All papers in 2015 (Page 13 of 1255 results)

Last updated:  2015-04-06
Richer Efficiency/Security Trade-offs in 2PC
Vladimir Kolesnikov, Payman Mohassel, Ben Riva, Mike Rosulek
The dual-execution protocol of Mohassel \& Franklin (PKC 2006) is a highly efficient (each party garbling only one circuit) 2PC protocol that achieves malicious security apart from leaking an {\em arbitrary, adversarially-chosen} predicate about the honest party's input. We present two practical and orthogonal approaches to improve the security of the dual-execution technique. First, we show how to greatly restrict the predicate that an adversary can learn in the protocol, to a natural notion of ``only computation leaks''-style leakage. Along the way, we identify a natural security property of garbled circuits called {\em property-enforcing} that may be of independent interest. Second, we address a complementary direction of reducing the probability that the leakage occurs. We propose a new dual-execution protocol --- with a very light cheating-detection phase and each party garbling $s+1$ circuits --- in which a cheating party learns a bit with probability only $2^{-s}$. Our concrete measurements show approximately $35\%$ reduction in communication for the AES circuit, compared to the best combination of state of the art techniques for achieving the same security notion. Combining the two results, we achieve a rich continuum of practical trade-offs between efficiency \& security, connecting the covert, dual-execution and full-malicious guarantees.
Last updated:  2015-01-23
Non-committing encryption from $\Phi$-hiding
Brett Hemenway, Rafail Ostrovsky, Alon Rosen
A multiparty computation protocol is said to be adaptively secure if it retains its security even in the presence of an adversary who can corrupt participants as the protocol proceeds. This is in contrast to the static corruption model where the adversary is forced to choose which participants to corrupt before the protocol begins. A central tool for constructing adaptively secure protocols is non-committing encryption (Canetti, Feige, Goldreich and Naor, STOC '96). The original protocol of Canetti et al. had ciphertext expansion that was quadratic in the security parameter, and prior to this work, the best known constructions had ciphertext expansion that was linear in the security parameter. In this work, we present the first non-committing encryption scheme that achieves ciphertext expansion that is logarithmic in the message length. Our construction has optimal round complexity (2-rounds), where (just as in all previous constructions) the first message consists of a public-key of size $\tilde{\bigoh}(n \secpar)$ where $n$ is the message length and $\secpar$ is the security parameter. The second message consists of a ciphertext of size $\bigoh( n \log n + \secpar )$. The security of our scheme is proved based on the $\Phi$-hiding problem.
Last updated:  2015-11-13
Tight Bounds for Keyed Sponges and Truncated CBC
Peter Gaži, Krzysztof Pietrzak, Stefano Tessaro
We prove (nearly) tight bounds on the concrete PRF-security of two constructions of message-authentication codes (MACs): (1) The truncated CBC-MAC construction, which operates as plain CBC-MAC (without prefix-free encoding of messages), but only returns a subset of the output bits. (2) The MAC derived from the sponge hash-function family by pre-pending a key to the message, which is the de-facto standard method for SHA-3-based message authentication. The tight analysis of keyed sponges is our main result and we see this as an important step in validating SHA-3-based authentication before its deployment. Still, our analysis crucially relies on the one for truncated CBC as an intermediate step of independent interest. Indeed, no previous security analysis of truncated CBC was known, whereas only significantly weaker bounds have been proved for keyed sponges following different approaches. Our bounds are tight for the most relevant ranges of parameters, i.e., for messages of length (roughly) $\ell \le \min\{2^{n/4},2^r\}$ blocks, where $n$ is the state size and $r$ is the desired output length; and for $q \ge \ell$ queries. Our proofs rely on a novel application of Patarin's H-coefficient method to iterated MAC constructions.
Last updated:  2015-01-22
Interactive Message-Locked Encryption and Secure Deduplication
Mihir Bellare, Sriram Keelveedhi
This paper considers the problem of secure storage of outsourced data in a way that permits deduplication. We are for the first time able to provide privacy for messages that are both correlated and dependent on the public system parameters. The new ingredient that makes this possible is interaction. We extend the message-locked encryption (MLE) primitive of prior work to interactive message-locked encryption (iMLE) where upload and download are protocols. Our scheme, providing security for messages that are not only correlated but allowed to depend on the public system parameters, is in the standard model. We explain that interaction is not an extra assumption in practice because full, existing deduplication systems are already interactive.
Last updated:  2015-01-22
Improved Meet-in-the-Middle Distinguisher on Feistel Schemes
Li Lin, Wenling Wu
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Improved meet-in-the-middle cryptanalysis with efficient tabulation technique has been shown to be a very powerful form of cryptanalysis against SPN block ciphers. However, few literatures show the effectiveness of this cryptanalysis against Balanced-Feistel-Networks (BFN) and Generalized-Feistel-Networks (GFN) ciphers due to the stagger of affected trail and special truncated differential trail. In this paper, we describe a versatile and powerful algorithm for searching the best improved meet-in-the-middle distinguisher with efficient tabulation technique on word-oriented BFN and GFN block ciphers, which is based on recursion and greedy algorithm. To demonstrate the usefulness of our approach, we show key recovery attacks on 14/16-round CLEFIA-192/256 which are the best attacks. We also propose key recovery attacks on 13/15-round Camellia-192/256 (without $FL/FL^{-1}$).
Last updated:  2015-01-22
Stretching Groth-Sahai: NIZK Proofs of Partial Satisfiability
Carla Ràfols
Groth, Ostrovsky and Sahai constructed a non-interactive Zap for NP-languages by observing that the common reference string of their proof system for circuit satisfiability admits what they call correlated key generation. The latter means that it is possible to create from scratch two common reference strings in such a way that it can be publicly verified that at least one of them guarantees perfect soundness while it is computationally infeasible to tell which one. Their technique also implies that it is possible to have NIWI Groth-Sahai proofs for certain types of equations over bilinear groups in the plain model. We extend the result of Groth, Ostrovsky and Sahai in several directions. Given as input some predicate $P$ computable by some monotone span program over a finite field, we show how to generate a set of common reference strings in such a way that it can be publicly verified that the subset of them which guarantees perfect soundness is accepted by the span program. We give several different flavors of the technique suitable for different applications scenarios and different equation types. We use this to stretch the expressivity of Groth-Sahai proofs and construct NIZK proofs of partial satisfiability of sets of equations in a bilinear group and more efficient Groth-Sahai NIWI proofs without common reference string for a larger class of equation types. Finally, we apply our results to significantly reduce the size of the signatures of the ring signature scheme of Chandran, Groth and Sahai or to have a more efficient proof in the standard model that a commitment opens to an element of a public list.
Last updated:  2015-12-10
On Solving Lpn using BKW and Variants
Sonia Bogos, Florian Tramer, Serge Vaudenay
The Learning Parity with Noise problem (LPN) is appealing in cryptography as it is considered to remain hard in the post-quantum world. It is also a good candidate for lightweight devices due to its simplicity. In this paper we provide a comprehensive analysis of the existing LPN solving algorithms, both for the general case and for the sparse secret scenario. In practice, the LPN-based cryptographic constructions use as a reference the security parameters proposed by Levieil and Fouque. But, for these parameters, there remains a gap between the theoretical analysis and the practical complexities of the algorithms we consider. The new theoretical analysis in this paper provides tighter bounds on the complexity of LPN solving algorithms and narrows this gap between theory and practice. We show that for a sparse secret there is another algorithm that outperforms BKW and its variants. Following from our results, we further propose practical parameters for different security levels.
