Paper 2024/879

Consistency-or-Die: Consistency for Key Transparency

Joakim Brorsson, Hyker
Elena Pagnin, Chalmers University of Technology, University of Gothenburg
Bernardo David, IT University of Copenhagen
Paul Stankovski Wagner, Lund University

This paper proposes a new consistency protocol that protects a key transparency log against split-view attacks and - contrary to all previous work - does not to rely on small committees of known external auditors, or out-of-band channels, or blockchains (full broadcast systems). Our approach is to use a mechanism for cryptographically selecting a small committee of random and initially undisclosed users, which are then tasked to endorse the current view of the log. The name of our protocol, Consistency-or-Die (CoD), reflects that users are guaranteed to know if they are in a consistent state or not, and upon spotting an inconsistency in the key transparency log, users stop using this resource and become inactive (die). CoD relies on well-established cryptographic building blocks, such as verifiable random functions and key-evolving signatures, for which lightweight constructions exist. We provide a novel statistical analysis for identifying optimal quorum sizes (minimal number of endorsers for a view) for various security levels and percentages of malicious users. Our experiments support that CoD is practical and can run in the background on mid-tier smart phones, for large-scale systems with billions of users.

Available format(s)
Cryptographic protocols
Publication info
Key TransparencyConsistencyTransparency LogsBroadcast
Contact author(s)
joakim @ hyker io
elenap @ chalmers se
bernardo @ bmdavid com
paul stankovski_wagner @ eit lth se
2024-12-08: revised
2024-06-02: received
See all versions
Short URL
Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Joakim Brorsson and Elena Pagnin and Bernardo David and Paul Stankovski Wagner},
      title = {Consistency-or-Die: Consistency for Key Transparency},
      howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2024/879},
      year = {2024},
      url = {}
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