic (and random) MDS matrices.
Last updated:  2011-04-08
A FPGA pairing implementation using the Residue Number System
Sylvain Duquesne, Nicolas Guillermin
Recently, a lot of progresses have been made in software implementations of pairings at the 128-bit security level in large characteristic. In this work, we obtain analogous progresses for hardware implementations. For this, we use the RNS representation of numbers which is especially well suited for pairing computation in a hardware context. A FPGA implementation is proposed, based on an adaptation of Guillermin's architecture which computes a pairing in 1.07 ms. It is 2 times faster than all previous hardware implementations (including ASIC and small characteristic implementations) and almost as fast as best software implementations.
Last updated:  2011-04-05
Analysis of reduced-SHAvite-3-256 v2
Marine Minier, Maria Naya-Plasencia, Thomas Peyrin
In this article, we provide the first independent analysis of the (2nd-round tweaked) 256-bit version of the SHA-3 candidate SHAvite-3. By leveraging recently introduced cryptanalysis tools such as rebound attack or Super-Sbox cryptanalysis, we are able to derive chosen-related-salt distinguishing attacks on the compression function on up to 8 rounds (12 rounds in total) and free-start collisions on up to 7 rounds. In particular, our best results are obtained by carefully controlling the differences in the key schedule of the internal cipher. Most of our results have been implemented and verified experimentally.
Last updated:  2011-04-05
On-line secret sharing
Laszlo Csirmaz, Gabor Tardos
In a perfect secret sharing scheme the dealer distributes shares to participants so that qualified subsets can recover the secret, while unqualified subsets have no information on the secret. In an on-line secret sharing scheme the dealer assigns shares in the order the participants show up, knowing only those qualified subsets whose all members she have seen. We often assume that the overall access structure (the set of minimal qualified subsets) is known and only the order of the participants is unknown. On-line secret sharing is a useful primitive when the set of participants grows in time, and redistributing the secret when a new participant shows up is too expensive. In this paper we start the investigation of unconditionally secure on-line secret sharing schemes. The complexity of a secret sharing scheme is the size of the largest share a single participant can receive over the size of the secret. The infimum of this amount in the on-line or off-line setting is the on-line or off-line complexity of the access structure, respectively. For paths on at most five vertices and cycles on at most six vertices the on-line and offline complexities are equal, while for other paths and cycles these values differ. We show that the gap between these values can be arbitrarily large even for graph based access structures. We present a general on-line secret sharing scheme that we call first-fit. Its complexity is the maximal degree of the access structure. We show, however, that this on-line scheme is never optimal: the on-line complexity is always strictly less than the maximal degree. On the other hand, we give examples where the first-fit scheme is almost optimal, namely, the on-line complexity can be arbitrarily close to the maximal degree. The performance ratio is the ratio of the on-line and off-line complexities of the same access structure. We show that for graphs the performance ratio is smaller than the number of vertices, and for an infinite family of graphs the performance ratio is at least constant times the square root of the number of vertices.
Last updated:  2012-05-22
An efficient certificateless short signature scheme from pairings
Debiao He, Jianhua Chen
To avoid the inherent key escrow problem in ID-based public key cryptosystem, Al-Riyami and Paterson introduced a new approach called certificateless public key cryptography. Recently, several short certificateless signature schemes are presented to improve the performance. In this paper, we propose an efficient short certificateless signature scheme which is secure against the super adversary. Compared with the related scheme, our scheme has the best performance in both sign algorithm and the verify algorithm.
Last updated:  2011-04-05
The weak password problem: chaos, criticality, and encrypted p-CAPTCHAs
T. V. Laptyeva, S. Flach, K. Kladko
Vulnerabilities related to weak passwords are a pressing global economic and security issue. We report a novel, simple, and effective approach to address the weak password problem. Building upon chaotic dynamics, criticality at phase transitions, CAPTCHA recognition, and computational round-off errors we design an algorithm that strengthens security of passwords. The core idea of our method is to split a long and secure password into two components. The first component is memorized by the user. The second component is transformed into a CAPTCHA image and then protected using evolution of a two-dimensional dynamical system close to a phase transition, in such a way that standard brute-force attacks become ineffective. We expect our approach to have wide applications for authentication and encryption technologies.
Last updated:  2011-07-07
On lower bounds on second--order nonliearities of bent functions obtained by using Niho power functions
Manish Garg, Sugata Gangopadhyay
In this paper we find a lower bound of the second-order nonlinearities of Boolean bent functions of the form $f(x) = Tr_{1}^{n}(\alpha_{1}x^{d_{1}} + \alpha_{2}x^{d_{2}})$,where $d_1$ and $d_2$ are Niho exponents. A lower bound of the second-order nonlinearities of these Boolean functions can also be obtained by using a result proved by Li, Hu and Gao ( /009.pdf). It is demonstrated that for large values of $n$ the lower bound obtained in this paper are better than the lower bound obtained by Li, Hu and Gao.
Last updated:  2019-03-10
Software implementation of binary elliptic curves: impact of the carry-less multiplier on scalar multiplication
Jonathan Taverne, Armando Faz-Hernández, Diego F. Aranha, Francisco Rodríguez-Henríquez, Darrel Hankerson, Julio López
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The availability of a new carry-less multiplication instruction in the latest Intel desktop processors significantly accelerates multiplication in binary fields and hence presents the opportunity for reevaluating algorithms for binary field arithmetic and scalar multiplication over elliptic curves. We describe how to best employ this instruction in field multiplication and the effect on performance of doubling and halving operations. Alternate strategies for implementing inversion and half-trace are examined to restore most of their competitiveness relative to the new multiplier. These improvements in field arithmetic are complemented by a study on serial and parallel approaches for Koblitz and random curves, where parallelization strategies are implemented and compared. The contributions are illustrated with experimental results improving the state-of-the-art performance of halving and doubling-based scalar multiplication on NIST curves at the 112- and 192-bit security levels, and a new speed record for side-channel resistant scalar multiplication in a random curve at the 128-bit security level.
Last updated:  2011-04-04
Identity-Based Cryptography for Cloud Security
Hongwei Li, Yuanshun Dai, Bo Yang
Cloud computing is a style of computing in which dynamically scalable and commonly virtualized resources are provided as a service over the Internet. This paper, first presents a novel Hierarchical Architecture for Cloud Computing (HACC). Then, Identity-Based Encryption (IBE) and Identity-Based Signature (IBS) for HACC are proposed. Finally, an Authentication Protocol for Cloud Computing (APCC) is presented. Performance analysis indicates that APCC is more efficient and lightweight than SSL Authentication Protocol (SAP), especially for the user side. This aligns well with the idea of cloud computing to allow the users with a platform of limited performance to outsource their computational tasks to more powerful servers.
