Papers updated in last 183 days (Page 13 of 1458 results)

Last updated:  2023-11-26
Abraxas: Throughput-Efficient Hybrid Asynchronous Consensus
Erica Blum, Jonathan Katz, Julian Loss, Kartik Nayak, and Simon Ochsenreither
Protocols for state-machine replication (SMR) often trade off performance for resilience to network delay. In particular, protocols for asynchronous SMR tolerate arbitrary network delay but sacrifice throughput/latency when the network is fast, while partially synchronous protocols have good performance in a fast network but fail to make progress if the network experiences high delay. Existing hybrid protocols are resilient to arbitrary network delay and have good performance when the network is fast, but suffer from high overhead (``thrashing'') if the network repeatedly switches between being fast and slow (e.g., in a network that is typically fast but has intermittent message delays). We propose Abraxas, a generic approach for constructing a hybrid protocol based on any protocol $\Pi_\mathsf{fast}$ and any asynchronous protocol $\Pi_\mathsf{slow}$ to achieve (1)~security and performance equivalent to $\Pi_\mathsf{slow}$ under arbitrary network behavior; (2)~performance equivalent to $\Pi_\mathsf{fast}$ when conditions are favorable. We instantiate Abraxas with the best existing protocols for $\Pi_\mathsf{fast}$ (Jolteon) and $\Pi_\mathsf{slow}$ (2-chain VABA), and show experimentally that the resulting protocol significantly outperforms Ditto, the previous state-of-the-art hybrid protocol.
Last updated:  2023-11-26
Compact Aggregate Signature from Module-Lattices
Toi Tomita and Junji Shikata
We propose the first aggregate signature scheme such that: (1) its security is based on the standard lattice assumptions in the random oracle model; (2) the aggregate signature size is logarithmic; (3) it is not one-time; and (4) it supports non-interactive aggregation. To obtain such a scheme, we combine the most compact SNARK (Succinct Non-interactive ARgument of Knowledge) system and a SNARK-friendly signature scheme. As a result, our aggregated signature size is sufficiently compact. For example, the size required to aggregate $2^{20}$ signatures is only a few hundred kilobytes. This result shows that our scheme is superior to the existing lattice-based schemes in compressing many signatures.
Last updated:  2023-11-26
Cryptanalysis of TS-Hash
Aleksei Udovenko
This note presents attacks on the lightweight hash function TS-Hash proposed by Tsaban, including a polynomial-time preimage attack for short messages (at most n/2 bits), high-probability differentials, a general subexponential-time preimage attack, and linearization techniques.
Last updated:  2023-11-25
A Lattice Attack on CRYSTALS-Kyber with Correlation Power Analysis
Yen-Ting Kuo and Atsushi Takayasu
CRYSTALS-Kyber is a key-encapsulation mechanism, whose security is based on the hardness of solving the learning-with-errors (LWE) problem over module lattices. As in its specification, Kyber prescribes the usage of the Number Theoretic Transform (NTT) for efficient polynomial multiplication. Side-channel assisted attacks against Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC) algorithms like Kyber remain a concern in the ongoing standardization process of quantum-computer-resistant cryptosystems. Among the attacks, correlation power analysis (CPA) is emerging as a popular option because it does not require detailed knowledge about the attacked device and can reveal the secret key even if the recorded power traces are extremely noisy. In this paper, we present a two-step attack to achieve a full-key recovery on lattice-based cryptosystems that utilize NTT for efficient polynomial multiplication. First, we use CPA to recover a portion of the secret key from the power consumption of these polynomial multiplications in the decryption process. Then, using the information, we are able to fully recover the secret key by constructing an LWE problem with a smaller lattice rank and solving it with lattice reduction algorithms. Our attack can be expanded to other cryptosystems using NTT-based polynomial multiplication, including Saber. It can be further parallelized and experiments on simulated traces show that the whole process can be done within 20 minutes on a 16-core machine with 200 traces. Compared to other CPA attacks targeting NTT in the cryptosystems, our attack achieves lower runtime in practice. Furthermore, we can theoretically decrease the number of traces needed by using lattice reduction if the same measurement is used. Our lattice attack also outperforms the state-of-the-art result on integrating side-channel hints into lattices, however, the improvement heavily depends on the implementation of the NTT chosen by the users.
Last updated:  2023-11-25
SLAP: Succinct Lattice-Based Polynomial Commitments from Standard Assumptions
Martin R. Albrecht, Giacomo Fenzi, Oleksandra Lapiha, and Ngoc Khanh Nguyen
Recent works on lattice-based extractable polynomial commitments can be grouped into two classes: (i) non-interactive constructions that stem from the functional commitment by Albrecht, Cini, Lai, Malavolta and Thyagarajan (CRYPTO 2022), and (ii) lattice adaptations of the Bulletproofs protocol (S&P 2018). The former class enjoys security in the standard model, albeit a knowledge assumption is desired. In contrast, Bulletproof-like protocols can be made secure under falsifiable assumptions, but due to technical limitations regarding subtractive sets, they only offer inverse-polynomial soundness error. This issue becomes particularly problematic when transforming these protocols to the non-interactive setting using the Fiat-Shamir paradigm. In this work, we propose the first lattice-based non-interactive extractable polynomial commitment scheme which achieves polylogarithmic proof size and verifier runtime (in the length of the committed message) under standard assumptions. At the core of our work lies a new tree-based commitment scheme, along with an efficient proof of polynomial evaluation inspired by FRI (ICALP 2018). Natively, the construction is secure under a “multi-instance version” of the Power-Ring BASIS assumption (Eprint 2023/846). We then fully reduce security to the Module-SIS assumption by introducing several re-randomisation techniques which can be of independent interest.
Last updated:  2023-11-25
Improved Polynomial Secret-Sharing Schemes
Amos Beimel, Oriol Farràs, and Or Lasri
Despite active research on secret-sharing schemes for arbitrary access structures for more than 35 years, we do not understand their share size $-$ the best known upper bound for an arbitrary n-party access structure is $2^{O(n)}$ while the best known lower bound is $\Omega(n/\log(n))$. Consistent with our knowledge, the share size can be anywhere between these bounds. To better understand this question, one can study specific families of secret-sharing schemes. For example, linear secret-sharing schemes, in which the sharing and reconstruction are computed by linear mappings, have been studied in many papers, e.g., it is known that they require shares of size at least $2^{0.5n}$. Secret-sharing schemes in which the sharing and/or reconstruction are computed by low-degree polynomials have been recently studied by Paskin-Cherniavsky and Radune [ITC 2020] and by Beimel, Othman, and Peter [CRYPTO 2021]. It was shown that secret-sharing schemes with sharing and reconstruction computed by polynomials of degree 2 are more efficient than linear schemes (i.e., schemes in which the sharing and reconstruction are computed by polynomials of degree one). Prior to our work, it was not known if using polynomials of higher degree can reduce the share size. We show that this is indeed the case, i.e., we construct secret-sharing schemes with reconstruction by degree-$d$ polynomials, where as the reconstruction degree $d$ increases, the share size for arbitrary access structures decreases. As a step in our construction, we construct conditional disclosure of secrets (CDS) protocols. For example, we construct 2-server CDS protocols for functions $f : [N ] \times [N ] \to \{0, 1\}$ with reconstruction computed by degree-d polynomials with message size $N^{O(\log \log d/ \log d)}$. Combining our results with a lower bound of Beimel et al. [CRYPTO 2021], we show that increasing the degree of the reconstruction function in CDS protocols provably reduces the message size. To construct our schemes, we define sparse matching vectors, show constructions of such vectors, and design CDS protocols and secret-sharing schemes with degree-$d$ reconstruction from sparse matching vectors.
Last updated:  2023-11-24
On Parallel Repetition of PCPs
Alessandro Chiesa, Ziyi Guan, and Burcu Yıldız
Parallel repetition refers to a set of valuable techniques used to reduce soundness error of probabilistic proofs while saving on certain efficiency measures. Parallel repetition has been studied for interactive proofs (IPs) and multi-prover interactive proofs (MIPs). In this paper we initiate the study of parallel repetition for probabilistically checkable proofs (PCPs). We show that, perhaps surprisingly, parallel repetition of a PCP can increase soundness error, in fact bringing the soundness error to one as the number of repetitions tends to infinity. This "failure" of parallel repetition is common: we find that it occurs for a wide class of natural PCPs for NP-complete languages. We explain this unexpected phenomenon by providing a characterization result: the parallel repetition of a PCP brings the soundness error to zero if and only if a certain "MIP projection" of the PCP has soundness error strictly less than one. We show that our characterization is tight via a suitable example. Moreover, for those cases where parallel repetition of a PCP does bring the soundness error to zero, the aforementioned connection to MIPs offers preliminary results on the rate of decay of the soundness error. Finally, we propose a simple variant of parallel repetition, called consistent parallel repetition (CPR), which has the same randomness complexity and query complexity as the plain variant of parallel repetition. We show that CPR brings the soundness error to zero for every PCP (with non-trivial soundness error). In fact, we show that CPR decreases the soundness error at an exponential rate in the repetition parameter.
Last updated:  2023-11-24
Fait Accompli Committee Selection: Improving the Size-Security Tradeoff of Stake-Based Committees
Peter Gaži, Aggelos Kiayias, and Alexander Russell
We study the problem of committee selection in the context of proof-of-stake consensus mechanisms or distributed ledgers. These settings determine a family of participating parties---each of which has been assigned a non-negative "stake"---and are subject to an adversary that may corrupt a subset of the parties. The challenge is to select a committee of participants that accurately reflects the proportion of corrupt and honest parties, as measured by stake, in the full population. The trade-off between committee size and the probability of selecting a committee that over-represents the corrupt parties is a fundamental factor in both security and efficiency of proof-of-stake consensus, as well as committee-run layer-two protocols. We propose and analyze several new committee selection schemes that improve upon existing techniques by adopting low-variance assignment of certain committee members that hold significant stake. These schemes provide notable improvements to the size--security trade-off arising from the stake distributions of many deployed ledgers.
Last updated:  2023-11-24
Authenticating Medications with QR-Codes and Compact Digital Signatures
Julien Jainsky, David Naccache, Bassem Ouni, and Ofer Yifrach-Stav
This paper describes a way to protect medications against falsification, a long-standing problem in the world. We combine several existing technologies to achieve the stated goal. The building-blocks used are inherent physical randomness generated during the packaging process, artificial vision, short digital signatures and QR-codes.
Last updated:  2023-11-24
On the Security of Rate-limited Privacy Pass
Hien Chu, Khue Do, and Lucjan Hanzlik
The privacy pass protocol allows users to redeem anonymously issued cryptographic tokens instead of solving annoying CAPTCHAs. The issuing authority verifies the credibility of the user, who can later use the pass while browsing the web using an anonymous or virtual private network. Hendrickson et al. proposed an IETF draft (privacypass-rate-limit-tokens-00) for a rate-limiting version of the privacy pass protocol, also called rate-limited Privacy Pass (RlP). Introducing a new actor called a mediator makes both versions inherently different. The mediator applies access policies to rate-limit users’ access to the service while, at the same time, should be oblivious to the website/origin the user is trying to access. In this paper, we formally define the rate-limited Privacy Pass protocol and propose a game-based security model to capture the informal security notions introduced by Hendrickson et al.. We show a construction from simple building blocks that fulfills our security definitions and even allows for a post-quantum secure instantiation. Interestingly, the instantiation proposed in the IETF draft is a specific case of our construction. Thus, we can reuse the security arguments for the generic construction and show that the version used in practice is secure.
Last updated:  2023-11-24
Accelerating Polynomial Multiplication for RLWE using Pipelined FFT
Neil Thanawala, Hamid Nejatollahi, and Nikil Dutt
The evolution of quantum algorithms threatens to break public key cryptography in polynomial time. The development of quantum-resistant algorithms for the post-quantum era has seen a significant growth in the field of post quantum cryptography (PQC). Polynomial multiplication is the core of Ring Learning with Error (RLWE) lattice based cryptography (LBC) which is one of the most promising PQC candidates. In this work, we present the design of fast and energy-efficient pipelined Number Theoretic Transform (NTT) based polynomial multipliers and present synthesis results on a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) to evaluate their efficacy. NTT is performed using the pipelined R2SDF and R22SDF Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) architectures. In addition, we propose an energy efficient modified architecture (Modr2). The NTT-based designed polynomial multipliers employs the Modr2 architecture that achieve on average 2× better performance over the R2SDF FFT and 2.4× over the R22SDF FFT with similar levels of energy consumption. The proposed polynomial multiplier with Modr2 architecture reaches 12.5× energy efficiency over the state-ofthe-art convolution-based polynomial multiplier and 4× speedup over the systolic array NTT based polynomial multiplier for polynomial degrees of 1024, demonstrating its potential for practical deployment in future designs.
Last updated:  2023-11-24
A Trustless GQ Multi-Signature Scheme with Identifiable Abort
Handong Cui and Tsz Hon Yuen
Guillou-Quisquater (GQ) signature is an efficient RSA-based digital signature scheme amongst the most famous Fiat-Shamir follow-ons owing to its good simplicity. However, there exist two bottlenecks for GQ hindering its application in industry or academia: the RSA trapdoor $n=pq$ in the key generation phase and its high bandwidth caused by the storage-consuming representation of RSA group elements (3072 bits per one element in 128-bit security). In this paper, we first formalize the definition and security proof of class group based GQ signature (CL-GQ), which eliminates the trapdoor in key generation phase and improves the bandwidth efficiency from the RSA-based GQ signature. Then, we construct a trustless GQ multi-signature scheme by applying non-malleable equivocable commitments and our well-designed compact non-interactive zero-knowledge proofs (NIZK). Our scheme has a well-rounded performance compared to existing multiparty GQ, Schnorr and ECDSA schemes, in the aspects of bandwidth (no range proof or multiplication-to-addition protocol required), rather few interactions (only 4 rounds in signing), provable security in \textit{dishonest majority model} and identifiable abort property. Another interesting finding is that, our NIZK is highly efficient (only one round required) by using the Bezout formula, and this trick can also optimize the ZK proof of Paillier ciphertext which greatly improves the speed of Yi's Blind ECDSA (AsiaCCS 2019).
Last updated:  2023-11-24
Improved Attacks on LowMC with Algebraic Techniques
Yimeng Sun, Jiamin Cui, and Meiqin Wang
The LowMC family of SPN block cipher proposed by Albrecht et al. was designed specifically for MPC-/FHE-/ZKP-friendly use cases. It is especially used as the underlying block cipher of PICNIC, one of the alternate third-round candidate digital signature algorithms for NIST post-quantum cryptography standardization. The security of PICNIC is highly related to the difficulty of recovering the secret key of LowMC from a given plaintext/ciphertext pair, which raises new challenges for security evaluation under extremely low data complexity. In this paper, we improve the attacks on LowMC under low data complexity, i.e. 1 or 2 chosen plaintext/ciphertext pairs. For the difference enumeration attack with 2 chosen plaintexts, we propose new algebraic methods to better exploit the nonlinear relation inside the introduced variables based on the attack framework proposed by Liu et al. at ASIACRYPT 2022. With this technique, we significantly extend the number of attack rounds for LowMC with partial nonlinear layers and improve the success probability from around 0.5 to over 0.9. The security margin of some instances can be reduced to only 3/4 rounds. For the key-recovery attack using a single plaintext, we adopt a different linearization strategy to reduce the huge memory consumption caused by the polynomial methods for solving multivariate equation systems. The memory complexity reduces drastically for all 5-/6-round LowMC instances with full nonlinear layers at the sacrifice of a small factor of time complexity. For 5-round LowMC instances with a block size of 129, the memory complexity decreases from $2^{86.46}$ bits to $2^{48.18}$ bits while the time complexity even slightly reduces. Our results indicate that the security for different instances of LowMC under extremely low data complexity still needs further exploration.
