Paper 2024/1882
Single Trace Side-Channel Attack on the MPC-in-the-Head Framework
In this paper, we present the first single trace side-channel attack that targets the MPC-in-the-Head (MPCitH) framework based on threshold secret sharing, also known as Threshold Computation in the Head (TCitH) in its original version. This MPCitH framework can be found in 5 of the 14 digital signatures schemes in the recent second round of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) call for digital signatures. In this work, we start by highlighting a side-channel vulnerability of the TCitH framework and show an exploitation of it on the SDitH algorithm, which is part of this NIST call. Specifically, we exploit the leakage of a multiplication function in the Galois field to make predictions about intermediate values, and we use the structure of the algorithm to combine information efficiently. This allows us to build an attack that is both the first Soft Analytical Side-Channel Attack (SASCA) targeting the MPCitH framework, as well as the first attack on SDitH. More specifically, we build a SASCA based on Belief Propagation (BP) on the evaluation of polynomials in the signature using the threshold variant structure to reconstruct the secret key. We perform simulated attacks under the Hamming Weight (HW) leakage model, enabling us to evaluate the resistance of the scheme against SASCA. We then perform our attacks in a real case scenario, more specifically on the STM32F407, and recover the secret key for all the security levels. We end this paper by discussing the various shuffling countermeasures we could use to mitigate our attacks.
- Available format(s)
- Category
- Attacks and cryptanalysis
- Publication info
- Preprint.
- Keywords
- SASCABelief PropagationSDitHPost-Quantum CryptographyKey recoveryMPC-in-the-Head
- Contact author(s)
julie godard @ cea fr
nicolas aragon @ unilim fr
gaborit @ unilim fr
antoine loiseau @ cea fr
julien maillard @ cea fr - History
- 2024-11-22: approved
- 2024-11-19: received
- See all versions
- Short URL
- License
@misc{cryptoeprint:2024/1882, author = {Julie Godard and Nicolas Aragon and Philippe Gaborit and Antoine Loiseau and Julien Maillard}, title = {Single Trace Side-Channel Attack on the {MPC}-in-the-Head Framework}, howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2024/1882}, year = {2024}, url = {} }