Paper 2024/663

Xproofs: New Aggregatable and Maintainable Matrix Commitment with Optimal Proof Size

Xinwei Yong, Xidian University
Jiaojiao Wu, Xidian University
Jianfeng Wang, Xidian University

Vector Commitment (VC) enables one to commit to a vector, and then the element at a specific position can be opened, with proof of consistency to the initial commitment. VC is a powerful primitive with various applications, including stateless cryptocurrencies. Recently, matrix commitment Matproofs (Liu and Zhang CCS 2022), as an extension of VC, has been proposed to reduce the communication and computation complexity of VC-based cryptocurrencies. However, Matproofs requires linear-sized public parameters, and the aggregated proof size may also increase linearly with the number of individual proofs aggregated. Additionally, the proof updating process involves the third party, known as Proof-Serving Nodes (PSNs), which leads to extra storage and communication overhead. In this paper, we first propose a multi-dimensional variant of matrix commitment and construct a new matrix commitment scheme for two-dimensional matrix, called 2D-Xproofs, which achieves optimal aggregated proof size without using PSNs. Furthermore, we present a highly maintainable three-dimensional scheme, 3D-Xproofs, which updates all proofs within time sublinear in the size of the committed matrix without PSNs' assistance. More generally, we could further increase the matrix dimensionality to achieve more efficient proof updates. Finally, we demonstrate the security of our schemes, showing that both schemes are position binding. We also implement both schemes, and the results indicate that our schemes enjoy constant-sized aggregated proofs and sublinear-sized public parameters, and the proof update time in 3D-Xproofs is $2.5\times$ faster than Matproofs.

Available format(s)
Cryptographic protocols
Publication info
Published elsewhere. Major revision. The 39th International Conference on ICT Systems Security and Privacy Protection (IFIP SEC 2024)
Vector commitmentMatrix commitmentStateless cryptocurrency
Contact author(s)
xwyong @ stu xidian edu cn
jiaojiaowujj @ stu xidian edu cn
jfwang @ xidian edu cn
2024-05-04: revised
2024-04-30: received
See all versions
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Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Xinwei Yong and Jiaojiao Wu and Jianfeng Wang},
      title = {Xproofs: New Aggregatable and Maintainable Matrix Commitment with Optimal Proof Size},
      howpublished = {Cryptology ePrint Archive, Paper 2024/663},
      year = {2024},
      note = {\url{}},
      url = {}
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