Paper 2025/025
Chosen-Ciphertext Security for Inner Product FE: Mutli-Client and Multi-Input, Generically
Functional Encryption is a powerful cryptographic primitive that allows for fine-grained access control over encrypted data. In the multi-user setting, especially Multi-Client and Multi-Input, a plethora of works have been proposed to study on concrete function classes, improving security, and more. However, the CCA-security for such schemes is still an open problem, where the only known works are on Public-Key Single-Client FE (Benhamouda, Bourse, and Lipmaa, PKC'17). This work provides the first generic construction of CCA-secure Multi-Client FE for Inner Products, and Multi-Input FE for Inner Products, with instantiations from $\mathsf{SXDH}$ and $\mathsf{DLIN}$ for the former, and $\mathsf{DDH}$ or $\mathsf{DCR}$ for the latter. Surprisingly, in the case of secret key MIFE we attain the same efficiency as in the public key single-client setting. In the MCFE setting, a toolkit of CCA-bootstrapping techniques is developed to achieve CCA-security in its $\mathit{secret~key}$ setting.
- Available format(s)
- Category
- Cryptographic protocols
- Publication info
- Preprint.
- Keywords
- Functional EncryptionSecurity Notions
- Contact author(s)
- ky nguyen @ ens fr
- History
- 2025-01-08: approved
- 2025-01-07: received
- See all versions
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- License
@misc{cryptoeprint:2025/025, author = {Ky Nguyen}, title = {Chosen-Ciphertext Security for Inner Product {FE}: Mutli-Client and Multi-Input, Generically}, howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2025/025}, year = {2025}, url = {} }