Paper 2024/584

Efficient Implementations of Square-root Vélu's Formulas

Jianming Lin, Sun Yat-sen University
Weize Wang, Fudan University
Chang-An Zhao, Sun Yat-sen University
Yuhao Zheng, Sun Yat-sen University

In the implementation of isogeny-based schemes, V\'{e}lu's formulas are essential for constructing and evaluating odd degree isogenies. Bernstein et al. proposed an approach known as elu, which computes an -isogeny at a cost of O~() finite field operations. This paper presents two key improvements to enhance the efficiency of the implementation of \'{e}lu from two aspects: optimizing the partition involved in \'{e}lu and speeding up the computations of the sums of products used in polynomial multiplications over finite field with large prime characteristic . To optimize the partition, we adjust it to enhance the utilization of -coordinates and eliminate the computational redundancy, which can ultimately reduce the number of -multiplications. The speedup of the sums of products is to employ two techniques: lazy reduction (abbreviated as LZYR) and generalized interleaved Montgomery multiplication (abbreviated as INTL). These techniques aim to minimize the underlying operations such as -reductions and assembly memory instructions. We present an optimized C and assembly code implementation of \'{e}lu for the CTIDH512 instantiation. In terms of -isogeny computations in CTIDH512, the performance of clock cycles applying new partition + INTL (resp. new partition + LZYR) offers an improvement up to (resp. ) compared to the previous work.

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isogeny-based cryptographysquare-root velu formulaepartitionalgorithm
Contact author(s)
linjm28 @ mail2 sysu edu cn
wzwang23 @ m fudan edu cn
zhaochan3 @ mail sysu edu cn
zhengyh57 @ mail2 sysu edu cn
2024-04-17: last of 3 revisions
2024-04-16: received
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      author = {Jianming Lin and Weize Wang and Chang-An Zhao and Yuhao Zheng},
      title = {Efficient Implementations of Square-root Vélu's Formulas},
      howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2024/584},
      year = {2024},
      url = {}
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