Last updated:  2015-01-22
On Obfuscation with Random Oracles
Ran Canetti, Yael Tauman Kalai, Omer Paneth
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Assuming trapdoor permutations, we show that there exist function families that cannot be VBB-obfuscated even if both the obfuscator and the obfuscated program have access to a random oracle. Specifically, these families are the robust unobfuscatable families of [Bitansky-Paneth, STOC 13]. Our result stands in contrast to the general VBB obfuscation algorithms in more structured idealized models where the oracle preserves certain algebraic homomorphisms [Canetti-Vaikuntanathan, ePrint 13; Brakerski-Rothblum, TCC 14; Barak et al., Eurocrypt 14].
Last updated:  2015-01-26
Linearly Homomorphic Encryption from DDH
Guilhem Castagnos, Fabien Laguillaumie
We design a linearly homomorphic encryption scheme whose security relies on the hardness of the decisional Diffie-Hellman problem. Our approach requires some special features of the underlying group. In particular, its order is unknown and it contains a subgroup in which the discrete logarithm problem is tractable. Therefore, our instantiation holds in the class group of a non maximal order of an imaginary quadratic field. Its algebraic structure makes it possible to obtain such a linearly homomorphic scheme whose message space is the whole set of integers modulo a prime p and which supports an unbounded number of additions modulo p from the ciphertexts. A notable difference with previous works is that, for the first time, the security does not depend on the hardness of the factorization of integers. As a consequence, under some conditions, the prime p can be scaled to fit the application needs.
Last updated:  2019-08-05
On the concrete hardness of Learning with Errors
Martin R. Albrecht, Rachel Player, Sam Scott
The Learning with Errors (LWE) problem has become a central building block of modern cryptographic constructions. This work collects and presents hardness results for concrete instances of LWE. In particular, we discuss algorithms proposed in the literature and give the expected resources required to run them. We consider both generic instances of LWE as well as small secret variants. Since for several methods of solving LWE we require a lattice reduction step, we also review lattice reduction algorithms and use a refined model for estimating their running times. We also give concrete estimates for various families of LWE instances, provide a Sage module for computing these estimates and highlight gaps in the knowledge about algorithms for solving the Learning with Errors problem.
Last updated:  2015-01-20
Reliable Information Extraction for Single Trace Attacks
Valentina Banciu, Elisabeth Oswald, Carolyn Whitnall
Side-channel attacks using only a single trace crucially rely on the capability of reliably extracting side-channel information (e.g. Hamming weights of intermediate target values) from traces. In particular, in original versions of simple power analysis (SPA) or algebraic side channel attacks (ASCA) it was assumed that an adversary can correctly extract the Hamming weight values for all the intermediates used in an attack. Recent developments in error tolerant SPA style attacks relax this unrealistic requirement on the information extraction and bring renewed interest to the topic of template building or training suitable machine learning classifiers. In this work we ask which classifiers or methods, if any, are most likely to return the true Hamming weight among their first (say $s$) ranked outputs. We experiment on two data sets with different leakage characteristics. Our experiments show that the most suitable classifiers to reach the required performance for pragmatic SPA attacks are Gaussian templates, Support Vector Machines and Random Forests, across the two data sets that we considered. We found no configuration that was able to satisfy the requirements of an error tolerant ASCA in case of complex leakage.
Last updated:  2016-09-07
Use of SIMD-Based Data Parallelism to Speed up Sieving in Integer-Factoring Algorithms
Binanda Sengupta, Abhijit Das
Many cryptographic protocols derive their security from the apparent computational intractability of the integer factorization problem. Currently, the best known integer-factoring algorithms run in subexponential time. Efficient parallel implementations of these algorithms constitute an important area of practical research. Most reported implementations use multi-core and/or distributed parallelization. In this paper, we use SIMD-based parallelization to speed up the sieving stage of integer-factoring algorithms. We experiment on the two fastest variants of factoring algorithms: the number-field sieve method and the multiple-polynomial quadratic sieve method. Using Intel’s SSE2 and AVX intrinsics, we have been able to speed up index calculations in each core during sieving. This performance enhancement is attributed to a reduction in the packing and unpacking overheads associated with SIMD registers. We handle both line sieving and lattice sieving. We also propose improvements to make our implementations cache-friendly. We obtain speedup figures in the range 5--40%. To the best of our knowledge, no public discussions on SIMD parallelization in the context of integer-factoring algorithms are available in the literature.
Last updated:  2015-02-23
Group Signature with Deniability: How to Disavow a Signature
Ai Ishida, Keita Emura, Goichiro Hanaoka, Yusuke Sakai, Keisuke Tanaka
Group signatures are a class of digital signatures with enhanced privacy. By using this type of signature, a user can sign a message on behalf of a specific group without revealing his identity, but in the case of a dispute, an authority can expose the identity of the signer. However, in some situations it is only required to know whether a specific user is the signer of a given signature. In this case, the use of a standard group signature may be problematic since the specified user might not be the signer of the given signature, and hence, the identity of the actual signer will be exposed. Inspired by this problem, we propose the notion of a deniable group signature, where, with respect to a signature and a user, the authority can issue a proof showing that the specified user is NOT the signer of the signature, without revealing the actual signer. We also describe a fairly practical construction by extending the Groth group signature scheme (ASIACRYPT 2007). In particular, a denial proof in our scheme consists of 96 group elements, which is about twice the size of a signature in the Groth scheme. The proposed scheme is provably secure under the same assumptions as those of the Groth scheme.
Last updated:  2015-01-17
High Performance Lattice-based CCA-secure Encryption
Rachid El Bansarkhani, Johannes Buchmann
Lattice-based encryption schemes still suffer from a low message throughput per ciphertext. This is mainly due to the fact that the underlying schemes do not tap the full potentials of LWE. Many constructions still follow the one-time-pad approach considering LWE instances as random vectors added to a message, most often encoded bit vectors. Recently, at Financial Crypto 2015 El Bansarkhani et al. proposed a novel encryption scheme based on the A-LWE assumption (Augmented LWE), where data is embedded into the error term without changing its target distributions. By this novelty it is possible to encrypt much more data as compared to the traditional one-time-pad approach and it is even possible to combine both concepts. In this paper we revisit this approach and propose amongst others several algebraic techniques in order to significantly improve the message throughput per ciphertext. Furthermore, we give a thorough security analysis as well as an efficient implementation of the CCA1-secure encryption scheme instantiated with the most efficient trapdoor construction. In particular, we attest that it even outperforms the CPA-secure encryption scheme from Lindner and Peikert presented at CT-RSA 2011.
