Paper 2023/1437

KpqBench: Performance and Implementation Security Analysis of KpqC Competition Round 1 Candidates

YongRyeol Choi, Department of Information Security, Cryptology, and Mathematics, Kookmin University, Seoul, South Korea
MinGi Kim, Department of Information Security, Cryptology, and Mathematics, Kookmin University, Seoul, South Korea
YoungBeom Kim, Department of Financial Information Security, Kookmin University, Seoul, South Korea
JinGyo Song, Wired Network Development Team, LG U+, Seoul 07795, South Korea
JaeHwan Jin, Wired Network Development Team, LG U+, Seoul 07795, South Korea
HeeSeok Kim, Department of Cyber Security, Korea University, Sejong 30019, South Korea
Seog Chung Seo

As the global migration to post-quantum cryptography (PQC) continues to progress actively, in Korea, the Post-Quantum Cryptography Research Center has been established to acquire PQC technology, leading the KpqC Competition. In February 2022, the KpqC Competition issued a call for proposals for PQC algorithms. By November 2022, 16 candidates were selected for the first round (7 KEMs and 9 DSAs). Currently, Round 1 submissions are being evaluated with respect to security, efficiency, and scalability in various environments. At the current stage, evaluating the software through an analysis to improve the software quality of the first-round submissions is judged appropriately. In this paper, we present analysis results regarding performance and implementation security on based dependency-free approach of external libraries. Namely, we configure extensive tests for an analysis with no dependencies by replacing external libraries that can complicate the build process with hard coding. From the performance perspective, we provide analysis results of performance profiling, execution time, and memory usage for each of the KpqC candidates. From the implementation security perspective, we examine bugs and errors in the actual implementations using Valgrind software, a metamorphic testing methodology that can include wide test coverage and constant-time implementation against the timing attack. Until the KpqC standard algorithm is announced, we argue that continuous integration of extensive tests will lead to higher-level software quality of KpqC candidates.

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Publication info
Post-Quantum CryptosystemsBenchmarkingConstant-timeCryptographic LibraryKpqC CompetitionMetamorphic TestingSoftware Validation
Contact author(s)
mike0726 @ kookmin ac kr
mingi1684 @ kookin ac kr
darania @ kookmin ac kr
jingyosong @ lguplus co kr
daenamu1 @ lguplus co kr
80khs @ korea co kr
scseo @ kookmin ac kr
2023-10-25: last of 2 revisions
2023-09-21: received
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Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {YongRyeol Choi and MinGi Kim and YoungBeom Kim and JinGyo Song and JaeHwan Jin and HeeSeok Kim and Seog Chung Seo},
      title = {{KpqBench}: Performance and Implementation Security Analysis of {KpqC} Competition Round 1 Candidates},
      howpublished = {Cryptology ePrint Archive, Paper 2023/1437},
      year = {2023},
      note = {\url{}},
      url = {}
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