Last updated:  2023-11-23
Quantum Analysis of AES
Kyungbae Jang, Anubhab Baksi, Hyunji Kim, Gyeongju Song, Hwajeong Seo, and Anupam Chattopadhyay
Quantum computing is considered among the next big leaps in computer science. While a fully functional quantum computer is still in the future, there is an ever-growing need to evaluate the security of the symmetric key ciphers against a potent quantum adversary. Keeping this in mind, our work explores the key recovery attack using the Grover's search on the three variants of AES (-128, -192, -256). In total, we develop a pool of 20 implementations per AES variant (thus totaling in 60), by taking the state-of-the-art advancements in the relevant fields into account. In a nutshell, we present the least Toffoli depth and full depth implementations of AES, thereby improving from Zou et al.'s Asiacrypt'20 paper by more than 97 percent for each variant of AES. We show that the qubit count - Toffoli depth product is reduced from theirs by more than 86 percent. Furthermore, we analyze the Jaques et al.'s Eurocrypt'20 implementations in details, fix the bugs (arising from some problem of the quantum computing tool used and not related to their coding) and report corrected benchmarks. To the best of our finding, our work improves from all the previous works (including the Asiacrypt'22 paper by Huang and Sun and the Asiacrypt'23 paper by Liu et al.) in terms of various quantum circuit complexity metrics (Toffoli depth, full depth, Toffoli/full depth - qubit count product, full depth - gate count product, etc.). Also, our bug-fixing of Jaques et al.'s Eurocrypt'20 implementations seem to improve from the authors' own bug-fixing, thanks to our architecture consideration. Equipped with the basic AES implementations, we further investigate the prospect of the Grover's search. We also propose three new implementations of the S-box, one new implementation of the MixColumn; as well as five new architecture (one is motivated by the architecture by Jaques et al. in Eurocrypt’20, and the rest four are entirely our innovation). Under the MAXDEPTH constraint (specified by NIST), the circuit depth metrics (Toffoli depth, T-depth and full depth) become crucial factors and parallelization for often becomes necessary. We provide the least depth implementation in this respect, that offers the best performance in terms of metrics for circuit complexity (like, depth-squared - qubit count product, depth - gate count product).
Last updated:  2023-11-23
The NTT and residues of a polynomial modulo factors of $X^{2^d} + 1$
Sahil Sharma
The Number Theoretic Transform (NTT) plays a central role in efficient implementations of cryptographic primitives selected for Post Quantum Cryptography. Although it certainly exists, academic papers that cite the NTT omit the connection between the NTT and residues of a polynomial modulo factors of $X^{2^d} + 1$ and mention only the final expressions of what the NTT computes. This short paper establishes that connection and, in doing so, elucidates key aspects of computing the NTT. Based on this, the specific instantiations of the NTT function used in CRYSTALS-Kyber and CRYSTALS-Dilithium are derived.
Last updated:  2023-11-23
Analyzing the Real-World Security of the Algorand Blockchain
Fabrice Benhamouda, Erica Blum, Jonathan Katz, Derek Leung, Julian Loss, and Tal Rabin
The Algorand consensus protocol is interesting both in theory and in practice. On the theoretical side, to achieve adaptive security, it introduces the novel idea of player replaceability, where each step of the protocol is executed by a different randomly selected committee whose members remain secret until they send their first and only message. The protocol provides consistency under arbitrary network conditions and liveness under intermittent network partitions. On the practical side, the protocol is used to secure the Algorand cryptocurrency, whose total value is approximately $850M at the time of writing. The Algorand protocol in use differs substantially from the protocols described in the published literature on Algorand. Despite its significance, it lacks a formal analysis. In this work, we describe and analyze the Algorand consensus protocol as deployed today in Algorand’s ecosystem. We show that the overall protocol framework is sound by characterizing network conditions and parameter settings under which the protocol can be proven secure.
Last updated:  2023-11-23
A note on Failing gracefully: Completing the picture for explicitly rejecting Fujisaki-Okamoto transforms using worst-case correctness
Kathrin Hövelmanns and Christian Majenz
The Fujisaki-Okamoto (FO) transformation is used in most proposals for post-quantum secure key encapsulation mechanisms (KEMs) like, e.g., Kyber [BDK+18]. The security analysis of FO in the presence of quantum attackers has made huge progress over the last years. Recently, [HHM22] made a particular improvement by giving a security proof that is agnostic towards how invalid ciphertexts are being treated: in contrast to previous proofs, it works regardless whether invalid ciphertexts are rejected by reporting decryption failure explicitly or implicitly (by returning pseudorandom values). The proof in [HHM22] involves a new correctness notion for the encryption scheme that is used to encapsulate the keys. This allows in principle for a smaller additive security related to decryption failures, but requires to analyze this new notion for the encryption scheme on which a concrete KEM at hand is based. This note offers a trade-off between [HHM22] and its predecessors: it offers a bound for both rejection variants, being mostly based on [HHM22], but uses a more established correctness notion.
Last updated:  2023-11-23
Pairing-Free Blind Signatures from Standard Assumptions in the ROM
Julia Kastner, Ky Nguyen, and Michael Reichle
Blind Signatures are a useful primitive for privacy preserving applications such as electronic payments, e-voting, anonymous credentials, and more. However, existing practical blind signature schemes based on standard assumptions require either pairings or lattices. We present the first construction of a round-optimal blind signature in the random oracle model based on standard assumptions without resorting to pairings or lattices. In particular, our construction is secure under the strong RSA assumption and DDH (in pairing-free groups). For our construction, we provide a NIZK-friendly signature based on strong RSA, and efficiently instantiate Fischlin's generic framework (CRYPTO'06). Our Blind Signature scheme has signatures of size 4.28 KB and communication cost 62.19 KB. On the way, we develop techniques that might be of independent interest. In particular, we provide efficient relaxed range-proofs with subversion zero-knowledge and compact commitments to elements of arbitrary groups.
Last updated:  2023-11-23
Amortized Bootstrapping Revisited: Simpler, Asymptotically-faster, Implemented
Antonio Guimarães, Hilder V. L. Pereira, and Barry van Leeuwen
Micciancio and Sorrel (ICALP 2018) proposed a bootstrapping algorithm that can refresh many messages at once with sublinearly many homomorphic operations per message. However, despite the attractive asymptotic cost, it is unclear if their algorithm could ever be practical, which reduces the impact of their results. In this work, we follow their general framework, but propose an amortized bootstrapping that is conceptually simpler and asymptotically cheaper. We reduce the number of homomorphic operations per refreshed message from $O(3^\rho \cdot n^{1/\rho} \cdot \log n)$ to $O(\rho \cdot n^{1/\rho})$, and the noise overhead from $\tilde{O}(n^{2 + 3 \cdot \rho})$ to $\tilde{O}(n^{1 + \rho})$. We also make it more general, by handling non-binary messages and applying programmable bootstrapping. To obtain a concrete instantiation of our bootstrapping algorithm, we propose a double-CRT (aka RNS) version of the GSW scheme, including a new operation, called shrinking, used to speed-up homomorphic operations by reducing the dimension and ciphertext modulus of the ciphertexts. We also provide a C++ implementation of our algorithm, thus showing for the first time the practicability of the amortized bootstrapping. Moreover, it is competitive with existing bootstrapping algorithms, being even around 3.4 times faster than an equivalent non-amortized version of our bootstrapping.
Last updated:  2023-11-23
PURED: A unified framework for resource-hard functions
Alex Biryukov and Marius Lombard-Platet
Algorithm hardness can be described by 5 categories: hardness in computation, in sequential computation, in memory, in energy consumption (or bandwidth), in code size. Similarly, hardness can be a concern for solving or for verifying, depending on the context, and can depend on a secret trapdoor or be universally hard. Two main lines of research investigated such problems: cryptographic puzzles, that gained popularity thanks to blockchain consensus systems (where solving must be moderately hard, and verification either public or private), and white box cryptography (where solving must be hard without knowledge of the secret key). In this work, we improve upon the classification framework proposed by Biryukov and Perrin in Asiacypt 2017 and offer a united hardness framework, PURED, that can be used for measuring all these kinds of hardness, both in solving and verifying. We also propose three new constructions that fill gaps previously uncovered by the literature (namely, trapdoor proof of CMC, trapdoor proof of code, and a hard challenge in sequential time trapdoored in verification), and analyse their hardness in the PURED framework.
Last updated:  2023-11-23
Entrada to Secure Graph Convolutional Networks
Nishat Koti, Varsha Bhat Kukkala, Arpita Patra, and Bhavish Raj Gopal
Graph convolutional networks (GCNs) are gaining popularity due to their powerful modelling capabilities. However, guaranteeing privacy is an issue when evaluating on inputs that contain users’ sensitive information such as financial transactions, medical records, etc. To address such privacy concerns, we design Entrada, a framework for securely evaluating GCNs that relies on the technique of secure multiparty computation (MPC). For efficiency and accuracy reasons, Entrada builds over the MPC framework of Tetrad (NDSS’22) and enhances the same by providing the necessary primitives. Moreover, Entrada leverages the GraphSC paradigm of Araki et al. (CCS’21) to further enhance efficiency. This entails designing a secure and efficient shuffle protocol specifically in the 4-party setting, which to the best of our knowledge, is done for the first time and may be of independent interest. Through extensive experiments, we showcase that the accuracy of secure GCN evaluated via Entrada is on par with its cleartext counterpart. We also benchmark efficiency of Entrada with respect to the included primitives as well as the framework as a whole. Finally, we showcase Entrada’s practicality by benchmarking GCN-based fraud detection application.
Last updated:  2023-11-22
Succinct Proofs and Linear Algebra
Alex Evans and Guillermo Angeris
The intuitions behind succinct proof systems are often difficult to separate from some of the deep cryptographic techniques that are used in their construction. In this paper, we show that, using some simple abstractions, a number of commonly-used tools used in the construction of succinct proof systems may be viewed as basic consequences of linear algebra over finite fields. We introduce notation which considerably simplifies these constructions and slowly build a toolkit of useful techniques that can be combined to create different protocols. We also show a simple 'probabilistic calculus' which specifies how to combine these tools and bounds on their resulting security. To show the power of these abstractions and toolkit, we give a short proof of the security of the FRI protocol. Along the way, we discuss some natural generalizations of protocols in the literature and propose a conjecture related to proximity testing using linear error-correcting codes that is of independent interest.
Last updated:  2023-11-22
Design of a Linear Layer Optimised for Bitsliced 32-bit Implementation
Gaëtan Leurent and Clara Pernot
The linear layer of block ciphers plays an important role in their security. In particular, ciphers designed following the wide-trail strategy use the branch number of the linear layer to derive bounds on the probability of linear and differential trails. At FSE 2014, the LS-design construction was introduced as a simple and regular structure to design bitsliced block ciphers. It considers the internal state as a bit matrix, and applies alternatively an identical S-Box on all the columns, and an identical L-Box on all the lines. Security bounds are derived from the branch number of the L-Box. In this paper, we focus on bitsliced linear layers inspired by the LS-design construction and the Spook AEAD algorithm. We study the construction of bitsliced linear transformations with efficient implementations using XORs and rotations (optimized for bitsliced ciphers implemented on 32-bit processors), and a high branch number. In order to increase the density of the activity patterns, the linear layer is designed on the whole state, rather than using multiple parallel copies of an L-Box. Our main result is a linear layer for 128-bit ciphers with branch number 21, improving upon the best 32-bit transformation with branch number 12, and the one of Spook with branch number 16.
Last updated:  2023-11-22
Sublinear-Communication Secure Multiparty Computation does not require FHE
Elette Boyle, Geoffroy Couteau, and Pierre Meyer
Secure computation enables mutually distrusting parties to jointly compute a function on their secret inputs, while revealing nothing beyond the function output. A long-running challenge is understanding the required communication complexity of such protocols---in particular, when communication can be sublinear in the circuit representation size of the desired function. Significant advances have been made affirmatively answering this question within the two-party setting, based on a variety of structures and hardness assumptions. In contrast, in the multi-party setting, only one general approach is known: using Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE). This remains the state of affairs even for just three parties, with two corruptions. We present a framework for achieving secure sublinear-communication $(N+1)$-party computation, building from a particular form of Function Secret Sharing for only $N$ parties. In turn, we demonstrate implications to sublinear secure computation for various function classes in the 3-party and 5-party settings based on an assortment of assumptions not known to imply FHE.
Last updated:  2023-11-22
ForgedAttributes: An Existential Forgery Vulnerability of CMS and PKCS#7 Signatures
Falko Strenzke
This work describes an existential signature forgery vulnerability of the current CMS and PKCS#7 signature standards. The vulnerability results from an ambiguity of how to process the signed message in the signature verification process. Specifically, the absence or presence of the so called SignedAttributes field determines whether the signature message digest receives as input the message directly or the SignedAttributes, a DER-encoded structure which contains a digest of the message. If an attacker takes a CMS or PKCS#7 signed message M which was originally signed with SignedAttributes present, then he can craft a new message M 0 that was never signed by the signer and has the DER-encoded SignedAttributes of the original message as its content and verifies correctly against the original signature of M . Due to the limited flexibility of the forged message and the limited control the attacker has over it, the fraction of vulnerable systems must be assumed to be small but due to the wide deployment of the affected protocols, such instances cannot be excluded. We propose a countermeasure based on attack-detection that prevents the attack reliably.
Last updated:  2023-11-22
Proof-of-Stake Is a Defective Mechanism
Vicent Sus
Show abstract
Proof-of-Stake (PoS) algorithms, implemented as foundational components of the consensus mechanism of distributed ledgers, are defective cryptosystems by nature. This paper presents intuitive arguments for why PoS, by trying to improve the energy efficiency of Proof-of-Work (PoW) when implemented as a Sybil control mechanism in distributed ledgers, introduces a set of significant new flaws. Such systems are plutocratic, oligopolistic, and permissioned.
Last updated:  2023-11-22
BlindHub: Bitcoin-Compatible Privacy-Preserving Payment Channel Hubs Supporting Variable Amounts
Xianrui Qin, Shimin Pan, Arash Mirzaei, Zhimei Sui, Oğuzhan Ersoy, Amin Sakzad, Muhammed F. Esgin, Joseph K. Liu, Jiangshan Yu, and Tsz Hon Yuen
Payment Channel Hub (PCH) is a promising solution to the scalability issue of first-generation blockchains or cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin. It supports off-chain payments between a sender and a receiver through an intermediary (called the tumbler). Relationship anonymity and value privacy are desirable features of privacy-preserving PCHs, which prevent the tumbler from identifying the sender and receiver pairs as well as the payment amounts. To our knowledge, all existing Bitcoin-compatible PCH constructions that guarantee relationship anonymity allow only a (predefined) fixed payment amount. Thus, to achieve payments with different amounts, they would require either multiple PCH systems or running one PCH system multiple times. Neither of these solutions would be deemed practical. In this paper, we propose the first Bitcoin-compatible PCH that achieves relationship anonymity and supports variable amounts for payment. To achieve this, we have several layers of technical constructions, each of which could be of independent interest to the community. First, we propose $\textit{BlindChannel}$, a novel bi-directional payment channel protocol for privacy-preserving payments, where {one of the channel parties} is unable to see the channel balances. Then, we further propose $\textit{BlindHub}$, a three-party (sender, tumbler, receiver) protocol for private conditional payments, where the tumbler pays to the receiver only if the sender pays to the tumbler. The appealing additional feature of BlindHub is that the tumbler cannot link the sender and the receiver while supporting a variable payment amount. To construct BlindHub, we also introduce two new cryptographic primitives as building blocks, namely $\textit{Blind Adaptor Signature}$(BAS), and $\textit{Flexible Blind Conditional Signature}$. BAS is an adaptor signature protocol built on top of a blind signature scheme. Flexible Blind Conditional Signature is a new cryptographic notion enabling us to provide an atomic and privacy-preserving PCH. Lastly, we instantiate both BlindChannel and BlindHub protocols and present implementation results to show their practicality.
