Paper 2024/1391

Scalable Equi-Join Queries over Encrypted Database

Kai Du, Xidian University
Jianfeng Wang, Xidian University
Jiaojiao Wu, Xidian University
Yunling Wang, Xi’an University of Posts & Telecommunications

Secure join queries over encrypted databases, the most expressive class of SQL queries, have attracted extensive attention recently. The state-of-the-art JXT (Jutla et al. ASIACRYPT 2022) enables join queries on encrypted relational databases without pre-computing all possible joins. However, JXT can merely support join queries over two tables (in encrypted databases) with some high-entropy join attributes. In this paper, we propose an equi-join query protocol over two tables dubbed JXT+, that allows the join attributes with arbitrary names instead of JXT requiring the identical name for join attributes. JXT+ reduces the query complexity from to as compared to JXT, where and denote the numbers of matching records in two tables respectively. Furthermore, we present JXT++, the \emph{first} equi-join queries across three or more tables over encrypted databases without pre-computation. Specifically, JXT++ supports joins of arbitrary attributes, i.e., all attributes (even low-entropy) can be candidates for join, while JXT requires high-entropy join attributes. In addition, JXT++ can alleviate sub-query leakage on three or more tables, which hides the leakage from the matching records of two-table join. Finally, we implement and compare our proposed schemes with the state-of-the-art JXT. The experimental results demonstrate that both of our schemes are superior to JXT in search and storage costs. In particular, JXT+ (resp., JXT++) brings a saving of 49% (resp., 68%) in server storage cost and achieves a speedup of 51.7 (resp., 54.3) in search latency.

Available format(s)
Cryptographic protocols
Publication info
Published elsewhere. Minor revision. ACM CCS 2024
Database PrivacyEncrypted SearchStructure EncryptionSQL Query
Contact author(s)
kaidu @ stu xidian edu cn
jfwang @ xidian edu cn
jiaojiaowujj @ stu xidian edu cn
ylwang @ xupt edu cn
2024-09-14: revised
2024-09-05: received
See all versions
Short URL
Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Kai Du and Jianfeng Wang and Jiaojiao Wu and Yunling Wang},
      title = {Scalable Equi-Join Queries over Encrypted Database},
      howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2024/1391},
      year = {2024},
      doi = {10.1145/3658644.3690377},
      url = {}
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