Paper 2024/923

On Orchestrating Parallel Broadcasts for Distributed Ledgers

Peiyao Sheng, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Chenyuan Wu, University of Pennsylvania
Dahlia Malkhi, University of California, Santa Barbara, Chainlink Labs
Michael K. Reiter, Duke University, Chainlink Labs
Chrysoula Stathakopoulou, Chainlink Labs
Michael Wei, VMware
Maofan Yin, University of California, Santa Barbara

This paper introduces and develops the concept of ``ticketing'', through which atomic broadcasts are orchestrated by nodes in a distributed system. The paper studies different ticketing regimes that allow parallelism, yet prevent slow nodes from hampering overall progress. It introduces a hybrid scheme which combines managed and unmanaged ticketing regimes, striking a balance between adaptivity and resilience. The performance evaluation demonstrates how managed and unmanaged ticketing regimes benefit throughput in systems with heterogeneous resources both in static and dynamic scenarios, with the managed ticketing regime performing better among the two as it adapts better. Finally, it demonstrates how using the hybrid ticketing regime performance can enjoy both the adaptivity of the managed regime and the liveness guarantees of the unmanaged regime.

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Contact author(s)
psheng2 @ illinois edu
wucy @ seas upenn edu
dahliamalkhi @ gmail com
michael reiter @ duke edu
stchrysa @ gmail com
michael @ wei email
tederminant @ gmail com
2024-06-10: approved
2024-06-10: received
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Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Peiyao Sheng and Chenyuan Wu and Dahlia Malkhi and Michael K. Reiter and Chrysoula Stathakopoulou and Michael Wei and Maofan Yin},
      title = {On Orchestrating Parallel Broadcasts for Distributed Ledgers},
      howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2024/923},
      year = {2024},
      url = {}
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