Paper 2024/1405

Lego-DLC: batching module for commit-carrying SNARK under Pedersen Engines

Byeongjun Jang, Kookmin University
Gweonho Jeong, Hanyang University
Hyuktae Kwon, Hanyang University
Hyunok Oh, Hanyang University
Jihye Kim, Kookmin University

The synergy of commitments and zk-SNARKs is widely used in various applications, particularly in fields like blockchain, to ensure data privacy and integrity without revealing secret information. However, proving multiple commitments in a batch imposes a large overhead on a zk-SNARK system. One solution to alleviate the burden is the use of commit-and-prove SNARK (CP-SNARK) approach. LegoSNARK defines a new notion called commit-carrying SNARK (cc-SNARK), a special- ized form of CP-SNARK, and introduces a compiler to build commit-carrying SNARKs into commit-and-prove SNARKs. Us- ing this compiler, the paper shows a commit-and-prove version of Groth16 that improves the proving time (about 5,000×). However, proving $l$-multiple commitments simultaneously with this compiler faces a performance issue, as the linking system in LegoSNARK requires $O(l)$ pairings on the verifier side. To enhance efficiency, we propose a new batching module called Lego-DLC, designed for handling multiple commitments. This module is built by combining a $\Sigma$-protocol with commitment- carrying SNARKs under Pedersen engines in which our mod- ule can support all commit-carrying SNARKs under Pedersen engines. In this paper, we provide the concrete instantiations for Groth16 and Plonk. In the performance comparison, for $2^{16}$ commitments, with a verification time of just 0.064s—over 30x faster than LegoSNARK’s 1.972s—our approach shows remarkable efficiency. The slightly longer prover time of 1.413s (compared to LegoSNARK’s 0.177s), around 8x is a small trade- off for this performance gain.

Available format(s)
Cryptographic protocols
Publication info
zk-SNARKsSigma protocolImplementationCP-SNARK
Contact author(s)
byeongjunjang98 @ gmail com
kwonhojeong @ hanyang ac kr
kwonhyuktae00 @ gmail com
hoh @ hanyang ac kr
jihyek @ kookmin ac kr
2024-09-11: approved
2024-09-09: received
See all versions
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Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Byeongjun Jang and Gweonho Jeong and Hyuktae Kwon and Hyunok Oh and Jihye Kim},
      title = {Lego-{DLC}: batching module for commit-carrying {SNARK} under Pedersen Engines},
      howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2024/1405},
      year = {2024},
      url = {}
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