Last updated:  2011-04-04
A Commitment-Consistent Proof of a Shuffle
Douglas Wikström
We introduce a pre-computation technique that drastically reduces the online computational complexity of mix-nets based on homomorphic cryptosystems. More precisely, we show that there is a permutation commitment scheme that allows a mix-server to: (1) commit to a permutation and efficiently prove knowledge of doing so correctly in the offline phase, and (2) shuffle its input and give an extremely efficient commitment-consistent proof of a shuffle in the online phase. We prove our result for a general class of shuffle maps that generalize all known types of shuffles, and even allows shuffling ciphertexts of different cryptosystems in parallel.
Last updated:  2011-04-11
Identifying Large-Scale RFID Tags Using Non-Cryptographic Approach
Yalin Chen, Jue-Sam Chou, Cheng-Lun Wu, Chi-Fong Lin
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In this paper, we propose a new approach to identify a tag of a RFID system in constant time while keeping untraceability to the tag. Our scheme does not use any cryptographic primitives. Instead, we use a line in a plane to represent a tag. The points on the line, which are infinite and different each other, can be used as tag identification. We also explore the scalability of the proposed scheme. The result of experiments showed that a tag of the RFID system over 1,000,000 tags, embedded 3000 gates, can store 559 dynamic identity proofs.
Last updated:  2011-11-17
Selections: Internet Voting with Over-the-Shoulder Coercion-Resistance
Jeremy Clark, Urs Hengartner
We present Selections, a new cryptographic voting protocol that is end-to-end verifiable and suitable for Internet voting. After a one-time in-person registration, voters can cast ballots in an arbitrary number of elections. We say a system provides over-the-shoulder coercion-resistance if a voter can undetectably avoid complying with an adversary that is present during the vote casting process. Our system is the first in the literature to offer this property without the voter having to anticipate coercion and precompute values. Instead, a voter can employ a panic password. We prove that Selections is coercion-resistant against a non-adaptive adversary.
Last updated:  2011-04-10
Improved Side Channel Cube Attacks on PRESENT
XinJie Zhao, Tao Wang, ShiZe Guo
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The paper presents several improved side channel cube attacks on PRESENT based on single bit leakage model. Compared with the previous study of Yang et al in CANS 2009 [30], based on the same model of single bit leakage in the 3rd round, we show that: if the PRESENT cipher structure is unknown, for the leakage bit 0, 32-bit key can be recovered within $2^{7.17}$ chosen plaintexts; if the cipher structure is known, for the leakage bit 4,8,12, 48-bit key can be extracted by $2^{11.92}$ chosen plaintexts, which is less than $2^{15}$ in [30]; then, we extend the single bit leakage model to the 4th round, based on the two level “divide and conquer” analysis strategy, we propose a sliding window side channel cube attack on PRESENT, for the leakage bit 0, about $2^{15.14}$ chosen plaintexts can obtain 60-bit key; in order to obtain more key bits, we propose an iterated side channel cube attack on PRESENT, about $2^{8.15}$ chosen plaintexts can obtain extra 12 equivalent key bits, so overall $2^{15.154}$ chosen plaintexts can reduce the PRESENT-80 key searching space to $2^{8}$; finally, we extend the attack to PRESENT-128, about $2^{15.156}$ chosen plaintexts can extract 85 bits key, and reduce the PRESENT-128 key searching space to $2^{43}$. Compared with the previous study of Abdul-Latip et al in ASIACCS 2011 [31] based on the Hamming weight leakage model, which can extract 64-bit key of PRESENT-80/128 by $2^{13}$ chosen plaintexts, our attacks can extract more key bits, and have certain advantages over [31].
Last updated:  2012-01-18
On the relation between the MXL family of algorithms and Gröbner basis algorithms
Martin Albrecht, Carlos Cid, Jean-Charles Faugère, Ludovic Perret
The computation of Gröbner bases remains one of the most powerful methods for tackling the Polynomial System Solving (PoSSo) problem. The most efficient known algorithms reduce the Gröbner basis computation to Gaussian eliminations on several matrices. However, several degrees of freedom are available to generate these matrices. It is well known that the particular strategies used can drastically affect the efficiency of the computations. In this work we investigate a recently-proposed strategy, the so-called "Mutant strategy", on which a new family of algorithms is based (MXL, MXL2 and MXL3). By studying and describing the algorithms based on Gröbner basis concepts, we demonstrate that the Mutant strategy can be understood to be equivalent to the classical Normal Selection strategy currently used in Gröbner basis algorithms. Furthermore, we show that the "partial enlargement" technique can be understood as a strategy for restricting the number of S-polynomials considered in an iteration of the F4 Gröbner basis algorithm, while the new termination criterion used in MXL3 does not lead to termination at a lower degree than the classical Gebauer-Möller installation of Buchberger's criteria. We claim that our results map all novel concepts from the MXL family of algorithms to their well-known Gröbner basis equivalents. Using previous results that had shown the relation between the original XL algorithm and F4, we conclude that the MXL family of algorithms can be fundamentally reduced to redundant variants of F4.
Last updated:  2013-05-30
Improved Integral Attacks on Reduced Round Camellia
Yanjun Li, Wenling Wu, Liting Zhang, Lei Zhang
In this paper a method is presented to extend the length of integral distinguisher of Feistel-SP structure, based on which a new 8-round distinguisher of Camellia is proposed. Moreover, we improve integral attacks on reduced round Camellia without FL/FL^{-1}. We attack 11-round Camellia-128 with the data complexity of 2^{120} and the time complexity of 2^{125.5}, and 12-round Camellia-256 with the data complexity of 2^{120} and the time complexity of 2^{214.3}. The result is the best one of integral attacks on reduced round Camellia so far.
Last updated:  2011-04-01
Collision Timing Attack when Breaking 42 AES ASIC Cores
Amir Moradi, Oliver Mischke, Christof Paar
A collision timing attack which exploits the data-dependent timing characteristics of combinational circuits is demonstrated. The attack is based on the correlation collision attack presented at CHES 2010, and the timing attributes of combinational circuits when implementing complex functions, e.g., S-boxes, in hardware are exploited by the help of the scheme used in another CHES 2010 paper namely fault sensitivity analysis. Similarly to other side-channel collision attacks, our approach avoids the need for a hypothetical model to recover the secret materials. The results when attacking all 14 AES ASIC cores of the SASEBO LSI chips in three different process technologies, 130nm, 90nm, and 65nm, are presented. Successfully breaking the DPA-protected and the fault attack protected cores indicates the strength of the attack.