Last updated:  2023-11-22
Algebraic Attacks on RAIN and AIM Using Equivalent Representations
Fukang Liu, Mohammad Mahzoun, Morten Øygarden, and Willi Meier
Designing novel symmetric-key primitives for advanced protocols like secure multiparty computation (MPC), fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) and zero-knowledge proof systems (ZK), has been an important research topic in recent years. Many such existing primitives adopt quite different design strategies from conventional block ciphers. Notable features include that many of these ciphers are defined over a large finite field, and that a power map is commonly used to construct the nonlinear component due to its efficiency in these applications as well as its strong resistance against the differential and linear cryptanalysis. In this paper, we target the MPC-friendly ciphers AIM and RAIN used for the post-quantum signature schemes AIMer (CCS 2023 and NIST PQC Round 1 Additional Signatures) and Rainier (CCS 2022), respectively. Specifically, we can find equivalent representations of 2-round RAIN and full-round AIM, respectively, which make them vulnerable to either the polynomial method, or the crossbred algorithm, or the fast exhaustive search attack. Consequently, we can break 2-round RAIN with the 128/192/256-bit key in only $2^{111}/2^{170}/2^{224}$ bit operations. For full-round AIM with the 128/192/256-bit key, we could break them in $2^{136.2}/2^{200.7}/2^{265}$ bit operations, which are equivalent to about $2^{115}/2^{178}/2^{241}$ calls of the underlying primitives. In particular, our analysis indicates that AIM does not reach the required security levels by the NIST competition.
Last updated:  2023-11-22
Degree-$D$ Reverse Multiplication-Friendly Embeddings: Constructions and Applications
Daniel Escudero, Cheng Hong, Hongqing Liu, Chaoping Xing, and Chen Yuan
In the recent work of (Cheon & Lee, Eurocrypt'22), the concept of a degree-$D$ packing method was formally introduced, which captures the idea of embedding multiple elements of a smaller ring into a larger ring, so that element-wise multiplication in the former is somewhat "compatible" with the product in the latter. Then, several optimal bounds and results are presented, and furthermore, the concept is generalized from one multiplication to degrees larger than two. These packing methods encompass several constructions seen in the literature in contexts like secure multiparty computation and fully homomorphic encryption. One such construction is the concept of reverse multiplication-friendly embeddings (RMFEs), which are essentially degree-2 packing methods. In this work we generalize the notion of RMFEs to \emph{degree-$D$ RMFEs} which, in spite of being "more algebraic" than packing methods, turn out to be essentially equivalent. Then, we present a general construction of degree-$D$ RMFEs by generalizing the ideas on algebraic geometry used to construct traditional degree-$2$ RMFEs which, by the aforementioned equivalence, leads to explicit constructions of packing methods. Furthermore, our theory is given in an unified manner for general Galois rings, which include both rings of the form $\mathbb{Z}_{p^k}$ and fields like $\mathbb{F}_{p^k}$, which have been treated separately in prior works. We present multiple concrete sets of parameters for degree-$D$ RMFEs (including $D=2$), which can be useful for future works. Finally, we apply our RMFEs to the task of non-interactively generating high degree correlations for secure multiparty computation protocols. This requires the use of Shamir secret sharing for a large number of parties, which is known to require large-degree Galois ring extensions. Our RMFE enables the generation of such preprocessing data over small rings, without paying for the multiplicative overhead incurred by using Galois ring extensions of large degree. For our application we also construct along the way, as a side contribution of potential independent interest, a pseudo-random secret-sharing solution for non-interactive generation of packed Shamir-sharings over Galois rings with structured secrets, inspired by the PRSS solutions from (Benhamouda et al, TCC 2021).
Last updated:  2023-11-22
BabySpartan: Lasso-based SNARK for non-uniform computation
Srinath Setty and Justin Thaler
Lasso (Setty, Thaler, Wahby, ePrint 2023/1216) is a recent lookup argument that ensures that the prover cryptographically commits to only "small" values. This note describes BabySpartan, a SNARK for a large class of constraint systems that achieves the same property. The SNARK is a simple combination of SuperSpartan and Lasso. The specific class of constraint systems supported is a generalization of so-called Plonkish constraint systems (and a special case of customizable constraint systems (CCS)). Whereas a recent work called Jolt (Arun, Setty, and Thaler, ePrint 2023/1217) can be viewed as an application of Lasso to uniform computation, BabySpartan can be viewed as applying Lasso to non-uniform computation.
Last updated:  2023-11-21
CCA-1 Secure Updatable Encryption with Adaptive Security
Huanhuan Chen, Yao Jiang Galteland, and Kaitai Liang
Updatable encryption (UE) enables a cloud server to update ciphertexts using client-generated tokens. There are two types of UE: ciphertext-independent (c-i) and ciphertext-dependent (c-d). In terms of construction and efficiency, c-i UE utilizes a single token to update all ciphertexts. The update mechanism relies mainly on the homomorphic properties of exponentiation, which limits the efficiency of encryption and updating. Although c-d UE may seem inconvenient as it requires downloading parts of the ciphertexts during token generation, it allows for easy implementation of the Dec-then-Enc structure. This methodology significantly simplifies the construction of the update mechanism. Notably, the c-d UE scheme proposed by Boneh et al. (ASIACRYPT’20) has been reported to be 200 times faster than prior UE schemes based on DDH hardness, which is the case for most existing c-i UE schemes. Furthermore, c-d UE ensures a high level of security as the token does not reveal any information about the key, which is difficult for c-i UE to achieve. However, previous security studies on c-d UE only addressed selective security; the studies for adaptive security remain an open problem. In this study, we make three significant contributions to ciphertextdependent updatable encryption (c-d UE). Firstly, we provide stronger security notions compared to previous work, which capture adaptive security and also consider the adversary’s decryption capabilities under the adaptive corruption setting. Secondly, we propose a new c-d UE scheme that achieves the proposed security notions. The token generation technique significantly differs from the previous Dec-then-Enc structure, while still preventing key leakages. At last, we introduce a packing technique that enables the simultaneous encryption and updating of multiple messages within a single ciphertext. This technique helps alleviate the cost of c-d UE by reducing the need to download partial ciphertexts during token generation.
Last updated:  2023-11-21
Somewhat Homomorphic Encryption based on Random Codes
Carlos Aguilar-Melchor, Victor Dyseryn, and Philippe Gaborit
We present a secret-key encryption scheme based on random rank metric ideal linear codes with a simple decryption circuit. It supports unlimited homomorphic additions and plaintext absorptions as well as a fixed arbitrary number of homomorphic multiplications. We study a candidate bootstrapping algorithm that requires no multiplication but additions and plaintext absorptions only. This latter operation is therefore very efficient in our scheme, whereas bootstrapping is usually the main reason which penalizes the performance of other fully homomorphic encryption schemes. However, the security reduction of our scheme restricts the number of independent ciphertexts that can be published. In particular, this prevents to securely evaluate the bootstrapping algorithm as the number of ciphertexts in the key switching material is too large. Our scheme is nonetheless the first somewhat homomorphic encryption scheme based on random ideal codes and a first step towards full homomorphism. Random ideal codes give stronger security guarantees as opposed to existing constructions based on highly structured codes. We give concrete parameters for our scheme that shows that it achieves competitive sizes and performance, with a key size of 3.7 kB and a ciphertext size of 0.9 kB when a single multiplication is allowed.
Last updated:  2023-11-21
Algebraic Cryptanalysis of HADES Design Strategy: Application to POSEIDON and Poseidon2
Tomer Ashur, Thomas Buschman, and Mohammad Mahzoun
Arithmetization-Oriented primitives are the building block of advanced cryptographic protocols such as Zero-Knowledge proof systems. One approach to designing such primitives is the HADES design strategy which aims to provide an efficient way to instantiate generalizing substitution-permutation networks to include partial S-box rounds. A notable instance of HADES, introduced by Grassi \emph{et al.} at USENIX Security '21, is Poseidon. Because of its impressive efficiency and low arithmetic complexity, Poseidon is a popular choice among the designers of integrity-proof systems. An updated version of Poseidon, namely, Poseidon2 was published at AfricaCrypt '23 aiming to improve the efficiency of Poseidon by optimizing its linear operations. In this work, we show some caveats in the security argument of HADES against algebraic attacks and quantify the complexity of Gr\"{o}bner basis attacks. We show that the complexity of the attack is lower than claimed with the direct implication that there are cases where the recommended number of rounds is insufficient for meeting the claimed security. Concretely, the complexity of a Gr\"{o}bner basis attack for an instance of Poseidon with 1024 bits of security is 731.77 bits and the original security argument starts failing already at the 384-bit security level. Since the security of Poseidon2 is derived from the security of Poseidon, the same analysis applies to the instances of Poseidon2. The results were shared with the designers and the security arguments were updated accordingly.
Last updated:  2023-11-21
Fault Attacks Sensitivity of Public Parameters in the Dilithium Verification
Andersson Calle Viera, Alexandre Berzati, and Karine Heydemann
This paper presents a comprehensive analysis of the verification algorithm of the CRYSTALS-Dilithium, focusing on a C reference implementation. Limited research has been conducted on its susceptibility to fault attacks, despite its critical role in ensuring the scheme’s security. To fill this gap, we investigate three distinct fault models - randomizing faults, zeroizing faults, and skipping faults - to identify vulnerabilities within the verification process. Based on our analysis, we propose a methodology for forging CRYSTALS-Dilithium signatures without knowledge of the secret key. Instead, we leverage specific types of faults during the verification phase and some properties about public parameters to make these signatures accepted. Additionally, we compared different attack scenarios after identifying sensitive operations within the verification algorithm. The most effective requires potentially fewer fault injections than targeting the verification check itself. Finally, we introduce a set of countermeasures designed to thwart all the identified scenarios rendering the verification algorithm intrinsically resistant to the presented attacks.
Last updated:  2023-11-20
Decentralized Compromise-Tolerant Public Key Management Ecosystem with Threshold Validation
Jamal Mosakheil and Kan Yang
This paper examines the vulnerabilities inherent in prevailing Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) systems reliant on centralized Certificate Authorities (CAs), wherein a compromise of the CA introduces risks to the integrity of public key management. We present PKChain, a decentralized and compromise-tolerant public key management system built on blockchain technology, offering transparent, tamper-resistant, and verifiable services for key operations such as registration, update, query, validation, and revocation. Our innovative approach involves a novel threshold block validation scheme that combines a novel threshold cryptographic scheme with blockchain consensus. This scheme allows each validator to validate each public key record partially and proactively secures it before inclusion in a block. Additionally, to further validate and verify each block and to facilitate public verification of the public key records, we introduce an aggregate commitment signature scheme. Our contribution extends to the development of a new, efficient, and practical Byzantine Compromise-Tolerant and Verifiable (pBCTV) consensus model, integrating the proposed validation and signature schemes with practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance (pBFT). Through a comprehensive examination encompassing security analysis, performance evaluation, and a prototype implementation, we substantiate that PKChain is a secure, efficient, and robust solution for public key management.
Last updated:  2023-11-20
On the precision loss in approximate homomorphic encryption
Anamaria Costache, Benjamin R. Curtis, Erin Hales, Sean Murphy, Tabitha Ogilvie, and Rachel Player
Since its introduction at Asiacrypt 2017, the CKKS approximate homomorphic encryption scheme has become one of the most widely used and implemented homomorphic encryption schemes. Due to the approximate nature of the scheme, application developers using CKKS must ensure that the evaluation output is within a tolerable error of the corresponding plaintext computation. Choosing appropriate parameters requires a good understanding of how the noise will grow through the computation. A strong understanding of the noise growth is also necessary to limit the performance impact of mitigations to the attacks on CKKS presented by Li and Micciancio (Eurocrypt 2021). In this work we present a comprehensive noise analysis of CKKS, that considers noise coming both from the encoding and homomorphic operations. Our main contribution is the first average-case analysis for CKKS noise, and we also introduce refinements to prior worst-case noise analyses. We develop noise heuristics both for the original CKKS scheme and the RNS variant presented at SAC 2018. We then evaluate these heuristics by comparing the predicted noise growth with experiments in the HEAAN and FullRNS-HEAAN libraries, and by comparing with a worst-case noise analysis as done in prior work. Our findings show mixed results: while our new analyses lead to heuristic estimates that more closely model the observed noise growth than prior approaches, the new heuristics sometimes slightly underestimate the observed noise growth. This evidences the need for implementation-specific noise analyses for CKKS, which recent work has shown to be effective for implementations of similar schemes.
Last updated:  2023-11-20
Guardianship in Group Key Exchange for Limited Environments
Elsie Mestl Fondevik, Britta Hale, and Xisen Tian
Post-compromise security (PCS) has been a core goal of end-to-end encrypted messaging applications for many years, both in one-to-one continuous key agreement (CKA) and for groups (CGKA). At its essence, PCS relies on a compromised party to perform a key update in order to `self-heal'. However, due to bandwidth constraints, receive-only mode, and various other environmental demands of the growing number of use cases for such CGKA protocols, a group member may not be able to issue such updates. In this work, we address the issue of devices functioning in limited mode through the introduction of guardianship, where a designated guardian can perform key updates on the behalf of its paired edge device. We introduce a Guardianship PCS (GPCS) security, and provide an associated security experiment. We investigate various architectural designs in the pursuit of GPCS, provide constructions and security analyses, and describe trade-offs.
Last updated:  2023-11-20
All You Need Is Fault: Zero-Value Attacks on AES and a New $\lambda$-Detection M&M
Haruka Hirata, Daiki Miyahara, Victor Arribas, Yang Li, Noriyuki Miura, Svetla Nikova, and Kazuo Sakiyama
Deploying cryptography on embedded systems requires security against physical attacks. At CHES 2019, M&M was proposed as a combined countermeasure applying masking against SCAs and information-theoretic MAC tags against FAs. In this paper, we show that one of the protected AES implementations in the M&M paper is vulnerable to a zero-value SIFA2-like attack. A practical attack is demonstrated on an ASIC board. We propose two versions of the attack: the first follows the SIFA approach to inject faults in the last round, while the second one is an extension of SIFA and FTA but applied to the first round with chosen plaintext. The two versions work at the byte level, but the latter version considerably improves the efficiency of the attack. Moreover, we show that this zero-value SIFA2 attack is specific to the AES tower-field decomposed S-box design. Hence, such attacks are applicable to any implementation featuring this AES S-box architecture. Then, we propose a countermeasure that prevents these attacks. We extend M&M with a fine-grained detection-based feature capable of detecting the zero-value glitch attacks. In this effort, we also solve the problem of a combined attack on the ciphertext output check of M&M scheme by using Kronecker's delta function. We deploy the countermeasure on FPGA and verify its security against both fault and side-channel analysis with practical experiments.
Last updated:  2023-11-20
Compromising sensitive information through Padding Oracle and Known Plaintext attacks in Encrypt-then-TLS scenarios
Daniel Espinoza Figueroa
Let's consider a scenario where the server encrypts data using AES-CBC without authentication and then sends only the encrypted ciphertext through TLS (without IV). Then, having a padding oracle, we managed to recover the initialization vector and the sensitive data, doing a cybersecurity audit for a Chilean company.