Last updated:  2016-03-09
Parallel (probable) lock-free HashSieve: a practical sieving algorithm for the SVP
Artur Mariano, Thijs Laarhoven, Christian Bischof
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In this paper, we assess the practicability of HashSieve, a recently proposed sieving algorithm for the Shortest Vector Problem (SVP) on lattices, on multi-core shared memory systems. To this end, we devised a parallel implementation that scales well, and is based on a probable lock-free system to handle concurrency. The probable lock-free system, implemented with spin-locks and compare-and-swap operations, acts, likely, as a lock-free mechanism, since threads block only when strictly required and chances are that they are not required to block, because resource contention is very low. With our implementation, we were able to solve the SVP on an arbitrary lattice in dimension 96, in less than 17.5 hours, using 16 physical cores. The least squares fit of the execution times of our implementation, in seconds, lies between 2(0.32n−15) or 2(0.33n−16), which indicates that sieving algorithms are indeed way more practical than believed.
Last updated:  2016-09-10
Automated Dynamic Cube Attack on Block Ciphers: Cryptanalysis of SIMON and KATAN
Zahra Ahmadian, Shahram Rasoolzadeh, Mahmoud Salmasizadeh, Mohammad Reza Aref
A few work has ever been performed in cryptanalysis of block ciphers using cube attacks. This paper presents a new framework for an efficient key recovery attack on block ciphers based on cube technique. In this method, a cube tester is positioned at the middle of the cipher which is extended in two directions over the maximum possible upper and lower rounds, given that some subkey bits are guessed. It is shown that an automated algorithm for this dynamic cube attack on block ciphers can be realized. Furthermore, we show its effectiveness on two lightweight block ciphers KATAN and SIMON. Our results shows that this method can break 117 and 152 out of 254 rounds of KATAN-32 in non-full-codebook and full-codebook attack scenarios, respectively. In the case of SIMON32/64, we succeed to cryptanalyse 16 and 18 out of 32 rounds, by the same scenarios. Both results show that although this method does not outperform all the existing attacks on these two ciphers, it can absolutely compete with the well-established and mature methods of cryptanalysis of block ciphers, such as linear, differential and meet in the middle attack families.
Last updated:  2015-01-17
Type-Based Verification of Electronic Voting Protocols
Véronique Cortier, Fabienne Eigner, Steve Kremer, Matteo Maffei, Cyrille Wiedling
E-voting protocols aim at achieving a wide range of sophisticated security properties and, consequently, commonly employ advanced cryptographic primitives. This makes their design as well as rigorous analysis quite challenging. As a matter of fact, existing automated analysis techniques, which are mostly based on automated theorem provers, are inadequate to deal with commonly used cryptographic primitives, such as homomorphic encryption and mix-nets, as well as some fundamental security properties, such as verifiability. This work presents a novel approach based on refinement type systems for the automated analysis of e-voting protocols. Specifically, we design a generically applicable logical theory which, based on pre- and post-conditions for security-critical code, captures and guides the type-checker towards the verification of two fundamental properties of e-voting protocols, namely, vote privacy and verifiability. We further develop a code-based cryptographic abstraction of the cryptographic primitives commonly used in e-voting protocols, showing how to make the underlying algebraic properties accessible to automated verification through logical refinements. Finally, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach by developing the first automated analysis of Helios, a popular web-based e-voting protocol, using an off-the-shelf type-checker.
Last updated:  2015-01-19
Aggregate Pseudorandom Functions and Connections to Learning
Aloni Cohen, Shafi Goldwasser, Vinod Vaikuntanathan
In the first part of this work, we introduce a new type of pseudo-random function for which ``aggregate queries'' over exponential-sized sets can be efficiently answered. We show how to use algebraic properties of underlying classical pseudo random functions, to construct such ``aggregate pseudo-random functions'' for a number of classes of aggregation queries under cryptographic hardness assumptions. For example, one aggregate query we achieve is the product of all function values accepted by a polynomial-sized read-once boolean formula. On the flip side, we show that certain aggregate queries are impossible to support. Aggregate pseudo-random functions fall within the framework of the work of Goldreich, Goldwasser, and Nussboim on the ``Implementation of Huge Random Objects,'' providing truthful implementations of pseudo-random functions for which aggregate queries can be answered. In the second part of this work, we show how various extensions of pseudo-random functions considered recently in the cryptographic literature, yield impossibility results for various extensions of machine learning models, continuing a line of investigation originated by Valiant and Kearns in the 1980s. The extended pseudo-random functions we address include constrained pseudo random functions, aggregatable pseudo random functions, and pseudo random functions secure under related-key attacks.
Last updated:  2016-01-05
Analysis and Enhancement of Desynchronization Attack on an Ultralightweight RFID Authentication Protocol
Da-Zhi Sun, Zahra Ahmadian, Yue-Jiao Wang, Mahmoud Salmasizadeh, Mohammad Reza Aref
As low-cost RFID tags become more and more ubiquitous, it is necessary to design ultralightweight RFID authentication protocols to prevent possible attacks and threats. We reevaluate Ahmadian et al.’s desynchronization attack on the ultralightweight RFID authentication protocol with permutation (RAPP). Our results are twofold: (1) we demonstrate that the probability of the desynchronization between the tag and the reader is 15/64 instead of 1/4 as claimed, when RAPP uses Hamming weight-based rotation; (2) we further improve the original attack and make the desynchronization more efficient.
Last updated:  2015-01-15
Faster software for fast endomorphisms
Billy Bob Brumley
GLV curves (Gallant et al.) have performance advantages over standard elliptic curves, using half the number of point doublings for scalar multiplication. Despite their introduction in 2001, implementations of the GLV method have yet to permeate widespread software libraries. Furthermore, side-channel vulnerabilities, specifically cache-timing attacks, remain unpatched in the OpenSSL code base since the first attack in 2009 (Brumley and Hakala) even still after the most recent attack in 2014 (Benger et al.). This work reports on the integration of the GLV method in OpenSSL for curves from 160 to 256 bits, as well as deploying and evaluating two side-channel defenses. Performance gains are up to 51%, and with these improvements GLV curves are now the fastest elliptic curves in OpenSSL for these bit sizes.
Last updated:  2015-01-15
Cryptographically Secure CRC for Lightweight Message Authentication
Elena Dubrova, Mats Näslund, Göran Selander, Fredrik Lindqvist
A simple and practical hashing scheme based on Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) is presented. Similarly to previously proposed cryptographically secure CRCs, the presented one detects both, random and malicious, errors without increasing bandwidth. However, we use a product of irreducible polynomials instead of a single irreducible polynomial for generating the CRC. This is an advantage since smaller irreducible polynomials are easier to compute. The price we pay is that the probability that two different messages map into the same CRC increases. We provide a detailed quantitative analysis of the achieved security as a function of message and CRC sizes. The presented method seems to be particularly attractive for the authentication of short messages.