Last updated:  2011-03-31
Efficient Hardware Implementations of BRW Polynomials and Tweakable Enciphering Schemes
Debrup Chakraborty, Cuauhtemoc Mancillas-Lopez, Francisco Rodriguez-Henriquez, Palash Sarkar
A new class of polynomials was introduced by Bernstein (Bernstein 2007) which were later named by Sarkar as Bernstein-Rabin-Winograd (BRW) polynomials (Sarkar 2009). For the purpose of authentication, BRW polynomials offer considerable computational advantage over usual polynomials: $(m-1)$ multiplications for usual polynomial hashing versus $\lfloor\frac{m}{2}\rfloor$ multiplications and $\lceil\log_2 m\rceil$ squarings for BRW hashing, where $m$ is the number of message blocks to be authenticated. In this paper, we develop an efficient pipelined hardware architecture for computing BRW polynomials. The BRW polynomials have a nice recursive structure which is amenable to parallelization. While exploring efficient ways to exploit the inherent parallelism in BRW polynomials we discover some interesting combinatorial structural properties of such polynomials. These are used to design an algorithm to decide the order of the multiplications which minimizes pipeline delays. Using the nice structural properties of the BRW polynomials we present a hardware architecture for efficient computation of BRW polynomials. Finally we provide implementations of tweakable enciphering schemes proposed in Sarkar 2009 which uses BRW polynomials. This leads to the fastest known implementation of disk encryption systems.
Last updated:  2011-09-12
Cryptanalysis of ARMADILLO2
Mohamed Ahmed Abdelraheem, Céline Blondeau, María Naya-Plasencia, Marion Videau, Erik Zenner
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ARMADILLO2 is the recommended variant of a multi-purpose cryptographic primitive dedicated to hardware which has been proposed by Badel et al. in [1]. In this paper we propose a meet-in-the-middle technique that allows us to invert the ARMADILLO2 function. Using this technique we are able to perform a key recovery attack on ARMADILLO2 in FIL-MAC application mode. A variant of this attack can also be applied when ARMADILLO2 is used as a stream cipher in the PRNG application mode. Finally we propose a (second) preimage attack on its hashing application mode. All the cryptanalysis presented in this paper can be applied for any arbitrary bitwise permutations $\sigma_0$ and $\sigma_1$ used in the internal permutation.
Last updated:  2011-07-08
The Block Cipher Thuca
Isaiah Makwakwa
We present a 64-bit (128-bit key) byte-oriented block cipher. It is a Feistel Network in which the diffusion layer of the round function is based on the extended diffusion block (e-block).
Last updated:  2011-03-31
Enhancing Data Privacy in the Cloud
Yanbin Lu, Gene Tsudik
Due to its low cost, robustness, flexibility and ubiquitous nature, cloud computing is changing the way entities manage their data. However, various privacy concerns arise whenever potentially sensitive data is outsourced to the cloud. This paper presents a novel approach for coping with such privacy concerns. The proposed scheme prevents the cloud server from learning any possibly sensitive plaintext in the outsourced databases. It also allows the database owner to delegate users to conducting content-level fine-grained private search and decryption. Moreover, our scheme supports private querying whereby neither the database owner nor the cloud server learns query details. Additional requirement that user's input be authorized by CA can also be supported.
Last updated:  2011-04-27
Secure Computation on the Web: Computing without Simultaneous Interaction
Shai Halevi, Yehuda Lindell, Benny Pinkas
Secure computation enables mutually suspicious parties to compute a joint function of their private inputs while providing strong security guarantees. Amongst other things, even if some of the participants are corrupted the output is still correctly computed, and parties do not learn anything about each other's inputs except for that output. Despite the power and generality of secure computation, its use in practice seems limited. We argue that one of the reasons for this is that the model of computation on the web is not suited to the type of communication patterns needed for secure computation. Specifically, in most web scenarios clients independently connect to servers, interact with them and then leave. This rules out the use of secure computation protocols that require that \emph{all} participants interact simultaneously. In this paper, we initiate the study of secure computation in a client-server model where each client connects to the server \emph{once} and interacts with it, without any other client necessarily being connected at the same time. We point out some inherent limitations in this model and present definitions that capture what can be done. We also present a general feasibility result and several truly practical protocols for a number of functions of interest. All our protocols are based on standard assumptions, and we achieve security both in the semi-honest and malicious adversary models.
Last updated:  2011-03-30
Strong Forward Security in Identity-Based Signcryption
Madeline González Muñiz, Peeter Laud
Due to the possibility of key exposure, forward security in encryption and signing has been well studied, especially in the identity-based setting where an entity's public key is that entity's name. From an efficiency point of view, one would like to use the signcryption primitive and have the best of both worlds. However, strong forward security, where the adversary cannot signcrypt in sender's name nor designcrypt in receiver's name for past time periods even if it has the secrets of both, requires periodic updating of the secret keys of the users. This is an improvement over signcryption schemes that only protect against designcrypting in the past. In this paper, we propose the first ever strong forward secure identity-based signcryption scheme which has public ciphertext verifiability and a third-party verification protocol.
Last updated:  2011-06-30
High-speed Hardware Implementation of Rainbow Signatures on FPGAs
Shaohua Tang, Haibo Yi, Huan Chen, Guomin Chen, Jintai Ding
We propose a new efficient hardware implementation of Rainbow signature scheme. We enhance the implementation in three directions. First, we develop a new parallel hardware design for the Gaussian elimination to solve a n*n linear system with only n clock cycles. Second, a novel multiplier was designed to speed up multiplication of three elements over a finite field. Third, we further optimize the parallelization process of the hardware to generate the Rainbow signature. By integrating these optimizations, we build a new hardware implementation, which takes only 198 clock cycles to generate a Rainbow signature, a new record in generating digital signatures and four times faster than the 804-clock-cycle Balasubramanian-Bogdanov-Carter-Ding-Rupp design with similar parameters.
Last updated:  2011-07-08
The Block Cipher Vuna
Isaiah Makwakwa
We present a 128-bit (128-bit key) byte-oriented block cipher. It is a Feistel Network based on a 32-bit composite primitive. Gomego is a byte-oriented cipher employing two operations: exclusive-or and table lookup.
