Paper 2024/1728
On Key Substitution Attacks against Aggregate Signatures and Multi-Signatures
When we use signature schemes in practice, we sometimes should consider security beyond unforgeability. This paper considers security against key substitution attacks of multi-signer signatures (i.e., aggregate signatures and multi-signatures). Intuitively, this security property ensures that a malicious party cannot claim the ownership of a signature that is created by an honest signer. We investigate security against key substitution attacks of a wide range of aggregate signature schemes and multi-signature schemes: the Boneh-Gentry-Lynn-Shacham aggregate signature scheme, the sequential aggregate signature scheme by Lysyanskaya et al., the multi-signature scheme by Bellare and Neven, MuSig2, and the ordered multi-signature scheme by Boldyreva et al. Furthermore, if the scheme does not provide security against key substitution attacks, then we modify the scheme to become secure against the attacks.
- Available format(s)
- Category
- Foundations
- Publication info
- Preprint.
- Keywords
- Aggregate SignatureMulti-SignatureKey Substitution AttackCryptography
- Contact author(s)
fujita @ ist osaka-u ac jp
yusuke sakai @ aist go jp
yamashita @ ist osaka-u ac jp
hanaoka-goichiro @ aist go jp - History
- 2024-10-25: approved
- 2024-10-22: received
- See all versions
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@misc{cryptoeprint:2024/1728, author = {Yuuki Fujita and Yusuke Sakai and Kyosuke Yamashita and Goichiro Hanaoka}, title = {On Key Substitution Attacks against Aggregate Signatures and Multi-Signatures}, howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2024/1728}, year = {2024}, url = {} }