Paper 2024/1708

Subliminal Encrypted Multi-Maps and Black-Box Leakage Absorption

Amine Bahi, École Normale Supérieure
Seny Kamara, MongoDB, Brown University
Tarik Moataz, MongoDB
Guevara Noubir, Northeastern University

We propose a dynamic, low-latency encrypted multi-map (EMM) that operates in two modes: low-leakage mode, which reveals minimal information such as data size, expected response length, and query arrival rate; and subliminal mode, which reveals only the data size while hiding metadata including query and update times, the number of operations executed, and even whether an operation was executed at all---albeit at the cost of full correctness. We achieve this by exploiting a tradeoff between leakage and latency, a previously underexplored resource in EMM design. In low-leakage mode, our construction improves upon existing work both asymptotically and empirically: it achieves optimal server-side storage, as well as communication and computational complexity that is independent of the maximum response length. In subliminal mode, it is the first construction to hide metadata. To analyze the latency and client-side storage of our construction, we utilize queuing theory and introduce a new queuing model, which may be of independent interest. To examine its metadata-hiding properties, we extend standard security definitions to account for metadata and prove a surprising result: if a scheme is subliminal in that it hides the execution of its operations, then it absorbs the leakage of any scheme that makes black-box use of it without sending additional messages. In other words, if a scheme is subliminal, then any scheme that makes black-box use of it will also be subliminal. We implement and evaluate our construction, demonstrating that our empirical results align with our theoretical analysis and that the scheme achieves a median query latency below $10$ milliseconds, making it practical for some applications.

Available format(s)
Cryptographic protocols
Publication info
encrypted searchstructured encryptionsearchable symmetric encryption
Contact author(s)
amine bahi @ ens psl eu
seny kamara @ mongodb com
Tarik Moataz @ mongodb com
g noubir @ northeastern edu
2024-10-21: approved
2024-10-18: received
See all versions
Short URL
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike


      author = {Amine Bahi and Seny Kamara and Tarik Moataz and Guevara Noubir},
      title = {Subliminal Encrypted Multi-Maps and Black-Box Leakage Absorption},
      howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2024/1708},
      year = {2024},
      url = {}
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