Last updated:  2015-06-16
Suit up! Made-to-Measure Hardware Implementations of Ascon
Hannes Groß, Erich Wenger, Christoph Dobraunig, Christoph Ehrenhöfer
Having ciphers that provide confidentiality and authenticity, that are fast in software and efficient in hardware, these are the goals of the CAESAR authenticated encryption competition. In this paper, the promising CAESAR candidate Ascon is implemented in hardware and optimized for different typical applications to fully explore Ascon's design space. Thus, we are able to present hardware implementations of Ascon suitable for RFID tags, Wireless Sensor Nodes, Embedded Systems, and applications that need maximum performance. For instance, we show that an Ascon implementation with a single unrolled round transformation is only 7 kGE large, but can process up to 5.5 Gbit/sec of data (0.75 cycles/byte), which is already enough to encrypt a Gigabit Ethernet connection. Besides, Ascon is not only fast and small, it can also be easily protected against DPA attacks. A threshold implementation of Ascon just requires about 8 kGE of chip area, which is only 3.1 times larger than the unprotected low-area optimized implementation.
Last updated:  2015-01-15
On the Security of Fresh Re-keying to Counteract Side-Channel and Fault Attacks
Christoph Dobraunig, Maria Eichlseder, Stefan Mangard, Florian Mendel
At AFRICACRYPT 2010 and CARDIS 2011, fresh re-keying schemes to counter side-channel and fault attacks were introduced. The idea behind those schemes is to shift the main burden of side-channel protection to a re-keying function $g$ that is easier to protect than the main block cipher. This function produces new session keys based on the secret master key and random nonces for every block of message that is encrypted. In this paper, we present a generic chosen-plaintext key-recovery attack on both fresh re-keying schemes. The attack is based on two observations: Since session key collisions for the same message are easy to detect, it is possible to recover one session key with a simple time-memory trade-off strategy; and if the re-keying function is easy to invert (such as the suggested multiplication constructions), the attacker can use the session key to recover the master key. The attack has a complexity of about $2 \cdot 2^{n/2}$ (instead of the expected $2^n$) for an $n$-bit key. For the typically employed block cipher AES-128, this would result in a key-recovery attack complexity of only $2^{65}$. If weaker primitives like 80-bit PRESENT are used, even lower attack complexities are possible.
Last updated:  2015-01-14
Constrained Key-Homomorphic PRFs from Standard Lattice Assumptions Or: How to Secretly Embed a Circuit in Your PRF
Zvika Brakerski, Vinod Vaikuntanathan
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Boneh et al. (Crypto 13) and Banerjee and Peikert (Crypto 14) constructed pseudorandom functions (PRFs) from the Learning with Errors (LWE) assumption by embedding combinatorial objects, a path and a tree respectively, in instances of the LWE problem. In this work, we show how to generalize this approach to embed circuits, inspired by recent progress in the study of Attribute Based Encryption. Embedding a universal circuit for some class of functions allows us to produce constrained keys for functions in this class, which gives us the first standard-lattice-assumption-based constrained PRF (CPRF) for general bounded-description bounded-depth functions, for arbitrary polynomial bounds on the description size and the depth. (A constrained key w.r.t a circuit $C$ enables one to evaluate the PRF on all $x$ for which $C(x)=1$, but reveals nothing on the PRF values at other points.) We rely on the LWE assumption and on the one-dimensional SIS (Short Integer Solution) assumption, which are both related to the worst case hardness of general lattice problems. Previous constructions for similar function classes relied on such exotic assumptions as the existence of multilinear maps or secure program obfuscation. The main drawback of our construction is that it does not allow collusion (i.e. to provide more than a single constrained key to an adversary). Similarly to the aforementioned previous works, our PRF family is also key homomorphic. Interestingly, our constrained keys are very short. Their length does not depend directly either on the size of the constraint circuit or on the input length. We are not aware of any prior construction achieving this property, even relying on strong assumptions such as indistinguishability obfuscation.
Last updated:  2015-01-14
Tight Parallel Repetition Theorems for Public-Coin Arguments using KL-divergence
Kai-Min Chung, Rafael Pass
We present a new and conceptually simpler proof of a tight parallel-repetition theorem for public-coin arguments (Pass-Venkitasubramaniam, STOC'07, Hastad et al, TCC'10, Chung-Liu, TCC'10). We follow the same proof framework as the previous non-tight parallel-repetition theorem of Hastad et al---which relied on *statistical distance* to measure the distance between experiments---and show that it can be made tight (and further simplied) if instead relying on *KL-divergence* as the distance between the experiments. We then show that our proof technique directly yields tight ``Chernoff-type'' parallel-repetition theorems (where one considers a ``threshold'' verifier that accepts iff the prover manages to convince a certain fraction of the parallel verifiers, as opposed to all of them) for any public-coin interactive argument; previously, tight results were only known for either constant-round protocols, or when the gap between the threshold and the original error-probability is a constant.
Last updated:  2017-07-31
Cryptanalysis of Ascon
Christoph Dobraunig, Maria Eichlseder, Florian Mendel, Martin Schläffer
We present a detailed security analysis of the CAESAR candidate Ascon. Amongst others, cube-like, differential and linear cryptanalysis are used to evaluate the security of Ascon. Our results are practical key-recovery attacks on round-reduced versions of Ascon-128, where the initialization is reduced to 5 out of 12 rounds. Theoretical key-recovery attacks are possible for up to 6 rounds of initialization. Moreover, we present a practical forgery attack for 3 rounds of the finalization, a theoretical forgery attack for 4 rounds finalization and zero-sum distinguishers for the full 12-round Ascon permutation. Besides, we present the first results regarding linear cryptanalysis of Ascon, improve upon the results of the design document regarding differential cryptanalysis, and prove bounds on the minimum number of (linearly and differentially) active S-boxes for the Ascon permutation.
Last updated:  2015-01-14
Predicate Encryption for Circuits from LWE
Sergey Gorbunov, Vinod Vaikuntanathan, Hoeteck Wee
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In predicate encryption, a ciphertext is associated with descriptive attribute values $x$ in addition to a plaintext $\mu$, and a secret key is associated with a predicate $f$. Decryption returns plaintext $\mu$ if and only if $f(x) = 1$. Moreover, security of predicate encryption guarantees that an adversary learns nothing about the attribute $x$ or the plaintext $\mu$ from a ciphertext, given arbitrary many secret keys that are not authorized to decrypt the ciphertext individually. We construct a leveled predicate encryption scheme for all circuits, assuming the hardness of the subexponential learning with errors (LWE) problem. That is, for any polynomial function $d = d(\secp)$, we construct a predicate encryption scheme for the class of all circuits with depth bounded by $d(\secp)$, where $\secp$ is the security parameter.
Last updated:  2015-01-14
Optimal software-implemented Itoh--Tsujii inversion for GF($2^m$)
Jeremy Maitin-Shepard
Field inversion in GF($2^m$) dominates the cost of modern software implementations of certain elliptic curve cryptographic operations, such as point encoding/hashing into elliptic curves. Itoh--Tsujii inversion using a polynomial basis and precomputed table-based multi-squaring has been demonstrated to be highly effective for software implementations, but the performance and memory use depend critically on the choice of addition chain and multi-squaring tables, which in prior work have been determined only by suboptimal ad-hoc methods and manual selection. We thoroughly investigated the performance/memory tradeoff for table-based linear transforms used for efficient multi-squaring. Based upon the results of that investigation, we devised a comprehensive cost model for Itoh--Tsujii inversion and a corresponding optimization procedure that is empirically fast and provably finds globally-optimal solutions. We tested this method on 8 binary fields commonly used for elliptic curve cryptography; our method found lower-cost solutions than the ad-hoc methods used previously, and for the first time enables a principled exploration of the time/memory tradeoff of inversion implementations.
