Paper 2024/1611

Rhombus: Fast Homomorphic Matrix-Vector Multiplication for Secure Two-Party Inference

Jiaxing He, Digital Technologies, Ant Group
Kang Yang, State Key Laboratory of Cryptology
Guofeng Tang, Digital Technologies, Ant Group
Zhangjie Huang, Digital Technologies, Ant Group
Li Lin, Digital Technologies, Ant Group
Changzheng Wei, Digital Technologies, Ant Group
Ying Yan, Digital Technologies, Ant Group
Wei Wang, Digital Technologies, Ant Group

We present $\textit{Rhombus}$, a new secure matrix-vector multiplication (MVM) protocol in the semi-honest two-party setting, which is able to be seamlessly integrated into existing privacy-preserving machine learning (PPML) frameworks and serve as the basis of secure computation in linear layers. $\textit{Rhombus}$ adopts RLWE-based homomorphic encryption (HE) with coefficient encoding, which allows messages to be chosen from not only a field $\mathbb{F}_p$ but also a ring $\mathbb{Z}_{2^\ell}$, where the latter supports faster computation in non-linear layers. To achieve better efficiency, we develop an input-output packing technique that reduces the communication cost incurred by HE with coefficient encoding by about $21\times$, and propose a split-point picking technique that reduces the number of rotations to that sublinear in the matrix dimension. Compared to the recent protocol $\textit{HELiKs}$ by Balla and Koushanfar (CCS'23), our implementation demonstrates that $\textit{Rhombus}$ improves the whole performance of an MVM protocol by a factor of $7.4\times \sim 8\times$, and improves the end-to-end performance of secure two-party inference of ResNet50 by a factor of $4.6\times \sim 18\times$.

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Publication info
Published elsewhere. Minor revision. ACM CCS 2024
two-party computationsecure inferencehomomorphic matrix multiplicationcoefficient encoding
Contact author(s)
jiaxing hjx @ antgroup com
yangk @ sklc org
tangguofeng gf @ antgroup com
zhangjie hzj @ antgroup com
felix ll @ antgroup com
changzheng wcz @ antgroup com
fuying yy @ antgroup com
wei wangwwei @ antgroup com
2024-10-12: revised
2024-10-10: received
See all versions
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Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Jiaxing He and Kang Yang and Guofeng Tang and Zhangjie Huang and Li Lin and Changzheng Wei and Ying Yan and Wei Wang},
      title = {Rhombus: Fast Homomorphic Matrix-Vector Multiplication for Secure Two-Party Inference},
      howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2024/1611},
      year = {2024},
      doi = {10.1145/3658644.3690281},
      url = {}
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