Paper 2019/203
Versatile ABS: Usage Limited, Revocable, Threshold Traceable, Authority Hiding, Decentralized Attribute Based Signatures
Osman Bicer and Alptekin Kupcu
In this work, we revisit multi-authority attribute based signatures (MA-ABS), and elaborate on the limitations of the current MA-ABS schemes to provide a hard to achieve (yet very useful) combination of features, i.e., decentralization, periodic usage limitation, dynamic revocation of users and attributes, reliable threshold traceability, and authority hiding. In contrast to previous work, we disallow even the authorities to de-anonymize an ABS, and only allow joint tracing by threshold-many tracing authorities. Moreover, in our solution, the authorities cannot sign on behalf of users. In this context, first we define a useful and practical attribute based signature scheme (versatile ABS or VABS) along with the necessary operations and security games to accomplish our targeted functionalities. Second, we provide the first VABS scheme in a modular design such that any application can utilize a subset of the features endowed by our VABS, while omitting the computation and communication overhead of the features that are not needed. Third, we prove the security of our VABS scheme based on standard assumptions, i.e., Strong RSA, DDH, and SDDHI, in the random oracle model. Fourth, we implement our signature generation and verification algorithms, and show that they are practical (for a VABS with 20 attributes, Sign and Verify times are below 1.2 seconds, and the generated signature size is below 0.5 MB).
- Available format(s)
- Category
- Cryptographic protocols
- Publication info
- Preprint. MINOR revision.
- Keywords
- attribute based signatureanonymous credentialsthreshold cryptography.
- Contact author(s)
obicer17 @ ku edu tr
akupcu @ ku edu tr - History
- 2020-05-16: last of 2 revisions
- 2019-02-27: received
- See all versions
- Short URL
- License
@misc{cryptoeprint:2019/203, author = {Osman Bicer and Alptekin Kupcu}, title = {Versatile {ABS}: Usage Limited, Revocable, Threshold Traceable, Authority Hiding, Decentralized Attribute Based Signatures}, howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2019/203}, year = {2019}, url = {} }