Last updated:  2015-01-14
On the Regularity of Lossy RSA: Improved Bounds and Applications to Padding-Based Encryption
Adam Smith, Ye Zhang
We provide new bounds on how close to regular the map x |--> x^e is on arithmetic progressions in Z_N, assuming e | Phi(N) and N is composite. We use these bounds to analyze the security of natural cryptographic problems related to RSA, based on the well-studied Phi-Hiding assumption. For example, under this assumption, we show that RSA PKCS #1 v1.5 is secure against chosen-plaintext attacks for messages of length roughly (log N)/4 bits, whereas the previous analysis, due to Lewko et al (2013), applies only to messages of length less than (log N)/32. In addition to providing new bounds, we also show that a key lemma of Lewko et al. is incorrect. We prove a weaker version of the claim which is nonetheless sufficient for most, though not all, of their applications. Our technical results can be viewed as showing that exponentiation in Z_N is a deterministic extractor for every source that is uniform on an arithmetic progression. Previous work showed this type of statement only on average over a large class of sources, or for much longer progressions (that is, sources with much more entropy).
Last updated:  2015-02-25
A More Explicit Formula for Linear Probabilities of Modular Addition Modulo a Power of Two
S. M. Dehnavi, A. Mahmoodi Rishakani, M. R. Mirzaee Shamsabad
Linear approximations of modular addition modulo a power of two was studied by Wallen in 2003. He presented an efficient algorithm for computing linear probabilities of modular addition. In 2013 Sculte-Geers investigated the problem from another viewpoint and derived a somewhat explicit for these probabilities. In this note we give a closed formula for linear probabilities of modular addition modulo a power of two, based on what Schlte-Geers presented: our closed formula gives a better insight on these probabilities and more information can be extracted from it.
Last updated:  2020-09-17
Obfuscating Circuits via Composite-Order Graded Encoding
Benny Applebaum, Zvika Brakerski
We present a candidate obfuscator based on composite-order Graded Encoding Schemes (GES), which are a generalization of multilinear maps. Our obfuscator operates on circuits directly without converting them into formulas or branching programs as was done in previous solutions. As a result, the time and size complexity of the obfuscated program, measured by the number of GES elements, is directly proportional to the circuit complexity of the program being obfuscated. This improves upon previous constructions whose complexity was related to the formula or branching program size. Known instantiations of Graded Encoding Schemes allow us to obfuscate circuit classes of polynomial degree, which include for example families of circuits of logarithmic depth. We prove that our obfuscator is secure against a class of generic algebraic attacks, formulated by a generic graded encoding model. We further consider a more robust model which provides more power to the adversary and extend our results to this setting as well. As a secondary contribution, we define a new simple notion of \emph{algebraic security} (which was implicit in previous works) and show that it captures standard security relative to an ideal GES oracle.
Last updated:  2015-01-12
Non-Abelian Analogs of Lattice Rounding
Evgeni Begelfor, Stephen D. Miller, Ramarathnam Venkatesan
Lattice rounding in Euclidean space can be viewed as finding the nearest point in the orbit of an action by a discrete group, relative to the norm inherited from the ambient space. Using this point of view, we initiate the study of non-abelian analogs of lattice rounding involving matrix groups. In one direction, we give an algorithm for solving a normed word problem when the inputs are random products over a basis set, and give theoretical justification for its success. In another direction, we prove a general inapproximability result which essentially rules out strong approximation algorithms (i.e., whose approximation factors depend only on dimension) analogous to LLL in the general case.
Last updated:  2015-05-26
Multilinear Maps Using Ideal Lattices without Encodings of Zero
Gu Chunsheng
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Garg, Gentry and Halevi (GGH) described the first candidate multilinear maps using ideal lattices. However, Hu and Jia recently presented an efficient attack for two applications based on the GGH map, multipartite Diffie-Hellman key exchange and an instance of witness encryption using 3-exact cover problem. In this paper, we describe a modification construction of multilinear maps from ideal lattices without encodings of zero by introducing random matrices to avoid the zeroing attack problem. The security of our construction depends upon new hardness assumption, which is seemingly closely related to hardness problems of lattices. Furthermore, we present multipartite Diffie-Hellman key exchange protocol using our construction, and an instance of witness encryption using 3-exact cover problem based on a variant of our construction.
Last updated:  2015-01-12
TMSUI: A Trust Management Scheme of USB Storage Devices for Industrial Control Systems
Bo Yang, Dengguo Feng, Yu Qin, Yingjun Zhang, Weijin Wang
The security of sensitive data and the safety of control signal are two core issues in industrial control system (ICS). However, the prevalence of USB storage devices brings a great challenge on protecting ICS in those respects. Unfortunately, there is currently no solution especially for ICS to provide a complete defense against data transmission between untrusted USB storage devices and critical equipment without forbidding normal USB device function. This paper proposes a trust management scheme of USB storage devices for ICS (TMSUI). By fully considering the background of application scenarios, TMSUI is designed based on security chip to achieve authoring a certain USB storage device to only access some exact protected terminals in ICS for a particular period of time. The issues about digital forensics and revocation of authorization are discussed. The prototype system is nally implemented and the evaluation on it indicates that TMSUI eectively meets the security goals with high compatibility and good performance.
Last updated:  2015-01-12
Non-Malleable Condensers for Arbitrary Min-Entropy, and Almost Optimal Protocols for Privacy Amplification
Xin Li
Recently, the problem of privacy amplification with an active adversary has received a lot of attention. Given a shared $n$-bit weak random source $X$ with min-entropy $k$ and a security parameter $s$, the main goal is to construct an explicit 2-round privacy amplification protocol that achieves entropy loss $O(s)$. Dodis and Wichs \cite{DW09} showed that optimal protocols can be achieved by constructing explicit \emph{non-malleable extractors}. However, the best known explicit non-malleable extractor only achieves $k=0.49n$ \cite{Li12b} and evidence in \cite{Li12b} suggests that constructing explicit non-malleable extractors for smaller min-entropy may be hard. In an alternative approach, Li \cite{Li12} introduced the notion of a non-malleable condenser and showed that explicit non-malleable condensers also give optimal privacy amplification protocols. In this paper, we give the first construction of non-malleable condensers for arbitrary min-entropy. Using our construction, we obtain a 2-round privacy amplification protocol with optimal entropy loss for security parameter up to $s=\Omega(\sqrt{k})$. This is the first protocol that simultaneously achieves optimal round complexity and optimal entropy loss for arbitrary min-entropy $k$. We also generalize this result to obtain a protocol that runs in $O(s/\sqrt{k})$ rounds with optimal entropy loss, for security parameter up to $s=\Omega(k)$. This significantly improves the protocol in \cite{ckor}. Finally, we give a better non-malleable condenser for linear min-entropy, and in this case obtain a 2-round protocol with optimal entropy loss for security parameter up to $s=\Omega(k)$, which improves the entropy loss and communication complexity of the protocol in \cite{Li12b}.