Last updated:  2011-03-29
Lower bounds of shortest vector lengths in random knapsack lattices and random NTRU lattices
Jingguo Bi, Qi Cheng
Finding the shortest vector of a lattice is one of the most important problems in computational lattice theory. For a random lattice, one can estimate the length of the shortest vector using the Gaussian heuristic. However, no rigorous proof can be provided for some classes of lattices, as the Gaussian heuristic may not hold for them. In the paper we study two types of random lattices in cryptography: the knapsack lattices and the NTRU lattices. For random knapsack lattices, we prove lower bounds of shortest vector lengths, which are very close to lengths predicted by the Gaussian heuristic. For a random NTRU lattice, we prove that with a overwhelming probability, the ratio between the length of the shortest vector and the length of the target vector, which corresponds to the secret key, is at least a constant, independent of the dimension of the lattice. The main technique we use is the incompressibility method from the theory of Kolmogorov complexity.
Last updated:  2011-03-30
A Practical Application of Differential Privacy to Personalized Online Advertising
Yehuda Lindell, Eran Omri
Online advertising plays an important role in supporting many Internet services. Personalized online advertising offers marketers a way to direct ads at very specific audiences. The vast body of Internet users combined with the ease of creating and monitoring personalized advertising campaigns make online advertising an extremely strong tool for marketers. However, many concerns arise regarding the implications of online advertising for the privacy of web users. Specifically, recent works show how the privacy of Internet users may be breached by attacks utilizing personalized advertising campaigns such as those provided by Facebook. Such attacks succeed even without the user ever noticing the attack or being able to avoid it (unless refraining from going on the Internet). In this work, we suggest practical and concrete measures for preventing the feasibility of such attacks on online advertising systems, taking Facebook as our case study. We present a mechanism for releasing statistics on advertising campaigns in a way that preserves the privacy of web users. The notion of privacy that we adopt is a mathematically rigorous definition of privacy called {\em differential privacy}. In addition, we show that the seemingly overly restrictive notion of differential privacy is in fact the one necessary here, and that weaker notions would not suffice.
Last updated:  2011-03-27
Direct Exponent and Scalar Multiplication Classes of an MDS Matrix
G. Murtaza, N. Ikram
An MDS matrix is an important building block adopted by different algorithms that provides diffusion and therefore, has been an area of active research. In this paper, we present an idea of direct exponent and direct square of a matrix. We prove that direct square of an MDS matrix results in an MDS matrix whereas direct exponent may not be an MDS matrix. We also delineate direct exponent class and scalar multiplication class of an MDS matrix and determine the number of elements in these classes. In the end, we discuss the standing of design properties of a cryptographic primitive by replacing MDS matrix by dynamic one.
Last updated:  2011-03-27
A Novel k-out-of-n Oblivious Transfer Protocol from Bilinear Pairing
Jue-Sam Chou, Cheng-Lun Wu, Yalin Chen
As traditional oblivious transfer protocols are treated as cryptographic primitives in most cases, they are usually executed without the consideration of possible attacks, e.g., impersonation, replaying, and man-in-the-middle attacks. Therefore, when these protocols are applied in certain applications, such as mental poker game playing and fairly contracts signing, some extra mechanisms must be combined to ensure its security. However, after the combination, we found that almost all of the resulting schemes are not efficient enough in communicational cost, which is a significant concern for all commercial transactions. Inspired by this observation, we propose a novel secure oblivious transfer protocol based on bilinear pairing which not only can provide mutual authentication to resist malicious attacks but also is efficient in communicational cost.
Last updated:  2011-05-30
Generic Side-Channel Distinguishers: Improvements and Limitations
Nicolas Veyrat-Charvillon, François-Xavier Standaert
The goal of generic side-channel distinguishers is to allow key recoveries against any type of implementation, under minimum assumptions on the underlying hardware. Such distinguishers are particularly interesting in view of recent technological advances. Indeed, the traditional leakage models used in side-channel attacks, based on the Hamming weight or distance of the data contained in an implementation, are progressively invalidated by the increased variability in nanoscale electronic devices. In this paper, we consequently provide two contributions related to the application of side-channel analysis against emerging cryptographic implementations. First, we describe a new statistical test that is aimed to be generic and efficient when exploiting high-dimensional leakages. The proposed distinguisher is fully non-parametric. It formulates the leakage distributions using a copula and discriminates keys based on the detection of an ``outlier behavior". Next, we provide experiments putting forward the limitations of generic side-channel analysis in advanced scenarios, where leaking devices are protected with countermeasures. Our results exhibit that all non-profiled attacks published so far can sometimes give a false sense of security, due to incorrect leakage models. That is, there exists settings in which an implementation is secure against such non-profiled attacks and can be defeated with profiling. This confirms that the evaluations of cryptographic implementations should always consider profiling, as a worst case scenario.
Last updated:  2011-04-01
Near-Collision Attack on the Step-Reduced Compression Function of Skein-256
Hongbo Yu, Jiazhe Chen, Keting jia, Xiaoyun Wang
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The Hash function Skein is one of the 5 finalists of NIST SHA-3 competition. It is designed based on the threefish block cipher and it only uses three primitive operations: modular addition, rotation and bitwise XOR (ARX). In this paper, we combine two short differential paths to a long differential path using the modular differential technique. And we present the semi-free start near-collision attack up to the 32-step Skein-256 with the Hamming difference 51. The complexity of our attack is about $2^{105}$.
Last updated:  2011-03-27
The Optimal Linear Secret Sharing Scheme for Any Given Access Structure
Tang Chunming, Gao Shuhong, Zhang Chengli
Any linear code can be used to construct a linear secret sharing scheme. In this paper, it is shown how to decide optimal linear codes (i.e., with the biggest information rate) realizing a given access structure over finite fields. It amounts to solving a system of quadratic equations constructed from the given access structure and the corresponding adversary structure. The system becomes a linear system for binary codes. An algorithm is also given for finding the adversary structure for any given access structure.
Last updated:  2011-03-27
Lei Xu, Dongdai Lin, Jing Zou
Elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem (ECDLP) is one of the most important hard problems that modern cryptography, especially public key cryptography, relies on. And many efforts are dedicate to solve this problem. In recent days, GPU technology develops very fast and GPU has become a powerful tool for massive computation. In this paper, we give an implementation of parallel Pollard ρ method, for ECDLP on GPU, and eliminate nearly all the conditional branches in procedures for big integer, elliptic curve and iteration function. The experimental result shows that with the help of GPU, we can gain a speedup of more than one hundred times. The branchless procedures are also useful for preventing side channel attacks.
