Paper 2024/1305

Constructions of Efficiently Implementable Boolean functions Possessing High Nonlinearity and Good Resistance to Algebraic Attacks

Claude Carlet, University of Paris, University of Bergen
Palash Sarkar, Indian Statistical Institute

We describe two new classes of functions which provide the presently best known trade-offs between low computational complexity, nonlinearity and (fast) algebraic immunity. The nonlinearity and (fast) algebraic immunity of the new functions substantially improve upon those properties of all previously known efficiently implementable functions. Appropriately chosen functions from the two new classes provide excellent solutions to the problem of designing filtering functions for use in the nonlinear filter model of stream ciphers, or in any other stream ciphers using Boolean functions for ensuring confusion. In particular, for $n\leq 20$, we show that there are functions in our first family whose implementation efficiences are significantly lower than all previously known functions achieving a comparable combination of nonlinearity and (fast) algebraic immunity. Given positive integers $\ell$ and $\delta$, it is possible to choose a function from our second family whose linear bias is provably at most $2^{-\ell}$, fast algebraic immunity is at least $\delta$ (based on conjecture which is well supported by experimental results), and which can be implemented in time and space which is linear in $\ell$ and $\delta$. Further, the functions in our second family are built using homomorphic friendly operations, making these functions well suited for the application of transciphering.

Available format(s)
Secret-key cryptography
Publication info
Boolean functionstream ciphernonlinearityalgebraic immunityefficient implementation
Contact author(s)
claude carlet @ gmail com
palash @ isical ac in
2024-08-23: approved
2024-08-21: received
See all versions
Short URL
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike


      author = {Claude Carlet and Palash Sarkar},
      title = {Constructions of Efficiently Implementable Boolean functions Possessing High Nonlinearity and Good Resistance to Algebraic Attacks},
      howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2024/1305},
      year = {2024},
      url = {}
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