Paper 2024/891

Glitch-Stopping Circuits: Hardware Secure Masking without Registers

Zhenda Zhang, KU Leuven
Svetla Nikova, KU Leuven
Ventzislav Nikov, NXP Semiconductors

Masking is one of the most popular countermeasures to protect implementations against power and electromagnetic side channel attacks, because it offers provable security. Masking has been shown secure against d-threshold probing adversaries by Ishai et al. at CRYPTO'03, but this adversary's model doesn't consider any physical hardware defaults and thus such masking schemes were shown to be still vulnerable when implemented as hardware circuits. To addressed these limitations glitch-extended probing adversaries and correspondingly glitch-immune masking schemes have been introduced. This paper introduces glitch-stopping circuits which, when instantiated with registers, coincide with circuits protected via glitch-immune masking. Then we show that one can instantiate glitch-stopping circuits without registers by using clocked logic gates or latches. This is illustrated for both ASIC and FPGA, offering a promising alternative to conventional register-based masked implementations. Compared to the traditional register-based approach, these register-free solutions can reduce the latency to a single cycle and achieve a lower area cost. We prove and experimentally confirm that the proposed solution is as secure as the register-based one. In summary, this paper proposes a novel method to address the latency of register-based hardware masking without jeopardising their security. This method not only reduces the latency down to one clock, but also improves the areas costs of the implementations.

Note: This is an extended version of a paper to appear at ACM CCS 2024.

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Publication info
Published elsewhere. Minor revision. ACM CCS 2024
AESHardware Secure MaskingGlitch-Stopping Circuits
Contact author(s)
zhenda zhang @ esat kuleuven be
svetla nikova @ esat kuleuven be
2024-06-08: last of 2 revisions
2024-06-04: received
See all versions
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Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Zhenda Zhang and Svetla Nikova and Ventzislav Nikov},
      title = {Glitch-Stopping Circuits:  Hardware Secure Masking without Registers},
      howpublished = {Cryptology ePrint Archive, Paper 2024/891},
      year = {2024},
      doi = {10.1145/3658644.3670335},
      note = {\url{}},
      url = {}
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