Paper 2024/186

RAD-FS: Remote Timing and Power SCA Security in DVFS-Augmented Ultra-Low-Power Embedded Systems

Daniel Dobkin, Bar-Ilan University
Nimrod Cever, Bar-Ilan University
Itamar Levi, Bar-Ilan University

High-performance crypto-engines have become crucial components in modern System-On-Chip (SoC) architectures across platforms, from servers to edge-IoTs’. Alas, their secure operation faces a significant obstacle caused by information-leakage through various side-channels. Adversaries exploit statistical-analysis techniques on measured (e.g.,) power and timing signatures generated during (e.g.,) encryption, extracting secrets. Mathematical countermeasures against such attacks often impose substantial power-performance-area overheads. Adaptive Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling (ADVFS) techniques provide power-efficiency by varying power consumption according to workload; these modulations are called power-states. Unintentionally, ADVFS introduces new inherent weaknesses exploitable by malicious actors: power-states leaks information in both power and timing side-channels, measurable in software and hardware. We introduce a method to increase side-channel resistance using integrated voltage regulators and DVFS: (1) Pushing known prior-art in the topic to ULP-regime (2) For the first time introducing a mechanism to aid in counteracting the inherent weakness of DVFS in SCA (3) Provide measurements performed on 40nm process ULP PLS15 test-chip down at 580 mV power-supply (4) Offering improved and parameterized resistance to remote-timing vulnerabilities inherent to DVFS. Various results and detailed analysis is presented, performance-cost and comparison to prior-art. Importantly, our solution is configurable in terms of security, maintaining degrees-of-freedom for power-optimization of DVFS.

Available format(s)
Attacks and cryptanalysis
Publication info
ADVFSSCA attacksSide-channel AttacksIoTLow-PowerASICHardware Security
Contact author(s)
daniel dobkin @ live biu ac il
nimrod cever @ live biu ac il
itamar levi @ biu ac il
2024-06-30: revised
2024-02-07: received
See all versions
Short URL
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs


      author = {Daniel Dobkin and Nimrod Cever and Itamar Levi},
      title = {{RAD}-{FS}: Remote Timing and Power {SCA} Security in {DVFS}-Augmented Ultra-Low-Power Embedded Systems},
      howpublished = {Cryptology ePrint Archive, Paper 2024/186},
      year = {2024},
      note = {\url{}},
      url = {}
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