Last updated:  2011-08-15
Linear Diophantine Equation Discrete Log Problem, Matrix Decomposition Problem and the AA{\beta}-cryptosystem
M. R. K. Ariffin, N. A. Abu
The Linear Diophantine Equation Discrete Log Problem (LDEDLP) is a discrete log problem on the linear Diophantine equation U=Vx+Wy. A proper implementation of LDEDLP would render an attacker to search for two private parameters amongst the exponentially many solutions. Embedded within the matrix decomposition problem (MDP) is the LDEDLP. The ability to re-produce the corresponding two square matrices from its product where both matrices are private and one of them is singular is related to solving the LDEDLP (albeit in a stronger setting when compared to the situation where certain parameters are known). Similar to the cryptographic schemes based on the Elliptic Curve Discrete Log Problem (ECDLP), cryptographic schemes based upon the LDEDLP has the potential to produce secure key exchange and asymmetric cryptographic schemes. The AA{\beta}-cryptosystem is one such cryptographic scheme. The AA{\beta}-cryptosystem transmits a two-parameter ciphertext and utilizes only the basic arithmetic operations of multiplication for encryption and decryption. Since the LDEDLP follows a simple mathematical structure, its low computational requirement would enable communication devices with low computing power to deploy secure communication procedures efficiently.
Last updated:  2011-04-05
Deniable Encryption from the McEliece Assumptions
Bernardo M. David, Anderson C. A. Nascimento
The first construction of sender-deniable encryption with negligible detection probability and a single encryption scheme was introduced by Duermuth and Freeman. Their construction is based on samplable public key encryption, which mainly differs from general semantically secure cryptosystems in that it allows the owner of a secret key to extract the randomness used in generating a given ciphertext. However, it was left as an open problem to construct samplable public key encryption based on assumptions other then the hardness of factoring. We show that a semantically secure variant of the McEliece cryptosystem is samplable. Being based on the McEliece assumptions, our scheme is the first not to rely on the hardness of factoring and the first to achieve post quantum security. Our construction takes advantage of specific properties of a semantically secure variant of the McEliece cryptosystem introduced by Nojima et al., which allows us to construct a randomness extraction algorithm.
Last updated:  2011-03-27
Computing $(\ell,\ell)$-isogenies in polynomial time on Jacobians of genus~$2$ curves
Romain Cosset, Damien Robert
In this paper, we compute $\ell$-isogenies between abelian varieties over a field of characteristic different from $2$ in polynomial time in $\ell$, when $\ell$ is an odd prime which is coprime to the characteristic. We use level~$n$ symmetric theta structure where $n=2$ or $n=4$. In a second part of this paper we explain how to convert between Mumford coordinates of Jacobians of genus~$2$ hyperelliptic curves to theta coordinates of level~$2$ or $4$. Combined with the preceding algorithm, this gives a method to compute $(\ell,\ell)$-isogenies in polynomial time on Jacobians of genus~$2$ curves.
Last updated:  2011-06-30
A Parallel Hardware Architecture for the Solution of Linear Equation Systems Implemented over GF(2^n)
Haibo Yi, Shaohua Tang, Huan Chen, Guomin Chen
A parallel hardware architecture for the solution of linear equation systems implemented over finite fields is presented in this paper. This proposed hardware architecture could be efficiently employed in the Multivariate Public Key Cryptosystems for hardware implementation. A hardware-paralleled variant of the Gaussian elimination is adopted and is expressed as a series of multiplications with three inputs over finite fields, where the basic common computations can be shared to reduce computational complexity. Its average running time for solving a linear system Ax=b equals n clock cycles, where A is a n*n matrix with uniformly distributed entries. In other words, it reduces time complexity to O(n). Besides, its worst-case time is equal to its best-case one. The proposed architecture is implemented on a Field Programmable Gate Array. This implementation for solving a 12*12 linear system can be clocked with a frequency of up to 50 MHz and computed in 0.24 us.
Last updated:  2022-11-08
Fast and Private Computation of Cardinality of Set Intersection and Union
Emiliano De Cristofaro, Paolo Gasti, Gene Tsudik
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In many everyday scenarios, sensitive information must be shared between parties without complete mutual trust. Private set operations are particularly useful to enable sharing information with privacy, as they allow two or more parties to jointly compute operations on their sets (e.g., intersection, union, etc.), such that only the minimum required amount of information is disclosed. In the last few years, the research community has proposed a number of secure and efficient techniques for Private Set Intersection (PSI), however, somewhat less explored is the problem of computing the magnitude, rather than the contents, of the intersection - we denote this problem as Private Set Intersection Cardinality (PSI-CA). This paper explores a few PSI-CA variations and constructs several protocols that are more efficient than the state-of-the-art.
Last updated:  2011-09-30
Some Instant- and Practical-Time Related-Key Attacks on KTANTAN32/48/64
Martin Ågren
The hardware-attractive block cipher family KTANTAN was studied by Bogdanov and Rechberger who identified flaws in the key schedule and gave a meet-in-the-middle attack. We revisit their result before investigating how to exploit the weakest key bits. We then develop several related-key attacks, e.g., one on KTANTAN32 which finds 28 key bits in time equivalent to $2^{3.0}$ calls to the full KTANTAN32 encryption. The main result is a related-key attack requiring $2^{28.44}$ time (half a minute on a current CPU) to recover the full 80-bit key. For KTANTAN48, we find three key bits in the time of one encryption, and give several other attacks, including full key recovery. For KTANTAN64, the attacks are only slightly more expensive, requiring $2^{10.71}$ time to find 38 key bits, and $2^{32.28}$ for the entire key. For all attacks, the requirements on related-key material are modest as in the forward and backward directions, we only need to flip a single key bit. All attacks succeed with probability one. Our attacks directly contradict the designers' claims. We discuss why this is, and what can be learnt from this.
Last updated:  2013-09-19
Shortest Lattice Vectors in the Presence of Gaps
Mingjie Liu, Xiaoyun Wang, Guangwu Xu, Xuexin Zheng
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Given a lattice ${\mathcal L}$ with the $i$-th successive minimum $\lambda_i$, its $i$-th gap $\frac{\lambda_i}{\lambda_1}$ often provides useful information for analyzing the security of cryptographic scheme related to ${\mathcal L}$. This paper concerns short vectors for lattices with gaps. In the first part, a $\lambda_2$-gap estimation of LWE lattices with cryptographic significance is given. For some $\gamma'$, a better reduction from $BDD_{\gamma'}$ to $uSVP_{\gamma}$ is obtained in the presence of larger $\lambda_2$-gap. The second part of the paper shows that gaps among the successive minima lead to a more efficient SVP search algorithm. As far as we know, it is the first SVP algorithm exploiting lattices with gaps.
