Paper 2024/1954

A Complete Characterization of One-More Assumptions In the Algebraic Group Model

Jake Januzelli, Oregon State University
Jiayu Xu, Oregon State University

One-more problems like One-More Discrete Logarithm (OMDL) and One-More Diffie--Hellman (OMDH) have found wide use in cryptography, due to their ability to naturally model security definitions for interactive primitives like blind signatures and oblivious PRF. Furthermore, a generalization of OMDH called Threshold OMDH (TOMDH) has proven useful for building threshold versions of interactive protocols. However, due to their complexity it is often unclear how hard such problems actually are, leading cryptographers to analyze them in idealized models like the Generic Group Model (GGM) and Algebraic Group Model (AGM). In this work we give a complete characterization of known group-based one-more problems in the AGM, using the $Q$-DL hierarchy of assumptions defined in the work of Bauer, Fuchsbauer and Loss (CRYPTO '20). 1. Regarding (T)OMDH, we show (T)OMDH is part of the $Q$-DL hierarchy in the AGM; in particular, $Q$-OMDH is equivalent to $Q$-DL. Along the way we find and repair a flaw in the original GGM hardness proof of TOMDH, thereby giving the first correct proof that TOMDH is hard in the GGM. 2. Regarding OMDL, we show the $Q$-OMDL problems constitute an infinite hierarchy of problems in the AGM incomparable to the $Q$-DL hierarchy; that is, $Q$-OMDL is separate from $Q'$-OMDL if $Q' \neq Q$, and also separate from $Q'$-DL unless $Q = Q' = 0$.

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algebraic group modelone-morediffie-hellman
Contact author(s)
januzelj @ oregonstate edu
xujiay @ oregonstate edu
2024-12-06: approved
2024-12-02: received
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      author = {Jake Januzelli and Jiayu Xu},
      title = {A Complete Characterization of One-More Assumptions In the Algebraic Group Model},
      howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2024/1954},
      year = {2024},
      url = {}
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