Last updated:  2023-11-20
Fast and Secure Oblivious Stable Matching over Arithmetic Circuits
Arup Mondal, Priyam Panda, Shivam Agarwal, Abdelrahaman Aly, and Debayan Gupta
The classic stable matching algorithm of Gale and Shapley (American Mathematical Monthly '69) and subsequent variants such as those by Roth (Mathematics of Operations Research '82) and Abdulkadiroglu et al. (American Economic Review '05) have been used successfully in a number of real-world scenarios, including the assignment of medical-school graduates to residency programs, New York City teenagers to high schools, and Norwegian and Singaporean students to schools and universities. However, all of these suffer from one shortcoming: in order to avoid strategic manipulation, they require all participants to submit their preferences to a trusted third party who performs the computation. In some sensitive application scenarios, there is no appropriate (or cost-effective) trusted party. This makes stable matching a natural candidate for secure computation. Several approaches have been proposed to overcome this, based on secure multiparty computation (MPC), fully homomorphic encryption, etc.; many of these protocols are slow and impractical for real-world use. We propose a novel primitive for privacy-preserving stable matching using MPC (i.e., arithmetic circuits, for any number of parties). Specifically, we discuss two variants of oblivious stable matching and describe an improved oblivious stable matching on the random memory access model based on lookup tables. To explore and showcase the practicality of our proposed primitive, we present detailed benchmarks (at various problem sizes) of our constructions using two popular frameworks: SCALE-MAMBA and MP-SPDZ.
Last updated:  2023-11-20
Homomorphic Multiple Precision Multiplication for CKKS and Reduced Modulus Consumption
Jung Hee Cheon, Wonhee Cho, Jaehyung Kim, and Damien Stehlé
Homomorphic Encryption (HE) schemes such as BGV, BFV, and CKKS consume some ciphertext modulus for each multiplication. Bootstrapping (BTS) restores the modulus and allows homomorphic computation to continue, but it is time-consuming and requires a significant amount of modulus. For these reasons, decreasing modulus consumption is crucial topic for BGV, BFV and CKKS, on which numerous studies have been conducted. We propose a novel method, called $\mathsf{mult}^2$, to perform ciphertext multiplication in the CKKS scheme with lower modulus consumption. $\mathsf{mult}^2$ relies an a new decomposition of a ciphertext into a pair of ciphertexts that homomorphically performs a weak form of Euclidean division. It multiplies two ciphertexts in decomposed formats with homomorphic double precision multiplication, and its result approximately decrypts to the same value as does the ordinary CKKS multiplication. $\mathsf{mult}^2$ can perform homomorphic multiplication by consuming almost half of the modulus. We extend it to $\mathsf{mult}^t$ for any $t\geq 2$, which relies on the decomposition of a ciphertext into $t$ components. All other CKKS operations can be equally performed on pair/tuple formats, leading to the double-CKKS (resp. tuple-CKKS) scheme enabling homomorphic double (resp. multiple) precision arithmetic. As a result, when the ciphertext modulus and dimension are fixed, the proposed algorithms enable the evaluation of deeper circuits without bootstrapping, or allow to reduce the number of bootstrappings required for the evaluation of the same circuits. Furthermore, they can be used to increase the precision without increasing the parameters. For example, $\mathsf{mult}^2$ enables 8 sequential multiplications with 100 bit scaling factor with a ciphertext modulus of only 680 bits, which is impossible with the ordinary CKKS multiplication algorithm.
Last updated:  2023-11-19
Obfuscation of Pseudo-Deterministic Quantum Circuits
James Bartusek, Fuyuki Kitagawa, Ryo Nishimaki, and Takashi Yamakawa
We show how to obfuscate pseudo-deterministic quantum circuits in the classical oracle model, assuming the quantum hardness of learning with errors. Given the classical description of a quantum circuit $Q$, our obfuscator outputs a quantum state $\ket{\widetilde{Q}}$ that can be used to evaluate $Q$ repeatedly on arbitrary inputs. Instantiating the classical oracle using any candidate post-quantum indistinguishability obfuscator gives us the first candidate construction of indistinguishability obfuscation for all polynomial-size pseudo-deterministic quantum circuits. In particular, our scheme is the first candidate obfuscator for a class of circuits that is powerful enough to implement Shor's algorithm (SICOMP 1997). Our approach follows Bartusek and Malavolta (ITCS 2022), who obfuscate \emph{null} quantum circuits by obfuscating the verifier of an appropriate classical verification of quantum computation (CVQC) scheme. We go beyond null circuits by constructing a publicly-verifiable CVQC scheme for quantum \emph{partitioning} circuits, which can be used to verify the evaluation procedure of Mahadev's quantum fully-homomorphic encryption scheme (FOCS 2018). We achieve this by upgrading the one-time secure scheme of Bartusek (TCC 2021) to a fully reusable scheme, via a publicly-decodable \emph{Pauli functional commitment}, which we formally define and construct in this work. This commitment scheme, which satisfies a notion of binding against committers that can access the receiver's standard and Hadamard basis decoding functionalities, is constructed by building on techniques of Amos, Georgiou, Kiayias, and Zhandry (STOC 2020) introduced in the context of equivocal but collision-resistant hash functions.
Last updated:  2023-11-19
Efficient Linkable Ring Signature from Vector Commitment inexplicably named Multratug
Anton A. Sokolov
In this paper we revise the idea of our previous work ‘Lin2-Xor lemma and Log-size Linkable Threshold Ring Signature’ and introduce another lemma, called Lin2-Choice, which extends the Lin2-Xor lemma. Using an novel zero-knowledge membership proof argument defined in the Lin2-Choice lemma, we create a compact general-purpose trusted-setup-free log-size linkable threshold ring signature called EFLRSL. The signature size is 2log(n+1)+3l+1, where n is the ring size and l is the threshold. By extending the membership argument of the Lin2-Choice lemma, we create a multifunctional version of the EFLRSL signature aliased as Multratug, of size 2log(n+l+1)+7l+4. In addition to signing a message, Multratug simultaneously proves balance and allows for easy multiparty signing. We use an arbitrary vector commitment argument in the role of the pivotal building block for both versions of our signature, considering it as a black box. Only the black-boxed pivot contributes components that depend on the ring size n into the signature sizes. This makes both of EFLRSL and Multratug combinable with other proofs, with overall size reduction. All this takes place in a prime-order group without bilinear parings under the decisional Diffie-Hellman assumption in the random oracle model. Both versions of our signature are proved unforgeable w.r.t. insider corruption and existentially unforgeable under chosen message attack. They remain anonymous even for non-uniformly distributed and malformed keys, which makes it possible to use them as a log-size drop-in replacement for LSAG-based schemes.
Last updated:  2023-11-19
Adaptively Secure Consensus with Linear Complexity and Constant Round under Honest Majority in the Bare PKI Model, and Separation Bounds from the Idealized Message-Authentication Model
Matthieu Rambaud
We consider the mainstream model in secure computation known as the bare PKI setup, also as the {bulletin-board PKI}. It allows players to broadcast once and non-interactively before they receive their inputs and start the execution. A bulletin-board PKI is essentially the minimum setup known so far to implement the model known as {messages-authentication}, i.e., when $P$ is forwarded a signed message, it considers it to be issued by $R$ if and only if $R$ signed it. It is known since [Lamport et al, 82] that BA under honest majority (let alone secure computation) would not be possible without messages-authentication. But as further highlighted by [Borcherding, 96], messages-authentication cannot not simply be implemented with digital signatures, without a bulletin-board of public keys. So the bulletin-board PKI setup and the messages-authentication model seem very close: this raizes the question whether there is a separation between them. In the bulletin-board PKI setup, the most communication-efficient synchronous BA is the one of [Boyle-Cohen-Goel, Podc'21 \& J. Cryptol.'24], which has $O(n.\text{polylog}(n))$ bit complexity, $f<n(1/3-\epsilon)$ resilience and tolerates an adversary which cannot adaptively corrupt after the setup. Our main upper-bound is a BA (and also a VBA) in this same model with strictly better parameters: {quasi-optimal} resilience $f<n(1/2-\epsilon)$, with an expected bit complexity of communications which is {linear} in $n$, and tolerance to an {adaptive} rushing adversary (but which unavoidably cannot remove messages sent). As [BCG'21], they have constant expected latency. All previous BAs or VBAs achieving the same metrics as our upper bound, are either in the static adversary model: Sleepy [Pass-Shi, Asiacrypt'17], Snow White [Daian-Pass-Shi, FC'19], or assume more than a bare PKI setup: (i) The model of Thunderella [Pass-Shi, EC'17], Algorand [Gilad et al, SOSP'17], Praos [David et al, EC'18], [Goyal et al, FC'21] and [Momose et al, CCS'22 and CCS'23] assumes a public random seed which is unpredictable until strictly after all players published on the bulletin board; (ii) [Abraham et al, Podc'19] assume a trusted entity which honestly samples the keys of all players; (iii) All known implementations of the setups (i) and (ii), as well as the setup of [Blum et al, TCC'20], require interactions, furthermore in the form of BAs. (iv) [Garay-Kiayas-Shen '23] assume that honest players work more than the adversary, or, [Eckey-Faust-Loss et al '17 '22] at least as fast. Of independent interest, our tool is a very simple non-interactive mechanism which {sets-up a self-sortition function from non-interactive publications on the bulletin board}, and still, guarantees an honest majority in every committee up to probability exponentially small in both $\epsilon$ and in the multicast complexity. We provide the following further results: {- Optimality.} We show that resilience up to a tight honest majority $f<n/2$ is impossible for any multicast-based adaptively secure BA with subquadratic communication, whatever the setup. {- Separation.} We show impossibility of subquadratic multicast-based BA in the messages-authentication model. Our model for this lower bound is even stronger, since it onboards other assumptions at least as strong as all popular implications of a bulletin-board PKI setup: {secure channels}, {a (possibly structured) random string}, {NIZK}. {- Partial synchrony.} Given that the multicast lower-bound holds a fortiori, and that the upper-bound adapts seamlessly (for $f<n(1/3-\epsilon)$), the separation also holds. We show a second separation, which holds for general BAs, non-necessarily multicast-based: any partially-synchronous BA in the messages-authentication model, if it has linear message complexity, then it has latency at least {logarithmic in $f$}. {- Extension to VBA.} We extend to VBA the logarithmic latency lower bound. This is the first communication lower bound for randomized VBA to our knowledge. It shows that the separation under partial synchrony also holds for VBA. Along the way, we close the characterization of [Civit et al, Podc'23] of validity conditions in authenticated consensus, by apparently new results on VBA: both BA and VBA are infeasible under partial synchrony beyond $f<n/3$, whatever the setup; whereas synchronous VBA is feasible up to $f=n-1$ (contrary to BA).
Last updated:  2023-11-19
Updatable Privacy-Preserving Blueprints
Bernardo David, Felix Engelmann, Tore Frederiksen, Markulf Kohlweiss, Elena Pagnin, and Mikhail Volkhov
Privacy-preserving blueprints enable users to create escrows using the auditor's public key. An escrow encrypts the evaluation of a function $P(t,x)$, where $t$ is a secret input used to generate the auditor's key and $x$ is the user's private input to escrow generation. Nothing but $P(t,x)$ is revealed even to a fully corrupted auditor. The original definition and construction (Kohlweiss et al., EUROCRYPT'23) only support the evaluation of functions on an input $x$ provided by a single user. We address this limitation by introducing updatable privacy-preserving blueprint schemes (UPPB), which enhance the original notion with the ability for multiple parties to non-interactively update the private value $x$ in a blueprint. Moreover, a UPPB scheme allows for verifying that a blueprint is the result of a sequence of valid updates while revealing nothing else. We present uBlu, an efficient instantiation of UPPB for computing a comparison between private user values and a private threshold $t$ set by the auditor, where the current value $x$ is the cumulative sum of private inputs, which enables applications such as privacy-preserving anti-money laundering and location tracking. Additionally, we show the feasibility of the notion generically for all value update functions and (binary) predicates from FHE and NIZKs. Our main technical contribution is a technique to keep the size of primary blueprint components independent of the number of updates and reasonable for practical applications. This is achieved by elegantly extending an algebraic NIZK by Couteau and Hartmann (CRYPTO'20) with an update function and making it compatible with our additive updates. This result is of independent interest and may find additional applications thanks to the concise size of our proofs.
Last updated:  2023-11-19
Admissible Parameter Sets and Complexity Estimation of Crossbred Algorithm
Shuhei Nakamura
The Crossbred algorithm is one of the algorithms for solving a system of polynomial equations, proposed by Joux and Vitse in 2017. It has been implemented in Fukuoka MQ challenge, which is related to the security of multivariate crytography, and holds several records. A framework for estimating the complexity has already been provided by Chen et al. in 2017. However, it is generally unknown which parameters are actually available. This paper investigates how to select available parameters for the Crossbred algorithm. As a result, we provide formulae that give an available parameter set and estimate the complexity of the Crossbred algorithm.
Last updated:  2023-11-18
On Polynomial Functions Modulo $p^e$ and Faster Bootstrapping for Homomorphic Encryption
Robin Geelen, Ilia Iliashenko, Jiayi Kang, and Frederik Vercauteren
In this paper, we perform a systematic study of functions $f: \mathbb{Z}_{p^e} \to \mathbb{Z}_{p^e}$ and categorize those functions that can be represented by a polynomial with integer coefficients. More specifically, we cover the following properties: necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of an integer polynomial representation; computation of such a representation; and the complete set of equivalent polynomials that represent a given function. As an application, we use the newly developed theory to speed up bootstrapping for the BGV and BFV homomorphic encryption schemes. The crucial ingredient underlying our improvements is the existence of null polynomials, i.e. non-zero polynomials that evaluate to zero in every point. We exploit the rich algebraic structure of these null polynomials to find better representations of the digit extraction function, which is the main bottleneck in bootstrapping. As such, we obtain sparse polynomials that have 50% fewer coefficients than the original ones. In addition, we propose a new method to decompose digit extraction as a series of polynomial evaluations. This lowers the time complexity from $\mathcal{O}(\sqrt{pe})$ to $\mathcal{O}(\sqrt{p}\sqrt[^4]{e})$ for digit extraction modulo $p^e$, at the cost of a slight increase in multiplicative depth. Overall, our implementation in HElib shows a significant speedup of a factor up to 2.6 over the state-of-the-art.
Last updated:  2023-11-18
Bootstrapping for BGV and BFV Revisited
Robin Geelen and Frederik Vercauteren
We unify the state-of-the-art bootstrapping algorithms for BGV and BFV in a single framework, and show that both schemes can be bootstrapped with identical complexity. This result corrects a claim by Chen and Han (Eurocrypt 2018) that BFV is more efficient to bootstrap than BGV. We also fix an error in their optimized procedure for power-of-two cyclotomics, which occurs for some parameter sets. Our analysis is simpler, yet more general than earlier work, in that it simultaneously covers both BGV and BFV. Furthermore, we also design and implement a high-level open source software library for bootstrapping in the Magma Computer Algebra System. It is the first library to support both BGV and BFV bootstrapping in full generality, with all recent techniques (including the above fixes) and trade-offs.
Last updated:  2023-11-18
A note on the calculation of some functions in finite fields: Tricks of the Trade
Michael Scott
Optimization of finite field arithmetic is important for the deployment of public key cryptography, particularly in the context of elliptic curve cryptography. Until now the primary concern has been operations over the prime field $\F_p$, where $p$ is a prime. With the advent of pairing-based cryptography there arises a need to also look at optimal arithmetic over extension fields $\F_{p^n}$ for small values of $n$. Here we focus on the determination of quadratic residuosity and the calculation of inverses and square roots over these fields, operations often carried out in conjunction with one another. We demonstrate with a minor improvement in a hash-to-curve algorithm, and a major speed-up in the calculation of square roots in quadratic extensions.