Last updated:  2011-03-21
Constant-Round Privacy Preserving Multiset Union
Jeongdae Hong, Jung Woo Kim, Jihye Kim, Kunsoo Park, Jung Hee Cheon
Privacy preserving multiset union (PPMU) protocol allows a set of parties, each with a multiset, to collaboratively compute a multiset union secretly, meaning that any information other than union is not revealed. We propose efficient PPMU protocols, using multiplicative homomorphic cryptosystem. The novelty of our protocol is to directly encrypt a polynomial by representing it by an element of an extension field. The resulting protocols consist of constant rounds and improve communication cost. We also prove the security of our protocol against malicious adversaries, in the random oracle model.
Last updated:  2012-02-23
Towards a Game Theoretic View of Secure Computation
Gilad Asharov, Ran Canetti, Carmit Hazay
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We demonstrate how Game Theoretic concepts and formalism can be used to capture cryptographic notions of security. In the restricted but indicative case of two-party protocols in the face of malicious fail-stop faults, we first show how the traditional notions of secrecy and correctness of protocols can be captured as properties of Nash equilibria in games for rational players. Next, we concentrate on fairness. Here we demonstrate a Game Theoretic notion and two different cryptographic notions that turn out to all be equivalent. In addition, we provide a simulation based notion that implies the previous three. All four notions are weaker than existing cryptographic notions of fairness. In particular, we show that they can be met in some natural setting where existing notions of fairness are provably impossible to achieve.
Last updated:  2022-06-12
A Full Proof of the BGW Protocol for Perfectly-Secure Multiparty Computation
Gilad Asharov, Yehuda Lindell
In the setting of secure multiparty computation, a set of $n$ parties with private inputs wish to jointly compute some functionality of their inputs. One of the most fundamental results of secure computation was presented by Ben-Or, Goldwasser and Wigderson (BGW) in 1988. They demonstrated that any $n$-party functionality can be computed with \emph{perfect security}, in the private channels model. When the adversary is semi-honest this holds as long as $t<n/2$ parties are corrupted, and when the adversary is malicious this holds as long as $t<n/3$ parties are corrupted. Unfortunately, a full proof of these results was never published. In this paper, we remedy this situation and provide a full proof of security of the BGW protocol. This includes a full description of the protocol for the malicious setting, including the construction of a new subprotocol for the perfect multiplication protocol that seems necessary for the case of $n/4\leq t<n/3$.
Last updated:  2011-03-21
On isogeny classes of Edwards curves over finite fields
Omran Ahmadi, Robert Granger
We count the number of isogeny classes of Edwards curves over finite fields, answering a question recently posed by Rezaeian and Shparlinski. We also show that each isogeny class contains a {\em complete} Edwards curve, and that an Edwards curve is isogenous to an {\em original} Edwards curve over $\F_q$ if and only if its group order is divisible by $8$ if $q \equiv -1 \pmod{4}$, and $16$ if $q \equiv 1 \pmod{4}$. Furthermore, we give formulae for the proportion of $d \in \F_q \setminus \{0,1\}$ for which the Edwards curve $E_d$ is complete or original, relative to the total number of $d$ in each isogeny class.
Last updated:  2011-04-12
Differentially Private Billing with Rebates
George Danezis, Markulf Kohlweiss, Alfredo Rial
A number of established and novel business models are based on fine grained billing, including pay-per-view, mobile messaging, voice calls, pay-as-you-drive insurance, smart metering for utility provision, private computing clouds and hosted services. These models apply fine-grained tariffs dependent on time-of-use or place of-use to readings to compute a bill. We extend previously proposed billing protocols to strengthen their privacy in two key ways. First, we study the monetary amount a customer should add to their bill in order to provably hide their activities, within the differential privacy framework. Second, we propose a cryptographic protocol for oblivious billing that ensures any additional expenditure, aimed at protecting privacy, can be tracked and reclaimed in the future, thus minimising its cost. Our proposals can be used together or separately and are backed by provable guarantees of security.
Last updated:  2011-08-03
Fully Homomorphic SIMD Operations
N. P. Smart, F. Vercauteren
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At PKC 2010 Smart and Vercauteren presented a variant of Gentry's fully homomorphic public key encryption scheme and mentioned that the scheme could support SIMD style operations. The slow key generation process of the Smart--Vercauteren system was then addressed in a paper by Gentry and Halevi, but their key generation method appears to exclude the SIMD style operation alluded to by Smart and Vercauteren. In this paper, we show how to select parameters to enable such SIMD operations, whilst still maintaining practicality of the key generation technique of Gentry and Halevi. As such, we obtain a somewhat homomorphic scheme supporting both SIMD operations and operations on large finite fields of characteristic two. This somewhat homomorphic scheme can be made fully homomorphic in a naive way by recrypting all data elements seperately. However, we show that the SIMD operations can be used to perform the recrypt procedure in parallel, resulting in a substantial speed-up. Finally, we demonstrate how such SIMD operations can be used to perform various tasks by studying two use cases: implementing AES homomorphically and encrypted database lookup.
Last updated:  2011-07-11
Verifiable Delegation of Computation over Large Datasets
Siavosh Benabbas, Rosario Gennaro, Yevgeniy Vahlis
We study the problem of computing on large datasets that are stored on an untrusted server. We follow the approach of \emph{amortized verifiable computation} introduced by Gennaro, Gentry, and Parno in CRYPTO 2010. We present the first practical verifiable computation scheme for high degree polynomial functions. Such functions can be used, for example, to make predictions based on polynomials fitted to a large number of sample points in an experiment. In addition to the many non-cryptographic applications of delegating high degree polynomials, we use our verifiable computation scheme to obtain new solutions for verifiable keyword search, and proofs of retrievability. Our constructions are based on the DDH assumption and its variants, and achieve adaptive security, which was left as an open problem by Gennaro \etal (albeit for general functionalities). Our second result is a primitive which we call a \emph{verifiable database} (VDB). Here, a weak client outsources a large table to an untrusted server, and makes retrieval and update queries. For each query, the server provides a response and a proof that the response was computed correctly. The goal is to minimize the resources required by the client. This is made particularly challenging if the number of update queries is unbounded. We present a VDB scheme based on the hardness of the subgroup membership problem in composite order bilinear groups.