Last updated:  2015-01-14
Simpler Efficient Group Signatures from Lattices
Phong Q. Nguyen, Jiang Zhang, Zhenfeng Zhang
A group signature allows a group member to anonymously sign messages on behalf of the group. In the past few years, new group signatures based on lattice problems have appeared: the most efficient lattice-based constructions are due to Laguillaumie {\it et al.} (Asiacrypt '13) and Langlois {\it et al.} (PKC '14). Both have at least $O(n^2\log^2 n \log N)$-bit group public key and $O(n\log^3 n\log N)$-bit signature, where $n$ is the security parameter and $N$ is the maximum number of group members. In this paper, we present a simpler lattice-based group signature, which is more efficient by a $O(\log N)$ factor in both the group public key and the signature size. We achieve this by using a new non-interactive zero-knowledge (NIZK) proof corresponding to a simple identity-encoding function. The security of our group signature can be reduced to the hardness of SIS and LWE in the random oracle model.
Last updated:  2015-01-12
Strongly-Optimal Structure Preserving Signatures from Type II Pairings: Synthesis and Lower Bounds
Gilles Barthe, Edvard Fagerholm, Dario Fiore, Andre Scedrov, Benedikt Schmidt, Mehdi Tibouchi
Recent work on structure-preserving signatures studies optimality of these schemes in terms of the number of group elements needed in the verification key and the signature, and the number of pairing-product equations in the verification algorithm. While the size of keys and signatures is crucial for many applications, another important aspect to consider for performance is the time it takes to verify a given signature. By far, the most expensive operation during verification is the computation of pairings. However, the concrete number of pairings that one needs to compute is not captured by the number of pairing-product equations considered in earlier work. To fill this gap, we consider the question of what is the minimal number of pairings that one needs to compute in the verification of structure-preserving signatures. First, we prove lower bounds for schemes in the Type~II setting that are secure under chosen message attacks in the generic group model, and we show that three pairings are necessary and that at most one of these pairings can be precomputed. We also extend our lower bound proof to schemes secure under random message attacks and show that in this case two pairings are still necessary. Second, we build an automated tool to search for schemes matching our lower bounds. The tool can generate automatically and exhaustively all valid structure-preserving signatures within a user-specified search space, and analyze their (bounded) security in the generic group model. Interestingly, using this tool, we find a new randomizable structure-preserving signature scheme in the Type~II setting that is optimal with respect to the lower bound on the number of pairings, and also minimal with respect to the number of group operations that have to be computed during verification.
Last updated:  2015-01-14
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In this paper we analyze the Kahrobaei-Lam-Shpilrain (KLS) key exchange protocols that use extensions by endomorpisms of matrices over a Galois field proposed in \cite{Kahrobaei-Lam-Shpilrain:2014}. We show that both protocols are vulnerable to a simple linear algebra attack.
Last updated:  2015-10-01
Simple Functional Encryption Schemes for Inner Products
Michel Abdalla, Florian Bourse, Angelo De Caro, David Pointcheval
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Functional encryption is a new paradigm that allows users to finely control the amount of information that is revealed by a ciphertext to a given receiver. Recent papers have focused their attention on constructing schemes for general functionalities at expense of efficiency. Our goal, in this paper, is to construct functional encryption schemes for less general functionalities which are still expressive enough for practical scenarios. We propose a functional encryption scheme for the {\em inner-product} functionality, meaning that decrypting an encrypted vector x with a key for a vector y will reveal only <x,y> and nothing else, whose security is based on the DDH assumption. Despite the simplicity of this functionality, it is still useful in many contexts like descriptive statistics. In addition, we generalize our approach and present a generic scheme that can be instantiated, in addition, under the LWE assumption and offers various trade-offs in terms of expressiveness and efficiency.
Last updated:  2015-01-12
Efficient Statically-Secure Large-Universe Multi-Authority Attribute-Based Encryption
Yannis Rouselakis, Brent Waters
We propose an efficient large-universe multi-authority ciphertext - policy attribute-based encryption system. In a large-universe ABE scheme, any string can be used as an attribute of the system, and these attributes are not necessarily enumerated during setup. In a multi-authority ABE scheme, there is no central authority that distributes the keys to users. Instead, there are several authorities, each of which is responsible for the authorized key distribution of a specific set of attributes. Prior to our work, several schemes have been presented that satisfy one of these two properties but not both. Our construction achieves maximum versatility by allowing multiple authorities to control the key distribution for an exponential number of attributes. In addition, the ciphertext policies of our system are sufficiently expressive and overcome the restriction that ``each attribute is used only once'' that constrained previous constructions. Besides versatility, another goal of our work is to increase efficiency and practicality. As a result, we use the significantly faster prime order bilinear groups rather than composite order groups. The construction is non-adaptively secure in the random oracle model under a non-interactive q-type assumption, similar to one used in prior works. Our work extends existing ``program-and-cancel'' techniques to prove security and introduces two new techniques of independent interest for other ABE constructions. We provide an implementation and some benchmarks of our construction in Charm, a programming framework developed for rapid prototyping of cryptographic primitives.
Last updated:  2015-01-12
One-Round Key Exchange with Strong Security: An Efficient and Generic Construction in the Standard Model
Florian Bergsma, Tibor Jager, Jörg Schwenk
One-round authenticated key exchange (ORKE) is an established research area, with many prominent protocol constructions like HMQV (Krawczyk, CRYPTO 2005) and Naxos (La Macchia et al., ProvSec 2007), and many slightly different, strong security models. Most constructions combine ephemeral and static Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange (DHKE), in a manner often closely tied to the underlying security model. We give a generic construction of ORKE protocols from general assumptions, with security in the standard model, and in a strong security model where the attacker is even allowed to learn the randomness or the long-term secret of either party in the target session. The only restriction is that the attacker must not learn both the randomness and the long-term secret of one party of the target session, since this would allow him to recompute all internal states of this party, including the session key. This is the first such construction that does not rely on random oracles. The construction is intuitive, relatively simple, and efficient. It uses only standard primitives, namely non-interactive key exchange, a digital signature scheme, and a pseudorandom function, with standard security properties, as building blocks.
Last updated:  2015-01-12
Group Signatures from Lattices: Simpler, Tighter, Shorter, Ring-based
San Ling, Khoa Nguyen, Huaxiong Wang
We introduce a lattice-based group signature scheme that provides several noticeable improvements over the contemporary ones: simpler construction, weaker hardness assumptions, and shorter sizes of keys and signatures. Moreover, our scheme can be transformed into the ring setting, resulting in a scheme based on ideal lattices, in which the public key and signature both have bit-size soft-O(n log N), for security parameter n, and for group of N users. Towards our goal, we construct a new lattice-based cryptographic tool: a statistical zero-knowledge argument of knowledge of a valid message-signature pair for Boyen's signature scheme (Boyen, PKC'10), which potentially can be used as the building block to design various privacy-enhancing cryptographic constructions.