Last updated:  2023-11-17
Homomorphic Polynomial Public Key Cryptography for Quantum-secure Digital Signature
Randy Kuang, Maria Perepechaenko, Mahmoud Sayed, and Dafu Lou
In their 2022 study, Kuang et al. introduced the Multivariable Polynomial Public Key (MPPK) cryptography, a quantum-safe public key cryptosystem leveraging the mutual inversion relationship between multiplication and division. MPPK employs multiplication for key pair construction and division for decryption, generating public multivariate polynomials. Kuang and Perepechaenko expanded the cryptosystem into the Homomorphic Polynomial Public Key (HPPK), transforming product polynomials over large hidden rings using homomorphic encryption through modular multiplications. Initially designed for key encapsulation mechanism (KEM), HPPK ensures security through homomorphic encryption of public polynomials over concealed rings. This paper extends its application to a digital signature scheme. The framework of HPPK KEM can not be directly applied to the digital signatures dues to the different nature of verification procedure compared to decryption procedure. Thus, in order to use the core ideas of the HPPK KEM scheme in the framework of digital signatures, the authors introduce an extension of the Barrett reduction algorithm. This extension transforms modular multiplications over hidden rings into divisions in the verification equation, conducted over a prime field. The extended algorithm non-linearly embeds the signature into public polynomial coefficients, employing the floor function of big integer divisions. This innovative approach overcomes vulnerabilities associated with linear relationships of earlier MPPK DS schemes. The security analysis reveals exponential complexity for both private key recovery and forged signature attacks, taking into account that the bit length of the rings is twice that of the prime field size. The effectiveness of the proposed Homomorphic Polynomial Public Key Digital Signature (HPPK DS) scheme is illustrated through a practical toy example, showcasing its intricate functionality and enhanced security features.
Last updated:  2023-11-17
Incremental Offline/Online PIR (extended version)
Yiping Ma, Ke Zhong, Tal Rabin, and Sebastian Angel
Recent private information retrieval (PIR) schemes preprocess the database with a query-independent offline phase in order to achieve sublinear computation during a query-specific online phase. These offline/online protocols expand the set of applications that can profitably use PIR, but they make a critical assumption: that the database is immutable. In the presence of changes such as additions, deletions, or updates, existing schemes must preprocess the database from scratch, wasting prior effort. To address this, we introduce incremental preprocessing for offline/online PIR schemes, allowing the original preprocessing to continue to be used after database changes, while incurring an update cost proportional to the number of changes rather than the size of the database. We adapt two offline/online PIR schemes to use incremental preprocessing and show how it significantly improves the throughput and reduces the latency of applications where the database changes over time.
Last updated:  2023-11-17
Scalable and Adaptively Secure Any-Trust Distributed Key Generation and All-hands Checkpointing
Hanwen Feng, Tiancheng Mai, and Qiang Tang
The classical distributed key generation protocols (DKG) are resurging due to their widespread applications in blockchain. While efforts have been made to improve DKG communication, practical large scale deployments are still yet to come, due to various challenges including broadcast channel scalability and worst-case complaint phase. In this paper, we propose a practical DKG for DL-based cryptosystems, with only (quasi-)linear computation/communication cost per participant, with the help of a public ledger, and beacon; Notably, our DKG only incurs constant-size blockchain storage cost for broadcast, even in the face of worst-case complaints. Moreover, our protocol satisfies adaptive security. The key to our improvements lies in delegating the most costly operations to an Any-Trust group. This group is randomly sampled and consists of a small number of individuals. The population only trusts that at least one member in the group is honest, without knowing which one. Additionally, we introduce an extended broadcast channel based on a blockchain and data dispersal network (such as IPFS), enabling reliable broadcasting of arbitrary-size messages at the cost of constant-size blockchain storage, which may be of independent interest. Our DKG leads to a fully practical instantiation of Filecoin's checkpointing mechanism, in which all validators of a Proof-of-Stake (PoS) blockcahin periodically run DKG and threshold signing to create checkpoints on Bitcoin, thereby enhancing the security of the PoS chain. In comparison with another checkpointing approach of Babylon (Oakland, 2023), ours enjoys a significally smaller monetary cost of Bitcoin transaction fees. For a PoS chain with $2^{12}$ validators, our cost is merely 0.6% of that incurred by Babylon's approach.
Last updated:  2023-11-17
Computational FHE Circuit Privacy for Free
Anamaria Costache, Lea Nürnberger, and Tjerand Silde
Circuit privacy is an important notion in Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE), well-illustrated by the Machine Learning-as-a-Service scenario. A scheme is circuit private (first defined in Gentry’s PhD Thesis) if an adversary cannot learn the circuit evaluated on a ciphertext from the computation result. In this work, we first show that the BGV FHE scheme by Brakerski, Gentry and Vaikuntanathan (ITCS’12) is computationally circuit private in a semi-honest context, and then present an extended construction to make it computationally circuit private against a malicious adversary. We achieve this without resorting to expensive mechanisms such as noise flooding. Instead, we argue carefully about the ciphertext and noise distributions that are encountered in BGV. In more detail, we consider the notion of circuit privacy along four dimensions: whether the adversary is internal or external (i.e. does the adversary hold the secret key or not), and in a semi-honest and malicious setting. Our starting point is Gentry’s definition, which we change from statistical to computational indistinguishability. Doing so allows us to prove that the BGV scheme is computationally circuit-private in a semi-honest setting to an external adversary out of the box. We then propose a new definition by extending Gentry’s definition to an internal adversary. This is appropriate since the scenario that the client is the adversary (and therefore has access to the decryption key) is a realistic one. Further, we remark that our definition is strictly stronger than Gentry’s – our definition requires that a scheme be circuit private according to Gentry’s definition and additionally, the distribution of the ciphertext noise in all ciphertexts to be computationally indistinguishable. Given this new definition, and using previous results of Costache, Nürnberger and Player (CT-RSA’23), we show that slight modifications to the BGV scheme will make it fulfill this new definition. Finally, we show how to extend these results to a malicious setting if we require that the client attaches proofs of well-formedness of keys and ciphertexts.
Last updated:  2023-11-17
$k$-SUM in the Sparse Regime
Shweta Agrawal, Sagnik Saha, Nikolaj Ignatieff Schwartzbach, Akhil Vanukuri, and Prashant Nalini Vasudevan
In the average-case $k$-SUM problem, given $r$ integers chosen uniformly at random from $\{0,\ldots,M-1\}$, the objective is to find a "solution" set of $k$ numbers that sum to $0$ modulo $M$. In the dense regime of $M \leq r^k$, where solutions exist with high probability, the complexity of these problems is well understood. Much less is known in the sparse regime of $M\gg r^k$, where solutions are unlikely to exist. In this work, we initiate the study of the sparse regime for $k$-SUM and its variant $k$-XOR, especially their planted versions, where a random solution is planted in a randomly generated instance and has to be recovered. We provide evidence for the hardness of these problems and suggest new applications to cryptography. Our contributions are summarized below. Complexity. First we study the complexity of these problems in the sparse regime and show: - Conditional Lower Bounds. Assuming established conjectures about the hardness of average-case (non-planted) $k$-SUM/$k$-XOR when $M = r^k$, we provide non-trivial lower bounds on the running time of algorithms for planted $k$-SUM when $r^k\leq M\leq r^{2k}$. - Hardness Amplification. We show that for any $M \geq r^k$, if an algorithm running in time $T$ solves planted $k$-SUM/$k$-XOR with success probability $\Omega(1/\text{polylog}(r))$, then there is an algorithm running in time $\tilde{O}(T)$ that solves it with probability $(1-o(1))$. This in particular implies hardness amplification for 3-SUM over the integers, which was not previously known. Technically, our approach departs significantly from existing approaches to hardness amplification, and relies on the locality of the solution together with the group structure inherent in the problem. Additionally, it enables us to assume only mild hardness of these problems for use in applications. - New Reductions and Algorithms. We provide reductions for $k$-SUM/$k$-XOR from search to decision, as well as worst-case and average-case reductions to the Subset Sum problem from $k$-SUM. Additionally, we present a new algorithm for average-case $k$-XOR that is faster than known worst-case algorithms at low densities. Cryptography. We show that by additionally assuming mild hardness of $k$-XOR, we can construct Public Key Encryption (PKE) from a weaker variant of the Learning Parity with Noise (LPN) problem than was known before. In particular, such LPN hardness does not appear to imply PKE on its own -- this suggests that $k$-XOR/$k$-SUM can be used to bridge "minicrypt" and "cryptomania" in some cases, and may be applicable in other settings in cryptography.
Last updated:  2023-11-17
A Solution to a Conjecture on the Maps $\chi_n^{(k)}$
Kamil Otal
The Boolean map $\chi_n^{(k)}:\mathbb{F}_{2^k}^n\rightarrow \mathbb{F}_{2^k}^n$, $x\mapsto u$ given by $u_i=x_i+(x_{(i+1)\ \mathrm{mod}\ n}+1)x_{(i+2)\ \mathrm{mod}\ n}$ appears in various permutations as a part of cryptographic schemes such as KECCAK-f, ASCON, Xoodoo, Rasta, and Subterranean (2.0). Schoone and Daemen investigated some important algebraic properties of $\chi_n^{(k)}$ in [IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive 2023/1708]. In particular, they showed that $\chi_n^{(k)}$ is not bijective when $n$ is even, when $n$ is odd and $k$ is even, and when $n$ is odd and $k$ is a multiple of $3$. They left the remaining cases as a conjecture. In this paper, we examine this conjecture by taking some smaller sub-cases into account by reinterpreting the problem via the Gröbner basis approach. As a result, we prove that $\chi_n^{(k)}$ is not bijective when $n$ is a multiple of 3 or 5, and $k$ is a multiple of 5 or 7. We then present an algorithmic method that solves the problem for any given arbitrary $n$ and $k$ by generalizing our approach. We also discuss the systematization of our proof and computational boundaries.
Last updated:  2023-11-16
Immunizing Backdoored PRGs
Marshall Ball, Yevgeniy Dodis, and Eli Goldin
A backdoored Pseudorandom Generator (PRG) is a PRG which looks pseudorandom to the outside world, but a saboteur can break PRG security by planting a backdoor into a seemingly honest choice of public parameters, $pk$, for the system. Backdoored PRGs became increasingly important due to revelations about NIST’s backdoored Dual EC PRG, and later results about its practical exploitability. Motivated by this, at Eurocrypt'15 Dodis et al. [21] initiated the question of immunizing backdoored PRGs. A $k$-immunization scheme repeatedly applies a post-processing function to the output of $k$ backdoored PRGs, to render any (unknown) backdoors provably useless. For $k=1$, [21] showed that no deterministic immunization is possible, but then constructed "seeded" $1$-immunizer either in the random oracle model, or under strong non-falsifiable assumptions. As our first result, we show that no seeded $1$-immunization scheme can be black-box reduced to any efficiently falsifiable assumption. This motivates studying $k$-immunizers for $k\ge 2$, which have an additional advantage of being deterministic (i.e., "seedless"). Indeed, prior work at CCS'17 [37] and CRYPTO'18 [7] gave supporting evidence that simple $k$-immunizers might exist, albeit in slightly different settings. Unfortunately, we show that simple standard model proposals of [37, 7] (including the XOR function [7]) provably do not work in our setting. On a positive, we confirm the intuition of [37] that a (seedless) random oracle is a provably secure $2$-immunizer. On a negative, no (seedless) $2$-immunization scheme can be black-box reduced to any efficiently falsifiable assumption, at least for a large class of natural $2$-immunizers which includes all "cryptographic hash functions." In summary, our results show that $k$-immunizers occupy a peculiar place in the cryptographic world. While they likely exist, and can be made practical and efficient, it is unlikely one can reduce their security to a "clean" standard-model assumption.
Last updated:  2023-11-16
Verifying Classic McEliece: examining the role of formal methods in post-quantum cryptography standardisation
Martin Brain, Carlos Cid, Rachel Player, and Wrenna Robson
Developers of computer-aided cryptographic tools are optimistic that formal methods will become a vital part of developing new cryptographic systems. We study the use of such tools to specify and verify the implementation of Classic McEliece, one of the code-based cryptography candidates in the fourth round of the NIST Post-Quantum standardisation Process. From our case study we draw conclusions about the practical applicability of these methods to the development of novel cryptography.
Last updated:  2023-11-16
SoK: Collusion-resistant Multi-party Private Set Intersections in the Semi-honest Model
Jelle Vos, Mauro Conti, and Zekeriya Erkin
Private set intersection protocols allow two parties with private sets of data to compute the intersection between them without leaking other information about their sets. These protocols have been studied for almost 20 years, and have been significantly improved over time, reducing both their computation and communication costs. However, when more than two parties want to compute a private set intersection, these protocols are no longer applicable. While extensions exist to the multi-party case, these protocols are significantly less efficient than the two-party case. It remains an open question to design collusion-resistant multi-party private set intersection (MPSI) protocols that come close to the efficiency of two-party protocols. This work is made more difficult by the immense variety in the proposed schemes and the lack of systematization. Moreover, each new work only considers a small subset of previously proposed protocols, leaving out important developments from older works. Finally, MPSI protocols rely on many possible constructions and building blocks that have not been summarized. This work aims to point protocol designers to gaps in research and promising directions, pointing out common security flaws and sketching a frame of reference. To this end, we focus on the semi-honest model. We conclude that current MPSI protocols are not a one-size-fits-all solution, and instead there exist many protocols that each prevail in their own application setting.
Last updated:  2023-11-16
Watermarks in the Sand: Impossibility of Strong Watermarking for Generative Models
Hanlin Zhang, Benjamin L. Edelman, Danilo Francati, Daniele Venturi, Giuseppe Ateniese, and Boaz Barak
Watermarking generative models consists of planting a statistical signal (watermark) in a model’s output so that it can be later verified that the output was generated by the given model. A strong watermarking scheme satisfies the property that a computationally bounded attacker cannot erase the watermark without causing significant quality degradation. In this paper, we study the (im)possibility of strong watermarking schemes. We prove that, under well-specified and natural assumptions, strong watermarking is impossible to achieve. This holds even in the private detection algorithm setting, where the watermark insertion and detection algorithms share a secret key, unknown to the attacker. To prove this result, we introduce a generic efficient watermark attack; the attacker is not required to know the private key of the scheme or even which scheme is used. Our attack is based on two assumptions: (1) The attacker has access to a “quality oracle” that can evaluate whether a candidate output is a high-quality response to a prompt, and (2) The attacker has access to a “perturbation oracle” which can modify an output with a nontrivial probability of maintaining quality, and which induces an efficiently mixing random walk on high-quality outputs. We argue that both assumptions can be satisfied in practice by an attacker with weaker computational capabilities than the watermarked model itself, to which the attacker has only black-box access. Furthermore, our assumptions will likely only be easier to satisfy over time as models grow in capabilities and modalities. We demonstrate the feasibility of our attack by instantiating it to attack three existing watermarking schemes for large language models: Kirchenbauer et al. (2023), Kuditipudi et al. (2023), and Zhao et al. (2023). The same attack successfully removes the watermarks planted by all three schemes, with only minor quality degradation.
Last updated:  2023-11-16
Decentralized Private Steam Aggregation from Lattices
Uddipana Dowerah and Aikaterini Mitrokotsa
As various industries and government agencies increasingly seek to build quantum computers, the development of post-quantum constructions for different primitives becomes crucial. Lattice-based cryptography is one of the top candidates for constructing quantum-resistant primitives. In this paper, we propose a decentralized Private Stream Aggregation (PSA) protocol based on the Learning with Errors (LWE) problem. PSA allows secure aggregation of time-series data over multiple users without compromising the privacy of the individual data. In almost all previous constructions, a trusted entity is used for the generation of keys. We consider a scenario where the users do not want to rely on a trusted authority. We, therefore, propose a decentralized PSA (DPSA) scheme where each user generates their own keys without the need for a trusted setup. We give a concrete construction based on the hardness of the LWE problem both in the random oracle model and in the standard model.