Last updated:  2011-03-18
Trapdoor oneway functions associated with exponentiation
Virendra Sule
This paper shows that if exponentiation $b=X^{k}$ in groups of finite field units or $B=[k]X$ in elliptic curves is considered as encryption of $X$ with exponent $k$ treated as symmetric key, then the decryption or the computation of $X$ from $b$ (respectively $B$) can be achieved in polynomial time with a high probability under random choice of $k$. Since given $X$ and $b$ or $B$ the problem of computing the discrete log $k$ is not known to have a polynomial time solution, the exponentiation has a trapdoor property associated with it. This paper makes this property precise. Further the decryption problem is a special case of a general problem of solving equations in groups. Such equations lead to more such trapdoor one way functions when solvable in polynomial time. The paper considers single and two variable equations on above groups and determines their solvability.
Last updated:  2011-03-18
Ergodic Theory Over ${\F}_2[[T]]$
Dongdai Lin, Tao Shi, Zifeng Yang
In cryptography and coding theory, it is important to study the pseudo-random sequences and the ergodic transformations. We already have the $1$-Lipshitz ergodic theory over ${\Z}_2$ established by V. Anashin and others. In this paper we present an ergodic theory over ${\F}_2[[T]]$ and some ideas which might be very useful in applications.
Last updated:  2012-08-29
Distance Hijacking Attacks on Distance Bounding Protocols
Cas Cremers, Kasper B. Rasmussen, Benedikt Schmidt, Srdjan Capkun
After several years of theoretical research on distance bounding protocols, the first implementations of such protocols have recently started to appear. These protocols are typically analyzed with respect to three types of attacks, which are historically known as Distance Fraud, Mafia Fraud, and Terrorist Fraud. We define and analyze a fourth main type of attack on distance bounding protocols, called Distance Hijacking. This type of attack poses a serious threat in many practical scenarios. We show that many proposed distance bounding protocols are vulnerable to Distance Hijacking, and we propose solutions to make these protocols resilient to this type of attack. We show that verifying distance bounding protocols using existing informal and formal frameworks does not guarantee the absence of Distance Hijacking attacks. We extend a formal framework for reasoning about distance bounding protocols to include overshadowing attacks. We use the resulting framework to prove the absence of all of the found attacks for protocols to which our countermeasures have been applied. Previous proposals for distance bounding protocols only analysed their protocols with respect to some specific attack types, whose relations and problem coverage are unknown. To improve this situation, we define an exhaustive classification for attacks on distance bounding protocols.
Last updated:  2011-07-08
The Ligo Block Cipher
Isaiah Makwakwa
We present a modular iterated block cipher suitable for 32-bit parallel computing environments. The cipher implements a Substitution Permutation Network (SPN) on 128-bit blocks using 128-bit keys.
Last updated:  2011-03-15
Integer Arithmetic without Arithmetic Addition
Gideon Samid
Revisiting long established conventions has proven very fertile in many a case. Let’s then revisit the premise that arithmetic must be constructed with the arithmetic addition as its foundation. Here we explore an arithmetic realm over integers without invoking the quintessential operation of addition. We propose an arithmetic constructed over a fundamental mapping of one set of integers into another. We start and focus here on mapping an arbitrary number of integers to a single integer, and further limit our investigation to a mapping procedure that views the input integers as a set of conflicting answers to a binary question, and attempt to figure out the single integer that best reflects the combined “wisdom” of the input answers. Thereby we construct the proposed arithmetic as ground tool for discriminant analysis. On the other end, the many-to-one mapping suggests this arithmetic as a fundamental hashing function, and the complexity of data loss suggests a new primitive for asymmetric cryptography. This arithmetic evolved from practical algorithms used by the author in his engineering practice, where the original name was BiPSA: Binary Polling Scenario Analysis. For continuity purposes we carry on the name. This article focuses on the skeleton arithmetic. Applications and substantiation will follow.
Last updated:  2011-07-12
The Hummingbird-2 Lightweight Authenticated Encryption Algorithm
Daniel Engels, Markku-Juhani O. Saarinen, Peter Schweitzer, Eric M. Smith
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Hummingbird-2 is an encryption algorithm with a 128-bit secret key and a 64-bit initialization vector. Hummingbird-2 optionally produces an authentication tag for each message processed. Like it's predecessor Hummingbird-1, Hummingbird-2 has been targeted for low-end microcontrollers and for hardware implementation in lightweight devices such as RFID tags and wireless sensors. Compared to the previous version of the cipher, and in response to extensive analysis, the internal state has been increased to 128 bits and a flow of entropy from the state to the mixing function has been improved. In this paper we present the Hummingbird-2 algorithm, its design and security arguments, performance analysis on both software and hardware platforms, and timing analysis in relation to the ISO 18000-6C protocol.
Last updated:  2011-03-14
A Construction of A New Class of Knapsack-Type Public Key Cryptosystem, K(III)$\Sigma$PKC
In this paper, we present a new class of knapsack type PKC referred to as K(III)$\Sigma$PKC. In a sharp contrast with the conventional knapsack type PKC's, in our proposed scheme, K(III)$\Sigma$PKC, no conventional secret sequence but the natural binary number with noise is used. We show that the coding rate, a more conservative measure for the security on knapsack PKC, can be made approximately 1.0. In Appendix, we present K(II)$\Sigma$PKC.
Last updated:  2011-03-14
A New Class of Biometrics on the Basis of Forgotten Secret Recovering Scheme, KSS(I)
In this paper, we present a new secret sharing scheme, referred to as KSS(I) on the basis of systematic Reed-Solomon code[2]. We show that KSS(I) can be successfully applied to biometrics.
Last updated:  2012-05-11
Linear Hulls with Correlation Zero and Linear Cryptanalysis of Block Ciphers
Andrey Bogdanov, Vincent Rijmen
Linear cryptanalysis, along with differential cryptanalysis, is an important tool to evaluate the security of block ciphers. This work introduces a novel extension of linear cryptanalysis: zero-correlation linear cryptanalysis, a technique applicable to many block cipher constructions. It is based on linear approximations with a correlation value of exactly zero. For a permutation on $n$ bits, an algorithm of complexity $2^{n-1}$ is proposed for the exact evaluation of correlation. Non-trivial zero-correlation linear approximations are demonstrated for various block cipher structures including AES, balanced Feistel networks, Skipjack, CLEFIA, and CAST256. As an example, using the zero-correlation linear cryptanalysis, a key-recovery attack is shown on 6 rounds of AES-192 and AES-256 as well as 13 rounds of CLEFIA-256.
