Paper 2025/397

Blind Signatures from Cryptographic Group Actions

Dung Hoang Duong, University of Wollongong
Xuan Thanh Khuc, University of Wollongong
Youming Qiao, University of Technology Sydney
Willy Susilo, University of Wollongong
Chuanqi Zhang, University of Technology Sydney

We provide a generic construction of blind signatures from cryptographic group actions following the framework of the blind signature CSIOtter introduced by Katsumata et al. (CRYPTO'23) in the context of isogeny (commutative group action). We adapt and modify that framework to make it work even for non-commutative group actions. As a result, we obtain a blind signature from abstract group actions which are proven to be secure in the random oracle model. We also propose an instantiation based on a variant of linear code equivalence, interpreted as a symmetric group action.

Note: Update 2: On 2025-03-05, Lucjan Hanzlik ( provided an attack against the blindness of our scheme. We have fixed it to thwart Hanzlik's attack. We thank Lucjan Hanzlik for fruitful discussions. Update 1: On 2025-02-21, Kuchta, LeGrow and Persichetti ([KLP25]) proposed a construction of blind signatures from matrix code equivalence ( The framework also follows that in CSI-Otter, with a focus on matrix code equivalence. To resolve issues caused by non-commutativity, the authors make use of the actions of both and its inverse transpose for an invertible matrix , and require to be (anti)symmetric. The security of the scheme relies on the hardness assumption of the Modified Inverse Matrix Code Equivalence Problem (MIMCE), a computational version of Inverse Matrix Code Equivalence Problem (IMCE). IMCE was recently attacked by Budroni et al. ([BCDSK24]) (Asiacrypt'24,, and this attack was not discussed in [KLP25]. In contrast, our framework is applicable for general (non-commutative) group actions. One requirement for instantiating our scheme is the reuse of secret keys, which leads us to propose the use of symmetric group action to equivalence classes of linear codes under the action of general linear group and diagonal group. This viewpoint helps to thwart the attack of reusing keys as in [BCDSK24].

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Publication info
blind signaturegroup actionssquare root
Contact author(s)
hduong @ uow edu au
xtkhuc @ uow edu au
Youming Qiao @ uts edu au
wsusilo @ uow edu au
Chuanqi Zhang @ uts edu au
2025-03-06: revised
2025-03-03: received
See all versions
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Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Dung Hoang Duong and Xuan Thanh Khuc and Youming Qiao and Willy Susilo and Chuanqi Zhang},
      title = {Blind Signatures from Cryptographic Group Actions},
      howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2025/397},
      year = {2025},
      url = {}
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