Paper 2024/1943

$\textsf{LiLAC}$: Linear Prover, Logarithmic Verifier and Field-agnostic Multilinear Polynomial Commitment Scheme

Kyeongtae Lee, Hanyang University
Seongho Park, Hanyang University
Byeongjun Jang, Kookmin University
Jihye Kim, Kookmin University, Zkrypto Inc.
Hyunok Oh, Hanyang University, Zkrypto Inc.

In this paper, we propose $\textsf{LiLAC}$, a novel field-agnostic, transparent multilinear polynomial commitment scheme (MLPCS) designed to address key challenges in polynomial commitment systems. For a polynomial with $N$ coefficients, $\textsf{LiLAC}$ achieves $\mathcal{O}(N)$ prover time, $\mathcal{O}(\log N)$ verifier time, and $\mathcal{O}(\log N)$ proof size, overcoming the limitations of $\mathcal{O}(\log^2 N)$ verification time and proof size without any increase in other costs. This is achieved through an optimized polynomial commitment strategy and the recursive application of the tensor IOPP, making $\textsf{LiLAC}$ both theoretically optimal and practical for large-scale applications. Furthermore, $\textsf{LiLAC}$ offers post-quantum security, providing robust protection against future quantum computing threats. We propose two constructions of $\textsf{LiLAC}$: a field-agnostic $\textsf{LiLAC}$ and a field-specific $\textsf{LiLAC}$. Each construction demonstrates superior performance compared to the state-of-the-art techniques in their respective categories of MLPCS. First, the field-agnostic $\textsf{LiLAC}$ is compared against Brakedown (CRYPTO 2023), which is based on a tensor IOP and satisfies field-agnosticity. In experiments conducted over a 128-bit field with a coefficient size of $2^{30}$, the field-agnostic $\textsf{LiLAC}$ achieves a proof size that is $3.7\times$ smaller and a verification speed that is $2.2\times$ faster, while maintaining a similar proof generation time compared to Brakedown. Furthermore, the field-specific $\textsf{LiLAC}$ is evaluated against WHIR (ePrint 2024/1586), which is based on an FRI. With a 128-bit field and a coefficient size of $2^{30}$, the field-specific $\textsf{LiLAC}$ achieves a proof generation speed that is $2.8\times$ faster, a proof size that is $27\%$ smaller, and a verification speed that is $14\%$ faster compared to WHIR.

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-- withdrawn --
Cryptographic protocols
Publication info
Polynomial Commitment SchemeError-Correcting CodesProof Systems
Contact author(s)
rsias9049 @ hanyang ac kr
seonghopark @ hanyang ac kr
sunjbs @ kookmin ac kr
jihyek @ kookmin ac kr
hoh @ hanyang ac kr
2024-12-20: withdrawn
2024-11-30: received
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