Paper 2024/1016
A Succinct Range Proof for Polynomial-based Vector Commitment
A range proof serves as a protocol for the prover to prove to the verifier that a committed number lies in a specified range, such as $[0,2^n)$, without disclosing the actual value. Range proofs find extensive application in various domains. However, the efficiency of many existing schemes diminishes significantly when confronted with batch proofs encompassing multiple elements. To improve the scalability and efficiency, we propose MissileProof, a vector range proof scheme, proving that every element in the committed vector is within $[0,2^n)$. We first reduce this argument to a bi-to-univariate SumCheck problem and a bivariate polynomial ZeroTest problem. Then generalizing the idea of univariate SumCheck PIOP, we design a bi-to-univariate SumCheck PIOP. By introducing a random polynomial, we construct the bivariate polynomial ZeroTest using a univariate polynomial ZeroTest and a univariate polynomial SumCheck PIOP. Finally, combining the PIOP for vector range proof, a KZG-based polynomial commitment scheme and the Fiat-Shamir transformation, we get a zero-knowledge succinct non-interactive vector range proof. Compared with existing schemes, our scheme has the optimal proof size ($O(1)$), the optimal commitment length ($O(1)$), and the optimal verification time ($O(1)$), at the expense of slightly sacrificing proof time ($O(l\log l\cdot n\log n)$ operations on the prime field for FFT and $O(ln)$ group exponentiations in $\mathbb{G}$). Moreover, we implemented an anti-money-laundering stateless blockchain based on the MissileProof. The gas consumption of the verification smart contract is reduced by 85%.
- Available format(s)
- Category
- Cryptographic protocols
- Publication info
- Preprint.
- Keywords
- Range proofPIOPnon-interactive zero-knowledge argument
- Contact author(s)
501874794 @ qq com
wanzhiguo @ zhejianglab com
huyuncong @ sjtu edu cn
whq @ njupt edu cn - History
- 2024-06-28: approved
- 2024-06-24: received
- See all versions
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- License
@misc{cryptoeprint:2024/1016, author = {Rui Gao and Zhiguo Wan and Yuncong Hu and Huaqun Wang}, title = {A Succinct Range Proof for Polynomial-based Vector Commitment}, howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2024/1016}, year = {2024}, url = {} }