Last updated:  2023-11-16
Improved Distributed RSA Key Generation Using the Miller-Rabin Test
Jakob Burkhardt, Ivan Damgård, Tore Frederiksen, Satrajit Ghosh, and Claudio Orlandi
Secure distributed generation of RSA moduli (e.g., generating $N=pq$ where none of the parties learns anything about $p$ or $q$) is an important cryptographic task, that is needed both in threshold implementations of RSA-based cryptosystems and in other, advanced cryptographic protocols that assume that all the parties have access to a trusted RSA modulo. In this paper, we provide a novel protocol for secure distributed RSA key generation based on the Miller-Rabin test. Compared with the more commonly used Boneh-Franklin test (which requires many iterations), the Miller-Rabin test has the advantage of providing negligible error after even a single iteration of the test for large enough moduli (e.g., $4096$ bits). From a technical point of view, our main contribution is a novel divisibility test which allows to perform the primality test in an efficient way, while keeping $p$ and $q$ secret. Our semi-honest RSA generation protocol uses any underlying secure multiplication protocol in a black-box way, and our protocol can therefore be instantiated in both the honest or dishonest majority setting based on the chosen multiplication protocol. Our semi-honest protocol can be upgraded to protect against active adversaries at low cost using existing compilers. Finally, we provide an experimental evaluation showing that for the honest majority case, our protocol is much faster than Boneh-Franklin.
Last updated:  2023-11-16
A note on ``HAKECC: highly efficient authentication and key agreement scheme based on ECDH for RFID in IOT environment''
Zhengjun Cao
We show that the Nikooghadam-Shahriari-Saeidi authentication and key agreement scheme [J. Inf. Secur. Appl., 76, 103523 (2023)] cannot resist impersonation attack, not as claimed. An adversary can impersonate the RFID reader to cheat the RFID tag. The drawback results from its simple secret key invoking mechanism. We also find it seems difficult to revise the scheme due to the inherent flaw.
Last updated:  2023-11-15
A Comprehensive Survey on Non-Invasive Fault Injection Attacks
Amit Mazumder Shuvo, Tao Zhang, Farimah Farahmandi, and Mark Tehranipoor
Non-invasive fault injection attacks have emerged as significant threats to a spectrum of microelectronic systems ranging from commodity devices to high-end customized processors. Unlike their invasive counterparts, these attacks are more affordable and can exploit system vulnerabilities without altering the hardware physically. Furthermore, certain non-invasive fault injection strategies allow for remote vulnerability exploitation without the requirement of physical proximity. However, existing studies lack extensive investigation into these attacks across diverse target platforms, threat models, emerging attack strategies, assessment frameworks, and mitigation approaches. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive overview of contemporary research on non-invasive fault injection attacks. Our objective is to consolidate and scrutinize the various techniques, methodologies, target systems susceptible to the attacks, and existing mitigation mechanisms advanced by the research community. Besides, we categorize attack strategies based on several aspects, present a detailed comparison among the categories, and highlight research challenges with future direction. By underlining and discussing the landscape of cutting-edge, non-invasive fault injection, we hope more researchers, designers, and security professionals examine the attacks further and take such threats into consideration while developing effective countermeasures.
Last updated:  2023-11-15
$\mathsf{Skye}$: An Expanding PRF based Fast KDF and its Applications
Amit Singh Bhati, Antonin Dufka, Elena Andreeva, Arnab Roy, and Bart Preneel
A Key Derivation Function (KDF) generates a uniform and highly random key-stream from weakly random key material. KDFs are broadly used in various security protocols such as digital signatures and key exchange protocols. HKDF, the most deployed KDF in practice, is based on the extract-then-expand paradigm. It is presently used, among others, in the Signal Protocol for end-to-end encrypted messaging. HKDF is a generic KDF for general input sources and thus is not optimized for source-specific use cases such as key derivation from Diffie-Hellman (DH) sources (i.e. DH shared secrets as key material). Furthermore, the sequential HKDF design is unnecessarily slow on some general-purpose platforms that can benefit from parallelization. In this work, we propose a novel, efficient and secure KDF called $\mathsf{Skye}$. $\mathsf{Skye}$ follows the extract-then-expand paradigm and consists of two algorithms: efficient deterministic randomness extractor and expansion functions. Instantiating our extractor for dedicated source-specific (e.g. DH sources) inputs leads to a significant efficiency gain over HKDF while maintaining the security level. We provide concrete security analysis of $\mathsf{Skye}$ and both its algorithms in the standard model. We provide a software performance comparison of $\mathsf{Skye}$ with the AES-based expanding PRF $\mathsf{ButterKnife}$ and HKDF with SHA-256 (as used in practice). Our results show that in isolation $\mathsf{Skye}$ performs from $4\text{x}$ to $47\text{x}$ faster than HKDF, depending on the availability of AES or SHA instruction support. We further demonstrate that with such a performance gain, when $\mathsf{Skye}$ is integrated within the current Signal implementation, we can achieve significant overall improvements ranging from $38\%$ to $64\%$ relative speedup in unidirectional messaging. Even in bidirectional messaging, that includes DH computation with dominating computational cost, $\mathsf{Skye}$ still contributes to $12$-$36\%$ relative speedup when just $10$ messages are sent and received at once.
Last updated:  2023-11-15
On Time-Space Lower Bounds for Finding Short Collisions in Sponge Hash Functions
Akshima, Xiaoqi Duan, Siyao Guo, and Qipeng Liu
Sponge paradigm, used in the design of SHA-3, is an alternative hashing technique to the popular Merkle-Damgård paradigm. We revisit the problem of finding $B$-block-long collisions in sponge hash functions in the auxiliary-input random permutation model, in which an attacker gets a piece of $S$-bit advice about the random permutation and makes $T$ (forward or inverse) oracle queries to the random permutation. Recently, significant progress has been made in the Merkle-Damgård setting and optimal bounds are known for a large range of parameters, including all constant values of $B$. However, the sponge setting is widely open: there exist significant gaps between known attacks and security bounds even for $B=1$. Freitag, Ghoshal and Komargodski (CRYPTO 2022) showed a novel attack for $B=1$ that takes advantage of the inverse queries and achieves advantage $\tilde{\Omega}(\min(S^2T^2/2^{2c}$, $ (S^2T/2^{2c})^{2/3})+T^2/2^r)$, where $r$ is bit-rate and $c$ is the capacity of the random permutation. However, they only showed an $\tilde{O}(ST/2^c+T^2/2^r)$ security bound, leaving open an intriguing quadratic gap. For $B=2$, they beat the general security bound by Coretti, Dodis, Guo (CRYPTO 2018) for arbitrary values of $B$. However, their highly non-trivial argument is quite laborious, and no better (than the general) bounds are known for $B\geq 3$. In this work, we study the possibility of proving better security bounds in the sponge setting. To this end, - For $B=1$, we prove an improved $\tilde{O}(S^2T^2/2^{2c}+S/2^c+T/2^c+T^2/2^r)$ bound. Our bound strictly improves the bound by Freitag et al., and is optimal for $ST^2\leq 2^c$. - For $B=2$, we give a considerably simpler and more modular proof, recovering the bound obtained by Freitag et al. - We obtain our bounds by adapting the recent multi-instance technique of Akshima, Guo and Liu (CRYPTO 2022) which bypasses the limitations of prior techniques in the Merkle-Damgård setting. To complement our results, we provably show that the recent multi-instance technique cannot further improve our bounds for $B=1,2$, and the general bound by Correti et al., for $B\geq 3$. Overall, our results yield state-of-the-art security bounds for finding short collisions and fully characterize the power of the multi-instance technique in the sponge setting.
Last updated:  2023-11-15
On the security of REDOG
Tanja Lange, Alex Pellegrini, and Alberto Ravagnani
We analyze REDOG, a public-key encryption system submitted to the Korean competition on post-quantum cryptography. REDOG is based on rank-metric codes. We prove its incorrectness and attack its implementation, providing an efficient message recovery attack. Furthermore, we show that the security of REDOG is much lower than claimed. We then proceed to mitigate these issues and provide two approaches to fix the decryption issue, one of which also leads to better security.
Last updated:  2023-11-15
LowMS: a new rank metric code-based KEM without ideal structure
Nicolas Aragon, Victor Dyseryn, Philippe Gaborit, Pierre Loidreau, Julian Renner, and Antonia Wachter-Zeh
We propose and analyze LowMS, a new rank-based key encapsulation mechanism (KEM). The acronym stands for Loidreau with Multiple Syndromes, since our work combines the cryptosystem of Loidreau (presented at PQCrypto 2017) together with the multiple syndrome approach, that allows to reduce parameters by sending several syndromes with the same error support in one ciphertext. Our scheme is designed without using ideal structures. Considering cryptosystems without such an ideal structure, like the FrodoKEM cryptosystem, is important since structure allows to compress objects, but gives reductions to specific problems whose security may potentially be weaker than for unstructured problems. For 128 bits of security, we propose parameters with a public key size of 4,6KB and a ciphertext size of 1,1KB. To the best of our knowledge, our scheme is the smallest among all existing unstructured post-quantum lattice or code-based algorithms, when taking into account the sum of the public key size and the ciphertext size. In that sense, our scheme is for instance about 4 times shorter than FrodoKEM. Our system relies on the hardness of the Rank Support Learning problem, a well-known variant of the Rank Syndrome Decoding problem, and on the problem of indistinguishability of distorted Gabidulin codes, i.e. Gabidulin codes multiplied by an homogeneous matrix of given rank. The latter problem was introduced by Loidreau in his paper.
Last updated:  2023-11-15
Generalized Fuzzy Password-Authenticated Key Exchange from Error Correcting Codes
Jonathan Bootle, Sebastian Faller, Julia Hesse, Kristina Hostáková, and Johannes Ottenhues
Fuzzy Password-Authenticated Key Exchange (fuzzy PAKE) allows cryptographic keys to be generated from authentication data that is both fuzzy and of low entropy. The strong protection against offline attacks offered by fuzzy PAKE opens an interesting avenue towards secure biometric authentication, typo-tolerant password authentication, and automated IoT device pairing. Previous constructions of fuzzy PAKE are either based on Error Correcting Codes (ECC) or generic multi-party computation techniques such as Garbled Circuits. While ECC-based constructions are significantly more efficient, they rely on multiple special properties of error correcting codes such as maximum distance separability and smoothness. We contribute to the line of research on fuzzy PAKE in two ways. First, we identify a subtle but devastating gap in the security analysis of the currently most efficient fuzzy PAKE construction (Dupont et al., Eurocrypt 2018), allowing a man-in-the-middle attacker to test individual password characters. Second, we provide a new fuzzy PAKE scheme based on ECC and PAKE that provides a built-in protection against individual password character guesses and requires fewer, more standard properties of the underlying ECC. Additionally, our construction offers better error correction capabilities than previous ECC-based fuzzy PAKEs.
Last updated:  2023-11-15
The Non-Uniform Perebor Conjecture for Time-Bounded Kolmogorov Complexity is False
Noam Mazor and Rafael Pass
The Perebor (Russian for “brute-force search”) conjectures, which date back to the 1950s and 1960s are some of the oldest conjectures in complexity theory. The conjectures are a stronger form of the NP ̸ = P conjecture (which they predate) and state that for “meta-complexity” problems, such as the Time-bounded Kolmogorov complexity Problem, and the Minimum Circuit Size Problem, there are no better algorithms than brute force search. In this paper, we disprove the non-uniform version of the Perebor conjecture for the Time-Bounded Kolmogorov complexity problem. We demonstrate that for every polynomial t(·), there exists of a circuit of size $2^{4n/5+o(n)}$ that solves the t(·)-bounded Kolmogorov complexity problem on every instance. Our algorithm is black-box in the description of the Universal Turing Machine employed in the definition of Kolmogorov Complexity, and leverages the characterization of one-way functions through the hardness of the time-bounded Kolmogorov complexity problem of Liu and Pass (FOCS’20), and the time-space trade-off for one-way functions of Fiat and Naor (STOC’91). We additionally demonstrate that no such black-box algorithm can have sub-exponential circuit size. Along the way (and of independent interest), we extend the result of Fiat and Naor and demonstrate that any efficiently computable function can be inverted (with probability 1) by a circuit of size 2^{4n/5+o(n)}; as far as we know, this yields the first formal proof that a non-trivial circuit can invert any efficient function.
Last updated:  2023-11-15
Improving and Automating BFV Parameters Selection: An Average-Case Approach
Beatrice Biasioli, Chiara Marcolla, Marco Calderini, and Johannes Mono
The Brakerski/Fan-Vercauteren (BFV) scheme is a state-of-the-art scheme in Fully Homomorphic Encryption based on the Ring Learning with Errors (RLWE) problem. Thus, ciphertexts contain an error that increases with each homomorphic operation and has to stay below a certain threshold for correctness. This can be achieved by setting the ciphertext modulus big enough. On the other hand, a larger ciphertext modulus decreases the level of security and computational efficiency, making parameters selection challenging. Our work aims at improving the bound on the ciphertext modulus, minimizing it. Our main contributions are the following. Primarily, we perform the first average-case analysis of the error growth for the BFV scheme, significantly improving its estimation. For a circuit with multiplicative depth of only 3, our bounds are up to 18.6 bits tighter than previous analyses and within 1.1 bits of the experimentally observed values. Secondly, we give a general way to bound the ciphertext modulus for correct decryption that allows closed formulas. Finally, we use our theoretical advances and propose the first parameter generation tool for the BFV scheme. Here we add support for arbitrary but use-case-specific circuits, as well as the ability to generate easy-to-use code snippets, making our theoretical work accessible to both researchers and practitioners.
Last updated:  2023-11-15
Quantum Public-Key Encryption with Tamper-Resilient Public Keys from One-Way Functions
Fuyuki Kitagawa, Tomoyuki Morimae, Ryo Nishimaki, and Takashi Yamakawa
We construct quantum public-key encryption from one-way functions. In our construction, public keys are quantum, but ciphertexts are classical. Quantum public-key encryption from one-way functions (or weaker primitives such as pseudorandom function-like states) are also proposed in some recent works [Morimae-Yamakawa, eprint:2022/1336; Coladangelo, eprint:2023/282; Barooti-Grilo-Malavolta-Sattath-Vu-Walter, eprint:2023/877]. However, they have a huge drawback: they are secure only when quantum public keys can be transmitted to the sender (who runs the encryption algorithm) without being tampered with by the adversary, which seems to require unsatisfactory physical setup assumptions such as secure quantum channels. Our construction is free from such a drawback: it guarantees the secrecy of the encrypted messages even if we assume only unauthenticated quantum channels. Thus, the encryption is done with adversarially tampered quantum public keys. Our construction is the first quantum public-key encryption that achieves the goal of classical public-key encryption, namely, to establish secure communication over insecure channels, based only on one-way functions. Moreover, we show a generic compiler to upgrade security against chosen plaintext attacks (CPA security) into security against chosen ciphertext attacks (CCA security) only using one-way functions. As a result, we obtain CCA secure quantum public-key encryption based only on one-way functions.
Last updated:  2023-11-15
Distributed Differential Privacy via Shuffling vs Aggregation: a Curious Study
Yu Wei, Jingyu Jia, Yuduo Wu, Changhui Hu, Changyu Dong, Zheli Liu, Xiaofeng Chen, Yun Peng, and Shaowei Wang
How to achieve distributed differential privacy (DP) without a trusted central party is of great interest in both theory and practice. Recently, the shuffle model has attracted much attention. Unlike the local DP model in which the users send randomized data directly to the data collector/analyzer, in the shuffle model an intermediate untrusted shuffler is introduced to randomly permute the data, which have already been randomized by the users, before they reach the analyzer. The most appealing aspect is that while shuffling does not explicitly add more noise to the data, it can make privacy better. The privacy amplification effect in consequence means the users need to add less noise to the data than in the local DP model, but can achieve the same level of differential privacy. Thus, protocols in the shuffle model can provide better accuracy than those in the local DP model. What looks interesting to us is that the architecture of the shuffle model is similar to private aggregation, which has been studied for more than a decade. In private aggregation, locally randomized user data are aggregated by an intermediate untrusted aggregator. Thus, our question is whether aggregation also exhibits some sort of privacy amplification effect? And if so, how good is this ``aggregation model'' in comparison with the shuffle model. We conducted the first comparative study between the two, covering privacy amplification, functionalities, protocol accuracy, and practicality. The results as yet suggest that the new shuffle model does not have obvious advantages over the old aggregation model. On the contrary, protocols in the aggregation model outperform those in the shuffle model, sometimes significantly, in many aspects.
