Paper 2023/1066

Efficient Arguments and Proofs for Batch Arithmetic Circuit Satisfiability

Jieyi Long, Theta Labs, Inc.

In this paper, we provide a systematic treatment for the batch arithmetic circuit satisfiability and evaluation problem. Building on the core idea which treats circuit inputs/outputs as a low-degree polynomials, we explore various interactive argument and proof schemes that can produce succinct proofs with short verification time. In particular, for the batch satisfiability problem, we provide a construction of succinct interactive argument of knowledge for generic log-space uniform circuits based on the bilinear pairing and common reference string assumption. Our argument has size in $O(poly(\lambda) \cdot (|\mathbf{w}| + d \log |C|))$, where $\lambda$ is the security parameter, $|\mathbf{w}|$ is the size of the witness, and $d$ and $|C|$ are the depth and size of the circuit, respectively. Note that the argument size is independent of the batch size. To the best of our knowledge, asymptotically it is the smallest among all known batch argument schemes that allow public verification. The batch satisfiablity problem simplifies to a batch evaluation problem when the circuit only takes in public inputs (i.e., no witness). For the evaluation problem, we construct statistically sound interactive proofs for various special yet highly important types of circuits, including linear circuits, and circuits representing sum of polynomials. Our proposed protocols are able to achieve proof sizes independent of the batch size. We also describe protocols optimized specifically for batch FFT and batch matrix multiplication which achieve desirable properties, including lower prover time and better composability. We believe these protocols are of interest in their own right and can be used as primitives in more complex applications.

Available format(s)
Cryptographic protocols
Publication info
arithmetic circuit satisfiabilitybatch argumentsbatch proofs
Contact author(s)
jieyi @ thetalabs org
2023-07-11: approved
2023-07-08: received
See all versions
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Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Jieyi Long},
      title = {Efficient Arguments and Proofs for Batch Arithmetic Circuit Satisfiability},
      howpublished = {Cryptology ePrint Archive, Paper 2023/1066},
      year = {2023},
      note = {\url{}},
      url = {}
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