Paper 2024/811

Traceable Secret Sharing Based on the Chinese Remainder Theorem

Charlotte Hoffmann, Institute of Science and Technology Austria

Traceable threshold secret sharing schemes, introduced by Goyal, Song and Srinivasan (CRYPTO'21), allow to provably trace leaked shares to the parties that leaked them. The authors give the first definition and construction of traceable secret sharing schemes. However, the size of the shares in their construction are quadratic in the size of the secret. Boneh, Partap and Rotem (CRYPTO'24) recently proposed a new definition of traceable secret sharing and the first practical constructions. In their definition, one considers a reconstruction box R that contains f leaked shares and, on input tf additional shares, outputs the secret s. A scheme is traceable if one can find out the leaked shares inside the box R by only getting black-box access to R. Boneh, Partap and Rotem give constructions from Shamir's secret sharing and Blakely's secret sharing. The constructions are efficient as the size of the secret shares is only twice the size of the secret. In this work we present the first traceable secret sharing scheme based on the Chinese remainder theorem. This was stated as an open problem by Boneh, Partap and Rotem, as it gives rise to traceable secret sharing with weighted threshold access structures. The scheme is based on Mignotte's secret sharing and increases the size of the shares of the standard Mignotte secret sharing scheme by a factor of .

Available format(s)
Cryptographic protocols
Publication info
secret sharingtracingweighted access structureschinese remainder theorem
Contact author(s)
charlotte hoffmann @ ista ac at
2024-05-27: approved
2024-05-24: received
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Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Charlotte Hoffmann},
      title = {Traceable Secret Sharing Based on the Chinese Remainder Theorem},
      howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2024/811},
      year = {2024},
      url = {}
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