Paper 2024/937

Distributed Point Function with Constraints, Revisited

Keyu Ji, Zhejiang University
Bingsheng Zhang, Zhejiang University
Hong-Sheng Zhou, Virginia Commonwealth University
Kui Ren, Zhejiang University

Distributed Point Function (DPF) provides a way for a dealer to split a point function into multiple succinctly described function-shares, where the function for a special input , returns a special output value , and returns a fixed value otherwise. As the security requirement, any strict subset of the function-shares reveals nothing about the function . However, each function-share can be individually evaluated on the common input , and these evaluation results can then be merged together to reconstruct the value . Recently, Servan-Schreiber et al. (S&P 2023) investigate the access control problem for DPF; namely, the DPF evaluators can ensure that the DPF dealer is authorized to share the given function with privacy assurance. In this work, we revisit this problem, introducing a new notion called DPF with constraints; meanwhile, we identify that there exists a subtle flaw in their privacy definition as well as a soundness issue in one of their proposed schemes due to the lack of validation of the special output value . Next, we show how to reduce both the storage size of the constraint representation and the server's computational overhead from to , where is the number of authorized function sets. In addition, we show how to achieve fine-grained private access control, that is, the wildcard-style constraint for the choice of the special output . Our benchmarks show that the amortized running time of our logarithmic storage scheme is - faster than the state-of-the-art when . Furthermore, we provide the first impossibility and feasibility results of the DPF with constraints where the evaluators do not need to communicate with each other.

Available format(s)
Cryptographic protocols
Publication info
function secret sharingdistributed point function
Contact author(s)
jikeyu @ zju edu cn
bingsheng @ zju edu cn
hszhou @ vcu edu
kuiren @ zju edu cn
2024-06-12: approved
2024-06-11: received
See all versions
Short URL
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial


      author = {Keyu Ji and Bingsheng Zhang and Hong-Sheng Zhou and Kui Ren},
      title = {Distributed Point Function with Constraints, Revisited},
      howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2024/937},
      year = {2024},
      url = {}
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