Paper 2024/565

On the construction of quantum circuits for S-boxes with different criteria based on the SAT solver

Da Lin, College of Science, National University of Defense Technology
Chunli Yang, School of Cyber Science and Technology,Hubei University
Shengyuan Xu, Department of Fundamental Courses, Shandong University of Science and Technology
Shizhu Tian, School of Cyber Science and Technology,Hubei University
Bing Sun, College of Science, National University of Defense Technology

The substitution box (S-box) is often used as the only nonlinear component in symmetric-key ciphers, leading to a significant impact on the implementation performance of ciphers in both classical and quantum application scenarios by S-box circuits. Taking the Pauli-X gate, the CNOT gate, and the Toffoli gate (i.e., the NCT gate set) as the underlying logic gates, this work investigates the quantum circuit implementation of S-boxes based on the SAT solver. Firstly, we propose encoding methods of the logic gates and the NCT-based circuit, based on which we construct STP models for implementing S-boxes. By applying the proposed models to the S-boxes of several well-known cryptographic algorithms, we construct optimal implementations with different criteria for the 4-bit S-boxes and provide the implementation bounds of different criteria for the 5-bit S-boxes. Since S-boxes in the same affine equivalence class share most of the important properties, we then build STP models to further investigate optimizing S-box circuits based on affine equivalence. According to the applications, for almost all the tested 4-bit S-boxes, there always exists an equivalent S-box that can be implemented with half the number of logic gates. Besides, we encode some important cryptographic properties and construct STP models to design S-boxes with given criteria configurations on implementation and properties. As an application, we find an S-box with the same cryptographic properties as the S-box of KECCAK that can be implemented with only 5 NCT gates, even though the application of our models indicates that implementing the KECCAK S-box requires more than 9 NCT gates. Notably, the inputs of the proposed models are tweakable, which makes the models possess some functions not currently available in the public tools for constructing optimized NCT-based circuits for S-boxes.

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Publication info
S-boximplementationthe NCT gate setthe SAT solver
Contact author(s)
linda_is @ 163 com
yyli @ stu hubu edu cn
xushengyuan @ sdust edu cn
Shizhutian @ hubu edu cn
happy_come @ 163 com
2024-04-12: approved
2024-04-12: received
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Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Da Lin and Chunli Yang and Shengyuan Xu and Shizhu Tian and Bing Sun},
      title = {On the construction of quantum circuits for S-boxes with different criteria based on the {SAT} solver},
      howpublished = {Cryptology ePrint Archive, Paper 2024/565},
      year = {2024},
      note = {\url{}},
      url = {}
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