Last updated:  2011-11-04
Secure Multi-Party Sorting and Applications
Kristjän Valur Jönsson, Gunnar Kreitz, Misbah Uddin
Sorting is among the most fundamental and well-studied problems within computer science and a core step of many algorithms. In this article, we consider the problem of constructing a secure multi-party computing (MPC) protocol for sorting. Our protocol builds on previous work in the fields of MPC and sorting networks. Apart from the immediate uses for sorting, our protocol can be used as a building-block in more complex algorithms. We present a weighted set intersection algorithm, where each party inputs a set of weighted elements and the output consists of the input elements with their weights summed. As a practical example, we apply our protocols in a network security setting for aggregation of security incident reports from multiple reporters, specifically to detect stealthy port scans in a distributed but privacy preserving manner. Both sorting and weighted set intersection use $\Ordo{n \log^2 n}$ comparisons in $\Ordo{\log^2 n}$ rounds with practical constants. Our protocols can be built upon any secret sharing scheme supporting multiplication and addition. We have implemented and evaluated the performance of sorting on the Sharemind secure multi-party computation platform, demonstrating the real-world performance of our proposed protocols.
Last updated:  2011-08-17
More Practical Fully Homomorphic Encryption
Gu Chunsheng
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In this paper, we first modify the Smart-Vercauteren’s fully homomorphic encryption scheme [SV10] by applying self-loop bootstrappable technique. The security of the modified scheme only depends on the hardness of the polynomial coset problem, removing the assumption of the sparse subset sum problem in the original paper in [SV10]. Moreover, we construct a non-self-loop in FHE by using cycle keys. Then, we further improve our scheme to make it be practical. The securities of our improving FHE’s are respectively based on the hardness of factoring integer problem, solving Diophantine equation problem, and finding approximate greatest common divisor problem.
Last updated:  2011-03-10
Faster 2-regular information-set decoding
Daniel J. Bernstein, Tanja Lange, Christiane Peters, Peter Schwabe
Fix positive integers B and w. Let C be a linear code over F_2 of length Bw. The 2-regular-decoding problem is to &#64257;nd a nonzero codeword consisting of w length-B blocks, each of which has Hamming weight 0 or 2. This problem appears in attacks on the FSB (fast syndrome-based) hash function and related proposals. This problem differs from the usual information-set-decoding problems in that (1) the target codeword is required to have a very regular structure and (2) the target weight can be rather high, so that there are many possible codewords of that weight. Augot, Finiasz, and Sendrier, in the paper that introduced FSB, pre- sented a variant of information-set decoding tuned for 2-regular decoding. This paper improves the Augot–Finiasz–Sendrier algorithm in a way that is analogous to Stern's improvement upon basic information-set decoding. The resulting algorithm achieves an exponential speedup over the previous algorithm.
Last updated:  2014-03-22
Multiplicative Learning with Errors and Cryptosystems
Gu Chunsheng
We introduce a new concept, called multiplicative learning with errors (MLWE), which is a corresponding multiplicative version of the additive learning with errors (LWE), and show the equivalence between the decisional version and the search version for MLWE such that p is a product of sufficiently large smoothing prime factors. Then we construct the MLWE-based private-key and public-key encryption schemes, whose securities are based on the worst-case hardness assumption of the MLWE problem. Finally, we discuss how to extend the LWE on additive group to the LWE on general abelian group.
Last updated:  2011-07-09
New Fully Homomorphic Encryption over the Integers
Gu Chunsheng
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We first present a fully homomorphic encryption scheme over the integers, which modifies the fully homomorphic encryption scheme in [vDGHV10]. The security of our scheme is merely based on the hardness of finding an approximate-GCD problem over the integers, which is given a list of integers perturbed by the small error noises, removing the assumption of the sparse subset sum problem in the origin scheme [vDGHV10]. Then, we construct a new fully homomorphic encryption scheme, which extends the above scheme from approximate GCD over the ring of integers to approximate principal ideal lattice over the polynomial integer ring. The security of our scheme depends on the hardness of the decisional approximate principle ideal lattice polynomial (APIP), given a list of approximate multiples of a principal ideal lattice. At the same time, we also provide APIP-based fully homomorphic encryption by introducing the sparse subset sum problem. Finally, we design a new fully homomorphic encryption scheme, whose security is based on the hardness assumption of approximate lattice problem and the decisional SSSP.
Last updated:  2011-03-10
Bounded Vector Signatures and their Applications
Lei Wei, Scott E. Coull, Michael K. Reiter
Although malleability is undesirable in traditional digital signatures, schemes with limited malleability properties enable interesting functionalities that may be impossible to obtain otherwise (e.g., homomorphic signatures). In this paper, we introduce a new malleable signature scheme called bounded vector signatures. The proposed scheme allows a user to sign a multi-dimensional vector of values, along with a description of the context within which the vector should be interpreted. The scheme includes a unique malleability property, which we refer to as the stretch property, that allows the components of the signed vector to be increased up to a pre-defined limit without access to the signing key. Decreasing these values, however, remains computationally infeasible. We prove the security of our construction under the strong RSA and decisional Diffie-Hellman assumptions in the random oracle model. Finally, we underscore the utility of bounded vector signatures by discussing their use in distributed systems security applications.
Last updated:  2012-04-04
Short-output universal hash functions and their use in fast and secure message authentication
Long Hoang Nguyen, Andrew William Roscoe
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Message authentication codes usually require the underlining universal hash functions to have a long output so that the probability of successfully forging messages is low enough for cryptographic purposes. To take advantage of fast operation on word-size parameters in modern processors, long-output universal hashing schemes can be securely constructed by concatenating several instances of short-output primitives. In this paper, we describe a new method for short-output universal hash function termed digest() suitable for very fast software implementation and applicable to secure message authentication. The method possesses a higher level of security relative to other well-studied short-output universal hashing schemes. Suppose that the universal hash output is fixed at one word of b bits, then the collision probability of ours is 2^{1-b} compared to 6 * 2^{-b} of MMH, whereas 2^{-b/2} of NH within UMAC is far away from optimality. In addition to message authentication codes, we show how short-output universal hashing is applicable to manual authentication protocols where universal hash keys are used in a very different and interesting way.
Last updated:  2011-06-23
Multiple Differential Cryptanalysis: Theory and Practice (Corrected)
Céline Blondeau, Benoît Gérard
Differential cryptanalysis is a well-known statistical attack on block ciphers. We present here a generalisation of this attack called multiple differential cryptanalysis. We study the data complexity, the time complexity and the success probability of such an attack and we experimentally validate our formulas on a reduced version of PRESENT. Finally, we propose a multiple differential cryptanalysis on 18-round PRESENT for both 80-bit and 128-bit master keys.
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