Paper 2024/1389

DL-SITM: Deep Learning-Based See-in-the-Middle Attack on AES

Tomáš Gerlich, Brno University of Technology
Jakub Breier, TTControl GmbH
Pavel Sikora, Brno University of Technology
Zdeněk Martinásek, Brno University of Technology
Aron Gohr, Independent Researcher
Anubhab Baksi, Nanyang Technological University
Xiaolu Hou, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava

The see-in-the-middle (SITM) attack combines differential cryptanalysis and the ability to observe differential patterns in the side-channel leakage traces to reveal the secret key of SPN-based ciphers. While SITM presents a fresh perspective to side-channel analysis and allows attacks on deeper cipher rounds, there are practical difficulties that come with this method. First, one must realize a visual inspection of millions of power traces. Second, there is a strong requirement to reduce noise to a minimum, achieved by averaging over 1000 traces in the original work, to see the patterns. Third, the presence of a jitter-based countermeasure greatly affects pattern identification, making the visual inspection infeasible. In this paper we aim to tackle these difficulties by using a machine learning approach denoted as DL-SITM (deep learning SITM). The fundamental idea of our approach is that, while a collision obscured by noise is imperceptible in a manual inspection, a powerful deep learning model can identify it, even when a jitter-based countermeasure is in place. As we show with a practical experiment, the proposed DL-SITM approach can distinguish the two valid differentials from over 4M differential traces with only six false positives. Extrapolating from the parameters of this experiment, we get a rough estimate of $2^{43}$ key candidates for the post-processing step of our attack, which places it easily in the practical range. At the same time, we show that even with a jitter countermeasure shifting the execution by $\pm15$ samples, the testing f1-score stays at a relatively high (0.974).

Available format(s)
Attacks and cryptanalysis
Publication info
Side-Channel AttackSee-in-the-Middle (SITM)Convolutional Neural NetworkDL-SITM
Contact author(s)
Tomas Gerlich @ vut cz
jakub breier @ gmail com
Pavel Sikora @ vutbr cz
martinasek @ vut cz
aron gohr @ gmail com
anubhab baksi @ ntu edu sg
houxiaolu email @ gmail com
2024-09-07: revised
2024-09-04: received
See all versions
Short URL
Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Tomáš Gerlich and Jakub Breier and Pavel Sikora and Zdeněk Martinásek and Aron Gohr and Anubhab Baksi and Xiaolu Hou},
      title = {{DL}-{SITM}: Deep Learning-Based See-in-the-Middle Attack on {AES}},
      howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2024/1389},
      year = {2024},
      url = {}
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