Last updated:  2023-11-15
Secure Transformer Inference
Mu Yuan, Lan Zhang, and Xiang-Yang Li
We present a three-party protocol that can protect both Transformer parameters and user data during the inference phase. For each feedforward inference process, our protocol only introduces permutation computation of input and output data on the user side. Our protocol, Secure Transformer Inference Protocol (STIP), can be applied to real-world services like ChatGPT.
Last updated:  2023-11-14
An Algorithmic Approach to $(2,2)$-isogenies in the Theta Model and Applications to Isogeny-based Cryptography
Pierrick Dartois, Luciano Maino, Giacomo Pope, and Damien Robert
In this paper, we describe an algorithm to compute chains of $(2,2)$-isogenies between products of elliptic curves in the theta model. The description of the algorithm is split into various subroutines to allow for a precise field operation counting. We present a constant time implementation of our algorithm in Rust and an alternative implementation in SageMath. Our work in SageMath runs ten times faster than a comparable implementation of an isogeny chain using the Richelot correspondence. The Rust implementation runs up to forty times faster than the equivalent isogeny in SageMath and has been designed to be portable for future research in higher-dimensional isogeny-based cryptography.
Last updated:  2023-11-14
Oblivious Homomorphic Encryption
Osman Biçer and Christian Tschudin
In this paper, we introduce Oblivious Homomorphic Encryption (OHE) which provably separates the computation spaces of multiple clients of a fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) service while keeping the evaluator blind about whom a result belongs. We justify the importance of this strict isolation property of OHE by showing an attack on a recently proposed key-private cryptocurrency scheme. Our two OHE constructions are based on a puncturing function where the evaluator can effectively mask ciphertexts from rogue and potentially colluding clients. In the first construction OHE1, we show that this can be im- plemented via an FHE scheme (with key privacy and weak wrong-key decryption properties) plus an anonymous commitment scheme. The second construction OHE2, for flexibility of primitive choice, achieves this via a combination of a standard FHE scheme, an encryption scheme with key privacy and weak wrong-key decryption, and an anonymous commitment scheme. OHE can be used to provide provable anonymity to cloud applications, single server implementations of anonymous messaging as well as account-based cryptocurrencies.
Last updated:  2023-11-14
Linked Fault Analysis
Ali Asghar Beigizad, Hadi Soleimany, Sara Zarei, and Hamed Ramzanipour
Numerous fault models have been developed, each with distinct characteristics and effects. These models should be evaluated in light of their costs, repeatability, and practicability. Moreover, there must be effective ways to use the injected fault to retrieve the secret key, especially if there are some countermeasures in the implementation. In this paper, we introduce a new fault analysis technique called ``linked fault analysis'' (LFA), which can be viewed as a more powerful version of well-known fault attacks against implementations of symmetric primitives in various circumstances, especially software implementations. For known fault analyses, the bias over the faulty value or the relationship between the correct value and the faulty one, both produced by the fault injection serve as the foundations for the fault model. In the LFA, however, a single fault involves two intermediate values. The faulty target variable, $u'$, is linked to a second variable, $v$, such that a particular relation holds: $u'=l(v)$. We show that LFA lets the attacker perform fault attacks without the input control, with much fewer data than previously introduced fault attacks in the same class. Also, we show two approaches, called LDFA and LIFA, that show how LFA can be utilized in the presence or absence of typical redundant-based countermeasures. Finally, we demonstrate that LFA is still effective, but under specific circumstances, even when masking protections are in place. We performed our attacks against the public implementation of AES in ATMEGA328p to show how LFA works in the real world. The practical results and simulations validate our theoretical models as well.
Last updated:  2023-11-14
Non-Interactive Zero-Knowledge Functional Proofs
Gongxian Zeng, Junzuo Lai, Zhengan Huang, Linru Zhang, Xiangning Wang, Kwok-Yan Lam, Huaxiong Wang, and Jian Weng
In this paper, we consider to generalize NIZK by empowering a prover to share a witness in a fine-grained manner with verifiers. Roughly, the prover is able to authorize a verifier to obtain extra information of witness, i.e., besides verifying the truth of the statement, the verifier can additionally obtain certain function of the witness from the accepting proof using a secret functional key provided by the prover. To fulfill these requirements, we introduce a new primitive called \emph{non-interactive zero-knowledge functional proofs (fNIZKs)}, and formalize its security notions. We provide a generic construction of fNIZK for any $\textsf{NP}$ relation $\mathcal{R}$, which enables the prover to share any function of the witness with a verifier. For a widely-used relation about set membership proof (implying range proof), we construct a concrete and efficient fNIZK, through new building blocks (set membership encryption and dual inner-product encryption), which might be of independent interest.
Last updated:  2023-11-14
Pulsar: Secure Steganography through Diffusion Models
Tushar M. Jois, Gabrielle Beck, and Gabriel Kaptchuk
Widespread efforts to subvert acccess to strong cryptography has renewed interest in steganography, the practice of embedding sensitive messages in mundane cover messages. Recent efforts at provably secure steganography have only focused on text-based generative models and cannot support other types of models, such as diffusion models, which are used for high-quality image synthesis. In this work, we initiate the study of securely embedding steganographic messages into the output of image diffusion models. We identify that the use of variance noise during image generation provides a suitable steganographic channel. We develop our construction, Pulsar, by building optimizations to make this channel practical for communication. Our implementation of Pulsar is capable of embedding $\approx 275$-$542$ bytes (on average) into a single image without altering the distribution of the generated image, all in the span of $\approx 3$ seconds of online time on a laptop. In addition, we discuss how the results of Pulsar can inform future research into diffusion models. Pulsar shows that diffusion models are a promising medium for steganography and censorship resistance.
Last updated:  2023-11-13
Zombie: Middleboxes that Don’t Snoop
Collin Zhang, Zachary DeStefano, Arasu Arun, Joseph Bonneau, Paul Grubbs, and Michael Walfish
Zero-knowledge middleboxes (ZKMBs) are a recent paradigm in which clients get privacy while middleboxes enforce policy: clients prove in zero knowledge that the plaintext underlying their encrypted traffic complies with network policies, such as DNS filtering. However, prior work had impractically poor performance and was limited in functionality. This work presents Zombie, the first system built using the ZKMB paradigm. Zombie introduces techniques that push ZKMBs to the verge of practicality: preprocessing (to move the bulk of proof generation to idle times between requests), asynchrony (to remove proving and verifying costs from the critical path), and batching (to amortize some of the verification work). Zombie’s choices, together with these techniques, reduce client and middlebox overhead by $\approx$ 3.5$\times$ lowering the critical path overhead for a DNS filtering application on commodity hardware to less than 300ms or, in the asynchronous configuration, to 0. As an additional contribution that is likely of independent interest, Zombie introduces a portfolio of techniques to efficiently encode regular expressions in probabilistic (and zero knowledge) proofs; these techniques offer significant asymptotic and constant factor improvements in performance over a standard baseline. Zombie builds on this portfolio to support policies based on regular expressions, such as data loss prevention.
Last updated:  2023-11-13
Deterministic Byzantine Agreement with Adaptive $O(n\cdot f)$ Communication
Fatima Elsheimy, Giorgos Tsimos, and Charalampos Papamanthou
We present a deterministic synchronous protocol for binary Byzantine Agreement against a corrupt minority with adaptive $O(n\cdot f)$ communication complexity, where $f$ is the exact number of corruptions. Our protocol improves the previous best-known deterministic Byzantine Agreement protocol developed by Momose and Ren (DISC 2021), whose communication complexity is quadratic, independent of the exact number of corruptions. Our approach combines two distinct primitives that we introduce and implement with $O(n\cdot f)$ communication, Reliable Voting, and Weak Byzantine Agreement. In Reliable Voting, all honest parties agree on the same value only if all honest parties start with that value, but there is no agreement guarantee in the general case. In Weak Byzantine Agreement, we achieve agreement, but validity requires that the inputs to the protocol satisfy certain properties. Our Weak Byzantine Agreement protocol is an adaptation of the recent Cohen et al. protocol (OPODIS 2022), in which we identify and address various issues.
Last updated:  2023-11-13
That’s not my signature! Fail-stop signatures for a post-quantum world
Cecilia Boschini, Hila Dahari, Moni Naor, and Eyal Ronen
The Snowden's revelations kick-started a community-wide effort to develop cryptographic tools against mass surveillance. In this work, we propose to add another primitive to that toolbox: Fail-Stop Signatures (FSS) [EC'89]. FSS are digital signatures enhanced with a forgery-detection mechanism that can protect a PPT signer from more powerful attackers. Despite the fascinating concept, research in this area stalled after the '90s. However, the ongoing transition to post-quantum cryptography, with its hiccups due to the novelty of underlying assumptions, has become the perfect use case for FSS. This paper aims to reboot research on FSS with practical use in mind: Our framework for FSS includes ``fine-grained'' security definitions (that assume a powerful, but bounded adversary e.g: can break $128$-bit of security, but not $256$-bit). As an application, we show new FSS constructions for the post-quantum setting. We show that FSS are equivalent to standard, provably secure digital signatures that do not require rewinding or programming random oracles, and that this implies lattice-based FSS. Our main construction is an FSS version of SPHINCS, which required building FSS versions of all its building blocks: WOTS, XMSS, and FORS. In the process, we identify and provide generic solutions for two fundamental issues arising when deriving a large number of private keys from a single seed, and when building FSS for Hash-and-Sign-based signatures.
Last updated:  2023-11-13
PIRANA: Faster Multi-query PIR via Constant-weight Codes
Jian Liu, Jingyu Li, Di Wu, and Kui Ren
Private information retrieval (PIR) is a cryptographic protocol that enables a wide range of privacy-preserving applications. Despite being extensively studied for decades, it is still not efficient enough to be used in practice. In this paper, we propose a novel PIR protocol named PIRANA, based on the recent advances in constant-weight codes. It is up to 188.6× faster than the original constant-weight PIR (presented in Usenix SEC '22). Most importantly, PIRANA naturally supports multi-query. It allows a client to retrieve a batch of elements from the server with a very small extra-cost compared to retrieving a single element, which results in up to an 14.4× speedup over the state-of-the-art multi-query PIR (presented in Oakland '23). We also discuss a way to extend PIRANA to labeled private set intersection (LPSI). Compared with existing LPSI protocols, PIRANA is more friendly to the scenarios where the database updates frequently.
Last updated:  2023-11-13
Formal verification of the post-quantum security properties of IKEv2 PPK (RFC 8784) using the Tamarin Prover
Sophie Stevens
The Internet Key Exchange version 2 (IKEv2) (RFC 7296) is a component of IPsec used to authenticate two parties (the initiator and responder) to each other and to establish a set of security parameters for the communications. The security parameters include secret keys to encrypt and authenticate data as well as the negotiation of a set of cryptographic algorithms. The core documentation uses exclusively Diffie-Hellman exchanges to agree the security information. However, this is not a quantum-secure option due to the ability of Shor's algorithm to break the security assumption underlying the Diffie-Hellman. A post-quantum solution is to include a preshared key in the exchange, as proposed by the extension RFC 8784; assuming that this preshared key has sufficient entropy, the keys created in the IKEv2 exchange will be resistant to a quantum computer. In this paper, we investigate the security claims of RFC 8784 using formal verification methods. We find that keys created using the preshared key are secret from an adversary. However, certain authentication properties of the protocol that are weakened under the assumption that Diffie-Hellman is insecure are not recovered using the preshared key.
Last updated:  2023-11-13
Secure Encryption and Key Exchange using Arbiter PUF
Raja Adhithan Radhakrishnan
Show abstract
This paper introduces a novel approach to enhancing cryp- tographic security. It proposes the use of one-time message sharing com- bined with Physically Unclonable Functions (PUF) to securely exchange keys and generate an S-subbyte-box for encryption. This innovative tech- nique aims to elevate the security standards of cryptographic applica- tions.
Last updated:  2023-11-13
G+G: A Fiat-Shamir Lattice Signature Based on Convolved Gaussians
Julien Devevey, Alain Passelègue, and Damien Stehlé
We describe an adaptation of Schnorr's signature to the lattice setting, which relies on Gaussian convolution rather than flooding or rejection sampling as previous approaches. It does not involve any abort, can be proved secure in the ROM and QROM using existing analyses of the Fiat-Shamir transform, and enjoys smaller signature sizes (both asymptotically and for concrete security levels).
Last updated:  2023-11-13
A Statistical Verification Method of Random Permutations for Hiding Countermeasure Against Side-Channel Attacks
Jong-Yeon Park, Jang-Won Ju, Wonil Lee, Bo-Gyeong Kang, Yasuyuki Kachi, and Kouichi Sakurai
As NIST is putting the final touches on the standardization of PQC (Post Quantum Cryptography) public key algorithms, it is a racing certainty that peskier cryptographic attacks undeterred by those new PQC algorithms will surface. Such a trend in turn will prompt more follow-up studies of attacks and countermeasures. As things stand, from the attackers’ perspective, one viable form of attack that can be implemented thereupon is the so-called “side-channel attack”. Two best-known countermeasures heralded to be durable against side-channel attacks are: “masking” and “hiding”. In that dichotomous picture, of particular note are successful single-trace attacks on some of the NIST’s PQC then-candidates, which worked to the detriment of the former: “masking”. In this paper, we cast an eye over the latter: “hiding”. Hiding proves to be durable against both side-channel attacks and another equally robust type of attacks called “fault injection attacks”, and hence is deemed an auspicious countermeasure to be implemented. Mathematically, the hiding method is fundamentally based on random permutations. There has been a cornucopia of studies on generating random permutations. However, those are not tied to implementation of the hiding method. In this paper, we propose a reliable and efficient verification of permutation implementation, through employing Fisher–Yates’ shuffling method. We introduce the concept of an 𝑛-th order permutation and explain how it can be used to verify that our implementation is more efficient than its previous-gen counterparts for hiding countermeasures.
Last updated:  2023-11-13
SwiftRange: A Short and Efficient Zero-Knowledge Range Argument For Confidential Transactions and More
Nan Wang, Sid Chi-Kin Chau, and Dongxi Liu
Zero-knowledge range proofs play a critical role in confidential transactions (CT) on blockchain systems. They are used to prove the non-negativity of committed transaction payments without disclosing the exact values. Logarithmic-sized range proofs with transparent setups, e.g., Bulletproofs, which aim to prove a committed value lies in the range $[0, 2^N-1]$ where $N$ is the bit length of the range, have gained growing popularity for communication-critical blockchain systems as they increase scalability by allowing a block to accommodate more transactions. In this paper, we propose SwiftRange, a new type of logarithmic-sized zero-knowledge range argument with a transparent setup in the discrete logarithm setting. Our argument can be a drop-in replacement for range proofs in blockchain-based confidential transactions. Compared with Bulletproofs, our argument has higher computational efficiency and lower round complexity while incurring comparable communication overheads for CT-friendly ranges, where $N \in \{32,64\}$. Specifically, a single SwiftRange achieves 1.73$\times$ and 1.37$\times$ proving efficiency with no more than 1.1$\times$ communication costs for both ranges, respectively. More importantly, our argument is doubly efficient in verification efficiency. Furthermore, our argument has a smaller size when $N \leq 16$, making it competitive for many other communication-critical applications. Our argument supports the aggregation of multiple single arguments for greater efficiency in communication and verification. Finally, we benchmarked our argument against the state-of-the-art range proofs to demonstrate its practicality.
