Paper 2024/872

Epistle: Elastic Succinct Arguments for Plonk Constraint System

Shuangjun Zhang, Fudan University
Dongliang Cai, Fudan University
Yuan Li, Fudan University
Haibin Kan, Fudan University
Liang Zhang, Hainan University

We study elastic SNARKs, a concept introduced by the elegant work of Gemini (EUROCRYPTO 2022). The prover of elastic SNARKs has multiple configurations with different time and memory tradeoffs and the output proof is independent of the chosen configuration. In addition, during the execution of the protocol, the space-efficient prover can pause the protocol and save the current state. The time-efficient prover can then resume the protocol from that state. Gemini constructs an elastic SNARK for R1CS. We present Epistle, an elastic SNARK for Plonk constraint system. For an instance with size $N$, in the time-efficient configuration, the prover uses $O_{\lambda} (N)$ cryptographic operations and $O(N)$ memory; in the space-efficient configuration, the prover uses $O_{\lambda} (N \log N)$ cryptographic operations and $O(\log N)$ memory. Compared to Gemini, our approach reduces the asymptotic time complexity of the space-efficient prover by a factor of $\log N$. The key technique we use is to make the toolbox for multivariate PIOP provided by HyperPlonk (EUROCRYPTO 2023) elastic, with the most important aspect being the redesign of each protocol in the toolbox in the streaming model. We implement Epistle in Rust. Our benchmarks show that Epistle maintains a stable memory overhead of around $1.5$ GB for instance sizes exceeding $2^{21}$, while the time overhead shows a linear growth trend.

Available format(s)
Cryptographic protocols
Publication info
SNARKStreaming algorithms
Contact author(s)
19110240034 @ fudan edu cn
22110240060 @ m fudan edu cn
yuan_li @ fudan edu cn
hbkan @ fudan edu cn
zhangliang @ hainanu edu cn
2024-06-05: approved
2024-06-01: received
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Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Shuangjun Zhang and Dongliang Cai and Yuan Li and Haibin Kan and Liang Zhang},
      title = {Epistle: Elastic Succinct Arguments for Plonk Constraint System},
      howpublished = {Cryptology ePrint Archive, Paper 2024/872},
      year = {2024},
      note = {\url{}},
      url = {}
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