Last updated:  2015-01-12
Low Noise LPN: KDM Secure Public Key Encryption and Sample Amplification
Nico Döttling
Cryptographic schemes based on the Learning Parity with Noise (LPN) problem have several very desirable aspects: Low computational overhead, simple implementation and conjectured post-quantum hardness. Choosing the LPN noise parameter sufficiently low allows for public key cryptography. In this work, we construct the first standard model public key encryption scheme with key dependent message security based solely on the low noise LPN problem. Additionally, we establish a new connection between LPN with a bounded number of samples and LPN with an unbounded number of samples. In essence, we show that if LPN with a small error and a small number of samples is hard, then LPN with a slightly larger error and an unbounded number of samples is also hard. The key technical ingredient to establish both results is a variant of the LPN problem called the extended LPN problem.
Last updated:  2015-01-12
Cryptanalysis of a (Somewhat) Additively Homomorphic Encryption Scheme Used in PIR
Tancrède Lepoint, Mehdi Tibouchi
Private Information Retrieval (PIR) protects users' privacy in outsourced storage applications and can be achieved using additively homomorphic encryption schemes. Several PIR schemes with a “real world” level of practicality, both in terms of computational and communication complexity, have been recently studied and implemented. One of the possible building block is a conceptually simple and computationally efficient protocol proposed by Trostle and Parrish at ISC 2010, that relies on an underlying secret-key (somewhat) additively homomorphic encryption scheme, and has been reused in numerous subsequent works in the PIR community (PETS 2012, FC 2013, NDSS 2014, etc.). In this paper, we show that this encryption scheme is not one-way: we present an attack that decrypts arbitrary ciphertext without the secret key, and is quite efficient: it amounts to applying the LLL algorithm twice on small matrices. Used against existing practical instantiations of PIR protocols, it allows the server to recover the users' access pattern in a matter of seconds.
Last updated:  2015-01-08
Block Cipher Speed and Energy Efficiency Records on the MSP430: System Design Trade-Offs for 16-bit Embedded Applications
Benjamin Buhrow, Paul Riemer, Mike Shea, Barry Gilbert, Erik Daniel
Embedded microcontroller applications often experience multiple limiting constraints: memory, speed, and for a wide range of portable devices, power. Applications requiring encrypted data must simultaneously optimize the block cipher algorithm and implementation choice against these limitations. To this end we investigate block cipher implementations that are optimized for speed and energy efficiency, the primary metrics of devices such as the MSP430 where constrained memory resources nevertheless allow a range of implementation choices. The results set speed and energy efficiency records for the MSP430 device at 132 cycles/byte and 2.18 uJ/block for AES-128 and 103 cycles/byte and 1.44 uJ/block for equivalent block and key sizes using the lightweight block cipher SPECK. We provide a comprehensive analysis of size, speed, and energy consumption for 24 different variations of AES and 20 different variations of SPECK, to aid system designers of microcontroller platforms optimize the memory and energy usage of secure applications.
Last updated:  2015-01-10
Simulation-based Selective Opening CCA Security for PKE from Key Encapsulation Mechanisms
Shengli Liu, Kenneth G. Paterson
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We study simulation-based, selective opening security against chosen-ciphertext attacks (SIM-SO-CCA security) for public key encryption (PKE). In a selective opening, chosen-ciphertext attack (SO-CCA), an adversary has access to a decryption oracle, sees a vector of ciphertexts, adaptively chooses to open some of them, and obtains the corresponding plaintexts and random coins used in the creation of the ciphertexts. The SIM-SO-CCA notion captures the security of unopened ciphertexts with respect to probabilistic polynomial-time (ppt) SO-CCA adversaries in a semantic way: what a ppt SO-CCA adversary can compute can also be simulated by a ppt simulator with access only to the opened messages. Building on techniques used to achieve weak deniable encryption and non-committing encryption, Fehr et al. (Eurocrypt 2010) presented an approach to constructing SIM-SO-CCA secure PKE from extended hash proof systems (EHPSs), collision-resistant hash functions and an information-theoretic primitive called Cross Authentication Codes (XACs). We generalize their approach by introducing a special type of Key Encapsulation Mechanism (KEM) and using it to build SIM-SO-CCA secure PKE. We investigate what properties are needed from the KEM to achieve SIM-SO-CCA security. We also give three instantiations of our construction. The first uses hash proof systems, the second relies on the n-Linear assumption, and the third uses indistinguishability obfuscation (iO) in combination with extracting, puncturable Pseudo-Random Functions in a similar way to Sahai and Waters (STOC 2014). Our results establish the existence of SIM-SO-CCA secure PKE assuming only the existence of one-way functions and iO. This result further highlights the simplicity and power of iO in constructing different cryptographic primitives.
Last updated:  2015-01-07
Rig: A simple, secure and flexible design for Password Hashing
Donghoon Chang, Arpan Jati, Sweta Mishra, Somitra Kumar Sanadhya
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Password Hashing, a technique commonly implemented by a server to protect passwords of clients, by performing a one-way transformation on the password, turning it into another string called the hashed password. In this paper, we introduce a secure password hashing framework Rig which is based on secure cryptographic hash functions. It provides the flexibility to choose different functions for different phases of the construction. The design of the scheme is very simple to implement in software and is flexible as the memory parameter is independent of time parameter (no actual time and memory trade-off) and is strictly sequential (difficult to parallelize) with comparatively huge memory consumption that provides strong resistance against attackers using multiple processing units. It supports client-independent updates, i.e., the server can increase the security parameters by updating the existing password hashes without knowing the password. Rig can also support the server relief protocol where the client bears the maximum effort to compute the password hash, while there is minimal effort at the server side. We analyze Rig and show that our proposal provides an exponential time complexity against the low-memory attack.
Last updated:  2015-06-05
Post-Quantum Forward-Secure Onion Routing (Future Anonymity in Today’s Budget)
Satrajit Ghosh, Aniket Kate
The onion routing (OR) network Tor provides anonymity to its users by routing their encrypted traffic through three proxies (or nodes). The key cryptographic challenge, here, is to establish symmetric session keys using a secure key exchange between the anonymous users and the selected nodes. The Tor network currently employs a one-way authenticated key exchange (1W-AKE) protocol 'ntor' for this purpose. Nevertheless, ntor as well as other known 1W-AKE protocols rely solely on some classical Diffie-Hellman (DH) type assumptions for their (forward) security, and thus privacy of Today's anonymous communication could not be ensured once quantum computers arrive. In this paper, we demonstrate utility of quantum-secure lattice-based cryptography towards solving this problem for onion routing. In particular, we present a novel hybrid 1W-AKE protocol (HybridOR) that is secure under the lattice-based ring learning with error (ring-LWE) assumption as well as the gap DH assumption. Due to its hybrid design, HybridOR is not only resilient against quantum attacks but also at the same time allows the OR nodes to use the current DH public keys and subsequently requires no modification to the the current Tor public key infrastructure. Moreover, thanks to the recent progress in lattice-based cryptography in the form of efficient ring-based constructions, our protocol is also computationally more efficient than the currently employed 1W-AKE protocol ntor, and it only introduces small and manageable communication overhead to the Tor protocol.