Last updated:  2023-11-12
Dora: Processor Expressiveness is (Nearly) Free in Zero-Knowledge for RAM Programs
Aarushi Goel, Mathias Hall-Andersen, and Gabriel Kaptchuk
Existing protocols for proving the correct execution of a RAM program in zero-knowledge are plagued by a processor expressiveness trade-off : supporting fewer instructions results in smaller processor circuits (which improves performance), but may result in more program execution steps because non-supported instruction must be emulated over multiple processor steps (which diminishes performance). We present Dora, a concretely efficient zero-knowledge protocol for RAM programs that sidesteps this tension by making it (nearly) free to add additional instructions to the processor. The computational and communication complexity of proving each step of a computation in Dora, is constant in the number of supported instructions. Dora is also highly generic and only assumes the existence of linearly homomorphic commitments. We implement Dora and demonstrate that on commodity hardware it can prove the correct execution of a processor with thousands of instruction, each of which has thousands of gates, in just a few milliseconds per step.
Last updated:  2023-11-12
Public-Coin Zero-Knowledge Arguments with (almost) Minimal Time and Space Overheads
Alexander R. Block, Justin Holmgren, Alon Rosen, Ron D. Rothblum, and Pratik Soni
Zero-knowledge protocols enable the truth of a mathematical statement to be certified by a verifier without revealing any other information. Such protocols are a cornerstone of modern cryptography and recently are becoming more and more practical. However, a major bottleneck in deployment is the efficiency of the prover and, in particular, the space-efficiency of the protocol. For every $\mathsf{NP}$ relation that can be verified in time $T$ and space $S$, we construct a public-coin zero-knowledge argument in which the prover runs in time $T \cdot \mathrm{polylog}(T)$ and space $S \cdot \mathrm{polylog}(T)$. Our proofs have length $\mathrm{polylog}(T)$ and the verifier runs in time $T \cdot \mathrm{polylog}(T)$ (and space $\mathrm{polylog}(T)$). Our scheme is in the random oracle model and relies on the hardness of discrete log in prime-order groups. Our main technical contribution is a new space efficient polynomial commitment scheme for multi-linear polynomials. Recall that in such a scheme, a sender commits to a given multi-linear polynomial $P \colon \mathbb{F}^n \rightarrow \mathbb{F}$ so that later on it can prove to a receiver statements of the form "$P(x) = y$". In our scheme, which builds on the commitment schemes of Bootle et al. (Eurocrypt 2016) and Bünz et al. (S&P 2018), we assume that the sender is given multi-pass streaming access to the evaluations of $P$ on the Boolean hypercube and w show how to implement both the sender and receiver in roughly time $2^n$ and space $n$ and with communication complexity roughly $n$.
Last updated:  2023-11-12
Piano: Extremely Simple, Single-Server PIR with Sublinear Server Computation
Mingxun Zhou, Andrew Park, Elaine Shi, and Wenting Zheng
We construct a sublinear-time single-server pre-processing Private Information Retrieval (PIR) scheme with optimal client storage and server computation (up to poly-logarithmic factors), only relying on the assumption of the existence of One Way Functions (OWF). Our scheme achieves amortized $\tilde{O}(\sqrt{n})$ online server computation and client computation and $O(\sqrt{n})$ online communication per query, and requires $\widetilde{O}_\lambda(\sqrt{n})$ client storage. Unlike prior single-server PIR schemes that rely on heavy cryptographic machinery such as Homomorphic Encryption, our scheme only utilizes lightweight cryptography such as PRFs, which is easily instantiated in practice. To our knowledge, this is the first practical implementation of a single-server sublinear-time PIR scheme. Compared to existing linear time single-server solutions, our schemes are faster by $40-900\times$ and are comparable to the fastest two-server schemes. In particular, for a 100GB database of 1.6 billion entries, our experiments show that our scheme has 12ms online computation time on a single core.
Last updated:  2023-11-11
A masking method based on orthonormal spaces, protecting several bytes against both SCA and FIA with a reduced cost
Claude Carlet, Abderrahman Daif, Sylvain Guilley, and Cédric Tavernier
In the attacker models of Side-Channel Attacks (SCA) and Fault Injection Attacks (FIA), the opponent has access to a noisy version of the internal behavior of the hardware. Since the end of the nineties, many works have shown that this type of attacks constitutes a serious threat to cryptosystems implemented in embedded devices. In the state-of-the-art, there exist several countermeasures to protect symmetric encryption (especially AES-128). Most of them protect only against one of these two attacks (either SCA or FIA). The main known counter-measure against SCA is masking; it makes the complexity of SCA growing exponentially with its order d. The most general version of masking is based on error correcting codes. It has the advantage of offering in principle a protection against both types of attacks (SCA and FIA), but all the functions implemented in the algorithm need to be masked accordingly, and this is not a simple task in general. We propose a particular version of such construction that has several advantages: it has a very low computation complexity, it offers a concrete protection against both SCA and FIA, and finally it allows flexibility: being not specifically dedicated to AES, it can be applied to any block cipher with any S-boxes. In the state-of-art, masking schemes all come with pros and cons concerning the different types of complexity (time, memory, amount of randomness). Our masking scheme concretely achieves the complexity of the best known scheme, for each complexity type
Last updated:  2023-11-11
Quasi-linear masking to protect against both SCA and FIA
Claude Carlet, Abderrahman Daif, Sylvain Guilley, and Cédric Tavernier
The implementation of cryptographic algorithms must be protected against physical attacks. Side-channel and fault injection analyses are two prominent such implem\-entation-level attacks. Protections against either do exist; they are characterized by security orders: the higher the order, the more difficult the attack. In this paper, we leverage fast discrete Fourier transform to reduce the complexity of high-order masking, and extend it to allow for fault detection and/or correction. The security paradigm is that of code-based masking. Coding theory is amenable both to mix the information and masking material at a prescribed order, and to detect and/or correct errors purposely injected by an attacker. For the first time, we show that quasi-linear masking (pioneered by Goudarzi, Joux and Rivain at ASIACRYPT 2018) can be achieved alongside with cost amortisation. This technique consists in masking several symbols/bytes with the same masking material, therefore improving the efficiency of the masking. Similarly, it allows to optimize the detection capability of codes as linear codes are all the more efficient as the information to protect is longer. Namely, we prove mathematically that our scheme features side-channel security order of $d+1-t$, detects $d$ faults and corrects $\lfloor(d-1)/2\rfloor$ faults, where $2d+1$ is the encoding length and $t$ is the information size ($t\geq1$). Applied to AES, one can get side-channel protection of order $d=7$ when masking one column/line ($t=4$ bytes) at once. In addition to the theory, that makes use of the Frobenius Additive Fast Fourier Transform, we show performance results, both in software and hardware.
Last updated:  2023-11-11
Don't Eject the Impostor: Fast Three-Party Computation With a Known Cheater (Full Version)
Andreas Brüggemann, Oliver Schick, Thomas Schneider, Ajith Suresh, and Hossein Yalame
Secure multi-party computation (MPC) enables (joint) computations on sensitive data while maintaining privacy. In real-world scenarios, asymmetric trust assumptions are often most realistic, where one somewhat trustworthy entity interacts with smaller clients. We generalize previous two-party computation (2PC) protocols like MUSE (USENIX Security'21) and SIMC (USENIX Security'22) to the three-party setting (3PC) with one malicious party, avoiding the performance limitations of dishonest-majority inherent to 2PC. We introduce two protocols, Auxiliator and Socium, in a machine learning (ML) friendly design with a fast online phase and novel verification techniques in the setup phase. These protocols bridge the gap between prior 3PC approaches that considered either fully semi-honest or malicious settings. Auxiliator enhances the semi-honest two-party setting with a malicious helper, significantly improving communication by at least two orders of magnitude. Socium extends the client-malicious setting with one malicious client and a semi-honest server, achieving substantial communication improvement by at least one order of magnitude compared to SIMC. Besides an implementation of our new protocols, we provide the first open-source implementation of the semi-honest 3PC protocol ASTRA (CCSW'19) and a variant of the malicious 3PC protocol SWIFT (USENIX Security'21).
Last updated:  2023-11-11
Explicit Lower Bounds for Communication Complexity of PSM for Concrete Functions
Kazumasa Shinagawa and Koji Nuida
Private Simultaneous Messages (PSM) is a minimal model of secure computation, where the input players with shared randomness send messages to the output player simultaneously and only once. In this field, finding upper and lower bounds on communication complexity of PSM protocols is important, and in particular, identifying the optimal one where the upper and lower bounds coincide is the ultimate goal. However, up until now, functions for which the optimal communication complexity has been determined are few: An example of such a function is the two-input AND function where $(2\log_2 3)$-bit communication is optimal. In this paper, we provide new upper and lower bounds for several concrete functions. For lower bounds, we introduce a novel approach using combinatorial objects called abstract simplicial complexes to represent PSM protocols. Our method is suitable for obtaining non-asymptotic explicit lower bounds for concrete functions. By deriving lower bounds and constructing concrete protocols, we show that the optimal communication complexity for the equality and majority functions with three input bits are $3\log_2 3$ bits and $6$ bits, respectively. We also derive new lower bounds for the $n$-input AND function, three-valued comparison function, and multiplication over finite rings.
Last updated:  2023-11-11
Round-Optimal Black-Box Multiparty Computation from Polynomial-Time Assumptions
Michele Ciampi, Rafail Ostrovsky, Luisa Siniscalchi, and Hendrik Waldner
A central direction of research in secure multiparty computation with dishonest majority has been to achieve three main goals: 1. reduce the total number of rounds of communication (to four, which is optimal); 2. use only polynomial-time hardness assumptions, and 3. rely solely on cryptographic assumptions in a black-box manner. This is especially challenging when we do not allow a trusted setup assumption of any kind. While protocols achieving two out of three goals in this setting have been designed in recent literature, achieving all three simultaneously remained an elusive open question. Specifically, it was answered positively only for a restricted class of functionalities. In this paper, we completely resolve this long-standing open question. Specifically, we present a protocol for all polynomial-time computable functions that does not require any trusted setup assumptions and achieves all three of the above goals simultaneously.
Last updated:  2023-11-11
Pseudorandom Isometries
Prabhanjan Ananth, Aditya Gulati, Fatih Kaleoglu, and Yao-Ting Lin
We introduce a new notion called ${\cal Q}$-secure pseudorandom isometries (PRI). A pseudorandom isometry is an efficient quantum circuit that maps an $n$-qubit state to an $(n+m)$-qubit state in an isometric manner. In terms of security, we require that the output of a $q$-fold PRI on $\rho$, for $ \rho \in {\cal Q}$, for any polynomial $q$, should be computationally indistinguishable from the output of a $q$-fold Haar isometry on $\rho$. By fine-tuning ${\cal Q}$, we recover many existing notions of pseudorandomness. We present a construction of PRIs and assuming post-quantum one-way functions, we prove the security of ${\cal Q}$-secure pseudorandom isometries (PRI) for different interesting settings of ${\cal Q}$. We also demonstrate many cryptographic applications of PRIs, including, length extension theorems for quantum pseudorandomness notions, message authentication schemes for quantum states, multi-copy secure public and private encryption schemes, and succinct quantum commitments.
Last updated:  2023-11-10
Evaluation of Arithmetic Sum-of-Products Expressions in Linear Secret Sharing Schemes with a Non-Interactive Computation Phase
Miguel de Vega, Andrei Lapets, Stanislaw Jarecki, Wicher Malten, Mehmet Ugurbil, and Wyatt Howe
Among secure multi-party computation protocols, linear secret sharing schemes often do not rely on cryptographic assumptions and are among the most straightforward to explain and to implement correctly in software. However, basic versions of such schemes either limit participants to evaluating linear operations involving private values or require those participants to communicate synchronously during a computation phase. A straightforward, information-theoretically secure extension to such schemes is presented that can evaluate arithmetic sum-of-products expressions that contain multiplication operations involving non-zero private values. Notably, this extension does not require that participants communicate during the computation phase. Instead, a preprocessing phase is required that is independent of the private input values (but is dependent on the number of factors and terms in the sum-of-products expression).
Last updated:  2023-11-10
Security-Performance Tradeoff in DAG-based Proof-of-Work Blockchain Protocols
Shichen Wu, Puwen Wei, Ren Zhang, and Bowen Jiang
Proof-of-work (PoW) blockchain protocols based on directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) have demonstrated superior transaction confirmation performance compared to their chain-based predecessors. However, it is uncertain whether their security deteriorates in high-throughput settings similar to their predecessors, because their acceptance of simultaneous blocks and complex block dependencies presents challenges for rigorous security analysis. We address these challenges by analyzing DAG-based protocols via a congestible blockchain model (CBM), a general model that allows case-by-case upper bounds on the block propagation delay, rather than a uniform upper bound as in most previous analyses. CBM allows us to capture two key phenomena of high-throughput settings: (1) simultaneous blocks increase each other's propagation delay, and (2) a block can be processed only after receiving all the blocks it refers to. We further devise a reasonable adversarial block propagation strategy in CBM, called the late-predecessor attack, which exploits block dependencies to delay the processing of honest blocks. We then evaluate the security and performance of Prism and OHIE, two DAG-based protocols that aim to break the security-performance tradeoff, in the presence of an attacker capable of launching the late predecessor attack. Our results show that these protocols suffer from reduced security and extended latency in high-throughput settings similar to their chain-based predecessors.
Last updated:  2023-11-10
SoK: Privacy-Preserving Smart Contract
Huayi Qi, Minghui Xu, Dongxiao Yu, and Xiuzhen Cheng
The privacy concern in smart contract applications continues to grow, leading to the proposal of various schemes aimed at developing comprehensive and universally applicable privacy-preserving smart contract (PPSC) schemes. However, the existing research in this area is fragmented and lacks a comprehensive system overview. This paper aims to bridge the existing research gap on PPSC schemes by systematizing previous studies in this field. The primary focus is on two categories: PPSC schemes based on cryptographic tools like zero-knowledge proofs, as well as schemes based on trusted execution environments. In doing so, we aim to provide a condensed summary of the different approaches taken in constructing PPSC schemes. Additionally, we also offer a comparative analysis of these approaches, highlighting the similarities and differences between them. Furthermore, we shed light on the challenges that developers face when designing and implementing PPSC schemes. Finally, we delve into potential future directions for improving and advancing these schemes, discussing possible avenues for further research and development.
Last updated:  2023-11-10
Broadcast-Optimal Four-Round MPC in the Plain Model
Michele Ciampi, Ivan Damgård, Divya Ravi, Luisa Siniscalchi, Yu Xia, and Sophia Yakoubov
Motivated by the fact that broadcast is an expensive, but useful, resource for the realization of multi-party computation protocols (MPC), Cohen, Garay, and Zikas (Eurocrypt 2020), and subsequently Damgård, Magri, Ravi, Siniscalchi and Yakoubov (Crypto 2021), and, Damgård, Ravi, Siniscalchi and Yakoubov (Eurocrypt 2023), focused on 𝘴𝘰-𝘤𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘥 𝘣𝘳𝘰𝘢𝘥𝘤𝘢𝘴𝘵 𝘰𝘱𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘢𝘭 𝘔𝘗𝘊. In particular, the authors focus on two-round MPC protocols (in the CRS model), and give tight characterizations of which security guarantees are achievable if broadcast is available in the first round, the second round, both rounds, or not at all. This work considers the natural question of characterizing broadcast optimal MPC in the plain model where no set-up is assumed. We focus on four-round protocols, since four is known to be the minimal number of rounds required to securely realize any functionality with black-box simulation. We give a complete characterization of which security guarantees, (namely selective abort, selective identifiable abort, unanimous abort and identifiable abort) are feasible or not, depending on the exact selection of rounds in which broadcast is available.
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