Paper 2024/1936

Multiparty Shuffle: Linear Online Phase is Almost for Free

Jiacheng Gao, Nanjing University
Yuan Zhang, Nanjing University
Sheng Zhong, Nanjing University

Shuffle is a frequently used operation in secure multiparty computations, with various applications, including joint data analysis and anonymous communication systems. Most existing MPC shuffle protocols are constructed from MPC permutation protocols, which allows a party to securely apply its private permutation to an array of $m$ numbers shared among all $n$ parties. Following a ``permute-in-turn'' paradigm, these protocols result in $\Omega(n^2m)$ complexity in the semi-honest setting. Recent works have significantly improved efficiency and security by adopting a two-phase solution. Specifically, Eskandarian and Boneh demonstrate how to construct MPC shuffle protocols with linear complexity in both semi-honest and malicious adversary settings. However, a more recent study by Song et al. reveals that Eskandarian and Boneh's protocol fails to achieve malicious security. Consequently, designing an MPC shuffle protocol with linear complexity and malicious security remains an open question. In this paper, we address this question by presenting the first general construction of MPC shuffle protocol that is maliciously secure and has linear online communication and computation complexity, utilizing black-box access to secure arithmetic MPC primitives and MPC permutation protocol. When instantiating our construction with the SPDZ framework and the best existing malicious secure MPC shuffle, our construction only slightly increases the offline overhead compared to the semi-honest secure version, and thus achieve a linear online phase almost for free. As our constructions requires only black-box access to basic secure MPC primitives and permutation protocols, they are compatible with and can be integrated to most modern MPC frameworks. We provide formal security proofs for both semi-honest and malicious settings, demonstrating that our maliciously secure construction can achieve universally composable security. Experimental results indicate that our construction significantly enhances online performance while maintaining a moderate increase in offline overhead. Given that shuffle is a frequently used primitive in secure multiparty computation, we anticipate that our construction will accelerate many real-world MPC applications.

Available format(s)
Cryptographic protocols
Publication info
multiparty computationshufflerandom correlation
Contact author(s)
jcgao @ smail nju edu cn
zhangyuan @ nju edu cn
zhongsheng @ nju edu cn
2024-12-20: last of 2 revisions
2024-11-29: received
See all versions
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Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Jiacheng Gao and Yuan Zhang and Sheng Zhong},
      title = {Multiparty Shuffle: Linear Online Phase is Almost for Free},
      howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2024/1936},
      year = {2024},
      url = {}
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