Paper 2024/798

Incompressible Functional Encryption

Rishab Goyal
Venkata Koppula
Mahesh Sreekumar Rajasree
Aman Verma

Incompressible encryption (Dziembowski, Crypto'06; Guan, Wichs, Zhandry, Eurocrypt'22) protects from attackers that learn the entire decryption key, but cannot store the full ciphertext. In incompressible encryption, the attacker must try to compress a ciphertext within pre-specified memory bound S before receiving the secret key. In this work, we generalize the notion of incompressibility to functional encryption. In incompressible functional encryption, the adversary can corrupt non-distinguishing keys at any point, but receives the distinguishing keys only after compressing the ciphertext to within bits. An important efficiency measure for incompressible encryption is the ciphertext-rate ( i.e., ). We give many new results for incompressible functional encryption for circuits, from minimal assumption of (non-incompressible) functional encryption, with 1. -rate- and short secret keys, 2. -rate- and large secret keys. Along the way, we also give a new incompressible attribute-based encryption for circuits from standard assumptions, with -rate- and short secret keys. Our results achieve optimal efficiency, as incompressible attribute-based/functional encryption with -rate- as well as short secret keys has strong barriers for provable security from standard assumptions. Moreover, our assumptions are minimal as incompressible attribute-based/functional encryption are strictly stronger than their non-incompressible counterparts.

Available format(s)
Public-key cryptography
Publication info
Contact author(s)
rishab @ cs wisc edu
kvenkata @ iitd ac in
srmahesh1994 @ gmail com
amanverma1729 @ gmail com
2024-10-09: revised
2024-05-23: received
See all versions
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Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Rishab Goyal and Venkata Koppula and Mahesh Sreekumar Rajasree and Aman Verma},
      title = {Incompressible Functional Encryption},
      howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2024/798},
      year = {2024},
      url = {}
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