Paper 2024/832

Hamming Weight Proofs of Proximity with One-Sided Error

Gal Arnon, Weizmann Institute of Science
Shany Ben-David, Bar-Ilan University
Eylon Yogev, Bar-Ilan University

We provide a wide systematic study of proximity proofs with one-sided error for the Hamming weight problem $\mathsf{Ham}_{\alpha}$ (the language of bit vectors with Hamming weight at least $\alpha$), surpassing previously known results for this problem. We demonstrate the usefulness of the one-sided error property in applications: no malicious party can frame an honest prover as cheating by presenting verifier randomness that leads to a rejection. We show proofs of proximity for $\mathsf{Ham}_{\alpha}$ with one-sided error and sublinear proof length in three models (MA, PCP, IOP), where stronger models allow for smaller query complexity. For $n$-bit input vectors, highlighting input query complexity, our MA has $O(\mathrm{log} n)$ query complexity, the PCP makes $O(\mathrm{loglog} n)$ queries, and the IOP makes a single input query. The prover in all of our applications runs in expected quasi-linear time. Additionally, we show that any perfectly complete IP of proximity for $\mathsf{Ham}_{\alpha}$ with input query complexity $n^{1-\epsilon}$ has proof length $\Omega(\mathrm{log} n)$. Furthermore, we study PCPs of proximity where the verifier is restricted to making a single input query (SIQ). We show that any SIQ-PCP for $\mathsf{Ham}_{\alpha}$ must have a linear proof length, and complement this by presenting a SIQ-PCP with proof length $n+o(n)$. As an application, we provide new methods that transform PCPs (and IOPs) for arbitrary languages with nonzero completeness error into PCPs (and IOPs) that exhibit perfect completeness. These transformations achieve parameters previously unattained.

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Publication info
Hamming weight probleminteractive proofs of proximityinteractive oracle proofs
Contact author(s)
gal arnon @ weizmann ac il
shany ben-david @ biu ac il
eylon yogev @ biu ac il
2024-05-31: approved
2024-05-28: received
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Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Gal Arnon and Shany Ben-David and Eylon Yogev},
      title = {Hamming Weight Proofs of Proximity with One-Sided Error},
      howpublished = {Cryptology ePrint Archive, Paper 2024/832},
      year = {2024},
      note = {\url{}},
      url = {}
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