Paper 2024/785

SmartBean: Transparent, Concretely Efficient, Polynomial Commitment Scheme with Logarithmic Verification and Communication Costs that Runs on Any Group

Frank Y.C. Lu, YinYao Inc.

We introduce a new, concretely efficient, transparent polynomial commitment scheme with logarithmic verification time and communication cost that can run on any group. Existing group-based polynomial commitment schemes must use less efficient groups, such as class groups of unknown order or pairing-based groups to achieve transparency (no trusted setup), making them expensive to adopt in practice.  We offer the first group-based polynomial commitment scheme that can run on any group s.t. it does not rely on expensive pairing operations or require class groups of unknown order to achieve transparency while still providing logarithmic verifier time and communication cost.  The prover work of our work is dominated by multi-exponentiations, the verifier work is dominated by 4 log exponentiations, and the communication cost is 4 log . Since our protocol can run on fast groups such as Curve25519, we can easily accelerate the multi-exponentiations with Pippenger's algorithm. The concrete performance of our work shows a significant improvement over the current state of the art in almost every aspect.

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-- withdrawn --
Cryptographic protocols
Publication info
zero-knowledgepolynomial commitment
Contact author(s)
lusecret @ gmail com
2024-06-02: withdrawn
2024-05-22: received
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Creative Commons Attribution
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