Paper 2022/416

Post-Quantum ID-based Ring Signatures from Symmetric-key Primitives

Maxime Buser, Joseph K. Liu, Ron Steinfeld, and Amin Sakzad


Ring signatures and ID-based cryptography are considered promising in terms of application. A ring signature authenticates messages while the author of the message remains anonymous. ID-based cryptographic primitives suppress the need for certificates in public key infrastructures (PKI). In this work, we propose a generic construction for post-quantum ID-based ring signatures (IDRS) based on symmetric-key primitives from which we derive the first two constructions of IDRS. The first construction named PicRS utilizes the Picnic digital signature to ensure its security while the second construction XRS is motivated by the stateful digital signature XMSS instead of Picnic, allowing a signature size reduction. Both constructions have a competitive signature size when compared with state-of-the-art lattice-based IDRS. XRS can achieve a competitive signature size of 889KB for a ring of 4096 users while the fully stateless PicRS achieves a signature size of 1.900MB for a ring of 4096 users. In contrast, the shortest lattice-based IDRS achieves a signature size of 335MB for the same ring size.

Available format(s)
Cryptographic protocols
Publication info
Published elsewhere. Major revision. This is a full version of a paper that has been accepted at ACNS 2022 (still in proceeding )
ID-based ring signatureApplied post-quantum cryptographySymmetric-key primitives
Contact author(s)
maxime buser @ monash edu
2022-04-04: received
Short URL
Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Maxime Buser and Joseph K.  Liu and Ron Steinfeld and Amin Sakzad},
      title = {Post-Quantum {ID}-based Ring Signatures from Symmetric-key Primitives},
      howpublished = {Cryptology ePrint Archive, Paper 2022/416},
      year = {2022},
      note = {\url{}},
      url = {}
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