Last updated:  2015-06-26
Balloon: A Forward-Secure Append-Only Persistent Authenticated Data Structure
Tobias Pulls, Roel Peeters
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We present Balloon, a forward-secure append-only persistent authenticated data structure. Balloon is designed for an initially trusted author that generates events to be stored in a data structure (the Balloon) kept by an untrusted server, and clients that query this server for events intended for them based on keys and snapshots. The data structure is persistent such that clients can query keys for the current or past versions of the data structure based upon snapshots, which are generated by the author as new events are inserted. The data structure is authenticated in the sense that the server can prove all operations with respect to snapshots created by the author. No event inserted into the data structure prior to the compromise of the author can be modified or deleted without detection due to Balloon being publicly verifiable. Balloon supports efficient (non-)membership proofs and verifiable inserts by the author, enabling the author to verify the correctness of inserts without having to store a copy of the Balloon. We formally define and prove that Balloon is a secure authenticated data structure.
Last updated:  2016-01-07
Two-Server Password-Authenticated Secret Sharing UC-Secure Against Transient Corruptions
Jan Camenisch, Robert R. Enderlein, Gregory Neven
Protecting user data entails providing authenticated users access to their data. The most prevalent and probably also the most feasible approach to the latter is by username and password. With password breaches through server compromise now reaching billions of affected passwords, distributing the password files and user data over multiple servers is not just a good idea, it is a dearly needed solution to a topical problem. Threshold password-authenticated secret sharing (TPASS) protocols enable users to share secret data among a set of servers so that they can later recover that data using a single password. No coalition of servers up to a certain threshold can learn anything about the data or perform an offline dictionary attack on the password. Several TPASS protocols have appeared in the literature and one is even available commercially. Although designed to tolerate corrupted servers, unfortunately none of these protocols provide details let alone security proofs about the steps that need to be taken when a compromise actually occurs and how to proceed. Indeed, they consider static corruptions only which for instance does not model real world attacks by hackers. We provide the first TPASS protocol that is provably secure against adaptive server corruptions. Moreover, our protocol contains an efficient recovery procedure allowing one to re-initialize servers to recover from corruption. We prove our protocol secure in the universal composability model where servers can be corrupted adaptively at any time; the users' passwords and secrets remain safe as long as both servers are not corrupted at the same time. Our protocol does not require random oracles but does assume that servers have certified public keys.
Last updated:  2015-11-07
Onion ORAM: A Constant Bandwidth Blowup Oblivious RAM
Srinivas Devadas, Marten van Dijk, Christopher W. Fletcher, Ling Ren, Elaine Shi, Daniel Wichs
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We present Onion ORAM, an Oblivious RAM (ORAM) with constant worst-case bandwidth blowup that leverages poly-logarithmic server computation to circumvent the logarithmic lower bound on ORAM bandwidth blowup. Our construction does not require fully homomorphic encryption, but employs an additively homomorphic encryption scheme such as the Damgard-Jurik cryptosystem, or alternatively a BGV-style somewhat homomorphic encryption scheme without bootstrapping. At the core of our construction is an ORAM scheme that has "shallow circuit depth" over the entire history of ORAM accesses. We also propose novel techniques to achieve security against a malicious server, without resorting to expensive and non-standard techniques such as SNARKs. To the best of our knowledge, Onion ORAM is the first concrete instantiation of a constant bandwidth blowup ORAM under standard assumptions (even for the semi-honest setting).
Last updated:  2017-07-24
Oblivious Polynomial Evaluation and Secure Set-Intersection from Algebraic PRFs
Carmit Hazay
In this paper we study the two fundamental functionalities oblivious polynomial evaluation in the exponent and set-intersection, and introduce a new technique for designing efficient secure protocols for these problems (and others). Our starting point is the [BenabbasGV11] technique (CRYPTO 2011) for verifiable delegation of polynomial evaluations, using algebraic PRFs. We use this tool, that is useful to achieve verifiability in the outsourced setting, in order to achieve privacy in the standard two-party setting. Our results imply new simple and efficient oblivious polynomial evaluation (OPE) protocols. We further show that our OPE protocols are readily used for secure set-intersection, implying much simpler protocols in the plain model. As a side result, we demonstrate the usefulness of algebraic PRFs for various search functionalities, such as keyword search and oblivious transfer with adaptive queries. Our protocols are secure under full simulation-based definitions in the presence of malicious adversaries.
Last updated:  2015-01-10
Continuous Non-Malleable Key Derivation and Its Application to Related-Key Security
Baodong Qin, Shengli Liu, Tsz Hon Yuen, Robert H. Deng, Kefei Chen
Related-Key Attacks (RKAs) allow an adversary to observe the outcomes of a cryptographic primitive under not only its original secret key e.g., $s$, but also a sequence of modified keys $\phi(s)$, where $\phi$ is specified by the adversary from a class $\Phi$ of so-called Related-Key Derivation (RKD) functions. This paper extends the notion of non-malleable Key Derivation Functions (nm-KDFs), introduced by Faust et al. (EUROCRYPT'14), to \emph{continuous} nm-KDFs. Continuous nm-KDFs have the ability to protect against any a-priori \emph{unbounded} number of RKA queries, instead of just a single time tampering attack as in the definition of nm-KDFs. Informally, our continuous non-malleability captures the scenario where the adversary can tamper with the original secret key repeatedly and adaptively. We present a novel construction of continuous nm-KDF for any polynomials of bounded degree over a finite field. Essentially, our result can be extended to richer RKD function classes possessing properties of \emph{high output entropy and input-output collision resistance}. The technical tool employed in the construction is the one-time lossy filter (Qin et al. ASIACRYPT'13) which can be efficiently obtained under standard assumptions, e.g., DDH and DCR. We propose a framework for constructing $\Phi$-RKA-secure IBE, PKE and signature schemes, using a continuous nm-KDF for the same $\Phi$-class of RKD functions. Applying our construction of continuous nm-KDF to this framework, we obtain the first RKA-secure IBE, PKE and signature schemes for a class of polynomial RKD functions of bounded degree under \emph{standard} assumptions. While previous constructions for the same class of RKD functions all rely on non-standard assumptions, e.g., $d$-extended DBDH assumption.
Last updated:  2016-12-02
Characterization of MDS mappings
S. M. Dehnavi, A. Mahmoodi Rishakani, M. R. Mirzaee Shamsabad
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MDS codes and matrices are closely related to combinatorial objects like orthogonal arrays and multipermutations. Conventional MDS codes and matrices were defined on finite fields, but several generalizations of this concept has been done up to now. In this note, we give a criterion for verifying whether a map is MDS or not.
Last updated:  2015-01-05
A note on the security of Higher-Order Threshold Implementations
Oscar Reparaz
At ASIACRYPT 2014, Bilgin et al. describe higher-order threshold implementations: a masking countermeasure claiming resistance against higher-order differential power analysis attacks. In this note, we point out that higher-order threshold implementations do not necessarily provide higher-order security. We give as counterexamples two concrete higher-order threshold implementations that exhibit a second order flaw.
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