Paper 2024/1594

Bit-fixing Correlation Attacks on Goldreich's Pseudorandom Generators

Ximing Fu, Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen
Mo Li, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen
Shihan Lyu, Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen
Chuanyi Liu, Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen

We introduce a powerful attack, termed the bit-fixing correlation attack, on Goldreich's pseudorandom generators (PRGs), specifically focusing on those based on the $\mathsf{XOR}\text{-}\mathsf{THR}$ predicate. By exploiting the bit-fixing correlation property, we derive correlation equations with high bias by fixing certain bits. Utilizing two solvers to handle these high-bias correlation equations, we present inverse attacks on $\mathsf{XOR}\text{-}\mathsf{THR}$ based PRGs within the complexity class $\mathsf{NC}^{0}$. We efficiently attack the $\mathsf{XOR}\text{-}\mathsf{MAJ}$ challenges (STOC 2016), demonstrating that the $\mathsf{XOR}\text{-}\mathsf{MAJ}$ predicate fails to be $s$-pseudorandom with $n$-bit security even for a stretch factor $s = 1$, where $n$ is the size of the secret seed. For instance, a challenge of $n=42$ and $s = 1$ can be broken using approximately $2^{28}$ calls to Gaussian elimination. We extend our attack to an instance used in constructing silent Oblivious Transfer (OT) protocols (Eurocrypt 2024), with $n=256$. This attack can be realized with approximately $2^{29}$ calls to Gaussian elimination, and we have implemented this attack on a cluster of 32 CPU cores, successfully recovering the secret seed in 5.5 hours. Furthermore, we extend our results to general Piecewise Symmetric Predicates of the form $\mathsf{XOR}\text{-}\mathsf{X}$, showing that $\mathsf{XOR}\text{-}\mathsf{MAJ}$ is far from well designed predicate against bit-fixing correlation attack. With marginal modification, our attack can also be adapted to the FiLIP cipher instantiated with $\mathsf{THR}$-related predicates, making it effective against most FiLIP instances. For example, the FiLIP cipher instantiated on $\mathsf{XOR} \text{-}\mathsf{THR}$ with key size $982$ can be broken using approximately $2^{51}$ calls to Gaussian elimination. Based on these findings, we show that the traditional security assumptions for Goldreich's PRGs---namely, (a) $\Omega(s)$-resilience and (b) algebraic immunity---are insufficient to guarantee pseudorandomness or one-wayness.

Available format(s)
Attacks and cryptanalysis
Publication info
Golereich's PRGsrandom local functionXOR-MAJcorrelation equationFiLIP cipher
Contact author(s)
fuximing @ hit edu cn
220019160 @ link cuhk edu cn
210310309 @ stu hit edu cn
liuchuanyi @ hit edu cn
2024-10-09: approved
2024-10-08: received
See all versions
Short URL
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial


      author = {Ximing Fu and Mo Li and Shihan Lyu and Chuanyi Liu},
      title = {Bit-fixing Correlation Attacks on Goldreich's Pseudorandom Generators},
      howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2024/1594},
      year = {2024},
      url = {}
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